The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 17, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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i Partly cloudy today, Wed-
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Monday T8,' Mbu 88, rirer -8-4
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it- ; :' . ,
" i' 1 :'
Salem,. Oregon, Tuesday. Morning Jlay 17, 1932
No. 357 V
ft 'SB'-!-.-
P1RE CUBES Army Step
Carson Kfekes Statement on
: McMahan Charges and
r Get nsw Intwrr
Politics,! Well Timed." Says
nktrirt ; nftnrnoxf - f
Judge's Claims
Cbargiac Judje I H. McMahin
, vita, .'deception and double-dealing"
In wt attempt to be the "poli
tical boss of Marlon county" John
! H. ' Carson Issued - a 200 0-word
statement directed at the judge ot
department one or clrcuit-.coffrt
here. The district attorney char
acterized Judge McManan'8 re
cent statement as a "political
t corf -and declared it there had
I beenUruth lu his: declarations,
more than a year has elapsed in
which, he could have laid the. mat-
; ter before the grand Jury or: the
v Judge McMahan, after perusing
Carson's statement late Monday
afternoon, Issued, the t, fallowing
statement: A :. i-.iVV
I "A personal attack en me is no
'answer to the statements I -hare
I made concerning the conditions I
I found tn state and ounty offices.
1 "I haTe made no personal at
tack upon either of the Carsons,
'or upon any officer. I hare only
i exposed a record made by the of
! fleers. I 'hare given the facts and
'the law appllable to those facta.
"I could answer all the state
. menu made. They are either ut
j terly false, or half truths. To 11
; Iu8trate only. The records In the
! office of the Justice of the Peace
; will show a Judgment in my fa
ITor for $200 (not 2400) for dam
j ages to the automobile. This was
i entered by Judge Darld Webster,
and Senator C. L. McNary repre
sented the county as deputy prose-
i euting attorney. Attorney E. M.
Page collected the money
I Attack. Upon Self
; Held Smoke Screen
It has ever been that whenever
: a man exposes graft, b 4s sub
; Jected to personal attacks. In this
' way officers seek to distract at
i tentlon from charges they can't
I answer. b The real question is,
; have the taxpayers been Illegally
' deprived of over $30,000. I af
i firm that they have. The record
shows it, and I have quoted the
J law. .
I Most certainly, I am not going
j to be lead into personalities with
! polled mo to sUte the facts and
; there my responsibility ends, ex
; cept to Insist that whoever is elect
ed prosecuting attorney, he must
bring an action to collect this
Carson's statement, in part, fol
lows: "Since poltlcs has taken such a
; firm hold on our circuit court and
; has interfered and will hence-
forth . continue to interfere with
the administration of justice in
' this county regardless of the out
i come of any election, It seems to
I me advisable that the people
should, have- a more Intimate ac
i cjualntance with the cause of It all.
; Judge !. H. McMahan. This man
has recently, come into notoriety,
il not prominence, through his vi-
clous denunciations of others and
so. I take it, his own record and
j etflcial conduct are proper sub
it jects for the people to. bo enllght-
ened upon.
i Record of Decisions
i Reversed Lengthy ..
; "McMahan has been In charge
I of the law department of the cir
I cult court since the fall of 1930.
i According to the record, hr that
'time there have been 23 of his
! case appealed to and disposed of
by the supreme court. Of these 23
I cases In only four have his de-
visions been ; affirmed. : In x other
words, la 19 Instances out of 2$
! McMahan has entered erroneous
I or unjust judgments. Every case
1 appealed costs the taxpayers and
' the litigants a large amount of
! money. In every one of these In
! stances the taxpayers' money has
I been -wasted. '
'McMahan has increased the
I -costs of trials in the circuit court
! an.' average of more than $30 a
r case. This increase is . absolute
j .wasto of public money and is the
1 result of his Inability or failure to
I handle his court. ;
McMahan several years ago re
r covered by use of a technicality a
V default judgment against Marion
. Ir county for damages he claimed he
.i suffered to his automobile when
j he ran into a pile of gravel on a
' i county . road in the daytime. No
fury eVer oassed on his damages
and his Judgment should not hare
! been enforced. While Judge of the temple last night Bothjprgan-
circuit court bo forced tho county ixaUon adopted a resolution, pro-
i court to pay this judgment . and pare4 by tho Americanism com-
thereby chlselef tho people out mittees. urging aU eitlxens to cast
' ; ct mor tBan ,400- , . ... ballots at tho primary election on
As b oxample, a cMaen of this jrriday of this week. The resolu
i district recently had a case tn ...j. as follows
McMahan's court in which MiMa- tton,?5?.M ..v
C k $ Ife
0 V lu ea-aa so mm v va t vvi aiMtwB)M I
. -i -114 tVIa mmm. . A. 4A MOW
S? m,..M Iv,'
j In turn.' may cause him to loss
! his property. the ease had been
decided properly ln tho first place
by M:Mahan nearly all this ex-
' venso would have been avoided,
i In ft criminal case tried ly He-
! Mahan In January. 1931. a de-
i fendani was convicted of an
tense against morals.- After '
, ' , ? I Turn , to page 2, coU 1)
D isrupts Plan for
New Jap an Cabinet
National Body, not "Party Leadership, to be
Demanded; Suzuki Evidently Barred as7:
Successor to Slain Inukai
riiuiwxu. May 1 - uuesaayj iajtj tacieri of tne
A arftiv rav notiri twlav thov wrnnM rofncA a snrmnf4
any new Japanese cabinet based
tinsisiea a nauonai caDinet De
for the formation of a cabinet by Kisaburo Suzuki, home min-
' O minister, wao accepted tha preal-
Delaney to be General Head
n.; c.,nu inh,. Dion
For Memorial day.
Capital Post No. 9, American
Leglcn, will Bponsor another live?
ly 4 celebration-again this"
year, It was decided at last night's'
meeting held at Fraternal temple.
The 1931 celebration put on by
the legion was considered highly
Commander Irl S. McSherry ap
pointed J. T. Delaney, general
chairman of last year's July 4
program, to the same post for
the coming celebration. A com
mittee of three men to assist him
will be named later.
For Memorial day observance,
four captains to be responsible for
the legion's representation in the
parade were appointed. They are:
O. E. Palmateer, Onas Olson and
Herman Brown and J. W. Mar
i croft.
George Duncan of Stayton, dis
trict commander, attended the
; meeting and spoke on member-
8a,P Capital Post's paid-up roster
now -includes '573 names. J. T.
Delar.ey also talked of the na
tional convention to be held at
Portland next September.
Tho post passed first reading
. (Turn to page. 2. eol. f I -
WOUld Raise MllllOll More
Than Present tax, is
League's new Idea
PORTLAND, Ore., May 1$.
(AP) A proposed state income
tax law designed to raise $1,000,'
000 mote than the present law
was approved at a meeting hero
today of-the executive committee
of the Oregon Taxpayers'- equal
isation and conservation league
and state tax commissioners.'
The league also approved ,
measure and a constitutional
amendment which would ereate a
state tax supervising body similar
j to the Multnomah county tax sa
I pervismg ana conservation com'
Plans were announced to sub
mit the Instruments as Initiative
The income tax plan provides
for payments of 1 to 8 per cent
per $1000 on incomes, while the
present law requires only 1 to 6
per cent. The proposed law also
would have the exemptions come
off the tax paid instead of off the
incomes. Exemptions are nearly
the same asjn the proposed new
federal, bill, league officers said
The effect, Earl L. Fisher,
tat ' commissioner, explained, ' "is
as if wo had a 2 per eent mini'
mum tax for single persons and a
2H per cent minimum tax for
married persons.'
PORTLAND. Ore , May 1$
(AP) The Hibernla bank opened
for business hero today.
"Vote!" is Plea Voiced
By Vets
'"Vote as you please, but vote"
was urged at the meetings ot Cap-
lul p08t No- American Legion.
land of tho auxiliary at Fraternal
IMS.- toSK dgnatewhel
tho clUsens ot Oregon shaU by
their Toto nominate tho candi-
dates who shall represent their
respective political parties at the
election, in November. -
Whereas, it to tho daty of ot-
ery patriotlo cltlxen to vote and
thereby desinato ' his . or her
choice of the conditions.
Wheffias. the American Legion
0(3.) and its auxiliary are patriotlo or-
his I ganlzatlons, one of their main
principles being that every persoa
s In and
on political parties. They
dency of the Seiyukat party today.
would hare to' be tlren up. It
had been thought certain M. 6u
sukl would succeed the late Pre
mier Suyoshl Inukai. slain by as
sassins Sunday.
The army's ultimatum com
pletely upset the plans of the po-
litlcal leaders, who during the
day had virtually settled on M. I
Suzuki to head another party gov- I
aennral Mazniri. vfeA-rfciAf f I
the army general staff Informed
nr h ia
ww. v w -mm. au v nvuiu a V a mo v
tn nnrn ... I
war minister In a party eablnet.
The constitution provides that the
war minister must be a general
vent the formation ot any minis- I
try it disapproves.
'roject Here one of Group
To be Considered at
Board's Meeting
wiueums 'u"5
seven muee or me racuic mgn-
way nonn vi oaiem wiu d- uyn- i
ea lomorrow ai iuo aiai niguway
commissions meeting, in fort-i
land. The Job will bo one Of a I
number let in various counties in
the state. The commission estfr j
mates mat tne wora to ne let to-i
morrow will total $700,000.
Officials said : Monday that
most of these contracts would be
completed during the current
year, 'and would provide employ-
ment for a laree number of men.
Tn aiirtiMnn to onenlnr Md. th
MTnmtuInn al.n wU hour nevaral
delegations from different parts
v- .t.t- natinn itv
the secondary highway system.
Prohahlv thm larVaat nrnlAct la
- I
in Coos', Curry, Douglas and Jo
sephine counties. This . is known
as project No. 11, and involves
the construction of 21 miles of
bituminous macadam ' and five
miles of oil surface treatment.
Work is In four units in tho vi
cinities of Grants Pass, Drain,
Bandon and Denmark.
Another olung project in De
schutes and Wheeler counties In-
volves tho construction of fivo
miles ot mix surface treatment
on tho Terrehone-Redmond see-
tion of The Dalles-California
highway and 12 miles of oil sur-
face treatment on tho Mitchell-1
Dayvlllo section of tho Ochoco
UUrar- rx T?lrrA
Truck Gardens,
THE DALLES, Ore., May 1
(AP) -Tho Columbia, river here
has reached the 32-foot stage.
Rlvermen ' predict a possible ad
-v.-t JT .: "-, "
ditional rise offrom 10 to 12 feet
land trucT garde-ns- ana" flood
store basemen ts In tho business
Representative Hawley (R.,
Ore.) today introduced a resolu
tion to provide for construction of
tho south Jetty on tho Umpqua
river, Ore.
in Resolution
perform his duty ln order to have
the best possible government
'Now Therefore Bo It Resolved
by the members ot Capital Post
No. 9, American Legion ; and Its
auxiliary,, department of Oregon.
assembled ln regular meeting this
16th day of May, 1932, that said
post and auxiliary go on record
is favorinra they always have,
and urge through the newspapers
and through every other source
available that every cltlxen of tho
state of Oregon be urged and re
quested to exercise tho privilege
ot franchise by going to tho polls
and cast his or her ballot for tho
candidates selected.
Be ItTTurther Resolved that a
copy of. this resolution bo given to
each newspaper in thai city of Sa
lem with the request that said
resolution bo given duo publicity
Respectfully snbmittea, r -
Ordinances Anent Ball, Dogs
And Garage Registers
Passed by Group
'"V. ' mmmmmmm-mB-m '
Traffic Regulation, Prohl
Amendment are Among
- New Ones Viewed-
Salem's coundlmen suffered an
attack of spring " fever Monday
night j the beetle fight over street
vacations, mountain water and
whatnot- were forgotten, and In
stead the group of 14, with three
absent, passed three ordinances
In routine fashion, approved the
regular bills and adjourned in llt-
tie more than an hour.
rrincipai ordinances saopiea
An ordinance providing that
baH tor municipal offenders
must eaual or exceed the mlnl-
mom fine which may be levied
. , mm
against the offender.
4 An ordlnce providing that all
sb u v "
M"7" Z:Z "iill Y
An ordinance providing that the
street commissioner shall give no
nce when stray dogs are Impound
ed and that these notices shall bo
Two hills regarding conduct of
traffic In downtown Salem were
introduced and referred to proper
committees. One bill declares that
pedestrians, when In the proper
intersection lanes, shall bo ac
corded right-of-way by motorists.
The other sets forth the proper
positions autolsts must take In
turning corners.
Another ordinance Introduced
and passed to committee makes
illegal the possession ot a still.
f,n,,f, mln fmlt within
v-umum Th nntinanA im
d-Tltr and augment present
nrohihitlon laws In tha dtv
at least fonr different chemical
anb8tancea can be aaed tn ellmin-
ate the stench from the Willam
ette slough and any ono ef the
four will be satisfactory, Vernon
c. Bushnell reported to the
council. An Investigation headed
by Professor C. H. Johnson, head
ot chemistry work at Willamette
university, had been made, Bush-
no" reponea. me matter wui oe
taken under advisement by
coaacii cummiuto, ueaua oi ui
0rfon Palp nd Paper Mill here
will be consulted, and when all the
f re ln. mpaBy and tho
rTavaBw r. mSm. ttr mm M -
u.u iu , w..
New plans which add attraction
to" the coming Willamette Valley
Flowers show, an event of Juno
I 4 and B in Willson. park, were de-
veloped at tho committee -meeting
I Monday night la tho chamber ot
commerce rooms.
Tho newest angle Is that tho
Women's guild of St. Paul's Epis
copal church will nave a rerresn-
saent" tent, thus Injecting a social
note which will be an attractive
to tho regular flower
Plans aro being taken to the
state convention tn Albany this
week where Invitations will bo
broadcast tor valley clubs to join
tn. the show.
It Is also announced that tho
I nubile Is Invited to enter displays
"r" "
a club or not.
Science Party's -
McKinley Ascent
Causes 2 Deaths
FAIRBANKS, Alaska. May 18.
(AP) An expedition to "trap"
tho cosmic ray on Mount Mctun
ley, tho highest peak on the North
American continent, had ended to
day In the death ot Allen Carpe,
36, engineer ln New York for tho
American Telephone and Tele
graph company, and Theodore
Koren, 28, a member ot his party.
I In A era T.txrf11intT
uu&c cyrAiii&
Is Coming Today
Judge L. C. Lewelling of Al
bany will do -his' first work as
J today when ho decides
on motions and demurrers in de
partment two of circuit court. The
judge was in tho city for a short
time Monday . conferring with
Walter Lamkln, deputy . county
clerk, regarding tho work which
confronts him ln department two.
Several cases pending before the
late Judge Gale 8. H1U will have
to bo reheard by Judge Lewelling,
View YORK. Mar 16 (API -
Kid Chocolate, Cuban holder of
the synthetic Junior lightweight
championship, - easily outpointed
Mike Sarko of New . York in a
- ten round boat here, tonight
Two Airmen
Killed When
BTJRBANK. . CaL. " May. IT
(AP) Two alraea. rldlnr as nas-
sengers in a nail plane, war kilV
4 this morning when the 8aa
Digo Seattle -United 'Airlines
plaaa eraahad.aad caught fire at
the local, field. Th Uot of the
plans Harry Crandall was re
moved froBi the wreckage In a
dytaf condition. - . .
The dead are H. C. Christenson.
radio operator for the airlines,
and John Johnson, veteran Pact tie
coast pflou They war burned to
Aulh - . ' I
The plane was stopping hero
to pick up mall when it crashed In
landing. ; . - "
AmDUlanCe Called 1T One
Case but not Needed;
Injuries Slight
Three near-serlons automobile
accidents occurred over the week-
end but none of them resulted tn
injuries worse than bruises.
Cecil R. Manning, S21 South
18 th street,' reported to police
last night that his light coach was
overturned and badly damaged I
when .struck .broadside by a light
seoan anren oy Roy v. Ohmart,
285 South ICth street, at 15th
and Trade streets. Ohmart said
he had been watching out for
some children at play and-dld not
see the Manning ear. Tho Inves-1
tlgating officer made no arrests. 1
Manning and Ohmart suffered
painful bruises. -The coach was don also will attend the dally po
caved ln on one side and tho. Uco lineup ln New York city on
front axle, f.r.3r, lights and ra- the theory that either the extor-
dlus rod on the sedan were dam-I
aged. An ambulance called to tho I
scene was not needed. I
a result of a collision at I
Duck Inn on tho Pacific highway
Sunday, with a ear driven by
Henry Eder Jr. of Gervais. T. J.
Oldham of Eugene yesterday ap-
peered in Justice court yesterday
and pleaded, guilty to a charge of
reckless driving, He was fined
$21 snd costs. Tho Eder car was
upaetand-tho occupants bruised.
Lawrence Snsee, 16, of Brooks,
lost one tooth.
W. J. Smuck, 63, 1488 North
Summer street, suffered minor In
juries when he walked against a
car driven by A. C.- Spranger,
route six, at Shipping and Capitol
Other motor vehicle accidents
reported over the weekend were
as follows:
Martle Mcllwain, 1095 Shipping
and Floyd Steward, Silverton
route twp, at Capitol and Union;
Carrie Fitxpatriek. 105 River, and
an unidentified driver, on Liberty
between State and Court; Esther
Tibbett, 960 North Fifth, and Dr.
Ross, at Fairground and Capitol;
C. R. Bonell, 970 E. and Mrs. Mc-I
Cannell, 140 South 15th: C T.
West, route eight, and an uniden -
titled motorist, at Commercial and
Center; Adolph J. Sensel. route
five, and an unidentified driver.
on Liberty.
(AP) Robert Dollar, captain by
courtesy, shipping rnagnate extra-
ordinary, who made the "$" his
around, died early today at his
homo hero ot bronchial pneu
monia. Ho was In his 89th year,
and almost to tho end die tat W
tho policies ot tho rsst ship lines
bearing his name.
Flags on state and municipal
tL" 7!e"l,h?.
.. . :, Drury. 46, had died yesterday
VrtT,U .eitlI1-tn(l nd"d9Uornlng in San Francisco. She
of ships In San Francisco bay I nVlt,nttnn iflat
lng of "tho grand old man of the
w? o so a. t. .1 J
fael, of which Captain Dollar was
a steaaiast member, too enimes
Kb gave tho church years ago ln
memory of .his daughter, Mrs.
Grace Dollar Dickson, will sound
his dirge. . .
John W.Thomas
Dies Suddenly
STAYTON, May 16--John W,
Thomas, prominent in the Jordan
country, dropped dead from heart
failure hero this afternoon, while
working ln tho field.' ? . r '
-Funeral arrangements are In
tho hands ot the Weddlo Mort
uary, -with no date set as yet
pending 'word from relatives. . ;
Roosevelt Gets
Vote of Kansas
LAWRENCE. Kan., May It.
(APJ The Kansas delegation
tho . democratic, national -. eonven-
tlon was instructed by the party's
state convention late today to cast
its 20 votes for Governor Frank-
Un:. D. : Roosevelt - for5- the demo- Buaham. - -cratlo
presidential nomination. I -"Third grades-Herbert Lucas,
Vfiil .Also Attend at Daily
v Lineup Held by Police
In New York City
Condon met Onlv one man.
. . . T . . '
Says - Gang v Consists
Of six Persons
(AP) The firm step of the aging
"Jafsle" carried him tonight
along a circuitous trail toward the
extortlentst to whom ho paid
$5 0,0 00 ransom, while the police
formally reenllsled the wide flung
forces of the roTtrament in the
U8k rengtag Baby Lindbergh.
jjt. jonn jr. uonaon. me eau-
cator who came out of virtual re
tirement at 71 to assist Colonel
Charles A. Lindbergh, today peer
ed at the rogues galleries of Jails
ni prisons in Westchester coun-
tT New Tor.
He was hopeful he might find
the likeness of the extortionist,
who appeared to bo a Scandina
vian and was known to him only
by his first name. This was the
man to whom he gave $50,000 ln
a Bronx (New York city) ceme
tery $50,000 supplied by Col
onel Lindbergh which the colonel
raised, according to one publish
ed account, by borrowing $25,-
Think Extortionist
May "Hide tn Jail
Beginning tomorrow Dr. Con-
tionist might be 'a professional
criminal or that he might endea-
vor to hide himself ln Jail for a
minor offense.
Dr. Condon, it was officially
stated, told nollea fc m pt n,HAn.
ally only one member of the gang
with whom ho dealt, but this
member Is presumed to have told
him there were four other men
and a woman. Tho shadowy fig
ure he treated with in the ceme
tery also claimed that one member
(Turn to page 2, coL 6)
COLVILLE, Wash., Msy 1$
(AP) Mrs. Blanche Chltwood,
37, was shot and killed, A. R.
: Carssow, 45, was probably fatally
wounded at Mlddleport, near here
tonight, and authorities sought
Harry Chltwood, tho woman's dl
vorced husband on the strength
I of a witness' assertion he did the
1 shooting.
I . Mrs. Edward Stevens, the dead
I woman's sister, telephoned the
I sheriffs office that she. Mrs.
I Chltwood and Carssow, Colvllle
druggist, were sitting ln Mrs.
Chitwood's store at Mlddleport
when Chltwood entered and open
ed fire without warning.
Ono bullet struck Mrs. Chlt
wood In tho head and two In tho
body, killing her outright Cars
sow was wounded twice, in tho
body and head. At midnight sur-
I x o..-n. ..m -,- .xa
fw 7on. wUn sho
Gregory Goes to
Sister's Funeral
I work that hi. sister. Mrs. Ada
but faued to rally. She had been
111 for some time. Mayor Gregory,
his wife aad his mother, left late
t Homday night tor mo south.
Richmond Primary Pupils
Lead Health Herald List
' Tho first year classes at Rich
mond school aro highest on tho
1932 health honor rolL Eighteen
of tho 81 pupils on the list aro in
this grade. . -.
Those earning tho "Herald of
Health" buttons at Richmond are
as follows: - - '" 1
First grade Billy Jane Conner,
Cheater Beeson. Billy Sturterant
Norman Evans, Henry Johnson,
Colleen Graham; Charles Whltto
more, Charles Devanlt' 'Paul
Pratt Vernon White. Noel Cook,
Clarence Cox, Ore Painter, John
Frlgaard, Donald Bowers, Albert
Chrlstensen, Shirley Parker and
Iwana Griffith. - .U :j
Second grade Gwendolyn Me
Leod, Violet GIsler, Doris Albin,
I Barbara Arthur, Margaret Anno
to I Bellinger, Sally McClelland, Mlr-
eel Mohr,' Gloria . StV'der, John
Bueurench, Robert Martin, Bobby
Palmateer. : Frank ; Whlttemore.
Eddie Boatwrlght and " Marston
Convict Missing
Three Hours But
Is Inside Walls !
Bryon Hackney 13, trusty, at
tho,. Oregon state -penitentiary,
was listed as an escape at the la-
tltutlon for more than three
hours Monday. Ho was missed
shortly after 11 a. m. and It was
first thought that ho had scaled
tho walL At 2 p. m. Monday
Hackney was found hiding be
tween the celling of the Institu
tion laundry and the floor above.
Ho was almost completely over
come by heat from the laundry
and was taken to the prison hoe-!
pltal for treatment. Hackney Is
serving a three year term In the
penitentiary tor forgery. He was
received from Umatilla county in
June. 1930.
Large Group From Here Is
At Session: National
Head is Speaker
PORTLAND. Ore.. May 16
f API Credit has a dual person-
ality it is "a Dr. Jekyl and Mr,
Hyde" and may be a good ser
... a . K, d m aster. WTank Bat-
tr. nreeident of the National retaU
trAlt associaUon. told members
of the Paclfle northwest retail
credit conference here today.
Annroximately 300 delegates at
tended the conference which will
continue through Tuesday,
"Credit is not merely a selling
device." Batty said. "It Is a form
nee. "
ot faith. It has become a gigantic
factor In commerce without which
business ln its modern sense could
not operate, but It has a dual per-
sonaUty. It Is a Dr. Jekyl and Mr.
dlt Is a beneticient energy but
abused it is a veritable monster.'
Members ot the Salem Credit
association who are in session part
or all of the time at the annual
:".:r-LV:' ;,T ; :;r.l
"I "ITS'Z?
c4 6'"".
K.eeier. xtoy n. nnnwnii "
Juanlta Hald. B. E. SIsson. E. L.
Baker, Miss Kathryn cartnew.
Ralnh Glover. Miss Erma Wilcox.
Mrs. Elorlo Wassam, Walter Bar
kus. Mrs. Hope Bassett, Miss Edna
Luckef, Miss Alice Mathey, Leo
m til.. Wf H f W O j .mtm. A
acnoetuer. mjy.
LMrs. Hulda V. Uedstrom. John
Weisser. James M. Clark and Hen-
ry E. Morris. A number 01 mo
men are accompanied by their
Mr. SIsson Is quia master for the
entire conference.
Youth Drowned
When He Leaps
From RowboatlrZ" f 5"9
GRANTS PASS. Ore., May 16.
(AP) Glen Loop, 12, of Me-
Mlnnville. Ore., drowned ln the
Rogue river here yesterday. He
leaped from a rowboat as it snip-
ped water ln going over a small
falls, his body was not recovered.
Arnold Wldeneft of MeMInn -
nile. Lawrence opdeai 01 En-
gene and Marvin Clara and Maex
McCargar ot Grants Pass were
passengers In the host with Loop.
NEWARK. N. J.,- May 18
(AP) Benny Leonard knocked
out Marty Goldman, New York
welterweight In tho second round
of a 10-round bout at tho Laurel
Garden arena here tonight.
t- xt- .iK ..
so w .ivw aaes-av p waaaa Atvv-a, m
m.m " - rsw
VA1h ss-Msa n.M t .
m uiu van & a ou-t awiasb14 as as w
Kimbeth . Aun H.rricl. Nln.
crown. ""ja WHIM, ttODer.lTr VTrT'.IM.t. . Mi., tn mm
Ds-w aV T -3.
Jorio Donaldson and Freda Buo-
QrJ?,i1V - ' .
um graae uien tjrooxi. Ea
win Keyes. Gloria Cottewr Gordon
. - iira.uuci, buuw
oiujLu. . dwj iwwuu, Aiciwiu
Oooklns, Barbara Cesner. Nellie m. v ..a f
Derebery, Raymond Walker. Lu
cille Walker. WlUIam Maynlhan,
Nancy Strieklla and Dale New -
man. .
SJtth grade Geraldino Arnett
Eva Burgeaa, Wemo Curry, WU -
11am Derebery, Geraldlno Frig -
aard. - Bernlco Griffin. Darrel
Herren. James Lucas. Jimmy Tay -
In t.r1m. xrhltax nlui Wdllamila latnrhlnr .l.m.tlt thai af.
UMi m m Wlim ,.m I..
Judge Advises Jurora
Not Wanted I ;
AL,' c Q-U- a-,
Dence Ot OCnCme tD
Defraud Claimed '
By Hayter
Tho Jnry tn the case ta
state vs. Ooehow was Ota oe
at l:SO-a. m. this moraios; at
Dallas.' The case .went to tho
jury at 8:10 p. m. Mendav.
Jodge Arlle G. Walker fca
noBRced Monday night tbat ho
would be available for a reetort
at any time duriag the night.
DALLAS. May It fSnartall
The case of Oliver P. Coshow, ac
cused of devising a scheme to de-
rrand while serving as president
ot the Empire Holding corpora
tion, was given to the Jury this
afternoon at 5:10 o'clock by
Judge . Arlle G. Walker.
In the course Of his tnatnaa-
tions to the Jury Judge Walker.,
making reference' to attorn era
recommend iLcV oirS
Nd rw p the defendant.
a sw av jwavteV 4Mi Ulai
eern was solely with the question
oi guilt or innocence, adding that
mo court did not want any rec
ommendations from the Jury.
Oscar Hayter consumed all of
the forenoon and part of tho af
ternoon ln presenting tba final
luftenae argument, ho declared o
I hitter and relentless effort was
being made to blacken and
stroy tho reputation of ono who
had been - an outstanding figure
ln public life ln Oregon -for over
30 years. Personally, said Hayter,
he had known Judge Coshow for
nearly 30 years, and still had
f.uh .n .rww.t - v.
ir"- "
r!l- aJSL
Defrand WoTihoww
PJ . -
- w "?
devising a scheme to defraud.
Hayter emphasized that proof of
misrepresentation ln stock . sell
ing, even If there were . such
proof, did not constitute tho
cnarged. and that a man eeald
i bo found gunty for tho acts
ho that -he actually directed
these acts.
With respect to Coshow's selec
tion as president of, tho corpora
tion because of his prominence.
Hayter said this was a common
practice, citing several examples
in Oregon. Ho urged that Coahow
could not be held guilty because
w tonsight faIled to penetrate-.
t.m 9ntnrm is-
t ,..', ftB f i . . . i
The corporation Is ln tho same
position with respect to Jadgo
Coshow's Investment as with any
of tho others, and 9x received tho
same amount ln actual money from
Coshow' that It did from Dr, R.
W. Clancy, Hayter declared, point
ing out that a J. Keller throagk
his sales contract, would have re-
I Absence of Effort
1 At Secrecy Cited
Hayter asked the Jurors If they
had ever heard ot a scheme te
1 defraud in which, sueh complete
records had been kent one to
I the inspection of stockholders.
I with no effort made to eosteaal
1 anything regarding tho firm's se
Reviewing tho state's wltnossas.
I Hayter declared many of them
I could have misunderstood . Co-
show's statements and that
era! others would have boon tike-
ly to stretch tho truth mainly
I through what: he termed eelf-tn-
I terest ln tho case, or through the
I power of suggestion . exerted by
the state's . attorney.
I He referred to tho qae&tlow-
nalro conducted by the corpora-:
tlon department declaring.
swers contained therein varied
from tho same . witnesses', testi
mony on tho stand and that 12
different stories were told regard
ing tho same point He aaid he
did not claim ' perjury .hat that
memories were obviously faulty.
i w - j e v . a . . a . . m
(.Ham aAfN m la m4 am IT. -mw, aIJ
1 " 9 4saaosaas4srw-3s sm
1 iv . . a, v eM-a a. a. :
.V.rS. ...
" "af stock. It this was not true?
w " -a
the corporation commissioner, ho
I could easily have said ho dldnt
iku. wu
misled In granting tho permit la-
isieaa naioia inm rrmin anaraeea
a 1 . . . ... .
i tnis enucism.
I gays Testimony of
- 1 Alliaon Impeached .
I . To the state's contention that
1 j, K. Allison, foreman . of tho
I Marion county grand jury, tnv
I peaehed MeCallisters testimony.
1 Hayter responded that Allison's
1 testimony was impeached by Lars
I Bergsvlk and Mrs. Nora White.
1 Hayter described Dr. Claner
....aua. wm yw mm