The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 15, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN,' Salem, Oregon; Sunday. Morning. May 15, 1932 -
3 "'J
Local News Brief;
Cougar Kit Shown Two i
cougar kittens, v four, weeks old,
and belonging t& the state game
commission, -were on exhibition in
one of the Cadwell and , Parker
tore windows on State street es
terday. By agreement - with ' the
commission Earl Adams Is caring
tor the kittens, on which the com
mission paid a bounty, until time
for Oregon wild lite displays to
be staged In : Portland store win
dows.: Using them In the state's
exhibit at the Olympic games at
Los Angeles also Is being consid
ered. They were caught near Cas
cadla after their mother had been
hot. , - jv,;- i rl
Complete line of thrifty, hardy
bedding plants.: Salem's Petland
Seek Abrogation Suit to ab
rogate and set-aside a ' contract
which the plaintiffs declare has
been! defaulted; was. begun in eir
cult court here yesterday by the
Union Savings and Loan associa
tion against C. . E. Timme, and
others. Judgment- of S3311. is
Bought The plaintiff contends
Timme and the other defendants
V,;, bargained to buy a house in Sep
Ji lemoer, llu, ou iv.puy v
month thereon.; Only three jay?
3 ments hare been made since the
contract was "made," the plaintiff
contends, and ' the contract is
therefore In default.
The Vogue makes and remodels
ladles' garments. 410 Guardian
Bldg. '
Fisher on Auto Trip James
Frentress, of the Model Cafe re
ceived a card from Fred Fisher,
who Is on his way by auto to
Iowat The card was mailed from
Twin Falls, Idaho, and Mr. Fish
er states that they are having i
fine trip making oyer four hun
dred miles the first day. Mr. Fish
er was employed by the Standard
Cleaners in Salem. He and his
family are on their way to Iowa
where they will make a visit with
Mrs. i Fisher's parents.
Special $3 permanent wave at
Marinello Shop. Phone" 8916.
' 16 Chemeketans Go! Sixteen
Chemeketans were signed up last
night to take the trip to the Port
land General Electric power plants
above Estacada today. The party
will leave the Senator hotel at 8
o'clock this, morning. Th03e signed
up were: Letha Pelley, Cecile Pel
ley, ; Augusta Notdurft, Lavilla
Perry, Esther Bell, Cora Randle,
R. K. Ferriss, J. W. Moore, Kelly
Moore, Cordla Wiper, Leah Suing,
Lucille Jaskoski, V. E. McCune,
Bessie C. Smith, Flora Turnbull
and J. A. Burns.
ICE. Prompt residence delivery.
Phone 5603. New modem all-steel
refrigerators at cost. Call at Cap
ital Ice, 560 Trade street.
Roads Are Good Major high
ways to seashore and mountain
are in good condition, according to
Oregon State Motor association re
ports. The Mt. Hood loop and Mc
Kensie pass roads are closed over
a: portion by snow. The Santiam
highway is eperi to a point a few
miles above Cascadia and the
Breltenbush road, while rough, Is
open to the springs.
Estate Probated The estate of
the late Sarah M. Walker, deceas
ed, was admitted to probate here
yesterday. The estimated value of
the real property is $2500 and of
the ! personal property 1450
James A. Walker is executor. Ap
praisers are H. L. Marsterg,-J. W
Bellamy and A. G-. Walker.
Senators vs. Multnomah Clowns.
dinger field 2:30 p.m. Adm. 25c
Estate . Reopened T h e estate
of the late Daisy Bowser was re
opened in probate court yesterday
to allow 150 in Liberty bonds.
discovered after the estate had
been closed, to be divided equally
between Wilson Bowser and Leon j
T. Bowser, joint and equal heirs.
Staples Appointed H. Carpen
ter Staples, Portland, Saturday
was appointed by Governor Meier
a member of the state board ot
examiners, in 'optometry. H will
succeed Dr. A. R. Miller of Mc-
Minnvllle, jwhose- term has expired.-
' K " . .J, -
Colonel Alfred E. Clark, who Is
seeking the republican nomination
for United States senator . is the
man -who at the request of the
governor drafted, the "Power Pro
gram", measures of the Meier ad
ministration at the 1931 session
of the Oregon legislature. .This
"Power Program" was the basis of
Governor Meier's campaign for
the gubernatorial chair. (Pd.
adv. Clark for U. S. Senator com
mittee, 820 Yeon Bldg., Portland,
- Decree Granted A decree was
granted the plaintiffs - yesterday
lny circuit court here, by Judge L,
H..MeMahan in the case of J. L.
Stalker and Josie-Stalker against
Emily' Cline and a score of other
Miss Mulligan Home Miss
Vesta Mulligan, daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. A. S. Mulligan, returned
to her home yesterday after be
ing confined several weeks follow
ing an emergency operation.
club president
At the residence of his brother,
F. W. Rotreln of 377 S. 20th
street, May 12, Otto V. RoUein,
aged 46 years. Besides his broth
er he is survived by two slBters,
Ruby V. and Violet E. of Los An
geles. Funeral services from the
Clough-Barrick company chapel,
Church at Ferry streets, Monday,
May 16, at 2 p. m. Interment
Cityview cemetery.
At the family residence, 318
East Miller street, May 14, Mar
garet R. Rasmussen, widow of the
late Peter Rasmussen, mother ot
Albert, Milo and Paul Rasmussen,
all ol Salem; sister of Mrs. Mary
Withycombe of Portland, Mrs.
Al Blondt of Gladstone, William
and Able Thomas ol Sweet Home,
David Thomas of Alaska and Coxy
Thomas of Wlllamlna, half sister.
Mrs. Fannie Mosher of Bandon. A
native of Cardiff, Wales, aged 71
years 2 months and 2 days.
Friends are invited to attend the
funeral-service Monday. May 16,
at 2 p. m. from the Terwilliger
Funeral Home, 770 Chemeketa
street. Rev. W. C. Kanlner, offic
iating. Interment in unyview
Pluto Writes Back Robert M
Weir, of the Model Cafe received
a card from Ed Pluto, local land
scape gardener, who is on his way
to Colorado to look after some
property he owns there. The card
was i mailed from Weiser, Idaho
and Pluto states that he is having
a fine trip.
Eyerly Flies Back Lee Eyerly
flew i back here from Medford yes
terday in his new Waco plane, in
company with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Bowman who piloted a new cabin
and a new convertible plane. The
new; ships .will be shown here
this 'week then flown into Washington.
In this city May 12, Lucy Kll-
liam, aged 62 years. Formerly of
route 6, Salem. Beloved sister of
Freemont Wade of The Dalles,
Sherman Wade of Condon and
Mary Mattoon of Drain, aunt ot
Mrs. A. Halseth, Mrs. Harold
White, Mrs. Robert Fitimaurice,
Glen Percy Wendell and James
Gorton, all of this city. Funeral
services will be held Monday
morning, May 16 at 10 o'clock
from the parlors of the Salem
Mortuary, 545 : North Capitol
street, Rev. P. W. Ericksen of
ficiating. Interment Belcrest
Memorial park.
At the regular and final club
meeting ot the year fat the com
munity hall Friday night, Roy
Bohannon was chosen as presi
dent of the Salem Heights com
munity club for 1932. The meet
ing was called to-order by Presi
dent Zlnser who called tor the
nominating committee's report
after the business session. The
slate presented by the chairman
was as follows: Roy Bohannon,
president; Belle Douglass, vice
president; L. B. Senter. secretary;
A. N. Fulkerson, treasurer; C. N.
Jones, chairman house commit
tee; H. F. Zlnser chairman edu
cational committee. Jay Morris,
chairman civic improvement com
mittee; Alma Bartlett, chairman
publicity committee -representing
Capital Journal and Dr. D. D.
Craig , representing ' Statesman.
Tbe nominating committee s re
port was adopted without dissent
ing vote. F. H. Zlnser who has
served faithfully three consecu
tire years as the club's president
called the new president to the
chair. Mr. Bohannon gave
brief address stating: that as the
club's new president he desired
the club's full cooperation while
In the chair and committed him
self to a policy of rigid economy
and strict business administration
and pledging himself to bend
every effort toward lifting the
large debt on the community hall.
This statement was loudly ap
plauded as the club deslrlous of
getting out of debt : Mr. Bohan
non has been a resident of the
Heights several years; and bas had
many years experience In busi
ness administration. : His experi
ence in organization is large be
ing actively engaged in several
large fraternal organisations. Tbe
program of the evening was one
of the best the club has had this
year; and was attended by a large
gathering. The Salem chamber
of commerce presented the major
part of the entertainment with
C. E. Wilson announcing. Tiny
MacNamara of Salem gave two
humorous musical selections on
the piano. Dr. Barrick's male
quartette sang several numbers.
Oscar Steelbamer, ; gave two
trombone solos accompanied by
MacNamara on the piano, Martha
Floer gaye two vocal solos ac
companied by Mrs. Darlow John
son on the piano. Douglas McKay
of Salem gave a talk on "Good
Roads." In the short'time alloted
Sheldon Sackett of the Statesman
gave a very Interesting and "con
structive talk on, 'Current Po
litical Events" stressing taxation,
prohibition, power Isfeue, and the
presidential stuation ' as what is
considered the four major issues
of the day. The sixth grade pu
pils of Salem Height school pre
sented their Indian . chorus and
music with home made instru
ments and costume. F. H. Zinser
was in oharge of the! program for
the month. The nominating com
mittee were: Mrs. Fred Burger,
chairman; C. W. Sawyer, Myron
Van Eaton, Mrs. Stella Caldwell
and C. M. Robinson.;- Before the
meeting adjourned ' a vote of
thanks was extended to F. H
Zinzer the retiring president for
faithful service.
Underthe ,
Dome ... ,uu !
THE writer of this column Is i served on the state board of con
not Immune from robbery. dilation and la other capacities
Unidentified 'persons, last of public trust.
night entefed your correspond
ent's basement, ransacked Its most
secluded corners, and made away
with between 20 ' and 30 .quart
Jars of fruit. What would be more
appropriate under existing condi
tions than an apology ' from the
guilty persons?
Hal E.. Hoes, secretary ot
state, receive a variety of let-,
ters. Saturday one arrived at
his office from remote dis
trfct of the state, in which the
writer asked Bota to advance
him a motor vehicle license un
til some future pay day. MI
have Job, the man wrote,
"but I cant make the grade
unless I have the nee of my
car." The license fee is $27.
Hoss said he had received a
number of similar missives dur
iag the past few weeks.
More unsigned letters are re
cetred at the state police de
partment than by any other
state agency, . according to
Charles' P. Fray, soperintend
' est. Hardly - a day passes but
what he receive a half dosea
letters -telling- him where his
mea can uncover stills and oth
er paraphernalia linked with
the ; illicit - manufacture of
liquor. Although many of the
"tips- are' investigated, it is
seldom ; that . any evidence of
.liquor is found,'. Most of. these
anonymous letters are received
from women.-
Otto Hartwig, who served nine
years as president of the Oregon
State Federation of Labor, prob
ably is one ot the best known
labor leaders on the Pacific coast.
fHe spent Saturday in Salem, fol
lowing his return to Oregon from
an eastern trip. Hartwig also has
At least two members of the
; state board of control will spend
Monday in Salem. They are Gov
ernor Meier and Hal . E. Hoss,
secretary of state. A brief meet
ing of the board of control Is
i scheduled for Monday morning,
while the afternoon will be given
over to a session ot the state
land board.
street, laborer, and Pearl Eva
Treisch, 18, 1535 Oak street, Sa
lem, housekeeper.
John N. Fisher, legal, Stayton,
salesman, to Josephine Mauldlng,
legal, Roberts apartments, Salem,
John L. Sweeney. 22, 555
North Winter street, surveyor, to
Zelma Alice Luthy, 20, 517 South
23 rd street, Salem, teacher.
Walter L. Williams. 21. 1807
Broadway, Salem, laborer, to Lau
ra B. Fallln, 24, 1807 Broadway,
Salem, housekeeper.
One of the outstanding
event in official circles this
month is the dedication of the
new . bridge panning Rouge
river near Weddeburn. Gover
nor Meier has promised to at
tend the dedication ceremonies
and may be accompanied by
Mrs. Meier. Other officials who
have signed up for the trip In
clude the three members of the
state highway commission. The
dedication has been set for
May 28.
It doesn't look as though the
state of Oregon- Is' to receive
"power without cost to the tax
payers." The board of control will
meet here next week, when they
will consider readvertising for
bids for the proposed state-owned
power plant at the peniten
tiary. No proposals were received
at the last meeting of the board.
The cost of the plant was esti
mated at 3150,000.
A "Land Products Show" Is an
nounced as one of the features ot
the Oregon state lair,-September
21 to October X. Details and pre
mium list are contained In the
bulletin of the department ot ag
riculture Just issued. The east
halt ot the Exhibits building will
be devoted to the display ot tbe
products entered, tn this compe
tition. No entry fees are required
unless the exhibitors want their
products returned.
The plan of the Land Products
Show is set fSTth in the announce
"We earnestly desire to make
the Oregon state fair, more -than
ever, a farmer's fair and we be
lieve the best way to accomplish
that purpose Is to induce more.
farmers to become exhibitors of
agricultural products, as well as
to come to tbe ' fair just to see
what the other fellow has to
"To that end there will be es
tabllshed at the 1932 state fair
a department or division to be
known as the land products show
"More benefit will come to
those who participate in these ex
hibits, as well as to those who
come to view them, even though
some of them may seem small or
of minor importance, than can
ever come from carnival or side
show attractions. With a suitable
mental attitude such a classified
land products display can be more
interesting and entertaining than
any carnival.
"Become a part of this great
show yourself. The premiums of
fered are substantial, but even if
you do not care to win a premium
it is worth something to you to
have your products officially com
pared with those of others.
"The primary purpose of the
land products show is to promote
the standardization of Oregon
land products, to make them most
acceptable to buyers in the mar
kets of the world."
v Coming Events
. May ; IS Pacific college,
mixed glee dab in concert,':
8 p. nu, at the South Saicrn
Friend church; no admis
sion charge. ':
; May 25-20-27 Oregon
Fanners Union convention.
June 2d Missouri sUte
plcwtc. , .
August 14 Dakota pic
nic .V.
Plan Complete '
For Dedication
Oi Rogue Span
Plans were completed Satur
day for the dedication ot tbe new
Rogue river bridge at Weddeburn.
which is scheduled for May 28.
Members of the state highway
commission and many other state
officials will attend the dedication
; The bridge was designed by C
B. McCullough. state bridge en
gineer, and is one ,of the largest
and most attractive spans in the
northwest. It is located on the
route of the Oregon coast highway.
Masonic Dinner h
At Temple Here 1
:W ell Attended
Eighty-five Masons and their.
wires attended a Royal Arch has
quet at the Masonic temple Fri
day for a rally and ret-together
meeting. The program was la
charge of W, A. Mills,
After Phil C Weeks, excellent'
high priest, gave the address of
welcome. Rev. w. C. Kantner
spoke. Alfred Gille sang a vocal
solo, O. W. Emmons told a comic
story and numbers were given by
the orchestra. - - v .
J. O. Russell was general chair
man tor the meeting, assisted by
O. W. Emmons and Glea C Nile,
secretary. In charge ot the 'ban
quet were Mrs. B. Flack, Mrs. J.
O. Russell and J. A. BernardL
Lewelling Will
Arrive Tuesday
Motion day in department two
ot circuit court here Tuesday win
mark the first formal appearance
in the city of Judge L. C. Lewell
ing who was appointed last week
to succeed the lste Judge Gale 8.
Hill. Judge Lewelling, who took
the oath of office Friday, will be
in the city for a short time Mon
day conferring with Walter Lam
kin, clerk of the circuit court, on
certain details of the work which
is to come before him.
The annual drawing tor low
motor vehicle license numDers
has been set for Saturday, May
28, according to announcement
made Saturday by Hal E. Hoss.
secretary of state. AH applica
tions which are received by that
time and are accompanied by the
proper fee will be included in the
The low numbers will he is
sued in numerical order accord
ing to lot. These annual draw
ings for low numbers are super
vised by newspaper correspond
ents covering the statehouse.
Letters of Instructions to -all
registered motor vehicle owners,
showing the fees, methods of ap
plying for licenses and other in
formation, were mailed from
Salem last week. New license
plates f or the ensuing year will be
available June la. .
The new plate has cream col
ored letters on a black back
ground, and carries an embossed
border around the edge.
Tbe people of Oregon are too
busy trying to earn a living to
talk politics, James W. Mott,
candidate for -representative in
congress from the first congres
sional district, told yonr cor
respondent today. Mott said he
ought to know as he had re
cently returned from a cam
paign trip which took him into
tbe most remote districts of
southern Oregon. "Many people
don't know who is running for
office,n Mott declared.
Pupils of more than a half
dozen rural schools have visited
the statehouse during the past
weea. in most cases they were
accompanied by teachers. One of
the favorite pastimes of the pu
pils, is to Inspect the executive
Name Frank Cox
As Delegate to
Communist Meet
Frank Cox, Liberty farmer, was
unanimously elected a represen
tative of Salem and vicinity at
the "Communist convention to be
held at Chicago May 28 and 29
by a crowd of farmers and labor
ers who met at Tew Park hall Fri
day night.
Floyd Ramp, Roseburg farmer,
speaking on "The World's Econ
omic Situation", appealed for sup
port of the party, which, he de
clared, Is fighting for tbe work
ing class. Planks in the Commun
ist platform Include: Unemploy
ment Insurance, recognition of
the Soviet union, defense of the
Chinese masses and elimination
of "imperialist war".
1 Tfr' V :."rW ' I
t v r f
Joe Williams
See him for Auto Electri
cal or Battery Service
Corner Center & High
Tel. 6000
MAY 20
The City's Business
Needs a Businessman
ri Kesur-tc-um'
At the home, 2295 North Lib
erty street, May 14. George W.
Slagel, at the age of 78 years. Be
loved husband of Mrs. Eleanor
Slagel; father of Mrs. Ava Van
decowerlng, Mrs. May Christen
son, Mrs. Mary Palmer, all of
Salem, Mrs. Lucinda Fisher of
Shaw and Annie Slagel, Portland.
Also survived by one brother and
one sister in Iowa and by five
grandchildren. Funeral services
Monday, May 16 at 1:30 p. m.
from the Salem Mortuary, 545
Korth Capitol, Rev. Britton Ross
officiating. Interment Silver
Falls cemetery.
Must sell fine .oriental rug 5x7,
also fine furniture, 210 E. Lin
coln: '
Maves on Vacation Planning
a two-weeks vacation on their
homestead in Douglas county, Mr.
and Mrs. L, C. Maves, 879 North
Liberty street, left here yesterday
As there is so road into tbe home
stead, all supplies must be packed
S BJ " JL. ; ,WG "W , .".' t
Mrs. Olmsted's Rose Cafe -.
Turkey and baked bam "dinner
- Sunday 45c 12 to 8. Try our
25c lunch during the week.
- : Best In town. All you can eat,
The Spa
, , New 6 and
. 75c and 1.
8 course dinners,
I i
To Friends and Customers .
Within 20 Miles Radius, .
Salem' Deaconess Hospital
Call SS2I -
At the the home, 351 E. 12 th
street, Portland, May 13, Emmett
E. Williams, at the age of 79
years. Beloved father of Lenora
Aulthouse of Troutdale. Funeral
services will be held Monday, May
18 at the Portland crematorium
under direction of the Salem Mor
tuary, 545 N. Capitol street.
Four Licenses
To Wed Issued
Here Saturday
Marriage license business
which had been notably slow the
past week at the county clerk's
office, spurted Saturday as is
usual the last day of the week.
and four permits to wed were is
sued by Harlan Judd, deputy
county clerk in charge of the mar
riage license department Cou
ples securing licenses were:
Robert A. Moser, 20, 1535 Oak
Gas Goes Up Gasoline went
up one-half cent to a 16 cents a
gallon price Saturday at many
service stations here. Doubt was
held that tbe price -would remain
up because not all dealers ar
vanced their quotations. Some
operators declared they would
meet all competition:
. .Vagrancy Charged State po
lice last night were holding Iver
Johnson, transient from Grand
Rapids, Mich. on vagrancy
charges. They were investigating
his activities.
Stayton School
Budget Will be
Slashed is Plan
STAYTON, May 14 The
Stayton school district budget
committee, George Keech, Harry
Humphreys and Andrew Fey, met
on Wednesday and Friday nights
with members of the school board
and teachers. As yet things are
not completely threshed out, al
though it is understood that the
committee is endeavoring to make
a $3000 cut in the budget.
This would necessitate a reduc
tion In teachers' salaries and that
of the Janitor and bus mechanic.
Another meeting Is scheduled for
Tuesday night, at which time it is
hoped all problems will be settled.
Night and Day Cans
External Cancer Removed
with medicine.
Office, 855 N. Capitol St.
Phone 6036 Salem, Ore.
Shop Has Fire A small fire
was discovered on the roof ot the
Howard Corset shop on North
Liberty street yesterday morning.
The fire department extinguished
it with chemicals.
At Chemawa May 13, Ethelena
Pabawena, aged 16. Remains In
care of the Salem Mortuary, 545
N. Capitol, funeral announce
ments later.
WtUrat spmttoa at leas of Umm.
StS Oretoa Bids. Psoas DOS,
iSeicrest iHemoiial
-..frialje - !-
last Tn lOnatM Frani tas Hastt,
, at Town
Established 1893 Tel. 8552
Conveniently Aceesslbl
Perpetual care provided 1 for --
Prices Reasonable
Croqu I nolo
Ringlet Bad
Open Friday
' Evenings . by '
. appointment
307 First - Nat'l Bank Bldg.
TeL 3663
Branch ol Castle Pioneer
Permanent Wavers, Portland
Dr.: Chan Lam
Chinese Medicine
148 N. Commercial
Bomu 1 and 2
, Salem
J . Office hours . ;
i Tuesday and Satur
dt day a to 5 p. as.
tot jtm 1
.1 M
Phone Service
When you want QUICK
service from a drug store,
step to your telephone and
Dial 5197
Your wishes will have im
mediate and. careful atten
tion. The desired article . . .
or an assortment from
which you can make your
own selection just as you
would in our store . .'. will
reach you as quickly as our
messenger can get there.
Yon will be PLEASED
The Original TeDour Front
Candy Special Store of Salem
: Phone 5107 f -
185 X. Commercial V
Fenslar Agency
EvCSKI o o o'JvTJi
Now comes, the last call and final ending of Bishop's State Street
store. These doors must close May 28th.
Starting Wednesday, May 18th, for 10 days and just 10 days only, to completely
close out, this stock win be offered at the most astounding prices yon have ever
seen for this great final ending
See our windows, watch the papers, and be here with the crowds Wednesday at
9 a.m.
Bishop's State Street
456 State St.
7 nf
Hospital Beds
to Rent
- : v. t ' -
Call 6910, Used Furniture
- v , r Department -':
151 'North' High i
-1 r
f i
. i .
I .-'
. e -