W hem -Supply; . Mm i$i:-DMU n&i a$cl Satisfied V . T 1 ' 1 Krs' I'- i' I TV Statesman Classified Aids Call 9101 . Classified Advertising ..Single Insertion per Uae.lOe i Three Insertions per . - line 20c i Six Lasartloni per line . . S Oe : One- month pT line.. $1.00 I Minimi m charge ......25c Copy : tor - this page - se- j ' - eepted until : S the even- i Ins before - publication - lor classification. Copy re ceived after, this tlmo will 1 bo tu under the heading Too Late to Classify, . The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility tor errors which may ap pear In advertisements pub- . llsbed In its columns, . and in cases where this paper is : at tanlt will ' reprint that part of an advertisement in ' which the . typographical mistake occurs. ,,, t , : The Statesman reserres the right to reject objec--tlonal advertising. " It far ther reaerres the right to classify ' all advertising on der the proper classification. FOR SALE Real EstaU FOR SALE WOOD - SEE THIS BARGAE ' Nice I room horn , on largo, elose la lot 48x154 tt. Price only 12tt with part term.. -.-.- - '- i ALSO partly . furalsbea bone ea nice lot for IllOt. . -5 8KB Cel Pattoa with" " LEO N. CHHJJS CUv eUOrs SIS State street FOR BALE OR TRADE One of the best 21 tt seres la Howell Prairie, must co at a. sacrifice. Fine f no. plastered bouse, elect rio water sys tem, oatn, oiectno ugnis, gooa urn and outbuildings, on SUrei-ton high war: -running, water year round la pasture and garden, rood timber aad orchard. . Will accept Salen residence aa part payment, aad give excellent terma at low rate Interest. Floyd Stew ard. phone 44 28. - - . ' ' Foe atfod'v'ooa bnone Silt. TremTs wood yard. - s . miARANTEKTi - DAT ejnnil nasi TeL 1001 Salem Fuel Co. Trad 2 Cottage : ALL KINDS any length. Can tils. Pboaa 1711 1 . DRT -FIR AND OAK WOOD, 1 a rer prtcea. we pea vaury and fuel oil. Call give rood GsLiral Llarliets nvwl mm mti a. UaJtKBft-'TItlKSFBlt - ItOSAOS .TtHBMOt 1111 . - Old fir d -Utrrba, TeL Jndd 10SFM. oid J.V:.; f , , . - - FIRST CXaSS FtTKIi . Screened hoa- roet-drr aeooad growth Or old fir mill block. Phonal (SIT, Fred BL Wells lao. CWra Verk-TUt, lttt ya tUt, :--.r.f-v.,.N--r: . r- ... ,. ItSL. U-Ut 1 B-lSa lb. : . - . i e aaisseM Statteji, tl-leei Pertlaad deUTarr scteea. 1S-1T Iba, lS-Soei eld reeateta; se) m, 1M feeaa.; t-iNt aafeaa, la-aea. TOftTLAjrOv Ore, AiO. tt-xPh- rretaee-ezaaaaem. aet WaS ltt Jtaaaarif 111 finte ITi erra, Ireea mxuaau xa. Portland Grain . llfeVSK . , , 1 ... . 'leaella, 4 ssHe- -- . - , '- EXCHANGE Real .Estatt yAr- TL ?T':n HELP , . WANTEDBIALE S to S men to haadle nattoaal adTer- Mea wtehtnc to make IS to IT per dar call at Arso Hotel. Aak for Mr. Chamaera. No phone caiia Mea Bteadr work. 11709 to 12160 year. POSTOFFICK CLERK3 MAlti CARRIERS. Common education sufficient. Paid vacation. SB coached FRKE. Write today aura for fau par ticulara. Boa !, stae,mn- Man with car, 107 Mill St - m 4 local .men aalea and' eerrice na tionally advertiaed product New prof it aharlng product now Rna, 10I-S81 State St 1:30 a- m.-tfli a. m.. SITUATIONS WAKTED .. Practical narae takes caaea at home or wUl go out 201 N. 25th. lAnAAnjinfyinri'riT' i" 1 Experlraced girl oairea housework. IS N. lth. Phone S9&. FOR RENT HOUSES Duplex house. 141 N. Winter. Modern fur. house. IIS N. Winter. IV. A. dose m. S R." modern home for rent sale or trade, call Chamberlain us so. FOR RENT Well furnished house at 1244 Court St I na modern, will Mase. - - . WTNNIH WKTTTJOHN ' 17S South High Street t rm. bungalow for rent' 1148 Che-meketa.- FOR BEST RENTALS Houses ft Apta. 10 to 140 SEB - BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State - Room 4. Plata S R. house, arood locatlea. paved st. clear and 160 f or amall modern . house. Call 1404, Will trade equity, rentals value 120,000.00, mortgage I15.00S tor farm or city property. Submit owner, P. O. Box 281. long Beach. Calif. VIM aM M. amnmmw VWVSe - - MBMagSnSBBSSaSHSIMMBHSMSaSaMHHHSMMHSJBj HHSSnMSaHHHiMSaaBasSBH j a ioad,r I Pbrtfahd Uvekock Fruite, Vegetables Good old fir. Phono SIIS. Nice led. Phono Sonnd lr old fir. Tel. THT. . : Sad growth fir S4J. Old fir l.0a Tel. B04I. - POaTIiAKDL Orav AstO IffAPt-i waaal opea f. vum Liter i - i m - .. .; laiy ! - oo -. ee, .eem leoK , KStf Hi Stg tS Dee. : -04 4 - Oaah BJArkeUt waeeV big Bead alae- tlam Tl: aeft waita.. western white SlVai aard wiater, aortaara aprlag, western tad Oata, Xe. alte 24 5. Oera He. S ystiev $21 J. ' Killroat auaaard $lsJ. Vmm m - a-ae la. Petatsss lesaU SLU PatfcdaK neea pstaiees teeranea wum aQ. 1-1 J early leaa, 1-H4e I. Wee 118S area,; aesuaaij: w meaiswa vauey, (-se Ik. eastera Oregaa, T-t0e peaaa. ivaley, f-te; ontsra Oregea, T-Se. . - -Hay eayiag pnee mm preaaeerz .at- falta, $1S-I.e : eastera Oregea tiawCay, Vis; eata aaa vetea, ie. kea.4a Sitabasb Calif, eelery. aea. .Tt te 1.1 JOS Oaltt. aw teeMteaa. tag eabeor. gaa, dea. Usee, arete . soi jQs S.I0I Radio taytag Protir aim Staaaarda JS OelerU afaalam Heas Ufkt oazoxuj it j SarlM.Ohlekeaa , ueierea aceuers it Waeat, westeta red waua, aa. anAX ajto star staytag stioao J4 te OS r. Aacfl S TitMal SMraiac BMdltaM Bev. Fred B. MetreWr 1S:I Market iMsrta. crops i or lereeaei. - - S:fi Mark renerta. :ll 'Hsaae-gtrtfsater S:S1 la ke day'o aeva. m atKM renev 11 by Barley, lea, Sep . . Oata. tea, tap Hart saytag W Oata aad veiek. tea Olever at te M MUM itoa itie Pertlaad Jivestoek aad .0 Fetare Pel aaaaat sea of vaattea pregraak ii.oe io ts.ee is.ee xaoe Alfalfa,. valley, ted oattUg lS.0O-la.M Kastera tmcea n. mru Tap frale FOR SALE FARMS BUT A FARM NOW LOST AND FOUND IjOSTT Tan atrtoed umbrella. Find- 14T acres highly improved, fine oetler nleaaa return to Stateamaa office. oi Diags., gooa black soil, owner wiu I Reward. accept 1 10, bus for quick sale. Worth I1S.000. Don't mtss this bargain. Wei will show you at your convenience. " . SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO -N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 220 State Street Phone 4701 POBTLAXD; Ore, April II (AP) I POBTL1XO, Ore, April tf (APr Oattto l. aalvo, It, gea-ally gtoOy- JaTS "a'iI Steam SOO-tOO lbs seed S.SS-T.oer I AM-.f-.itfl-iifi-. . tt lM Ui rL- akediast S.OO-S.24; oesmsa. S.TS-S.oe 1 1 ida. IB. 50-4 eaeeT:Le-Maa--OalifrBie, 0O-1100 lbs, geed O.SS-T.0O, saediaat I LS0-S.ta. Lhass I lea, earteaa. SS.SS. B.tO-e.ll. eeaissea S.T5-S.0O; IIOO-ISOO I Baaaass- aaaeaea. ear aaaaa, SHe lb. ias4 geea a.is-a.so. auajam ..!. i atrswberrles SS.4S--.SO erate. -V piau: Heifers, SS0-SS0 lbs. ceed 6.T5-4.50. ate I rwi..Ui.-it. 9fla Sl.aa-aSO. diaat A50-S.TS, eeauaea S.25-4.S0. Cewsl Rhabarb esUeer grewa, t-SVia Xa. gees e.TS-s.: a. m m. mm.hi low i C-bbaa- IseaL m-Se lb.: aew eattor aad setter 1.50-1.1 . Balla, year. I Califerala. T-SHs ie. Oaleas selling ACREAGE FOR SALE USED CARS Valley Motor Co. f 51 Used Care Sold la 1121 125 Sold Thla Tear Ask the Person Who FOR RENT i FOR SALE Miscellaneous Typewriters. all makes, new and ; need Adders and typewriters tor rent. Typewriter Exchange. 421 Court St Corvallla strawberry plants and le . gap berry tlpa V. D. Leek. TeL I1F12. Ladles bats, alterations and repairs. Greenbaum'a, 240 N. Com'L Wringer repairs for. all makes of -washers. Mr. Ellis, Ballk Elec Co. FOR 8ALX Old papers 10c a bun dle Statesman office. xnxLfuo'uxj'Lru'iru-Lnj-Lr-u-j Corrallls "12" strawberry planta 12 per M dug; 12.60 dig them. A. A. Harms, K. t. box z. eatem. Watrh window at Allen Hdwe. tore, big surprise Saturday. April iota. The new National Health drink. i pasa outboard runabout, beauti ful cedar bull, oak ribs, proper fasten tags, large Evlnrude motor, gal. gaa - tank aad electric pump ; complete equipment A fast boat that ,1a aafe and dry. 20S cash. See Portland Sun day. Beacon 1451. Furniture for sale Sat and Sun. Leaving town. 929 Madison. Blake's vacuum shop,- repair and rent. Tel. 2118. 1520 S. f??: ' potatoes R. 1, Bx. llL Tel. I4F2. Apt and sleeping rooms, next door Montgomery Wards, 295 N. Liberty. FOR RENT 10 acres with build ing SOCOLOFSKT SON. - FOR SALE Real Estate Good T-room plastered home, fire place, basement, etc. and attractive surroundtnea Ornamental, nut and fruit treea. Fruit and berries more than eiya tazea Two garages. S to C One ts. nice view, paved street near schools. Priced to sell all or part. terms. 715 Rural Ave. Phone 84. Ill acres all In cultivation with 110 A. clover, 2 A. cherries, 1 A. filberts, 1 acre walnuts, 9 rm. house with elec and bath, on Willamette river with part upland. Will take smaller farm r income property part pmt investi gate thla 20 acres near saiem, in mgn state of cultivation, fruit and berries, new bouse, 13500. A real tray. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 South High Street New 4 room modern house and garv re, H A., fine location, close In. coat I2oao.e sacrifice tor z37.o 800.00 cash, balance assume. J. LINCOLN ELLIS 412 State . STOP DON'T DELAT Buv Now Safest Investment 1-acre tract Good 4 R. house and electricity. Poultry house, 50 bearing cherriea IK rot. from Salem, price 11050.00-; terma, : i4-kcres: on paved highway, running acres 4 mt from Salem, all culti vated, tiled. It cherry trees, g room house, electric lights, bath, wired for electric atove, largo chicken house, 250 bens and farm ing utensils. 14200. acre 1 mL from Salem, I room house, large living room, dining . wire for" SSXTlSZ. " g5J-SL?r I350S. Easy terma acres on , Pacific highway. T room house; barn 30x30, double garage, chicken house, I cabins, stove and gas station, 5000. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 TJ. S. Bank Bids. Phono 1711. Bought One 1921 Tudor Sedan 1IS0 Std. Coupe, rumble seat 1131 Std.' Coupe 1121 Phaeton 1129 Roadster 192T Olda Coupe 192$ Buick Coach 1121 Standard Roadster (new) All good cars and good buys. Come In and look them over. Trade la your car. 27 acres, 7 mL on river road. All timber, new barn, spring water. fenced. Price 91500. E. E. Batterman with W. G. KRUEGER 147 North Commercial SPECIAL Fine farm 51 A. 1 3,000. Practically all under cultivation. Beat Waldo Hill soli, spring water, piped to all build ings. Good gravel road, not far from paved road. 8KK liKUHTtii-i m THUA1ASOZV S41 State Street Room 4. Blank cap tips for sale. TeL 5000. m .m . . . . . . . -t" , mi fmhr. nrtn reduced to Get your crans man w jioiera i ,975 rrb double. - " crab stand near Falnrrownde. 975.pg; WANTED Miscellaneous SbfeaMSafafanWNsaasasssas AH kinds of rifles, pistols, shotguns, old gold ad Jewelry. Condition ao ob ject. Name your pnea. - , REINER'S EXCHANGM -150 N. Commercial - WANTED Used Pos,. U ox ehaage oa radios, phonograph a. or far alturo. H. L. 8tlff Furalrare Comnaay Fruit 1a ra all siaea Phone 1479. MISCELLANEOUS tifLruVuVVri"inr"" Attention ladleo your coats, cloth or fur made in the newest fashion. Fur Jackets our specialty. Hager's Fur Shop, 1215 S. Commercial " saaeaaaaaaaaassiasjsisaaaaawa saaanasxAasxaaSa Jackson Maternity Home, 1110 N. Cottage. TeL 7700. ICO-acrea 4 R. house, good large I barn, trout stream, lots of good paa ture, price izsoo.ov terma. - 10-acrea. 10-A. crop, 1000 cord I wood, running water, on good road. 1 miles of Salem. 4 R. house and barn. Price $2700.00: $900.01 down. TRADES 217-acrea 2 20-A. cult 4 5-A. tim ber, 10-A. strawberries, S-good springs, all fenced. 7-R. house, new nip root j barn aad other bldga. Trade tor. small er place up to $1000.00. 122-acrea Located on Pacific high way between here and Albany. 110-A. cult, some crop, in, rencoa, price re duced to 1101 ber acre. Trade for I small place or city property ; thla la a dandy place and asked $200.00 per A. one year ago. Don t pass tnia np. SEAR3 ft tucker, Realtors 153 8outh High Street ; ' ROOM AND BOARD TeL $317. Modern, warm room and board. 1 Mod. rooms with board. 191 pjn- Room and board In modern home. Tel. 9840. FOR RENT APARTMENTS MVAAAWWV'i-ri-i- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Mtiin uiptiiwiita with orlvate bath, nicely furnished- Located to business district. Call Pat ton's Book Storm. Wen furnished S room apt, bath and garage. TeL 7114. 2211 HaaeL - Nice furnished apts., prtvata bath. 422 Marlon. gSbegSsssSiaawS'"s m m m i im ant. 441 a Whiter. aaammmammmrmammrmam.mm-mwm,KXmJlKMJt-MJX , Small forn. apt. lit Union, . FURNISHED -BTJNOALOW ' APT. Adults only.. $2fc InqnUw, 4T M11L Phono- 2I4. - -- ' ' ' njLqjuuui.ririi'n-ii-i- - - me Two rooma nnfur. $14.10.1 PB. 7221. - - i snnnfLi ruinn 1 For. apta. reasonable. Park View apta 241 Marlon. mm FOR RENT HOUSES We have clear 2 acres near Sa lem, nice suburban home, good house and barn, wortn ifuoo.a aaa owner will take larger farm and assume up I to 12000.00. If tou want to trade come in ana I see us we have many properties for exchange. McG ILCHRI ST PKNN1HUTU 209-10 U. S Bank Bldg. YOUR CHANCE Nice neat bungalow, .good lot gar age, paving paid, $1200. Will take car as first payment' 4 R., large nook, hardwood -floors, fireplace, full basement, furnace, garage. Terma $2700. 4 R., hardwood floors, full basement. furnace. TireDlace, garage, a oea- rooma Has $2800 bonus loan. Price $2300. R. A. FORKNER 111! North Cottage Phone 3021 xnj-i.rxn rinni-ii-r-, - - -- -- -- -- -- -- FOR SALE Nearly new S room modern house. Will give terma 255 N. CapItoL FOR SALE $2700.00. 4 rooma, furnace and fireplace.- hardwood floors, garage. IIS Jefferson street -$1250.00. 4 - rooma, nook, furnace and fireplace, narawooa floors, garage. 1 JS t. -nut eirees. $3975.vO. S- bedrooms, living and- din ing rooms,, .nook, furnace and fire place, long lot with largo garage. 1511 N. 17th St H76S.W, I rooma, with bath, garage. 495 N. 23rd Street-For rent $15.00 large house with service atauoR. 494 & water oirwmi. ., Business Opportunities WANTED Partner In grocery and meat market Dial 6850 evenings. MONEY TO LOAN 'Bells of Harmony' Heard over KOIN dally ring out a loan service that ts really, really different TOD GET THE "FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLT LAWFUL INTEKE3T STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND. COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS $10 to $300 Benef icfal Loan Society OF. SALEM Room 119 New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd Floor LICENSED BT STATE 111 State St TeL $-7-4-0 e1eiesnaaaaanenasnai PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Repayable monthly. When In financial need see us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone 1552. PERSONAL INSTALLMENT jOANS STATE LOAN COM PANT 212 Oregon Building. 2nd Floor. Office bra 10:00 A. M. to 1:21 P. M. Telephone 7713 Licensed by State olaaesaasSjaxasaaaMeaSSjassswOsssS MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce youi payments Tou keep the car P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Phone 4722 - Salem. Ore. Valley Motor Co. Phone till Center Street Phone 7910 Lot at Marlon Liberty 1929 Plvmouth Count leather upholstery , I22l.lt 1920 Studebaker Dictator - Coupe leather upholstery 131.11 1929 Oldsmobtla Sport Coupe rumble seat - 49S.SS 1921 Chrysler Coach 12 125.04 1911 TJadae Sedan aew tlreo . can't be beat 191.11 1920 Overland touring ballooa tires lots of miles yet 11.04 1921 Dodge Coupe 115.11 1921 Graham Paige Sedan easy driving lots of pep $11.11 1921 Hupmobtlo Sedan now rubber lt.ss liasa exelaaed. ceed aad eaoiee beef) 1.25-9.T5: eattec. fowieea aad wediaai i.oo-s.zs. veaiers, sum tea, geea aaa eaoiee 0.00-0.50; ateaiasi 4.50-4.00; saU sad mbbos 1.60-4.60. Calves 150-600 Iba, good and eheics A50-I.00; cemaea aaa SMOiam s.ov-a.ao. Hen TOO. lie lower. Licit lights 140-160 lbs- good sad choice ' 1.05-4.15. Liratwelgttts, 140-100 lbs.. 4.15-4.8$; 110-100 la 4.15-4.81. Meaiam wetgat soo-zio ids- b.s-.s: 210-250 Iba, 1.85-4.15, Heavyweiglita 250-200 Tbi, 1.55-4.15; 290-150 lba, 8.00-4.00. Packing sows 1T5-50O lba, Be lfast aad g4.1.T5-U0..Feeders-steekers 70-180 Iba, Btediasi aad good 8.0O-8.S0. Slaagbter sheep sad laaba 500; eld ere lambs 5 e ll lower: ewes I0e lower. Seriag laabs geed aad caelee 0.00 1.50; medium 4.00-S.OO. Lambs 00 lbs. eowa, geed sad ehoiee 4.60-6 J)0: mediam 4.00-4.50 :-al weights eesuaoa 1.00-4.00. Yearling westhers 90-110 lbft, mediant te ekoiee 1.50-8.00: 110-15O lbs- 1.76-a.TS; all weights enll te eommoa 1.00-1.76. Ewee 110 Iba, dowa, medinst te eaelee 1.60 1.00; 120-150 Iba- LOO-1.76; aU wslghts, enll te eenuaoa I0e-1.00. price te retsllerst Orefoa, $1-8 JO eea tal; boilers. S-7; aew Cecaella. $4 arata. Oaemmhara betbeasa.- 40S-SL.S0 dea. Bpiaaca leeal, SI eraage Sex. ueiery California, fl.SO dea.; hearts. $1 aesea bnaebee. Maehrooma aetbeaae, SOe la. Pepper BU. afsxiee, 20-15e lb. Psas Oalifer- aia, -04e IS. Sweet potatoes usurer ala. 94: seathera yams. 11.25-1.85 ba. erate. Caah newer local, TSfUl erate; Roaabarc. S1.50-1.7S erate. . Tomatoe hetBeaae, fancy, ao-aae ra. ekoiee 95c lb.: Mexleaa, 11.50 repaeked. Lttaea -Santa Maria. S1.75 erate. Aspar agus California, graea, Se lb.; Mie-Oe-lambla. $1.10-1.25 dotea beeches; Walla Waus-Kenaewirk lie, f 1 sex. Salem Markets Grade ft raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, SI .59 per hundred. S nrplas 96c Factory mflk 84c . (MUk based oa March bntterf at average.) Batterfat, sweet ISc. Bntterfat, soar, 16c HOPS Soring Lambs awes Wethers . tOAT Bay lag -1114 .tl to .oi -OS Hogs, tap Hege. first eats t-Steers Cews .Aie -S.SO Heifers Dressed veal, top Ureases a ore , Coarse-.. Medium WOOL OS to OS .11 to M .14 to 04H 07 01 Kid Old MOBAXX -0T .ei -OS NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the Connty Conrt of the State of Oregon, for Marion Coun ty. In the Matter of the Estate of Wlnwood Robins, deceased. No. T489: Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, as administrator of the Estate of Wlnwood Robins, deceased, has filed hU Final Ac-1 JAB. O. HELTZEL count In the County Court-of the I Attorney for Estate State of Oregon for Marion Coun-1 saiem, Oregon : NOnCK TO CREDITORS - NOTIC1 IS HEREBY OITEZf,' That the undorslgned. by aa order of tho County Court of too Stat of Oregon, for the County of Mar ion, duly made and entered oa the 10th day of March, lilt, was appointed Executor of the Last Will and Testament and Estate of AMANDA C. McLENCH, ' Deceas ed, and that it bag duly Qualified as sueh Executor. All persons, having claims against said Estate are noreby notified to present the same, duly verified, as required by law, to it at the Law Offices of Jas. O. HeJtrel. la the Ladd Bush Bank Building, in the City of Salem, in Marion County, Oregon,- within- six months of the date of this notice. Dated - this 2nd day of ApriL 1932. LADD Y BUSH TRUST COM PANY. Executor of the Last Will and Testament and Estate of AMANDA C. McLENCH, Deceased. 1921 Willys-Knight overhauled 1911 Dodge Kight wire wheele 1121 Dodge Sedan- small four Sedai Portland Produce POBTLAXD, Ore., April 29 (IP) Better prints Si soars er better, SO-Sle; itaadarda. 19-2 le. Errs Pseifia ooaltrr oredaeers' sell- lag prices; fresh extra, lie; staasaras. 18c; mediums, lie. Gaaatrv meats eelllaa erlee te taller: country-killed aega, beat batch era, aader 100 lbs- IK-Oe: veelera, SO to 180 Iba, S-e; sprlag lambs, 10-18 U: lambs, 7 ear 11 age, S-Se; heavy ewes. 4e; sa ner cews, s-ee; bo us, a-ae. KatoOregea waiaats. 18-ll: aata 12a lb.: Braille. ls-14e: abaeaas. 15-lle; fUberts, 10-21e; peeaas, lOe lb. 'Hew potateea, CaliL, TXUTt SJTD VXOKTABIXa Priee paid te gtewata by Salem bnya.-. April 29 Badiakes. 4es 84 mloaa,oe. Oaloaa, sack. Ve. Is retateet, swt. apples, wrapped, ba. . Peso, oaut. no It te !so LOS OS 0514 Sedan t cylinder. lll.lt Tlt.tt S4l.lt I O" T Business Directory t TERMS Bonesteele Motor Co. Phone 4444 221 Sv CoraX St. Marlon Oarage . 1wvwxratukSat Buick six I passenger sedan 151.11 i Packard I passenger sedaa 2ll.lt Hon Century Six Sedan eoo.os PACKARD STORE 241 Center St. near Willamette Bridge I iMcKAY used cars WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS MODEL A FORDS 1121 Spt Coope fill 111! Spt. Coupe til 1920 Std. Roadster III i 1910 Tudor Sedan III 1911 Victoria : 191 BATTERY ELECTRICIAN EL D. Barton Batteries Starter and generator work. Texaco station, eor aer Court and Church. MUSIC STORES - OCfi C WILL -Pianos. graphs,' sewtng machtnea, sheet music. and piano otumea Ke pairing pnono- graphs- aad sewing machlnea 8S Htate street, ssiem. - ty and that Tnesday. April 28th. 1932, at the hour of ten o'clock a.m. and the conrt room of said conrt hag been appointed by said conrt as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement tnoreor. Dated and first published. March 21. 1132. Date of last publication, April 23. 1932. Thnrman Cave. Administrator. Henry L. Lyons, attorney. M. 2I-A.2-I-1I-2J. Nonca Sealed bids will bo received by the Marion Connty Conrt np to ten o'clock Wednesday, May 11, 1932, for furnishing and deliver ing on the roads in the vicinity tiro thousand or more enbie yards of crashed gravel from the W. P. Collard or T. B. Jones ban la the Willamette RlTer near Wheatland. Specifications and bidding forms may be secured at thlg office. U. O. BOYER, Connty Clerk. A 23-39 M T Date of First Publication: April 2. 1932 Date of Last Publication: April 29, 1932-A-2-9-14-23-39. NOTICE Sealed bids trill bo received. by the Marlon Connty Court np to ten o'clock Monday. May 9,1922, for furnishing twelve thousand or more enbie yards of crushed grav el at the old concrete dock tn Bnttevllle. Specifications and bid ding forms may bo secured at this office. U. Q. BOYER, County Clerk. A 22-89 M T Klopfenstein Buys Quale?9 Acreage Near Brush Creek CHIMNEY SWEEP , Telephone 4450. R. B. "Northnesa, . imbPBACTORS DB, O. L, SCOTT, PSC- Chiropractor. 251 M. High. TeL Res. IIT2. PLUMBING and HEATING . PLUMB frta and general repair work. Oraber Bros, 111 So. Liberty. TeL 4594. " PAPER HANGING NOTICE Sealed bids will bo received by the Marion Connty Conrt up to tan nVlnrk- M on da v. Maw t. 1ISI. itor hauling; twelve thdoisand orKtho deal Mr. Qualey Ukes a Cor- moro enbie yards ot crushed gra-l rains name) aa pan paymoaw x. BRUSH CREEK, April The John M. Qualey 1IH aeros located near Brush Crook sehool bono was sold this week to Mr. and Mrs. Aden Klopfetotobu The deal was made through the Homo seekers Agency at SUvarton. In CHEVROLET 3 gHmi n n , . niiMMih 1SXI OOtlB I r,l mw, xk- , UC tora X-ray and K. CL M. New Bank I mfr. Keliehle wortr an Bldg. PHONH OLENM ADAMS tor decorating, paper hanging, tinting. 1121 Coach 1121 Landau Sedaa 1121 Std. Sedan - lilt Coach 1911 Coach 1921 Sedan OTHERS 1927 Star Roadster 192T Pontiae Coach 1J27 Pontlao Sedan 1128 Whippet Sedan 1929 Durant C-10 Sedan 1929 De Soto Sedan .1191 . Ill . til . ill . 491 . Ill -111 lTl -III - Ill - 121 - TI CLEANING SERVICE Center St VuleteHa. Tel. 9189. PRINTING rel from a crasher to be located on the old concrete dock at I Bnttevllle onto the roads in the! vicinity. Specifications and bid ding forms may bo secured at this office. U. O. BOYER, County Clerk. A22-20M7. and Mr. Qualey will eontuiuo to reside oa the farm the greater part of the simmer. Mr. Xlopfenstela is aU ts ployee at the Eastman Brothers factory at SllTerton. Ha expocts to grow fruit, nuts and berries a his newly acquired farm. DYERS for STATIONERY, cards, nam do- teta. pregrama. books- or "any kind of Brtntlac eaH The Statesman Print- lag Department, sis B, tjormnoreiai i Telerhon 9101. Willamette Valley Dyero Export dyeing 121 Chemeketa. TeL tail. RADIO Cross -Word Puzzle CITY AND FARM loans at lowest ratea Best terms obtainable. Our Insurance department offers you ex pert advice and service In all Itnea, Hawkins a BtiBisms unc Tel. 4109 205 Oreron Bide OTHERS 82S AND UP Tour car In trade. Easy O. M. A. C. terma . McKay Chevrolet Co. 222 Center Phono till 421 N. Com'L GOOD - WILL USED CARS SOLD WITH A GUARANTY FLORISTS FOR every purpose, for every purse All standard stsee of Radio Tubea EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. S4T Conrt Ft. Tel 9119. By EUGENE SHEFFER T2 1929 Ford Sport Coupe 1929 Dodge Std. Coupe 1927 Dodge Coupe LO ANS WANTED WANTED Private money to loan I 1911 Buick Roadster on real estate. W. R. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 111 a Liberty St TeL 1418 frSVsaadwasaaaSa Prom 1500 to 12000 of private mon ey for real estate loans, good secur ity. , - LEO N. CHTLDS CO.. Realtors 220 State Street Phono ITU WA-Wleoea MotOfl 1921 Studebaker Coach 1921 Pontlao Coach 1921 Jewett Coach 1921 Chevrolet Coach 1921 Essex Sedan , , ... 1924 Oakland Touring 1927 Ford Touring . 2-1921 Fofd pickups 1129 Chevrolet Truck . ..1250.00 . 121.00 . 181.00 . 171.01 . 285.94 . 125.01 150.00 115.00 211.14 91.00 - TS.lt CUT . Cowers, wedding bouoneta funeral wreathe, decoratraoa C r. BrelthanpU florist. 411 State Street. Tel. 1944. J ALL kinds of floral work. Lata Flor ist. 14th A Market. TeL 9592. FLOOR CONTRACTING Olsen Floor Co. Tel. 9111. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. ATI kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and nlaln. boo baaketa, hooka logaa hooka Sal era Fence and 8tove Works. 212 1 Chemeketa Tel. 4774. RB Fleming. TRANSFER INSURANCE 121.11 BECKS HENDRICKS 111 te High TeL 494t WILLAMETTE IN& AGENCY Wm. Bllvea, Mgr. Exclusive Buttevflle Agent til Masonic Bldg. TeL Till CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 221 1 State St. TeL T77S. Distributing, tor- warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. FOR local or distant transfer stor age, call till Larmer Transfer Co. Truck tn Portland daily. WASHING MACHINES Trtlv furnished house. . Tit Brays Avenue..-.. '.' mtmti " mtim m mm Furnished and unfurnished housea r. 'a. Forknor. Phono 1021 jTru-u-ijiii irinr -ni -..-.... To lease furnished 4-Vom bunga W Crolaaa . Creek. TeL 1711. uwiru ii - -- -- ' FOR BEST RENTALS 4jEE BECHTEL or THOMASON 14 1 State- Room 4 - Houses and apta. for ft to 10. Fur nished 14 to $50. wrtTTQa- FOR SALE 4 R. HOUSE Completely furnished. 1 1 lots for 5I down. Ill month. Prlyo 11000- MI wiWO".''1 1 " w f 5 room ouse for iwt-lNjJXt Phono 411a. ' - - LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Babr chicks. Warmer's Hatchery, till N. Fifth. TeL IITL Custom hatching to per egg after Mar. 25th. TeL 11IFZ. Loe's Hatchery. - Special baby chick sale. Tuea, A WmL Thu. low srices wm euro rise duplex house, C rooms, basement, fur- I you. Salem Chlckerlaa, 211 K.' Cottage naco ana nrepiace, garaaw. . i street. Company Winter Street. P. H. BELL 201 N. High Street Pboaea 1171-1417 asaaWstaaaasasaaeaaaaaaas sbjsgmaaaj BUT WITH SMALL DOWN PAY MENT OR USB BONUS LOAN 29 A. river bottom, zamuy orcn ard. 4 R. house, barn. V 42 A. 22 cuiuvauon. oa n- Day old and started chlx, also pul lets. . The Willamette Valley Hatch ery. 4 It a 24th 8C Poultry wanted. 8alem Poultry CoM 251 E. Miller. M. A. Mann. Phone 4111. FOR SALE Choice long 2 yr. old ber pasture, fair buildings. .JUST OFF I heifers to freshen soon. M. D. Looney, r"r - . - a r at n a A I Ta w aa, .s. - . piriFin HIGHWAY. 12251. SOCOLOFSKT A SON ., First Nattoaal Bank Bldg. UVi.(XAj i.ri.rij- rn"i - - - Equity In 95 acre wen improvea farm. All good bldga. S good wells. IS A. tillable land. Balance pasture. Crop goes with place. W. H. Harmaa, r, i, bx. 2a, aaonmouio. Jefferson. Rt. 1. Ore. Special notice: X have a large bunch of first class dairy cows, 2 horseo and a complete farm equipment. Will sell on easy terms; any number yoa want to buy. The stair win do tesiea. H. C SHIELDS - ' 22S Oregon Bldg. Phono tilt 141 Chemeketa St. ' Phone 9511 - Ponttew f O. M. C. Trucka Pontiao NOTICE -TO WHOM IT. HAT CON CERN: Notice ia hereby, given that the UNION AUTOMOBILE AND CASUALTY COMPANY. Los Angeles, California,-has de elded to withdraw from the State of Oregon. It has requested tha return, of its deposit made with the Insurance Commissioner aad delivered to and .now held by the State Treasurer ? In accordance with the lswgOTernlng casualty companies. . Dated at Salem. Oregon thlg 19th day ot April, lilt. A. H. AVERLLL, Insnranca Com- mlssloner. A23-30M7-14-21-28J4-11-1S, All Mnkea LAUNDRIES, Rented, sold aad repaired. . U. Maytag, conioo. saeaoowsi THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WSIDER LAUNDRY 211 High Tet 1111 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY -Wo Wash Everything tn Lax" Telephono 2185 1214 Broadway Antomatla. Ill aad an. HOQQ BROS. w. n MANOTJM. '-Baas car lit N. . High . ... - Tat tttl O i O LAWN MOWERS Real EstaU Directory Sharoened aad repaired. Also trades. BU W. 8cort. 147 S. CornT. TeL 4114, 1 n ZZZ 21 22 - 23 2T wWLl 11153"- W W Mi H2 " h i i ry yi 1 1 m BFlfne A HENDRICKS lit N. High TeL 4947 BUTTRESSES a M. EARLE 121 N. High St. TeL M7I Mattraasea from factory to home. New It lb. mattress 15.00. Renovat ors and fumtgators. Capital Bedding Co. TeL 4019. lilt North CaplteL ' SOCOLOFSKT a SON 1 14-1. First Nat. Bk. Bldg. TeL 7107 - New mattress ma do to order, old mattress remade carpet cleenlngsla tng ; fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rug A Mattress Factory. & ltth WUbur. TeL I44L Otto F. Ewicker, Eat. 1I1L - J. F. ULRICH 111 State Street TeL 14721 HOMER EX FOSTER REALTY CO. 171 m State St. TeL 7528 111 W H. QRABENHORST tk CO. a Liberty SL TeL 1411 1 POLLY AND HER PALS By CLIFF; SJERRETT HEM SUSIE WHER& THE: HECKS ALL; OUR. BUMBERSHOOT5 ? ' ' . ' . -m . 1 ' ii i 1 a - " -. . . 1 V Li", 8! HI""' 1 I- V. . . vi. . t.. i r-.Yl l.TXfr I y . " 1 I UN v'!liw I Fj I rw.J wwm ww-. J. Wvrwrii'. ' 4 ISCt3K PICK .! rf" - r r ' V A. , ..... m. mmtmt rmm . . t .v. ., . j r j i I j rn rWj i mm i " 1 - . - r i m il m mm mm m m i mm r i i j mmmmma am an i r -ii a . ak. - a ar a nis k . a w r r m m m m r m t w r m w m mmr m a m m mm m m m m sr i J m a m w ' . . w mwm wnHHv. maw mm mm . mm m VERTICAL, I robust g examina- . tions tl any open surface 12 climbing plant 14 -minuts openinjc fa the skin. 15 flew IS -banished IT -native of Turkey IS highest mountain in, Crete 19 stupor II S-shsped worm 21 thrust In - tlyly, t4 nexatiTa 2S aymbol ; - lor neon 28 annrer . 28 note of the seals 29 fun having .1- .. a spear '- like saent . 50 stront ala SI letter of 'tht Hebrew alphabet 13 sirlcen fabV Tie woven . with raised fienree IT like--. 19 conjuaa-v - tioa 4 1 part of a , T narrative pristine- wfm 0 press 8 lawinaker -Pi 49 erode f shiver metals 10 unruffled JO small mark 12 peculiar 52 lease speech er W replace jarren' 54 indents- 13 substance . tions left - pre pared by sharp " ' for raisins .blows - - dooEh HORIZONTAL J plana- . v 22 beat used 1 hurry for trana- wem porUUon erects , . across a 4 somber narrow' 5 Roman body of numeral - water four 2 J watches Herewith it the soluUou to yes- 2oppid. terdarpiiKlfc ;.- , TeTsaofi garment 27 spawn ef fish ' Jl minister 22 whole 4 having , lUB.gifiHIAI 41 mesjure ef length (pL) 42 AngiO-Sazoa money ef account 43 pierce 45 grain used . in making an alco holic .beverage 46 Moham medan -judge or magistrate 47 prolonged oat-pouring mem fcwm a rs i uvi 35 eei j. S6 skillfnl 37 passionate 3S holy perns IpU .. 40 taunts . TlEI i- 44 .ira7 ' - 4&4tT :- terden .- - y--? t rr25-