, t - Saleia, Oregon, Thursday, liornlng. May 2$', 1932" t : . .. .. . . E-I1IGB . llasie was furnished by Irene Athey and ' Miss Mitchell i with Miss Hutchinson, from Oregon Normal school, as - accompanist. and two piano numbers by Robert Masin. r-rtr.-v " ' ' !; .1 Dean Roy R. Hewitt of W. TJ. gare: the class ' address.; ' -, Those receiTtng their diplomas were Aladine Campbell, Malda Carroll, Eleanor Gregg. Yada Mill er, Andrew Van Otten, Thonral Miller and May Van StaaTern. ' Andrew Van Otten gare tbe saK utatory and May Van Staayera was Taledictorian. : 115 S. Commercial St. - i- 43&l a. zim&jacL 'itrtuL PERRYDALE, May 25 Per rydal high school held graduat ing exercise la the auditorium Monday nlht with only standing room arallabl for those arriYlng . late. The processional inarch Was played by Rath Keyt, after -which W, B.' If cKee save inToeatioa. ' orjL FEBRYDUL MBMPMaW SSMBk. 1 W' ' . . Bf V mm ffl ' ' ! 8 IMPS Grand Gld Fashioned FLAVOR! am mhriug r grmim ertl. . . ALL PURE Unimd Prk MsL m- Co-U.S. Oowra. vau. Co-U.I ho. Wl IF YOU ARE "FUSSY' about meats . . if you want the Government to inspect every bite . if you like a FLAVOR that -smoke from hardwood bnega . . then say to your favorite dealer . CASCADE Old-fashioned FRANKS. j . , CASCADE DEALERS - UUKi Btafek'a Xarkrt Out A Bowaraas Oraaa Markat ' O. T. bnggt 3ok Ellla Qroctrj UtU. LAj' BUn wxst aaxEX: Jnm'i Market Htpm Karkat UarUt Hut Co. Mi rr Grocery Is. Uo4al VoAd Marktt Kaptaa.'. Market Pada'a Qrocary jPnra ro4 Oroetry Riea'a Grocery DALLAS: Dallas Owery UoJal Market a M, Roberta Sample Grocery Sanitary Market SUuiloff Markat Tomkiaa' Market Werner Market Woo4 Broe. vsTDzrzsvzacB : City Meat Market TiaWi Market MOYMOUTH: fred J. Hill SILVESTOH: Garrer aa4 Graham GET; MARKET Originators Of Low Prices 351 State St. WE ARE STUMPED For the reason that we are unable to adrise yon what to select in the line of meat. It reallydepends upon what you prefer. Most of the prices are setting: new low records. At this season of the year the quality Is at its best So take your choice. At this market yon are sure to be pleased. ALL FRESH INSPECTED MEATS. REGULAR PRICES NOT "SPECIALS" 1932 MILK FED LAMB 1932 Talk about the "low cost of high living" We have never seen finer lambs regardless of price LEG O' LAMB Small Size 111 A- Pound lsV21 LAMB STEAKS Lean meaty Pound LAMB CHOPS Small Loin Pound 5c LAMB BREAST Bake or stew Pound 15c 3 Grain Fed Pig Pork Why not choose a large roast (The price is small). De Hdoua sliced cold for lunch over the week end holiday I PORK ROASTS HAM ROAST ' . Small Fresh 7C Pound . 12V2C Pound PORK STEAK Pound IOC LOIN CHOPS Pound 12V2C "Flavorized" Hams and Bacon The finest flavored ham you ever tasted. Bake without par-boiling and take it on your week end trip. It will prove a treat. "Flavorized" HAMS Pound Sugar Cured BACON BACKS Pound Sugar Cured PICNICS Pound SLICED BACON 15c Pound 15c Sugar Cured Cottage Rolls IOC Pound 12V2Q Home Rendered PURE LARD 10c 2 pounds . 15c MSk Fed VEAL STEAK Finest Loin VEAL CHOPS Pound 12V2C Pound 15c : Prime BEEF ROAST Choice - SIRLOIN STEAK Pound 12V2c Pound 15c GROUND BEEF Inspected Found :.10C SAUSAGE : Pure Pork Pound a 12V2C PcrHeder Peofttronzt the ISiigtt mm Remedies Dental Needs OOe Lyon's Tooth Powder 50e Dtoxol Tooth Paste ....... 25c Dr. West's Tooth Paste. .2 for f 1.00 Corega Powder 80e Pepsodent Tooth Paste 39c 39c 33c 79c 29c 1.00 Najol OU 85o Kmschea Salts eOc Callfenaf Syr. of Flc . SUSO Petrol-ajrar $2.00 8.8.8. 1 JQ Tonic aJl.taA 85c ftfooae'a Emerald Oil .... 60c Sal ' Hepatlca OaJC 59c 47c 39c 98c 69c Hear Needs l.OO liquid CO Arron OsfC 50c Lucky Q Q Tiger a)3C 50c Woodbury's OQ Shampoo mIC 60 Mulslfled on CJocoa. Shampoo ... J C 50c GIo Co OA . Dressing OoC Toiletries 50c Santlseptle Lotion 85c Outex Preparations . . 50c Deodo Powder 85c Odorono, Instant M Reg., 91J00 Krank's Face Powder . , 39c 27c 39c 27c 69c CIGARETTES Camel, Lucky Strike, Chesterfield and Old Gold O or aCpkgs.aCOC Carton $15 CIGARS Wm. Penn, Cremo, Red Dot, Rocky Ford and White Owl 6 for25c DEEP CUT PRICES EVERY DAY CD K CQJ TTTT AND PtfDinriEro 171 SOUTH COMMERCIAL ST., SALEM, ORE. THE ORIGINAL bredded Wheat , ptig. 80 WHITE WONDER Soap . . HO bars 25c SPERRYS 8-10 lb. sack Pancake Flour . . 38o NETTED GEM Potatoes, 5(8 lb. sack 47g That's Good Coffee- PEACOCK You don't buy QO the tin. Lb. 4satsi Laora Ripe OLIVES :10c Pint cans Waldorf Toilet TISSUE 4 roii. 19c Fancy Blue Rose RICE 4 ibs .u. 17c New Springy ' CARROTS bunches Marion Crtamery " CHEESE 2 ibs. v. . - 25c CANDLE LIGHT Hear dS lba-saetiSSG We hasten. to say that Monday is a holiday, and of course you'l be needing: a few Extra: Bits of food about the place. We ask that you do not feel Obligated to us for the above information for we asure you its a part of the Service these stores are so Capable of rendering their thousonds of customers. We shant go into detail about what youl Be needing. Very likely you'l know. some thing about that' however there's no heed wor rying about it. Just toke a few minutes and Visit one or the other of these stores Honestly youl be surprised at the Vast and Varied displays of food the like of which. Oh well never mind about the like of which suffice it to say there's scads and Scads of the finest foods priced so low that we get the Cold Shivers just thinking whats apt to hapen if we keep on selling at such low prices, and theres a darn sight more truth than poetry m them last remarks; IS it m 197 North Commercial Street and Busicks at the Market NOT CHAIN STORES Shrimp New Pack 10c Fancy Norwegian Sardines Reg. size cans Packed in Pure Olive Oil 6c Fancy Crab Meat New pack, can av or 2 for 39c Fancy Green Olives Pint 19c Eupic Dill Pickles Quart glass 20c Olives 8 oi. Jars. Stuffed 23c Knight's Fancy Bulk Gherkins Pint jars Bordelalse ! Olives Nq. lCna 2w 25c Cheese O Pound Loaf 69c White Star Tuna Fish yK Size Cans f No. h ilze can 1 7r tuna g 0 Libbys Pork and Beans :5c Medium size cans Tomato Soup Van Camp's 5c Tomato Juice No. Scans 10 S. and W. Pure -.. , 1UC Fresh from the Oven ; v-Fig-Barsv c 3 Pounds - 25c An especially nice lot of Cakes made with Fresh Eggs. Fresh Creamery But ter and Fresh Sweet Milk, several of the most popu lar varieties made in our own modern electric ovens select your favorite kind. 25c They're all the same price - Oven Fresh Bread Pound loaf 1H lb. loaf 5c 7c Gold Medal Salad Dressing Quart glass 29c Salad Time Mjvonnaise 19c Pint Jars &f37c Fresh Crisp Potato Chips Large pkg. 15c Candy Bars 5 for 10c Fine Granulated Sugar 13 Pounds 49c Butter Fresh Sweet Cream Creamery Pound 20C, Pounds 39c . Fancy Breakfast Bacon Light weight, nicely streaked with lean, the kind you'd expect to pay S5 for. ; . C - " H r whole piece , ' IOC Pillsburys Best Flour 49 lb. sack. $1.29 . Old Mill, an all hard wheat Flour 49 lb. sack 89c Alber's Best Flour 49 Pound sk. $1.09 Freshly roasted Coffee in Bulk 3 Pounds - 59c Pale Moon or Ginger Ale Ot each -99c Reg. size Bottles lafor Ivory Soap The factory is offering a little spe cial for the week on this popular Soap Bars 25c Wesson Oil Gal. Cans 65c MR. BORDEN, as every one knows, is the maker of some of the finest food products this country is wont to boast of. Among these products he produces a fine line of Cheese, and to acquaint you with this quality product he has in veigled us into offering four of his most popular varieties at I Packages for only. 29c The varieties Swiss, Chatau, Pi mento or American " Qj Vt Ih. pkgs 1 pkgs-.. LVZ Cascade or whole 4 . Per Pound ' 17c Hard Wheat FuSy Guaranteed -