The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 18, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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( ff guarantee our carrier
- service. If your paper does
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- Fair today and Tlmrwlay, .
little change in tenipera
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Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Jlomins, Max 18 1932 .
'No. 358.
fMsgteiIiindy Case
f ? x ' -rrr-' -. s ' : ?
Effort to Recoup his
Finances Thought
1 Cause of Acts
Jafsie States Colonel
And Self Never
"Taken in"
(Copyright, 1932. thai Associated
: ; . Press.)
: HOPEWELL, N. J., May 17
An astoundingonfeBsion by John
Hughes Curtis revealing bis en
tire participation in the search for
the stolen son ot the Lindberghs
to be a gigantic hoax, churned up
a whirlpool of developments to
night. Out of the excitement precipi
tated by the admissions at the
44-year-old Norfolk (Va.) "Inter
mediary," . who 1 broke down and
typed out the true facts of his ef
forts, came these salient points:
1. Curtis, in embarking upon
the project which tortured Col
onel Charles A. Lindbergh with a
false hope until the very night his
first born was found dead, appar
ently was motivated by a desire
to recoup financial losses be had
suffered In business. In his own
words Curtis "became insane on
the subject."
All Persons Named
Purely Imaginary
3. All of the boats and per
sons with whom he claimed to
have dealt were creatures ot his
Imagination and so far as his con
fession disclosed his hoperof mo
netary reward lay in the prospect
of lucrative film and newspaper
contracts. However, police said
they had no eridence Curtis re
ceived money from anyone.
3. Curtis held one of his two
associates, "Dean H. Dobspn-Pea-eock.
responsible foe ancauxaging
the activity and-faillng to prevent
this trouble." The clergyman,
however, from his southern home
viforously denied such was the
case and asserted he had acted In
good faith throughout
i 4. Authorities by telegraph
asked Dean Dobson-Peacock
whether he would come here vol
untarily for questioning,
i 5. Colonel Lindbergh withheld
any recommendation as to possl
hl nrosecution of Curtis. Stat
utes, both? federal and state, un
der which action migni oe mcu
agatnst purtls were scrutinized by
ttitin- The nossibllty of fed
eral eharges arose from the wide
ti"a of naw eaulpment and
personnel as well as coast guard
" craft In the Norfolk phase of the
Jafsie Clue Now
ctPMirMt Available
. Elimination of Curtis claims
.imrtfttlons with a seafaring
gang left the activity of Dr. John
iv rfldon. who oald a $50,000
ransom to the supposed kidnap-
rf. at perhaps the strongest ciub
tm' fcnd of nolice. A grand
Jary in New York city began the
.min the "Jafsie" ef-
' nr fresh information. '
. . r k nmnletft nlan of coordina
tion f federal agencies with the
state investigating agencies was
-outlined at a conierence at u
i t Thm storr of a self-labeled
narcotic user, arrested on a wife
abandonment charge in New York
to the effect that he participated
In the kidnaping was subjected to
thnronrt investigation. Question-
lag iot Ms wife served to discre
dit hw narrative.
-.!. Dr. Condon asserted he baa
J been skeptical of the Curtis ne
gotiations from the outset and re
Iterated confidence that (the per
sons with whom he dealt wereabe
real abductors.
M a: Mrs. Lindbergh, an expect
mnthnr. continued calm in the
; face of a confession which made
It clear that unnecessary worry
and trouble necessitating her hus
fc.nd's freauent I absence- were
caused by the Norfolk negotia
Jarsie Notes Tally .
tvdh Ransom Letter
-ill. A high federal official In
New York said expert comparison
f handwriting in communica
tions received by "Jafsie" and the
ransom note left by me aianapers
. tallied exact)?. J- - k '
Curtis confession "made Just be
fore dawn and provoked by the
fact he was "brought back t his
senses" by telephone conversa
- tioa with hia wife, was preceded
by several preliminary statements
one a rambling, incoherent doc
ument of more than 5,00 worda.
In the end he repudiated au
previous statements In a terse
declaration" which he tapped out
on a typewriter .himself.. He had
been subjected to extensive Ques
tioning. .
. BEND. Ore., May 17 (AP)
Several men left Sisters today for
the McKenxie Pass country to sur
Tey snow conditions and study
possibilities of opening the pass
Cannot Fathom
Curtis? Charges
NORFOLK, Va., May 18.
(Wednesday) (AP) Dean H
Dobson-Peacock issued a formal
statement early today in reply to
the charge ascribed to his associ
ate, John Hughes Curtis, that he
could have prevented his "unfor
tunate part" in the negotiations.
"In reply to Mr. Curtis' alleged
statement as quoted in the press!"
! that I might have prevented his
'unfortunate part in this enormous
deception,' " the statement said,
I feel called on to say that I can
not understand what Mr. Curtis
means unless It was that he had
told me in the beginning thht he
would not undertake the negotui
tions alone."
comDromise Revenue bin
Progressed, may let
Congress Adjourn
The billion dollar compromise
revenue-raising bill moved stead;
lly through the senate tonight be
hind the power of a dominant di-
party coalitltlon which preserved
Intact the Income and corporation
tax schedules.
The Income and corporation
rates higher than those voted by
the house and far above the exist
ing level were approved without
even roll calls. The opposition fail
ed in two new attempts to boost
the Income levies even higher.
Expressed doubts of house ana
senate leaders earlier oyer tne
likelihood of a final adjournment
by June 10 without a summer ses
sion were modified by the progress
of the ,tax bill.
The new income tax schedule
approved calls for the following
normal rates: 3 per cent on tne
first $4, bOO net income; six per
cent on the next 34000; and nine
per cent on income over 38,000.
Existing rates are 1, 3 and' 5
per cent respectively. The house
rates were 2, 4 and 7 per cent,
ADEN, Arabia, May 17 (AP)
Shipping agencies feared that
more than 300 persons may have
perished aboard the blazing
French motorship Georges pniup
par off Cape GuardaXul, Italian
Somallland, as 254 haggard,
smoke-grimed survivors arrived
here today.
The British steamers Contractor
and Mahsud brought the first re
fugees, who reported that up to
100 passengers were trapped in
their burning cabins yesterday.
Another 420 survivors were un
derstood to be on the French liner
Andre Lebon. which took them
off the Soviet tanker Sovletskal
Neft. i
Bank Will Pay
Dividend Soon
MARSHFIELD. Ore., May 17
(AP) Word was received here
today from the 'state bank super
intendent's office that the Dans:
ot southwestern Oregon, which
closed early in January, will pay
depositors a 30 per eent dividend
soon. It will amount to 37 3,
Against Wets Candidates
.The Womans Christian Tem
perance Union t t ' K meeting
Tuesday afternoon adopted reso
lutions expressing opposition to
the purposes of the "Woman's Na
tional Organization for Prohlbl-
Hion Reform'? and declaring them
selves opposed to the candidates
for public office endorsed by that
The W. C T. TJ. resolutions are
as follows:
- "WHEREAS 'an organisation
designating itself The Women's,
National Organisation for Prohi
bition Reform, met In Ahe City of
Salem recently and Indorsed cer
tain candidates for office; and
A' WHEREAS a earefnl study of
the organization, as " well as Its
roster of membership, convinces
us that said organization does
not stand' for prohibition reform
but for prohibition repeal and that
Hawley, Dana, Van Winkle
Hannah Martin, Abrams,
Trindle Endorsed
Ratcliff, King, Bosshard
Others Backed; "Only
Reliable dry List"
Alfred E. Clark for the repub
lican nomination for senator, Mar
shall N. Dana for the democratic
nomination for senator, ,W. C.
Hawley. for congress and I. H.
VanWlnkle for attorney-general
are commended by the Christian
Federation of Marlon county in a
list released throughout the coun
ty yesterday.
"Prohibition has been and is a
worthwhile success, economically.
socially and morally." reads the
statement accompanying the en
dorsement. "Prohibition" assures
the highest standards in all phases
of life. To' keep prohibition and to
assure its real enforcement v
must elect men to public office
who are dependably 'dry the
statement continues.
In the county primary contests.
the federation endorses for the
nomination as Marlon county rep
resentative Mrs. Hannah Martin
and Carle Abrams. For district at
torney the federation endorses
William H. Trindle. For county
commissioner the endorsement
goes to H. E. King and for sher
iff to Charles A. Ratcliff. W. J
Upendahl- for constable of the
Woodburn district and H. S. Boss
hard for city recorder receive the
federation s endorsement.
Copies of Endorsement
Widely Distributed
For delegates at large to the
republican convention the lea
gue endorses George L. Koehn,
(Turn to page 2, col. 3)
BOMBAY, India, May 17.
(AP) Hindu and Moslem mobs
were quieted tonight by the rifle
fire of British troops after four
days of communal rioting that
took 88 lives and wounded at
least 850 persons.
Twenty-four were killed today
and 200 injured before the sol
dlers who had been rushed here
from Poona. had restored order.
But the strife between the two
hostile races meanwhile had
spread to Calcutta where police
were forced to nre on a moo
Several constables and about 20
civilians were injured.
The trouble at Calcutta ap
parently began when Hindus sta
tioned on housetops stoned a Mos
lem religious procession. The
Moslems retaliated.
The Royal Irish Fusilliers fired
tonight on a mob. of Moslems m
Bombay who were looting" and
burning shops in the Bhendy Bas
ar, the center of the worst of
the riots. All was quiet afterwaTd
for the first time since Saturday
when a Moslem group attacked
some Hindus.
Vancouver Next
Gathering Place
Oi Credit Group
PORTLAND, Ore., May 17.
(AP) Vancouver, B. C, as
chosen today by the retail credit
conference of the Pacific north
west at its 1933 convention city.
The annual two-day convention
closed here tonight.
- J. H. Smith, of the Hudson's
Bay company, of Vancouver, will
become president of the confer
ence, succeeding Grant C. Bra
man of Portland.
The conference appointed a
committee, headed by Frederick
Young of Portland, to co-operate
with the State Bar association in
a j study of means of minimizing
abuses ot the bankruptcy law.
Un ion Warns
none of the members of such or
ganization have ever taken an ac
tive part In advancing the cause
of prohibition but have altars
been found contrary thereto;' and
"WHEREAS this organization
deems any candidate for office
who seeks and obtains the indorse
ment of such ' an organization un
safe for, us to support, or to hold
ofnee : and h-, . -----
- "WHEREAS the resolutions
adopted by such organization show
a woeful lack of knowledge as to
the relation between ( crime and
the Uduor traffic; . .
,'We therefore pledge our op
position to each and all of the
candidates selected by such or
ganization, as being -anworthy of
the support ot the voters of tnis
county and district, to stand for
law enforcement, tor order, or the
promotion of the welfare of the
Shoots Bass
And Big Bird
Out of Tree
WALLACE. Idaho. Mar 17
( AP) Earl Elitone, out fishing,'
shot a four poqad bass. out of a
pine tree with a shotgun." . .
Here's how- he came to claim
the title of "world's most unorth
odox fisherman" today. A hawk
caught the fish In Its beak, and
flew to the tree, 0 feet above
ground. . -
Elstone cast; aside his rod.
grabbed his shotgun and blasted
hawk and bass off ot a limb.
A.p?ofi "' J1? hM tb bM8'
the hawk, the shotgun and a rep-
Montana and New Meyfon
. . . .
uo into his camp; Hoover
Has Nearly Enough
(By the Associated Press)
Two more western states
Montana and New Mexico In
structed their delegations to vote
for Franklin D.r Roosevelt yester-
lln V an1 ttnnetaf t IOC V VT
York governor's delegate total fer
the democratic r!1ntll nnm.
In state conventions Montana
gave Roosevelt eight votes and
New Mexico gave him six.
Alfred E. Smith, leader of the
Roosevelt opposition, Jumped from
fourth to second place In the race
for delegates by gaining 18 in
structed votes from Connecticut
and 33 claimed votes in the New
Jersey primary. His Instructed,
pledged and claimed total jas
raised to 94.
The Roosevelt and Smith fig
ures do not include overlapping
claims over the 76 delegates al
ready selected hi Pennsylvania
where Roosevelt is believed to
have a good majority of the votes.
Nor do they embrace claims of at
least 40 for Roosevelt from New
York's 92 unpledged delegates.
Both of these delegations will de
cide definitely to whom they will
go in caucuses Just prior to the
June 27 convention.
President Hoover picked up 85
claimed votes in the New Jersey
primary and 11 pledged In a Mon
tana convention. These ran his
total Instructed, pledged and
claimed strength to 967 and his
Instructed and pledged delegates
to S45. Only 578 are needed to
nominate by the republicans,
while 770 nominate for the demo
crats. WASHINGTON, May 17
(AP)The quadrennial cry for ab
olition of the rule requiring two
thirds ot the Democratic National
convention vote to nominate a
candidate for president was raised
in the senate today by Ashurst of
Terming the rule "archaic, un-
American and un-republlcan,"
Senator Ashurst said it .had cost
the democratic party two presi
dents. He expressed hope the
convention next month would
have the courage to substitute the
majority rule for future conven
tions. Senator Dill. (D., Wash.), a
supporter of Franklin D. Roose
velt, said no" convention could
bind a future convention, wliere-
upon Ashurst said U would have
tremendous effect It the Chi
cago convention adopted a resolu
tion expressing its sense the rule
should be abolished Jn the future.
Repeal Week to
Be Observed by
Reform SOCiety Vr indicated today Its wilHng
vi "wwwl-Jr neM t0 compromise and, form a
The Women's National Prohibi
tion Reform association In Salem
will observe "national repeal"
week with a booth where informa
tion will be given ont and discus
sion may be had concerning tne
merits of repeal of the 18th
The week opened Monday and
the bocth opened at the same time
In the Bligh building in the form
er location of the Daune Art shop
on State street Just east of the
Capitol theatre.
The public is Invited to call at
any" time during' the open house
hours, according to Mrs. Louis
Lachmund, acting chairman ot the
local organization.
Columbia Floods
Vancouver Area
But Now Falling
VANCOUVER, Wash., May 17
XAP) The -Columbia - river
here today was more than three
feet above the flood 1 stage and
more than half ot the lowland be
tween Vancouver and Ridgef ield
was under water. Damage has
been confined to flooding ot pas
tures. " . '-
The river today was at the 20.1
foot stage but weather bureau
officials said the Columbia and Its
tributaries are falling at the head
waters, due to cooler weather.
Brief Statements Issued : on
Tuesday; Carson Will
. Welcome, Probe 1
Judge Says After Election
. ... ., . .,
Order Investigation
With both Judge L. H. McMa
nan and District Attorney Carson
i accusing one another of playing
politics, the open warfare be
tween the two subsided slightly
yesterday, Carson issuing only a
brief statement while McMahan
contented himself with a few oral
Biaiomenis aooui me .lacuiuoem
district attorney.
iub juuge uiu muicaie luai mi
ter election he would urge Wil
liam H. Trindle to order a grand
Jury Investigation of Carson's re
ceipts for a deputy and for
stenographer. If Trindle is 'not
elected district attorney, "some
old farmer may bring a suit in
court here to have the matter
l1" McMahan averred.
lnnul Knwiuiiig
To Enter Squabble
Trindle, asked what his atti
tude would be on stenographer's
payment and a deputy's hire If he
were elected district attorney, de
clared last night he did not see
how he could refuse the money
It the county court appropriated
it for such use. Trindle made no
comment on any proposed investi
gation of Carson's conduct of the
office of district attorney.
Meanwhile the district attorney
reasserted his statement that he
would welcome a special invest!
gator to investigate Jointly his
work as district attorney and
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
I. c. c.
PORTLAND, May 17. (AP)-
The procedure followed by inter
state commerce commission ex
aminers in conducting hearings
on the application of railroads for
an increase in livestock freight
rates In the mountain and Pacific
states area was challenged sharp
ly here today by Charles M.
Thomas, Oregon public utilities
The northwest phase of the
hearings being conducted by the
I. C. C. opened here today.
Commissioner Thomas objected
to the ruling of the commission
under which the producers and
the various commissions which are
opposing the proposed increase
are required to present their tes
timony first, while the railroads
are permitted. to reserve their tes
timony until the opposition has
presented ' its case. Thomas" said
this was contrary to all correct
procedure and filed a formal pro
test, asserting the petitioner
should be required to assume the
burden of proof and present his
case first.
"The Oregon commission,"
Thomas said, "respectfully sug
gests the impossibility of meet
ing evidence before that evidence
Is presented."
TOYKO. May 18 (Wednes
day) (AP) In the face of the
army demand for a non-partisan
National cabinet the Selynkat
coalition government.
TOKYO. May 17 (AP) The
h&krr Seivukai narty nut up
strong front again3t Militarists
and Nationalists in its determina
tion to retain control of the gov
eminent today despite an army
demand tor a non-partisan cabi
net . ' !
The ultimatum of military lead
ers they would support only t
National, nonpartisan cabinet
blocked efforts to reorganize; the
government, necessitated by the
assassination of Premier SuypsM
Inukai. , '
-v .
Foreign Demand
For Wheat Will
Be Heavy, Claim
CHICAGO. May 1 7 (AP)
Georre . Miltfor. chief marketer
ot government owned grain, finds
wheat livings a good account of
itself in the market and believes
European requirements will be as
great this year as last. . i
.Hopeful observations J of I the
president ot the grain stabillza
tion corporation and general man
ager ot ther Farmers ' National
Grain corporation were - based
upon a survey of the domestic
grain situation and a four weeks
business tour of Europe. ; :
Jurors Fail to ;
Decide His Case
i 1 -
Ballot This Afternoon to
Be First on Subject
Since law Passed
The senate recessed tonight at
9:35 p. m. to meet at 11 a. m. to
morrow with an agreement to vote
not later than 3 p. m., E. S. T..
on the beer amendment to the
revenue bill.
The senate tonight took up for
a decision the proposal of Sen
ator Tydings (D., Md.), to finance
a 31,500,000,000 public construc
tion bond issue by a tax of 24
cents a gallon on 2.75 per cent
beer. The vote will be the flrst
the senate has had on beer since
national prohibition.
A rerles of statements by party
leaders on prohibition was contin
ued today 'while an Impromptu de
bate on the subject was heard at
a senate committee bearing.
In New York William Glbbs
McAdoo. a democrat and a drv.
Irenlied to reoorta that ha Intend
ed to change his stand by tele
graphing the New York Times:
'Hare arrived at no eonduslon
about a referendum on prohibi
tion. When I do I shall make it
A little while later.- W. Kings-
land Macy, republican leader In
New York state, said he had told
President Hoover that In his opin
ion wet sentiment was growing in
New York and many other states
NEW YORK. May 17 (AP)
The "Jafsie" ot the Lindbergh
kidnaping case said tonight nelth
er he nor Col. Charles A. Lind
bergh had been "taken in" by
John Hughes Curtis and his story
of contacts with the abductors
"I knew It all the time and so
did the colonel," said the educa
tor who on April 1 tossed a pack
age containing 50T000 ransom to
a man on the other side of a New
York cemetery wall.
"The eoionel knew that I was
the only one who had the real
contact, which was proven through
the symbols, the suit and the
This Is what broke my con
tact," i Dr. Condon continued, as
he dug into a pocket and produ
ced a newspaper clipping bearing
the headline: "Curtis says' Col
onel Lindbergh authorizes him to
pay 1100,000."
"The kidnapers saw that story
and thought there was a chance
ot getting more money, he
Heralds ot
"Herald of Health" buttons for
1132 were earned by 98 of the
225 pupils attending Washington
school. The buttons signify that
their wearers have observed rules
of health, are in good physical
condition and are immune to diph
theria and smallpox. The fourth
grade at Washington led with. 22
pupils on the honor roll.
Health honor pupils in au the
grades are as follows: .
First grade Sally Ann Barr,
Eldon Breedlove, Clarice Busselle,
Lorah Kate Griffith, Ernestine
Loveland, Jean Newman, Patricia
Waters and Helen Young.
Second, grade Ted: Busselle,
Alice -Fay Daugherty, Bill Und,
RoTlin Haag. Wesley Jones, Cam
eron McDonald, . Minnie Nuyama,
Carl Ostrin. Erna Rettlg, Edward
Roseman, Helen Skubovlut. Mar
garet Sou thwlck, Betty Jeaa Wil
son and Elaine Wlnstead.
Third r" gradeGloria ' Allgood,
Frederick Bradshaw, Bsbby Bra-
zeau. Billy Byrd, Jean Donaldson,
Vivian Gerllnger, Frances Hughes,
Doris , MacDonald, Gordon Mer-
rlott; Myron Purseley, Annabelle
Basby. Jlmmle schiicker, Kuby
Schultx; Bobby Schaefer, Richard
01 S
Vote was 9 to 3 for Conviction at one Time but had
Switched to 7 to 5 for Conviction Before Decision of
Judge Walker to Dismiss Deadlocked Group; no ta-
dication as to Retrial Prospects
Two of Four Women Jurors
Supreme Court Justice Throughout Deliberations at
Dallas; Jay Stockman Case Will Start Today With
New Jury Venire Drawn
DALLAS, May 17 After 28 hours continuous delibera
tion, a circuit court jury was unable to agree here to
night on a verdict in the case of State vs. O. P. Coshow and
Judge Arlie G. Walker dismissed the jurors after expressing
regret that no decision had been readied. When the jury
was dismissed the vote stood sevemfor conviction to five for
acquittal. W. H. Cockle, foreman, reported in mid-after
noon Tuesday that a deadlock
Walker sent the jurors back to their conference room for fur
ther deliberations.
From iurors iUwas found
stood six for conviction to six
Last of Pioneer Family is
Noted for Benefactions
To Turner Vicinity
TURNER. May 17 (Special)
Death crept into the home of Mrs.
LCornella A. Davis here at l:l
o'clock this afternoon, and as that
grand old woman breathed her
last there was rone the last mem
ber of a pioneer family, who con
tributed much to the founding
and upbuilding of this section of
Marlon county.
Mrs. Davis would have reached
her 94th birthday next December
5. She had been bedfast for the
past week or more, but even after
attendants gave up an nope oi
life Monday, her lndomlnable will
carried her on until today.
The body will lie in state at the
home here Thursday morning
from s to 11 o'clock, and at 2
o'clock that afternoon funeral
services will be held from her
home with Rev. E. J. Gllstrap.ot
the Christian church here offi
ciating, assisted by Rev. C. F
Swander of Portland. Burial will
be In the Twin Oaks cemetery.
Benefactions Meant
Much to Turner
Mrs. Davis was known all over
Oregon, but In no section more
dearly than in this area, wnere
her benefactions have meant much
to the town. Some years agoxshe
care half the cost of a splendid
school building at Aumsville, con
struction ot which ran into 330.
000. A tew years ago she gave
100 acres of land and erected a
fine building, known as the Tur
ner Boys' school, to the memory
of her mother. Judith J. A. Tur
ner. The Christian church bulld-
ina and grounds there stand as a
monument to her love tor the
town where her family settled, as
do also the Turner library and
Within the past few few months
her vision and financial means
had started toward completion
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
Grade School
Health Many
Steeves, Lucile Turner, Lillian
Ware, Barbara White and Marilyn
Fourth grade Billy Bowes
Bobby Bowes. Martha Byrd. Shir
ley Cohen, Edgar Davis, Msrjorie
Davis, Billy Gilliam, Mona Greene,
Doris Griswold. Dorotny ttins,
Voekra Heath. Mary Laughlln
Joseph Law, Nuyama Frank, Mar
garet Purseley, Patsy Ransaeii.
Hugo Rettlg, Gearold Richardson,
Frances Roseman, Mary Rosa. Le
one Spaulding and Sibyl Spears.
- Fifth grade George Alexander,
Allean . Beechlll, - Vera Beechler,
Lyle Brown, Richard Chambers,
Harriet Crawford, Edith Davis,
Betty Crites Anna Louise "Gil
bert, Allen JCeeney, Flora Ellen
Leonard. June Lind, Corrine Mo
Tlmpeny, Charles Mins, Jaanita
M it chelL Elizabeth Ovtlman,
George : Rossman" ' and . Carmen
Vehrs. is VX r ,;'v -.
- Sixth - trade Agnes Bowne,
Grace Covert, Billy Evans, Janet
Fryer, John MacDonald, Roy Os
trin, Ruth Ranger, Thomas Roen,
Marjorie Roseman,' Gladys "Ross,
Robert Van Patten, Irene Warren,
Marie- Nuyama. Rose Nuyama.
Helen Ostrin and Gladys Ques-
seth. "'' :- "- - --- - -
Adamant for Freeing Former
had Deen reached out Juage
here tonight that the jury
for acquittal on the first ballot.
After conierence, the vote stoea
nine for conviction to three tor
acquittal. The eount then swung
hack to eight for conviction te
tour for acquittal and ended sev
en tor conviction to five for ac
Two of the four women on the
ury are understood to have been
adamant in their demands for the
defendant's acquittal, expressing
from the first "reasonable doubt'
on his guilt and refusing to dis
cuss the matter further.
Parley on Retrial ' '
Question la Held
As a result of the hung Jury,
the 14 days spent in trial and con
sideration ot the case fall to have
proved the guilt or innocence ot
Judge O. P Coshow ex-presldeat
of the Empire Holding corpora
tion on the charge of devising a
scheme to defraud. He was Jotnt- .
ly indicted with four other for
mer officers of the Empire cor
poration. District Attorney Carson. At
torney-General I. H. VanWlnkle
and Barnett H. Goldstein, special
prosecutor and deputy attorney
general, were in conference late
Monday regarding the state's
course if a hung Jury should re
sult from the Dallas case. They
did not reach a decision on the
course the state would take re
garding another trial.
Meanwhile the state's ease t.
against Jay Stockman starts to
trial In Dallas Wednesday morn
ing. Stockman like Coshow and
Keller who have been tried be
fore, is under indictment: for de
vising a scheme to defraud. He
was the legal counsellor of the
Empire Holding corporation.
More Instructions
Asked by Juror
Judge Arlie G. Walker stayea
up in the courthouse all through '
Monday night awaiting word irom
the Jury. Judge Oliver P. Coshow
went to bed at 11 p. m. He made
no statement after the Jury's re
port tonight.
The Coshow Jury came into
court early Tuesday, afternoon to
ask further instructions. Judge
Walker advised it that "all evi
dence, documentary or by testi
mony must be considered. When .
asked by one Juror to repeat his
instructions on "reasonable -doubt"
the Judge said that where
there was any room for doubt the
defendant should be given- the '
Judge Cdlhow was in the court
room when the Jury came in.
With him was Oscar Hayter, who
with Walter E. Keyes, defend
him. Barnett H. Goldstein was
not present. Judge Coshow had
no statement to make after the
Jury reported.
DALLAS, May 17 With the
third of the Empire Holding com
pany cases slated to start before
Judge Airlie Q. Walker here
Wednesday morning, a special ve
nire ot 18 men and four women
has been drawn. Jay Stockman
Is the third man to go on trial in
the series of eases arising out of
alleged dlvlslng of a scheme to
. (Turn to page 2. eoL ).
Louie Fox Held,
i Burglary Count
r I "- . "-.-"'"--.
DALLAS. May 17 Louie- Fox
of Independence was arrested in
Portland yesterday and placed ia
Jan here, charged with breaking, i
into a building. He was brought
before the Justice of the peace to-i ,
day and bound over to the crasd
Jury. - - - " '
Jack CNeil was arrested im -Falls
City today by Deputy-Sheriff
Flovd Senter. and was plaeed
In Jail on a charge of assault and
battery.. .t. -
to traffic