The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 21, 1932, Page 6, Image 6

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, ; Oregon, Saturday Mornin?, May 21, 1932
ociety iNews an
Olive M. DoK&;lSociety Editor
Portland Wedding
Ot Interest in
Salem friends of the Liston and
Lenon families will be interested
to learn of the marriage of Miss
Margaret Lenon, eldest daughter
of Mr! and Mrs. Arthur James
Lenon; (Frances Liston) of Port
land, to Ben Richard Rledlinger,
at an attractive ceremony Satur
day evening. May 14, at the homo
of the bride's parents in East
34th street, in the presence of the
immediate families of bride and
The j Rev. Hugh Lovell. pastor
of Way erly Heights Congregation
al church, read the nuptial serv
ice. The young people entering
the long tiring room unattended
and took their places before n
improvised altar of ..vari-colored
spring flowers." The bride, tall
and slender, wore a tiptoe length
dress of white cobwebby lace In
the silhouette style, her titian
hair softly wared under the bead
ed lace cap which held her sweep
ing yell of double tulle. She car
ried a sheaf of calla lilies.
Wedding music was played by
Mrs. W. F. Downing ajid Miss
EmmaLeltner sang. "I Love You
Truly" preceding the ceremony.
An informal reception followed.
Mrs. Celeste L. Harris and Mrs.
Blanche Niemeyer. of Portland,
and Mrs. Melvin Dungan (Cecille
Liston) of Salem, aunts of the
bride, i presided in tho dining
room, assisted by Miss Marjorie
Lenon I and Miss Thelma Lenon.
the bride's sisters, and Mrs. J.
Krausr sister of the" groom.
Mr. and Mrs. Riedliuger will
make their home lh Portland. For
her weddiag trip MrV, Rierlinger
wore a leaf brown crepe frock
with touches of ivory and sea
green at neck and wrists, with a
light beige furred coat and beige
tailored hat. ,
Mrs. Riedlinger Is a grand
daughter of W. A. Liston of Sa
lem, aad of Mrs. Catherine Lenon,
of: Portland, who formerly lived
for many years in Salem,
' Luncheon Honors
Miss Hemenway
An attractive affair for today
will be the luncheon for which
Mrs. M. C. Hemenway will enter
tain at. the family residence com
plimenting her daughter,. Miss El
len Hemenway. This will be- in
the nature of a farewell party as
. the Hemenways will leave next
weekend for-Portland-where they
will make their home.
Covers will be -placed for Miss
Hemenway, honor guests, and for
Miss Myra Belt. Miss RuthiU
Hoffnell, Miss Virginia Newland,
Miss Catherine Corey, Miss Mar
garet Drager Miss Josephine Mc
Gllchrlst, Miss Iris Jorgenson,
Miss ' Marie Bone, Miss Francis
Huston, Miss Margaret Bell, Miss
Doris Drager, Miss Dorothy
White, and Mrs. Marvin Roth.
s Li-it uu, (3(4
High School Tea to
Be Colorful
An attractive tea will be that
which will be given" Wednesday
afternoon at the high school with
members of the Home Economics
club as hostesses. Guests will be
received at 3:15 o'clock and at
that time a display of garments
made during the year will be
modeled by the maker.
A prologue will be given by
Laura Flagg, Iris Jorgenson, Mar
jorie banders and Clara Jane
Hostesses for the tea will be
Dorothy Krebs. president of the'
club; Lucille Hackett, vice-president;
Arviila Kubin, Dorothy Al
exander, Clara Jane Harms. Mar
jorie. Sander?, Laura Flagg, Lola
Dale Pickens, Beth DeTapp, Iris
Jorgensen, Burneitta . Penrose,
Caroline LeDue and Maxine Stout.
The tea U being sponsored by
the Girls league.
Models are:
Pajamas, Illdria Beach, Emma
Judson, Helen Page, Helen Hill,
Wanda Gamble and Lillian Roeth
lln. School dresses Ruth Peuder
grast, Angeline Paris, Adelaide
Winslow, Lucille Bingenheimer,
Margaret Bell, Viola Duval. Marie
Wilson, Olive Winslow, Maxine
Hammett, Frieda Morley, Jeryme
Upston, Jennie Towne, Marie Gra
ber. Ruby Greene, Dorothy Thom
as and Delta Nicholls. 1
Blouses and skirts Alice
George, Dora Davis and Grace
Mumford. .
Afternoon dresses Geneva
Barnes, Caroline LaDue, Dorothy
Alexander, Ivy May Pierson, Ar
viila Kubin, Mary Butler, Lucille
Warner, Mary Robertson, Ruth
Eoff, Helen Lee and Lavonia
Made-over problems Jean
Gardner, Lola Dale Pickens, Max
ine Stout, Fern Dunlap. Ruth
Morris, Betty Bonell, Roberta
Johnson, Adina Paulus, Dorothy
Alexander, Charlotte Alexander,
Olive Rogen, Doris McCallister
and Clara Jane Harms
Suits and coats Jean Marshall,
Lola Dalo Pickens, Sutie Fukuda,
Doris McCallister, Marjorie San
ders, Esther Gibbard, Ruth Mor
ris, Wilma Johnson, Iris Jorgen
son j Betty Bonell, Carol Johnson,
Laura Flagg, Maxine Stout, Dor
othy Beckley, Burneitta Penrose,
Arviila Kubin, Caroline LaDue,
Mary Lois Driggs, Roberta John
son, Evelyn aevries, Jean Gard
ner and Margaret Ziellnski.
Graduation dresses Doris Mc
Callister, Wilma Johnson, Theresa
Ulrlgh, Helen Hill. Ruth West,
Anna Fenner, Marjorie Sanders,
Esther Gibbard, Evelyn deVries
and Clara Wyatt.
The honor pins, of which there
will be seven this year, will be
presented to those girls who have
been the most outstanding mem
bers of -the club. Mrs. Eula
Creech, advisor of the organiza
tion, will present the pins. Also
the Julia Creech cup will be be-
As" a farewell to Mrs. Julia R.
White before -Jier departure for
the east where she will study this
summer, Mrs. Armln Berger,
daughter of Mrs. White entertain
ed Thursday night at the Berger
home. Miss, Margaret Simms as
sisted the hostess in serving. Other
informal affairs hare been at
tractive compliments to the popu
lar teacher before her departure
for the summer months
Officers Will be
Installation, of officers followed
by a dance will' be the- order of
the evening for Chadwlck chap
ter. Order of Rainbow for Girls,
tonieht at Masonic temple.
Miss Alta Johnson will be in
stalled as worthy advisor to suc
ceed Miss Peggy Wagstaff who
will act as Installing officer. The
coronation service will be in
charge of Lewis Melsou, master
councilor for Order of DeMolay
for Boys.
A reception for officers will fol
low the installation. Mrs. Charles
Pratt will assist in " receiving.
Dancing will be enjoyed and re
freshments will be served by the
committee. Iris Jorgensen, Ruth
Johnson. Dorothy Murphy and
Betty Bonnell.
Other officers to be installed
Miss Claudine Gueffroy, worthy
associate advisor; Miss Josephine
McGilchrist. Charity; Miss Ruth
Johnson, Hope; Miss Iris Jorgen
sen, Faith; Miss Margaret Savage,
chaplain; Miss Doris Drager, drill
leader; Miss Beth Holcomb, choir
director; Miss Eleanor Trindle, in
ner observer; Miss Marjorie Hum
phreys, outer observer; Miss Julia
Johnson, Love; Miss Marguerite
Smith, Religion; MIs3 Evangeline
Millard. Nature; Miss Marie
Stutesman. Immortality; Miss
Franes Ellis, Fidelity; Miss Mar
garet Hauser, Patriotism; Miss
Edna Savage, Service; choir mem
bers the Misses Dorothy Murphy,
Sylvia Bombeck, Jeanne Patton,
Margaret Bell, Helen Worth and
Elfrieda Bombeck.
Hilarity Club
Hilarity club members were en
tertained Thursday with a very
attractive bridge tea at the home
of Mrs. Dot Medley.
The members present were Mrs.
Junior Eckley, Mrs. Charles Wil
son, Mrs. Dow Lorell, Mrs. Louis
Lorenz, Mrs. Carl All port, Mrs.
Leon Hansen and the hostess.
Mrs. Medley. Mrs. Floyd Satter
lee and Mrs. Earl Unruh were ad
ditional guests.
Honors for the afternoon went
to Mrs. Junior Eckley, high; Mrs,
Hansen second high and Mrs.
Satterlee received the guest prize.
In two weeks the club will be
guests of Mrs. Louis Lorenz.
shown herself most worthy of the Ulahee Clubwomen
honor during tne past year, tier i .
name will be engraved upon this IinjOy "lay
Birthday Will be
An attractive party planned for
Sunday at the Poling home will
be the birthday dinner to be given
In compliment to Mrs. C. C. Pol
ing's 76th birthday.
Telegrams will be received
from the sons who are in the east
and three daughters, Mrs. H. A.
Good and Mrs. Walter Wood of
Portland, and Mrs. Ethel Poling
Phelps of Salem, will be present
for the dinner.
Additional guests will be H. A.
Good, Miss Mabel Irene Good cf
Oregon ' State college, Walter
Wood and Barbara Jane Wood
who will celebrate her ninth
birthday on that of her grand
mother's, and Rev. C. C. Poling.
Mrs. Poling has made her home
In and about Salem for almost SO
years. She -came west as a bride
with Rev. Poling at which time
they were among the first mis
sionaries to be sent west by the
First Evangelical church. Rev.
and Mrs. Poling will celebrate
their golden wedding in Septem
ber of this year.
Bridge Afternoon to be
Pretty Event Today
An attractive bridge afternoon
will be that for which Miss Vir
ginia Wassam will be hostess at
the Q. M. Wassam home. Infor
mality will be a delightful note
of the afternoon. Spring flowers
will be used in dainty arrange
ment about the guests rooms
were cards in play and where
later tea will be served. Miss
Shirley Knighton and Miss Trlxie
Peter-j will assist in serving.
Guests will include Miss Shir
ley Knighton, Miss Grace Skin
ner, Miss Theresa Ulrlch, Miss
Rachel Gardner, Miss Frances
Field, Miss Dorothy Tucker, Miss
Frances Sherman, Miss Beth Hol
comb, Miss Agnes Moore, Miss
Peggy Ross, Miss Gwn Gallaher.
Miss Trixie Peters, Miss Harriett
Pointer, Miss Joyce Phelps, Miss
Eleanor Trindle, Miss Betty Mar
tin, and Miss Charlotte McClafy.
Farewell Tea is
Pretty Gesture
One of the attractive affairs of
the S. Llanda club year was the
tea for which senior members of
the club were hostesses Thursday
afternoon at the Y. W. C. A. club-
rooms. The S. 'Llanda club Is a
high school Girl Reserve organi
zation and the affair compliment
ed the executive board of the T.
W. C. A. fcnd members who had
been of assistance to the clnb for
the year past.
Hostesses included Thereja
Ulrlch, Grace Skinner, Rachel
Gardner, Eileen Moore, Dorothy
Tucker, Agnes Moore, Hannah
Eyman. Lucille Rolow and Vir
ginia Wassam.
Those who assisted with the
serving where underclass girls
and included Gwen Gallaher.
Gretchen Rockenfeller. Elizabeth
Nelson, Marie Lippold, Shirley
Knighton, and Harriett Pointer.
Two Eastern men, Promi
nent in Church Work,
Coming for Synod
t . i
Salem will be host to another
large church convention four
days, beginning Monday, when
the annual
conference of -
the Pacific -V
Synod eon-
venes at the J
American Lu- .
n e r a n
church, with ?
Xistler, pres
ident, of Ev
erett, Wash.,
in the chair.
A hundred
delegates are
Twa m m a
era renresen- 'm-tr'"--t
tatives will v. . KtaUtr
visit the convention: Dr. Nathan
R. Melhorn, editor of "The Luth
eran" and considered one of the
ablest church editors in the coun
ty; and Dr. Alvin E. Bell, presi
dent ot the American Board of
Missions of Toledo,- Ohio.
Special Speakers Sunday
Dr. Bell will deliver a pre-con-ventlon
sermon Snnday at 11 a.
m. and at 7:30 o'clock Sunday
night Dr. George H. Hillerman of
Berkeley, Calif., general superin
tendent of the board of American
missions, will speak.
Monday night at 7:45 o'clock
the convention will be formally
opened by Dr Klstler, who will
deliver the convention sermon.
Dr. Melhorn will also speak that
night on "Religious Significance
of the Printed Page."
Business Starts Tuesday
Tuesday morning Rev. O. A.
Bremer of Seattle will conduct
meditation at 8:45 o'clock, this
M Wthe ChurcKes Ami
ekMl 9:45 a.m. Alkr Vsf, Supt. lion,
for worth i 11 B. T. P. U. T
Evraiag aeraea 'lack. W. J. H.
Jekom will krfof Us bhu(i .. kolk
moraine aio.g. . Tnjr SMatiaz
Tharad?, T:0.
B. Earla Psrkar. atiaUur. But aa4
Ckarch atracta. ff:S aja. Caarck ackaoL
It a.aV Jaater Cknrek, Mrs. Leo Brava
wilt gira ra4iara aaa. chiMraa'a atry.
11 a. at. pablia warsaia. Baraioat 'Mr
aaatka." T a. at. Tkraa Epwarta feagaea
aad Forna. I p.m. Mianaaaa prafraai
ky Bteaiaara a tha Cklldrca'c diriaiaa
to be followed by President Kist
ler't annual report, presentation
of credentials, appointment of
committees and other reports.
Business will, occupy the after
noon .and at 7:45 o'clock that
night Dr. Ball will address the
Wednesday morning will be oc
cupied with business and in the
afternoon the Lutheran Brother
hood of Pacific will conduct the
program. The conference ban
quet will be held at J: 30 o'clock
Wednesday night at the church
with Max Oehlhar in charge. As
sistants includB R. C .Arpke, W.
G. Krueger and Carl Bahlburg.
The Pacific Synod is one of 33
synods making up the United
Lutheran church of America, a
union formed in 1918 by the Gen
eral Council, the General Synod
and the Synod South, making the
largest English speaking Luther
an church in America with a bap
tized membership of 1,500,000.
Rev. I. W. Eck of The Dalles
Is secretary of the synod and C.
B. Taw of Portland, treasurer.
Rev. P. W. Erik sen, pastor of the
Salem church. Is chairman of the
synod finance committee.
Luncheon will be served at the
church dining room each noon by
the Guild of the hostess church.
Mrs. R. C. Srpke will be In charge
Tuesday, Mrs. Max Gehlhar, Wed
nesday, and Mrs. William Hage
dorn, Thursday.
The executive committee of the
synod will meet Monday after
noon at 3:30 o'clock at the Mar
lon hotel.
at Ua Wama'a Euu Miwtaaary aaaUt?
aadar Kza. X. C MiUac ' Miaa ftaaaawad
Wat torn, dramatic raadar, iU siva eagre
katckaa. Twa inastratad aaaraaptiaoe laa
taraa aad a draiatliattaa, -
Capital aad Marina atraata. W.
9. Ldaakaaaapar, aaatar. fiaadaj aekoot
10 aja. T. X. Kraaa, 8apt. Garataa 8r
vleaa 10 Bakjacti "Tha Priority af
Gad'a Kiafdaam." ar1Uk aervieaa 11
a'clock, aakjact: "Tka Boarea af
8trrtk." Special aiaaia by tat Bala
HighUad aad If yrtla avaaaa. Ka. Tkoa.
V. Xaaaaa, pa tor. Pkaaa SSI I. 8aaday
aaaaa at 1 aad 9:30 a'clock. Week day
arrrieaa at 8:15 a'clock.
430 Stata atraat. apsUira. klactiaza
Tnaaday aad Tkaraday aight at 7:45.
Sunday aekoel at 10. Preacking at 11
and 7:45. Bpacial Beating arary aight
remainder af tkia week. Evangeliat C.
Lavia Boanda kriagiaf the aaaiagea. -
Kartk Co: lac aad D atreeta. O. W.
Sntark, aaiaiater. Baaday achool 9:45
ft-aa. Baa BeairBaa, Eupt. Serrica 11 am.
Semoa topic, "Tne Poaaibility af Paith."
Okoir aatkam. B. T. P. U. at 7 p.m. Mill
H. WiakelBaa ia ckarga. Evening aer
ria at S p.m. Topic: "Bafety TinU"
Regalar mid-week prayer aerrira at 8 p.aa.
moBXAjro rBizsros
Coraer Highland and Ckarck atreata.
Attend Sunday Services
at the
11 A. M. "Every Christian's
Heart Desire"
7: SO P. M. "Father aud Home"
Special music by a large chorus
choir of 50 voices. Other fea
tures. 9:45 A. M. A reverent study of
the "Book of Books1 in a
friendly atmosphere.
Church located at 13th and
Center Sts.
Rev. Fletcher Galloway, Pastor
Siau, paator. ' Bikto aekool
bTM. Beckett, Bcpt. JUriwg
t:S ajav.
won kin 11 jl Meeaare ky
Kwirnxng aarrtea a pa. xaia laui win.
Be km at aacrad aaags ky tka ekoir; ;
Mid-waek prayer metiag Tkaraday S bVbk.
Tka Joaiar C X. at pav. Baaiac aad. Ia
termed lata C B. 7 p.m. - '
i i x " - . ':
r south baxtm rxuarDS ' -
Boatk Commercial at Waakiagtaa. CkM.
C Hawarth. paetor. Sanday aarelaea 1
a.m. Boa day ackooL Nathan Coek. Sapt.
11:00 Boraiaf varakip aad aaimua. S'
p.m. Teapers. Tkaraday S au Prayer
meetiag aad Bikla atady.
XMitajnrEX. baptist - -
Caraar Haaol aad Academy atraata. Baa
day aeaaa) at 10 am. Leaaaa: Jadree 18
aad SO. Preaeklag at 11 a aC aad 7:30
p.m. Mid-erk prayer aad teetlmoay
meetiag Tkaraday eveaiag at S a'clock.
CkemekeU aad Winter atreeta. Ore
C. Birteket, D. D., pet tor. : a.m.
Ckarck arkoof aadar dlrectioa of L. M.
Rama re. Bapt. 11 Meramg Warakip.
Xatienal Miaaiaaa - day vitk apacial af-.
feriag. Paator will peak aa; "Tka Poaa
datioa af Katloaal PerpataitT." Aatkem:
'Angel Yoiree Krar Biatiag' ky 8ke!ly.
8oU ky kfra. Daa Bmitk: "Tka 8i!et
VeJca" ky Bama. S:S0 C. I. aaeitle
7:30 p.m. Eveaiar Serrica. Snkject af rbe
Bermoa: "Aa raliBited. Power Tkat
Liea Diaregarded" ky tka paetar.
Nortk Coitaga aad Ckemeketa atreet
Ber. Pred AIkaa Weia, miaiater. Ckarck
arkool at 10 a.m. Mllea H. McKay. Bopt.
Ckarck aerriea at 11 a-. Bermaat -Ba1- '
anee Phyaieal. Meatal aad Bplritna! "
Htm. Walter A. Deataa, organist.
oxjlb TTDnros JOSSIOW
SS7 Coort atraat. C. 8. Jokaaoa. eaator.
Sanday arkool at 3 p.m. Serricee at S and
(Continued on pare 7)
First Baptist
Marion & No. Liberty SU.
11 A. M. "The Christian
8 P. M. The Harlot Wom
an or Will the Church be
Special Music at Both
Come Early For A Good
It's the cutest model we've seen
In msjiy a moon, and so very easy
to make that you mothers will
lov It. The little panels are set
In to form side pleats, and there's
a center pleat in the back that is
quite tailored in effect. Cunning
panties are worn with this frock,
and . both, aref of a gayly
printed cotton trimmed with solid
Pattern 2330 is obtainable only
la sixes X, 4, 6, S, 10. Size 4 re
quires 1U. yards of 36-inch fabric.
3-8 yard contrasting.
Entre Nous Club
Closes Season
A gala party at the clubhouse
with bridge in play and grand
prizes for the year announced was
the concluding meeting for tile
season for the Entr Nous club.
Grand prizes for the year, Mrs.
William E. Moses and H. C. Hum-
mell. The club will enjoy sever
al picnics during the summer sea
son according to plans made at the
regular meeting Wednesday.
- o - a
A wedding connected with an
interesting bit of, local history
was that which united In mar
riage Miss Carma Wallace and
Phil Lanning both of Lebanon
Thursday afternoon at the First
Methodist church of Salem. Rev.
E. B. Lockhart performed the
ceremony in the presence of Mrs.
Lockhart and Miss Stalssie Cros
san of McMinnville. iThe wedding
came as a surprise and was
planned hastily in order that the
ceremony might be performed by
Rev. Lockhart who with Mrs.
Lockhart, nee Jeanette Meredith,
of 25 years ago stood before the
same altar and were united in
marriage. This was the first time
that, Rev. and Mrs. Lockhart had
stoodTefore-tfiUr of the First
Methodist church since the day
of their inarriise. Mr. and Mrs.
Lanning will make their home in
e a e
Hubbard Mrs. Mary Coleman
entertained the Pink and Laven
der club Thursday afternoon at
her spacious home on the Pacific
country club proved a highly sue- Alliance Hears
cessful day Friday. Covers were
placed for 36 women for the one
o'clock luncheon which formed a
social interlude in the semi-finals
of the spring tournament.
Results of the play Friday
make the finals betveen Mrs, W.
E. Chandler and Mrs. Sephus
Starr. This will be played off
this week.
Next Friday the women of the
elub will be divided into two
teams one captained by Mrs. V.
E. Kuha and one by Miss Molly
Schwabbauer. The "play-will be
to determine who will be hostess
for .luncheon.
Mrs. - Brazier Small will be
luncheon chairman and assisting
her will be Mrs. Sephus Starr.
Mrs. W. Watkins and Mrs. A. D.
Woodmansee. It is resuested that
all attending the luncheon- call
Mrs. Small for reservations.
a a a
Monmouth The final meeting
of the Tuesday bridge club was
held Tuesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Larry Wolfe. At this
time each of the twelve members
totaled her score for the entire
playing season, and each member
brought a prize for the occasion.
The woman with highest total
score was given her choice of the
prizes. This honor fell to Mrs.
Wolfe, who chose a handsome
copper tray. Each of the other
winners had the privilege of
choice in score rotation, so that
each received a prize. This meth
od was decided upon last fall to
eliminate the distribution of pri
zes after each party.
a a a
Mrmmouth A large number
of Monmouth women plan to at-
hishway. A pot-luck lunch was (tend the annual convention ot the
served to Myrtle Wolfer, Etta I Oregon Federation of Garden
Higgenbotham, Etta Dark, Alice clubs in Albany today and tomor-
n e?er, riuuuo nuiiniin, nai; I row.
Bond fifteen centa (15c) ta
eotae or atanrpa (coina preferred),
for eack pattern. Write plainly
yaar a a ma, address and atyle aam
ber Be aare to atate aiaa, wanted. .
Toar aummer wardrobe can be
planned eaaily aad inexpensively
witk the assistance of onr eorrcnt
tt-paga fashion catalog.'; Tka keVf
of tke aeaaon'a afternoon, (porta
aad evening frock, lingerie, aosae
' dreatea - and iriddiea' nod pi all
pertonally chosen by Anne A da ma,"
are made arailable tkreagk tkia
kaantifal kook. Bind for your copy
today. Price at, catalog, fifteen
eenea. Catalog atnd patUrn tereth
ar, i twenty-five cent, i Idress all
malt and ordera to Statewtaa Pat
tra Department, Sa West 17 tk
Straet, New Tork'City. ..- ;-'.
Kldston. Rilla Zeek, Kathryn
Will, Pearl Bates; Minnie Moon,
Laura Jackson, Corlna McKey,
Mary Paulson. Mignon Kimes, i
Christina Stauffer, Elva Calvert,
Mrs. J. S. Landers is president
ot the organisation. Monmouth
delegates are Miss Ida Mae Smith
and Mrs. F. E. Chambers. Feat
ures of the program will be a talk
Anna Scholl. Alice Adams, Jennie J Saturday morning by A. L. Peck,
Pearcy. Elizabeth Grim, Susie J landscape expert from Oregon
ott, Lucy sewell, Rose Jordan, suta eollee: and an address Sat-
Annie Wells, Ava Malone, Fran-1 urday afternoon by Mrs. Florence
ces Weaver, Edith Palntei and aAimA1 a-rva, f th Draron
Mary coieman. , IJonmal staff. Veteran's llemor-
' 1.1 hall ia thai nlace. of mMtlnr.
T t er . anal . t - a, . 1 w "
aara. aariea jnccmiuuey enwr- th(. nanlne- babbIob will Mnr ITrt.
lamea wun an tniormai mncn- dty at 2 p.m. There will be an op-
eon louowea try bridge at ner lnnrfnnitw aien tn tU! arda,na
nome Tiaay auernoon. covers about tn, clty
were placed for Mrs. Carl Em- j a
mons, Mrs. ueorge Hug, Mrs. I. officers for tha eomln Tear
T -B a- . -ana i a mar ft , - ' -
. u uaonei, aars.iwePil -i.ctd bw tha Eeclesla elnh
tL. n. Kennedy, Mrs. Reed Row-1 ,. i un urin
land, Mrs. W. P. Ellis, Mrs. Ly-I Tnnae Uln Vina MMRlhanaiv ins.
wan, Mttwnwa, Mrs. f nilUP Bar- 1 .. v.thmr TCrti.k-.ftli aa nrav
rett, Mrs. W. S. Levena, Mrs. W.
J.. Minkiewltz, Mrs. Allan Hew-1
ltt and Mrs. McElhlnney.
. -f . .
r Monmouth Mrs.; F. E. Mur-
dock entertained Sunday In honor
of the birthdays of Miss Erla Mae
Murdock and John Murdock and
Miss Leila Hammersley. Addition
al .-.guests were Miss Sabina
Schmitt,' Salem, Miss Alta Potter,
Cyras .Lrmey- Cascade- Locki, F.
sldent. Other officers include Miss
Irene DeLlsle, vice president; Miss
Norma Sutherland, secretary; Miss
Charlotte . Horning, treasurer;
Miss Ellmore Dorrance, reporter.
- v m m
The receiving rooms were gaily
decorated ; with many spring
flowers and formed a pretty back
ground for the guests and for the
attractive tea table where Mrs.
Miss Campbell
Miss Agnes Campbell gave a
much appreciated lecture on Jap
an before the Women's Alliance
of the Unitarian church Friday
afternoon for the program which
followed an attractive one o'clock
luncheon in the Emerson room.
Letters were read from a Japan
ese girl and thlnts of interest
from Japan were displayed to add
to the interest of Miss Campbell's
The next meeting of . the Alli
ance will be as the guest ot Miss
Gertrude Savage in - the social
rooms of the Y. W. C. A. June 3.
Frultland A pleasant after
noon was spent on Thursdar at
the home of Miss Katherine Coo
ney, who invited in a few of her
neighbors for a social ehat. Re
freshments were served. Those
present were Mrs. Chris Gruen
felder, Mrs. Wed. Stabenow. Mrs.
J. Stauffer, Mrs. Frank Wodze-
wada, Mrs. L. E. Brown, Mrs. P.
J. Eggler, Mrs. C. J. Zerzan ard
little daughter Dorothy and the
nostess. Miss Cooney.
a a
Pleasant Vie' Mrs. Walter
MUler was hostess Wednesday af
lernoon 10 a number of guests
complimenting Mrs. Ben Wipper
(nee auline Schlagg). with a mis
cellaneous shower. She and her
husband have recently returned
from a honeymoon trio to Call
Those present were the honor
guest, Mrs. Ben Wipper, and Mrs.
L. C. Hennles. Mrs. A. Hennles.
Mrs. Ed Shilling, Mrs. John Shil
ling, Mrs. Lloyd Jarman, Mrs
Sam , Dreger, Mrs. Karl Wipper.
Mrs. A. Kunke, Mrs. W. Ball,
Mrs. C. Ball. Mrs. John MeKln
ney, Mrs. William McKlnney, Mrs.
F. Cook, Mrs. Will Fair. Mrs. A.
Dumbeck, Mrs. Herman Wipper
aad Mrs. Ted Whitehead.
a a a
Monmouth A reception was
held Wednesday afternoon at the
high school tor Mr. and Mrs. R.
E. Hathaway. Mr. Hathaway Is a
faculty member ot. the high
school, and was married Sunday
at Cottage Grove to Miss Lillian,
Miss Barger, a daughter ot Mr.
and. Mrs. Lou Barger ot St. Hel
ens, Is a graduate of Walla Walla
college. - Mr. Hathaway la a gran
uate ot Oregon State college, and
Is afflliatedWlt! Phi Gamma Del
ta. They are established at Win-
egar apartments until the close or
school, nere.
The BUand club of the high
school Oirl Roserves will inset
for a potluck tvpper Tuesday eve
ning in the t. w. o. a. eius
rooms. Shirley . Knighton and
Virginia Wassam are In general
charge ot arrangements.'
Mr. and Mrs. Wyn Greer, nee
, Helen Pollock, will arrive in Fa-
I lent this weekend and will make
$7.50 I
A special by
Ooasard. Num
ber WOT Ctaar
mceettt elastic
girdle Is wen
known by a
lit Doesn't Cost Much To
I Graduate hi Style! Especially
Since The Dollar Of Today
Buys Almost
Twice What
It Did Five
Years Ago
ment Bay II
aow, save SM0.
2nd Floor.
May Sale of
New Satin Crepe
-ii DRESSES J8- ?12
Salem women. ' .
" PUMPS ........ '2 - - 5
! HOSE 79c - '1 - '1
! GLOVES......
1 VOILES.. ......
Satin crepe slips are extra
special at this price. These
are lace trimmed, bias cut
Colors Tea rose, white and
flesh. 2nd Floor.
Elizabeth Gallaher and Miss Rus-1 their home at 1 If 8 1 North Sum-?
May Sale of
What a wonderful gift for
the graduate. Tailored and
lace trimmed silk step-ins
(a delectable shades of tea
rose, pink, white, etc, $1.93
and $2.98. Lingerie Shop
tod Floor."
$, oik Ab :
1 f 1 1 m i n i n i n n 1 1 1 1 : i n i n 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tj
Today Special' Showing Sport and Swim Togslrf;
" er - -
National Cotton Week
Celebrating National Cotton Week with
eotton values 1 We show an the newest
weaves ef mesh, ribbed, flecked,' rough
weaves, etc
Cottons that are thoroughly reliable in
texture as well as color and fashion. Im
mense sssortmenta ... shop through !
and Floor.
- $2 3ss
29c to 89c
For ;
r sn . - ,
E. Murdock and son George
am JJiatchford, - ' mer street.