The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Jlornlnjr, Hay 21, 1932 PAGE KINS I v.. and :Mdy00rMf V- ... j ... . . Supply Meets Where Demand Stitisfied i Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertlslng BlnfU Insertion per lin.10e ' Three insertions per line tOe 8tx insertions per line. .tOe One month per line. .$1.09 Minimum coarse 25e Copy for this page tc ' eepted antil 6:30 the even lns before publication for classification. Copy re - v eelved after this tma will be ran under, the heading Too Late to Classify. . The Statesman assumes m , 1 HELP WANTED Men 1I-3S. RAILWAY MAI LI CLERKS. Steady work. Commence I IIS 1.00 month. Paid vacations. Ex- perlenc unnecessary. Common education- sufficient. Foil particulars with ample coaching FREE. Apply today ur. Box 1Z14 B, BtateHmao. HELP WANTED MALE i - STEADY JOBS 1 Men and -women IS to CO we are now preparing; a limited number for civil service examination under our 1 special par after appointment plan. Her is your opportunity, fie Tan Oman, Senator Hotel. 1-1 p. m. Three men for work on rural routes. Light car necessary. Guaranteed dally ear allowance and liberal commission. Rla-ht men can earn good money. Phone R. 3. Coll, Marlon Hotel from e to . SITUATIONS WANTED - W AN TED By Christian lady, housekeeping for bachelor or widow er. ' Box 155, St teaman. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Typewriter, all make, new and need. Adder and typewriter for rent Type writer Exchange. 411 Court 8t efcaeaSwMMs,sse1 Wringer repair for all makes of washers. Mr. EUia, tiaiut naec lu. FOR SALE 111 r bun dle Statesman 'vfftce fiifirtn"wM"w-.-i-ii-. i " '. - Fresh crabs at Fidlefe stand. Two for 25c and up. Fpops I Westlnghonse automatic electric range, used 10 months, $75.00. Phone 50. WANTED Miscellaneous AH kinds of rifles, pistols, shotguns. 1 old old -nd lewelry Condition no ob ject. Nam yonr pnc". REINER'S CXCHANGM ISO N. Commercial WANTED Used plaao. In Chans n radio, phonocraph. 4r ror tiltur. a L Stiff Furninir Company Fmlt tarn allslsea Phone S4T9 MISCELLANEOUS Leaky roof T Let m fix It Phon I 1094. Gutter roofing and furnace work don at moat reasonable price by ex- pert. Phone T.6Z9. FOR RENT ROOMS xjVLrLfuvu'tJuiri.nanri.nrirr ri 1 ii Room with or without board, in pleasant home. Good meals. Reason- J able rate. 1458 Court. Tel. SS98. 1 ! ROOM AND BOARD - - ti nn nss'w,os'V"TrYirT- Tet S217. Modern, warm room and board. Mod. rooms with hoard. 891 Union. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Patton apartments with privet bath, nicely furnished. Located In bnaln district Call Patton' Book Store, . i an rura. steam new in. g,'v Small furn. apt. bath. 690 Unioj). TJXn-TUlA.ryi.n(ViiJWViii .... Clean, neatly furnished apartment private bath, summer rates. 645 Court street jjxrumjxn.riruLn.n nrv ....... Apartment with garage, $15. 691 N. Commercial street ''ro""arV "looking for completely rurnlaned mooern aparonem, c-u i J4B5 State. FOR RENT HOUSES wwwkwwwww w. m ilf Bona cloa In, suitable ror one or two famOie. or rooming-house. Gar age. Phon 969 or nz. ; Duplex house. 94 N. Winter. 9,aaseasas,sss 9 R. bungalow. H46 Chemeketa. FOR RENT Acreage for garden or it spuo. 195S HaVket St I FOR BEST RENTALS I BECHTEL OR THOMASON $41 stat ' Roon5,; Se furnished houses and apts., $15 to $5S. Houses lie up. 4 acre tract $16 mo., ww . j WANTED TO RENT XTLTiruMA.niMr"ir - -- -- -- - ... . WANTED TO RENT i Modern well-appointed house, S or 4 bedroom. Phon 799L t FOR SALE- Real Estate HPRfTAL ; 7 room house nicely , 'Zr tor Salem property. W. G. Grant Ma f than X year olL modern , to every dj- 1 fc mSK,v house nicely located, less tail mciuaina; buib wuw work. Owner leaving 8alem of f er to j ii mt harcaln oric. er wul accept small house suitable tor renting as SEB Mrs. Ellis with ' LEO N. CHiUL W- $39 State Street Phone 674$,man. POLLY AND HER I'VE SW SOME GARDENS IN MY ) 1 GREAT GUNS IVEr T k, Jh u-J&i-A I V5 I ITT HORROR TAKESy JlN'AGa -r? ' : y S V 3WJ f 1 THE CAKEi T y IS A GARDEN-sf 1 w nO,VOU "nWtei) cX(: 1- s ! RUINER,IVE 4; Jg&& CNXASHlJ i USU TWi POtSON-iW rm?L' THIS HEREli) ' ' (Srr ' . - frHmSj 1 f .r..ftvV' 1 1 r-iyrH t ZZ " 1 . , ' i , ' . ; ; . - i - - ' .- -rf -. " ' - . ' ' -. '...-:'.- I :.:-' i r ' ' - r - - - - ' ' .:..'.... " . . r-s-''''-w--v:.;:..---' 4::.., . . -i-.:.. " ;t':.:' -1 .. .v. -,-' s :. - ' - - v. . . j - . --. . ; . - , . no financial responsibility for errors' which may ap pear In advertisements pub lished in its columns, and in cases where this paper is at fault will ; reprint that part of an adrertiaemeat In which the i typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to; reject objec tions! advertising. It fur ther reserves ; the right . to classify all advertising un der the proper classifica tion, i FOR SALE Real Estate Good 7 -room olastered bom, flre- plnee. basement. tc. ' end Attractive surrounding. Ornamental, nut and fruit trace. Fruit and berries more than pay taxes. Tw gn rates. S to fin lot, nice view, paved street, neat school Priced to aell all or part. term a 799 Rural Ave. Phone 1994. - - - .torim ruirirxj New 4 room modern house and gar age, H A., frne location, close in. cost $3000.99 acriflc for $2376.00. Rea sonable terms. J. LINCOLN ELLIS 4(3 State www.wwww,ov iwnx We have a splendid business con statin of rood store and filling sta tion for sale and would consider some I A splendid 300 acre stock farm. splendid Improvements and some stock and equipment and will consider clear I -a"5'Tl property. i .... !L S manjr PPrties for ex- ni:cn jtrar imae. i McGIIaJHRIST & PENNINGTON I 209-10 U. a Bank Bldg. BEACH HOME Overlooking the ocean. Will sell for one-third value, or SS00. Semi-modern room lumlehed house, electric lights, garage. LEO N. CIHLDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street . Phone 6708 tion. creek, (rood blda-a S72S0. S3 A 0 under cultivation, 8 A. wal- nuts. 7 A. cherries. B rm. house, t 5X blisior wm consider' mnaii house in valley town. 5 rm. strictly modern house, close In. A good buy at $3500. $ rm- modern house No. Salem. $4000. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO TRADE, TELL US ABOUT IT. J. F. ULRICH COMPANY 325 Stat Street Phone 8872 GOOD FILBERT LAND 20 acres, river bottom, S A. filberts, on pavement, close to Salem. $2500. 11 acres bottom land, set to Cor- vauis strawberries. $1800. 10 acres. 1 A. filberts, family or chard, rood well, fair building's, elec tricity, 910 down, balance easy terma. SOCOLOFSKY & SON First National Bank Bldg. Several large beautifully wtooded tracts, among; nice' homes small house, new. with city water, gas, elec- I trie!, near bus &nt irhAoL Onlv I IS39 to 1789. 919 down, easiest term I SEE C A. ROBERTSON, owner, 1279 I Edgwater Street. DANDY S ROOM MODERN HOME Nicely Furnished Including Piano 6-room basement, furnace, fireplace. IL trays, hdw. floors, nicely furnish ed, including piano, electric ed. Including piano, electric range. 1 Good location, price reduced to $S,- u . -1 j orn I : win give good term, see SEARS tucker, Keaitor lit South High Street DANDT SUBURBAN TRACT 19-acres all In cult., soroe crop In. nlc 6-R. house with buUt-ln kit- coco, ors. nw, iirwjnuiura water system. Oood barn, close to school and only 1 mile out Prlc SEE at once. SEARS A TUCKER, Realtor 112 South High Street FOR SALE Good home near Hunt's cannery. Priced for a short time at $1800. E. E. Batterman with W. G. KRUEGER 147 North Commercial WEEK END SPECIALS In Extra Good Trades 1 AAA fin. tmwm 9 AA .w.i tnr I ""-' "- bom In Salem. $5099. Mod. suburban home, nearly S A. good land, for horn city. S92S9. Choice 6 A. for coast ranch. $3909. Choice S A. for city property. $16,59. Fin farm. 72 A., stocked, eouioned. croo. for city nroDerty. 16500. Farm 1X4 A. Trad for land in ninneaoca wna. 19099. Extra cholc improved, so A. iar or ama11 tKft Mod. Runaalow 1 TraAf, enultv for house of lea val ue ; let us know your wants ; if you I have property to exchange. -49 Ai ttlcn iuver uowom iana i AH stocked and equipped, price I right. Trade equity what have youl SEE BECttTUiL-XtlUaiAJJPI S41 State Room 4. EXCHANGE Real Estate esaasaeWsJS' I 13$ farm to trad for ' acreage or city property. P. Q. BOX 1$$. gs-leM TO EXCHANGE room modern home. Cholc lot garden planted, beau tiful lawn, shrubbery and mat trees. So. Saiem. for 4 or 5 room house in E. or N. Salem. Write Box 159, States man. ' 19 A. fruit near Eugene. Clear for Salem property. 125$ N. Fifth St i five rm. flats, close in. $3000, no encumnranc ana wui iraa oa ra. new modern horn la Portland and as sume. 6 rm. new horn with hwd. floors. fireplace, garage, $1950. Owner wants to exenange xor cneap acreage near Salem. WINNIE PETTTJOHN, Realtor 175 South High Street Modern houses. Tacoma, and Eugen ACREAGE 39 acre fiver loan te settl - tat. Price $709. Writ Box 164 Statee- PALS ACREAGE BmMXL firm ne&r Ultxa. TL Silt. I bldg. $700. Clear, take .lot or r'g1 ' nutn huwh uuiu, aw car for part, aell on esy terms. S41 State Street FOR 'SALE FARMS . 40 A. fin river bottom.- tnodern bldga, electric water aystem. stacked and equipped, oood road. Cioee to Sa lem, $ .. - - . ' , 140 A.. 4V At In euitivauon. Rest tim ber and pasture, - tin road. . Spring water. Modern Darn, ran nous, ift,- Terms. R. A. FOR.KNER , 1110 N. Cottars Phone SOIL LAKS LABISII FARM S4 acres IS miles northeast of Sa lem on paved highway, tw sets of blag, moat all tillable land with It acre of the very best famous Lake Labish beaver dam land. Price $11, 000, one-half cash, bal. good terms. -L.KO N. CHILD3 CO.. Realtors 330 Stat Street. Phone 70I 10 A. t mi. court house, all cleared. - fenced, I wells. 400 logana, ' ' room house, basement, bath. itSX VTL V?ATfl M1 4S A. 13 mi. north of Saiem, on paved j road. room house, needa some I gai.of-rr Umber; a fin tract. $3500. S A. s ud. east of Woodbum. I room ' S2 HnVt TtoT tin wrwtirrTeaNo 11 " and TKch alfalfi, at ta corn. A FINE FARM at f US acre. gjg Bank Bids. MELVIN JOHNSON I iTlOfle S79S I pqr SALE OR EXCHANGE stocked A Eaulnoed Ranch 0 acrea fine soil, S4-A. cult, S-A. I alfalfa dandy 7-R. hunr. with bath I ana toilet, basement, furnace, good I dalrv barn and milk house. (B craae l milk). Silo. S-A. timber, electric lights I and water system. 13 good cows and 1 heifer, all for sioou.ou. down or will take good home in Salem as part. 2 -A. PLACE FOR TRADE 2-acres. good soil, nic stream thru one corner place, dandy poultry place. Has a good 0 R. house with brk. nook, basement, firenlac. furnace and L. trays. Nice large poultry-house. Prlc 227-ACRE RANCH SET "i.-croD toe A " Part VYnv SEARS A TUCKER 133 South High Street .. . W ANTED KEALj jaSTAlJS UaJam. hAii ntAa $V flSkOin IQAft XhTI.U -. Kiiw email hntiM tn mY from your lot. Box 1R7. Statesman. . - Business Opportunities General store. In small town. Dolnc I - , . M. 1 Idenc In Salem. This and other sood See me for exchange Oregon Bide. Tel. S991 Good paying; business bldg". for rent, I near coast. Tel. 428. MONEY TO LOAN PERSONAL LOANS "'rrl l.-j - t.ZZ-m1 I ZZ?n i ri.nrfal ne i monthly. When in nnancisi neea U neiorw CKminsi mn. GENERAL INVESTMENT . CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phon 1552. PERSONAL. INSTALLMENT XJAN3 STATE LOAN COMPANY jtj Oregon Building. Snd Floor. -wi. K.. in. a a a m. to S-ltt P. M I Tlphon 1788 Ucensed by Stat 'Bells of Harmony' Heard over KOIN dally ring out a loan serrlc that la really, really different TOtJ GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLT LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE . O.N U)A.8 W to , Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room 119 New BUgh Bldg. Snd Floor J 6I, gut gt LICENSED ET ST Axis Tel. I-T-4-9 MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduc youi payments To keep the car P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Phon 47 S$ Salem. Or. CITY AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Beat terms obtainable, out Insurance department offer you ex pert ad vie aod service In all lines. HAWKINS ROBERTS Inc. Tet 4189 SOS Oregon RMa LOANS WANTED WANTED Prlvt money te loan on real estate. W. H. GRABENHORST CO, REALTORS 1S4 R Liberty St Tel 49 LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Special chick sale. Ruby L, Wood ward. Rt. Box 49 B. Phon 44F3L Piiifnm hatchln 9a nep en after i jiir. 35th. TeL 13JF3. Le' Hatchery Special baby chick sale. Tuea, ft WnA These low orice will SUIT) rise j you. Salem Chlckerles, 36$ N. Cottage! i street Cholc brons turkey hen for sal. GEORGE THOMASON Phon 4963 Poultry wanted. Salem Poultry Co 255 E Miller. M A. Mann. Phone 4$9. FOR SALE WOOD iaaslefcsiM mm ass ajaes GUARANTEED DRT wood coal TeL 6004 Salem Fuel Co. Trad ft Cottage. "Brothers Under the) Skin" FOR SALEWOOD For diy 2nd fir. dry slab woodL dry Planar nda Inside mtU wood. Phone I i.rcr 1Wt Sara. -. - I - -- -- -- --n-urnr I Old tlr.-ir $6.0.TL 449L ri "t-i-iri" T" '""v nnr i 1 njiA. FIRST CLASS FUEL Screened . hog- fuel - dry -. second I growth firold fir mill block. Phone I 8S4T. Fred JB. Wells Inc. Old fir and llnaba. Tel. J odd lOSrai. esaAeWSsessjsaiaSBjass 2nd growth fir fl.t0. Old fir $1.00. TaL SI4S. 7- .-... Good old fir. Phone ISSs. v - ' . ' DRY FIB AND. OAK WOOD. - oaJ and fuel OIL Call en u for price. W gar cooa measure, gooa quality aao Kooa aervie. LARIxsr transfer STOaAOS I TiBa sin r Sound IF old fir. TL TiTT. Old fir. TaL 641. Old fir II In. I4.TS. Fbon Til. ,hjsaeejssatgsiana Old fir, delivered, dial 4 SC LOST AND FOUND LOST-Green nurae. VlaaaeV drir.V. llcsnae. Return lit & Com'L "'mj.?...... kM M! Jn,UJlBd P11 puI?lL l,T ";PL f yf..1 .... . .. IX)ST Boston bulldog. Uacklah with whit cbeitT VluuS J' .Tf.rt r wr.u run OALiEi UO&U AXU3 -i- - -1- - - - -- r-wywwwwji HURRT The new Ponttacs are sold. W can offer the Oakland for a few days. 1921 Oakland B Sedan driven 1nt few mllea This car has never been licensed. Reduced from ST4S.- 00 to 1I7S Oe 1931 Oakland S Sedan : same as above except ha been driven 6000 mile, Priced at .$850.01 TERMS Trad In Your Old Car SEE VALLET MOTOR CO. Phone 3151 Center Street Phone 7910 Lot at Liberty Marios MCKAY'S USED CARS WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS CHBV ROLETS 1939 Spt. Coup, wire wheels -$335 I lis" Coup HI ion Coach 45 1)31 Sedan 521 I ISO . . L.. Vfc, 129 Ford Coup 192$ Pontine Coach 192 Naah Coach l'Zl fJOUM I??? eixe irora uoup b j n Tv M liV iviu a uuui MANY MORE Tour car hi trade. Liberal terms. McKay Chevrolet Co. ... . m r r. 1 senior riiun, i . , vuiui. USED CARS WB BUT FOR CASH OR SELL ON uiasmoDiie mupe ini.oe 1 1927 Dodge Coup 175.99 1921 8tudebaker Coach 225.09 1929 Jewett Coach l.vo 1929 Chevrolet Coach I B.OV I 1929 Essex Coach 1 1929 Essex Sedan 79.09 250.99 1929 Whippet Sedan IJS.00 22S.00 SO. 00 l"' uon orougnam 1,25 8dn 1 , ... ni.TOu Tnuir S2S.00 1910 Chevrolet Truck (duals) 450.00 Wood-Wheaton Motor Company 540 Chemeketa St Phone 9688.1 Willy 8 and 8 Willys-Knight U. M. C TRUCKS Guaranteed as Represented Our reason for making this tat- ment we know the exact condition of each automobile. HERE'S ONE 1933 Plymouth 4 -door Sedan Uk ww. only $19. HERE'S ANOTHER 1939 DeSoto "9" Sport Coupe, with rumble seat complete ly rebuilt -Perfect- 4$. 1929 Whippet 4-door Sedan 3$$. ! 1939 Chev. Convertible Coupe Has been reconditioned us ing '39 model parts 111. 193$- A Model Ford Business Coupe 119. 193$ Light Dodge 4-door Sedan, rebuilt , - 12. 193THupmobIl "4" 4 -doer Se dan, (on of thsss slick looking cars) 359. 1909 Essex 4-Door Sedan. Only 309. 1935 Nash Special Coadh 10. 1935 Oldsmoblle Coach (run good) TRUCKS We don't know much about this truck business but w do knew this much we traded for a '37 Model Ford Trttck equipped with extra trana. extended frame, 5 good tires, set chains, new battery, closed cab and license all for $95. W. L: Anderson, Inc. DeSOTO ft PLYMOUTH DISTRIBUTORS 3(0 Marlon Salem Phone 7713 STATE MOTORS, INC. for Real Value in Used Cars! I S1 Hudson Bronaham I '11 oidstnobue tedan 39 8tudebkr Pres. Sedan '39 Naah Coup 39 Oakland Sedan '29 Essex Challenger '37 Studebaker Sedan '37 Essex Coach '39 Bulck Coup '3$ Whippet Coup '39 Ford Touring '34 Chrysir Coaofc '35 Bulck Touring tt star Sedan '36 Hudson Coach STATE MOTORS, INC. I HUDSON ESSEX STUDEBAKER DEALERS 635 Chemeketa Open Evening. FOR SALE USED CARS fae. i . i i . . .w trade. Inoulr a Qnmh. Wuhn A.UCV OUppiy ua - - i m. - Vr qn.r - 1934 model Ford ntcknn. bailee urea. fit. j. Matthew. Box it. Rt. T. FOR RALB OS TRADE Ford nlek- tip. tel bed. phone 61F11. WANTED USED CARS i i" " 1 i irjno.njxn.i'ii Wm trad wood for light car. Dick up preferred. 47S 8.- Com!. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have filed in the County CourTof the But of Ore gon, for the County of Marlon. their duly verified final account as administrators with the will annexed of the last will and testa ment and estate of Ida J. Zimmer man, deceased) and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 14 th day of June, 1132. at the hour of tea o'clock A. H. of said day, at the tim, and the County Court Room tin Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, I , ha nliei for hearinr ald final account and all objection, there- to Dated at Salem. Oregon this T ol May. 193X. MARCIA FUESTMAN, CLINTON D. CHOH CHORPENINO. Administrators with the will an nexed of the last will and testa ment and estate of Ida J. Zimmer man, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. Attorney for Administrators, Salem, Ore gon. M. 14-2 1-2 8-J.4-11. NOTICE Sealed bids will be received by the Marlon County Court Op to ten o clock Monday, May 23 1912, for hauling two thousand or more cnble yards of crashed rock from a crasher to bo located at the Henry Wellman pit near the Crooked Finger Schoolhouse, Specifications and bidding forms my be secured at this office. U. O. BOYKR, Connty Clerk M.10-H-21 NOTICE Sealed bids will be received by the Marion Connty Court np to tnn o'clock Mnndav. IT !. T Business BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D Barton Batterfes -Starter and generator work. Texato station, cor ner Court nd fThurrh CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4 4 SO R E Northne CHIROPRACTORS 1 DR. a -L. SCOTT, PSC Chlropracter 1 tig N. High. TeL Re. SS7S. I DRS. 8COFIELD. Palmer Chlroprac- I I tor X-ray and N. C M. New Bank Bldg DR. SCO FIELD, P. 8. C chlropree- tor. X-ray and N. C M. New Bank 1 Bldg. Phone 8129. CLEANING SERVICE Meyer Valeterla. Tel. 9882. DYERS wniamett Valley Dye Emect dyeing 1 8 1 Chemeket a. Tel. 95SI. FLORISTS cor flowers, wedding bouquets funeral wreath decoration C F. Breithaupt florist 494 Stat Street. TeL 6994. ALL kinds of floral work. Lots Fler 1st 14th ft Msrfcet TeL 1519 FLOOR CONTRACTING Qlen Floor Co. Tel. 9111. INSURANCE RECITE ft HENDRICKS 13$ M. High TeL 4947 WILLAMETTE INS. AGENCT Wm. Bllven, Mgr. Exclusive Butterllle Agent 911 Masonic RM. Tel. 7909 LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THE WEIDER LAUNDRT 343 & High TeL 1131 CAPITAL CTTT LAUNDRT "We Wash Everything te Lux" Telephone $195 ' 1344 Broadway! LAWN MOWERS Sharpened and repaired. Also trad. H. W. Scott 14T H. Coml. TeL 461S pnVSIPTAKa fiTTRnFOM? Dr. Edgar & Fortner. physician and surgeon, suit 409. U. & Nat'L Bank Bldg. Phones otnee, is:: resiaene 3439. HOMOEOPATHIST L. Q. ALTMAN. M. D. HonMopathlo physician, offlc realdenc. fcOT center, none ssss. General prctlc. MUSIC STORES cm c will-pi-c. phono- SFVsl gk 41 SS SSFS SB 49n9k Fl tead 9BarlsWT 14 SW4 graph, sewing machines, sheet mueto. and niano studies, Boiring Dhon9 graphs and sewing machine 431 State street Balem. liSS for txirnlshisjr two thousand or moro eubie yards of crushed rock from the Henry WeUmaa pit near, the Crooked ringer SchooW house. Specifications and Bidding forms may bo secured at this of-' fice. U. O. BQTBI, County Clerk U-l 0-1 4-11. NOTICE TO WHOM. IT MAT CON CERN: Notice Is hereby, given that the UNION AUTOMOBILE AND CASUALTY' COMPANY. Los Angeles, California, has de cided to withdraw from the Stato of Oregon. It has requested the1 return of its deposit made with the Insurance Commissioner and delivered to and now held by the state Treasurer la accordance with the law governing casualty companies. . Dated at Salem. Oregon this lith day of April, 1S3Z. - A. H. AY RILL, Insurance Com missioner. AS 3-3 0M7-1 i-l 1-2 8 J4-1 1-11. NOTICE Sealed bids will be received by the Marlon connty court no to t o'clock Satarday. Jnne 4, 1932. for public liability and property damage ' Insurance coverage on six Reo trucks, two Mack trucks, two Ford trucks.' 1 Graham trnck. and T Chevrolet delivery. U. O. Boyer, County Clerk. Shelburn School To Present Final Event on Monday SHELBURN, May 20 Miss Ethel Johnston, Shelburn school teacher, la to give program at me scnooi nouse aionaay nigni, MT 22. , Shelburn friends of the Jesse his home Wednesday, May 18. Chastain family are congratulat- He la survived by one brother, ing them on the arrival of a new Alfred Lambert of St Paul; chll son who was born at their Leb- dren, Remey Lambert of St. anon home. The Chastalns moved Paul, Ed Lambert of Ryderwood. from Shelburn three years ago. Wash., Bertha Lambert of Yader, Mrs. C. O. MeClaln and Mrs. W. Wash., August Lambert of Van R. Kuiken received word Wednes- couver. Wash., Mrs. Emma Fel day from their sister. Mrs. Ira ler of Portland and Mrs. Caroline Trexler, stating that she and her Faber of St. Paul, Ore.; grand husband were leaving their south- children, Mrs. Louise Hansen, ern California home for Oregon to spend the summer. T Directory MATTRESSES ar.tfr.aiM. rmm rtor t New SO lb. mattress ts.oe. Reno vat I T ViT-,Kmi0r- Cpltal Biding iuo. . u tviw Nona tapii!. - New matt res mad te order, eld mattress remade : caroet cleaning. afa Ing; fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rug m Mattress Factory- B. 11th a Wilbur. TtL S44L Otto F. Z wicker. Est 11L PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMB t NO and general repair 111 So. Liberty work. Oraber Bros. TeL 0S94. PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN ADAMS for hen- decorating. pap- hanging. UnUng. "ml5 'r",Btt mcirupoii leto. Reiiahl workman. tan Casualty Insurance company PRINTING FOR STATIONERT, card. pampO- lets, program, nook or any kind of ' printing, call The 8tatmaa Print Ing Department 111 8. Commercial Telephone 91 91. RADIO for erery purpo, for every PU! ah standard sixes or Radio Tube. of EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. $41 Cmrt S. Tel 9119 STOVES STOVES and store repairing. Stove tor sale, rebuilt and rpird. Au kinds f woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hop basket, hooka, logan hooks, Salem Fenc and Stove Works, 343 Chemoket Tel 47T4 R B Fleming TRANSFER CAPITAL CTTT . Transfer Co. 334 State st TeL 777S. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty Get our rate. FOR local or distant transfer zor ag. call 3131 Larmer Transfer Co. Tnv ro poetlsnil nmiy. WASHING MACHINES AU Makes Rented, eetd and repaired. Easy. & C Maytag. Co Ion. Meadows ana Automatie. $16 and up. liOOQ BROS. . C MANGUM. Manacnr H. High TeL 33 ' V Real Estate Directory 1 BECKS HENDRICKS ltf M. High TeL 4947 I '8. M. EARLH end 1334 N. High 8t TeL 947$ I SOCOLOFSKT A SON 304-1 First Nat Bk. Bldg. TaL 7$47 4. F. ULRICH $11 Stat Street TeL lit! HOMER D. FOSTER REALTT CO. $79 Stat fit TeL 76331 W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 & Liberty St Tel. 444SI By CUFF STERRETT V ROYALTY AWAITING STORK ' i : , i The entire popuUtion of gm-ai ig anxiously awaitinx word from Vienna. Austria, where the popular Princess Ileana, only atstor of Xinx Carol, is expectinx a visit from the stork. The coming of the royal baby will be the occasion of much rejoicing: throughout the land aa the Princess Is the most beloved member of the Romanian royal family. Princess Ileana is shown with her husband, Arch-duke Anton of Hapshurg, dorinjc their honeymoon in London last Summer. is ST patjl. May 29 Frank Lambert. S3 rears of are. died at Harry Faber, Elmer Faber, Ches- ter Digmand, Howard Dlgmand. Carmel Lambert, Charlotte Lam bert, Beverly Lambert and Frank Lambert; great-grandchildren, Keith Faber, Barbara Jean Fa ber, Donald Faber and Sylvia Hansen. Mr. Lambert was burled from the 8L Paul's Catholic church I Friday morning. Mar 20. at 9 I o'clock. Interment was at the St. 1 t, 1 iui veuipci;, Realty Agents Made Defendant In Damage Suit Claiming that B. S. Burke. real estate agent, made allegations In the transfer of property which could not be sustained by the sta tus of the property, Robert Richer and Sarah Richer filed suit hero Tti ens A si w s I9AAA JesMla! ""IV.w' of Now York as co-defendants. mm SUMMED Cross -Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER T5 HORIZONTAL 1 portie 41 eorrelAtfre et tteither 4 artifidai lesatToif 4& emart blow 41 from a treat distance Sf aspect It toward H sailor S4 advanced ST betes; im the Btosl abstract 1 I2 P lH f55 i6 P P tZffi I10 l11 rr rr ! r nr m Hsr-ff- HO 41 wl 1 vM WW walled at the back f imitator Jspaaese saih 11 one whe effers him self as a eeatestanS 14 vehicle 1J Mnth ia the Jewisk calendar l-4et fag ia drop) IT ends Xlkial .ctaadiac It sjmderee- eped ahool t eTcriastia; U voll witfc leree CTtent e . SP4 . -t enether tt -hnlliint- . . -eelered -w parrot R Jewneast tl Ufax XX puhlie . . storehoujea 14 dear 15 put dewm 1 SMaas) It recess'er depreasiom ; f-iie -; . lirozJt la ttta Jewisk ' " year . . II land Herewita yesterday's MtLD H.1$ ferns IAJL I r -o The Rlchers allege that they owned all but a fit 09 first-mortgage on real property rained at 4500. This they traded through Burke, they assert, for a 20-acro piece of property which wag sup posed to be unincumbered. Instead they found that all they received was a contract for the purchase of the small tract. Burke as a real estate dealer; was bonded by Ore gon law to the extent of 22000. The plaintiffs" assert their dam ages were f 290O but they only ask tor xzvoe. Decoration Day Fares Offered Bargain round-trio Decoration Day excursion fares of approxi mately 1 cent per mile will bo available between all points In Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Ne vada, Utah, Wyoming, and 'somo Montana and British Columbia, cities, according to announcement released here by E. F. Roberta, city passenger and ticket agent of the Oregon Electric. These tickets will bo on salo slay 27-10 Inclusive, with a re turn limit of Jnno f. Talbot The Talbot Women's club met at the homo of Mrs. Ad dle Davidson Wednesday after noon for their regular business meeting. Members present were Mrs. George Potts, Mrs. G. M. Belknap, lira. Sarah Taylor. Mrs. It. M. Harding, Mrs. Charles Tay lor, Mrs. Claud Johnson. Mrv David Jacobsoa, Mrs. D. E. Blln ston, Mrs. Delmer Davidson, Mrs. A. L. Emmons, Mrs. K. J-Freeman, and the hostess, Mrs Dav idson. VFJtTiCAL IT engine e 1 incrasta- war ties ever a If former ore cold eela (-.farms fnt VtSniee) 11 red wita ft STBOpBA. fray er whit ia tenpenesl t feiata . where a s pon 4 fmd the entraacft ptaaet's documenti grbit tatesV T Latia sects tha eonjunctiem cliptie w ooU of 24 open spas thennskai j perfecta scale suuuura f-eJliptlcal tioaTef It deny rT Greek fwl emtraaeatft f war 11 writin 2 tgbU land fluid tt Jeias II wTata cleaelr is the sohxtioa ta Fasxla. 11 Sam to ne's plat 'di a Hi JJ aJcobolie liqaer tt bratery tmmw mmr 4 dl wrtilata 41 Tebiclea 344 cereal " 4T 4egtaaeaa -43 derewreel 49 ertoaw II beak afa z.f r -:n j