PAGE FOUR ?rr-:rr-??The OREGON 'sfAgESSiAN,' Salem. - Oregon, Friday Morning Jane S, 1932 C " 'jfy- rV ; !,rrv vrim ... . a Tothe Ladies "EMBERS of 'LOVE" 'Wo Foror Swaya 17; lv Fer Sfcatt Air" - From Fjfst Statesman, March 28, 1851 - THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. Charles A- Spbague, Sheixon P. Sac-cett. Publishers Chables A. S Prague - Editor -Manager - i Sheldon F. Sackett - - - Managing Editor Member of the Associated Press The Aaaoclated Preae la exclusively entitled to the use for publics I tlon of all new dispatchaa credited to It or not otherwise credited la Pacific Coast Advertising Representatives: Arthur W. Strpea, Inc., Portia 1 3, Security Bid. Baa Francisco. Sharon Bid. ; Loa Angvlea. W. Pac Bid. ' Eastern Advertising Representatives: rord-Paraona-Stecher, Inc. New Tor. 171 Madlaon Are. J Entered at the Poetoffiee at Salem, Oregon, ae Seoond-Class Matter. Published every morning except Monday. Business ' office. tl5 S. Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES:" Mail Subscription Rates, in Advance. Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday. 1 Mo (Scents; S Mo. $1.25; Mo. JJ.25 ; 1 year 4.00. Elsewhere SO cents per Mo., or $5.00 for 1 year In advance. By City Carrier: 45 cents a mcnth; $5.00 a year In advance. Par Copy t cents On trains and News Stands S cents. ?' The Right to Vote WE had a great electiorrrecently. Candidates were named for important offices: senator, mayor, congressman, presidential delegates, aldermen, county sheriff, state treas urer. The election was well advertised. For weeks the voters were subjected to a barrage of advertisements, radio address es, personal appeals, cards, pamphlets, streamers, stickers, placards. In spite of the Importance of the election and in sjMte of the publicity it received in this county only 58.4 of the registered voters voted in the election. Of the 27,361 who were registered as eligible to vote only 15,980 participated. This means there were about 11,000 in the county who failed to1 vote. . Manjr doubtless had good excuses. Some were absent on journeys and failed to take absentee ballots. While the regis tration list carries name3 of many who are no longer eligible because of removal from the precinct there are hundreds of others who have just failed to register. j Why is it so small a percentage of voters actually cast their ballots? Are they indifferent or just neglectful? Or do they feel that one vote more or less counts for little and ''what's the use?" Germany in recent elections polled a far higher percentage. Probably for the state, as a whole the per centage at this election was higher than the average in ihe past decade. The primary election is a newer institution. The quadrennial election of a president is after all what gets peo ple out to vote. ' There is a lot of berating the people who stay at home from the polls as bad citizens. In truth they are indifferent to their responsibilities and privileges as citizens. But so far as changing the result is concerned it is only In case of a very low vote or a very close vote that the result is affected by the stay-at-homes. Usually the majority sentiment is re flected accurately by the people who do vote; and if there were a hundred per cent vote the result would be the same. People would fight, bleed and die for the right to vote. When they get it, thousands of them treat the privilege with contempt. The Louvain Inscription ONE by one the war hates fade. The supreme court at Brussels has ruled that the inscription on the new Lou vain library should be deleted. The inscription is, in Latin, "Destroyed by German fury; rebuilt by American generos ity". Fighting to retain the phrasing wiis Whitney Warren, the American architect who asserted he worked out the in scription with the late Cardinal Mercier. Monsignor Ladeuze, rector of the university, sought . moved on the ground that it perpetuated war hatreds and re flected unjustly on the Germans. Now thu final court upholds the monsignor, and the phrase Strange how attitudes change. During the war we were full of sympathy with stricken with Germany seems closer. It but rather that France has assumed the role of European bully, even though more polite, played. Time heals wounds. If Belgium can forgive the destruc tion of Louvain, one might think other hatreds on the con tinent might be eased. The United States expresses international conference If they do aeots. LiiKe staging a weaaing vritn Jack Barde of Portland spent 'the nomination as senator, a $120 liberally his budding political ambitions. France asks only for justice, Herrlot to America. That's right; Itself to be the judge. The only reason for shearing may enjoy the summer more. The two-cent stamp charge on bank rules for stopping the writing Undertakers recommend pajamas, for shrouds. That Is okeh with us. Tiiere tney won't cause gaping Yesterdays ... Of Old Salem Town Talks front The States man of Earlier Days June 3, 1907 Attorney John F. , Logan of Portland has filed a complaint with the members of the state railroad commission against the present condition of train service between Salem and Portland. He complains that trains recently were unnecessarily late. The "Vaudette," the new the atre at 387 Court street, will open during the coming week. Special features of moving pictures and Illustrated songs will be shown. Admission will be fire cents. Dr. John H. -Colman, president of Willamette university, went to Pendleton yesterday where he will engage in the dedication of a new church. June 8, 1022 Work Is to begin Monday on the big new flax warehouse at Rlckreall. The warehouse is to be 100 by 60 feet, to hold between 500 and 600 tons of flax fibre for the growers association. The output of the Oregon Pulp ft Paper company's plant here will be increased one-third by the ad dition of a new paper making ma chine, officials announced yester ' day. The new equipment will cost 2200.000. Thirteen vonths win h Hmnph before city Judge Poulsen this to have the inscription re- will be crjseled out. France. Now our affiliation is not thi:t America is fickle, which the Kaiser formerly its willingness to take part in an not bring up the subject of war tne onae missing. nearly fir a thousand dollars for job. Bard believes in fertilizing says the new premier, Edouard that's all any nation ever asks for, mohair thlg year is so the goats checks will do more than all the of four-bit checks. motorists to climb telephone poles. morning to face charges of dam ag&g property while attempting to charivari a newly married couple. Sulphur was thrown down the chimney and pepper in the windows of the house. New Views Yesterday Statesman reporters asked these questions: "Are you a regular bridge player? Do you like contract better than auction? Why? O. P. West, Boy Scout execu tive: "I haven't played bridge for two years." Mrs. Mary SorrelL saleswoman: "Yes, I am. I like auction better now because I haven't yet learned enough about contract to play it well." Mrs. C. T. Howe, housewife: "Yes, I am very fond of playing bridge" and at the present time I prefer contract to auction, as contract affords more opportunity tor accurate bidding." R. Blake, accountant: "I am a, regular bridge playerand I get a big kick out of contract it al lows more freedom and with high er scores it adds more Interest." Alma Johnson, stenographer and clerk: "I have played con tract bridge some but never auc tion. I like It fairly welL Really, I like pinochle better than bridge; one gets more chance to bid and to bid high and I like that." Oscar D. Olson, florist: "Yes, I've played bridge some, but never BITS for BREAKFAST -By R. J. HENDRICKS- Old days of Douglas: (Continuing from yesterday:) The object of the expedition was to select suitable town sites at fa vorable points for the transaction of business, to have them laid off In lots which were to be equally divided among the members of the company, and to ship to San Francisco timber for piling, for which there was then a great de mand. a . The Kate Heath sailed north on her voyage in September. As she crossed the bar the crew observed the wreck of a vessel which had run upon the sands. This was the Bostonian, which had been dis patched around Cape Horn by a Boston merchant named Gardin er. The merchandise on the vessel was under the charge of George Snelling, a nephew of Gardiner. In attempting to enter the river the channel was missed and the vessel was wrecked on the bar. By much labor the crew managed to save the bulk of the cargo, and contract I have played auction bridge. I'm not a good player; I can't take cards seriously. How's business? Francis May. student: "I like bridge, but I don't know con tract," Gladys Schmitt, housekeeper: "No, I don't play bridge regularly. In fact, hardry at all." Daily Health Talks By ROYAL S. COPELAND, M. D. ONE of the saddest sights we see Is a child that is under nourished and underweight. While it seems unbelievable In this present day of scientific study, we cannot deny the fact that many children are definitely un derweight and show signs of malnutrition. Con fronted with these facts, it is natural to conclude that they can be traced to lack of money with which to pur- nVaoft f na w-r.Aai tocT TutU Dr.Copelan- not always true. Often it Is be cause the wrong kind of food is given, or because tne chud is per mitted to exercise his own choice of food, or to refuse the food he H should have. Children displaying such symp toms come from the nomas ox the very poor and the very rich. In the homes of the very poor, where there is a lack of sufficient and proper food, the children are the first to suffer. Many wealthy children show gigns of undernourishment, not be cause proper and adequate food cannot be obtained, but simply be cause they are permitted to pick and choose their food according to taste rather than their needs.- Undernourished children are un derweight. They are irritable and dre easily. ; Their posture is poor and digestion faulty. The skin is dry . and the hair is coarse and brittle. They are readily sua-, :eptible to infectious diseases and Answers to .Health Queries J 3- How can excessive sweat ing of hands and feet be stopped? A. This is due to a nervous I condition. For full particulars restate your question and send a -tamped self-addressed errrelope. ' this was taken up the river a few miles and sheltered under a can vas covering made from the sails of the stranded ship. The place thus occupied was named Gardiner, in honor of the owner of the ship and goods and on the same spot now stands the city of Gardiner. a At the entrance of the river, on the north bank, Winchester, Payne ft Co. had laid out their first town, which they called Umpqua City. They passed up the stream, finding the shipwrecked Yankees in camp at Gardiner. m At the mouth of Smith river (named for Jedediah Smith), a number of men were landed, who began getting out piling timber to be shipped back to San Francisco on the return trip of the Kate Heath. 1e The others continued up the river to Scottsburg, where they found Captain Levi Scott already in possession of a town site. They laid out a town adjoining his lo cation and embracing a tract gen erously donated by him for that purpose. This was the portion of Scottsburg called the "lower town." which succumbed to the power of the flood in the winter of 1881-2, and is now a sandy waste. S A number of the party went up the stream to Elk creek, and laid contract all the ailments to which they are exposed. Lack of appetite and a dislike for certain foods are other causes of undernourishment in children. When important foods like mny and vegetables are omitted from the diet, undernourishment results, and to overcome this it is neces sary to create a desire for the essential foods. Many children dislike T"1V, which is indeed unfortunate, be cause milk is one of the most Im portant foods. It is essential for every child, but its use should not be forced. Never scold or punish a child who refuses milk, for a child who has been punished for not drinking milk acquires an in-' tense dislike for this food. Spinach is another food that1 many children dislike because of unpleasant associations. When first served it may have been improper ly cooked and unpalatable. Spinach is delicious only when properly prepared. Be sure it Is' thoroughly cleaned and cooked for fifteen to twenty minutes, then the addition of butter and a pinch of salt makes this nutritious dish inviting Adults should never discuss food in the presence of children, for they are easily influenced and imi tate their elders, and if a parent voices liis dislike . for a certain food, the child wiU undoubtedly develop a dislike for it Surreys hare shown that the healthiest child usually comes from a home Is recognised that ' rood food Is necessary for build ing strong bones and wrasole Please bear in mind that vital f substances are of value only wh-r properly digested, and that fo:: that Is forced causes indigestion, lack of appetite and undernourish ment. Q. What causes suDerfluous hair? Is there any cure for it? A. For full particulars restate your question and send a stamped self-addressed envelope. ' CfcgrrUfcf. ln. Kla IWim -afkt KM. i out the town of Elkton, while Mr. Winchester secured a fine loca tlon still further no the river, on the branch since called the North Umpqua, a few miles above Its junction with the South Umpqua, wnere he founded a town upon which he bestowed his own name. S Winchester and the others then returned to the mouth of the Smith river, and the schooner was loaded with piles and spars for her return vovaee to San Franc! co. A mlsunderstandine arosA be tween Mr. Winchester and some of h!a associates. They refused to sail for a long time, alleging that the bar was too roueh to be press ed In safety, and when the vessel finally arrived In San Francisco with her canto the time her contract had exolred. and Win Chester, Payne ft Co., became bankrupt. The association dis persed, the townsites were aban doned and the great project came to an inglorious end. S A. R. Flint, who was a survey or came te Oregon in September, 1850. to lay out the town of Win Chester. While so en raced he learned of the naasar of thA do nation land act. He returned to San Francisco in the spring of is 6i, ana came back with hi family on the first steamer that entered the Umpqua river; took an open boat to Scottsburg, and from there they proceeded on horseback over the Indian trail Arriving at Winchester, he found John Aiken and family and Thomas Smith, who toeether nwn ed the ferry there from which tne Aiken family amassed a for tune, a part of tnat rortune -was used In founding Roseburr'a first bank and Salem's first depart ment store. . In April. 1851. Governor Klnts. Ing Prltchett issued a proclama tion obsignating Jesse Applegate's house in Yoncalla valley, Resin Reed's and Aiken's houses at Umpaua Ferrv. and .Qintairiii (Scottsburg), as polling places for me election of officers for th new county, on June I. J. W. Drew was elected to the legisla ture; J. w. Huntington clerk. H Jacquet sheriff, A. German trees urer. A. Pierce assessor, and B. J. Orubbe. J. N. Hnll and William Golden commissioners. Total vote. i a. A letter to The Statesman dated mc roncaua, July 4, 1851. read: Our county (Umnnnal 4a lied, the machinery is set up, and it will soon start. We need inter nal Improvements very much, which It Is supposed the new ma chinery will supply, but we ought not to expect too much. The roads leading to Scottsburg are as yet but trails and travelers' descrip tions of them are prefaced "with horrid oaths and violent Impreca tion. Elkton has as yet but a po litical existence,-but Is named as the site of the county seat. It is opposite Fort Umpqua, on the river. Claims are taken from here to the mouth of the river. Those east of Scottsburg teem with lux uriant grass, those below are overhung with luxuriant specula tion of their future. As far up as Winchester claims are being im proved. Twelve months ago, but two or three claims had been tak en on the river; now they are all taken. Scottsburg or Myrtle City Daily Thought "We see with our vision imper fect, 8ueh causes of dread or fear, Some that are tar In the distance, And some that may never be near; When if we would trust in His wisdom. Whose purpose we cannot see. We would find, whatever our trial. As our day, our strength shall be." Cary. CHAPTER FOETT-SETE2I She mored into the aparUnentl that Maxine had fallen heir to. Got ermiaaioa to have a small upright piano. It was the only thing they ever really quarreled over. "A grand would have grren us a little class! But that thingugh!" 1 know, it Isnt very beautiful. But IVe got to live cheaply. You dont know how poor I am. The only clothes I have are the grand evening things Madame Nahhnan gave me, and X cant wear them on the street.'' Maxine grinned. "Oh, something will turn up!" Back home in Woodlake, if she had read about a girl coming to New York, and falling iato the sort of luck she had had, she wouldn't have believed it. You either had luck, or you didn't. Maxine, who practically lived by her wits, being, strangely enough, a technically good girl, took everything, and gave nothing but her personality. She and her small circle were the sort whom traveling salesmen from Columbus and all points west invariably meet and take to dinner, -a show, and roof cabaret after ward. The number of blind dates that Maxine acquired was some thing that never failed to astound Lily Lou, who steadfastly refused to accompany her. "Why not? Free meaL good show I make 'em get the best seats, and pick the showsl Dance a bit afterward if they can dance, eat some more, and then leave 'em. Not so bad for a plain looking girl ? And you with your looks. . . ." LQy Lou laughed. "No, I couldn't. I just couldn't do it. I I don't know Early bringing up, I guess." The next few months would be ghastly. Even doing all her own laundry, and all the cleaning in' the apartment, and cutting her food down to almost nothing, she didn't see how she'd manage. Gwin was staying at his Long Island home during the summer months, and only came in one day a week to teach. Lily Lou hesi tated when he made out her first weekly check. I cant take a week's pay for a day's work," she said dejectedly. "You must live. How much are you paying for the baby's board?" "Fifty." "And your rent?" "There's none. The apartment belonged to a girl who who mar ried or something, and went to Europe, and the lease isn't up until November, so Maxine and I " "I see." Gwin wiped away a smile. "So there's just the food, and one doesn't want to eat much this hot weather. I spend quite a lot on carfare though to get out to Ja maica Park to see the bubchen, but I m hoping to get church work " He wheeled on her sharply. "I wont coach you if you force your voice! "I wont force it. HI be careful." "Careful, eh! IVe told you what happens to coloraturas who break down!" "But Gwin. Ill be careful. It isnt as though I were just begin ning. I know how to keep my voice forward now "All right. Choose between the church and that Metropolitan chorus idea you and Tony were raving about." "Choose between them! Why, one s a thing to do for pay, and one s a chance to break in "Exactly I" "But even you said I had to eat!" She went home, more shaken than she had been since the old days when she first faced the bub chen's coming. If she could only have stayed with Nahlman until summer was over . . . But no use to cry. over sput milk. WelL she'd get a job. She thought is at the head of navigation, but below it are many prospective towns, beautifully pictured on pa per. There are two ferries on the Umpqua, and a road from Win chester to Scottsburg. Winchester lies on both sides of the Umpqua river about five miles from the forks, and Is located on favorable ground, thickly timbered. General Lane's claim adjoins it on the south. The city has been laid out in lots' and Is fast becoming a mart of trade. The main road to the canyon passes through Win chester. Major Kearney Is now exploring for a road erst of this, and Jesse Applegate and Levi Scott are with him as guides. They are now near Table Rock on Ro gue river." (Continued tomorrow.) The Safety Valve - - Letters from Statesman Readers Silverton, Oregon May 31, 1932 At a regular meeting of Silver ton Grange 748 on May 27, 1932 a motion was made and seconded and carried that the grand Jury In vestigation promised by the Hon. Judge ilegmund relative to the Ir regularities of the county business and the Hon. Judge McMahan's conduct be thoroughly Investigat ed, as we think the tax payers have a right to know, and to send a copy to both Judge Slegmund and Judge McMahan and also one to the press. Hoping this wUl receive your prompt attention and let the blame fall where it belongs. Silverton Grange 741 (by secretary) B. H. BEHREND3. Alumni Conclave At Normal School Slated for June 4 MONMOUTH, June 2 -The an nual conclave of alumni of the Oregon Normal school will be ., m mu?.an-Tvr -Mt: "I can't take a week's pay for a ef the things she could do. Wait ress. Telephone operator. Pianist. But if she took a regular job she couldn't keep on with Gwin no body would let her off a day a week. And after his regular classes started she could conscientiously take the money. Twenty-five dol lars a week and free lessons, with lessons costing twenty dollars the half hour . . . Oh, how did anyone ever do it? How did girls ever become opera singers? And even if you had the voice, and the background, and the languages, and the dramatic school training, the dancing, the fencing and all the rest of it, what ever in the world did you do for money to live on? She'd have to have money for the bubchen's board. Tony . . . but she couldnt ask him for a loan, he had too many back debts it wouldn't be right. . . . There was no one else. Maybe she could write home. Perhaps they could advance her something, and then when Uncle Eph's estate was settled. . . . Besides, this would be the last time she'd have to ask. Perhaps they could spare her just a few dollars, say for two months, until Gwin started full time classes again. . . . She got up and wrote out the message, night letter. The answer was waiting for her at noon the next day: "Sorry to have to tell you la possible help you now. Did not want to alarm you, but mother has had the flu and now pneumonia. Asks for you constantly. Wish you could come, but no use to consider it if you are broke. Win let you know of any danger. MAY." And right on the heels of that: "End very near. If you can bor row from Madame Nahlman and come, suggest you do so, for mother asks for you constantly. All the rest of family together. If you cannot borrow Raymond and I will manage to send you ticket. Advise. MAY." By late afternoon Lily Lou had pONTKACT BR1IDG Vjy "The Official Syttem" as Adopted by Leading Authorities -By C V. How Many Tricks Mr. C S. Lockridge played the following hand beautifully. But how many tricks was it possible for him to make against perfect defense ? AAQI06 QK86 AQ3 OAQ6 A953 Q742 10642 ojios A 8 2 OJ 109 KJ5 09432 AKJ74 QAQ3 987 OK7J Z bid 1-No Trump. Y jumped into 3-Spades over A's pass. Z raised to 4-Spades, and Mr. Lock ridge jumped into 6-Spades. The opening lead was the J of hearts, which dummy won with the Ace. Three rounds of trumps dropped all opposing spades, leaving the 10 in the declaring hand, and the J in dummy. Upon the third round of trumps B discarded the 2 of diamonds. Three rounds of diamonds were next taken, both A and B follow ing suit on each -round, dropping all remaining cards of that suit. The last step in the process of stripping hands was to take two heart tncks." The first of these two tricks was won by the de clarer's K; the second heart trick was taken by dummy's Q, to leave the lead in dummy. There were left in the hands the following cards, after the declar injg aida Mtd won its straight nine held here, Saturday, Juno 4. Events scheduled Include a lun cheon with a program; and a dance. This year commemorate -the fiftieth anniversary of the estab lishment of Normal school train ing for the state of Oregon. In 1282 an act of the state legisla y A B T Mr or day's work." s&e said dejectedly. wired May, bought her ticket, and had kissed the bubchen a tearful goodbye. She had five hundred and fifty dollars of Dwight G win's money, and how she was ever to repay him she didn't know. .. ,, She got the last message on the train. Read it over and orertrying to realize what it would be like with out mother. Said it over and over to herself . . . "Mother, dead. Mother, dead." But it did not seem real. In the midst of her worried repetition, "Mother, dead . . . mother . . . dead" there would come the thought of the bubchen. Hadn't she better wire Maxine to go see him on Sun day? Maxine was so unobserving, though. Tony would be better, but Tony was working so hard, and Sunday was his only chance to rest. Back to mother again. . . . "Oh, if rd only started sooner. If May had only told me . . . but of course she didnt know. It wasnt her fault. . . . Oh, dear. It's so hot, and dirty. . . . Holsteins in that pasture . . . pretty things, Holsteins. . . . Won der what they did with all Uncle Eph's sheep ? . . . Mother must have known Fd come . . . she must know that Fm coming now . . . between1, those who love there's bound to be , some sort of telepathy ... j "I wont see Ken, of course. . . .( Still, I might. It would be natural for him to come to see us. on ac count of mother. It isnt absurd to imagine that. Peggy Sage couldnt , object to that. He knew mother. I She used to like him. ... ; "Poor, darling mother ... ! "It would have been criminal te bring the bubchen. The heat would have wilted him. Ken doesnt know he's alive anyway. Even Max ine thinks he's the loveliest child she ever saw. He's even gaining during the hot summer. Mrs. Jen sen is wonderful, to hint ... at least she seems so. . . . Better wire Tony te can and make sure. ..." (To B Cwttinacrf) CoprHfV by KJb Featttrw Syndicate. Ia. SIIEPARD- Cam Y Win at Spades? 10642 QI0 AH J 5 AJ 987 Here is an end play problem, just the same as you find in these articles each Saturday. Spades are trumps. Z is to lead. How many tricks can Y-Z win against the best play ef A-B? If you lead a club at once, and finesse the declarer's Q, Y wUl have to lose to B's K, and later on he win have to lose another club trick to either B's J or A's 10, which wiU put the contract down by one trick. If Y first takes a round of trumps, to force discards, it will not help his cause. Then B can strip down to the "K-J of clubs and the 10 of hearts. The only way that Y can win three of the remaining four tricks is as follows: lead the 9 of clubs; if A. plays his 10, overplay with dummy's Q; in case A plays nor mally, and declines to cover with his 10, let the 9 run. In the latter event B must play his J to win the trick; if the 10 and Q are played B must win with his K. In either event B will be in the lead and his side cannot win another trick. If B ada back a club, both tricks will be won by Y's cards ef that suit If B leads his heart, dummy can trump while Y discards his only club that fails to be the highest remaining card of that suit Mr. Lockridge played the hand as described, and won his twelve tricks. Caarrtxte, IMS. By Kla rtan- tea, ture merged the Christian col lege at Monmouth into the Ore gon Normal school, where the first unit of elementary teacher training had Its Inception. Present officers of the auSanl association aref president, N. Jl. Baker, Portland; Blanche Bad ley, Monmouth, secretary. AI0 AQJ