The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 25, 1932, Page 10, Image 10

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salecu Oregon, Wednesday Mornlnjr, May. 25, 1932
lira SCHOOL :
Itusic; Dancing Included in
. rrumbers Thursday Night
v ' By Higher Grades
Katie art - and dancing 'are
eempriisod in v"ne arts" pro?
in to be gtren . at McKinley
cSoev south end of High street,
at o'clock touorrow night by
fapUa of ,the lifth "and sixth
grades.1 The program" U a well
- rafted one ! which ' is ' expected to
' ' fToro :'entertalnlngr -MisS Rath
i Praper will direct the -music and
If IX' .'Herman. Plister , will arrange
y. tb Picture . posing. '
-' vThe". program.: will be as j f olr
tw;VSanta Lacia." , sung by
chorus:. 'Snow. Cloud", and "Lnl-
"lW,by '"girls'-. chorus; ' picture
" postage - '.'Boy and Rabbit." . by
' Stuart MeElhinny and ' Bill Mc
f reak: -Real . Wealth" and !"The
' Whistler,'? sung by fifth grade
chorus; picture posing, "Song of
" tW Lark.'l Carol Potter and Rich
ard French: "To a Robin," trio;
acrobatic dance. Madalyn Knowl-
as; picture. poBing, "Holland
Howe Girl." Wanda Thompson
ad Shirley, Sedgwick;, - "The
- Streets Band, "In the Barnyard"
mmd '"Some Day," boys', chorus;
picture posing, "Age of Inno
eease," Jeanne Judson and Nona
Tasehing; dance, Pauline Hoe
Chambers; "Castles in Spain,"
"Electric Signs' "Acquarium,"
Sixth grade chorus; "Nightfall."
"The Canoe," selected chorus;
' "The Old Clock." "Bells of Brit
tany.' i by fifth and sixth grade
- Members of the -combined chor-
are: Lucille Kittson. Shirley
, Speers, Edythe Thomas, Joe Kav
aaaugb. Bob King, Nona Fasch
tag. Robert Victor. Stuart MeEl
hinny, Mary Bailey. Barbara Vi
esko, Westley McWain, Betty Sim
mons, Teddy Smalley, Orville
' Tucker, June Earle, Opal Crum.
Billy Evans, Hume Downs, Elton
MeGilchrist, Arlene Dickoff, Je
anne Judson, Tom Rilea, Margar
et Prince, Wavel Ensley, Wilma
Rfaga, Frances Reid, Rolland
Raamussen, Bob King, Glen Price,
Ray Breedlove, Beverly Arm
strong. Wanda Thompson, Jean
Rabenau, Helen Akers, Madalyn
Kaowles, Phillip Judson, Duke
Frown, Norma Schleisner, Pauline
Chambers. , Helen Waddle, Edwin
Anderson and Shirley Sedgwick.
Stage help for the program will
be Bud Wickman. Harold John
son and Frank Staples. Ushers
will be Erwin Ertler and Wil
liam Esplln.
o 1 - - o
I ,iii. mm I. mi urn 1 .
Greyhound Pacific Nitecoach, providing sleeper accommodations for
motor Iras passengers, which was in Salem yesterday. " ' Vl
One of the new Pacific Grey
hound Nltecoaches which will op
erate between Portland and San
Francisco stopped here yesterday.
was on an exhibition trip
through the northwest. The coach
specially constructed with
berths for sleeping. It will ac
commodate Z4 passengers. It is
built on two decks and the berths
are upper and lower as In a rail
road sleeper. The driver sits on
the upper deck and has a long
view ahead over the tops of cars.
Each compartment has a wash
basin, running water and jug 01
ice water. There are two lava
The new service will start -June
Herbert D. Gayford or Beau
mont t. Hohman. advertising
agents, accompanied the nltecoach
on the trip.
First New Fords
Being Delivered
Arrival of the first of the new
-Eight Ford cara for delivery
here was reported Tuesday by
William Phillips, manager of the
Valley Motor company here. The
distribution of the cars to buyers
will be made as fast as the new
models arrive. The cars are being
set up daily now in Portland and
will be delivered in rapidly In
creasing number to the dealers.
Phillips said the first new eight
woud go either to C. H. Gramm
r to Asahel Bush, Jr.
Governor to be
Away One Week
Governor Meier left Salem Tues
day afternoon for Portland, where
ha will remain until next Tuesday.
Da rlag his stay In Salem Monday
a ad Tuesday he attended meetings
of the state land board, reclama
tion commission and state board
v of control. Mrs. Meier's mother
, was said to be in a precarious con
dltlon In Portland, which has ne-
, eessitated Governor Meier spend-
" .las; much of his time there during
j fast weeks.
J8BLVERTON. May 24 Mrs.
Q. .A,. Hlmmel underwent a major
operation at the Silverton hospital
Saturday night and was reported
aa rallying normally from it
Glenn Himmel, student at the
Oregon Technical college at Port
land, was home for the weekend
; . to aa with his mother.
Crowds Out to
View Miniature
DeSoto Factory
The crowds of persons who
packed the W. L. Anderson auto
show rooms all day yesterday to
view the miniature DeSoto auto
mobile factory, was estimated by
Mr. Anderson at -from 7000 to
10,000. At a late hour last night.
the rooms were fall of spectators
seeking a glimpse of the tiny fac
tory operating f ull blast.
Although another crowd today
was considered probable, Mr. An
derson stated that he was unable
to hold the 20,000 model over
another day.
Theft of Radios
Charged Against
Two Salem Lads
Theft of radios Is charged
against Arthur E. Miller and
Frank Latin, both of Salem, who
are under arrest at Oregon City,
It was reported here yesterday.
They allegedly entered two homes
In that city and carried away the
One of the home owners called
state police when he saw a man
running away from his house Sun
day morning. The officers caught
the pair near Harmony point.
Not Absent Nor
Tardy, 12 Years
Believe it or not, Hildred Bones
is the one girl in the county who
in 12 years of grade and high
school work has not missed a reg
ular day of school and has not
been tardy. Mrs. Mary L. Fulker
son in lauding Hildred's accom
plishment yesterday said she
knew no other student, bojr or
girl,, who had such a record for
the years' attendance. Miss Bones
is a senior in Turner high school
and is an excellent student. John
Mox is principal of the Turner
work and have dismissed, Mrs.
Fnlkerson reported yesterday.
Ancient Building
On Front Street
.To be Torn Down
Another of Salem's old business
structures is being rased this
Police Cars' Upkeep is too
High Says Holman; put
Ridehaigh on job :
An Investigation to determine
whether - the eost of . repairing
state owned automobiles is exces
sive,' will ba made here by the
state board of control. It was de-.
lermmea . Tuesaay morning at a
meeting of the board.
;, Rufus C Holman, state treas
urer, said he had been informed
that the. expense "of repairing
state police ears alono aggregat
ed more than 11100 a month. W.
Wv .Ridehaigh,-director of state
transportation will conduct , the
probe on behalf of the board of
control. " , "
Records show that approxi
mately loo motor vehicles are
operated by the state police de
-. Another meeting of the board
of control will be 'held next Tues
day, when the proposal to con
struct a state-owned power plant
at the Oregon state penitentiary
will be given further considera
tion. The cost of the plant was
estimated at 1150.000.
At a previous meeting of the
board of control no bids were re
ceived for the construction of the
plant, and It was decided to re-
advertise for new proposals.
Governor Meier requested that
Ridehaigh determine whether the
state printing department is pay
ing its printer mora than is re
ceived by employes of commercial
shops. He also asked for a state
ment showing comparative costs
for job printing in the state shop
and commercial plants.
School Pupils Here Learn
To Swim; 199 of Them Out
"Of 383 Entering Campaign
week, a now rickety two-story
building at 2385 North Front
street, owned by Patrolman Wil
liam R. New of the elty police,
during the past five years. This
building first was used as a labor
exchange when It was erected 40
years ago.
Later it housed the Tillson
Biltlett Feed mill, and at differ
ent times served -as a wagon fac
tory, hop warehouse and steam
boat landing.
In one of the most successful
Leara-to-swba campaigns aver
held aera by the Red Cross and
T. M. C. A., Ill school boys and
girls enrolled last week and 199
learned to swim. - School pupils
who attended" the classes' last
week are as follows:' - :.
vv,..: . BOYS" .
McKinley Harold U Johnson,
Westly McWain, v Pick French,
Bill McPeak, Robert Klng Rob
ert T Victor, Burch"; Judson, Ray
Breedlove, Frank StaplesT ."irT't"-
..Lincoln Alden Addle, Eart
Blodgett, 'Charles Collier, Staart
Davis, Robert - East, Lee- McA
lister, Stuart McAllister; Jim Mc
Nlel,. Malcolm" Page, Virgin .Teem.
- Englewood--Gordon Bradford,'
Paul Barb am, Orral Cooley, ,Wal
ter. Dabiln; - Francis . Gustafson.
Melvin . Larkln, Loren . Kernes,
William McCllntic, David Nyberg,
Carlton Ramsden, Cecil , Rydo,
Robert B. Smith,, Robert . Sode
man, Leon Spalding. Bobble Van
Ausdel. - . - ..-. v
-Parrish Junior High George
Barham, Robert Land, Roy Cam
eron. -Billy Mudd, Edgar .Teske,'
Richard Chase; Richard Klumpp,
Erie Fitxsimons, - Roy Cameron,
John Gons, Paul Martini
St. Paul; Sacred Heart Junior
Butler, James McAlvin, Joe Run
die. Lloyd Ponte.
Leslie Junior Higk Floyd
Bowman, Feral Buswell, Martin
Crabtree, Charles Drugg, Wesley
Doodrich, Virgil Harnar, Burch
Judson, Charles Laird, Harry
Parsegian. Walter Parsegian,
John Phllllpson, Marion Ritchie,
Aage Rohmer, Marion Shorey,
Charles Straw, Percy Hundell.
Garfield Donald Smith, Ken
neth Boley, Vernon Buschner,
Robert Herr, Billy Cross, Donald
Doughton, Delbert Frieeen, James
Morley, Clayton Wandarwarke.
Washington Wayne Pitts,
George Hossman, Jack Elwood,
Merle Harvey, Franklin Groblebe,
Don Gerber, Milton Scheverman,
Lyle Brown, Alvin Phillips, Stan
ley Robinson, Bob Phillips, Ralph
Spendall, Bobble Schott, Billy
Evans, Oscar - Wright, John Mc
Donald, Ray Ostrin.
Park Fred L. Andrews. Jim-
mle Arnold, Martin Barber, Jael
Bouche, Raymond Buchmann,
Delbert Oosser, Lewis Hansen,
Adalbert Henderson, Donald Kel-
ley, Wayne Straw, Francis . Tan
ner, Robert J, Williams, Gordon
Richmond AdolPh Goertzen,
Amos Minneman. John Ericksou.
Gerald Gross, Chester A. Nichols,
Chester Howe,' Darrell ' Herren,
Melvin Ganchle. ' -
Highland BUly Briggs, Robert
rimnrnti Rnkurt (Vawfnrtl Jim.
mle Fortune, - Gerald W. Nader-
man, George Pro, Jr., Darrel Ray,
Harold n: -Schaeffer, Virgil D. i
Sebefn.'Xmery.' Sutton,- Rboert
Bridges. George De . Witt,- Lewis
Coe. Lyle' Lee,-Harold Prince,
David ' Putnam,' Leo Smlth.Jack
Khierin,' Jack Anderson.' '
Grant--Staryi C. Austin. Har
old ' ' Bumght,' Perry Burrlght.
George Chris tensen, Keith Clark,
Baa rice Fltxslmmons, Carol H.
Godsey, Marvin O'Brien. - Dallas
Spencer, Charles Simons.
. r : :G1RLS
- Parrish Junior High Clarice
Kolbe, Lorna Grant, Sybil Beck
ett. - Frances v Hosier, . Virginia
Campbell, Mlna Keverne, Helen
Christensen, 'Ruth Grant, Eloise
Elliott, Velma Duerre, Marguerite
Johnson,' Estella G. Rorabaugh,
Nadine ; Quisenberry, ' Esabella
Langston, Georgia Martin, Helen
Pauline " Jean Nelson, Ruth
Shepard. Wilma Ellis, Mary Dale
Cladek. Kathlyn Hawtln. Virginia
Henningsen, Mary Teager, Pearl
Jones, Evelyn Koons, Evelyn Ben
nett, Ruth Kennedy. Charlotte
Van Cleave, Mildred Schmidt,
Evelyn Bechner, Atha Panther,
Martha Robertson.
Leslie Junior High Esther
Banks, Virginia Bean, Helen
Beckley, Helen Brown, Jeanette
Brown, Amanda Beecbler, Helen
Condra, Lucille Conklln, Shirley
Cronemilier, Yiola Croshow, Ncl
da Crum, Virginia Drager, Mary
Entress. Ernestine Galbralth,
Elizabeth Goertsen. Ruth Grace,
Mildred Ruthrle, Barbara Howe,
Betty Hurley. Gladys Knight,
Hatel "Leek, Hilda McDowell, Al
lene Moored, Nancy Rowland,
Dorothy Salchenberg, Bonnie
Savage, Marian 8mitb.
Jessie Stover, Lncile Tschau
ner, Eileen Van Eaton, Irma
Walker, Vera Walker. Helen Wll
son, Irene Hickman, Dolores Nets,
Lorena Waddle, Eleanor Hall
June Nesf. Mary Betty Talta, Vir
ginia Maion, Virginia Stoddard,
Isabl Wyant, Elisabeth. Otjen,
Betty Brant, Ruth Cochran,' BUly
Scott, Marian Kadan Elma God
kin Dorothy Ssiladay. ,
Grant i-AHce Barkus Leona
Busch, Margaret Cradwick. Carol
Clark, Myra B. Duchien, Bernice
Elgin, Lucille Hart, Elizabeth Ma
son, Daisy Mlnton, Dolores Park
er, Maxlne Rentschler, Hazel D.
Schaef er. Helen -Bebern. . Ruth
Stewart, Vema Tanner, Louise
Thompson; Myrtle Wheeler, Ve
lora V. Williams, Marie. Mead,
Mabel Stevenson. . . "
- Englewood Dorothy Joy Bark
er, " Bernice Boyce, . La . Von
Brundldge, Mary Anette Court
nler.' Virginia De Ultz,, Maxlne
Drorbaugh, Rose Harrison, Harda
Estensen. Elizabeth Grant. Mufiel
Holm, Marna Hansen, Dorothy
Jean-Hosier, Ruth Irene Johnson.
Mabel McQuire, Frances , Moore,
Beula Pede'rson, : Dorothy Rein-
wald, Eleanor Sederstrom, Doru
Sheperd, Faye Taylor, Harriett
Vlek' Virginia Mae Watson.'Dofo-
tby. Welsh. Fhjllla Morley.
McKinley and . Llncoln--Rosa-
lyn ' Bonney.'- Dorothy Brown.
Carol Cooper, Opan Crum, Wavel
Ensler." 5ona . Faschlng, ' Elnora
Fromm. Marl or Ie Greenwood,
Doris Harrington, Laura Hick
man. Jeanne Judson.
!-Mildred Mason, Carol Minard,
Jean Rickter, Wilma Rings, Pa
tricia - Scott, - Margaret Sehon,
Helen Smith, Edyth Thomas, Bar
bara Viesko, Madalyn Knowles.
Pauline Zoe Chambers, Arlene
Washington Helen Ostrin,
Lois Riedesel, Betty Crltes, Ala
meda working, Flora - Leonard,
Mary Lee McGuire, Barbara Fish
er, Idella Huege, June Llnd, Oscie
Pitts, Maxlne Erlon. Grace Covert,
Phyllis Fisher, Margaret Clare
Elizabeth Welborn. Marjorie
Roseman. Gladys Ross, Batriee
Skubovius, Ruth Ranger, Gene
vieve Doud, Anna L. Gilbert,
Elizabeth Ovelman.
Garfield Jane Clearwater,
Marporie Broer, Loretta Roethlin
Jane Talmadge, Iralene Follett
Ellen Robins.
Park Eileen Blundell, Vivian
Craig, Ethel Craven, Yvonne Cur
tls, Maybelle Duval. Shirley Du
val, Marvell GUbraith, Ethel Han
sen, Msrlanna Llebe. Elizabeth
McCumber. Charllne Moore, Jean
Moore, Frances Riley, Hilda
Rooney, Edith Tanner, Frances
Webb, Irene Webb.
Highland Marjorie Smith
Edna Curtis. Elizabeth Hender
son, Irma Illert, Maxlne Browne,
Marjorie Diehm, Dorothy Bar-
' T - B n tlIs
Friends of Senator Alben W. nr.
ley,, of Kentucky are boominsr hint
as a candidate for the Viee-Presi-dential
momination on the Demo
cratic ticket. He Is considered a -
likely running 'mate in event Govs
ernor ' Roosevelt heads the ticket. .
Baruey is serving his first term in
the Senate, but was a member af
the House for fourteen yeara. -
hanr, Joyce Lively, Jean. Stanley,
Muriel Undstrom; Minnie Bchlag,
Veva . Crowe, Virginia. Gamble,
Rebekah Putnam, Juznlta Kllng
er, Helen Smith, Thorns Olson,
Bettie . Caldwell, Ruby Harvey,
Dorothy Edwards, Beryl Hansen.
Richmond Dorothy Armstrong,
Geraldlne Arnett, Eva . Burgess,
Virginia Butte Gloria Bernice
Cottew, Mary Alice Cottew, Doris
C re son, Frances De Vault, Bar
bara Gesner. Evelyn Graham,
Bernice Griffin, Dorothy Kosch
mider, Margie McDowell. Stella
Minneman, Dorothy Pratt, Dorts
Vincent, Lucille Walker, Dorothy
White and Irene Wolff.
The Examination of
Eyes and Accurate
Fitting of Glasses
a Specialty
Stayton Schools
Hold Graduation
Grade school commencement
exercises at Stayton were attend
ed last night by Mrs. Mary Fnl
kerson, county school superinten
dent, who presented the diplomas
to the graduating class. .Tuesday
morning Mrs. Fnlkerson went to
Bethany, near Silverton, where six
pupils were graduated front the
eighth grade. A last-day picnic
was held in the afternoon. The
majority of the schools In the
county have finished their year's
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Allan Carpe, New York engineer and moan tain climber, is shown above
at right as he looked at the Mount Fairweather, Alaska, which he scaled
for the first time, last June. Elation at this success was turned to sad
aeta when it was learned that Carpe and Theodora Koran, heading a cos
fy research expedition, had died while attempting to scale Mount
McKinley for the second time. The body of Korea was found on Muldrow
Glacier by A. D. Lindley (inset), who conquered both peaks. Carpe's
W&j could sot bt recovered from the deep crevasse where it had lodged,
"" wwMMnv imm iMMMMmvmMMnB K'SV.&WWMV-M.hl-W'-W ... .) muii.i.iiiiiii.iTij .Wyi,i,nWi MMmiiniir..i... i.i.i mi. im mm mm mm HMMMMnMWMKnMMaM
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v!--- 52r . 4 'A , - . : wivifi-. 151 n rip
.7,-H. . ' ' X, -r Jh is U Z's V,
. .. Aoetfoo Cottiyf OksterficU 6vyt tftt htst - ; -!VW .1 , -,v, I': I If
11. i.iiiijwhi . 1. ji.i ,i jij jjii n. 1 11 iHWHi t " ,'4' .- . v. . I i f LM
l-- t s "A ' ,x . . J"- "7 - Vi- Xl- yrever yea kuyX
4; I ,7" t ' - - - ' - I t - . u,.'--; , .J'C Chesterfielda, yaa'g et V
! "v i ' 1 " - i-i iJl frr'W.'--' , IUmjasts4.Vee.sar'
.. . . j ..jjj..', ,MMna i 1 1 l in. mill n i v----.' ... i f ' . . I ' ' - . . "" -- -""' "
--' CWJ.lJecmMrmToaccoCa, - . ,.. .. . . -. . - .. . "- TV
. ChesttrffcH (ooaccox art atcf rfnt
I I - t
NOWADAYS, when so manj people axe talking abont ; paper Is parecleari, wUte, tbe best carette paper
purityriipure food, pur1 milk, pure water... ilf : . . that money can buy. Tbere is purity inereiy ingre
worth a minute to tellyoa 'anmething about the purity v, dient and cleanliness in every pperatioxii '
of Chesterfield cigarettes, . . ; - '
- All the material that go into the making of Chest
erfield cigarettes are tested again and again by expert
research chemists. Just like the, things you
eat and drink.
...... . "- " "-" - f . . . I''1.;- '-
tic and Turkish both, mild, sweet, ripe. The
: . Ton can kno-w-, when yon light a Chesterfield, that it -Is
as pure as science can make a cigarette. And your
.taste will tell you it's milder, it tastes better. .
AU(J tn hctorlzi n cesn i your (ftc&ca
uicmr. . :, -.s , v. . --'- : . -