The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 14, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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- iVVV. ,
' April, '32 .
u rfr I 1 I
" Fair! today and Sunday,
mild; 3 lax. Temp. Thursday.
W, Mra. 47, river 4. feet,
partly ?. ekmdy, '. northwewt ,
-Triad. ; i r . .; ; :
5 Net paid, daily Sunday
:Ik:::'-..i':MEMBEE A. B. O.
Salem, Oregon, Saturday Jlorninj, May 14, 1932
- No. 355
Arguments Under way, .Case
M Cannot f Reach ' Jurors
Until 'NiiK-Weelc::S:c.-
Stockman- Next Defendant,
I ' 1 1 ", 1 1 r mi o i Jl " f " ; ': I
j Mai V 11 ill oidi i may
1 8;' Judge Rules?
DALLAS. May W-r(Spclal)--
It waa definitely known, after to
day's court sessions tnat. tfie ease
against Judge O. P Coshow, fori
Jner president of the Emplre'Hold
' log corporation,1 on a 'charge of de
mising a scheme to defraud will go
to the Jury late Monday afternoon'
cr Tuesday' morning. Harnett
Goldstein, special, prosecutor, be
gan his first closing argument to
day and will finish tomorrow
morning. , .
I After the Jury had been excused
this afternoon. Judge Walker stat
ed that the trial of.Jay Stockman,
former counsellor for the Em
pire Holding corporation, on the
same charge of demising a scheme
to defraud had. been set for Wed
nesday, May 18. Stockman will be
defended by Lars BergsTig of Sa
4m and Dexter Rice, of Roseburg.
Hugh O. Black, Polk county clerk,
was instructed by Judge Walker
ta draw a soecial Tenire of 17
' Jurymen and Instruct ' these and
the 15 Jurors left on the lastsspe-
- - . I
HaI Tenlra to renort weanesaay.
Mat 18
; Judge Coshow was on the stand
when court opened this morning
and was being cross-examined by
Goldstein. The morning session
was taken up by the examination
of Judge Coshow by defense and
state attorneys and rebuttal wit
nesses were nqt brought In until
the afternoon session. On cross
examination. Judge Coshow ex
plained why his subscription note
was made tor fire years when the
ethers were for three years. Be
said that he had asked that jit
run for five years so he could
meet the obligation. He stated
that he did not know for some
time that the other officers bad
paid for their stock with notes.
Devoted Most of - - -
Time to Company i
Goldstein asked Coshow if he
demoted his time to the Empfre
Holding corporation and he re-
plleded "substantially so."
Goldstein also asked if he
meant cash or securities by his
statement in a letter of "I hare
820,000 invested." Judge Coshow
replied, "No, or the sentence re
ferring to the rate of 7 per cent In
terest would not have been includ
iThe defense introduced Co-
show's testimony that he had
$7000 In some buildtir and loan
company and that at one time he
had tried to withdraw this to pay
on his note to the Empire. This
was Introduced to show his good
- faith In his subscription, but Co
show said that, owing to the hard
times at that particular time, he
had been unable to get this
j Coshow was questioned by both
' state and defense attorneys re
garding bis salary contract and
the contracts of the others but bis
testimony on this was the same as
In his direct examination. He al
so told of the practice of having
bis secretary listen In on phone
alls until certain that he had
fteard them. Coshow said that he
thought he had the letters taken
from the files in November, 1931,
and not after he had learned of
the grand Jury Investigation,
MeJadl Denies Any
Balance Sheet Seen
Fred Melndle. investigator for
the state corporation commission,
was the first state rebuttal wit -
aess. He stated that he had never
seen any balance sheet from the!
Empire group before the permit
to sell stock was granted. He also
iu ui me application ior a
permit was in his possession un
til the permit was granted.
; When cross-examined by Oscar
Hayter. Melndl admitted that the
application could have been ta
ken from hfs of f ii with ant hi
knowledge. He also admitted thai
be did not see the files after his
recommendation bad been made
regarding the application and did
sot know what might have been
cone after that time.
r Charles Goodwin, auditor - for
the state corporation commission,
waa .1.. ..Tl.l - .Km1 v -
aess. He stated that he never saw
the balance sheet and - did
know of its existence.
Hayter got the witness to ad
er any balance sheet was made
or not. Goodwin stated that to
vi. vnowiA,. tn. rerardlna
MAf inw- hv him nrtor to the
gxand Jury Investigation and that
v. m,m i v MJtn
taken" out of the office
He later admitted that these files
?. r.... m thm f-
flee to " have copies made ; that
Mi,H.h in h nawsDaoers
...a .. n nm Mellon h had
. ron to a newspaper office to getl
f TGPnrA
- - J." E. P. Allison,1 secretory of Gwelda Thatcher, Jean Rowland,
the Marion ? county grand Jury Lillian Oliver, t Bud : Stevenson,
- Vhlch returned the indictments Teddy? Harp, Eldon Lappin, Es
ini the Rmnlre officers, told ther Lets, t Bobby -Ouer. Nancy
nf nnnhnw and
; -u.Aiii.tA hrnr. m md Inrv.
He elated that his records show
(Turn to Dag 8. eoL 1) :
Reichers Drops Into.
1 Ocean New Ireland;:
WResmed 0ySteWBer
Famous Officers of Oner .Rresideht Roosevelt
' Have Part in: Saving TransAtlantic '
r. Flier; Injuries ' SufTerecl
(Commander of the Liner President Roosevelt) .
KJ Reichers. the trans-oceanic
turbulent "Atlantic off the southern tip of Ireland tonight by
a lifeboat crew fmm h Pr.ifmf Pw1f v
- v; V - JV
buffeted' monoplane into the ocean near the liner because of
Membership of 250 is Upon
Rolls Already; Reports
Encourage Workers
Friends of Frederick Steiwer In-
Marlon county met Friday night
and organized an enthusiastic
Marion county "Steiwer for Sena
tor club." This is In keeping with
organizations of similar charac
ter being formed all orer the
state. The club Is composed of
citizens generally, without any
distinction as to their connection
with other organizations. While
the ex-serrice men hare their own
Aeelas(lAna vm m m wt avm
iU"J k"w
bers united with this general or
ganization to support the candi
dacy of Frederick Steiwer for re
election to the United States sen
ate. The' club was organised by the
election of .William McGilchrlst,
Sr., as president and W. W, Mc-
Klnney as secretary. An executive
(Turn to. page 2, col. 4)
Balloon Goes
185 Miles to
Lake County
Managers of the Fred Meyer
store here were surprised here
yesterday at receipt of a letter
saying one of the toy gas bal
loons they sent aloft as an adver
Using stunt early last week had
landed near Fort Rock. Lake
county. In south central Oregon
9. B. Cornuell wrote that he had
found the balloon on bis ranch.
The airline distance from Salem
to ' Fort Rock Is approximately
155 miles.
Cornuell Inclosed in the letter
the coupon attached to the bal
loon, entitling him. to a pound of
coffee. .
Over 250 . of these balloons
were set loose oyer a period of
four days, c Seven miles vraa the
record distance reported traveled
previous to receipt of the letter
from Cornuell.
Three affidavits of prejudice
aralnst Judge L. H. McMahan
were filed late- Friday In circuit
court here by Robin Day, Salem
attorney. Day asks that the state
sunreme court send a durerent
Judge here to try -the cases of
Und vs. G. W. Laflar. Joseph
I nrhr n. E. Anderson, and Unit-
I ed States Rubber Co. vs. Kimney
1 Tin Shoo. Day represents the
I plaintiffs in all these actions.
t m. Affidavit. Dav save" he
I iu.ii.vai Jndsr. McMahan is suf-
J ficiently prejudiced to-him that
i vi. i.nHffa nnnt seenre a iair
During the last month, Allan
Carson of the firm of Carson and
Carson, has filed numerous am-
davits of prejudice, against Judge
Eighty Four
Are " Heralds of Health
Eighty-four of , the 212 pnpils
si jtm : v
i . vk. flafa aa w ma tti sari
the -Herald of Heaitn aware.
The fifth, grade was ; highest
the six classes with 17
members receiving the health but
ton ' - ' ;
. Health honor pupils ;are as fot-
First ? grade Jimmle McChim-
ber. Edgeworth ' Olsson, ix
I eholson. Kenneth Debut,
fJffi S
loiese, Jimmle Bndlon. Jimmls
Mahney. Blllie Halseth. David
Shade. Robert Gosser, Henrietta
I Miles. Margaret Harnar, Beryl
I Ferruson and Bernlce Rentsthler.
r Grades 1A and.JB Jack Pas-
I lev. Helen Calkins, Ruth Nelson,
I Brawn and Carol Croxier
I 'Grades 2A and -3B Quentin
I Nelson, Virginia Young, Carl Hul-
Barton, and Billy Barbae.
flier.-was reamed from the
- V:" ... -.i-
cracked -wing, damaged fuselage
ana raei mortage. h smiered a
broken nose and lacerated face in
The lookout on the bridge I
sighted the plane flattering to the
surface at 9:10 p. m. Greenwich I
mean time (4:10 P. M. Eastern
Standard Time), and Chief Offl-
cer Harry Manning Immediately
prepared to take aboard the occu-
nant of the shiD desnlte hirh seas
and a dangerous southwest wind.
The liner was maneurered as
near to the monoplane as possible
and lifeboat No. 10, with Chief
Officer Manning in command, was
The lifeboat made for the mon
oplane and after dangerous circ
ling made fast long enough to lift
out the exhausted Reichers from
the pilot seat.
The . Roosevelt meanwhile was
(Turn to page 2, col. 5)
Waldport Bridge, use of
Wood are Topics for
Highway Meeting
CORVALLIS, Ore., May 18
(AP) The proposed Waldport
bridge across Alsea bay on the
Oregon coast highway probably
will be one of the most beautiful
bridges of its kind ever construct
ed, C. B. McCullough, state bridge
engineer, predicted tn an address
before the West Side Pacific
Highway association here tonight.
The Waldport bridge, he said,
under present plans will have
span of 1800 feet and will have
a total length of 3200 feet It
will be constructed of concrete
and wood.
Discussing use of wood in
bridge building, McCullough said
the highway department now uses
about 10,000,000 feet of lumber
a year and that if all bridges were
built of wood the " consumption
would be increased only to about
15.000,000 feet. He said 8.0 00,-
000 feet of timber were used in
the construction of the new - Ro
gue river bridge on the Oregon
coast highway.
-The real value of wood in
bridge construction, he said, lies
In the advertising value which
will stimulate foreign lumber mar
The association adopted a res
olution, that the proposed Wald
port bridge be dedicated to C. B.
McCullough, who had designed it
The next meeting will be held
in Amity.
Wall oi Cement
Blocks Encloses
T rtT
DlSCOVerV Place
(AP) A wall if cement blocks.
two feet high, lodaj enclosed the
spot where the body of Charles
A. Lindbergh Jr was found. -
- Three "state troopers were sta
tioned around the wall, which
presumably was built to preserve
any. evidence that might be there,
and prevented sightseers from ap
proaching too near.
Other troopers beat through
the tangled underbrush .in the vi
cinity, searching for clues.
Park Pupils
uraaes a ana a xsaaeen
r . a. M MW ' -
airaw, aiicb - wan. nuuieiia Am -
5 ll."t
Blundell. Betty - Childs, Beulah
Harp, Mary Prime, Warren Bar-
rette, Edith Nelson, Millard, Elf-
berg and Edith Nelson.
Grade 4 A Kenneth Mohney,
Henry Tanaka, Warren Catkin.
John McCumber, Juanlta Hlnkle,
. W waass aaaiSMWf
uahu - rniv.1 thimti . ftinndAit
YTonne Curtis, Jimmle Arnold.
now TvwvtV TT.i.t. TtmttL
vi. ah valla - nArdan
wineheomb-Joel Bonche. Billie
r..v- nunti prima. Mariana
T.lahjk -TVu1 . AndrMWfl EllsaTieth
Vinrlnla Polk. r 1
? Rirth rii4v Rnth Banev Rn -
hv Raner. Martin Barber. - Rich
ard Barton,f John i Belton, Curtis
Blundell; Carol -Ferguson, Therl
Howard. Jean Moore, Robert Wsl -
llnr and Marlon; Zwtckw., '
Proof Baby was Kidnaped by
Group That flqt Money ; -Deemed
Absolute -
Condon Pleaded to be Talceh
UUnWWI neaueu 10 D6 l aKen
To. Baby; Much Caution
Used in Parleys
NEW YORK.. May 18 (API
The notes exchanged between Dr.
John .F. Condon and the supposed
kidnapers of the Lindbergh baby
were published by. the . Bronx
Home News today in a copyrighted
It was in this newspaper that
many of the "Jafsie" communlca-
tions addressed to the kidnapers
appeared in tne rorm or eiassniea
The symbol slgnaturized in the
letters to Dr. Condon, according
to the copyrighted stoiTt 'was
three circles, two overlapping each
other and a third In the over
lapped space. The third was in
red. There were holes In the
center of each circle. These signa
tures corresponded to the signa
ture on the ransom note, the
newspaper said.
Gang's 'Program'
Given to Condon
After Dr. Condon bad conferred
first with his man presenting
two safety pins of peculiar design
which the man identified as safe
ty pins used to pin the baby's
blanket to the crib mattress he
received a note outlining a pro
gram which in part said:
"We will not allow our man to
confer In a way like before. Cir
cumstances will note allow ng -to
make transfare like you wish. It
Is impossibly for us. Why could we
move me oaoy ana iace danger to
take another person to plas is en
tirely out of question.
Now we will send you the
sleeping suit from the baby be
sides It means 8d extra expenses
because we have to. pay another
one. Please tell Mrs. Lindbergh
note to worry the baby is well we
only have to give him more food
as the diet says.
You are willing to pay the
70000 note 850,000 without see-
(Turn to page 2, col. I)
IS (AP) The intended child
victim of a 830.000 kidnaping
plot was safe today because one
of the conspirators lost his nerve
as he read in a newspaper that
the Lindbergh baby had been
slain. , .. ......
Tipped off by an unidentified
person who was approached to
act as a "go-between in a con
spiracy to abduct the six year
old daughter of Dr. David M.
Gardner, general chairman of the
Southern. Baptist convention meet
ing here, police arrested Edgar
"Shine Mote, 25, and Jerry Mets,
The officers are seeking three
other persons they believe were
implicated In the plot to kidnap
little Edith Marie Gardner and
bold her for 820,000 ransom to
be made up by delegates to the
Mote, officers said, confessed
I uis part m tne pioi. sua St
r old feet" as he read about
I the Lindbergh baby's death in
to his part in the plot. He said be
newspapers he was selling on the
street tonight.
Police blamed Mets. who lden
tif led himself as a former West
Virginia police officer, with orig
inating the plot
(AP) Escaping the ill-luck and
tragedy that has dogged ber on
I her air voyage across the conti
nent, the dirigible Akron was
moored to her mast here tonight
at 7;0K it. m wlthnnt . IiiMi1
1 " m-mm mmmm-m.vmmm,
imtmr nn itmit hmt
1 a. .i.ntln
-bone on her allvered sidM. the
Akron nosed down to the field
shortly after- t o'clock for the
first mooring' attempt sines morn
At . about 290 feet elevation.
with the ground erew ready to
.. . a, m . -
I - She returned 'again and her
w,1dro;Ie K "
I to the waiting hands ef two crews,
I totalling about 109 men. They
I fwntted her to a portable mart
and the cable was attached.
. GLENDALE", Ore., May IS
I (AP) Ellseth Stewart; 22
- 1 months old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William: Stewart. Wolf Creek
J ranebers, was drowned today. The
1 body waa, found in a small water
; hole ear the family heme.
! i mm
"I ., t --- 1-.,.'. .: " V. : :
a -.-
Federal Enforcement Group
And Secret Service to
Follow Lindy Case
A man hunt second to none in
the nation's history, a search that
will not end until the murderers
of little Charles Augustus Lind
bergh, Jr., have paid in kind was
ordered in vehement words today
by President 'Hoover.
"I have directed the law en
forcement agencies and the sev
eral secret services of the federal
government te make the kidnap
ing and murder of the Lindbergh
baby a live and never-to-be-for
gotten case, never to be relaxed
until these criminals are in placab
ly brought to Justice," the chief
executive said.
"The federal government does
not have police authority in such
enmea, but its agencies will be
unceasingly alert to assist the
New Jersey police in every pos
sible way until this end has been
Even as the president spoke,
bis words were being flashed to
the nation'a law enforcement of
ficers. Attorney General Mitchell
announced a few minutes later
that he bad relayed the orders to
the men nnder his eommand.
Feeling throughout the capital
ran high. Sympathy mixed with
determination to ran down the
murderers echoed from the balls
of congress to the White House
cabinet room.
Wl fight crime
(AP) A friend of Col. Lindbergh
today proposed the organisation
of a Charles A. Lindbergh Jr., as
sociation "A spiritual monument
to the bapy who has Become a
symbol of the effect of lawlessness
In America.
"Let it be said in tbe future
that Charles A. Lindbergh Jr.,
gave his life for the advancement
of a great cause," said Charles C
Reed, of Richmond,1 who offered
the proposal. .
There la but one way that
eaeh of ns can help, and that is
by the building of a monument
dedicated to the child's memory
not a monument of stone or even
precious metals but a spiritual
monument, a monument that will
outlive all physical things." .
Turner Opposes
Station Closing
Residents : ef the Turner and
Falls City districts have filed pro
tests with the state public utili
ties commissioner against the pro
posed closing .of the Southern Pa-
eifie stations at those places. Tne
date of the hearings has not yet
been set, but they probably win be
held late this month. . ,
Santiam Bids to '
Be Opened Soon
( AP ) W. ' H. Lynch, district en
gineer, announced today. bids for
clearing 11 acres of the right-of-way
of tbe Santiam highway, will
be opened at the office of the bu
reau of public roads here May 20
1 .'
1 1
7 1
; ''.'if,'
. .w4f
Above, group of men munialng the
A. xasrabergh, 4T-, was found.
the , discovery which brought
qmest for the kidnaped infant.
York city.
Five Candidates
Receive Support
Of Hop Growers
Five of Marlon county's ten
candidates for the republican
nomination for the house of rep
resentatives were endorsed yes
terday by the connty branch of
the Oregon Hopgrowers' league.
The men named are understood to
be favorable to the prohibition
views advanced by this group.
canvass of all ten candidates for
the house was made preliminary
to the endorsement.
Candidates endorsed by the
league were: Romeo Goulet,
Brooks; 8. A. Harris, Brooks;
Ronald Jones, Lake Lablsb; W.
a Pettyjohn. Salem; Frank Da
vey, 811verton.
Anne Lindbergh is III;
HOPEWELL, N. J.. May 11
(AP) Mrs. . Charles A. Lind
bergh, who has maintained a calm
and composed demeanor through-,
out the search "and finding of her
kidnaped and slain json, was or
dered to bed lata, .tonight and
placed under a physician's ear.
The strength of tn sum, young
mother declined appreciably. It
was learned, when at her own in
sistence she was. told of the de
tails ef the condition, of tbe body
of her baby boy.,
! HOPEWELL, N. J, May 18
(AP) For Anne Lindbergh to
day there waa no more uncertain
ty. Nor any hop, r -
No more of the agony of won
dering whether -her baby was
alive and how he was being treat
ed by the strangers who took him
away. No reason any more to start
np eagerly at the ringing ef the
... '
spot where the body of Charlea
Below. Wlulam AH en, who made
aa ttnhappy climax to the 72-day
Both photos telephotoed from New
Lynn Nesmith. serving a term
of five years in the state peni
tentiary, will be released tonight
on a conditional pardon Issued by
Governor Julius L. Meier. Ne
smith. committed from Coos coun
ty for a statutory offense, baa
served approximately one year of
his term. - -
. The pardon is issued upon the
condition that Nesmith accept
employment on a boat which is
to sail tonight from Portland.
Nesmith served as a clerk in
the state legislature during sev
eral sessions. He is well known in
the Willamette valley. In Coos
county he was In the state fire
patrol service.
Under Strain
Gone was even the slight con-
fort, to b derived. from things
that kept her busy yesterday aft
ernoon and last night running;
upstairs to the nursery for a lit
tle shirt that helped to Identify
the dead child as her son, calling
again and again on th telephone
to try to reaca am xauer. - .
Her friends said today she was
being very brave, wandering
about th long. . nngni uving
room, eulet and forlorn.
She could not even see little
Charles.'-' - --It
was said that last night.
when soma member af th house
hold had to go to th morgue tn
Trenton to make th identinca -
.. . . . . . . . .
uon. sn neggea to p sjww
to ro.
They told her it would b bet
ter if she did.not, and th nurse.
Betty Cow, waa sent.'
For a few moments last night,
it-was learned, Mrs. Lindbergh
was nearer to eollspse than she
had ever been.
Such : Is .Conclusion from :
Evidence Revealed Sine :
Body Discovered; Undy'
Views Remains -
Proof Brought to Father, at
Time $50,000 was Paid
indication Gang Contact
ed was Right one ,
(Copyright 1932 By The Asao- '
elated Press).
(AP) The picture of a father
standing alone before the broken
body of his slain son, a mother
secluded in grief and a president
calling for action Inspired the
mightiest law enforcement agen-'--des
of the nation tonight to catch
the murderers of Baby Lindbergh.'
Meantime the wide-flung man-,
hunters were gripped with the
growing belief .that the criminals
who stole the Infant March 1
sought ransom after they had -killed
The focal point of this school
pf thought was the little white
eover-all sleeping suit the child
wore on the night of the kidasp
Ing. This was missing when the
battered body, wasted to a skeie-
ton, was stumbled upon in a, -woods
by a negro truckman yes- .
terday leas than five miles trosa
the Lindbergh home.
Sleeping Garment t
Returned to Lindy
. And a garment purporting to
be this same sleeping suit was tke -"token",
by which Colonel Charles
A. Lindbergh and his 72 year eld .
agent, Dr. John F. Condon, were
brought to pay 850,000 ransom"
in the murky darkness of a New -York
city cemetery.
These were the salient facta
scrutinised by New Jeresys crack
detectives gathered at a distance :
from th bare Trenton morgue :
where the famous flier looked at
his first born for the last time. t
Mrs. Lindbergh, who is expect
ing another child next summer, -stayed
close beside her mother
here, preferring to remember her ;
curly haired boy as she knew hint .
alive. . . , - i
.'Haggard and worn, Cotonel :
Lindbergh called upon his saost "
totlfffato' friend. Colonel Henry :
Breckenrldge, to drive him by sec- -to
rear to Trenton.
When he entered the reoae
where the body lay. the coroner,
Walter H, Swayse. Inquired:
"Colonel Lindbergh "do yea
positively identify this babyT
A covering obscured all bat the
face of the child. '
"Take that off," requested the ,
colonel in a low, tens tone.
An attendant complied and all
except the- colonel retired from
toe Baby
Ltndy Declare
"It is positively the baby."
said Colonel Lindbergh after
minute inspection. -
He waa Inside the morgee for
half an hour. Just before he left
a hearse drew ap and the body
waa placed Inside for transpwr
tatioir to a crematory at Linden,
N. J. ' . -
When the colonel arrived at th
morgue a crowd of several hnn-.
dred persons gathered tn the
street, with a special police detail
on hand to keep order.
His expression was sober aad -he
seemed weary as he cam from
the building and sank backdate
a corner of his automobile. - .
When tbe ear swung out ef the -alley,
the crowd,, now so large
that it tied up traffic for a eea
siderable distance, broke nolle
lines aad followed.
Haadreds of children and many
(Turn to page 2, eoL I)
IffifERS' .HQ'
CROOKSTON, Minn-. May 18
API a. national snbsertptJon
I fund raised by daily newspapers
0f the united States to nunr. ia
1 vuitrs of tbe Lindbergh baby waa
proposed by the Crookston .DaEy
i Times today.
itavtasF the erim Is aimed not
alone at CoL and Mrs. Lindbergh,
but against every father, and -ther
tn th United States, It wrrs
"milltons. it necessary, must be
I employed to capture tne unraer-
1 ers.
I i
' CHARLOTTE. N. a. May 11
(AT) The Charlotte Observer,
declaring the honor, of America
hangs upon bringing the Lind
bergh baby's murderers to Justice,
baa started raising a reward fund
and has asked tts readers to adl
to the 8100 posted by the paper.
raw n