page umn ere The OREGON STATESMAN," Salem, : Oregon, SondayMoniinjr, Mar 8, 1932 5- -r - - t --.- ,i .... - . ' -,3 : r . . - .. 1 supply meem 1 1 i If A r Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 : Classified AdTcrtlstng Single insertion per HnclOo Three Insertions per - I Use .............. 20c Six insertions per line. .30c One month per line. .$1.00 Minimum charge .... .. 25c t Copy for this page ac cepted nntil 6:30 the even !ln k before publication for classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. The ' Statesman assumes HELP WANTED n 18-85. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS. Steady -work. Commence $1.8.00 month. Paid vacations. Exper ience unnecessary. Common education sufficient. Full particulars with sam ple coaching FREE. Apply today sure. Bos 1234 B, Statesman. WORK FOR "UNCLE SAM". $105. 00 to $280.00 month. Steady lobs. Men women. 18 to SO. Paid vacations. Sample coaching and list positions FREE. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute. Dept. 26,0 B. Rochester; N. Y. Men 1885. RAILWAY AIL CLERKS. Steady work. Commence $158.00 month. Paid vacations. Exper ience unnecessary. Common education sufficient Full particulars with sam plei coaching FREE. Apply today sure. Box 1234, Statesman. HELP WANTED MALE n nfiftnrrvn(M-n r .-(- "i , - Man 20-40 for steady work. Not easy about $75 mo. Rm. 208, 381 State St. after 0:30 p. m. Responsible men everywhere as ad vertising representatives. Experience unnecessary. No selling. Steady In come. PARAMOUNT, Inc.. 4554 Broad way, Chicago. pig money growing MUSHROOMS. Cellar. Idle SDacea Etrythlng furnish- eL Details FREE. MUSHROOM GROWERS ASSN., 431 N. Clark, Chi c&go. WANTED At once, 8 men mechan ic illy inclined. Must be neat appear ing, between the ages of 25 and 40. Hard work but good pay every week. Ariply Monday at 7:30 p. m. sharp. oom 10. 14 N. Liberty. HELP WANTED FEMALE SPECIAL WORK FOR MARRIED styles. Start st about $1$ weekly. No experience or investment nm nuuw-to-house. Write fully. Harford Frocks, Dept. it-VMZ, inaianapoua, WOMEN TEACHERS WANTED For vacation work. Expenses guar anteed. Give age, education, experience In first letter. COMPTON CO., 1000 N.i Dearborn. Chicago. SALESMEN WANTED Salesmen: Earn $10.00 dally sell-J !ng coveralls, shopcoats. Lettering free. Leading mnfr. offers best qual ity $2.50. Twelve pattern Prompt de liveries. No competition. Comm. ad vanced. Outfit free. WE A REV A, 1130 Maple. Los Angeles, Calif. Agents Amailng new patented dish washer! Only $5.95 complete! Every woman buys on sight! Your commis sion $1.50 each sale I NARCOR, 1845 Broadway, New York. SITUATIONS WANTED Man with family wants work on farm or orchard. Prefer separate bouse. Box 149, Statesman. Experienced, refined housekeeper, with reefrencea, 1658 Court. Tel. 6564. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Typewriters, all make, new and used Adders and typewriters for rent Typewriter Exchange. 421 Curt St Wringer repairs for all makes or washers. Mr. Ellis, Halik Elec. Co. FOK SALE Old papers 10e e bun dle Statesman office. . - H-un.rxn.n.i"uLArinfl.i-iiiniii - -- - ii Blake's vacuum shop, repair and rent TeL 3368. 1520 & Liberty. , uxfin i-ni!srii"i-ii' Have seversl placer and quarts-min ing claims in Grant uo., uregon. vv nie Bob But tier, Austin, Oregon. v FOR SAZ3 Minnesota No. 12 seed .Arn. 4e ner lb. J. H. Engeman, SI1- verton. WWVWWVVMWWW FOR SALE Thoroughbred Chinese chow cheap. 1625 Nebrasxa. TRADE Miscellaneous -i rrtfirinj-Ln.r nnrinnnr - Exchange wood for pump and pipe, Miaa Portarl Rt L Box 83. Phone 64F21. ' IWANTED Miscellaneous n ytmAuttt rffT. olstohk shotguns. old gold -nd fewelry. CondltUo no ob- ikl Msme your pne . 3T7 REINER'S EXCHANGH t . ISO N. Commercial .or a M-rtnii t4 . t in ex change en radios, phonographs, t.Xor kiisia H L Stiff Furnlrur Company Fruit lars alt sises PHon 7. MISCELLANEOUS - ,, mmm iCars washed and slmonlzed. Spe cial prices Comer 11th and Mission. FOR t REN' T ROOMS , 8VbsVwilbA iFtif. rooms clOsetn. 265 Division. ROOM AND BOARD inn nnnnrifrMrr --- . TeL 831T. Modern, warm room and board, .: . t" NWMWWWW,,w; POLLY" AND HER-PALS "Chicken Frie , , , ' By CUFF STERRE I H 53 1 1 1 -,' T 1 Ikw are we ber goino) j """1 fg Tl ( JgJ0 l . . rotf rRTK)Jr -- "l - I! oA to get rid op our r Jstxl f-4 V65 A cinch, p lZ tf'AiA J . ! Vj7Z---tf- i VVMAl - A Vti44 ' t- lrv 3i i conclude 3 HPPIPU VL M fUH t i's V'VEr I yfj' , homeless, wx cmrF tsm I-. WIMSImM ! &ZJ Vi.t !! honey? no Lrt-Tov rfj Ja a 3lc- hSr A iS-Liy ox wmMpr - m .')s W gyP y" v MWw rv'i -,fe;iM ss:. :mmmM no financial responsibility for errors which, may ap pear In advertisements pub lished In Its columns, and In oases wbere this paper Is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In .,whic the typographical mistake occurs. - . The Statesman reserves the right to reject objec tional advertising. It fur ther ! reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classification. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Patlon apartment with orivate bath, nfceiy furnished. Located In huslness "111 r1rt Call. Psrton's Booh store 2 rm. apt, 44S a Winter. Clean, furnished anartment nrlvnta nam, reasonable rent 545 Court St. 8 R. apt. private bath. 858 Center. "a 1 U-LPj-L well furnished 2 room Dt bath and garage Tel 7664 22(1 HaseL Fun. apt. close In, 432 Marlon. Small furn. apt 590 Union. Modem furnished rooms and apart ments, down town. Reduced v rates. Ferry Apts. 833 Ferry St ', AssvsSssWsssSssajsaw 2 room turn, apt $1.50- week. 1290 oak. mono 537. FOR RENT HOUSES Duplex house. 949 N.i Winter. 3 rm. bungalow for rent 1248 Che meketa. Furnished and unfurnished houses. R A Forkner. Phone 3031 Partly furn. house for rent, garage and garden, also apartments 1395 N. ' Fourth. After May 10th, good 8 room house 318. Geo. H. Stoddard. 1420 N. Fourth. TeL 59 BO. 1815 N. 19th street 3 bedrooms. aming, living, nook, garage. SZa.OO. 795 N. 17th street 2 bedrooms, liv ing, ornmg. kitchen, garage. 115. 00. 495 N. 23rd street 8 rooms, bath. garage. $10. CO. 494 li winter street 8 rooms, ser vice station. 115.00 951 N. Winter street, 5 rooms, mod ern. 123.00. 975 Judson street, 5 rooms, modern. $20.00. P. H. BELL, 202 N. High Street Phones 9678-3427. SA9SsssTiSSsswssa WHY WORRY Hoose hunting! SEE BECHTEL or THOMASON, 341 State, Room 4. Troubles are over plenty vacant houses and apts $10 to $50. HOUSES FOR SALE $50 down, $15 month. Just like rent Priced for quick-deal $1000. 4 R. house, 2 lots, paved street Small house, partly furnished, garden. TeL 8809. big RENTALS 474 N. 18tlv6 R. 1169 Center, 8 R, 345 RursL J R, 1480 Broadway, 7 R. '.. $25.00 25.00 . 25.00 20.00 1480 Broadway, 7 K. 18.00 15.00 12.00 105 a Liberty. 6 R. 2330 S. Cottage. 6 R. 463 S. Cottage, 5 R. 697 S. 16th. 7 R. 10.00 10.00 10.00 1597 Lee. 4 R. 870 S. 12th. 5 R. - 10.00 W. G. KRUEGER 147, North Commercial 5 room furnace. TeL 7204. Modern 4-room house. Call 35? N. CapitoL 5 room furniture, dishes, rugs. lamps, etc Ford Roadster, good rub ber. House for rent large garaen planted. 172 W. Meyers. FOR RENT To less 10 A. spuds, corn, or bean ground. Take 1-10 for rent. Cecil Sar gent Vk mL Liberty, R. 3, Salem. DESK SPACE, office room, light heat water snd 'phone. Inquire: room 200. 3 31 BUte street WANTED TO RENT WANTED A practical farmer would like to plant and cultivate 15 to 30 acres or potatoes ior someone wno has the right land, with all equipment on a share basis. Buell, 895 N. 15th Street : FOR SALE Real Estate Good . 7 -room plastered home, fire place, basement etc. and attractive surroundlrura OrnamentaL nut and fruit trees. Fruit and berries more than pars tae Tw garages, 8 to 6 tin lots, nice view, psved street, near schools. Priced to sell all or part terms. 785 Rural Are. pnon si&4. wwwwwwwwwvW New 4 room modern house and gar age, A fine location, cios in, cose 81000.00 -sacrtnes lor szkb.ov. ks sonabl terms n J. LINCOLN ELLIS . . . "r 468 Stat stm aeren. all cultivated. -ne mil front fairgTSuods, two blocks off 811 verton highway. Flv room bungalow In excellent condition, chicken house, garag. Low taxes, well, electricity. A resl bargain st 11764.00 ; terms. CLAYTON DICKSON, Rt 9, Box 161 Equity Salem and Klngwood Heights homes for sai or traae ior crc-r vw lots or acreage. Phone 8812. w km a snlendld business con sisting of good store and tilling sta tion for sal and would consider some trade. mCT stock farm. ariittl tmimnrMnMitl and som stock and equipment and will consider clear California property. W have many properties for ex change and can match your trade. - McGILCHRIST PENNINGTON 209-19 U. 8. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Real EstaU U - FOR 8 ALB SI acres T miles from Salem, good i road, fair set blags., apples, walnuts. prunes, umber ana pasture, special price or ss&uo. leo N. childs CO- Realtors 820 State Street Phone $708 ON LANSING LANE NEW HOME 8 rooms, bath and nook. til drain. fireplace, hardwood floors thru out. full basement, automatic water sys tem, small barn and chicken house double garage, one mile from Salem In good neighborhood, one acre of good dark soiL AN EXCELLENT BUY See for yourself. $4000 terms. SOCOLOFSKY SON First National Bank Bids. . 4AAAMAAAAMAAMVwMMWMWwwVwV) FARMS FOR SALE 104 acre farm near 8cotts Mills, crops all In. Includes 8 horses, 18 cows, and Implements. Priced at $7,000, 00. Will take Salem home as part payment, balance terms 40 acres of fine land near Marquam, part river bottom, running water . and some timber. Priced $2750.00. Terms See Chas. Vlck st W. IL GRABENHORST CO, REALTORS 134 & Liberty Street Phone 6468. 7 rm. new home on Fair-mount hill, this Interesting home has double plumbing, double garage, one of the best values to be bad at $5500, terms. T rms.. sleeping porch, nook, double plumbing, furnace, fireplace, garage. 4 blocks from state House, jsngusn type, built 4 yrs. ; this Is a bargain at $3800. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 South High Street Farm for sale or rent cheap. CalL 157 S. Commercial. 110 A. fine bottom land, 8 mL from Salem. Fair bldgs., running wat er, lights, timber for nome use. 88000. 27 A. adjoining Polk Co. town, $ rm. house, plumbing, lignts, Jsuu, Trad for eltr oronertr. ( A. 8 mL from town, small bldga $1.- 750. Easy terms. Service station, store, living quarters, on paetf lo tugnway. iTaae lor ' farm and assume. Strictly modern 5 rm. house, good lo cation, close In. 33509. Terms. 8 rm. modern house No. Salem. A bar gain at $4500. J. F. ULRICH COMPANY 328 Stats Street Phone 8878. EXCHANGE Real Estate asvVsMMavMMMMMsssVMVsVsv4SV0sA 1 1 EXCHANGE Beautiful colonial house. 7 large cheerful rooms, modern throughout large shade trees A home to be proud of. Should sell for $12,000. Owner will accept coast property In exchange or make -you a cash deal that you cant beat SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 220 State Street Phone 8708 I have smalt tracts and city prop erty, clear of encumbrance (not Sa lem prapt). win traae tor larms, put in soma cash and assume, if equip ped. I am getting more Inquiries than usual. People are more Interested. See me for exchanges. 68 A. near Eugene clear. Traae house In Salem and assume If neces sary. - Good paying apt, value sc.ouu; trade for res. or business property in j Salem and assume. H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. ' Phone 8902 ! FOR SALE OR TRADE: 104 acres Fullv stocked and eauisDed. IS cows. Mtg. $4000.00. Will trad equity for lot and house in Salem. 29 acres. Paved road. Fair bldgs Fine soil, dec. lights. $4200.00. 27 acres close In. Cherries snd apples Some timber, bldra What have you to trade. Sell or trade new strictly modern home on Fairmount HilL 6 rooms, tiled bath. hwood throughout 5 room house, bath. I elec. lishts. V4 acres of good soil, trice $3000.00. &;11 like rent For results list with us. We write Insurance and loan money. Rich L, Relmann, Realtor. Phone 8632. 4SS Ferry St WANTED I have a nice place that Is In fine repair. Beautiful lawn, flowers and shrubs. Good location. Will exchange for something modern. Will pay some difference. R. A. FOKKNER Phone 8031 1610 N. Cottage REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES New 4 room house with 10 acres, good sou, electric lights, running wat er, barn and chicken house, to exchange for a Salem 4 or 6 room house. 20 acres of good blsck land Just off the north hlghwsy near Salem to trade for Salem home. 100 acres of fine farm land near Mc Cleay to exchange for Salem home and smaller acreage or timber. Large modern Salem home to ex change for bearing - walnut or chard. See Chas. Vlck at W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 8468. FOR SALE FARMS WHY NOT? Nothing Beats a Good Ranch snd You Know It $500 down, baL easy, 80-acres good sou, 8 R. cottage, bam, poultry house. 22 A. cultivation. 2 A. ber ries. 8 A. timber, running water. A snap for only $2560.00. 4 ft-acres east Salem 7 miles. Extra good soil on Pudding river. 8 5-A. cult, 8 R. house, barn, poultry house. 6 A. strawberries, price re duced to $5800.60; a good buy. Give terms. Stocked A Equipped Ranch 105-acres good1 soil, 40-A. in crop, 8H A. orcnard, 4 a. strawoerries, .1000 cord wood timber, 6 R. house, - good barn 86x40, poultry house. Must sell, and If sold within 10 days will, throw In T cows, bull, nil machinery and crop for" $6000. 0 $2000.00 down, baL easy. Talk about a give away this is on. Only T-mlles of Salem, good roads. - BEE SEARS A TUCKER. Realtors 122 South High Street SNAP FINE 40 A. FARM . ATI -toeJcad and eouiDoed. Sotn al falfa, soil rich, river bottom land. Very fertile, grow anything, f fin peaches, 7 A. oats, horses, cows. heifers. 40 chickens All farm ma- -hinerv. S ft. house, rood barn, poul try bouse. Priced right Forced to sell at sacruice price, bee my a ma BKCHTKL or THOMASON 1861 8tat Street Room 6. ACREAGE 1 acre. I room home, large living room, dining room, beautiful eak floors, furnace, . fireplace, . wired for electric stove, paved road, 1H ml from Salem, $200 down. $3, 800.00. 180 A. In Polk Co. 0 room house,' barn, other farm buildings, all fenced. , all year spring. 18 A. timber, ma cadam road. 4 mL rrom Dallas, $41 per A. $1000 down. 188 A. 12 mL from Salem, I reom ' plastered - bouse, needs some re pair, all fenced, all tillable, Vt mL to school, electric tights, all year creek, a bargain at 838 per sera. 40 Seres IS mL from Salem, SS cul tivated, I timber, fenced and cross fenced, well and small creek, sandy-loam soil, good family orchard. - T room house,, barn, T cows, 1 horse, farming tools, cream, sep arator, etc $8000. MELVTN JOHNSON $20 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 8798 5 ACRE SNAP $759. Money talks. Owner leaving city, will sell st sacrifice price. Best or sou sna location, paved highway, 7 miles Salem, new shack of house. Well. 12x14 ft shed for car and wood good term Hurry SEE BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State Street Room 4 sss,sssssssSjsjaesaSsssasws' 1 A A awsa ffns fat wnw swmiaA 4w provements, all machinery, 70 head uusoi wwo, nuizf-H, virj. mew f tvv.u, a real bargain $3500.00 will handle. I S nice acres close to Salem, fair Im provements, price $2200.00; $400.00 down, baL $ zo.oo a month. . 10S acres all stocked and equipped. 20 head cattle, horses, hogs, running water, timber, fair Improvements, 20 miles from Salem, pries $7000.00 ; $1. 500.00 will handle or consider property that Is dear, less value. 2 clear bouses In Salem to trade for 48 or 50 acres close to Salem. a M. EARLB - Phone 9478 208 North High Business Opportunities LAST CALL Price reduced about V, on lunch sad confectionery, good location, fountain, frigfdaire, steam cooker, -8 gas plates, range, fine fixtures and stock. Re duced to $700. Hurry. C. J. JACKSON 241 State First class, well equipped blacksmith shop, for sale. Geo. L. Hall. Falls City, Ore. Will trade sn. old established bus iness, no competition, not encumbered, for good 100 A. Improved modern farm. Box 148. Statesman. MONEY IN WHEAT: $10 buys op tion B.oos- pu. possibility large profits. particulars rree. COX, BW-172 Jack son. Chicago. 111. MONEY TO LOAN AAAtfSkAssgfWSksiSasskassi 'Bells of Harmony Heard over KOIN dally ring out a loan service that la really, really different YOU GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS 310 to 8300 Beneficial Loan Society OF 8ALEM Room 119 New Bligh Bldg. 2nd Floor LICENSED BY STATE 516 State St TeL 8-T-4-0 PERSONAL LOANS MADS on furniture, cars, salaries or other rood security.- Repayable monthly. When In financial nd se us before closing s loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone 858$. PERSONAL INSTALLMENT -OANS STATE LOAN COMPANY 213 Oregon Building. 2nd Floor. Office hrs. 10.00 A M to 6:30 P. M Telephone 7783 Licensed by State MONET LOAN ED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce yout payments Yon keep the car P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St snd Ferry Phone 4733 Salem. Ore. CITY AND FARM loans st lowest rates Best terms obtainable. Our Insurance department offers you ex pert sdvice and service In all Hnea. HAWKINS ROBERTS (Inc.) Tel. 4109 205 Oreron RM LOANS WANTED WANTED Privste money to loan on real estate. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 184 8 Mberty Bt Tel 6468 LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Baby chicks. Wsrtners Hstchery, 2160 N. Fifth. TeL 967L Custom hatching 2c per egg after Mar. 25th. TeL 122F2. Lee's Hatchery Special baby chick sal. Tus. A Wed. These low Prices will surprise you. Salem Chlckerte 268 N. Cottage I Street VJWWWMWVWWWWMVWWW Poultry wanted. Salem Poultry Co- 255 E. Miller. M. A. Mann. Phone 4888. Young cockerels. 6, weeks. So, weeks lie, few heavies 15 Lee's Hatchery. FOR RENT Pasture for horses and cattle. John Crolsan, Rout 8. . FOR SALEWOOD GUARANTEED DRY wood ooal TeL 6000 Salem Fuel Co. Trad A Cottsg. : . ' For dry 2nd fir, dry slab wood, dry planer ends. Inside mill wood. Phone 3986. Tracy Fuel Yard. Bon dry t' fir. TeL 8670. Old fir 16" $5.00. TeL 7536. FIRST CLASS FUEL Screened hog -fuel dry second growth fir -old fir mill block. Pbon 8847. Fred E. WelU Inc. ALL KINDS, any length. Call 8738. Old fir and limbs TeL Judd 103F2L Old fir. TeL 6463. FOR SALE WOOD DRI FIR AND OAK WOOD, - al and fuel eU Call oa us for prices. Ws give gooa measure, gooa quality ana rood service. LARMEB TRANSFER 8TORAQB . Teleohsns 8131 . . . t Good eld fir. Phene 8932. Sound 18" old Or. TeL 7877. 2nd growth fir f ISO. Old fir $5.0 ft. Tel. 8848. . Md rlfnT"l5 LOST AND FOUND LOST Keys on ring. Reward, Leave at Statesman c-f flee. PERSONAL EPILEPSY CURABLE 7 Detroit lady finds complete relief for husband. specialists noma ana abroad railed. Nothing to selL All letters answered. Mrs, Geo. Dempster, Apt 18-17, 8900 LsFsyetts Blvd. West Detroit Mich. FOR SALE USED CARS M.C KAY'S USED CARS WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS MODEL A FORDS 1920 Snort Couoe $82$ 1930 Roadster , , 298 1930 Tudor Sedan : 33S CHE VRO LETS 1929 Std. Sedan trunk :. 1930 Coach , $398 $98 495 525 ,1931 Coach 1931 Std. Sedan 1931 Special Sedan 8 wheels and tires E50 OTHERS 1924 Dodge Touring good ear -$ 85 1927 Star Roadster 118 192T Pontlao Coach , 135 1988 Whippet Sedan 195 1928 Dodge Coup . 245 1929 Durant Coach 885 1929 DeSoto Sedan new tires 478 TRUCKS 1928 Ford AA dump body 1929 Cher. 1931 Cher long wheel -..$198 . 235 duals, 4 speed trans. 371 1927 Model T touring that looks and runs like new. Has run only a few thousand miles. Will sen cheap McKay Chevrolet Co. 833 Center Phone $189 430 N. ComT. Fordson Tractor and Plow PRICE $250.00 COMPLETE SEE I ML A II AT Valley Motor Company Phono 8158 Salem, Oregon Business BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D Barton Batteries Starter and generator work. Texaco station, cor iwf Court end Church CHIMNEY SWEEP Telerhow 445S R B Northnesa CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L SCOTT, PSC. Chiropractor. 356 N. High. TeL Res. 6872. DRS. SCO FIELD, Palmer Chlroprnc- tors X-ray and N. C U. New Bans Bldg DR SCOFIELD, P. S. C chiroprac tor. X-ray and N. C M. New Bank Bldr. Phone 5139. CLEANING SERVICE CentM- St. V let eft Tel 9692 DYERS Willamette Valley Dyers Expert dyeing 121 Cbemeketa. Tel. 9511. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquet funeral wreaths, decorations. C T. Breithanot florist 466 State Street TeL 6964. AIX kinds of floral work. Luts Fler 1st 14th a Market Tel. 9592 FLOOR CONTRACTING Olsen Floor Co. Tel. 9111. INSURANCE BECKS a 189 N. High HENDRICKS TeL 494T WILLAMETTE INS. AGENCY Wm. Bllven. Mgr. Exetaaire ButtertU Agent tlB Masonic Bldg Tel. 7906 LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 268 & High TeL 918$ CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "We Wash Everything In Lux" Telephon 8168 1264 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened snd repaired. Also trades H. w. srort 14? 8. uonri. Tel. i PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Dr. Edgar & Fvrtnsr, physician and Mirnon. suit 408. U. & Nat'L Bank: I Bldg. Phones o trice, 3121 residence 3436. - ' MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home. New SO lb. mattress 86.00. Renovat ors and fumlggtors. Capital Bedding Co. TeL 4069. 8030 North capitoi. New mattress mad to order, mittrm remad s carnt cleaning, eld sis - Ins: fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rug Mattress Factory- S. 13th Wilbur. TeL 8441. Otto F. Zwlcker. Est 191 L- 1 FOB SALE USED CARS I Your Automobile Is : . Lowest Price 1911 STTJDEBAKER DICTATOR t REGAL SEDAN $1271.08. Brand new. mtw rum a mui s wire wneeis, meta urn cover, nroaocioftt upnoistery free wbeeltng This ear sold for $1425 last jr. 1931 ESSEX TOURINO SEDAN $$50.00. show room floor free wheeling type. 1931 HUDSON BROUGHAM. 128 w. b. w miies ana is penect m every respect s wire wheels, trunk, wind wings and many other extras cost new last year over $1709.00. ' 1981 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN $898.00. tires small mileage. . 1920 STUDEBAKER PRESIDENT STATE SEDAN 8850.00. Reconditioned as needed, new paint New six ply 1930 HUDSON $ CYLINDER STD. SEDAN $575.00. on of these cars and you win look 1930 ESSEX COACH $435.00, run less new ruoDer. 1929 NASH STD. $ COUPE $425.00. 1929 ESSEX CHALLENGER COACH 1927 HUDSON COACH $245.00. 1928 1929 FORD TOURINO $145.00. '27 TYPE ESSEX COACH 125 IT IS CHEAPER TO OWN ONE OF THESU CARS THAN IT IS TO DRIVE A WUtWI UUI AUTOMOBILE OPEN SUNDAYS STATE MOTORS, INC Hudson Essex Open Evenings -Studebaker Dealers GOOD - WILL USED CARS SOLD WITH A GUARANTY 1928 Essex Sedan $278.00 1927 Hudson Brougham 1928 Studebaker Coach 1927 Dodge Coup . , 1927 Oldsmobtle Coup 245.00 225.00 ! 185.00 185.00 1928 Bulck , Roadster 1938 Jewett Coach 1928 Chevrolet Coach 1928 Essex Coach 1925 Ford Sedan 1925 Ford Pickup 1929 Chevrolet Truck . 175.0 150.00 115.08 75.00 80.00 48.08 338.00 Wood-Wheaton Motor Company Phone 9888 Pontlao $ G. M. C Trucks Pontlae 8 j,w. 1 u-ii-ij-jnjnj"Lnjtr Special Two 1931 Oakland 8 big discount Sedans st a ValleV Motor Comoanv Salem, Oregon 1927 FORD PICKUP Guaranteed Ford generator. $250. Rebuilt generators for all cars. Ryans Auto Service, 240 So. High. T Directory MUSIC STORES GEO C WILL Pianos. Phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies Repairing phon graphs an sewing machines 412 8tat Street Salem. PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBING and general repair 166 So. Liberty work. Graber Bros I TeL 6594. PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN ADAMS for bus decorating, paper hanging, tinting. I eta. Reliable workman. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman . Print ing Department 216 & Commercial Telephone 9161. RADIO FOR every purpos. for erery purs aii stanoarfl sise or Kaaio Tuoea EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 84T Court St TeL 9119. STOVES L STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves ror sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds f woven wire fence, fancy snd plain, hop baskets, hooks, logan hooks, Salem Fence and Stove Works, 263 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. B Fleming. TRANSFER CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 216 State St TeL 7772. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty uet our rates. FOR local or distant transfer stor age, call 2181 Larmer Transfer Co. Tmefcs to Portland dully WASHING MACHINES All Makes Rented, sold and renslrd. Easy. . B. C Msytsg. Con Ion. Meadow and Automatic. 616 and up. HOQO BROS. W. C MANGUM. Usnsrer $29 N. High TeL 8021 O O Real Estate Directory . BECKS A HENDRICKS 189 N. High - TeL 494T S. M. EARLB 226 N. High St TeL $6781 I SOCOLOFSKY SON 894-8 First Nat Bk. Bids. TeL T80T J. F. $28 Ststa Street ULRICH T 867$ HOMER D. FOSTER RTT COl 870 H SUt St TaL W. IL GRABENHORST It CO. 134 & Liberty St TeL 6461 By CLIFF STERRETT FOR SALE USED CARS 1 J Here ... at the in Years ; Brand new, never taken off the $97$. This car has run less than 10,- Looks ltk new wire wheels 8 ply tires. Ask any on who owns no farther. than 12,000 miles, looks Uke new- 1929 OAKLAND COACH $395 00 $325.00. 1927 STUDE SEDAN 295 00 WHIPPET COUPE 145 00 Rockne -Pierce Arrow 625 Chemeketa Street ii JU'UlJTi J arabsm False. Model '29. s wir- wheebx, weld fenders, trunk, hester, other equipment Good running con dition. $385.00. Call at 2575 Rase! av. FOR.Omrnr ratjb My 1929 De Soto Sedan, looks and runs like new. Can use cheap car as "? v-jmeni ana nrrang terms on balance. See at mv ni-m t mi c o Sate city limits and 200 feet west of Pacific highway on Laurel Road TOungi and Sunday. W.ek days Cnon 3189 for appointment JA& a DAVIS, Rt No. 4, Box 13A David Eyre Wins Sigma Delia Chi Selection Honor UNTVERSmr OF OREGON. En gene. May 7 ntstfnpM, -. cently com to two Marlon conn. iy siuueni si me university or uregon. uavta Eyre, or Salem, baa been elected to Sigma Delta Chi. professional Journalism honorary for men, and Cecil Espy, of woodburn, has been elected to Delta Sigma Rho. forenslcs hon orary organization. Eyre la a sophomore In the school of Journalism, where he has done outstanding work on the staff of the Emerald, student dally newspaper. He la a member of Bets Theta PI fraternity, and a graduate of Salem high school with the class of 1930. Espy, who is studying mathematics and set ence, la a junior. He has taken prominent part In debate, being a member of both the frosh and varsity team. He la a member of Sigma Chi fraternity. - Cross -Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 IH 110 I I !IiIlJII 23 24 . 225 26 27 28 W 30 " I"I1 so si msz H "1 1 n 1 11 1 nil HORIZONTAL. 1 -historical term for the chief of aa army 12 Biblical $37 animal noted for Its crafti ness SS source of lirht S9 close by part of a circle's 41 sacred' language, ef the Bud-Ms ti literature 42 small ' donkey 44 100,000 rupees ' 45 within 47 firt's name 48 a diety 49 three-teed sloth 50 un tanned skin of a calf 51 creep way furtively 1J cut off tho . final . . aril to . . 14- xrpper- fcioct part 15 symbol for sodium 11 coverinx ' for the head 17 those la office 1! Apostle (abbr) ' 29 rowint Implement "21 sum 23 rbrthmU cal rwinf 25 thick preserve made of fruit 21 Shakes peareaa kin; 23 conclude 29 co astray 1! 76231 Herewith Is the soratien to yeo terd-7s Putxlo: - A2, io hoiy or cty persoa 51 mother 52 k ia the said e W color 14 Greek letter $5 super . ! natural 2&es seottY SPECIAL ELECTIOX NOTICE Notice Is rereby given. tat oa '- Friday, tha 20th day of May. J 1932. at the polling places de&lgr , nated by the - County Court - in -each of the twenty-four precincts me city or Salem, Marlon County. - Oregon. , a SPECIAL, ELECTION will b held for the ' purpose of submitting to the elec- tors of said precinct and city, for their approval or rejection, the louowmg proposed amendments N to the "Charter of said city, to- wlt: - . i - . 'An Amendment to the Char Iter of the City of Salem. Oregon." oe Known and designated as Section 92 providing for' and establishing the tire department ' tne city of Salem. Oregon. . under civil service rules and reg ulations; for the appointment of commission to administer such 1 civil service regulations, and pre . scribing the powers and duties such commission and fixing the term of office and method of appointment or election of such commissioners." 'An i Amendment to the Char ter of the City of Salem. Oregon, consisting of a new section to be designated as Section 14 (a). providing for the use of tax funds collected under the pro visions of Section 84 of the char ter of . the City of Salem for pur poses, other than those mention ed in said Section 84, and pro- Tiding for a submission of such amendment to the electors of the City of Salem, Oregon." Said election will be . held at o'clock In the morning and will continue until t o'clock In the afternoon of said -y. Dated this 7th day of May. 1932. MARK POULSEN, City Recorder. M-8 THE PUBLIC IS HEREBY NO TIFIED THAT Fire Policies No. 928001 to 926050 Inclusive and No. 112189 to 112198 also No. 832121 Inclu sive of the Salem, Oregon, Agen cy of the Netherlands Insurance Company of The Hague, Holland. have been lost, mislaid or stolen, under which circumstances, their issue being unauthorized, said policies are null and void The holder of these policies will please return them to the Company at San Francisco, CaL, and should there be any return premium involved it will be promptly paid. In case of loss claimed by any person or persons as holders of these policies, the Company will deny any or all liability thereun der. THE NETHERLANDS INSUR ANCE COMPANY. M-7-8-10. SHEPHERDS MOVE LAKE LABISH The Alvin Shepherd family are removing from here to Salem where they hare employment. The little daughters, Ruth and Kathleen, are entering Yew Park schooL 14 unit 35 di -ease ef the skin to in which ft becomes thick VEKTICAI. 1 courteous 2 period ef , time S symbol for nickel 4 back part 5 lofty mountain I Chinese measure T language 8 dis patched 9 indefinite pronoun 10 extinct flightless bird 11 chinres . IS domestic ?mil IS prepara tion ef fruit or Yegetablea and dressing tS andent II convert into leather garland 0 wreath to EawmS 14 stupid 25 lively dance ' 2T iaralidatd 29 salt SO character of being male or female S2 entitoxia SS -fabalo 8 ' bird of Arabia SS-4eraadty 27 away from rnes 49 sphere est action 41 cushion 48 head strong 44 Norse Go who con- . trived dis cord and misrhief 46 nothinr 4$ artificial channel r." from a : " shore - ' inland ' 19 bird ef ) cuckoo ' . family :. SI presiding . elder : . ' (ahbrj SS printer ineatora ; v.- ef God ( : I emM-tu'"1l u -miii ' ; ; ; i . ' ' - .. .... " i . . . " t i - . v . - ..