The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 29, 1932, Page 2, Image 2

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    PAGC TV70
The Call -Board
Crowd at DeJardin Assault i
Case vTrjal4 Overflows
Council Chamber ;
:. w (Continue from paw 1)
are extremely sorry for the occur
rence and particularly sorry tor
the accounts of the affair which
liar oeen printed ia the- news
papers, a Urge number of the de-
talle to which there Is ne truth
- "There la a code among boy
to do taints ofthla kind tn deal-
inr with such a- sanation.
These defendants are rood, dean,
aestandlnz bevs. The causa X
tnstle will be best followed if
' the court allows a minimum fine.'
MOynthan Speaks in
Conciliatory Veint w :
Rosa pointed oat that two things
mizht be done: The ooys .tuven
fair nnnlshment to vindicate jus-
-. tlee: but that that which was best
- ' for the boys saiem ruiure cut
sens t be also neeaeo oy
Moynlhan. speaking for the De-
Jardln iot i' Barents, aeciarea
- "The narenta are not seeking
- lood JTher realize, ininstlce has
done? and want so far as
Tod -Marian Marsh in
"Beauty and the BosC 5
Today Pat O'Brien and Mae
Clarke la "The Final Edi-
Hon." .
.aT; :. &
oday-TJna Market la "The
j $80,000 Loss; Occasioned
! At Cold Storage Plant; to
-. Place Armed Guards; J
- ; BoiXTWOOD .
Today Ken " Maynard.
" The Poeateilo Kid." f.
Manager Stumbo out at the
Hollywood tails the column that
"Lena Rivers ' tMcft opened
Thursday at the Orpheum ia Port
land will open at the Hollywood
May IS and run through May 18
and 17. :
; (Continued from pas 1)
Hutton declared It was of tneea
diary origin and was started ia
both barns at about the same
Reports of the arson operatives
of; the state police department
who have been- inTeetigatUf al
leged incendiary fires, in the la
dastrlal dlstrlcU'ef Medtord and
Klamath Falls, were expected to
be filed here within the next two
or three days, it was announced
by officials. ;
Investigation of the recent ore
la the Eugene industrial district
wilt begin as soon as the insur
ance adjusters hare completed
their work. This fire also was
said to hare been set.
Proof of Mae Clarke's talents
aa a versatile actress is offered In
a review of her past few talkie
performances. In W a tor lob
Bridge she played 'a tragic girl
of the streets; in "Reckless Liv-
ing she" was a manicures? ; in
nuaainle in' hare harmonious rele-1 "Three Wise Girts." for Columbia.
hmi continued between their t she was mannlkln; in "Franken
bor and other boys.
Harden, in pronouncing sen
tence, said ih part:
"It Is truer that there are some
extenuating .circumstances in this
matter, but when such a thing as
this oecnrs'on a downtown street.
It Is not such a trivial matter and
ranaot be considered a minor in
fraction." . 4
Appearing here Toluntarily to
enter plea to charge of poisoning
levied against her. by Mrs. J. J.
Donaldson of woodburn, Mrs.
Mlna Foltz yesterday came before
the Justice of the peace and enter
ed plea of not guilty. Tentative
date for the hearing ia May f at
2 o'clock. Judge Miller Haydea
Clarence Muse, one of the f5re-lreleed her on her own recogal-
stein" she was the well-bred and
Charming fiancee of the young
medical student and now in "The
Final Edition", the current War
ner Bros. Capitol attraction, she
plays a newspaper sob sister. Pat
O'Brien appears opposite her.
f Continued from pas 1
brought to' bear on the school ad
ministration yesterday for rein
statement of the expelled boys, it
was understood.
,A graduate member of the Slg-
masjaat!onal fraternity to wnicn
a number of Salem high school
hovs. belonced. announced last
night that his organization had
neither surrendered Its roster to
school officials, nor agreed to
disband, as reported. The Slg
mas, he said, did drop all high
school students from membership
These students voluntarily pre
sented a list of their names to
school officials. The Slgmas yes
terday received telegrams from
many other chapters protesting
giving np of any of the fratem
city's papers.
The Slgmas and the Friars
' have been changed to organize'
tions for alumni solely, according
to verified reports. Principal
Wolf yesterday said the Gam
mas, Phis, Floys and Zetas, girls'
secret societies, had agreed to
turn over their rosters to him at
any time. .The Delta Chls, fifth
boys' group, he said was never
formally organized, did net have
a constitution.
-- ILIgh school authorities made
It plain that they would not tem
porise with the various secret so
cieties." George Hug, superinten
dent, declared 1 that alumni of
some of the societies had ap-
i proached high scho'ol instructors
with the proposal that the organ-
, lzatlons be allowed to continue
under faculty supervision.
"Our orders from the school
board are specific," Hug said,
T"and we intend to carry them out
to the letter."
most negro artists in the country.
has another important role in
"The Secret Witness," the Colum-
bla mystery thriller now showing
at the Grand theatre. Muse, a
noted baritone and actor, made
his Initial bow to film audiences
In "Hearts in Dixie." Since that
time he has been featured In over
a score of successes. Aside from
his film work. Muse la one of the
most popular radio artists In Cal
ifornia, being the master of cere
monies with "Bill Sharpies and
HIa Gang."
A thrilling new drama of the
open range will cvne to the Hol
lywood today with the showing
of "The Poeateilo Kid." This Is
the latest of the Tiffany Produc
tions westerns feat urine Ken
Maynard and his wonder horse
Tarzan. In the new picture the
star plays a dual role of sheriff
and villain. Marcellne Day Is his
leading lady and the film was di
rected by Phil Rosen.
sance in view of her action In ap
pearing voluntarily.
Mrs, Folts was arrested in Red
ding, Calif., March II. upon com
plaint sworn out In Justice court
here by Mrs. Donaldson. Both Mrs,
Donaldson and her husband prior
to issuance or the warrant tiled
affidavits alleging that Mrs. Folts,
who nursed Mrs. Donaldson while
she was 111, attempted to poison
Mrs. Donaldson at her home No
vember 4, because of infatuation
with J. J. Donaldson
The affidavits allege the nurse
gave the sick woman a poisonous
mixture Instead of her regular
medicine. The specific charge is
attempting to kill or injure by
plans constituting an assault, but
by administering poison.
Mrs. Foltz was released shortly
after her arrest by Redding au
thorities upon orders from the
office of the district attorney
here. She later returned to this
section, appearing here yesterday.
- ':""uny-. ...-t-'1 v mm tar -;
tit,. -v - . .
- Drawlnr contest ends tonight
at t o'clock! hare roar, drawings
at The Karmelkorn show near the
Klslnoro before that hour. ?
I Many drawings are being re
ceived, and somebody Is going to
win. Wish you all welL Z.n
9 I want to remind yon . again
that the winners must be present
when the awards -are made.
Geel but doesn't. this weather
make one teel drowsy T.V
One of our club members! Ha-
via Downs, is going to California
next week to . visit some of her
relatives. . ."-
I know you all Join mo la wish
ing her a pleasant Journey, and
good time.
H.M.C. ,
I can truthfully say that last
Saturday we had the best Mickey
Moose program wo have ever had.
It was short, but snappy. Every
number was a big nit. although
twice to. do his. and by that time
I .would aay "stole the show. Be
side him, the stars ,were. Betty
Brandt, elngtng "Where the Bine
of ' the Night". Rnth Toreenard
and her tenor rolce singing "Sun
bet". Rose Hdffer gave an" acro
batic - number- which was really
something different, and then
there was bur old little friend.
who always takes the audience.
Joan Frigaard. singing "A Little
Old Church la the Valley". Bar
bara Miller, one of Miss Barnes
stars, first gave a clever waits
dog. and then was encored for a
bit of, acrobatics.
More birthdays yet
Last week those, celebrating
the turning point in age were:
Douglas Juglns, Patsy Sharkey,
Dolores Brown, Mary Patterson,
Hazel Schaeffer. Lloyd Coffer.
Bobby Houghton. Edith Tanner.
Lucretia McClain, Roland Stew
art, Raymond Abst, Dorlo Seales,
Kicnara mngwald. Earl Warren.
Grace To racy, Bobby Warren, Es-
taivne Rarson. Lenabelle Atkins,
Ellis Buswell, Fred Andrews,
Billy Blake, Dorothea Graham.
Jimmy Gilbettson, Ilona Batson.
IU Mills, Roy Case. Clifton
Barnes, Jean Erlckson. and
Gladys Ross.
So Long until tomorrow,
Annual State Bus!; Event
At Forest Grove Opens?
Salem Sends Oroupf j;
: Salem . hlf a school musicians
will go to Forest Grove today aad
tomorrow to participate la the
Interstate "high school muste uur
nament sponsored ? by Padfls
nni varsity. - The local students
have a record of many victories
to upnoio. f i .- -
. Solo evenU will take place to-
dky. Representing Salem will be:
Helen Benner. girla low Tolee;
n Hotter, gtrW high volca; Ma
rie Patton. girls medium to ice;
Earl Potter, boys high voice:
William 8kewia. boys low velee;
Bob Reed, pianist, and Helen Pur-
vine, violinist. v
Under the direction ot Miss
Lena Belle Tartar, director of mu
sic, four singing groups nave been
developed for this competition.
They are the mixed chorus, girls
glee club, and boys and girls'
Quartets. The group events will
bo held tomorrow.-.
Students, who will participate
la the several .events win be as
fellows: . .
Helen Benner, Dorothy. Brown
ing.. Cora. Ellen . Bowman. . Bill
Bush, Eva Cochran, Taylor Coo-
r, Carroll Cummlngs, Beth De-
Lapp. Jean Doollttle, Paul Ed
mundson, Kenneth Fleming.
Bwald Frans. Gwen Gallaher, Dor
is Hart, Charlotte Haszard, Wll
helmlna Hilflker, Ila Hotter, John
Hughes, Harold Jepsen. Bill Jud
son, Enoch Maerz, Betty Martin.
Carl Mason, Doris MeCanister,
Jean McElhlnny. Frances Park.
Betty Parker. Marie Patton. Ra
chel Pemberton. Joyce Phelps.
Earle Potter, Lillian Potter, Hel
en Purrine, Bob- Read, Johnnie
Rutschman, Ernest Savage, Bill
8kewia, Geraldine 8pangh, Mar
ian Stone, Mlna Turner, Martha
Warren, Homer Welty, Guinevere
Grace deXXarpoort wl W the
aeoompaalst. ! - ;,
An Interesting project Is being
worked- out by-tho national. Red
Cross la the form of a gardes
seed offering to those who are in
need and have a plot of ground
upon which they can plant... v
1 Salem had XSt jackets of II
varieties of seedtm each packet.
ait loea niants. ana xnm supply
has been exhausted.' This amount
was the Quota for the. district
hero which Is comprised of MaN
Ion and Polk counties. . r
Miaa Thora Boeaen. head of the
Red Croaa, chapter in Salem, has
kept a cheek .on those receiving:
seed and will do follow-up work
this summer to. eo now well the
plan -works. It is being done In
order to giro food supply to the
people who would otherwise per
haps have to come for help dur
ing the winter months.
Hemorrhages and hardening of
the arteries were believed to have
been the cause of the sudden
death of E. H. Bailey, 58. whoso
body was found In bis barn early
Thursday morning. His absence
was not noted until lunch time,
although. It Is believed that ke
was stricken about 11: St while
pitching hay.
Bailey has lived at home for the
last jl years on his farm about
three miles north of Salem oh the
Pacific highway. Surviving him
are his widow, Sarah Bailey; one
daughter. Marguerite, both at
home; one brother living in Ore
gon City..
The remains are in care of the
Salem Mortuary, and funeral ar
rangements will be made and an
nounced later.
,l!IIWIIWI Wll 1
t ! Wherever one coetk tkrouah the
infddla ' vest . farorablo ' comment
It heard about Oregon. "Ton bet?
that's a tine state. I'm going there
If X ever get loose., - - V.V.
This report was brought back
to Salem this week by Oscar-D.
"Frosty". Olson after spending
two . and one-halt weeks oa a .trip
which took htm j to Rochester,
Mimu "where his wife received
treatment at the Mayo Bros, hos-
altaL x.' i. -5
"Just the reason for this sup-
potf'of Oregon ! do not know,1
Olson remarked, "but the state is
well known and people like tl X
aaw ia many of the cities evidenc
es of a determined mora to. bring
business back: ad dubs and kin
dred organizations are doing co
operative advertising urging peo
ple to spend money, make im
provements, reanme business ae-
Mrs. Olson was pleased with
the benefits received by her treat
ment at the hospital. She expects
a return to normal health within
Usten To What
About That Cough :
- Perry Drug Store aaya:
. "There'a no need to hack your
aelt to pieces by coughing like
thai. One dose of Bronchullne
Emulsion will give you INSTANT
RELIEF. Two doses will probably
stop it for good. Half a bottle cer
tainly will or I won't keep your
I don't care what else you've
tried, nor. how long your, cough
has hung on. I am willing to bet
that Bronchullne will stop it. No
dope in It. Nothing to upset your
stomach. And the taste Isn't half
as bad as you think It's going to
be from the smell, so J out swal
low it down. Money back, remem
ber. If you don't get relief."
ai'short tlmov Ko ohronlf aCmea
was found fit thorough-going an
amination made by the Mayo phy-;
sicians.' Her mother, Mrs. B. F.
Largest, who underwent a serious
operation at . the dints - seven
weeks ago, returned with Mrs.' Ol
son. Her home is in Marshfleld.
She Is much Improved In health,
Cento of ffls TaPdeo
Tonight W Present '
Flrat Frtao ISA Gel4 i
ad. rttse tXW Gold -Third
Prtne auo eUlver
and Eea's latest AH Thrill
AH Action Western
1 carfif
.Also &ed Grange in
"GaSoplnr Ghost"
News, SasunerTflle
Comedy M Cartoon Comedy
Mickey Mouse Matinee
Saturday l:SO P. M.
PARIS, April 29. (Friday)
i (AP) Ex-President Jose Fran-
clssco uriburu of Argentina died
early today at .a hospital where
lie underwent an operation for
stomach ulcers last Saturday.
Marian Marsh, co-starred with
Warren William in "Beauty and
the Boss," the Warner Bros, pic
ture coming to Warner Bros. El
slnore today is the youngest lead
ing lady of starring rank on the
screes. Miss Marsh has been on
the screen about a year, rising
from extra to stardom. She re
cently celebrated her 18th birth
day by starring in "Under
Eighteen", In which she also ap
peared with William.
The large cast of "Beauty and
the Boss." which was directed by
Spy Del Ruth, includes Charles
utterworth. .David Manners.
Frederick Kerr, Mary Doran, Lil
lian Bond, Tola D'Avril and Bar
bara Leonard.
MUSIH week ra
Solo. Joan Evens: "Great is Jeho
vah" (Schubert) Anthem, obllaato
solo by Ronald Craven: "Come
Unto Me" (Schubert) Three part
ladies 'chorus: "Hark. Hark the
Lark" (Schubert) Solo. Ronald
Craven; "The Lord la My Shep
herd" (Schubert) Ladles quartet;
"Fierce Was the Wild Billow"
(Noble). . .
.The organ numbers to be pre
sented are "Prayer from Octette?
Schubert; "Moment , Musical
Schubert; "March Militalre"
In celebration of Better Music
Week the choir of the Knight
Memorial church will present a
Schnbe'rt concert Sunday night at
8 o'clock. Donald J. Allison will
accompany the choir.
The choir numbers Include:
"The Winter Is Put" (Wilson)
Chorus; "Ave Marea" (Schubert)
'V 1
Mickey Mouse Club
Meets at
Warner Bros. Elsinore
1:00 P. M.
Specialty Number from
. Barbara Barnes School of
lw' M MP
1 WW I
. . f'Jf, Padded -. ;; -... I
"f V ealarriageWowN
I? l ' : News - Curiosity
j in rt-n: y
Atj efficient
secretaiw dy day
T.lcrlzn J.ltth
Fon cusinsss irj hie
mehgeiisjvt nic-irr
c::cEftirr SI23VJAS
tco c2AirrirUL fou
11ETIIIEP ,r ;
.He uir,!His
nzs AF?cTr-:iTS
cri TC2cinr? s
Cbzrts Csttzmcrth
Comedy News
. L. Carlos Meier
II li . ill
mm mm
rr-HEY try hard to "refine it out"
jL these "luxury oils that cost you
so much. They aren't proud of their
carbon. It is a hard, flinty kind the
sort that clogs engines, causes damage,
" But SHELL MOTOR OIL, reason
ably priced, forms no hard carbon! It
is a different kind of oil guaranteed
by Shell Oil Company to do the finest
lubrication job you can get from an
oil an oil naturally, free from hard
carbon. . " " -1
Which will you choose? Safe, eco
nomical SHltLL MOTOR OIL or a
high priced carbon-former which can
(and does) cause warped valves,
engine knocks, rapid wear.
ll Is oasy lo avoM KarJ carbor fcroubles. Shall
Motor Oil rorms wo harJ carbon imi a IlttU floffy
soot carriod kaimlossry away by tKo oxhsusi gases.
31 . .v
siwriwflrswswarMrsWsWflMraMBssssn vsk x-x
x-t-.v- 'y.'
I'm, a r' f , A i '
, ' ' v ' - v1 s ' ' - ' j- s' -r w 'I
rot SALf AT
fa&ixZ ccvurvn.
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nuf tut