The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 15, 1932, Page 10, Image 10

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Sunday Mornta?, May 15, 1932
i .Y.
Tt'.f If "t'l"'
practice strict economy whsrever
-" Sv - -
Brief Statements on
possible if the general welfare ox
the pubilo Is not jeopardised.
ST 1 .
.Their Training and
Tft Otlidsd SyttetaT (f
a Adepted by Leading Authorise T -v ,
By E. V. SIEEPATID : , - . .
Their Platform "
Jones believes - that any man
Published witiott ehkrge by The Statesman witn the view of af
fording TOterg more information before the primary, Friday, May 2 0
holding elective office owes the
public at least eight hours daily
of his very best personal services.
i .. v --. . ... -, : - i
Salem- chamber - of commerce
has been ai busy f office the past
year with .much accomplished by
Slam Bidding
All hands like that ariven below.
President Douglas McKay and that will be used in" these articles,
BeereUry Charles Wilson with were actually dealt and bid as
large 'committees assisting. , given. They J not made up for
. One of the - permanent land- the purpose of ffiustrating a
marks for the year will be the theory. Thousands of players are
ear w" uo tue , - . - - - - . .
action which was Instrumental In !i Md
Wlliat . (uo . ... ..... . -
In the district south of Mi. Jef
ferson where there are 40 lakes
for trout fishing.
The chamber also worked 'for
the retention of the law school
at Willamette university; put
over the work promotion plan
with other organizations in the
city by which more than $1(5,000
was signed up; served as general
publicity headquarters and infor
mation bureau for the city, send
ing out 2892 letters and 4221
pieces of publicity. In addition to
1600 folders of "Trail 'Cm to
Salem," and 2000 "Come to Ore
gon" booklets.
Regular weekly meetings are
held by the chamber and the rec-
the illustrative hands in the man
ner given here. As with any op
tion, i players should announce
ahead of time that they show fea
tures. .
Z made aa opening bid of I
Soade. Neither A nor B held any-
ords to date show that 560S pec- &g, so they passedevery oppor-
There hare been 14 good-will vis
its made to rural communities
so far this year; meetings with
the war department engineers
were held when this group was
here In the interests of improv
ing the Willamette river. Much
Intensive work has been with the
, Business Men's league of the city
' council for clearing up the bad
check 'situation.
Much other detailed work has
partner's opening bid must be
made upon the Ace of spades and
the Ace of clubs. TJnless-Z held
an enormously long? suit of spades,
or two very long suits, ne must
hold some side honors. A small
slam appeared assured; a grand
slam anoeared nossible. But in
stead of sruessinr what his partner
held, T readily could find out by
this by jumping partner's bid to
3-Spades. calling for l to snow nis
been done and more plans are on I lowest side Ace. As in duty bound,
foot for the future.
Z bid 4 -Clubs. To discover
whether Z also held the missing K
of diamonds, Y answered with 4
Diamonds, to show his Ace of that
Aces are shown before Kings
when possible. Having no third
Ace to show, Z responded to his
partner's demand for added infor
mation by bidding 3-Diamonda; TTp
to date- the . biaoing w nestiy
shown no losers in either clubs or
diamonds. It seemed certain that
Z held either four spades to thw
A-Q er a longer tuit headed, by
the Ace, in ease the Q was missing.
There seemed very little danger ef
losing any trick in trumps. There
remained only hearts that might
eontaln a loser, x wunea so uw
ttawr whether er net his partner
held the missing Q ef heart. Ta
do this he bid e-iiearts, mowing
perfectly well that Z must respond
with 6-Spadem, Over the (-Spades,
Y bid G-Hearta. This was per
fectly safe procedure. Y had
shown the Ace and K ef hearts,
by twice bidding that suit. Incase
Z held the missing Q ef hearts, a
grand alam was assured, ae that Z
could safely bid either 7-Hearta er
7-Spades. If Z did not have the
missing Q his response ef t-Spadea
would be ne higher than Y knew
was perfectly safe. Of course, Z
had to deny possession of the Q of
hearts by bidding 6-Spades. Had
Z held that 4 ne weuia nave
Jumped into a grand alam declara
tion. No player ever forces his
partner to bid something in a side
suit that will be a trick higher
than can be made en the shift
back to trumps. -
Y knew that just a small alam
was certain; that if he bid a grand
slam he would be gambling en re
sults. Be ran ever the chances
silently. Apparently the one thing
that could beat a grand slam con
tract was the possibility that Z's
hand was divided between the suits
just as Y's was (five spades, three
hearts, two clubs and three dia
monds). Any other suit division
would enable one hand or the
other to trump or discard. Y de
cided that the risk was email, nd
he bid the jrrand slam, which was
I readily made.
I CoPTTUtil let Bsc rm Uiw SBdiaM, tab
tTAYTOJT. May 14 J Trlday
evening the junior class of the
Stayton high scnooi emeriainea
the seniors with' a party in the
Forester hall. Following a anori
Ttrorram. consisting ef a duet by
niion Parry and Uoyd Bunder-
man, the reading of the cuss pro-
- ChrlsJ.'Ebiwitx
Candidate for Reelection as Al
derman from Hlxtm WaraVtetxn
' Chris J. Kowits was born in
Minnesota, 'on Christmas day,
ltil. Ha VII Mlu4 ah a firm
nhecv hv Gerald Marking and two I
specialty dance numbers-by Bt-.lyMra the 18 th cavalry. United
ty Konneic ana ane ox, i BUte armTt to ptuipplnes,
evening was spent with games and on Mexican border and ' In
dancing. . r V.T'' . I France. He has nractieed law In
Miss Neva Titus W, Salem since graduation from the
the games in the .Urge dining wllUmett. unlrnlty law school
T00 ?h!lJ'.0?l2"Z admission to the bar in 1121.
uri.ra Af th fanltv . tiresent I . t0Wlu Txt7 "l0??"1 Ba
em rrom ho was
Miss Margaret Ireland, Miss Mar
tha Jindra, IL Gordonler and Mr.
and Mrs. Thoe Norby.
RefreshmenU were served at
elected to the council in 1928. Ko
wlts has been chairman of the
council committee on public util
ities which committee has hand-
tt.M. .Kitta ttratfviv Am I lad the water issue.
orated. Both the dining room and KowiU sponsor ed and voted for
large dance hall were prettily dec- municipal legislation providing
I that only Salem residents be em-.
It has been the annual custom ployed on Salem pifbllc work; or-
for the juniors to banquet the dlnanca re-routing busses so as to
seniors and each year a play has accommodate more people, ordi-
been presented, the proceeds from nance consolidating office of
which are used tor this affair, street commissioner with that of
This rear however, the money is I city engineer, and many others.
tied no in the Bank of Stayton and He voted to reduce city expenses.
it looked as though there would I Favor further ana drastic re-
be no entertainment complement- I ductlon of city expenses so that
ing the senior class. . However
three of the seniors mothers, Mrs.
Glen XL Fox. Mrs. J. W. Maro and
Mrs. O. Gardner, assisted by
Mrs. O. F. Korlnek with the
splendid cooperation of the junior
class decided to do something in
their honor. The party Friday
night was the result.
The state board of control has
authority to pay for hospitaliza
tion and medical treatment of
Vernon Levey, after he was re
leased from the state training
school for boys, upon the basis of
what such services would have
reasonably . cost had he remained
in the institution. Attorney Gen
eral VanWinkle held in an opin
ion handed down Saturday.
A bill received from the Eman
uel hospital in Portland covering
medical services and hospitaliza
tion for Levey previously was re
jected by the board of control.
Levey suffered burns while an
"Oregon boot" was being re
moved from his leg at the boys'
school by means of a blow torch.
He later was removed from the
school by order of the Multnomah
county juvenile court, it was aft
er being removed from the school
W. Ik Pet. W.
Holly. t5 15 .625
8n F. 3 10 .000
Lot A. .33 IS .5901
Portl'nd 38 17 .575
L. Pet.
srva . r
Sae'to 30 20 .500 .UlYlSlon 1
0kUnd 17 23 .430 . W
Seattle 17 33 .425 1 V.v p.rv .. ..
Minion 10 80 .250 " " " Z
OMJ luu ...... :ac A.
(AP) Portland outslugged the
Missions in a free-hitting contest
here tonight to win Bine to four.
Portland amassed 14 hits to 7
for the Missions. A four run rally
in the sixth inning, featured by
Fred Berger's home run smash
over the right field fence, gave
the visitors thn mare-in thev need
that he entered Emanuel hospital I ed to win.
n ..' v , Koupal. former Mission hurler,
Burns received by Lever result- vi. ,
v1.0.? 1"e8tIfa510? of the boys' and held them scoreless after the S' Paul
third Inning.
Portland 9 14 2
Missions ..4 7 1
Koupal and Fltzpa trick; T. Pil-
lette, Bowler and Hofmann.
school by the state board of eon
tr-1 and state child welfare com
mission. W. H. Baillie, then act
ing as superintendent of the in
stllatlon, was exonerated.
The opinion was asked by the
una osra w coniroi. QiPniivvTn u..ii i k-o
Bill, presented to the board by HolZll 8 1
' , '"':. , ns Ine Sacramento 3 7 1
IT"" "rvv'utl.ec1im' a- Sheehan and Mayer; Tincup
w.u f aVV. I and Woodall.
Turner 1
Hopewell 0
Sublimity ........ 0
Division II
Grand Hondo 3
Independence .... 2
Monmouth ....... 1
Airlle ........... 0
Falls City ........ 0
Division III
Gervais 3
Hubbard ........ 1
Mt. Angel
. . r-m .....
Salem Pirates
Douglas and
and Gaston. ,
Cal., May 14
,2 8 1
8 t 2
Ward; Thomas
I D;. rr o e . T I Seattle 2 7 0
I i-Jiis ror DreaKrast I Angeles 12 0
O- I Nelson, Page and Cox; Stltzel
i f continued from oae 41 I nd Cronin.
Tfra HiHn.i v 1 ..... -.
m r Tr'0 "?- OAKLAND,
lems wealthiest attorney. John oi
iZl A!L . . ?a. Oakland
uois, uuuer m Dona ror a
deed, and deeded to him by W. H.
and Chloe A. Wlllson, townslte
proprietors, in October, 1858. aft
er they got their government do
nation claim patent.
! , "
In 1858, when Mrs. Henry Hass,
lor a long time a resident of
North Front street, arrived with
her. father, L. E. Pratt, to take
charge of the Willamette woolen
mill, first on this coast, she re
members that'tWe family went at
once from the riier steamer dock,
.at the foot Of Trade street, to
Hhe Marion ; House. A famllv
Section I
Tew Park at Stayton.
Hopewell at Sublimity.
Turner bye.
8ectton II
Grand Ronde at Independence.
Monmouth at Dallas.
Falls City at Airlle.
Section m
MU Angel at Hubbard.
Gervais at St. Paul.
Salem Pirates bye.
Elliott Will
Be Next Foe
Of Finnegan
Harry Elliott of Eugene and
Pat Finnegan of Splrngfleld, Ohio
will head Matchmaker Harry
Plant's wrestling show at the ar
mory Tuesday night In a two hour
main event.
Elliott, former wrestling coach
at University of Oregon, is well
known in this city, having wres
tled here before and having done
considerable referee work here.
He returns now, a much Im
proved grappler to meet the spec
tacular Pat Finnegan of Ohio.
Finnegan has won all of his bouts
in this section with the exception
of those with Henry Jones of Pro
ve Utah. The little Irishman has
proven a good drawing, card in
all the towns in which he has ap
peared and his many blocks and
breaks for holds have made the
old timers rub their eyes in-sur
The bout between Finnegan and
Elliott should be fast and full ef
action as both depend largely on
speed and strategy.
In the preliminary bout Prof.
Newton and Jack Brentano will
battle again for supremacy. The
two have not met here since the
time Newton first blossomed forth
with his hammer throw hold to
put the smiling grappler to rest.
Brentano is a showy grappler
and is adroit In the use of jln
Jitsu as a part of his grappling
taxes may be brought to the same
level as the peoples ability to
pay is his -view. He favors dim
ination of waste and of unneces
sary offices and functions. He
believes a municipal water sys
tem, with the Santlam as a source
of supply, can be acquired, by
prudent and economical expendi
ture of water bond funds, for less
than 82,000,000, and without any
increase of taxes or water rates
For law observance and enforce
ment; for protection' of local .la
bor and local industries against
unfair outside competition. Ko
wits is a taxpayer, a member of
Marion Couaty Republican execu
tive committee, American legion.
Grange, and other organisations.
Lester Jones
Candidate for City Recorder,
Lester Jones was born in In
diana and was educated in the
Kansas schools. He is 3 S years
old, is married and is the father
of one child. Jones served on the
Mexican border. During the per
iod of the world war he served
overseas. Jones came to Salem
Immediately after he left the serv
ice and here he has made his
home. At first he was employed
In the offices of the Southern Pa
cific eompany and later he work
ed with the world war veterans'
state aid commission and the sec
retary of state. In the last two
years Jones has been doing ac
counting and auditing for the
. "I fully understand the duties
required as city recorder and am
Qualified to perform them in an
efficient and business-like man
ner,' Jones static. "I believe that
whenever possible, all purchases
for Salem should be made from
Salem concerns.
MI believe in a law for all and
all for the law," he adds. Jones
stands for strict enforcement of
all laws. A good law, he avers,
will stand on its merits and a bad
law will defeat Itself through be
ing enforced.
All city department should
Ralph H. EJetzinfr
Candidate for City Council to
Sixth Ward , -,,. '
Lived in Salem ten years; been
advertising manager ; for The
Statesman during, that, period.
Married; has wife, four children.
Home address -.1185 North' ICth
street $ taken active part in Ad
club. Lions, Jason Lee Methodist
ehurch; first time In race for city
of flee. Republican.
"Less talk and more action";
meant by that municipal owner
ship, economy in government.
lower taxes but does not favor cut
ting wages to detriment of bust
Thomas E. Cole
Candidate for City Water
Thomas E. Cole, candidate for
Salem Water commissioner, was
borh in Buffalo Prairie township,
Rock Island county, Illinois, and
was educated in the public schools
of his native township. He fol
lowed farming and stock-raising
for several years, bi April, 1901,
he was elected Justice of the
peace of Buffalo Prairie town
ship, and his commission Issued
by Governor Richard Yates.
In April, 1907, he was elected
Justice of the peace of Andalusia,
Illinois, and his commission is
sued by Governor Charles S. De-
He served the eight years with
credit to himself and satisfaction
to his constituents.
When a candidate for probate
clerk of Rock Island county, he
received all the votes of his home
Jefferson, Turner and Aums
ville residents hare requested ha
district boundary board to estab-1
llsh the same routes for transpor
tation of high school pupils as
granted by the board last year.
Stayton has asked that It have the
same routes as given the district
in 1929. -
If the courts uphold the coun
ty tuition law, the board this year
win give hearings on these routes
in an effort to forestall disputes
such as arose over the 1931-32
routes. As the. law requires that
no routes be changed after July
15. the board 'will have to obtain
a decision from the district attor
ney relative to route changes, if
the courts do not decide on the
tuition ease before that date.
No requests for routes have
been received from Salem, Silver
ton, Woodburn and Gervais. Pres
ent routes apparently are satisfactory.
township, except 20. He came
with his famtly direct from Illi
nois to Salem, arriving hero Jan
nary 4, 1919, and has lived bre
continuously ever since.
Mr. Cole is a taxpayer, snd be
lieves that municipal interests
should receive from. its officials
the same care and attention that
one would give to his own private
His slogans are: I have noth
ing to sell." "Stand for city own
ership of water." "Salem labor in
construction and operation."
These slogans bespeak what
one may expect of Mr. Cole if he
Is elected. He is qualified, ener
getic and honest, and the public
interests are safe in his hands.
War guns will boom in two sec
tions of the Mid-Willamette val
ley league today with the top. un
defeated teams of sections I and
II playing.
Tew Park will play Stayton to
see which will retain its clean
slate and Grand Ronde will play
Independence. Grand Ronde has
a team hitting average of .884 to
.230 for opponents and has scored
30 runs to 9 for opposing teams.
Grand Ronde practices three
times a week and has over three
teams out for the workouts.
In Section HI Gervais is undo-
CORVALL1S Ore- Mav 14
(AP) Oregon State college to
day evened Its eoaeh conference
baseball series with University of
Washington, winning the second
game 7 to 2. Washington won
yesterday, 9 to 8.
The Beavers were helped by
almost faultless work in the in
field behind Lefty Woodward who
kept the Husky hits scattered and
himself contributed . two safe
feated With thre wlna and hhtnA
EUGENE. Ore., May 14 (AP) I the hnrllnr at Odd la la iAtiuHti blows.
University of Washington's raaldlv.' Aided' h ' w Mtttr I Washington took a two-run
track teanu.taking 11 first places, Gervais marched nast Hnbbard 11 I lead first Inning on hits
A A 1 f a. m I , tit- 1 4 m Li. J
easily conquerea me university i to 2 last Snndav I 07 " ana xieaman cumuiiieu
named .Day was then keeping that
; hotel.
. .
The new saloon being built was
about opposite the present Cap
ital Journal office. One of the
owners was E. M. Plamondon.
The other. McKinlev. Wan M nld
i time gambler. That saloon f lour-
of Oregon in the annual dual
track meet. The final score was
77 to 54
- Although the visitors took first
place In the first five events, Ore-'
gon placed enough men to keep
the score fairly, close. At the end
of the ninth event the score- was
tied at 36 all
Only one northwest record was
t IS
laal i. . 4 . , i . uiui uuo uuriuwesi return was
?V0l7'"n' Hubert Allen of Oregon
was credited with a distance of
23 feet, 11 inches,, in the broad
jump. The former record was 23
.The "Nonpariel" saloon was
about where the journal office is
now. j. a. Baker, Salem's oldest
ctthen in point of continuous res
idence, was working in a harness
sbop next door, learning his trad
Jim 380 a month to "tend bar in
his loon. it was a strong temp
tation for a 19 year old boy but
WM "hardshell"
aSf,iMl414 not llk moons;
II i month and learned how to
M. T6Palr bar-
I St. U 14 14 .500
W. I, fret.
PltiUd. U 14 .463
Brookl. .10 14 .417
N. T. S 1 .400
PitUb. 7 IS .3 IS
W. Ik Pat.
Caleag IS S .693
feet. 10 inches set by Hank Fos- S
Vk vreguu III
Coach Hec Edmundson of the
Huskies pulled a surprise when
he entered Eddie Genung. nation
al mile champion, in the quarter-1 fm Philadelphia by winning to
days 7 to and sweeping the
series; Klein knocked a home run
I for the Phillies' first score.
I Philadelphia .. 18 8
St, Louis .7 15 1
Benge, Hansen and McCurdy;
with two Oregon State errors. The
Beavers tied the score in the sec
ond, however. Then the Huskies
I started to boot the ball and a to
tal of seven errors were marked
I against them. Those seven er
! rors were principally responsible
for Washington's defeat.
Washington 2 8 7
Oregon State 7 7 2
O'Brien, Gouriay and Harnet;
Woodward and Keema. '
Voter Pamphlet
st. lous. May i4. (Api -I Trimmed. Savins
St, Lout made it three straight mm y r .
maae in rosxage
Mirinie P. Munkers
Passes at Familv
ot - . i sense, nansen ana Met)
Home at O he 1 burn I Dean, Johnson and Wilson.
Shelburn. Mav 14 Mm Mln-I Beds Beat Dodgers
nle Perry Munkers. 82. dfoA mt 1 . CINCINNATI, May-14. (AP)
the family home, and services I wtThe Reds hit Clark and Thurs- went the trimming process were
By trimming the margins of
100.000 candidates pamphlets is
sued prior to the primary elec
tion, David O'Hara, in charge of
the election division of the state
department, has saved , the tax
payers more than $500 in post
, The pamphlets which under-
The Rector ban was where thall1 hld the graveside inton 1 ary inning but the first mailed to Multnomah county vot-
starioa garage Is now, next to the "UB Bue
.uuin ouiu nin.iT.' rnifiT j .tuit uoivmcu uiwaua tw an i mm nimnillK naa 101 dub
Statesman office. Schlussell had I f5Tnoii. -Rev. W. H. McLsJn Oinn Wright hit a homer land is the largest ever issued by
as bis partner at first Mr.. Coh ""iciaung. . tor uroouyn. i f H the secreUry of sUte.
r. Munxerg was twice mar-1 erooxiyn e I t
and their store was in m. tA .
bnlldlag standing where the ser
vice atation is now, where Lib
erty; and High . streets become
Broadway. The upper floor was
occupied by the Masons their
first lodge room. in Salem.
riea. gbe ).. t.. ...v. IClnelnnatf : S IK 1
Y I 4S,U - I tAWa T aVS a loT.
uassner . and
Frank and Charts.
.-1vin?de ner bome. with her
son Charles. Mrs. Ubi .
0 wst
Clark, . Thurston and
Carroll and Lombard!.
1930 Taxes Now
Held Delinquent
TJitoaaskTs Homer Wins
CHICAGO. May 14. (AP)-I Nineteen thirty Uxes, u for
oorn and Uvd nnitiMn. I nm rrivhaTi.via km. i-m. ui 1 ......
wuey Chapman was building " meaiate vicinity. 1 one on m me nmtn touay gave Unquent according -to an . order is-
Rmtnn a T tn S tifnr mr. t I
HOMECOMTV winn lrh.ka.v- . .-
- SCOTTS MILLS. Mav n ' 1 ?i :h : : 1 ?V n e
P. aV Wa A I w -aaa I f I f I f f f f t f MM I
That was the btUldlng in which wai : . residents Chicago 10 2
the Oregon consUtutlon wa. ff1 at the bomecomlng " Brown. Frahkhouse, 3etts. Sei-
M.iT nsuiuuoa was of auxiliary canital . rT,-tlhoM. -Brandt n.m.
sui. iut ine auxmarv Mntnn t crimen, rtnat TTaHntf -
the Old COUrt house, that mtruut
where the present one is. He
lanea on nis - contract M '52.
8IWV A a, A m . . ' .
framed, in 1857.
tTnere are
other 4nf arf in m rtT ry conion
stories connected w th rZ r alm e L O. o-
Brougher, Luella Engstrom, Pearl
tlcular period and tM I , pie' eommittee In
-m. 0 wiom in later.issues,,.,- Formick and Grace Webbeil
Additional Sports
on. Page, 7
To increase volume, keep our stock turning and to insure
our patrons of new, fresh merchandise, it sometimes be
comes necessary to offer certain lines for sale without
profit, and in some instances at less than what the article
Men's Dress
These are the 'same sox
that created such a sen
sation when we quoted
them at 3 for $1 . . now
we offer them at
Gillie Ties
White and brown, white
and black, smoked elk,
white elk. All sizes and
styles. A good $7.50. val
ue . . while they last,
go at
Ballyhoo .
The sensational new san
dal in all colors and all
sizes . . White and red,
white and blue, white
and orange, white and
black, white and green.
All go at
Girl Scout
Sport Shoes
Brown, black, smoked
elk, white elk, black and
brown, black and white.
Full moccasin or stitch
ed. All at one price
The new white kid san
dal direct from Czecho
slovakia. . . The same
grade as we sold last
year at $10, this year at
Ladies' Net
We have made a fortun
ate purchase of net hose
regularly sold at $1.50
and we will offer them,'
while they last, at the ri
diculously low price of .
sued yesterday by the county
court.' The' delinquency certifi
cates which are available for sale,
bear interest under the 1231 Ore
gon statute at eight per cent per !
annum. Heretofore certificates Of
delinauencv have been sold ' to
yield one per cent a month. The
court, following custom, declared
the' taxes delinquent six months
liter the final period for collec
The Largest Stock of
White Shoes
in the Willamette Valley!
Get a Pair While They Last at
Cr? Ccxso .
Special Price on
Repair Work
Soles -
75 c
Heels Rubber
or Leather
Excepting Men's'
Leather 50c
xyy Liberty Stff &al0m,Ctfog
Dr. L. J, Williams, Foot Specialist,' in Attendance at All Times
tion ended last November 5