The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 29, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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. . AU Statesman carrier are ,
charged for all paper they
deliver. Please notify; the '
" office ' when changing: ad-,
dress. '
. Mostly cloudy Uh
era today. If ondar . fair V
Max. Temp. - Saturday - 7SV
45, rlrer .feet,;'
northwesterly winds M - ;
Salem, Oregon, Sunday Horning May 29, 1932
No 54
r1 - f ;' FOUNDED 1851 ; 'r : y-:"'-. - , :: - - ---- ' ' -:
-V -M MM M MMM .MM M;. v.y- - rwMn .Snnj.v arn-n:n(. fw o ion ' . : ... - - - MM -. -..' M -'"'N' - V. M
- H
Expects to Pick up 98 ot
Votes Remaining, Will
: Then be shy 73
Hoover Definitely in but
Prohibition and Other
Issues Face G.O.P.
PORTLAND, Ore, May 29
(AP) A four-alarm fire
of undetermined origin broke
out In the Albina district of
North Portland shortly after
A woodyard which covers
one block, at Anson avenue Service Station at Court
and Mason street, a church And Church Robbed, men
Former Head
Dies Aged 89
Get Away in car
and a private residence was
in flames and firemen feared
pasnlin- Klnrnr tanks nearhv
would explode. They ordered Attendant Calls Police at
all residents in the immediate Once and Warning Sent
With the recording' of 20 con
tention Vote from Colorado and
Utah 1 for Governor Franklin D.
Roosevelt today, the democratic
presidential nomination race came
to its first fall pause since the New
Hampshire primaries -March 8.
Daring the . next week no pri
maries' or state conventions are
scheduled in either party, al
though a total ot 122 democratic
delegates and 42 republican re
main to he selected.
At this point in the preconven
tion campaign. Governor Roose
velt still Is far in the lead for the
democratic' nomination with 418
district to
evacuate imme-
RETSIL, Wash., May 28.
(AP) Charles Edward Lambert,
89, former president ot Willam
ette university: at Salem,. Ore.,
and the holder of professorial
chairs In several universities, died
at the veterans hospital here to
Several members of his family
were at the bedside.
Born in Ireland. Lambert came
to America Just previous to the
clril war and enlisted in the Un
ion forces. Later he continued his
studies and held chairs in Latin
and history at eastern universities.
From the presidency at Wll-
Two unmasked, rather dirty- lamette, be went to Oregon btaie gold BEACH, Ore., May 28.
appearing men drove up to the college as professor in Latin ana i cap) Oregon's magnificent
Texaco service station on Court history. coast highway was opened to
and Church street at midnight Besides his widow ne is sur-j trairio over Its entire length to
last. night and using a gun forjvtved by three daughters, Mrs. day with the dedication of the
flt lmmtnt. TMnted a hold I C D. Schuster, saa - xrancuco. i isaac tree Patterson memorial
robbery, relieving attendant Ed-land Miss Edith P; -Lambert and J bridge over the Rogue river here,
die Burke of all the money In his I Mrs. J. s. Kansourg, seaiue, ana i ai o'ciock wis- morning
cash drawer. ' - ' "' Ifour sons, F. M. Lambert, New I an electrical impulse released hy
The two were driving a 1128 lYork, Charles D. and p. R. Lam- i Vice-President. Curtis through tbe
To Nearby Towns
Patterson Memorial Bridge
Dedicated as Caravan
Moves Across it j-
Vice President Curtis has
Part Along With Widow
Of Late Governor
That Peace, Dearly Bought, Shall,
Never More Give Way to Strife
frhTTrtlA kahim anf man with I hrt Sin TranclBCO. and Cecil L.
Nearly lUU rerSOnS UlVen gun was described as being Lambert of Seattle.
tuvai years ot agv, uis iwi
eight lnehes tan and wearing a
black hat.
As soon as the pair had gone
Burke put In a call to the city po-1
lice department and descriptions
of the pair were Hashed to state
Work in Past Week is
Bureau's Report
With the onset of the berry
nicking season, employment eon-
of the 770 delegates necessary to I anions are showing up better than I police all over this section and an
win formally pledged or instructed
for him.
His supporters also lay definite
claim to 181 more delegates al
ready chosen and confidently ex
pect to pick up, virtually undls-
In the early weeks of the month. I intensive search of the city was
Assistant Manager Dotson of tbe began.
U. S.-T. M. C. A. employment bu- 1 Both men got out of the car
reau reported yesterday that he and one pulled a gun while the rrJrlpnf Verdict From
other kept his hand in his coat I
had plaeed (9 men and 27 women
at this work during the week.
pocket, apparently on a gun.
puted, a maximum of 98 of the re- I Berry jobs are slow In developing "Not half as nervous as I was."
malnlng 122 to be named. This
would bring the Roosevelt total to
897, or only 73 votes shy of the
necessary two-thirds.
Hoover Assured of
Sufficient Strength
because of the low price obtained said the attendant when asked
by the growers. 1 how the stick-up men acted.
More men and more women I He described them as poorly
were placed last week than dur- dressed and rather dirty. One was
Coroner; Finances and
Health Were Good
celebrated golden telegraph key
at the White House, dropped a
knife upon a cord supporting a
barrier of rhododendron, the knife
severed the cord aid the barrier
dropped to the pavement.
A long caravan' began moving
southward over the bridge. At the
south end it halted and Mrs. Isaac
Lee Patterson, widow of- the late
governor to whose memory the
bridge was dedicated, plaeed a
wreath upon the bronze tablet on
the wall of one of the towers.
Willard L. Marks, president of
the Oregon senate, eulogised the
late governor.
Visitors From Three
States at Exercises
In a natural amphitheater at
the side of the bridge distinguish
CHICAGO. Mav 28 (AP)
inr the nrevious week. Men num- "lightly taller than the other. The Edward F. Swift, head of one of d visitors from three states and
1H .n nt ill nnl-rlnr. I vn uroTV wJ imunuaieiT ioi- I me nm ismiiiea ui iuiu
President Hoover this week was L- - t nnt f its tt1v- lowing the hold up. leaving him chairman of the great packing
assured-of more than enough I. Anl,,,tinn for henr nick- on the outside of the station. The (house his father built, fell six
votes for renomlnatlon from , n""AA ,v. I license number of the car was not stories to Instant death today from
pledged delegates alone. He has TMd emergency obtained. a window of hU Gold Coast apart-
(42 with only 578 or a majority ot LM inhn- .in .nii with this It wasn't an automatic. Just a menthome. The coroner returned
puin om six-saooier, was
Burke's description ot the weapon
r x x. mw i
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the 1154 total convention vote, re
quired to nominate.
With renomlnatlon of Hoover
and Curtis regarded by adminls-
week's crew;, of 45 men, Dotson
announced. According to County
Engineer Hedda Swart, one crew
of men is now at work on regu
a verdict of accidental death.
He was 68 years old, second son
lot the late Gustavus Franklin
This Is the first time that thelgwlft, the Massachusetts packer
tratlon leaders as a convention la construction and twolatatlon there has ever been held (who came- west to make Chicago
or three more probably will Dei up. it was a ooia venture on tnetiae capiuu oi iu meat, yntmn
formality, prohibition and orgai I
satlon worries are heaping upon
the party chieftains. A batch of
dry, wet, and moist planks already
are drafted, but leaders still are
far from an agreement.
Senator Borah, Idaho, a dry
champion, has shaped a plank op
posing a declaration for a refer
endum, but since he has decided
not to attend the convention it re
mains to be seen how far he will
press his proposal.
Chairman Fees of the Rational
committee denied in the senate to
day he had discussed a referen
dum plan with the president. He
said he had talked over conven
tion -arrangements at the White
House and it appeared that con
gress would not get through in
time for the June 14 conclave. He
and Senator Dickinson, of Iowa,
the keynoter,, will hare to go any
way, he added.' Fourteen other re
publican senators so far have been
named delegates.
sent out soon. These crews will
more than replace those on the
Amrrfnev nroiects. ine state
part of the robbers as the Texaco
station is only two blocks from
the police station and in a well-
highway department stopped its J lighted portion of the city.
emergency work on April i.
Jobs were found for men last
(Turn to page 8, coL 2)
Walker Case
Big Problem
He had been In good health.
Dally he had busied himself with
the affairs of Swift and Company,
One of the city police officers whose chairmanship he assumed
expressed the opinion that the (only last January upon the retire-
pair ot robbers would probably be I ment of his elder brother, Louis,
picked up by state police either In Only the family chauiieur, seated
Portland or to the south of Sa- at the rear of the North state
from British Columbia spoke to
the thousands of spectators.
praising the builders of the bridge
and the highway.
The new bridge is 1932 feet
long, including the approaches,
and was built at a cost of 8625.
000. The 397-mlle. highway has
been built at a cost of $17,278.
000 and some of It Is not yet
The bridge has seven arches,
each 240 feet long. A mile to the
west Is the Pacific ocean. To the
east are the green Rogue River
mountains. -
Completion of the bridge open
ed to traffic what has been de
scribed as the most scenic all
weather highway in the United
Honor the brave, who silemt sleep
'Neath crosses white on Flanders plains.
Tho' dead, they still a vigil keep
'Mid Winter's enow and soft Spring rains.
They guard the thing for which they fought
And said a brave farewell to life.
That Peace, which waa so dearly bought.
Shall never more give way to strife.
Observance to Start Today
With. Church Services;
Climax on Monday
X Mill
Trial Scheduled for Week
Of June 27; Three True
Bills are Returned
NEW YORK, May 28. (AP)
Intense curiosity was manifested
todav In nohtical circles over
what Governor Roosevelt's answer
will be if he Is asked to remove
Mayor Walker, and how his stand
i street apartment building where a
number of the leading families of
I the city reside, witnessed the
headlong plunge. Only a wide
open window In the living room,
the curtain thrown up and ruffled,
told whence he had fallen.
Executives of the packing com
pany, shocked, went Into confer
ence and Charles H. Swift, a
brother and vice chairman of the
board, issued the terse statement:
"Edward F. Swift bad been In his
usual good health and spirits. He
had been attending to business as
attle, May 28 (AP) Paclfls
northwest athletes did themselves
on the question might affect his proud today in this section wnne u(mal HflJ affaJrs are ln excellent
drive for the presidential nom-1 wasmngiuu ow - condition
lnatlon moulding a surprising victory m
Samuel Seabury, counsel tor the annual Pacific Coast confer-
the Hofstadter legislative- com- ence track and field meet,
mittee, which has spent nearly Probably the greatest crowd to
$750,000 In the last 14 months ever witness a track championship
investigating Walker's admlnlstra- In Seattle approximately 4000
tlon. has not indicated whether fans saw the powerful Cougar
he will make a demand tor the crew snawer iwu uonacru u,vu
mayor's removal. But Walker and records and pile- up winning to
democratic members of the com- tal of 46 points to nose out Ore
iif m wahllelv that ron and Washington ln the final
rrr nTmTn.. . . I ' I
tvAomMiu. u. v., aiay .BTien s fcig aim. leveni.
(AP) A raging controversy I m.. nnininn la that I , The Oregon Webfooters showed
"i!lJ"s2!f..on Uher Seabury round. . out the unexpected strength to finish .ec w -neTlrt
rmiUM nwiw uu uii rf W nnlrr eMlterinr On I ODD W1U1 II puiuba, whub " l ri-v.i ii.v i
' i, I tend his findings to ttooseven w u Y"v" """J thIr biplane against a tree ln
"v.; rHftn. Mtt a atrong recommenaauoiL Jw taking otf from the airport here
I "'yj ;;: Tea witnesses nave iwuubu tin a rainstorm late today.
,r" 7-r m r , " . I about the affairs or waiaer an
winnwi "r I ,t. mlsdnr friend. Russeu T.
FLEMINGTON. N. J.. May 28.
(AP) John Hughes Curtis of
Norfolk will go on trial the week
of June 27 for hoaxing the Lind
berghs and the police who were
seeking the kldnap-tnurderers of
CoL Charles A. Lindbergh's baby
Prosecutor Anthony Hauck
WASHINGTON. May 28 (AP) m'd this anouncement after in-
Speaker Garner slapped back I aictments were handed down to-
today with a stinging thrust at
President Hoover and proceeded
day by a grand Jury.
Three indictments
were pre-
with plans for speeding his relief Lented to Justice Thomas Trench
McKINNEY. Tex., May 28.
(AP) R. L. RIss, Dallas m ca
bin throuxh the house.
To the president's charge the
public works phase of the speak
er's two billion dollar relief bill
was pork barrel" legislation,
Garner replied the same appella
tion might be applied to the re
construction corporation for which
non-partisan support was elicited
by Mr. Hoover.
The Texan said the tax he pro
posed on gasoline would prevent
tbe public work from Interfering
with balancing the budget
"President Hoover's opposition
to the bill to relieve destitution,
to broaden the lending powers ot
the reconstruction finance corpor- n O-.-J
ation and to create employment ftcZy OIIUM OdiU i w
ard by the foreman of the grand
Jury. Only three cases had been
considered by the grand Jury at
Its most recent sitting, a murder
case, a manslaughter case, and
the Curtis hoax.
Justice Trenchard announced
that one of the Indictments dealt
with the murder case. The other
two he sent to quarter sessions
court and declined to divulge
their contents.
It was taken for granted that
. a . f . .
one OL tne ctosea inaicimouu
named Curtis.
Vl V .4ft a CI ah AaaV
Men 1. I Jim hit jluilucii u4 oainu, i .. , ..,
iuva uu u. I nt who transacted imanciai aeais i ice m m, vuuo&.. -,wv u.-,.. . . i..ratIona-
vhuw C j7 J running ciose to ,i,vv, www uiuau, - ---" -
six years. uumvics.
members to vote against the dis
puted levy.
i Intimations reached the capital
that Mr. Hoover was prepared to.
take a hand la the tax contest
and a. message from him next
week was expected,
i Senator Harrison, of Mississip
pi, democratic tax leader, chal
lenged the proponents ot the sales
tax for an Immediate showdown
and then drew up the round rob
in petition..
-i He claimed 14 democrats alg
i natures tonight and predicted
more than 60 of the senate a
bv anthorlxinr and expediting a
nubile works nrorram was not
Rain on my goggles impaired I unexpected," Garner said.
"The democrats did not expect
to receive real co-operation from
the nresldent ln any matter "ben-
"We had successfully taken oft I efittinr th masses and those who I norted that his brother, Ray L.
and were about 25 teet off the might be termed the middle class I smith, who la seriously ill in the
Slightly Better
After talking to Chicago by tele
phone last night, W. X. Smith re-
Profit Sharing: Planned
Kenton Plant Is Robbed
Heavy Dust Storm Comes
Women's Clubs Vote Dry
MEDFORD, Ore., May 28
(AP) James H. Owen, general
wnnld he nledged by manager or tne uwen-weswu
majority would ha VfasKaoj . comnanv. announ-
tled him up and left him in an In
ner room.
Monday noon, when tne pros
dent's message Is expected
. Slated Tonight
T.mhr Sales company,
eed today the company had In
augurated a co-operative- profit
sharing plan for its workers en
gaged In logging operations In
the Butte Falls district.
The plan provides that the com
nanv sruarantee the workers 80
Commencement week will be- per cent of the. maximum wage
. .., vt.v ..vaai an-1 imIa. furnish all eauipmem ana
Till lO OwlClil iuwu evawo - -
iors with the baecaUuraU serv-1 employ only former employes ox
. v . vhim im ehnrehltha Owen-Orezon company. Proi-
at 7:10 o'clock tonight. The pas- its over and above the Q per cent
for. Dr. Grover C Blrtchet, wIU guarantee wlU be shared eaually
PORTLAND. Ore, May 28
f API About $100-; waa taken
from two safes at the Paelfie
Meat company eompany at js.en-
AmHvikT the sermon
T Ushering will he done by boys
otthe Junior class.
Noted Hindu is
n ' t J A.let eompany company t
Pnrtlann CrtieStltan- Ore- todav br three masked
f , -; I men who overpowered J H. Fos-
PORTLAND,- Ore.sMay 18 ter. ifn ii i
r- -Rh. Chand, Raia-Rana was taxen apru s vj
of Jabbal, India, stopped for a
short time ln Portland today on
his first visit to the United States.
The prince said his visit was
simply a pleasure trip.
fimA afA erackers.
Foster told deputy sherlffsv he
met tha three men, each armed
with a revolver, as : he rounded a
earner of the building at 1:25
wo. .AmTtsiiAd I a.- m. They forced him to admit
around when a gust ot wind
caused the plane to crash Into the
Riss. a former soldier la the
United States army air division
at Love field; Texas, was crashed
ln the wreckage of the plane, a
ship powered, by a motor of the
dlesel type.
He had been Colonel Goebers
mechanic a year and a half.
The accident came as the two
were heading hack to Dallas after
a visit with friends here. Goebel,
won renown by leading
of American people.1
hosnltal there, had enjoyed a good
day and was somewhat improved
over his previous condition. A no
ticeable change tor the better was
honed for within a week
Mrs. Smith, who had started .for
Chicago by plane was reported to
have reached there safely.
Parade at 2 OXiock Will
Be Followed by Annual
Program at Armory
The time of year Is at hand
when special reverence and re
membrance Is given those deal.
who served their country In one'
way or another ln time ot war.
Memorial day this year win be
observed tn Salem Monday with -
fitting service.
Observance of the day and..--
teaching of Its significance began
Friday when patriotic orders aid
ed by the teachers of the pabHe
schools presented ln Individual
manner the Ideal which motivates
Memorial day activities. Visits
have been made ln the various
grade and high schools, by repre
sentatives of patriotic orders, and
in many places short talks have
been presented.
Saturday, the publle In gener
al busied Itself la getting How.
ers ready for the many graves to
be decorated, for with tbe honot
that has been bestowed upon th
country's dead there has also corns
the idea of remembering tht
graves ot all and thus making
Memorial day one ot personal re
membrance as well as a patriotic
Many of Churches
Commemorate Day
Programs in several Salem
Churches today will be ln com
memoration of the Memorial
spirit, notably at the First Chrlv
tlan, where the members of th
G. A. R. and auxiliary orders will
attend as special guests at 11
o'clock; and at the Leslie Memor
ial Methodist church, where Hal
Hibbard camp United Spanish Wat
Veterans and auxiliary will b
honored guests, at 11 o'clock.
For this service. Rev. D. J.
Howe ot the Christian church will
preach on "the Presence of God la
Hector MacPherson Backing ur, NatITonJ Htato;: "d RT-
speak on "Our Yesterdays and
Tomorrow." Special music will b
featured at both places.
At Jason Lee Memorial Metho
dist, special 11 o'clock musical
EUGENE, Ore.. May 28 (AP) numbers, will Include: solo, "Bs
Opponents ot the proposed eon- Thou Faithful Unto Death" (from
Atenaeissonnj c-y u. uen navies,
tenor; and anthem, "Oh God, th
Rock of Ages" (Plnsuti). Dr. M
(Turn to page 8, col. 1)
Consolidation Plan fs
Latest Statement
solldation of the University of
Oregon and Oregon State college
into one institution to be located
at Corvallls will meet here Tues
day night to discuss plans of ac
tion. Monmouth. Ashland and La
Grande will participate in the op
position movement.
The proposed bill, initiated by
the Marlon county Taxpayers'
Equalization league, is said to
have drawn the support of Hector
MacPherson, of Linn county, au
thor of the legislation creating
the state board of higher educa
tion. MacPherson Is reported to
have dealed he Is author ot the
consolidation MIL He also is said
to have- advised the league
against bringing forward the
measure at this time but is said
to have declared he will support
Judge Lawrence T. Harris,
chairman of a Joint committee
formed to organize opposition to
the proposed consolidation, ln a
statement today said a "lot of
highly Inaccurate and misleading
propaganda Is being spread la
favor of the proposal and that "It
is high time to find est Just
whom we are fighting ln this situation."
28. Heavy rains fell ln the
Klamath Falls area last night and
today. Increasing the total pre
cipitation to above the normal
mark set over a period of 88
years. -
(AP) One shot was tired to
night as a squad of IS pollcemei
and railroad officers went to th
Louisville and Nashville railroad
yards and broke up an assem
blage of several hundred Worl4
war veterans seeking box cat ,
rides to Washington to urge pay
ment of the soldiers bonus. Thi
shot was attributed by police to i
negro veteran.
Two men . were arrested an!
charged with unlawful assembly.
Under orders from Mayor T.
Semmes Walmsley. the police In- -tempted
plans of the veterans t
congregate at an uptown loeatloi
and parade through the dtj
streets. Taxleabs, trucks and au
tomobiles were placed at the dis
posal of the veterans, and thej
were transported across the eitv
to the railroad yards, where they '
boarded a freight train and start
ed out of New Orleans.
Less than a halt mile away tb
police shotgun squad halted the
train and the men piled out.
TUTS TlALr.'ES. Ora Mav 28 Iwho
AT1A hear dnat itnrm awent I nlanes on the Dole flight from
over the mid-Columbia country to- san Tancisco io nonwn,
day from eastern Oregon and periormea stums over me cur.
Washington. At noon the dust was
DALLAS, May 28 (Special)
The Indictment against Lynn M.
! Black, chief deputy county clerk,
I accusing him ot petty larceny,
was dismissed by Circuit Jndge
Barlev here today when Black
Defense ot Stockman to
Open' Tuesday at Dallas
DALLAS. May 28 (Special )
so dense it obscured the sun and
veiled the Klickitat hills across
the Columbia. -
PORTLAND. Ore., Msy 28
(AP) The Oregon Federation of
Women's clubs , voted today to
hold Its 1824 convention In Rose
burg. The biennial sessionof the
orranlzation closed here toaay.
The federation rear armed its
stand In favor of the continuance
and strict enforcement of the
18th amendment. One dissenting
eta was east bv Mrs. J. C. COl
Teacher Makes
Perfect Score
At Riie Shoot
VANCOUVER, Wash., May 22
, (AP) Wally Burnham. a
school teacher , from - Sultan,
Waah4.made history. tor - the
Washington State - Rifle - associa
tion! today, hy firing, a .perfect
mfnrm: off-hand, in the arood White
vote waa cass oj w- --- ' - n.
Has, Polk eounty chairman of the Eagle match, opening , event of
women's organisation for nation- the annual meet. t s a
ai prohibition reform In Oregon. mttJl
-The federation aiso enaorsea i pwuuio r
the general federation's' stand In association's rang! J1"
nrgtng ratification by the United shot t : Pfrtjtet Wl res
States of the world court. - I nana v j --- --
Memorial services were con-1 su comwuuib u - ----
was arraigned. The defense mo- xne suwe uua w7 "-'
tlon for dismissal was entered on e against Jay Stockman, on
the grounds that names ot all trial for conspiracy to defraud in
witnesses who appeared before connection .JraUa?
the grand Jury ln connection with the Empire Holding eorporaUon
the case, were not Included In the Th court turned at 1 d clock
,.,,', this afternoon antll 9:20 next
n e state, contention upon T.esdy inornlng Mo
this plea was that the witnesses nUday. "Jf"1
.)... nin.M w.ra aot included, "me Siaxr prwinua.
had appeared ln connection' with
a different set of books and not
the books alleged to have been
stolen by Black, valued at about
to have the books show subscrip
tions had been paid.
Judge Coshow and Stockman
talked that over, then decided not !
to do It. Stockman said to Good
man. "Now. Charlie, ra sorry
that we didn't, because our sub
scriptions vould have been shown '
Tha last state witness was
Charles Goodwin, auditor for the
state corporation commissioner.
He told of a conversation with
Jay Stockman which took place
at w
The grand Jury which returned J"
. a . . . . a i . a . , - - .. - " -
ence and may Investigate the mat
ter again.
COVE, Ore.. May 28 (AP)
permit to sell stock was suspend
In this, he said Stockman told
him that Frank Keller had asked
him to run-a check of 820,000
through the books ot the corpora-
Some truck gardens ln this- dlB-1 tlon. This check was to pay Kel-
tHct wera - damared last '- nlcht I lers subscription for stock. Then
. IrrlV . v - m. rr Uarda from nrone noslUon. It waslwhen the mercury dropped U they were to taxe tnis same eneca
tVicieu w o - I - - , n, I .I,-.. Acmm h.ln frnlnr. On land ran
Mrs. G. J. Frankei, who servea me C.: :r.3.-V ZZZZk imT..;. 7,.
four years asj president oi w mwi ia
state federation. - recorueu.
It through the" books
a penonnanee nas icnaraisia icjiuncu umm Miumiuut, wa. m w..u. -
to fruit.
officers. That was Keller's plan
SEATTLE, May 28 (AP) A:
northwest wind ranging between
10 and 12 miles an hour over Boe
ing field was expected to abate at .
nlghttall and Nat C. Browne. New
Tork aviator, said he would go?
to the field near midnight for s
to have been paid on the books I possible hop tor Tokyo at day
and yon eouldn t have found It." I break or sooner. -
On dose examination the de-l - Held aground tor several oays
tense questioned, Goodman as to I awaiting a south .wind to aid in
whether the amount of the check I lifting his heavUy laden plane on.
was 88000 or 820.000. Goodman I the takeoff, he spent most or iasi
stuck to his story that It was I night at the field. His plane, the
220,000. I "Lone Star, sat on wp oi iw
inArm. vsri niui tTia mnrn. i mtid ramn an oar cooay. Vim
lng that the record books of the
eorporaUon were to he submitted
as evidence. Goodwin said he had
examined these books from Aug
ust 12 to il. 1121. and had sub
mitted the results of this exam
ination to the corporation" com-1
mlssloner with the result that the I duration.
884 gallons of gasoline in i;
tanks. '"-y " -
-, Late this afternoon Browne re
turned to his Washington Athlet-
1c club headquarters to - obtain
more rest, ln anUdpaUon of the
flight, upwards of ft hours in
permit to sell stock was suspend
ed November T.
; .Ob cross-ex a mlnatlon this
morning he said the Empire Hold-
(Turn to page 8. col. l)
H must be tn the air by torn or- -
row night to arrive In Tokyo- before-
June Xi the closing time Um -it
on a 30,000 prize he la seek
Ing.v ' v . . ' ' ' '
'i t 1
l '!' 7 "
' J
1 : 4
v h nnlv wife. them to tne ounamg ana mC