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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1932)
PAGE 'TWO : Tfca OIICGON STATESMAN. alzau Ortgoa, Sanday Morniar. Way 15, 1532 Weekend Offers : Exeleiilt 1 ' ' :-1 i i 'J aows at nouses I Local rV--. ) OUHIPH'H ISH ."'' 1 1 " , " '" ' r N i i PLAY IT E Warren William is Leading Man; Based on Actual t Happenings, Said "Tli Mouthpiece," Warner Bros, picture, will open at the Elslnore! today. The law cast U headed by Warren William, leading nan ot state and screen, who Is tho past .few months has appeared in such Important vehicles as TJndr Eighteen." and "Beauty and the . Boas and has been - marked tor stardom by the producers. "The Mouthpiece' will serve as an In dex of his future and marks his greatest screen role to date. - The Mouthpiece," from a play based on actual facts, concerns a rising young prosecuting attorney whose teal leads him to secure a yerdict of guilty against an inno cent yonag man. who is executed as a result of William's forceful and convincing prosecution. A few minutes after the execution the actual murderer confesses the crime. ; ; The knowledge that ha has been Instrumental in. the death of an innocent man drives William to resignation from he state attorney's- office and a heedless life of r profligacy which throws him into contact with shady charac ters. JHe becomes their "month piece, a disreputable lawyer who defends criminals and operates through the loopholes of the law. He is eventually reclaimed after a dramatic climax. James Flood and Elliott Nu gent, the directorial team respon sible for! "The Mouthpiece," are said to have given the picture a pace and Intense dramatic quality rarely seen on the screen. Flood concerned himself almost solely with developing the action of the picture via successive - situations, while Nugent applied his experi ence and talent to the dialogue, to "mesh" properly with the ae tlon. As resnlt, dialogue does not Impede action, and vice versa. The large cast directed -by Flood and Nugent, the latter of whom is the son ot J C Nugent, with whom he has written many out standing .stage and screen suc cesses. Includes Sidney Fox and Aline MacMahon. Miss Fox Is best known for her wotk as the little southern girl of -Strictly Dishonorable," She is one of the screen's most diminu tive players. It Is his love for Miss Fox, In the role of Celia Faraday, which regenerates William and leads him to again seek the legal honors he was slated for at the time of his., unfortunate prosecu tion ot the innocent young man. Miss MacMahon is welt remem bered tor her work In the stage production of ' "Once in a Life time and for her role of Edward O. Robinson's secretary la "Fire Star Final." She also had an im portant role in "The Heart of New Tort." f :; -:; tyfK 4-V foist v. 'it x x. . - I it . If .;jl..H A X) I IIL1D0D OFFERS DOUBLE ATTRACTID I -Lena Rivers' in First run , : Here; Also Two-Reeler Of Opera 'Martha' Manager Ray Stumbo out at the Hollywood-Is presenting his public with two choice bits today. One is the first appearance of . 'Xena Rivers In Salem. Mana ger Stumbo Is enthusiastic con eerning this picture, and also . about a two-reel feature ot "Mar. tha,!. the opera long loved and well by international audiences , it is said that all the meat ot rthm original grand opera.' all the ' world-famous : melodies,- plus all ' the advantages ef modern - day screen and photograph- Tile Call Board By. OLIVB U. OOAK . fW. r .m . Today Douglas Fairbanks, J-- Jv in runion Depot. v - Wednesday Janet Gaynor in : "Daddy Lonr Lees." Friday Tom Keene "Partners." W. n m a.uv uuunrwa . . in " Today Charlotte Henry , in - "Lena Rivers." t ! Wednesday Sylvia Sidney In ; I .Tfad,e15t th BI House." iXT'T11"18 Rogers In ."''I Reckless Age." t J Wartw Bro. EbiBorw Today Warren WllLUm In -r- j "The MouthplecBp t j Warner Bros. Capitol - Today Gloria Swanson tn , , "Tonitht nr Nmr Gloria Swansea as she appears in "Tonight tr Ntyer now snowing at tne Ulsinore. - - . Douglas Fairbanks, Jr, and Joan BlondeQ la a scent fron "Union Depot" now showing at the Grand theatra. r Tonight or Never Brinirs 1 Gloria Swanson to Capitol 1 Was Stage Success Today Gloria Swahsoa ia Tonight or Never." based on the fiery mad texnnitaoa . riH . cess, cornea ta tha CsnttAi ih today. K . "Tonlrht np Ttrmr f. . nt.. . - " - mm mm ww Swan soa returned to the emotlon- empo ox ner tlrst talking plo tnro. The Trespasser." ; or . tho -r: ': 'iijK V IS r f A rrrT7 ( Warren WilHant and Sidney Fox in a scene from The Mouth piece," now showing at the Elsinore. DEPOT AT C WY Union Depot," tho First Na tional production which cornea to tho Grand theatre today, .will have one of tho largest and most notable casta of tho screen year. Thero are 1 9 principals and to. extras. Douglas Fairbanks. JrV and Joaa Blondell. are fea tured, while other standpoints are George Rosener, George Mao Farlane, formerly a stellar bari tone ot Broadway operetta, and Earle Foxo, who has - boon a prominent figure ia pictures for many years. Tho list also lncladc Lillian Bond. Gay - Klbbes, Halt i Xlarolde, Mary Doran. John Wray. Rita Flynn. Darid Landaa. Alan Halo. Polly Walters. Frank Mo- Hugh, Rath Hall. Mao Madison, Louis BUng. Lex lndaay, Clairo Dodd and Charles Sylber. . 1)1 It Fl TM TM Awl AM W M ' TM iM ooug puys Room Hood to a pret ty actress who la stranded la "Union Depot" and la need of i victuals, dress and a ticket back homo. In nrovidlnr tho delLchtfnl lady (Joan Blondell), with these necessities, b runs Into counter feiters, gunmen, cops, madmen, souses, secret service men, charm- on old and young, kiddles, colli sions, and numberless other thiaga and does it all with saeh boisterous, agile, youthful brava do, that ho has tho house with him till tho final fade-out. Here is a tense moment in the play "Lena Rivers' now show ing at the Hollywood, le art ar nsed ta mik. this fea ture one to be enjoyed and long remembered. - . Mary -J. 'Holmes' immortal nov el. "Lena Rivers." one of tha best known and widely read romances ever, written by an American, has been transferred to th In Tiffany Productions film ver sion, witn Charlotte Henry In the name role. , Tho tonchinc narrativa of a. young girl, born under the stigma of illegiUmacy, has appealed to the heart of several generations of American readers, and ia still being sold In quantities that make "best sellers" fade in compari son. Conaervatira estimates indi cate that over thirty millions hare read Mrs. Holmes' classic since it waa published, and tho universal appeal of the storr is certain ta keep-. It -alive long attar the so- : a 1 . - cauea popaiar : writers of today navo oeen forgotten... !Tho Titality ot tho story, and the place that it occnoies as a sUple of - this country's fiction. eaa nest be appreciated by the fact that the demand for it from the leadlnsr mail ordar hnnui considerably surpasses Jhat of any wore or ncuon. , Charlotte Henrr. I7.raar-Ald actress ot tho stage and screen, creates the nam ml in tt Rivers" and is said to" present a portrayal that is a masterpiece i nainraa, realistic c&aracterna- iion. Mlas Hanrv la h vnn - J V l.L t who leaped to prominence as -year-eia actress in tho stage rersion ot Courage." repeating i , j ne iiiux version uppp.u. eon Janaav. ! i IupUQlA5rMDll6 i-' SaaMonTaea. JOAII ElDJiDEU IIVL. Homo of 23c Talkies A HOME OWNED THEATRE Today, Monday Jk Twesday f Thirty BliHibn Read : the Book now tht Screen's Sweetest LoTt Story ISISWI ynhril a faiKB to W "'?'" 1 .. mJSm'( --l a-0 f M?e-" Added AttracUoa Salexn Schools9 Own Spcrt Reel y Showing Sports of W12an ettt Unirersity, S a 1 a vx High, Parrish Junior High tieslit Junior high and Sa- - lem Deaf School and the Newest of Short Subjects- - Tabloid Version . or the 1 Famous Opera1 "MARTHA" Starts A Woman of Ice Melted by Love! I f'l ... she waa cool, eeld, frig. M la the face ef Ufa ... , Bat face to face with leva Iter seat asaeajMsred ta fapten . . . and beraei Its ttaad deep Into the heart ot a wrunaa who theaght she was hnroane! r 3WAN Samuel Gapwrn GLOMA TTORIDGCH1T ;JFOE LUS - fBEUXTB IT OX NOT," Try Kipley y TDANCTNO SADDTS," wit Daphne TreZlard BCNNDfQ TrXTII PADDOCX.' Sport Eeel lS -tat (.2:00 11 -P.M.; -JL 1 i) M TEXT "GOT THZ PUBLIC ENZMT, they havt-st gettea Tho SXaa Be th raUla Eaemyt Crime pays hha he never breaks a tawt ; :.lCdIiiTGD Kowt tALxara mncs au OIXNID TO THX . ICEKACB or. 1 ru;3 T - v WASSlEil VIillAU ism'?. is.av rox A . - . . - H , . 40MM vnuuf A 4 Warner Bros. News L. Carlos Meier - Sptdd ' DUNG.'' ta "Ons More Chance" . earlier silent "Sadlo Thompson. Merryn LaBoy, that onterprts ing roathfnt director who won world-wide acclaim for rivo Star Final and Tittlo Caoaar. di rected Tonight or Never.' Tho ttings, depleting gay, romantic Budapest and carnival Yaaf wero designed by WHIy Pogany, distlngusbed painter. ;JX l II Las Swanson slags no soiigs (a Tonight or Never." largely. It Is said, because Producer Samuel Goldwya Insisted ta tho right of way tor tho rapid action ot tho story. Bat thero are improvised snatches ot sons from Miss Swan son, mostly operatic airs, and -there is Quite a little of Buda pest's native melody from string and gypsy orchestras. No picture ot tho Danube capital would be complete without son. ' "Tonight or Never Is tho strange phenomenon that made a great artist oat et t treat singer and a happy woman oat of an anhappy glrl Its North American AcdJeai Which is Issued to Statesman Subscribers . - - StiattQcmmoia SiaDGG?313ei?s Total c5 03370.03 No Delay in Paying 10.M 44.21 1T.T 1I5.T1 W. E. Beaton. Salem. (Wrist frac- tared, car collision) $ B. O. Stover, Salem. (Car over turned) lira. Carl Barns. (Carl B. Bnrna killed ta anto accident) l.OtO.OI Harry P. Gastatson, Salem. (Car plunged from highway) P. H. Bell. Salem. (Car over turned) H. D. Habbard, Salem. (Struck by car while crossing street) Mrs. Nina B. lfnrdlck. Brooks. ; (Car atrack by railroad train).. Mrs. H. N. Bolger. Salem. (Car plunged into ditch.. Ella A. Harris, Brooks. (Antomo- bUe collision) Maxine Graham, Salem. (Automo bile conision) ;. Ines "Welty, Salem. (Automobile collision) , Harold Cook, Tigard. (Automobile plunged Into ditch) Madeline M. Glesy, Salem. (Car collision) J. T. Hafner, Sublimity. (Car col lision) Talma B. Rowland, Salem. (Car collision) WWW W m is mi. i a. nr. . AoseDrangn, Xiaiem. (Car collision) A. If. Patrick. Salem. (Car atrack by truck) Carl P. Green. Salem. (Hit by ear crossing street) . Florence Snodgrass, Amity. (Head on collision) Ella Edelman. Salem. (Hit by ear while crossing street) Dewey A. Brnndldgei Brooks. (Car collision) Glea W. Olmsted, Salem. (Automo bile collision) W. E. Kyle, Scio. (Struck by car while crossing street) .'Ira B. Bnshey, Salem. (Automo bile colllsloa) Mrs. Olga O. fioffard Salem. (Car in Tcollisioa) ! ,W. W. P. Wiebo, Salem. (Struck by car) James 8. Taylor, Salem. (AtU plunged Into ditch)...... E. N. Peeta, Salem. - collision) (Automobile 10.01 1L0T it.ii S.II 19.09 11.11 20.11 99.09 US I St.IT 59.99 11.41 1IT.I0 SS.1T ST.ST 10I.ST IT.14 Mrs. Grace Chenoweth. Loe Ange les. (AutomobUo collision) .... O. F. Sturges, Brooks . (Automo bile collision) John Bates,Salem. (Car collision) xwvie ifacea, eaiem. (Car eoUisloa) 1 JT T. TTnlf flitam in.. .nui..i .. vi mi cviuuoil V Mrs. M. E. Wooatar. HTnl.TI. n.. collision) Mrs. A. It. Brown. Salem. (Struck by motorcycle) Wm. PickeH. Shaw. (Car eoUisloa) Lloyd T. Vaa Nays. Turner. (Car collision) . Beda Godsey, Salem. . (Car struck pole) Bernla' Godsey, Salem. (Car col lision) Henry 8. Peck, Salem. (Thrown from automobile) Wayne Ransom. Aumrrille. (Auto mobile wreck) A. P. Layton. Salem. (Car planged Into ditch) ...iT... Leroy T. Foreman. (Car collision) Mrs. Lucy M. Boyd, Kt. 8, ealera. (Car overturned) Ber. 8. Darlow Johnson, Salem. Car plunged from highway).... Mrs. LUlle J. Crawford, Rt, , Sa lem. (Carcolllslonl-r.,, Doris Glffin, Rt. T, Salem. (Car collision) 7T. Goo. W. Bo ley, Salem. (Car coll lis ion) k Doris Olffln, Rt T, Salem. (Car eoC llsion) Mrs. LUlle J. Crawford. Rt Y. sL lem. (Car planged from High way) Leroy T. Foreman, Salem. (Car overturned) , Lacy M. Boyd. Rt. I, Salem. (Car OTertnrned) Ber. . 8. Darlow Johnson. 8alem. (Car plunged from Highway).. James A. Lea, Chicago. (Car plunged from highway) 21.41 2S.T1 S1.4I 24.22 2S.T1 11.14 10.00 2 Ml t.ST 12.ST 10.00 40.00 114.22 41.04 S.IT 1X.SI 14.22 0.T1 11.91 2S.T1 12.ST 25.T1 fl.ll It. St 04.11 I0.TI 19.00 ToUl ......... .ft, 271.02 Other ar, Jfr.nllVroafUT. Dou't der. lllliljr Toa may lost if yoa do. ; Send in ypur'spplicaliot. with a remittance of $1X0. Yim ; rna pay for yonrt paper by the ytar or monll na InXpScationT v " " 1 ' .- w ' . . . ' 021O,0CO 1T?av6Il Application for Insurance 1122; I i" 1 1 I THE OREQON STATES MAW, t If? Jf -Ul-ri- to enter my subscripUoa I - ta Tha Oregon Statesman for one year from dateV It U I understood that Tho Oregon Statesman U to bo deUv 1 to mr address regularly each day ty roar author . Isod carrier and I shall, pay hiza for the same at tha I regular tsUhllahod rate. . I am aot cow a subscriber to Tho Oregon Statesman ( : I 1 am aow a.cabscriber to The Oregon Statesman ( ) I NAME AGE., O.I ADDRESS . - . . . i CITT ........................ STATE........... I : OCCUPATION. . mm. . . .... PHONE ........ I BENETXClARrS . ..;.... ' RELATIONSHIP ........ T OOO Ojest tMtB , 1 am ancloslna a payment tt $L0t Policy fee. . I am U receive a 119.000.09 Travel Accident Insnranca Pol- Icy Issued ty tho North Am ericaa Accident Insurance I Company at Chicago, Illinois, - ,. , , ;v - Ilafl Sateerip'Uons Mast Bt PaU la AdTanctl '" i mm ' mt mm'' wmi' mi ' ' It, -