; .i v r t ffK.v PAGE TWO ThS OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday BXornW." April SO, 1932 j. Continued from p&g 1) At the end of the year, it vu said. That reinstatement of the three Of the seven high school boys who last Tuesday were, expelled tor al leged participation in the basing Ot Victor DeJardiiir will he eeugJit i the next meeting et the school -board became virtually certain yesterday. Parents, alunrnl, . and fellow students ot these three boys will make the request. It was un- . dersteod. ;. . ,, ... , ,. , Actios cm Petition- V. ; Not Tat Forecast "ijV : 7 - What action the school board will take in connection with the - application for reinstatement ot the. three boys who were treed of assault and battery charges, could ot be determined yesterday. The boys ' are : Lawrence Blaisdell, James Nicholson, Jr., and Kenneth Fllslnger. - School officials reported ' yes terday that at least three of the . secret societies had sarrendered . their charters. Amonr these was the J. C, or "Julius Caesar" or ganization. ; . : -One man was said to hare en tered Principal Fred D. Wolfs of fice yesterday and charged that Wolf had attempted to "make a Bar" out of hia daughter. The tt, .girl-had been giren an affidavit , .to sign, but she alleged she did not belong to any secret society. SflMliEO (Continued from page 1) ft In the cases of Thomas Bos- worths, charged with kidnaping Edward 8. Talbott, Yamhill coun ty farmer, and Ira McPeak, charg ed with unlawful possession, not true bills were returned. It was charged,, after his arrest for Mar lon county authorities by San Diego officers, that Bosworths re Iiered Talbott of $31,000, in a hotel room at Reno, that he was drlren throuslf a number ot states in an automobile and fi- uau vnua uut near weiioiBoo.1 Other true bills returned by the Ur, two indictments, uttering a I xorsea lanromeni iDana caeca;, ' and larceny by bailee of an auto mobile. '. C, Erenion, charged with ut tering a forged instrument ' Clarence Parker and William C. Gergery, charged with unlaw ful possession of a still. - ' . .-Continued from pae U end consecutive meeting she. has not. attended. Rumor had it yes terday that Mrs. Pierce had" de- ?r,M S& 532 but would not submit her resig nation until some time in May. She is known , to have been -violently opposed to changes in the report ot the curriculum commit tee which the board made two Weeks ago after adopting the re port et the curriculum committee la full. As chairman of' the com mittee, she did much of the work . ot preparing the report and op posed any changes in it after its adoption by the majority ot the board in open session. STATE HOSPITAL IS T (Continued from ease 1) of similar institutions In the mid- die .west and Mississippi valley a lew years aso. and the nraise that was given to Dr. Steiner for his-splendid management and the results that he has : produced. These same men had visited a large number ot Institutions of this character in the United States, "ad they pronounced the . one at saiem as being one of the best in oar land." - The report is signed by E. Har- ley, foreman. Ella M. Stauffer. Bertha -N. Curl, Dorothy M. Me- UoweU, O. V. Pontlous, A. H. Moore and t E. Allison. Jefferson High Defeats Turner f JEFFERSON. April 2 f Jeffer son alia school's baseball team slagged out an IS to i victory ov er Turner high today despite rag ged vrork In tbe field. Jefferson ehalked np It alts bat was deb ited with nine errors. Phelps sad Hart held Turner to nlrit hits.- v;? : Tbe Jefferson etrls defeated'the Turner girls 22 to,7. r , Too Late to Classify Broadway. wnuwrt xor ui at ss 1 LAST DAY ."THE SECRET : witness; -.Tomorrow Richard V sncnsT PBESSIEHUGUT TO RESTORE VH M M EP n Mj mm The Gall Board By OLIYE M. DOAJt -WAKNUK liKOS. iOjSlNOKU Today Marian Marsh, In '- nnt ti niM" WARNEB BROS. CAPTTOI Today Pat O'Brien and Mae Clarke in "The Pinal EdI-. tlon." . : ' " GRAND - T,oday Una Merkel In "The ,. Secret Witness.",: :, HOLLYWOOD Today Ken Maynard. in "The Poeatello Kid." . Mrs. Walter A. Denton, local ehalrman for Musie week, is hand la Manager Carey of Warner Bros, theatres in Saiem very sin cere cemsiknents for the manner in which, ho and nls force are eo- operaUnc with Musie week plans. This afternoon special atten tion is being siren the week in the Mickey Mouse matinee. All during the week L. Carlos Meyers, popular organist at Warner Bros. Elsinore will gire special numbers in compliment to "better music. And the -piece de resistance is the appearance ot C. Earle Jen nings, baritone, who will appear In solo numbers x Sunday at the Elsinore. I ( Continued from page 1) that he let Martin go outside the hospital yesterday morning, Jok ingly telling him to "soak up some sunshine". Martin smiled back. Martin was suffering from an incurable aihnent, it was said. He was receired at the hospital for the second time last October. His wife llres in Portland. y m m LUth6T3.Il by TIOCL q (jStllOT H6T6 In May, Planned Rev. P. W. Eriksen, pastor of the American Lutheran church, returned Friday morning from Seattle, where he had been since Tuesday to attend a meeting of the executive committee ot the Pacific Luthran Synod and of the seminary board ot the Pacific Lu theran seminary. Rev., Eriksen reports that the annual convention ot the synod will be in session at his church here from May 22 to May 29. Opening the six-day program will be Dr. Ami E. Bell of Toledo, Ohio, president of the American board of Missions. Another east ern speaker coming for the con LS vention will be Dr. Nathan Mel- The Lutheran, largest Lutheran publication in the country. Four Motorists Arrested Upon rn f ! ,l 1 rattlC LrOUntS 1 Four motorists were arrested by city police for traffic law viola tions yesterday and three Were sentenced on similar charges by Municipal Judge Mark Poulsen C. W. Pogue, 2217 Lee street, arrested Wednesday night on a charge of reckless driving causing an accident, as a result of which Stanley Nets, route four, motor- cylist, suffered a broken arm, was released on $10 balL Albert Schlag, 1295 D street, arrested last Saturday, was fined $2 and f ft drivers license suspended tor ve aays. k. k. L.ucas. arrested yesterday tor failing to stop at a I through street forfeited 92.50 I hail, according to court Tecords. Arrested yesterday on charges of speeding were: Harry Tulare, route three; Oran L. Polk, 590 North. Summer street, and C. K. STARTINO H MITE m m n TO SATURDAY. HAT 7, INCLUSIVE s-riy Riversides at 4-Ply prices and e-lty Rtrsrslde at lewest prlees ever eftwrod and a RIVERSIDE TUBE FBXS . wtth every tire yen bay. COME SATURDAY! 2txUl 4-Ply -OTHER SIZES AT PROPORTIONATE SAVINGS t PEES TTRS MOUNTINO AT ALL WARD STORES . 275 North Liberty Eiiiisn foii n is sb ' (CoBttetrtd from pace X) I Arthur Moore, property owner 4 and proprietor of a bicycle shop follows: 8axton and Looney, Jet announced he would erect a large ferson 4 1 cents from " Emmons sign, "McKay for Mayor, over Bar, SO -teats from Mintermaate his building, and praised McKay's ability as a presiding officer.' 8. E. Purviae- said he had I worked with McKay on the Com-1 munity Serrice board : handling I charity problems the past, winter ana prawea mm nigmy xor nu i keen business mind. D. a, Jarman declared, he didn't, think there was a finer sua im the city than Douglas McKay and pledged him self -to do au he could for him., Others who : spoke were William McOilchrist, Jr.. Dean George H. Aides, U. G. Holt, Olrrer B. Hus ton. O. E. Price, Bert Ford, Bra-1 xl er Small. .Tom Wlnaunar. w. rf. Derby. Mr. and. Mrs. Breyman Boise, George C WilL W. W. Moore, Dare Pugh and H. D. Trorer. - -. Membership lists for the Doug las McKay for Mayor elub were passed through the audience and freely signed. FEAR TROUBLE AS 1 (Continued from page 1) Honolulu with Clarence Darrow, tonight was Informed ot the Mas sle case Terdict and immediately wired President Hoorer urging that the four defendants be 'placed aboard a warship and brought to the first port ot Jur isdictlon on the mainland, name ly San Francisco: . . "To the president: . "i most respeciiuuy. suomit that you do now what you should haTO done at the beginning, name ly: Order Lieutenant Massie, his wife, his mother-in-law and the two enlisted men on board a war ship and bring" them to the first port of jurisdiction on the main land, namely San Francisco, where they can get a fair trial and the protection American citi zens should be properly entitled to." 4-H Club Heads From Corvallis Visit in Salem Officials visiting Salem Friday In MnnartfoB with 4-H lnh wnrV and especially the Achievement aay programs, were 1 ti. u. Sey mour, state club leader, aad Hel en CoWgllL assistant, both ot Cor vallis. Preparations are being made In the club fields for the Marion eounty 4-H club fair which will be held in Salem May S, 9 and. 7. Further announcements In re gard to this event , will be made at a later date. Bort, 435 Market street. Coordination of State j Federal Taxes Advocated NEW YORK. April 29 (AP) A commission study "to secure ine coordination in our iuib ana federal systems of taxation which a. mr a a . a . m we so sorely need" was advocated tonight by Secretary Mills. In an address to the New York City Bar association,' he proposed that President Hoover and the governors' conference Join in naming the commission. He ex - pressed confidence the necessary funds for research could be raised . and called this an auspicious mo- me to start in riew ot the pop ular interest. Bids For County Road Gravel to Be Viewed Today Over a dozen bids for crushing and hauling of gravel for the county have been recorded at the roadmasters office in the county courthouse. It is expected that the SATURDATr APRIL U mm riESULT 2Szi.il C-PTy ItoSM t-rf Sszlsa 4-Ptr 2SxOS 4-riy Wrigrr Warn & (gjb TeL. 8774 contracts will be awarded today following further figuring y the road office people. -- ." , The two tavorable ha alia g bids which were handed In come from I from the Salem Band and Grayed company of Salem and the Union. Engineering company of . Port land. f Crushing prices per load cited by the four lowest bidders are aa Bar; Charles H. Hoyt, Buverto: T cents from Emmons Bar; Sa- lent Sand and ; OraTel company. Salem tS.O cents from Em moos Bar; : Union Engineering; eomjiaay, Portlaad - e 8.1 cents from Emmons Bar. T I'IKKJIH PORTLAND. Ore., April It (AP) The state highway com mission told .' representatlTes of the Northwest Oregon Derelop- ment league-today that there la no immediate prospect zor con struction of proposed ' short cat highways to the seas. W. r. Woodward appearing before the commission for the de- relopment association, urged that the state issue bends, if neces sary, to get the preliminary work on both the Wilson rixer and the short cut roads under way. He said the communities affected needed the' roads and that the un employed needed the work. Leslie M. Scott, commission chairman, told the derelopment representatires that In connection with the proposed roads the com mission was confronted .with the problems of finance, engineering and selection of the routes. He said the commission cannot un dertake large projects without selling bonds, which It Is unwill ing to do. Youthful Driver To Face Charges Of Manslaughter PORTLAND, April 29. (AP) A coroner's' Jury today found that Charles Welsh, driver ot an automobile In which two persons were killed vlast Sunday "was driving at an excessive rate ot speed" at the time of the acci dent. An announcement from the cor oner s onice said a charge of la voluntary manslanghter will be filed against Welsh, IT. Llla Ashland 11 Chosen Woodburn May Queen WOODSTJRN, April 29 Llla Ashland, brown-haired senior girl, has been chosen, queen 'to rule at Woodburn high school's annual May fete to be held Fri day, May 12, when all members of the student body voted on the three candidates nominated ,by the senior class. At the same time Charles Tresldder was chosen May day manager. He was also chosen by the seniors as one ot the three candidates for that post. Miss Ashland has not yet cho sen her attendants . aitnougn those from the senior class will probably be Roma Kallak and Edlthe Shrock, her opponents in the race. The May day manager has full charge ot the affair. Senators Will Play at Prison Tha Salem Senators will nlar itnft gtate penitentiary baseball team Sunday afternoon on the pri son diamond. Players must be at the gate at 12:45 in order to be admitted. Those wishing to go are asked to call Frank Nelson, business manager, at his home or. Frank Bashor at Anderson's i sport goods store. PENA IX FINALS DETROIT, April 29 (AP) Johnny Pena, aggressive New York fighter, reached the finals ot the National Boxing associa tion featherweight tournament tonight by, outpointing Fidel La Barba ot Los . Angeles In ten rounds. IB WOCS BO TO IILTERTON. April IT Moth ers ot the school band and or ehestra -were hostesses Tuesday might at a dinner giroa at Trtsltr church for the 119 boys, their di rector, Hal Campbell, aad special guests. The latter included Dr. P. O. Riley ot Hubbard, special hon or guest: Rer. and Mrs.- carl Foes. Mrs. Riiey. Dr. and Mrs. A, J. MeCanneL Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Goets. Mr. and Mrs.- Earl J. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. FewelL . A. W. Kieeb acted as toast- master. Mrs. Kleeh was general chairman ot the affair and Mrs. Frank Leslie and Mrs. Carl Sta- mew were the program commit tee. - . The oatstanding feature wi the anneaneemeat made by Dr. Riley, that KGW wants the win ners of the B division contest held at Corrallis two weeks ago. to broadcast oyer the station one evening next week, prior to the national broadcast. It - was also announced that the cltlsens ot Sftrertoa will furnish transporta tion to the 20 winners. STILL PREVALENT LIBERTY, April 29 Whoop Ing cough Is stll prevalent In the district. Quite a number of chil dren hare had It or have it at present. Since the whole school was exposed from the very first, it has not been necessary for most of tle children to miss a great deal of school, as they may remain home only during the hardest spelt Leslie Judd and family are mov ing here from Corvallis. They will occupy the house on the property recently purchased by William Berndt from Bruce Cunningham. A large crowd made "whople' at the school earnjval Thursday night. Mrs. 0. F. Valentine receired word Thursday morning of the ac cidental death of her brother-in- law, Sid Greene of Baker. Lutheran Confab Draws 300 Church People of State WOODBURN, April 29 The annual district convention of the Lutheran church, after a three- day session, came ' to a close Thursday night. All delegates, pasters and church members who attended the circuit meeting ex pressed the thought that It was one of the best meetings in the history of this district, which in eludes all of Oregon and a portion ot Washington. It was estimated that 300 Lu therans attended the meeting. Thursday's meetings were for the most part prayer services. REPRESENT KEIZKR KEIZER. April 29 Carro Cummlngs and Ernest Savage, two Keiser boys were chosen to take part In the annual music tourna ment held in Forest Grove Friday, This Is the fourth time honors hare come to Keixer la music: tournaments. Lucille Cummlngs, Glenn Savage, Jewel Gardner, Brlnkley and Mildrew Gardner haying been in former contests,1 Keiser still has musical talent among the pupils of whom she can be Justly proud. LAST TIMES WHOOPING 0 WIS 0 Tomorrow at 2P. M. GiQQlcs! Elooffc! Hov1g! - The Clown Princes of rlilarityv BERT ARE BACK AGAIN and - - ' : DOROTHY LEE - BHTZI ERS eras TO HELP PAY COST WASHINGTON. April 1 1. . APV The senate finance com- mtttee reached out today for race track bettors and drinkers to help pay national government costs. Looking about for new sources of revenue, it approved a pro posal ' by Chairman Smoot for- a 19 per cent tan en all pari-mutuel betting tickets to be paid by the purchasers of the. ticket at the race track. It was estimated to yield $2S.s9.9l9 annually. Earlier the house tax rates, on promise advanced . in Shanghai five cents a gallon to 19 cents. The tax on grape . concentrates was changed from 49 per, cent ad valorem to 44 cents a gallon. "The levies on carbonated wa ters were raised from two cents to five cents. The rate on nater- mented Juices including grape Juice was raised from two cents to 11 cents a gallon. Chinese Holding uut Against Big Japanese Force TOKYO. April 29. (AP) The Chinese Irregulars in eastern Klrln province, Manchuria, were holding their own against several detachments ot Japanese troops operating in that area today. After a two-day battle near Haliln, 12 5 miles northwest ot Klrln, 6000'' Chinese Insurgents held their strongly entrenched po sitions four miles from Hallin, after losing 200 men in the en counter. Mother Drowns Baby, Tries to Take Own Life ST. HELENS. Ore., April 29 (AP) Mrs. Lena Forquer, 42, drowned her 18-month-old daugh ter Marion la a well on an abend- Home of 25c Talkies A HOME OWNED THEATRE TODAY LAST TIMES Ken's Latest AH Thrill AH Action Western Also Red Grange in "GaUopinr Ghost News, Snmmervillt Comedy A Cartoon Comedy Mickey Monse Matinee Saturday 1:80 P. M. . COMING SUNDAY 7m TODAY 3 PBfteSOBHSBSnl 0- AH the Thrills All the Excitement of a Great Bletropolltan Dailj in Action! Gasps! 6a02at7O si ROBT. m they : with GREEN - EDDIE QUILLAN oned farm near Geble today and then attempted to kill herself by slashing her wrists. .- ! "' A - posse led- by Sheriff Oscar Weed found Mrs, Forouer late to day about 299 yards from .the wen.. She was brought to a hospi tal hero and her condition was said to bo critical. , 8herlff Weed said Foreuer ad been- oat ot work for some time and that his wife had been' de spondent - He expressed the opinion that her mind had become unbalanced Because of adversity. - Hubbard Grade Team North End County Champs HUBBARD, April 29 Floyd Bevans won a - 7-9 victory over Aurora grade school Thursday afternoon when Aurora got last one hit off Floyd. BilUe Wea gen roth got four hits In four times up to bat aad Junior Hlggenboth am got S hits la S times up to bat In a perfect batting orden This victory makes Hubbard the champion of the north end ot Marion eounty. Hubbard will play for the championship of the county at Willamette university en May 4. We must reduce our stock quarters.' Manj wonderful. Hotpoint Urn Set, Regular $26.00 $16.25 Now Hotpoint Automatic Toast er, Regular fQ E? I12J0, Now tPOeUU Hotpoint Waffle Iron with heat indicator Off Reg. 19.95, NowtDDe49j Universal Percolator, Regular $8.45 FIXTURES PRICED FROM 30 to 60 OFF AFTER MAY 1ST WE WILL BE LOCATED AT 695 H. HIGH AT DIVISION ST. Mitchell-Baker Radio Service will continue with us of fering a complete fine Of radio sets, supplies and expert radio repair work. - Fleener Electric Inc. 471 Court Street pa The Intimate Affairs of a PRIVATE Secretary! : VIEW i TOIIIGHT J V 11:S0 its At,KimnoE.iiFE-ni:o deatiu Hevta, tatrnkt smMg to action, cosew tfte aWgwtfest tar : - Will " fascinate : ' AH : "Women ! and Men -'Too! r t Be' There d Any Woodburn High -S: Gets Revenge "From 'Molalla WOODBURN. April 29 Wood- , burn high school's -baseball team sprung a-sarprise on the . dope- sters Tuesday afternoon by beat Ins the Molalla school's team by a score of S to 1 on the Indians heme ground. Molalla has been chosen by some as the probable champion of the Willamette In terscnolastie league. .- , Although Woodburn beat Mo lalla on the local field a few weeks ago., the fact that Molalla, has a much stronger outfit than at the beginning of the aeasoa aad that Molalla recently smoth ered SUverton, 19 to 2, gave the Indians a long lead on paper. 811- v verton took Woodburn here re cently by a t to 2 count. PEPION WONT GO CHEWAWMA. April 29 Leroy Pepien, senior at the Chemawa vo cational school who won the northwest amateur championship la the 115-pound class at portlaad Thursday, will not be eligible for the Olympics, as this weight is not included In the Olympic events. before we move to smaller bargains listed below. Glass 40c Shades Parchment- bridge shades ms 65c 2-eeH Eyereadx Focusing Flashlights, Reg. AQn $1.50, Now e70C $5.95 LAST TIMES TODAY B1ARSH WILLLAM Bnttervrorth ale THE R1QTURE HOLLYWOOD SAID COULDN'T BE MADE!... tU screen is e Usze of temfyatj spettede off im esi ? Yotfn Never - Foreet KJ Ml with mm, e JO All DLOUDELL Cost! r -A 21 Salexa, Oregon -.' GERSUWIN KlUSICt ieM n