The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 15, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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wmrmer' toda; Max. Temp.'''
17 62, ilia. 88, rirer .
4.6 feet,. Brth Westerly
Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, May 15, 1932
Ko. 356
,;i -circulation. r, , , i ?ys?k!? 3M i-d roA- r?': Xhl,
Lindy Baby's
Finder to be
Under Probe
HOPEWELL. N. J May 14.
(AP) In following a policy that
'eyery possible angle be Investi
gated," police announced tonight
that they had taken the finger
prints and were investleatlnz the
Knows Name, he Asserts rr ' w""mn!n!e?r?'
And Adds That Kidnap--ep
Will be Caught .
who found the boiy of the kid
naped Lindbergh baby Tharaday,
1 LlflDY ' CHS lii
Coast Shipping ?
King is Sinking
Most Recent Clue
KORFOLK, Va.. May 14 (AP)
The story of a second and in-
Burlap Sack FOUnd ClOSe tO ey through the Norfolk interme-
Where . BOdy DlSCOYered the kidnaped Lindbergh baby waa
told here tonight by the very
Rer. H. Dobson-Peacock, one of
three Norfolk negotiators.
This scheme, which the clergy
man and John Hughes Curtis, the
principal negotiator, said they im
mediately turned down, occasion
ed one of the mysterious flights.
this time to New York city, made
by Dean Hobson-Peacock. It was
in . response to a telephone mes
sage from a man whose Identity
the clergyman said he does not
know that Dean. Hobson-Peacock
flew to New York, met the man
in a hotel and in turn was guld
HOPEWELL. N. J.. May 14
fAP Faces ot intriguing de-
tills. Indicative of even more im
sortant information beneath, the
shield of police secrecx, jcame to
light tonight In the relentless pur
suit of the Lindbergh baby killers.
1 An outline ot the two months'
negotiations carried on along the
Alantic saboard with a fTre-maa
gang by John F. Condon, asserted
the child's "kidnaper" was known
to him and would be caught.
Then spoke up the police in the
person - of Col. H. Norman
i'As has been shown in Dr. Con
don's own statements he only saw
one member of the gang and the
description given of this man does
not eolncide sufficiently closely to
any of these described by Mr. Cur
tis to cause us to draw any con
Anne Lindbergh
Regains Composure
As these and other revelations
were bared the principals in the
tragic drama maintained an out
ward calm in their hilltop home.
Colonel Lindbergh managed a wan
smile of greeting when Prosecu
tor Erwin E. Marshall visited the
residence late in the day. Mrs.
Lindbergh, an expectant mother,
who wavered close to collapse last
night, regained her quiet demean
or late in the afternoon. .
i The fantastic story ot Curtis,
supplemented by a sea captain's
description ' ot the boat trips he
made with Colonel Lindbergh,
even as. late as the night of the
finding ot the body, set a flotilla
of coast-guard craft to scouring
an area off Cape May, N. J. of
ficials at the Atlantic City. N. J.,
coast siuard station admitted the
searching ot vessels were carry
ing more than the usual number
. ot firearms but refused to esti
mate the number of boats en
gaged in the task.
From the office ot the attor
Kidnaper of 25 Years ago
- Picked up Because of
Lecture Remarks
Plot to Abduct Undy one
Theory; Congress may
Offer big Reward
WYOMING, Pa.t May 14
(AP) Pat Crowe, notorious ban-1
dit and kidnaper ot a quarter cen
tury ago. Is being "investigated"
tn connection with the Lindbergh
kidnaping, it was, learned at the
headquarters ef the Pennsylvania
state police tonight.
Authorities at the barracks
here said they bad decided 10
Goldstein Goes Over Case
Thoroughly; Points to
--'Paying' Witnesses
Keyei; Asserts State Fears
"Acquittal, ; Mentioning
Leniency Remark
DALLAS. May 14 (Special)
Oscar Havter. associate aerense
attorney, will resume the derense
closing argumenU in the tnai 01
mDotibt in Nearly
Few Changes Appear VOTERS BEGIN
In Balloting PlaceshS IMt
t or r r i a a y m ect i on
.urn was gum-i t, r-7. w.mio nt hi. re
ed to another man who presented .."rrTL.;
the scheme ot J600 down pay
ment and a payment of $50,000!
for the delivery of the child.
Grounds on Which tax law
Deemed Invalid Stated
By Local Attorney
netted statements on lecture plat
forms that the infant son of Col.
and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh
would be found not far from
Police at Hazleton, Pa., wnere
Crowe last was seen, said he can
ed at their headquarters last
Monday to ask their assistance in
placing a telephone can io -xq
Lindbergh home at Hopewell, N.
When they refused Crowe ae-
parted and it was not known
whether he had made the call.
It was reported from Haxelton
tonight that State Trooper Rob
ert Knight had pleked up Crowe
and was taking him to the bar
racks for questioning.
NORFOLK. Va- May 14 (AP)
The brief of the plaintiff's at- The theory that the Lindbergh ( truck driven by W. H. Nell of
Captain Robert Dollar. Teteraa of
oeesui traasportatlom oa the
ciflc . coast, - presldcBt - of tbe
Dollar Steamship company, wast
"sinking very rapidly" accord
ing to reports ' late Saturday
Bight. He has ben seriously ill
for several weeks.
Household Goods Scattered
But Nobody Hurt; Many
Traffic Mishaps
Ducks, chickens, rabbits, -a goat.
furniture and personal belongings
were strewn in every direction
yesterday afternoon when a H(ht
Jydr; ?VCJ! 17f 20 and 22;
of devising a scheme to defraud, . . . -
Monday morning at 1:00 o'clock.
Walter Keyea. deiensv atiorney.
gave his closing arguments this
afternoon after Barnett Goldstein,
special prosecutor, bad concluded
his arguments.
Goldstein finished his first
elosina- arguments about two
o'clock this afternoon after tak-
Polls Will Open at 8 A. M.f Qose at
8 P. M. ; Arrangements Complete v'
ONLY five changes in voting places in the 79 precincts in
Marion county have been, made this year by County
Clerk U. G. Boyer and the county court, according to an-
teg nearly houn T to present nouncement made Saturday afternoon from layer's office.
loree oi me live cnaogea are iu oaieio.
Voters in precinct 17, Salem, will ballot at the Marion
- garage on . 8outh Commercial
street, instead of at the isone-
Trends Visible but Enigma
' Behind Them Mystery
Till Election day
torney in the high school tuition
case ot Welnacht vs. Bower was
tiled with Judge MeMahan Satur
dav afternoon by James G. Helt
cel. The brief sets rortn grounas
on which the law levying a tax
on non-nign scnoot aistncis ior
transportation and education of
pupils in high , schools is uncon
stltntlonaL It alleges that tbe act
is confiscatory since a district has
power to contract for the educat
ing corporation as told by his wit
nesses and showed the part that
each of the officers had taken la
baby kidnapers possibly may have Gasley, Ore., was struck by the Good Intention of
been maneuvering to kidnap Col-1 locomotive of a Salem-Falls City Coehow Stressed
onel Lindbergh, himself was ad- freight train at Capitol and Union Walter Keyes began his final
his ease. He used excerpts from
tUe testimony of every witness
called by the state in his argu
ments and referred to the defense
witnesses testimony- tor compar
ison. He told again of the witness
es called by the state and how
these had been purchasers of
stock while the defense witness-
did not buy stock Jr lose mon
ey. Mr. uoiasiem aiso stress ea
that Coshow sent salesmen to his
MmnAm anil trlmA tft re t nm tn
"" " w I - - ... - .
purchase stock. He outlined the Mott, spauiaing, uavey ana
Legislative Candidates in
County Lead Others -In
Feverish Activity
Carson Among Those
Given Support
The 8alem branch of the Wom
en's National Organisation -for
Prohibition Reform met at the
vaneed tonight by Captain F. H.
Lackman, pilot of the yacht vain
ly used by John Hughes Curtis
for two weeks in an eiiort to con
tact them.
Captain Lackman said he ar
rived at this theory in trying to
streets. Neither Nell nor two argument by stating that the oe- v . i. JJl t
Portland boys riding with him fense ;had tried to show that wltj about 71 e'1 '""ftt
were injured. . Judge Coshow had entered the Ps their tte eaatt.
Neil did not see the approach- firm with rood Intentions and " j '""jr "
ing train until he was in front that he had been confident In its ' Ti. fni
v. t.m it nuuit niHm, .kmo,. w mA tt h I resentatlTes In congress me ioi-
up but not quickly enough to 1 state had faUed to show the con-1 resoluuons.
Steele garage, farther south on
Commercial. Voters in precinct 26
will vote at 70 North' 23rd street
instead ot 37C North 23rd street.
Voters in precinct 22 will ballot
In the Parrlsh Junior high school
.building Instead of at Cll North
Capitol street.
.The polls will open at I a. m.
and close at S p. m. aad only reg
istered voters may cast a ballot,
swearing in at the polls having
been abolished by law. In the city
areas the counting of ballots will
begin at 10 a. m. while la the rur
al districts the counting boards
will start work at 1 p. m. County
Clerk Boyer expects the returns
to come in slowly because ot the
number of candidates and because
(Turn to page 2, coL S)
...In. a t)ii aniiMi VldninAra
ing of its pupils in high schools ftnd thelr come on and jj0id-off"
movements during the lengthy ne
gotiations. .
He skippered his vessel, the
yacht Marcon, out to sea, eight
times, with Colonel Lindbergh
account for the strange maneu-1 prevent the engine's clipping the Inaction between the defendant
rear ot the truck. Although the
truck body tipped upside down,
the driver's cab remained upright.
Both rear wheels ot the truck
(Turn to page S, coL S)
and this tax is Or would be an
additional levy. Also It sets forth
that a non-high, school district
under the law may teach the 9th
and 10th grades, yet by virtue or
ST S&ttTSSFZSSli ? a?-. ?r ? Merri Ohling
.: irtvui vuo viiivo ui tuo abv" i n A AK1 4ova 1 i.Aiys a ceuiicu aia m vui-avvt i
ny general in Washington, acting ' . T mi oVrTnt b aW
At,nn kI ,I.j.-r tion is advanced with the argument!
a: formal offer of vast federal as
slstrace was dispatched speedily
to Governor A. Harry Moore.
Claims He Knows
Kameavof Kidnapers
; The, unexpected statement of
Dr. Condon, made as he left his
New York home for a short trip,
' "1 know the kidnaper of the
Lindbergh baby and he will be
caught. I know his name, bis
nationality, his physical char
acterlstlcs -and all about him.
1 Meanwhile, a new clue was an
nounceda dirty burlap sack,
1 It was picked up about SO feet
from the improvised grave five
miles from the Lindbergh home
where the Infant's battered body
was discovered.
It was taken carefully to Po
lice headquarters to be examined
la the hope it might , in some way
throw more light on the strange
. case. .; .,, .
: One theory was that the child
might have been killed some
where else and the body trans
ported In the bag to the heavily
wooded section, where It -was
found.' '
j If traces of blood were found
on thw sack, this theory . might
gain weight, . . .-
! Hope of finding some other
clue led officials to bare all leaves
twigs and surface dirt, for a larg
er radius around where the body
was found, scraped up and taken
to the Lindbergh gitrage. ( - ;
! Curtis remained on the Lind
. berg -estate to aid by whatever
means possible in the hunt If or
the men her had believed were the
- kidnapers,
Most of Thursday night 'he
spent telling . officials the Ions
. story of negotiations. Yesterday
he was taken over part - of the
ground he covered during his
work in Colonel Lindbergh's be
that the inclusion of interest on
warrant indebtedness Is included
In the hlKh school tuition charge.
Another point brough out in
the brief is that the tax is made
with the non-high school territory
havinz no voice in the manner in
which it is disbursed and nence
la an arbitrary levy. Reference is
made to the fact that the legisla
tive bill enacting the law origin
ated in the senate, and the alte
ration is made that since it is a
revenue-raising measure it should
have originated in the house and
because it did not Is unconstitu
tional. Reply briefs will be filed by
District Attorney John H. Carson.
A federal reward of 1100,000
for information leading to the ar
rest and conviction of the Lind
bergh kidnapers was proposed in
the house by Representative
Douglass, (D. Mass.)
PORTLAND, Ore., May 14
(AP) Billy Carlson, 7, drowned
in the Willamette' river here to
day. The body was i recovered six
hours latter by the harbor patrol.
and the misrepresentations made
by the salesmen. ,
In answer to the point the state
bad stressed, that Jay Stockman
had paid nothing, Keyes remind
ed the jury that several corpora
tion lawyers, called as defense
witnesses, had stated that they
considered from 110,000 to $15,
000 a fair fee for Stockman's ser
vices to the corporation. Keyes
Whereas, prohibition, after 12
has nroven an lgnominous zau-
nre. as shown by the steady In
crease in crime, sucn as racket
eering, murder, speakeasies, etc
- .
Whereas, it is desirous to bring
about a. higher degree or law en
forcement bv our people and.
Whereas, our organisation j
tanAa for- temnerance In au
Secretary For
Insurance Men YIS yiSffL
(Turn, to page I, col
14. (AP) Paul O. Landry of
Klamath Falls was elected presi
dent of the Oregon Insurance
Agents' union at the closrng ses
sion of the annual eonvention
here today. He succeeds. J. K.
Merrill D. Ohling ot Salem was
elected executive secretary.
Choice ot next' years conven
tion city was left to the executive
this state point was that Jay
Stockman was paid nothing.
Keyes summed up the testimony
ot the state witnesses who had
actually talked with: Judge Cos-
how and did not touch upon that
of witnesses who did not mention
the defendant. He stated that
in every case where the witness
had talked with Coshow it could I
easily enough be merely a misun
derstanding instead of misrep
resentations. Keyes pointed out !
(Turn to page S, col. 3)
Rumors of Active Fight are
Denied; Friendliness
Prevails, Stated
Current reports that Governor
Meier has entered actively into
the campaign In opposing Hal E.
(Hoss, for the office- or secretary
of state at the primary election,
were branded as false Saturday by
persons close to the executive de
"There is no iruia w -
Politics In the state and coun
ty enters the last week scramble
whieh always accompanies a earn-
paign. The Issues this year are not
dear and voters have been com
paratively lethargic Rural areas
in the county have shown more
interest in things political than
the city districts. As the final
days come on, voters are begin
ning to ask questions about can
didates, to seek sample ballots
and to determine their choices for '
the Friday balloting.
For national and state offices
predictions on the winners are:
Frederick Steiwer probably lead
ing the field of five for republi
can .nomination as senator; W. C.
Hawleys 25-year bloc of voters to '
let him nose out the divided
field against htin; Hal E. Hoss
an easy winner for secretary of
state nomination; Rufus C. Hol
man, wey-advertised and exper
ienced politico, probable victor
over Scherplng; L H. Van Winkle
able to best Earl C. Bronaugh, Jr.
through experience and contacts
made as attorney-general; Mar
shall N. Dana to secure the dem
ocratic nomination as senator;
William A. Delsell to run far
ahead of Harvey G. Starkweather
as the democratic congressional
standard bearer.
Hoover's Name to -
Be Written la
For president, Herbert Hoover
will probably have more written
In votes than Joseph Irwin France
of Maryland who is unknown in
Oregon. Hoover's only handicap
is the fact the republican nation
al organization did not choose to
enter his same In the Oregon pri
maries. "Alfalfa Bill' Murray will
sorts that Governor Meier Is op
posing Hoss," one official deelar-1 secure some votes, from admirers
led. "It is true that Hoss and Gov- I who like his dash, eccentricity
d nB
- Nine of the 12 lurors sitting in
the civil case ot.Lv Helberg and
Josephine Gabriel vs. Lai ah loney.
,i Earl Loney and Frank Collier, last
' night returned a verdict for the
defendants Loney" and plalntijffs
' Helberg and Gabriel and against
Frank Collier in sum of 15000?
The case has been on in circuit
court before Judge Wilson ot The
Dalles since Wednesday morning,
It was before the Jury from short
ly before 5 o'clock until 11:30
o'clock last night. .vV--''v
i Plaintiffs alleged that the de-
- f endants conspired to defraud
- them of their Interests 4 in real
property known ; as the I Ames or
" Zoo auto park. and that. by virtue
. of such action theywere damag-
The soring trend upward in em
ployment continued last week, ac
cording to the report of D. D. Dot-
son, assistant manager or me
TT. S.-Y. M. C. A. Employment bu
reau here. Calls tor workmen in
creases 33 per cent and Jobs pror
vlded around 25 per eent. :
During the week, 53 persons
annUe i for work. 170 calls - for
workmen 'were received', and 147
nersois were placed- on Jobs.
Count r roads, farming, woodcut
tlnr. c ommon labor and domestic
service continued to provide me
bulk tif the omployment. '
. Met- placed numbered 141, as
follow i: farm 30, wood catting
30. common labor 16, county
roads 60. gardening two, engin
eering, Janltoring and carpenter
ing one each. . ;
Women did not rare so wea as
men. - six, tne ..same suaiwr
durinr the previous week were
placed, five as domestics ana one
as sales woman.
Institute .Will r
Be Held Early,
Economy Move
. . . . . - -
In r der to economise on the
cost of the annual teachers insti
tute for Marlon county, the execu
tive committee of the . Marion
County Teachers' association vot
ed yesterday to hold the annual
gathering here next tall on Sep
tember IS and It.
y The dates are about month
in' advance of those usually chos
en for institute days. The execu
tive committee felt that ; many
schools would not be opened - by
that date and therefore the school
hoards" would - save considerable
money. When; institute is held la
ter in the rear, t teachers attend
at full nay and .school boards lose
the Instruction time paid for dur
I , ; s n s " .1
1 . . ; '
. , . ; ; 1-
I I .. - . - ' -i . TT. ...,-..'Ti . ... - ""- .XT' . I'll
B -JBW -Si i ' m -
a sf . . .-v. . -hw . ... .. .. . si was. aw j aD m. m ,
mor Meier have their differences,
STAYTON. May 14 The de- Unt these were not of sufficient
nositors' committee, George Keech, imnorUnce to result in a serious
chairman: Andrew Fery, George Dreacv Ag fa, s know Gover- I
sandner. William Van Handel and or Meier has done nothing to
Dr. C H.. Brewer met with state I weaken Hoss' ehances of nomln-
ruperinteildeat of . banuL a. a.
Schramm and Starbuck Friday
night at the bank. Meeting was
called by Mr. Schramm ior ine
purpose ot auditing various clas
sifications of assets.
: The committee found the bank's
assets in as good condition as they
had expected. After considerable
discussion, the committee passed a
resolution advising that the com
mittee shonld endeavor to get in
touch. It possible, with parties
who might be interested in eetao-
llshlng a new bank.
The committee reels, as a wnoie.
that the offer they have tor a new
bank ii most attractive. It Is the
wish, and desire of all the deposi
tors la Stayton in general that a
bank be established here as quick
as possible. . . '
It is well known that the busi
ness interests and the general pub
lic of this section . will support it
unanimously.- ; ..- v
Mary Hill Dunn v
Crowned Queen
; Pioneer Mother
Other persons equally as elose
to Governor Meier expressed a
similar view of the situation.
" Statements that Hoss and Gov
ernor Meier are on friendly terms
were borne out by recent meet
ings ot the various boards and
commissions ot which they are
members. There has been no seri
ous conflict between Hoss and the
Governor. for several months,-al-(Turn
to page 3, coL )
(AP) Mrs. Mary Hill Dunn, IC,
was crownea motner queen - ox
sons and daughters ot Oregon pi
oneers at the annual May lunch
eon meeting of the organisation
here today. Mrs.. Dunn .is a resi
dent of Portland. ' -
George W. Caldwell, vice-pres
ident . ot the organization, who
placed a crown ot larendar sweet
peas- upon Mrs. Dunn's head, said
she had crossed the plains by cov
ered wagon In 1852, coming rrom
Tennessee to Ashland. -
Columbia High :
-A T Zi A II 1 1 n . t FO REST GROVE, Ore.. May 14
At-1 tie UalleS -(AP) Phmin tang. 17. vas
THE DALLES. Ore.. May 14
(AP) Steadily rising waters Fri
day night and today,- brought the
Columbia river to the 21-foot
above aero stage. Reports from
the Snake and Upper , Columbia
rivers, however. Indicated the riv
er might begin to tall Sunday. V .
. The river now is five feet high
er than at the peak of the freshet
last year, v . ... .yv '
and demagoguery but Franklin
D. Roosevelt, other candidate, is
the democratic primaries, may be
counted on to beat Murray three-to-one.
Roosevelt has been the
candidate of democracy In the
state since the Jackson's day din
ner this winter In Portland.
Two years ago one could feel '
the tide coming up for George Jo
seph while in the fall elections,
Meier's victory seemed assured a .'j
fortnight before the vote, was tak j
en. There are no such wen de-
fined swings this ear. For ex
ample, there is the- republican
senatorial campaign. Steiwer
looked very strong a fortnight
ago but within the last few days
the Clark forces have gained tn
two decided respects: first, he .
Meier strength which is eonsid-
erable, has come out strongly be- '
hind. Clark: second. Clark has al-ligned-himself
with the staunch, "
right-wing prohibitionists, Dn the T
other; hand . Robert Stanfleld is
the candidate of the strong
"wets" which. leaves Steiwer, on
this moot issue, very much in the
center of the field and apt to be '
passed by the extremists of both
sides. Where Steiwer ' will, be )
strong la In the fact that six years .
In . office strengthens most - men :
and has strengthened Steiwer.
Then Kenneth Harlan, while cer
tain to poll few votes In the up- '
state, may swing a considerable -'
anti-utility and pro-bonus vote in
Old Friends Win
Support Hawley v
-Hawley counts for his support
on the staunch and tried friends
who in 13 former campaigns have ;
been behind film. William P. El
lis, Mott's campaign leader, can-
not see anything but victory for
Mott whose work as corporation
commissioner during the last 12
months, Ellis thinks, has made -him
a most happily ' advertised ,
- I lmmt all ?vol It !! '
Attic at HomeUFiizl
Only a acaueriiis. iui nuu i,i -
Hulet will be third but most per-
sons feel that Hawley with his
old-time support will win over the.
runner-up, James" W. Mott.
' So the speculation goes. There
are few straw votes, apparently'
there are no widespread fmove-k -ments"
or swings, and anyone's,
predictions are likely to be upset. v
' - For InsUnce, there is the "McKay-Gregory
campaign for mayor.
McKay is an easy winner through-:
out the business district." MeKay
(Turn to page 3. col. 1) . .'
DENISON, Tex.; May 15
(Sunday) (AP)-s-S ear hers
feared at 1 o'clock this morning
that Jean, two and one halt year
old daughter of Mr. and sirs.
Clyde McGirk, wealthy landown
ers, - had been kidnaped. The
child disappeared lata yesterday
from the McGirk farm home three
miles east ot Denison on the road
to Bonham. a busy highway.
I Several hundred men had
searched vainly tor miles around
the McGirk "home for the child.
The fire departments ot Denison
and Sherman dragged - Choctaw
creek for more than a mile with
out result- ! -
Before midnight, the persons
combing the woods near the home
numbered more than 800. - v
Lad Hangs Seli
Accidentally in
hanged accidentally at, his home
today, "r, v .. -; ; .
The boy. only child of Mr. and
Mrs. U C. Lang ot this city.
was preparing to go on a, Boy
Scout party and had gone to the
attle for a rope." In descending
the ladder from the attic appar
ently: had fallen and. the rope
caught on the ladder and became
colled about his neck. ' Resusci
tation attempts tailed,
- ed in sum ot $10,000.
ing the institute period.