The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 30, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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    . v SERVICE
: " WEATHER ' .'
CUmdy with light rata to- -Amy,
cooler;. Sanday . rain;
Max. Temp. Friday 71, Mia.
1 7, ' riTer . J2 feet, clear
aorth wind.'
'' We guarantee oar carrier
service. If your paper docs
not arrive by 6:30 call 8101
and a copy will bo delivered
promptly. r .
illffi 'ESI ilii Mse and Associates are ;
nilF Tn RlflST AndOtherCumcuia mmm . MeMGud&yi WianslaugMev
- Vawabatay H ead of Shang
'hal Nipponese) Residents;-
v v Is Bomb .Victim wi
Others f Recovering; act IS
laM fn Rpvftlirtinnit
7 Of "Korean Society
RHANGllAi: Anril" 80 (AP)
T.-Kawabats, president of the
Shanghai Japanese residents as
sociation and one of the fire high
Jananese officials injured . in a
.bomb explosion, at Bongkew yes
terday, died today. r-vVi.-v
; Physicians operated omienerai
Kenhichl Ureda, second In com
mand of the Japanese army con
tingent here, removing the toes
Af hlM rirht foot.
i Mamoru 5hlgemltsur-the japa-
hm minister to China, who was
In critical condition with sz piec- i
ea OI tne nana-srenu uuutu
. a J 4.AH.V 1
tiimwn hr the Hongkew assassin i
la his body, passed a fairly good the board, said three major prob
nlght and , was reported to . be j lems ' were being considered all
bearing up as well as mignti do i
exoected.- - - . i
Bomber Identified I
a Korean Radical l. I
The other Tlctims or tne bomo-ioid
in g were. General Yoshinori Shir-
akswa, commanaer in cniex or tne
Japanese land, forces who was
nfferina- from serere bruises on
the upper, part of his boay ana i -
had lost all his teeth and Admiral
Kichisaburo Nomura, naval' com
mander, who had serious head
wnnnda and lost an eye.
Police identified the bomb
thrower as Tin Kitsu. a Korean
ravolntlonarr from Manchuria
and a member of a Chinese-Korean
revolutionary society func
tioning in various oriental coun
tries. - i . , -
Tb neace conferences which
h&T for. months been going on
in an effort to end the Smo-Jap-anese
difficulties wero Indefinite
ly nostnoned and It was zeareo
an the work accomplished might
be nullified by this single Inci
SILVERTONAprll 2- (Spe
cial) One hundred four . were
registered at the disW&t conven
tion of the Woman's. Home Mis
sionary society at. the Melodist
church at uuvenon jxiuaj. M
afetnodist cnurcn oi smem u
the greatest number present from J
any one auxiliary, h w
tered. Other , registrations were
Wood burn 22; Jason Leo of Sa
lem. 7: Portland, 1: Springneia,
10: Burene. 1: Albany! i: Mc-
MlnnvlUe, 8: Leslie of Salem, 12;
Corvallls. 1; DalUs, 12; Silverton,
New officers installed with Mrs
Ruth Reed of Portland, installing,
were: president, Mrs. H. J. Ier-
soa, Silverton; first rice president,
Mrs. Oren Stratten, Salem; second
vice president, Mrs. J. I Shuma
ker, McMInnville; corresponding
secretary, Mrs. H. C. Bray, Al
bany: recording secretary, Mrs. J.
B. Ulrlch, Salem." Department se
cretaries Young People's, Mrs.
Oeorce Morehead: children, Mrs
JC C. Miller. Salem: mito box.
Mrs. Charles Lucas, Salem; sup-
Dlies. Mrs. Emma Huddle. Me-
MinnvUle:' spiritual life, Miss
Faith Prlday, Salem; Christian ci-
tlzenshiD. Mrs. Lvle. Salem; .con
t erenee. Mrs.- Hush Farmer. Dal
las: Lenten. Mrs. Maudo Follon,
Salem. t , - . ,
Dotson Chosen
To Manage Job
OiEce. in City
D. D. Dotson. ISO North lm
street, a bookkeeper , yesteraay-1
was appointed assistant manager
Of the U. 8.-Y. M. C A. Kmpior
ment agency here, as successor Jto
Elm Phillips, who died last wan
nary. XL A. Keaaey. actiag agent,
will continue) to servo until June
1, when tho appointment ot uot
son becomes effective. During
that time.', tho aei : agent will
spend time In Portland studying;
tho operation of employment du-
rMin there.' ;C "1-" n
Th s.Bointeo formerly servea
for oixht years as treasurer,
nihiand eonnty. Montana. la
IS 27 bo was a delegate to me iu
wanis International convention at
Memphis, Tenn. . . i
her of the Congregational chareh.
Loan Society is
i Robbed of $365
By Lone-Bandit
V: PORTLAND.' -Ore., April! 2f 7
fiPi 1 - Inn hand It. about 28
years old. robbed tne tenexicia
Loan1 society hera today and, es--.
' eaned with 1318. - - ' ii
' The man entered the Yofflce,
shortiT before noon; drew a gun
and forced Fransett Prideaux and
' v velyn Iteed to opea the , taoner
drawer. .
Higher. Education Board's; Meeting is Secret
But. Evidence of Pleas for Various
Departments is Observed
fpHE toafd of Higher education was to meet Friday in Port-:X-
land.. It did ineetl but the iratherinor was an "executive
session'.' to which the public was
ooara spem morning, aiiernoon
public at an open session today.
rom Bources eiose to taeO
board it was learned authentical
ly that the school of Journalism,
eliminated under the' curriculum
committee's report last . month.
was slated to be returned' to' the
set-up at the Unlrersity of Ore
gon. Proponents of the school
said they had four, totes lined up
on the board and .were Quite as
sured the fifth Tote could be ob
tained by the time the matter
' came to rote. - '
A. rearrangement of plans for
' Yocational . education on the Cor-
rams campus was also being con-
1 - s . m m .
oiuerca ay ine ooara, ii was saia.
Dr. E.- E. Lindsay. secreUry of
aay, cut refused to state the exact
nature or them.
""Both President W. J. Kerr of
Oregon State and President Am-
Bennett Hall was in confer
fence with the board for the major
part or tne aay. Each man had
with him a number of the deans
and other executive workers in
nis school and in the lobby of the
University club building where
the board was meeting, it was as
sumed that a Iceen fight was be
ing waged by these leaders to re
trieve certain eliminated depart
ments In each school.
Mrs. Cornelia Marvin Pierce
was not at the meeting, the sec-
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
Five . True Bills Returned
Against -him; Kidnap
' Case not Upheld ;
7iva rharrea wera made bv the
Marion county grind Jury against
John A. Starker Friday morning
When fire true bills and two not
true bills were returned. Starker
is charged with involuntary man
slaughter for the death of Fran-
ces Monner on South Commercial
street a number of weeks ago
whett -Be WM thrown from an
mntomobilo which Starker
j,,.in, n. i. ion, .), with
Mrtag' nile Intoxicated, main-
uining an excessive rate of speed,
aigregarding intersections and
driving with a wanton and wilful
disregard to others.
The accident occurred In the
early morning' hours when a par
ty of four in the car were said
to be returning from a dinner in
a Pacific hignway roaasiae eat
ing place.
(Turn to page z, coi. l) -
Executive Board
Oi W. U. Trustees
Group Will Meet
.The executive committee of the
board of trustees of Willamette
university wUl meet today at the
nnlrersitr to take care of - the
usual routine business.
Robinson .Spencer, who has
been named new librarian for
Willamette university, is expected
to bo hero Thursday of next week
and . probably at - the executive
meeting. the future official capa
city -of Dr. F. G. Franklin, pres
ent librarian, will be determined.
Dr. Franklin is retiring from full
duties because of his health, but
has signified his desire of , con
tinuing in part of his work.
Dr. Spencer has been Installing
a new listing system at Syracuse
wblch he wished to finish before
coming here to take over his new
i position.
State Hospital Praised
In Grand
That wards under the cara and
supervision of Dr.., R. B. Leo
Stein er, superintendent, for it
years ot the Oregon state hospi
tal, are fortunate, to do . inmates
of this Institution, was the con-
lnin reached b the Marion
1 county grand Jury whlehv lnspect-
i ed tho hospital, ana tno auxiliary
I cottage farm March. 2IY The re
port -was-fued with, -tne county
leTrldayY Ys . .
At the hospital there are 2047
patienta and' at cottage -farm, five
miles south of tho jnaln -building;
there are 200 patients.. YY
. The Industrial - building Is a
credit to tho institution, say . the
rrand Jury members. Ia the sew
ing department, SO women make
1 . . . . . . . -....i .a
1 ail tne mstuuuon s ciomiu a
scraps are kept-to make rag car
pets. Wicker furniture and a tire
truck , have been maae ey
workers. - There - are ?. numerous
shops and a cannery la connec
tion with the institution Tons of
canned traits and vegeUbles are
not invited and atVbich the
ana nignt trying to untangle
; - '
Miller and Shafer Appear,
Waiving Grand Jury's
Move; Case Waits
Accused along with Clarence
Wolf of. burning an automobile
with Intent to injure Insurer: Paul
Miller and Paul Shafer appeared
Friday afternoon before Judge
McMahan, having agreed to ap
pear on information by tho dis
trict attorney and to waive action
by the grand jury.
' Following arraignment District
Attorney ; Carson explained their
case to the court and the judge
asked that the matter go over to
some future time . for sentence
while he had a chance to look. Into
tne legal phases of tho case. The
youths were allowed to go on
their own recognizance , pending
further consideration by the court,
The incident In Question Is al
leged to have occurred on the Sil
verton road April 14. Complaint
was signed by S. A. Malehorn of
the state police.
The state admitted that the two
boys, Miller and Schaefer. had as
far as the state knew, no mone
tary interest In the affair.
According to tho district attor
ney, the ear wasnt functioning
properly, so between them the boys
woraea up a schemo to make the
old automobile pay for a new one.
Near the Hazel Green school, gaso
line was poured into it and Paul
Schaefer tossed a lighted match
Into the car and the trio pushed
it over a bank into a field.
Schaefer, it is said, very nearly
suffered burns and injuries as the
gasoline was touched off investi
gating officers discovered a five
gallon can near the spot.
GENEVA, April 29. (AP)
The statesmen ot the "big five"
the United States, Great Bri
tain, France. Italy and Germany
and the general commission ot
the world disarmament confer
ence decided abruptly today to
suspend activities for two weeks,
leaving the coast clear for a
League of Nations . decision to
morrow on the Slno-Japaneso dis
pute. '
A plenary session of the as
sembly ot the league will heaf a
long report ot its committee of
19 submitted as a program to ex
pedite, the Slno-Japanese armis
tice negotiations at Shanghai. "
The committee will recommend
that the assembly accept a com
promise advanced ' In Shankhal
peace conferences by Sir Miles
Lampson, . British minister - to
China,- providing . tor -. gradual
withdrawal ot Japanese forces to
ward the international settlement.
The .-Japanese now have a ring
ot entrenched soldiers around
the city. Y Y
DUBLIN, Irish Free State, April
21. -(AP)- Tho bill to abolish
the Oath to the British crown was
passed on second reading by the
dail tonight, 77 to 71.
Jury 's Report
stored la the basement. Green
houses have many thousands of
balbs aad plants. There is a. bed.
serines and mattress ' manufac
tory which saves the state muen
money. . . " z-' - i "
One ot the busiest places Is the
laundry. A large number of men
aad women are employed. Eight
million pieces are laundered each
year and 21,000 pieces are laun
dered ; each working day ot the
year. ; s.v - v-.t a Y Y" '; '
. Much effort has 4eeft made to
make .the cottage farm an asset
to the Institution and careful se
lection aad breeding have devel
ooed a One- dairy herd - as well
aa a flock of poultry which pro
duces more eggs than can -1 be
used.- -
-. Completing the report, the Jury
reports as follows: ' "One ot the
members of - the grand Jury ;
familiar with -the visit to the Ore
gon state hospital that was made
by a number , of aapertntandenta
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
Salem, Oregon, Saturday
Five men, Seven Women to
- Hear Malfeasance and
: Negligence Charge :
Mayor Files . Statement of
Refusal to Resign in
Face of Recall
PORTLAND," Ore., April 2t
(AP) Selection ot a Jury to try
four -Portland city officials, . in
cluding .Mayor . George L. Baker,
on charges ot malfeasance and ne
gligence in office, was concluded
In an overtime circuit court ses
sion here tonight.
Standing trial with Baker are
John M. Mann and Earl Riley,
city commissioners, Olaf Laur-
gaard. city engineer, and C. Leo
Wilson, a contractor, indicted i
an alleged access or t In the mal
feasance case.
The jury as sworn In is compos
ed of five men and seven women
and one woman alternate.
Following completion of the
jury, court adjourned until I: SO
o'clock Monday morning.
PORTLAND, Ore., April 29
(AP) Mayor George L. Baker
and City Commissioner John M.
Mann issued separate statements
tonight refusing flatly to resign
from office.
: The statements were Issued In
reply to notices given them by
City Auditor George R. Funk in
forming them that petitions bear
ing enough names to invoke a re
call election had been filed with
him and that the city officials had
five days In which to decide woe- !
ther to face tho election or resign.
The election will bo held May 20.
In his statement Mayor Baker
declared that "the time has come
when Portland must hare a show
down" and that ho Is ready to en
ter tho battle with facts to show
the motives that have actuated
the recall movement.
Arson operatives for the state
police department Friday extend-
i ed their investigations to Hood
River, where the VanHorn cold
storage plant, and a warehouse
owned by the American Fruit
Growers, Inc., were destroyed late
Thursday with a loss of approxi
mately 180,000. The fire was said
to have been of incendiary origin.
The arson squad has partly
completed investigations of al
leged Incendiary tires at Medford
and Klamath Falls. These fires
were In the industrial districts.
The officers indicated that they
had found some valuable Infor
mation which might lead to grand
ury investigation and the arrest
of the persons responsible for the
Similar fires In the Eugene In
dustrial district will bo investigat
ed by tho arson operatives as soon
as tne insurance adjusters com
plete their work.
investigation also is in prog
ress in connection with the fire
which late Wednesday destroxed
two Salem warehouses with a loss
of $5500. These structures were
in the industrial district, and had
been used for storage purposes.'
State police said 'everything
possible was being done to appre
hend the tiro bugs responsible for
the recent series- ot incendiary
fires. . ' . -r-rr
ARLINGTON. Ore.. April
(AP) Before a large audience
which included agricultural engi
neers from three northwest col
leges, the first Diesel type tractor J M re MnllPnmn 2 -ever
used la the Pacifle aorthwestli5 rUlnL.y.F f
today completed ,a ... two-month
plowing Job on a ranch near here.
The 00-horse power caterpillar
plowed C280 acres In 41 working
days, an average ot 149.5 acres a
day,. Including the time used in
moving bet ween fields. The aver
ages operating cost tor fuel on
was only I.? cents aa acre, while
the apkeep for the two months
was under 93.
W. J. Gllmore. of Oregon State
college, C G. Johnson, ot Wash
ington State college, aad' Hobart
Beresford. Ualverssty ' of Idaho.
examined the machine and check
ed records as soon as the ran was
-The agricultural specialists ex
pressed the ( opinion -. the Diesel
tractof may mark a revolutionary
advance in power farming.
. CORVALL1S, Ore., .April 29
f API John Tompkins of Dayton
won the Oregon championship In
the public speaking contest held
here tn connection with the con
vention '-of the Oregon chapter of
Future Farmers et America,
Jlornfaig; April 80, 1932.
rtlln I liUilliLE.
Special Precautions Taken
By Hawaiian Governor;
Police Watchful :
Dudley Field Malone Asks
President Hoover to
Intervene in Case
HONOLULU, Apr! 29 (AP)
Although the national guard
wm not called oat. It waa learn '
from several of its officers to
night they were keeping In
touch with each other by tele ,
phono so Mm to be able to go
into ' action should any emer
gency arise. as an aftermath, to
the conviction in the Joseph
Kahahawal lynching case. :
- It was no secret that tho
navy element of the population
was not only Indignant bat
Outwardly tho whole city
was nnnsuaUy qnlet, police
aald, but many citizen" inter-
pretea uus aa qdumh. idb
streets were almost deserted.
HONOLULU, April 29 (AP).
Lawrence M. Jndd, governor of
Hawaii, was ready tor anything"
tonight as news of the man
slaughter conviction of the de
fendants in the Joseph Kahaha
wal lynching ease spread like
wildfire througout Honolulu.
Reports - were spread that the
governor had called out the na
tional guard but he denied this.
He admitted however, that pre
cautions had been taken against
a possible emergency but declined
to say what these measures were.
"Certainly we have taken pre
cautions," he said. "We are ready j
for anything." . - - . ,
Territorial Attorney .General
Harry Hewitt also said there was
no truth in the report that the
national guard had been called
Chief of Police A. F. Webber,
who called out every available po
liceman to preserve order while
the verdict was being returned.
said he had taken no additional
precautions against a disturbance
except to have all members of his
force "on their toes."
NEW YORK, April 29. (AP)
Dudley Field. Malone, attorney
who at first considered going-to
(Turn to page 2, col. 2)
(AP) ' Louisiana's irrepressible
Huey Long assailed the democra
tic leadership of Senator Robin
son in defiant language today and
received a stinging rebuke and a
challenge to contest the Arkansan
for his post.
Resentful of Robinson's oppo
sition to his program tor redistri
buting wealth through a limita
tion on incomes and inheritances,
Long resigned from the commit
tees to which he was assigned as a
democrat, '
Long opened his attack after
Robinson expressed opposition to
his resolution to 'instruct the fi
nance committee' to draft a bill
limiting incomes to 11,000,000 a
year and life time Inheritances to
25,000,000. ,
"What's a man going to do with
more than a million , dollars T"
Long asked, waving in the air a
bible from which he had' been
quoting." v YY' Y
Loses Her Suit
: gains0Salem
The city of Salem as defendant
in a ease-before circuit court Fri
day won a Jury verdict against
Mrs. : J. F. Mouencop, .plaintiff,
who asked . for' 15.000, damages
for. Injuries alleged to have been
sustalaed . la .en accident at - the
airport ony dedication day. . Once
before, tho ease had been lost by
the plaintiff when the court threw
it out. Appeal ras -taken. to. the
supreme eoart on a ejuestion et
law. .This. was. reversed and the
ease Just eame to trial again be
fore Judge H. K. Zimmerman.-
Scheduled. to come Up for trial
before Judge Zimmerman Friday
afteraoon: tho ease ef Alma. Maaw
rice Alstpan against Olat Uortea -
on una Morgan ju. etaton taueai
to materialise when attorneys an
nounced a settlement' had been
reached after a morning's bicker
ing; -Action had been brought tor
S29.C50 damages tor injuries sua-1
tamed la an automobile accident
near New Era, April 12, 1931.
Lose Fight For V indication in - -
"Honor Slaying Case in Hawaii
James A. Martin, Trusty at
Institution, Suicide;
Body Is not Found ,
James A. Martin, 39, trusty at
the. Oregon state hospital here,
committed suicide at S o'clock
yesterday afternoon by jumping
off the Center street bridge into
the Willamette river. The body
was not recovered last night.
The man's identity was estaV
lished by his hat and handker
chief, which he laid on the bridge
sidewalk Just before jumping off.
They bore his name and the hos
pital laundry marks. He took tho
leap from a point midway between
.the east approach and the center
span of tho bridge.
According to bystanders, Mar
tin had come to the bridg around
1:30 o'clock and loitered about
until ho took the leap. Ho landed
lengthwise in the water, floated a
short distance, then sank.
No suicidal tendencies had
been noticeable In Martin, said
Dr. John C. Evans, assistant su
perintendent ot the hospital, yes
terday evening. Dr. Evans said
(Turn to page 2, col. 2)
Many Pay Visits
To Meyer Store
Hundreds of Salem citizens paid
their first visit to tho Fred Meyer
store en North Liberty street yes
terday when that-Institution open
ed for'busines ia this city. -
- Tne j'frerjr. store, succeeding
Byrne's, isa added a complete
grocery line to4he drug line which
it carried when located on North
Commercial street. ; Byrne's stock
was destroyed by Cre 40 days ago
whan the Breymaa building was
destroyed., -To-accommodate the
crowd, the store was kept open
Friday night.
Enthusiasm marked the meet
ing -of workers on behalf of the
candidacy ot Douglas McKay for
mayor of Salem, which waa held
last night ia the chamber ef com
merce rooms, drgahisation mat
ters were freely discussed, ' the
candidate lauded, aad plans for
mulated - for a "Douglas McKay
for Mayor" el ah. McKay was pres
ent and addressed 'the gathering
briefly; Precinct ehalrmenrwill be
appelated by the executive com
mittee and a general meeting will
be held again aext Friday -night
August. Hockestein, 'president of
tho McKay for Mayor organisa
tion, presided,-with R. H- Baesett
eecretary.? Yru-";.V" .'j..-'-.!s
- uik Am ma smhm an-ao ajaaa mw w
High tribute waa paid to Me-
1 Cay aa a business man, aa.eaer-
gotle worker ia organizations., a
man ' devoted to . community f up
building. -and on e who bore hon
orable wounds received ia the na
tion's service. Speakers touehed
oa the fact lhat while he has re
sided-here-a comparatively short
aamber ef yearn, he haa rlsea ta
Y ' Y -
Only 25 Suspension Slips
SUll out in Secret
Society Cleanup
Of the 150 students suspended
from Salem high school on ac
count of secret society affiliations,
125 had been reinstated at tho
close of school yesterday, estimat
ed Assistant Principal R. W. Tav-
enner. No definite cneca naa
been made. The remaining 15, he
said, probably were unavoidably
delayed in arranging to furnish
the affidavits bearing their par
ents' signatures. Although the to
tal membership in the societies
had been estimated variously from
200 to 300. Tavenner stated that
the actual membership appeared
to be less than first believed.
Students who took advantage of
the suspensions to take a brief va
cation from school, delaying the
reinstatement procedure, yester
day found their absences from
elass branded as unexcused. This
may interfere with their standing
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
Cali Burned to
Death in Blaze
At Hansen Home
Salem central tire station ans
wered a call to the home of Rev
Hansen of tho Full Goepel Mis
sion, wh6 resides on route 5. Just
beyond the end of South 12tb
street, late Friday night.
A chicken brooder, shed and
barn burned, and while the house
was badly scorched it was saved
from tho blax by the work ot
William Bechtel and Paul Phillips
who took the one piece out which
is generally used tor suburban
fires. v
The monetary loss was not de
termined but a calf was burned
and several ehickens perished tn
the blase.,
-Race Shown
a post ef leadership la commun
ity matters. -
McKay reiterated ale stand fa
to ring- municipal ownership et
the water system. He said he had
made one promise aad ear one
aad that was to carry eat aa
promptly and as economically as
possible the will 'of tho people as
expressed in the charter amend
meat.' He said that while he had
opposed a bond issue of such else
as was voted, he regarded the
will of Ihe people as supreme aad
would endeavor- honestly aad ef
ficiently to- proceed under the
terms of tho charter amendment.
- Ono speaker who said he was
heartily In favor et Doug McKay
for mayor was Dr. B. F, Pound,
know as aa advocate of the city's
aeqalrinr the" water plant. He
said he spoke as a friend of ma
n id pal ownership; ' thar he was
for McKay because or his known
Integrity and honesty, and be
cause McKay would carry out the
will of the pewpie.'5- -
(Tura to pego 2, col. I)
No. 343
Maximum Penalty 10 Year
.; But Jury Adds Word of
Pea for Leniency :
Case Will be Appealed to
Territorial Court and .
Higher if Needed
HONOLULU. - April 29 '(AP)
Twelve men of varied racial ori
gin tonight eonricted of mis .
slaughter the four persons accused m
of lynching Joseph Kahahawal fer
vengeance. The Jury recommend
ed Jenleney.
The. defendants. Lieutenant
Thomas H. Massie; his mother-la-law,
Mrs. Granville Forteseue, aad
two navy enlisted men, Albert O.
Jones and E. J. Lord, received that
vendict with varying reactions.
The verdict left various possi
bilities for the length and manner
ot punishment. Tho maxim sat
penalty Is ten years imprisonment.
The lightest sentence possible)
would be a ten-year suspended
sentence for each. But the court
can use discretion between these
extremes. The governor ot tho
territory has the power to par
don any or all the defendants.
Mrs. Massie Sobs
As Verdict Heard
A sob broke the 'tense slleace
when Mrs. Thalia Massie, wife of
the naval officer and victim of a
criminal attack In which Kahaha
wal allegedly confessed partaking,
heard the verdict which may meam
ten years imprisonment for her
husband, the admitted killer; her
aristocratic mother, and the two
navy "gobs."
Montgomery Winn of the de
fense gave notice of sppeal. Judge
Davis announced the defendants
would be placed la custody of Cap
taln Ward Wort man, a naval offi
cer, and that sentence would be
pronounced a week from today.
The climax of the long-dram.
charged case was over quickly, re
quiring only about ten mlnutee.
As the defendant walked oat.
Mrs. Massie still was sobbJaav
Massie's lips were white and sot.
Mrs. Fortescue's countenance wae
blanched but her eyes were dry
and there was something of an air
or derianco in her manner. Lord
and Jones smiled at friends who
spoke to them.
Other women in the courtroom
had wet eyes.
Clarence narrow, nraf ilafMu
attorney whd came out of retire
ment to plead the cause of the.
four accused, did not arise aad
took no part In any of the final
Darrow's associate. Charles g.
Leisure, said that on the appeal
the case would go to the territor
ial court and then to the ninth dis
trict United States elrcult court et
appeal In California, if necessary.
Tans did the aged defenders'
double plea of Insanity on tho part
of Massie and his reference to the
unwritten law phases of the case
come to naught.
And likewise came victory for
Joha C. Kelley. younr Irish law
yer who was named public prose
cutor tor Honolulu in the political
shakeup which followed tho lynch
Symphony Group
Oners Concert,
Last oi Season
The symphony orchestra s
In Salem will close tonight with
the third concert of the oreh
to be presented at the armory
ginning at 8:15 o'clock.
This civic organization
Its practice last November and
made stead j advance until
program to ho presented tonight
represents a decidedly advanced
and superior seleetioa of com tea-
tloaa. ... -, -
The orchestra Is under the di
rection of Prof. R. W. Hans
Assisting oa the program aa
artiste wtl bo C. Earle Jenaings,
baritone, aad a asw voice la Sa
lem musical world. He cose as
highly commended aad ' his ap-'
pearaaco will be an added lnterestf
la the complete program.
Hit-Run iDrryer
PORTLAND, Oto4 AprilJ9"
"(AP) Allen A. Stanton, 11; who " -police
aay has confessed he drove ;
the automobile which ran down." -aad
killed two men hire April 20 Y
and whr- drove away without - v
stopping, ' waived preliminary -hearing
ia municipal court today Y
aad was bound over to the eoaaty
grand Jury oa a charge of iarehi '
matary manslaughter. -
t '
' ;
i Y