it-' Inald :(Solman Again; at Local Tltre- BID COUI III v. i .' ;: v . -s-- , FI.1S' WIIOII ; EXCEPTMIM. B1I1E ' 3B1 1 " ; f Spf HOLDS QUFET MEET t - - r r f 11 1 ) "Arrowsmith" by ; Sinclair : Lewis Comes Today to Elsinore Theatre , "'Arrowsmitli," the masterpiece of, Sinclair Lewis, the only Amer ican novelist ever to win a Nobel Prize, comes as a motion picture to Warner . Bros. Elsinore theater .In! a rreat production by Samnel Goldvyn with Ronald Colman playins the title role of the cru sading young doctor. Metropolitan critics hare al ready hailed "Arrowsmith" as one of the most important pictures of the year, and Sinclair Lewis him self, alter witnessinf Its New York premiere,- acknowledged - in doing everything he had tried to do la the book. The distinction of its story, the importance of its cast and the acclaim with which it has been received combine to make it a cinematic event.. Helen Hayes, "the stage star who recently triumphed in her first screen appearance in "The Sin of Madelon Claudet." plays opposite Konald Colmaji in the role of tie devoted wife who risks her life for her husband's career. Richard Bennett, the stormy petrel of the stage and father of Constance. Joan and Barbara Bennet. has a major role as: Sondelius, the plague-fighting - Swede, and A. . Anson, an emi nent stage figure making his mo tion picture debut, has another rich character role. Myrna Loy, Florence Britton, Claude King, Alec B. Francis take Important parts, and several of 1 the minor roles are filled by the same, galaxy of expert actors who made every character in Samuel Goldwyn'a "Street Scene" an individual event. The story of "Arrowsmith" is the story of one man's devotion and ambition la the battle of hu manity against the death-deallag plagues which have always been the scourage of mankind. ' It sweeps from the mid-western countryside to a tropical island In the West Indies, where young Dr. Arrowsmith and his col leagues go to battle -against the , black death. His relations with the little nurse he marries as a struggling country doctor, con tinning throughout the picture, weave a road current of romance through its stirring scenes. VArrowsmlth" as a novel is ac knowledged by most critics to be the finest work of Sinclair Lewis, its! author, who won a Pulitxer Prize on publication, only to have Mr; .Lewis -refuse to accept the award v as not representing- his . work. Last year his eminence as an ) internationally important writer was recognized by the award of the Nobel Prise for lit erature, the greatest such award In the world, prerlously won by no other American, John Ford, who has been one of tbe best-known directors in motion pictures even since he did "The Iron Horse," directed "Ar rowsmith" for Samuel Goldwyn. It was adapted from the novel by Sidney Howard, the famous dramatist and winner of a Pullt ser. Prise several years ago with his ! "They Knew What They Wanted" as presented by the Ktw York Theater Guild. BILL SUfJDAV, noo Hollywood Is presenting a dou - ble bill for its Sunday perform ance. The first is "The Local .Bad Man. The story, dealing with the clever schemes of two western bankers, Involves many comic sequences played by Hoot Gibson in his unusual humorous style; and thrills galore center about the attempted train robbery at. the end. The cast Includes Sally Blane, . jne of the newer feminine person amies or . yoiiywooa. last seen with Chic Sale in "The Star Wit ness"; Hooper Atehley of "Broad way." Bill .Bobbins of "Wild Horse" and many other-favorites. There will also be a Laurel and Hardy comedy which from reports should be worth many a laugh. It's not always fun being fun ny, though. Laurel and Hardy tes- .. tinea to this. For several days these two com- dians drilled and trampled under a sixsling California iaua with the temperature tickling 100 percent areaeea in the heavy woolen n ; iforms of the Foreign Legion end pacing mil military packs on .their. backs.. On. top of this they pent iwe aays la a movie pro- J a i a " usvbu iiarm, ... Noted Musicians Will Appear at Hollywood Soon - manager Ray Stumbo of the Hollywood theatre has completed arrangements to bring the Kansas City Harmonixers featuring Jean ette Seymour to the Hollywood Tuesday night. Eight girls make 'a p this act and all of them are capaeie oi piaying-Xrom two to , tour instruments. There-are six singers In the group, v . - , , Miss Seymour la tee only col ored male Impersonator la vaude- rule and has appeared on the Or pheum circuit Tthree .consecutive .seasons. She is considered Amer- ' lea's foremost blue singer and ee- . centric dancer: Her working title on the Orpheum circuit was "She picks - them up and - laws them " down" and her routine of dances ' I. gOOd.'::if' "i'V, ; ,:;V'i '. Thjs is the first tour of the Pa cific, coast; tor this organisation and-they are -booked under the DFFEB DOUBLE naaagement ef -Faahett-tfareev . . - - I' it: iin :: -y. ; Ronald Colmftq and Richard Bennett from a bit -of the oat standing picture "Arrowsmith? now playing: at Warner Bros. Elsinore. -. V " ' 5 ' I . ; y i s i Draw roar own conclusions as to what is happening; but whatever it Li, it is sure to be amusing in "The Cohens and KeHeys in Hollywood, now showing at the CapltoL The Call Board . By OLTVS Bf. DOAK Warner Btoh. Elsinore Today Ronald Colman in "Arrowsmith." Warner Brce. Capitol Today George Sidney, Char lie Hurray la "The Cohens and Kellers in Holly wool". The Grand , Today Delores Del Rio in "Girl of the Rio." Wednesday Lowell Sher man la "High Stakes." - Friday Joe E. Brown In "Fireman Save My Child". The Hollywood Today Hoot Gibson in "The Local Badman"; Laurel and Hardy, in "Beau Hunks". Wednesday Sylvia Sidney la' - "Street Scene". Road show attraction. Friday' John Gilbert in "West of Broadway." "But, Mr. Sherman, what you said Is not in the script,'" said a script girl during the filming ot RKO-Radlo Pictures new comedy- drama, "High Stakes' coming to the Grand this week. . Lowell Sherman,, actor-director. who takes the role of a speak easy habitue who haves his weal thy brother from marital ruin at the hands of a scheming woman. has the habit of "ad-libbing. He says that he cannot be true to the lines in the script when a situation presents Itself which needs aa answer other, than that , which appears on the script page. ' ..-v" v: .... Why does he do ltt -..W-f .For spontaneity, he says,, .and naturalness of speech. Karen Morleyl Edward Martin- del, Charles Coleman and Ethel Levy are also an thecast ofTdlt tlaguished featured players. LOWELL SIRWIIf con t em I -Jinuiijuj"." i " i'H mi&Sntiifn.. J l- M 1H,1 'II I i i ill ill ' 1 a i'I 1 l ill r iiwi ill (ia in i ii .milium p r i w n biji i i r r I I i s - II - " . J .Til I . f4 j LiJJL .... ES TO BE IT Three noted orchestras provid ed the dance, orchestral and In spirational music for FKO-Rsdio Pictures "Girl of the Rio," color ful story ot old Mexico, starring Dolores Del RIo at the Grand the atre. The internationally famous Ma rimba band, under the leadership ot Eduardo Durante, former offi cer ot the Mexican revolutionary army, was Imported from Mexico City especially for the stirring scenes In the border Casino. , Leon Herrlford's negro orches tra of 14 pieces was borrowed from the Lincoln theatre, Los An geles, to provide the ja dance music. The inspirational or set music was the work ot Director Herbert Brenon'a famous salon orchestra. The action of the story revolves about the gay night life in the popular casinos and cafes Just below the Mexican border. .Opposite Miss Del Rio is Leo uarruio. utaers in trie cast are Lucille Gleason, Norman Foster, Edna Murphy and Stanley Fields Boys at Training . . School Enjoy Play WOODBURN, May 11 The original play, "Lilac Time." was given Thursday night at the state training school near here for the boys' entertainment The play, which was much appreciated by tne inmates of the institution. was written by Mrs. Coble de Les pinasse, "atfd Dr. A. F. de Lespi- naase wrote and arranged much ot the music The cast was made up entirely ot women. The newly organized community concert or chestra of nine pieces played sev eral numbers. Pre-School Kiddies Invited to Classes SILVERTON. May 20 Tho first grade teachers at the Eugene Field school are extending an in vitation to children who will enter school for tho first tint next an ' tuma , to visit their rooms soma - - . . . si. i ' m r r H " , V ' " ,lf pi'. umur isl SUNDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY ' - - - - 4- i Mill! L if. BBt M & Continuous Performance Sunday, 2 to 11 p. m. Double Feature Program KYITTJ Sylvia Sydney and William Collier, Jr., la a glimpse from the play "Street Scene" showing and Thursday. Cohens and Kelleys Coming To Capitol Sunday; Noted Team Appears Here Again A partnership ot six years or a series of five moving pictures along the same line la nothing new to George Sidney or to Char lie Murray. More than any other players on the screen oraa the stage today they have exempli fied team work.- Furthermore, George Sidney has a remarkable record for series successes. There is ao parallel on tha screen for tha "Cohens and Kel- lys" feature pictures. There have been series like "Tha Lone Wolf "Sherlock Holmes' and the Ilka, 1 but they died out with tha second ; or third picture. Tha "Cohens and Kellys" combination will un doubtedly live as Ions; as George Sidney and Charlie Murray, for Universal intends ta have a Co hens and Kellys story oa its pro gram as long as these two good friends can make people laugh by quarreling with each other. Certain it is that tha latest of the Cohens and Kellys series fts tha best of all. It is entitled "The Cohens and Kellys in Hollywood' and comes from that film manu facturing center. Universal City, with Jhe plaudits and laughter of preview audiences ringing in its ears. It will be seen at . Warner Bros. Capitol Sunday. It' Is the sixth in the series. Way back in 1910, George Sid ney graduated from burlesque in to musical comedy. Ha struck a popular veia in "Busxy Ixsy," and played it season after season, us ing the "Busy lay" name but changing tha book the xnusie, the Jokes and the company. Later on, he found a gold mine in the "Pot ash and Perlmutter" stories and a very successful team combina tion with Louis Mann. The "Co hen and Kelly" combination was duck soup to George Sidney. It fitted right in with his previous experience on both scores. Charlie Murray, too, has had hi fling at a theatrical partner. For twenty years he-was teamed with Ollie Mack, until Murray and Mack was one.ot tha by-words of the stage and of vaudeville. Mur ray graduated to the. screen a great deal earlier than George Sidney did. Charlie Murray, was one ot the old Blograph slayers. who has made motion picture his tory. But in spite of all, his suc cesses, tha Cohen and Kelly -series has far away eclipsed every success wnich he has achieved. And with it all these two have become and remain tha strongest oi inenas. ho quarrel has ever arisen between them, and none is likely to. Apparently tha authors of Cohen and Kelly pictures and the dialogues are as impartial as possible la feeding situations and sags, mo mar, neitner conen nor Kelly has any advantage when tha final fadout of a picture takes Piaee. - -0 - .. "The Cohen and Kellys in Hol lywood is no exception. ? day next week. The teachers are asking that the children be un accompanied by adults bat attend school with one of the aresent first graders, - - First Showing In Salem 4ALiC vf1 rc j BEAU HUNKS Their Second Feattrra Length Picture rr. ill -e at the Hollywood Wednesday Hollywood Low-downs Br HARRISON CARROLL HOLLYWOOD Many a Holly wood producer is castiag a Jealous eye on tha box-office receipts ot "Scarfaee, so-called last ot tha gang films. Za tha Inevitable scramble tor substitutes. Universal are secretly aad hurriedly preparing' a story with a rum-runner hero. Ta over coma censorship objections they will show tha final triumph of tha law, with tha rum-runner either killed or imprisoned. Tom Reed, who recently com pleted "Radio Patrol" for the U. 1 doiag the story, aa original, aad saward Caan will direct. If tha part fits Lew Ayes, ha may do it. wucn makes the 'steenth story lined up for hiss. Orders are to rush the idea lnta production form. Aad aa to Gossia rignt rana. who always number saaay Hollywood celebrities, ware itucK to appreciate tae'drama ot tha occasion whaa Jamas Caanar arrived at tha stadium tha other evening with Lee Tracy. It was Tracy who replaced Jimmv whan tha sorrel-topped actor walked oat on cne leaning role in Bleasa Event," . . . These same atadfra tans Put mora than signatures oa a greettnr setter ta a Mt Joe E. Brawn in Anna May Wong's sister will prob- piy oe one or ine tnree Oriental actresses ta go to Alaska with M. Q. M.'s "Eskimo" eomnanv. Captain Peter Freuchn. .nthm of this book and a great bearded fellow, was asked which th coldest month up there. wen." he said mildl dom had a dog freeze before De cember. W. S. Van Drke. whall Atr the expedition, has niett m a books to read during the long orinera nights. Heading the list Is "The Three lTnvta- i "The Three Musketeers. J That vajruelv Clam Bow's actually covers S00 S. O. Vast Ted Tosco & ill -. :: m . a 11 ill f w r.- 0rj III' ' v V IJ Iff' KORQE felllSIDNEY --XC . . u f i ii a w i a r. iv t i in a i ki i . a a avrm v II II i ( . '-L fl'l. " -. JIU 1 Leo Carrillp and Dolores Del Rio in a scene from "Girl of the Rio now playing at the Grand theatre. - . i . . ; ' ; 00 acres. . The house where sha aad Rex Bell live is 14 miles from Nlpton, California, and T miles from Searchlight, Nevada. Clara's property begins just out ot Nlpton. Tha red-headed star has a swim ming pool near tha ranch-house. These days, she Is doing her own cooking. -Will Rogers will ha leaving here soon to go to tha Democratic con vention, but will be back for tha Olympic games. . . . Another trav eler will be Joha Boles, who is slated for a personal appearance tour of tha middle-west . . . Uni versal has taken a screen test ot Josephine Marmon, a Pueblo In dian girl, for the chief feminine role in 'Laughinr Boy." She was teaching in the Indian school at Flagtaff when scenarist John Hus ton discovered her. Junior Laem- mlo likes her test so. well that ha now may decide to film tha picture with aa enure Indian cast. . . . This wise old Hollywood has a soft Btreak beneath its sophistication. Today, I saw six people at M. O. M. trying ta rescue a baby spar row, which had fallen out of a aest and which was teetering on untriea tegs in tne path of possi ble destruction. Two of Lionel Barrymore's stage cronies will work with him ia "Public Life." Metro-Goldwya-Mayer's contribution to tha cycle ot political stories. They are Wil liam Collier, Sr., and William, Morris, who'll be seen ia the film as a newspaper editor aad as a senator. Working on the same lot ia "Red Headed Woman," win be Morris's son, Chester. Constance Bennett Is scheduled ta appear at Warners on the final picture under her sensational con tract. As printed here before, lt'a called Two Against tha World. Jerry Horwln and Marlon Dlx are the authors. New members of the cast are Grant Mitchell, H. B. Warner, Mae Robeon, aad Hale Hamilton. Connie's two leading men will be Nell Hamilton and Allen Vincent. Archie Mayo will direct. DID YOU KNOW That Ann Dvorak Is a compos er, with two published songs? Anna Lanke Leaves Shortly for Islands RICKET, May II Miss Anna Lanka who Is employed at the state library will leave tor Ka mehameha, Hawaiian Islands, for a several weeks visit with her brother-in-law and sister. Lieu tenant and Mrs. Hubert de Boise Lewis. While there Mrs. Lewis will entertain for Miss Lanke at the Royal Hotel. - Miss Lanke will make the trip STARTS TODAY hot . . t. :u h i i . :.- - .. ' ' iai aioccdy-docl Au the nuU of Hollywood fathered together to make" scenes for this funniest of all pictures . . and you'll see then doing their stuff at the fajaous Cocoanut Grove and other Hollywood hot spots . Wow, what a laugh the whole DONTMISS IT! - CHARLIE - MURRAY Frank Albertsoa -4une Clyde" ' v Norman Foster vr Plus :KVX!& ' A Oatsfaadlns; Bfll . ot Vltapboaa -v.'-t i'v,, Varietlea x.T.v. Murder in the pullman- Dine's Latest Thriller Hasing'a Sportslants V r Bruno" - A Looney Tune oa ana of tha largest Canadian Tassel plying between Canada aad Australia aad will return by way of Saa Francisco on tha Mace donia. Mrs. Hug to" Teach Evans Valley School AVAMs VALLET. XT.- 91 wenevievo Hug of ML Angel haa beea secured ta teach at Evans Valley next year. Mrs. Hug has bean teaching at tki.s enJ!rarl3i th oa,t Mrs uaisu oiemoerger who ugni nere this past term wiu ieacn at mszai rwn nn t. Silverton -Mt Ancel road next winter. Mr. and Mrs. Steinberger imm m mats a trip to North Dakota to visit relatives during tu summer. Silverton -American Legion Hazel Green featuring Boots Grant's Orchestra the state chsniplonshlp SHrertoa high school bani tui oer the direction of Hal Campbell will play a eorieert in the park preceding the dance starting at 8 o'clock Ladies 25c Gentlemen 50c t in ii v i i s ii n av I m li -.A.l I H Al7 Today. I fl V -V..,. J ft' " II r!'i;: L Marching I 4 III Ii II I of FAME ; 111 ill III ' " r III r una n i w . v in J- III I IB SB B 8 W M t ill i ii ii i . . . : inn - in i a em eemaa aaenAmk aa eaeearwem . aa is ss ill in i i z-HLTr?-' ziLiz i Ill 2?E J ii -III ee see7 am Maav I II I I world has aaowta sack a aBBBaaBasJLJ,': v . : aaitles . . ; Ids.; steadfast B tfm siMCLAia amrt cUagtag ta tha wesa- : I itwir aovti' V . 1 aa wfcase leva ha lest sa . RasBSBBSBBanpi als aw of trifjnvpls. , - - 7 11 V V I -ii:C;:-v- V-Jilt: I 'm m ; OOlMil :W II v(V:: i B':'v"li 1-- Uci c ki u avcc. I H - ; :: : I RICHARD DENNETT Ii J SSNi W -See it Toi.! it i " B V- tins , Vsa--- - : Because - " 1 ?1 lYittnWcrtiiSeij MARION. May Jl Tha Mar- Ion Farmers' Union Jocal held its meeting Thnrsay night instead of Friday because of tha primary election being held In the O. W. O. halL . : ; Tha program feature was omit ted and after a . delicious lanch served by , Mrs. Elxy Pickard. Schermacher, Potts and Schinlts, old lima dancing was much en joyed to music furnished by the Marion anion local orchestra. -Tha next regular meeting daje is Friday night, Juna S. Tha Regeer family met with a very serious accident an tha river road Tuesday night1 while return ing from Salem. Tha brakes on tha truck la which they were rid ing- failed to hold and in making cne turn on a steep- grade they were thrown la a ditch. ' " Mrs. Regeer received a severe eut oa the forehead and a broken nese, while the baby was only braised. Mr. Regeer who was driving, escaped with only minor cuts and braises. Tha truck was badly damaged.. Mrs. Regeer and baby are at home and recovering as rapidly as could be expected after such a se vere shock. r - f CLUB TAKES HIKE i ROSEDALK. May 21. Mem bers of tha 4-H club took a hike Thursday, afternoon, going as far as Bunker hill, where they par took ot lunch before starting back.. Members and friends max-, ing the trip were (MT. and Mrs. Floyd Bales. , Josephine Haldy, Margaret Campbell. Leslie Ladd. VeUeda Trick. Floyd and Carl Chapman, Clarence Buechler, Joe Philllpson and, Margaret Phillip-son. V r 1. V , . ' 1 1 " ,. 'I ,Jjwipi I ill -' . ' - -. . - , - , , .: - ' , . : - . . s