The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 30, 1932, Page 3, Image 3

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. J . V
The OREGON STATESS1AN, Salem,. Oregon, Saturday Mornlnsr, April 331932
Eleanor ; Massey;! Selected
; May Queen by Amity .
:- High School Pupils V
m in the Churches
. SSTOKKES CHTTRCH -Wrong Ideas About Gad. Anthem. Imet
- Corner Cspitot and Union streets. W. Ideata! Ml by Mr. rt This weak.
O. Lienksemper, pastor. Sunday aehool 1 Monday evening at f :80 'lock Teaea
10 a.m. IT. E.'Kraae. Supt, Gmnt ear-1 era and Of Hears aMetlag. Wedneeday ev-
vicea JO a.m. Saajeet: "Opportunity ia taUi - Prayer ui - reUowship .hear.
Prayer." English services 11 o'clock. Thursday evening Choir rehearsal. ; W.
Subject: "The Need of Pentecostal Earl CkItb, pastor. I
Power.". Special musie. AU church day. , ' ' ' ..- - -'" r
1:30 board meeting, 2:30 Laaist Aid an I
Missionary society meeting. , - - . ", 0".:
- . . . v - . Paetar,S. Darlew JehasoB, 848 B. My
XVABGEXISTIO TABEEVACLB I era street. Pa 9887. - Moraiag warship
Tairtaaath fn atnotc C Q. 1 H aja. Sermon ay the paster. "Lot
eundar school at X'.s I latKBtena ae xjoaa. oappy
AMITY. April J. A maetln
Of the citizens and membara fl
the Amity Public Library assocla- p.- . c- Ferguson, Supt. Church s.r- service begin. a'eiaek .iM
Wednesday night for the nurnose I stnaaiai .... TMiin "i Bioiiblt iniutitt." ank
Of deciding If the property Which Biblu study at T.4S p.m. Wedaesday school at 9:45, Bteaxaa Caaaiag, vnaezal
Was Willed to th aoefatJon T prayer meetiag at S.SO p.m. Thursday Bnpt, departmeatalised ta meet tha
" T!lv. JL "ociu y P,UowthSp aad Prars arrio. at 1:4 taa anou fraapa. LrM at 7
arsea oacs to tae state or re
'eloek, tka tiMlia. graap aiaatiac aa taa
Lava wira room. Taa Aabary croap
tl ia Lasli Hall, leader LoweU Wit
nama, topia "Btfbt aad wraaf. - Kid-
Mrt. Mary Binding tooke In I " Birt arta SituJiT alcht I waak aerTiea TaaradaT avaaiaaT at TUOu
oauail oi ioe Uaociaiion, telling at 7 p.m. laaac reapia a fmt ia tae
A A . . a I ' I b.n a HmMIV aMUtM- -MIM1T
H. , W. Torblt, president Of the Sl,' .Ti.m- .t a .'cloek.1 Ellmera t. OiUtrap. paator. Bibla
aSSOCUtlon, gSTO a brier History And taa eeaiB aericat T:80 icnooi i a.m. Moraiaf varaaip U ia.
of the trsnsaetlon. Attorney B. A. K.a.u.t E. Hits fro- Caicap. v.. I ""'V.,'"",,11"!??'..8-!
VltVa aiwiV. V.1..11 -a pt. I will apeak 3unay aiiernooa ana rw -" r,'
. KUII IPOKO In behalf Of Earl , ori, ....Hk TuidtT. Thara- onf. Taa morninr aermga aabiect ia:
Cronk, glrlng his . rlews on why day and Saturday aeainfs. ' 'Tha Blaaaiafa aad Kaapeasibihtiea al
a.a a a. . . a I. I 7Bapt-iaa ' dTf k' a T (aa "PVa aaa laa
laMvau V. mB f . aafj TValllif
It would be best to torn the prop
erty batft.
- A rote was taken with the re
sult that the association retains
the property. '
t Mrs.- w. K. Cole snfiered a
paralytle stroke of her left side
- ' May Qaeen Named
The annual Amity high school
May queen contest has been closed
mad Miss Eleanor Massey, a jan-
lor, was winner by , the Vote of
XABISH KI88I0K EVAJfGEIJCAL ' I worship boar will be firea t aa eelio
KIDDLE ()ROV Cboreh aekoal lOlpep aeriea from the reeeat Bute 0. K
m mm I M IA. 1 tr B I NltllT HfllUII KI a ... I 1-V.lCUtlwa. 1.IB . . K . a. Ill fcW.
ihhWc "R.nrt For Others' Faaaea- I oaiea dt ine live aeierates wao a-
. f - ... ...a I . J 1 a .1 . . 1 I
aiOtH." E. tu C Xj. at a:SU p.m. JSia- " l" .una, aa aracuva V. laia
week aerriee Wedaeaday 8 p.m. is. ia. u. apeciat nut.
K hniin.i. anaaim a .hji anriai a roit.
B ). K.rtmff hnniL I XJUSX litUUSIiaJI
LABISH CENTER. Church echool 10 I aaa -jeaier atreeia. u. 4. now,
a.m. W. A. Starker. 8npt. C. E. 7 p m. J Baaday aehool :45 a.m. O. 3.
Tni "Fmdi. Mt Plaea ia lAfe." St- I HaJL Supt. Moeaiaa worship 11 o'clock;
.a.;.- ar.h; .t a. Raman nb.aet: I aabjoct: "Greater Paith."-the vaetor will
"Seektar Jesua. rrayer and eioia m """'"l """I. to
dy Thoraday eTeainr at . ... warahip 7:30 o'clock eabjects "Tha
CLEAR LAKE Church school lO a.aa. Aeaptatioa of tho Bible to Mas." Toaag
W. P. Collard. Suot. Jr. E. L. C. E. at People a meeting :30 o'clock. Special
1180. Need ra Massey, senior, re- n. intermediate E. u o. K. 7 .m. '".f? .r
eelred next hlrheat Tote. . Bibio atady ciaa mesaay. a P.m. -oar.. r- ------- ,-'"':J" 'V.""'""-
v n aafaoaaaa ahe 9mm nawa INai. I W W m. avi a iw nniaeaual. . 0 U U.m.
al.W H.UMa,M.-r Maw.aaaa v. la,l.w U B tl al I lMV ial, CnaTCIa. UUi. I T
Antltw Mmmai1a1 olnh will hold a.Tlm I HIOBXATO nTFimS
a S , a ' A. ravI.AI a. I. m aaa. .a Ba I u w U ah an awn a. ai nairAP I 1 n a linilal I Ma&aaaaMa-tk bh aBaa.aa umswsSa AiUSSI f .
neia at ia- ariawao cuurcu , -gj- Sima. paator. Bible aehool 9:45 a.i, E.
Wednesday noon. May 4. street, saiem. I u. Beckett. Bupt. Honing warship 11
Tuesday night. May 3. Indus- XBIZEK COBOnTSXTT l-m. Metaage by paiter. Eveaiag aerrice
trv Rehokah lodra. No. S will Senrieea held regaUrly In Keller P". Bpecial ainging .Junior C. T. 6
. - . - I v ii .w m.9 n.l.aai I see lor ana lntarmeaiata u. ML T n aa M id
be honored with a . rlslt by the r S,.7 BoJC -1. k Pr-r i-g Thud7y 8'p.
grsna maaier oi iuo grsau hn. Church school at 10 o eioca. w. i
.t AM., Aoa-all a nit I c... ... Cnn. To.nS Vnhart. leader I AlfKSTCAJf LUTHEBAJT
V.caw.. l rn.h .Iraat . ...
UO presiaeni OI Keoeaan t,;; "Sttrt llai.V, aerrUo Center atieu. K.t. P. W. Erikacn. p
bW Of Oreron. Mrs. Ethel Li. Mel-1 ...iw ck;.,. "t., Priviiara I tor. ll aja. moraine worship. .Tonic:
dmm. Other grand lodge Officers of Religion Aa 'May' of Life." K U Peraonal Liberty. Special muaic
are expected. After the lodge Wg ..mea. cVeKi. -m V
meeting a supper Will lje giTen. I SOUTH satth rSXEXDS Tuesday oTcaing at 8 p.m. the Ladies
South Commercial at Washington ota. 1 oana. contest uieiaioa o. I ia giving
n... r TTavnrth. nastnr. IS am. Sua-I aa OTeainc at the church lor its mem-
day achooL Nathan Cook, Sopt. 11:00 1 bora and friends at which time tho Sa-
I morning worship. p.m. Tespera.- iopi3: I sa cnii iu
r;naia Tlaa in Life." Leader. I g and provide the pro era Bo. The la-
iMilo Rosa. Thursday, :30 p.m. Church diea' Guild will have their May meeting
night supper followed by monthly meet- on mursaay. may ota, instead or May
iQga I Aavaa aaai m f.ui. a w uicu .18U0 Xr. ACbb J
A' half - hour of sacred musle
will be featured Sunday , at the 1
Church of the Nasarene In the
first of a series of Sunday night
"Bpeclars." ; Rer. - Fletcher Gallo
way, pastor of the ehureh, will
speak on the subject, How to
End tho -Depression. . .
Miss Ila Hofer, marimba solo
ist. wUI play "The Old Rugged
Cross as a request number. The
John Friesen family, popular rar
dlo singers, will giro a selection
and - the large choras choir la
charge of : Mr. - Friesen will sing.
A mixed quartet composed of Al
fred Schroeder, Viola Lotus, Lou
ella Hardy and George Friesen
will sing and sererl other num
ber will be giren.
The Sunday school Is also put
ting on- a special In the opening
period when little Ruthen Thom
as will giro a violin solo. Sun
day morning the choir will ' sing
Sail On and the pastor wiU
speak on "God's Plan of the. Ages
and Its Outcome."
Commenting upon his Sunday
night subject,. Rot. Galloway said
he had no thought of mere sensa
tionalism but was perfectly sin
eere in presenting it. The subject
was suggested by a Statesman .re
porter's question a few days ago
in tho current; topics column.
North Cottare and D streets. G. W.
, Rutsch. minister. 8. S. at 9:45 a.m.
Sam Schinnan, Supt. Service 11 a.m.
Nilaaon. Medical missionary of Japan will
aeuver the tnesaage,
tv N
ews an
d Club Aff
tIYZ II. Doak, Society Editor
An evening of musle will fea
ture musle week at the First
Methodist church Sunday at 7: SO
o'clock. Under the combined di
rection of Professor Cameron
Marshall, Professor T. S. Roberts j prfrty.
and Miss Mary Bchulti, the Testea
hn!r th anlrttata and the church
school orchestra under the dlrao- Engagement Told
iIaii a flcat CVnlt wilt nftar in A I O O
Sorority ;Formals
' Events
One of the gayest week ends
of the springtime for' Willamette
nnlrerslty soroiiUes win be this
one at which time tho spring for
mats are being celebrated.
Delta Phi sorority U gXTjng a
brilliant formal banquet . at the
Marlon hotel with Dean and Mrs.
Roy .Hewitt, Coach and Mrs. Roy
Keene and Mn. Lillian Hagem an
as special guests. In addition to
sorority members coTers will be
placed for about 44 guests. Fresh
man members are la charge with
Miss, Margaret Halght as general
A program of .music, readings
and a tap dance will be presented
by Jeanette Smith, Jeanette Scott,
Pauline Moore. Jean Mlddleton.
Naomi Hewitt. Edith FIndley,
Delbert Anderson, Elisabeth Cle
ments and Marjoiie Wunder.
Alnha Phi Alpha sorority has
claimed an original night club
idea. Regrets hare been sent out
presumably from one man to an
other asking said friend to ex
cuse him for the evening : bat In
his absence to call at a certain
number and ask for the hostess
and his evening will not be spoil
ed. Homes to receive these guests
are the John Ulrlch residence,
C. F. Breithatpt residence and
tho B. E. Edwards residence. The
finale will be held. at the sor
ority home on Oak street.
Beta Chi sorority has planned
a cabaret idea. A v:b ociock
supper has been arranged for at
the Masonie temple. A program
will be given. Covers will be
placed for about 40 guests. Miss
Ethel Adams Is In charge of this
Corner Marion and North Liberty Stt.
CHEMAWA. April 29 The Topic: "The Blood of the Everlasting Bntton Rosa miniater. Eibie school at
, i a vi-v i. ronniiit." Chair anthem. Tho Lord al:3. "a uroer, aupt. Monuar wor-
JUDlor prom is ur vui wmim i; fonowr lh. me-rninr service, ship at 11 o'clock. Sermoa by the paa-
betag looked forward to Saturday ETeBin vrft at o'clock. Sermon j ton. "The Chriatiaa'a Prayer." Special
i diui 07 BKiv wnf, x). x. jr. u. a 4
. P. U. will conduct
Sunday afternoon at
2:30. Organ prelude at 7:45. Kiss Mill-
TMMAKTTEla BAPTIST I er. organist. Evening service at 8:00
Corner of Hazel and Academy streets. I (Pieaae note the chango of time). Spe-
Sunday school 10 a.m. Lesson: Judges I eial musie by tho Gideon quartet, Dan
115. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. I Schirmaa. Ole Olsoa. Milton Dierka and
DC Ills luuicu iut"iu v uoimoa.' Erening serriee at e o clock, uermoa viirnma a x-ra;
Bight Of this week by members topie: "Where Christ Desires to be Prea- maaie by male ehorna. B. '
eMyv. ant .ninr i9M eat." Regular mid-week prayer service P-m. Tho Sr. B. T. P. U.
Of the ' T Dd senIOr cJfsSe g Vednesday. services at Stayton Sunday
at the Chemawa vocational
school. This annual event will be
held In the new school gymna
sium, and will be largely in
charge of Miss Rosaline Cruise,
sponsor for the junior class.
The Chemawa school students
were entertained Wednesday
Bight with character Interprets
tlon . readings
fornla. These entertainments are
being giren In many high schools
of the state, and were particular
ly enjoyed by the pupils here
Mid-week ltraver and testimony meeting I Jacob Freiaea. Special muaie by mixed
x nursaay e Truing 1 . X. t " -
iicanai i oe raiae rropnet or ine ueast
FS1E METHODIST 1 from the Earth." Mid-week nrayer meet
Market and North Winter atreeta. 3. I ing and Bible study Wednesday night at
R. Stewart, pastor. Sunday aehool 9:45 is o doe.
a.m. Mornmr worsntp 11 o eioea: bod-
following numbers:
Organ: "Festival Prelude" .King
Mr. Roberta
TTvinn Thorn. "Tha Awakeninff
Chorua" Gabriel
Choir and Orchestra
Chorus? "The Heavens are TelHnc"
from "The Creation" Hayda
Vocal: "Li.cht" Sott
Konald Craven
Orchestra: "Awakeainc of Sprinc"
E. jsecn
Chorua: "Oh Worship the King" Watson
Male chorus:
"The Battle of Jericho" ..Bartholomew
"God Shall Wipe Away All Tears"
Care noma
Chorua: "Kina- All-Glorious" Barnby
Trio: "Meditation" Metsto
Jeanetta Scott Violin
Gretchen Thielsen Piano
T. 8. Roberta Orraa
Vocal: "Wheree'r To Walk" Handel
Cameron Marshall
Chorus? "Oreat and Marvellous" from
"The Holy City" -.Gaul
As Surprise
A small group of the most in
timate friends of Miss Maxlne My
era were Invited for an Informal
-1 -
Saturday. April 30
Salem . Symphony orchestra, last program-of . sea-'
son at armory; C. Earle Jennings, assisting baritone.
Miss Erma Bather
Music Week ' Becomes
A Civic Enterprise"
Mrs. Walter A. Denton, local
chairman for Music week. In an
nouncing her complete committee
which has been aiding her In the
development of the elaborate Mu
sle week program, indicates that
the celebration has grown from
one which was entirely fostered
by the Salem Musie Teachers' as
sociation to-one fostered, by the
whole community.
From the sise of the program
and the participating parties It
Is apparent to those working di
rectly with Its development that
a civie should be ap
pointed to aid the Music associa
tion and which would represent
the city In making aeeommoda
tlon . arrangements .'for suitable
places for holding such large pro
grams as the Saturday night
Mrs. Denton announces her en.
tire committee as follows:
General committee, chairman.
Mrs. Walter A. Denton, Frank E.
Churchill, Miss Elma Weller,
chairman of piano ensemble'. Miss
Virginia Melton, Miss Dorothy
Pearee, Mrs. T. S. Roberts. Mrs.
P. F. Thomas. E. W. Tillson
Schools, Miss Gretchen Krae-
mer. Miss Lena Belle Tartar, E.
R. Derry.
Armory and stage. Dr. H. C.
Epley, Charles Wilson, Dr. P. O.
Riley, chairman for Marion coun
ty; Mrs. S. M. Endicott. institu
tional department Woman's club;
Mrs. C. C. Geer, chairman of mu
sie for district federation of Wo
man's clubs of Marlon county and
other communities.
Girl Scouts committee, Mrs.
R. W. Clarke, oresldent. Miss
Miss Erma Barber, daughter of "
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barber of
Turner -will become tho bride of i
Henry T. Barr, son of Mr.-tad
Mrs. Theo Barr. Wednesday at an '
t o'clock morning wedding at St. -Joseph's
ehureh. Father J. - R.
Buck win read the services. -
A brilliant prelude to Music I vu. t,.; IV w. . " '
week win be the offering of the v, we vu.
Salem Symphony orehestra under wiri wear k wh,t. lnfor.
Music Week Prelude
Tonight at Armory '
the direction of Prof. R. W. Hans
Selts tonight at t:ll o'clock at
the armory. Added Interest In this
civic organization Is felt because
of the appearance of a new voice.
that of C. Earle Jennings, bari
tone, who win appear as assist
ing artist In a group. of numbers
of pleasing variety.
mal ensemble, and Miss Barr will,
be similarly attired.
Mrs. Raymond Barton will be
at the organ and Miss Mary Scho
etUe will be violinist. Mr. Joe
Albrich will be soloist.
Invitations have been extended "
to 100 friends. - -
Following the ceremony tho tm-
The "opening" program of Ma- mediate party win go to tho home
sic week will be at 4:30 o'clock of Mr. and Mrs. Theo Barr where
at the First Presbyterian church a wedding breakfast win be
at which time the church choir I served. -The young people then
will give a vesper concert. . I plan to leave for a trip to Vancou-
. Prof. Frank Churchill will dl-1 ver B. C. They win be at home
red the choir, assisted by Mrs. after. May 18 at 2 IS 5 Center
W. F. Foster, organist Miss Iva street" " r
Clare Love, violinist and Miss Several informal affairs have
Dorothy Pearee, pianist. I been given in compliment to Miss
The program includes: I Barber. The most recent waa
Prelude .1 bridge evening and shower for
"Romance" Rubenstein which Mrs. Cyril Suing was host
"Evening Bells and Cradle I oss at the Suing home Wednesday
Song" Macfarlane evening.
Hymn "America" I Miss Josephine Barr and Miss
Scripture Lesson and Prayer I Winifred Albrich assisted Mrs.
"God of Israel" Rossini I Suing at the luncheon hour. Win
evening at the Myers home Thurs- Rut Rullfson. Mrs. Roy Melson,
riav nlrlif tiw Mm. Tvera otiIt to Mrs. A. 1. yu
IngS by Prof. W. L. iicti "God's Business Men." Evening FIRST EVANGELICAL
Of Santa Monica, Calf- worship 8 o'clock: subject: "God's Ea- Marion and Summer streets. C. C. P.
1- .fffi. .r- timate of the Unbeliever." Young Poo- Ug. D. pastor. Sunday acaool t:
pie's meeting 7 o'clock.
a.m. Morninr worship 11 e'eioch: sub
ject: "The Salt of tho Earth." Evening
worsnip a o'clock; subject: "The Chris-
Church and Chemeketa streets. Rev
n Kwift. Hu-tnr. Holv tjommnaioB I a clock: sabieet: lindma Mr
Tuesday afternoon the senior 7:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist and sermon 11 1 1 Life." Savilla Phelps, leader. Mid-week
Class Students, their Instructors, Church school :45 a.m. ujtm r. evening.
Supt. and Mrs. James T. Kjan, i-r - r: ptrst spzxittjaxijt
Princinal and Mrs. Frank Christy. 1 CHRIST LTJTHEKAJf I Services every Sunday even in r ia the
,i.,.H. .n(.rl,lno1 at a I 18th and State atreeta. Amoa E. Min- I Nelson" hall, -881 Chemeketa street. The
r',l 1. a. ,. . neman, pastor. German services 9:4b I lecture topie ler Hay 1st will b
tew iven at tuo wigwaiu uj am gUBday hool 9:40 a.m. No Eag
A. . MeiOViaoiI, local msiructor I lish services. No Luther league,
of home economics. The occasion j rtrn-T,n.-TnwT
Center and Liberty streets. J. R. 61
moads. pastor. Sunday aehool 9:45 a.m
Morning worship 11 o eloek; . saDjaet
o -"ihe
Goal of Life." A public circle Is held
from 5:30 to 7:30 by accredited mediums.
Mary Schwedel, pastor.
pleasant for those
proved very
The Chemawa Vocational
school has just received delivery
of a new two-ton truck to be used
In the hauling of heavy supplies.
ZENA, April 29 Captain G. L.
The Sunday school ( tho Ford Mem
orial church meets at 9:45 a.m. Tha
Aa nia Raalr aad a New Kane" a aer- nsorniBK sermon bv the sastor at 11 a.m
mon for musie week. I subjeet of tho morning discourse
I will ta "Loyalty." Tho Epworth leagues
aUFIGHT MEMOKIAJu I saoet at s:so p.m. The district aupeiin
19th and Ferrr atreeta. H. C. Stover. I teadeat of ho Salem disriet. Dr. M. A
minister. Morninc worshin at 11. Ser- I Marey. will preach at 7:S0. After the ev
mon. "Tho Harmony of Muaie ia Reli-Ieaing discourse he will preside at tha
gioa." Schubert concert at 8 p.m. ob-I last quarterly conference of the year. V- I. . V.. I .B
nau wuo ib uuuio uiwuiuj iv I school at 10 a.m. C. v. Harris, Bupt.iiag worsnip nours.
Cated at McMinnville, Intends to The Christian Endeavor societies at 7:15 1 .
be present and assist Sunday May p - ,S7 c. ShntoTpastor.
1, When the three adjacent dls- riEST CHURCH Or THE XAZAREKE j Sunday aehool at p.ns. Services at S and
trlrtn nf 7na Snrtnr Vallpv and lath and Center street. Rev. Fletcher I 8 P-m. Bible atudy aa Tuesday eveninr.
Lincoln ara nlanninr to reorran- Galloway, pastor. Residence, 2025 Mar- Meetings Thursday and Saturday oven
Aiincoin. are planning to reorgan k tntt phone 0630 The tor wiU ittgu
ISO a Union Sunday BChOOl to be wtLy. Sunday from the following sub- I
.held at the "Church OH the hill- lects: ll a.m. "God' Plan of tho Ages XTB8T CHURCH OF CHRIST,
and Its Outcome." special musie By the I oiixvt-xxoi
chorus choir of 40 voices. 7 :30 -p.m. I Chemeketa end Liberty streets. Sun-
"How to End the Depression.' A ' half ! y aervicea at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Bub
hour of special music will precede the I ). 'Everlasting- Puniahment." 8un-
message. Snnday chool 9:45 a.m. P. M. I day school at 9:45 and 11 a.m. Teatt-
Litwiller. Supt. N. Y. P. 8. and Junior I mony meenna- n eanesaay as o p.m
.top" at Zena each Sunday. A 2:30
o'clock basket dinner will be a
feature of the day with program
at 10:30 and afternoon devoted
to organisation. The public is in
vited. ' v . .
North Cottage and Chemeketa street.
- Fred Alban Weil, miniater. Church school
at 10 a.m. Milea H. McKey, Supt. Church
service at 11 a.m. Sermon; by Rev. Har
vey Swanson of tha Church of Our Fa
ther, Portland. In eichacga. Subjoet:
."Building a Religion." Mrs. Truma Hns
. toa, soloist. . Mrs. Walter A. Denton,
organist. "
First Baptist
Church -
Cor. Markm A JL Liberty Sis.
' . Brittoa Ross, Minister
. .B E A S tV FROM ' IHE
. EARTH '.f W"
- Hear Om . Gideon Quartet . ?
Come ITaity U ' YoO Want y
-: Good Seat " :
Kelson Building, eorner of Chemeketa
and Liberty streets. Sunday aehool at 10
a.m. Mutual' Improvement association
Thursday evening at 7:30.
society 6:30 p.m.
ysanvr T.rrt trrwrnuAT.
Winter and Jefferson streets. Hurt B. i
Fouke, Jr.. minister. Worship service at
11 a.m. Prof E. W. Warrington of O. 8.
C. will speak. Church school-0:45 a.m.
H. B. Carpenter. Supt. Epworth leagues
6:80. Evening worship 7:30. Special-musie
program.! Toung people under direction
of Hayes Beall.
State and Church streets. B. Earle
Parlcer mini. tar. Chnreh aehooL S45
a.m. Special combined session ia audi j the choir. Rev. Briscoe of Los Angeles
torium. Musle by orchestra under direc
tion, of- Miss Mary Sehnlts. . 11 a.m.
Junior ehureh. Mrs. T. 8. Roberts will
interpret Musical selections. 11 a.m.
morning worship: sermon: "The One
Way Out" Dr. Parker. 6:80 Epworth
Wood burn Rev. and Mrs. E.
W. Blew and their daughter Mar.-
an, who are moving from Wood-
burn this week, were pleasantly
surprised Wednesday night at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Van
Cleave. A number of members
of the Bethel Presbyterian church,
where Mr. Blew has been pastor
for two years, were present
Those present were Rev. and
Mrs. E- W. Blew, Marian Blew,
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. VanCleave,
Alberta Van Cleave, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Seely, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine
Seely, Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian
Hughes, Mrs. Jack, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Koenlg, Herbert, Robert,
Wllma, Dorothea and Keith Keon
ig. John Leek, Mary Leek, Mrs.
William Lichte, and Verner Car-
Mrs. Louisa Koon and Miss Ina
D. Koon entertained " a group of
First Methodist ehureh women at
their home Thursday with a silver
tea. The social effect was made
novel by all the guests appearing
in house dresses. The proceeds
from the tea went Into the fund
of the West Central Circle of the
church. Present for the afternoon
were Mrs. Effiee Dunlap, Mrs. R
learn that the "Informal" even
ing was an announcement party
telling the betrothal of Miss My
ers to Charles Claggett.
The secret was told In dupli
cation of the announcement par
ty of Mrs. Myers. Roses formed
the theme for ' the decorative
scheme. Favors, bridge . accessor
ies, and the menu were all car
ried out through the medium of
Pink roses decorated the guest
rooms and tiny hearts buried in
rose buds presented the guests
told the story of the betrothal.
Miss Myers is the daughter of
Girl Reserves Music week com
mittee, Mrs. E. K. Gallaher, gen
eral secretary of T. W. C. A.;
Mrs. W. T. Jenks. chairman of
Girl Reserve committee; Mrs.
Ruskin Blatchford. advisor high
school Reserves; Mrs. Francis De
Harport, music chairman; Grace
Skinner, Gwen Gallaher, Agnes
Chadwick assembly. Order of
Rainbow for Girls, Mrs. Pearl
Pratt, mother advisor; Eleanor
Wagstaff, worthy advisor.
State concerts, Mrs. Mabel S.
Pnwars. rlrla' training school;
Dr. A. F. deLesplnasse, boys
tralnlnar school: Joseph Benner,
at at a bosnital: Lena May Dotson,
Mr.- and Mrs. Frank Myers. She
has attended Salem schools and I tuberculosis hospital; Mrs
later attended the University or I Gorden, old people s home,
Oregon where she was affiliated
with the Kappa Kappa Gamma
Mrs. Claggett is the son of Mrs.
C. F. Patton. He attended Salem
schools and later the Pacific
Northwest Dental college.
No date for the wedding has
been set
Mrs. Myers was assisted by Mrs.
Patton. Mrs. Frank Brown, Mrs.
Deryl Myers and Miss Kreta Jans.
nlng scores for cards went to Miss
Faye Barber and Miss Mary Seho-
ettle. Following cards tho many
gifts brought for the bride elect
were presented.
- a
The Sigma Nu chapter of the
Delphian society will meet Tues
day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
city library auditorium for its
: regular study period. "Roman
comedy" will be the subject of
Hear My Prayer Arphangelsky
"Larghetto" (From Sonata IV)
Miss Iva Clare Love
Cantata Penitence, Pardon
and Peace Macunder
Postlude "Polonaise" ....Chopin
Incidental solos by Mrs. Plor-
AVtaaa. at") al If. IS
acu, aire, uuruuu aicviiicu- i .aw v fia, e.Van k. g
rlst and Mrs Henry MUlie. sopra- Vta Griffith. Mls TLoretta Ford.
7. T w . t T a Mrs. Oscar Cutler, Mrs. H. O.
auu jicdoci a. xyica ouiait suu
Leslie Springer, baritones and
Ralph Scott, tenor.
a o
Miss Laura Wright
Entertains Club
Miss Laura Wright entertained
her bridge club Thursday evening
at her home on North Liberty
The rooms were gaily decorat
ed with circus posters and the re- Kcjj8 WHOLE WHEAT Bis-
White, Mrs. Claude Glenn, and
current events taken by Mrs. "W.
T. Jenks, and Mrs. C. L. Newman.
Jefferson. Of Interest to her
many menas in jeneraon wa
the marriage of Miss Garnet
Whedbee, daughter of Mrs. Emma
Whedbee, to Nicolas Welter of
Gobel, at the home of Rev. C. C.
Poling in Salem at 8 o'eiocz
Tuesday night ,
The bride was cnarming in a
white sflk suit with white acces
sories and carried an arm bou
nnet of sweet peas, rose buds and
Aumsville Members of the lUtai of the Her c ousln.
Aumsvllle Woman's elub held Miss Helen Asniiman.
their regular meeting at the home bridesmalo. A iraienmy
of Mrs. Millie Martin Thursday the groom, Sid Hammond, was
a f tain nn Tha aftarnnnn waa best man.
spent in needlework and eonver- Following the car emony a re
tUon. Mrs. T. T. McCleIl.n. Mrs. 5Pt w" V" mt. !hf, f e.Tti
a. . . v. i M r an ii Mrs. uuuu Aua.u.a.u.
nanea xiein, Mrs. uess iubtoih, , " ift fnr
Mrs. Mtllfa Martin and Mr.. Klt- htr the young couple left lor
ments, and late luncheon were all
carried out In the circus motif.
Mrs. Harris Llets assisted Miss
' Mrs. Harris Llets won high
score for the evening and Mrs,
Ralph Klnxer, second.
Club members present were
Foods Introduced in
Recent Years
Readinr Room at 406 Maaenie Teainle
open from 11 to 5:30 except Sundays K. Ohling, Mrs. W. B. Smith, Mrs.
and holidays. , Peck Mrs Mabel Radcliffe. Ethel
Roberts, Mrs. Frank Welch, Mrs.
C. A. Clark. Mrs. Cordelia La
Bare. Mrs. May Townsend. Mrs,
John Robbins, Mrs. Smith, Mrs.
fioh-1 for a brief visit with Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Welter, parenis
of the groom.
Tha brida was a student In
MmmrM and a member of the
Kappa Delta sorority. Mr. weiwr
was a member or tne sigma rm
19th and Ereyman streets. Sunday
school 9:45 a.m. Albert Page, Supt. Mom
inn- worship 11 o'clock. B. Y. P. V. 6:80.
Evening worship 7:80. Special music by
will bring both morning and evening I
mesages rrayer meeting Thursday even
ing ie ny roev. IS rise.
Way Out" Dr. Parker. 6:80 Epworth I f-j e . mm
isr-a! Jlizirt&iKevival Meets
Close Second
vested choir, so! oi star aad church aehool
oreheatra ander direetioa af Cameron
Marshall. T. S. Roberts and Miss Mary
Sehultz. ' . v
tie Towle who attended the Mar
lon county Federation of Wom
en's clubs April 21, gave reports.
At the closing hour a no host
luncheon was served.
Mrs. Forgey was a special guest
for the afternoon. Club members SIrma fraternity and graduated
present were Mrs. Millie Martin, th ciaaa 0f 1930. and holds
Mrs. T. T. McClellan, Mrs. Charles position in the forestry depart
Hein, Mrs. Irma Speer, Mrs. Bess ment in the Indian service. They
Ransom, Mrs. T. C. Mountain, left Thursday for Fort Apache,
Mrs. Margaret Martin, Mrs. Mary .ri m the White River agency
,r ?.r7 " 'a Highberger and daughter, Virgin- "VZ theT wm be sUtloned.
U. V. cilia, auu "uuu " " la (M ITIttl. Tn.l. Mm rlaM I ... al iVa ul'lm'
' ". auw.v, om.n. iiu. i Tnose attenaius wr...o
Howd, Mrs. Lutie Fuson, Mrs. from Jefferson were Mrs. Emma
Castle and Mrs. Gladys Claxton. whadhea. Merlin Whedbee. Mrs.
The club will meet May 12 at h E Jones and daughters Ger-
the home of Mrs. T. T. McClellan al'dlne and Shirley, Miss Virginia
in West Stayton. McKee and Lincoln Waterman,
aaa aaa
Woodburn Mothers of mem- Wood burn Mrs. John Nolan
bers of the Girls league at Wood- was hostess to the Woodhnm
burn" high school were honored. Episcopal Guild at her home on
Tuesday afternoon when a tea aqd First street Tuesday afternoon
entertainment vai riven fo'r them, nrtmt were Mrs. Susan A- Loves-
' About 30 mothers were, at tho l ley, Mrs. Wolfe. Mrs. I M. Bit-
. , . a. . . I ' -. ..,.1 lfM Cf ' W
Miss Koon.
The regular meeting of Leslie
Ladies Aid society will meet at
the country home of Mrs. Fred
Scott for a covered dish dinner
Wednesday. Each guest is asked
to bring a covered dish and table
service. Assisting Mrs. Scott will
be Mrs. Holder, Mrs. Brooks and
Mrs. Whealdon. Cars will ' leave
' church at 11 o'clock.
KeUogff's WHOLE wheat Biscuits
offer many new and outstanding
features which appeal to the bouse
wHfe. For one thinT. the biscuits
Mrs. Ralph Kinser. Mrs. Harris are toasted a golden brown on both
top and bottom not just; one sioe.
That seems to double the crisp ness.
The new Kellogg biscuit is also
baked in a more convenient, eco
nomical size. Two biscuits just fit
the cereal bowl and you get 15 to
the package instead of a doxen. .
Mothers will especially bo inter
ested in the fact that every package
is certified for food value by tho
Medical Art Laboratory of Phila
delphia; These new biscuits are
considered a splendid f ood for both
adults and children. With hot or
cold milk or cream, they supply a
healthful variety of vitamins, min
erals, proteins and carbohydrates.
In .baking these improved bis
cuits, the Kellogg Company usee a .
special process of "pressure-cooking'
which retains all the food
value of the whole wheat and makes
it very easy to digest. At the same
time it develops a tempting, deli
cious flavor.
These improved biscuits can be
identified br the name, Kellogg's,
and tho familiar Ted-and-green
package. Made by Kellogg in Battle
Llets, and- the Misses Frances
Sande, Billy Giese, Margaret Da
vidson, Ruth Skinner, Hoaora
Reldy, Donna Harlan, Bunny Mil
ler, and the hostess. Miss Lanra
The club members will hare a
dinner at the Rose Cafe Monday,
May 9, at which time the last
meeting of the year will be held.
Mrs. Lieta will entertain the club
In her home following the dinner
and the grand prise will be
awarded the member who has
made the largest total score for
the entire season.
Mrs. George Grabenhorst was
a Tuesday hostess for an after
noon of bridge at her home on
Fir street Mrs. Rne Drager as
sisted at the tea hour. Mrs. W. R.
Speck and Mrs. Rue Drager held
winning scores for cards.
Bethel. Fourteen members of
the Bethel Dorcas club motored
to McMinnville Wednesday morn
ing to spend the day at the home
of Mrs. M. J. Crabtree, former
resident here. .
655 Ferry street. W. H. Caldwell,
taster. Phono 8693.- Sunday school at
.. . If :tl. . d a
Moraiag worship at 11 aja; Special Goe- The H. M. Mead evangelistic
pet meeting at 8 p.m. Rev. A. J. Smith I Party Will ClOSO its Second Week
h ?. VT kT.:82LJ?i2 to sn6c, -rvic at . the Chris-
JfctZL&? Mea.! an nd.MIslonary alliance tab-
geiistie party are sun la progress every I erjjaue aere,BUnaay mgnt,. 101
evening at 7:45. Afternoea meetings' at
Church schawl at 9:40 a-an. Mrs. W. A.
Barkus. Supt. Morning preaching aerviee
at 10:50. Sermoa r "Thia" Da la Remem
brance af Me." Eaotiam. Hand of Pel-
j krwship and the' Observance of tha Lord's
I Supper. B. T.-P. TJ.'a 6:80 p.m. Evening
preaching aerviee at 7:30 o'clock. "Five
4 .
w f
i( I
A ft
ii -
I A. Am I
S 1 1
lr V a. ,
"YYe relieve you from the troublesome
I details of arranijini?" services when',
'sorrow has mada ..ihinldng almost
'impossible. ,; ? " - ' -
WottC.KsifivvrjrthVs MQT.
DBKIIIin. CMaUdsMvl i v '
lowing three 'services that day.
In the morning At -11 -o'clock.
Rev. H. W. Caldwell, the pastor,
will; preach; , at 3 o'clock, Rev.
A. J. Smith, returned missionary
from China who has spoken each
afternoon, will bring the mes
sage; and at 7:30 o'clock Sun
day night Rev. Mead will preach.
Special feature of each service
la the singing of Rev, and Mrs.
Smith. Other churches of the town
have cooperated throughout the
meetings, and much' interest' aad
fine spiritual results have - been
manifest. Rev. Caldwell reports.
Optometry Meet
Discussed Here
The Salem Optometric . group
met Friday night with the board
lot, directors of the Oregon ' State
Association of Optometry, outlla-
I Ing the details for their banquet
and meetinr to be held - at : the
Marlon hotel Saturday , evening,'
May 7, at which time plans for a
visual survey for " motor -vehicle
drivers wiU be -discussed, j
A Urge attendance of, optome
trists from the entire state Is ex
; high school. pey, Mrs. H. Miller, Mrs. S. n.
The numbers on tho program Kallak, Mrs. Harold -m. aubiib,
were: selection by a girls trio of Mrs.'H. I GUI. Mrs. Cecil J. Espy,
Opal Dickey, Edlthe Shrock and Mrs. Ella Hartman and Miss Mar
Zona -Schwab; number by the gery Kallak.
girls' 1 quartet,, made up of Opal ' '
Dickey;' 1 Edith 'Shrock.' t Zona One "of the many interesting
Schwab and Helen-Wood fin; so programs : of the coming Music
prano Solo by Opal Dickey Dutch" week Is that which- Is being spon-
dani 1W Vrw" 411ms' (Viavatk anil mnrA hv thft Willing Workers SeC-
breakfast. Reservations 1 are belnr j Daisy ' shrock.Blano aecompanl- Uon. of the American Lutheran
made for horses at 8131, Acad- ; meBt Edith Shrock. ; i Helen I church" Bt . the church Tiieeday
emy stables. . , , ' sUnton gave ' Ulk on Mother's 1 night At this time the girl's cior-
day. Its purpose and meaning; : ns from Chemawa wfll present tne
Mrs. Helen M. Guise poured and I program, and following too nura-
glrla who are members of tho do- I bers a social evening win oe
mestlc science classes served. ,
Members of Salem Riding acad
emy are planning an exceptionally
pleasing ride for Sunday morning.
They will leave the academy at
8:45 o'clock and ride down-. Lov
er's Lane to Painters woods.
Alter the -'ride .is. completed the
group - win go to . the spa xor
Mrs. Frank Matthis entertained
at her country home for the final
meeting of the Variety club this
season. Winners 0$ scores prises
tor tne year were urs. a. b.
Wickert, and Mrs. Mem Pearee.
The club's closing came so early
In the season that several affairs
are planned before vacation time
begins in earnest.
' a .
Mr. and Mrs.; Albert S. Wells
and Mrs. C. B. Moores of Portland
have come. to Salem to live and
are located at 1250 North 21st
street : -.'" ;' -
Mr. Wells Is state chemist. The
Moores famUy. were for many
years residents of Salem and their
many 'friends - and welcoming
them . back. . ; . -
Jefferson Mrs. Fred Looney
and . Mrs. . Herbert Looney enter-.
tamea tne members or tne wom
an's club vt the country home of
Mrs. .Herbert Looney north . ' of
town, Wednesday afternoon.- This
was a Pioneer meeting.
joyed. Members of the ehureh
and friends are invited to attend.
Liberty Mrs. Parris (nee Ma
rie Murhammer) was the inspira
tion for a . post-wedding surprise
shower at the home of her father;
H. Murhammer, W e d n e s d a y
night . ' " -
Among those present were the
honor guests; Mr. and Mrs. Par
ris, Mrs. C. F. Valentine, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Kaiser, Miss . Lillian
Kaiser, Mrs. K. Anderson, Miss
Bessie Kaiser. , Mr.' and' Mrs. Cot
ton,' Mr. and Mrs. Kline. Mr. and
Mrs. Jorgensen, Mrs. Fred, KeulK
ler, Mrs. Mary Mey era, Mrs. Anna
Meyers, Miss Theresa Murham
mer, Mr. and Mrs. Henry' Gort
maker of - Salem Heights, Mrs.
Ruth .Wright. Ruby Norrls, Miss
Gertrude Valentine and Ray Hud
son of California. 1 r-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McFarland
are leaving this weekend for Cal
ifornia and- Mexico where they
plan to spend the next two weeks.
Green Dragon
Tea Room ':
168 N. 12th St.
(Next to Agricultural
t 25c - 35c . .
Specialising In-
Bridge and Dinner
.-..Parties v- -
50c i?r plate
DRESSES $14.75
- O611 Shop
It is remarkable the values we offer you in these dress
es. They are different and made better than the ordin-
8 ary run of dresses
O Frencli Shop
3 to choose from. .
. I- 33 to cioose froni.
;o; iFrench top-fr ;
32 to choose irom ; .
When yon come to our shop and find an the salesladies busy tfease
be kind enough to watt a abort while until one can be free to aw
iVa mmn rmr warmanta at these mices we have to economize in
S every way we can and we ask your considerate cooperation. y
- ' vlien trn'vaur Mends about H. -
Bey new and date year elieck ahead K yon On T-ntiV-May 10th
Mswnle ITaniTInf r -
Jaaw West of Ifco Court
t ' ; -
- f