The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 29, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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Z Partly cloody ' today, fiat- ;
uarday becoming unsettled,.
V probably rabu; Max. Temp. -
Tbimday 62, Mln. 87, river '
- els feet, K. B. wind.-r
Tve guarantee our. carrier
service. If your paper does -,
not arrive by 6:30 rail 0101 ;
and a ropy will be delivered
promptly. " . '-
LW HB rtsA-
FOUNBJ2Q, 1631
: aV; .- VirtH
Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, JAprll 29. 1932
No. W
I ; "
) HlfflGlFFI,
If (,..'r - 4 t . t , J
Crowd at OeJardln Assault
Case Wrial Overflows
Council Chamber
Reed Brothers, Cross and
Mobdyf Assessed $25
: And Court Costs i
Trial -of the teren Wffi ichool
dots,7 ebarred with assault, and
battery npon the persdn of Victor
DeJardln as ' result of; a" "ride"
April 19 which anpposedly , s;rew
out of secret society affairs at the
senior h!h school, moved rapid
ly once It got nnder way before
Justice" of the Peace Miller B.
Harden yesterday afternoon
The result was a fine of $25
lerled ssalnst each of four of the
seren: Frank Cross. James and
Charles i Reed and Glenn Moody;
and dismissal of the action as to.
James Nicholson. Jr.. - Kenmeth
FUelnxer and Lawrence Blalsdell
Judge tHayden fare the four
boys SO days In which to raise
the S25 fine, and if at the end
of that time each or aiL&as not
done so, it will be senred out m
the county Jail at the rate of $2
a day. -
More Leniency is
Sought by Roes
' Custer Ross, representing the
neienaants, aeciarea some ouiu
be unable to raise the fine easily.
nd Intimated he would like to
see it lowered, but Judge Hayden
declared he had taken the middle
ground, and added:
I do not want this matter con
sidered In the light that anyone.
high school ' boys or others, can
cet the Idea that he can 'beat up'
someone else and get orr wnn a
minimum fine of b. I
FTiirr an nour ana a nan uc-
fore 2 o'clock, time set for the I
trial, the Justice court cnamoer
was literacy jammea wnn siu-1
dents, and as more enaeavoreqio
get in as trial ume approacueu, i
the hearing was taten to me
II Ir. vA Vail
The chalge was mad; largely up!
on request or rrant epears, aci - i
ing for the Catlin estate, which w ucriuiuo asaea Z4 nours in wnicn to enter
owns the building. In which the Lieutenant Thomas H. Massie and plea, and will reappear this after
lustice eonrt Is loeated.pearstlr others aceused of slaying noon. Bail of each was set at
iWlared the bnildfriir unsafe With f
so large a crowd gathered.
Man StudenU is
Courtroom Crowd
Fully 500 students, with a good
sprlnkling of parents ana Business
men crowded the council cham-
ber for the trial.
Only one witness went on tne
Stand: Victor UeJarain,. wiiu
whose testimony the state rested,
Immediately .following this pre
sentation. Attorney Ross movea
tnr rflmntasal as to Blalsdell, Ni
cholson and Filsinger, on ground
f larv of evidence that they par
ticipated In the . affair. Neither
TJenntT District Attorney Page,
tnr the atate. nor Clifford Moynl
ban. ; representing the private
prosecutor, objected. 'j
Tonnr DeJardln. .17, told: how
about 8:20 o'clock the afternoon
cross, aaoouj uU "' fi, Associated Oil company In Its Pa
vtwa iImit nn to him near tnei .... . . mn
fied. ,thooys put him
nnnndina him and . knocking nis
neaa against iu
Jardin said he pu up a iignv
Tnpn tne dots. iuet uuumw -
. .l-i. vi anntb b
ing mm, iuu& mm "
road and Off a side
road DeJardln said all the while
yellow I was. They, asked me If
. .. m.
I W why theyro UWns me
rrX: ?J,ZJ$
they said I would soon find out
Denies Telllnjc Any
Of Club's Secrets
... a htm fiVA
'V... r." ,i
?L:J?nol&T thtZ school board here Dr. Epley, co
then let JJS Vat wSom operating with A. A. Lee who
boys KdKle to t was on the board at that Ume
S:'SU1 flBO. -ucceeded in bringing music
first ear out lnto.tno.eouniry. uci
SaiO. . i. -
aimiTVation that nothing was
examinauon, iua ,ftClety.
aio uut m v. ..
but that he inferred irom ine
hanoening that it mlgnt oe
- m m . mmM m aa rm ' - m na
,ul"V .
AAfat . wm ninn -- lussj a aw.
question i
aia - ia ea i n awn 111 a llcu uv
had some disagreemem wna i . hut denied ne naa - wen
initiated Into the society. He ad
mitted he had had possession of
tw0 papers belonging to the club,
and that he had been pledged to
loin the orcanlzatlon.
He : said be gave the PPr
back to. Gordon. Baeha and inat fifteen years ago In Boise, Ida
he disclosed none of the secrets Q5 BOmeon0 gtarted the idea of a
therein contained. - - ' ' - special celebration to promote
rmmaitlatal-V VMA dismissal OI v.... Wm tTna rrM
the case aa to the Wtf?"ow;?"
tesUmoay above outlined, tne
other It our boys :mJf'JES?
pleas, changing-their former pica
of not guilty to guilty.
riea-for Leniency
T MmA Tsw ROM -
At tia oint.Attorner R
made a plea for leniency tor the
boys, declaring: '
- rhta mm develoned from a
row which occurred In high
school something .about ; the
4. W. ociV7.
tlon which is Illegal as everyone
knows. Whether the boys are at
..! a- ...ila.Uv ilia and at v m
ficeTthVw U not to bVd -
elded here. .. - .
waa w " .
aa a.a .Am.tlilnr vnt VTOIir
-,. W aW-F vaa ww--. . ar - - w
All these boys have told me they
VVHvaiiaB aw
Students Cooperate
In Ridding
Expected to see
IFaTj Filet: Affidavits; two Societies, V ,
uumm rxain
Hi school officials in clearinjr
tion, the students yesterday proceeded to ffle their affidav-
its a speedily as possible. Of approximately 120 studenU
who received notice of suspension, 65. estimated Assistant
Principal Tavenner, had arranged for reinstatement.
Nordics Confer Alone; no
Sign- of Verdict as
30 Hours Pass by
HONOLULU, Apr. 28 (AP)
The Jury in the Joseph Kahahawai
lynching case was locked up for
the night at 10 p. m., (3:30 a. m
E g T Friday).
At that time it had been out 29
hours and 40 minutes without
showing any siens of having
ea,hed - verdict. Tt will resume
deliberations at 9 o'clock tomor-1
row (2:30 d. m.. Fridav E. S. T.)
HONOLULU. Apr. 28 (AP)
The seven men of Nordic blood on
the Joseph Kahahawai lynching
case Jury came out of the jury
room late today and stood on a
balcony in the rain while their
five colleagues, of oriental and
native strain remained inside.
The seven men stood in a
sr0up and talked for several mln
utes Dut it was impossible for
spectators to draw any conclu
Blon8 M to tne eignifIcanCe f
It was the first manifestation
?f any kind from the Jury since
- - ----- - - - . -, - .
ivananawai ior engeance.
Honolulu, Apr. zs (AF)
Public Prosecutor John C. Kelley
1 wmgni rejeciea. a suggesuon 01
i ueienso counsel max u Bgrre- i
ment be made whereby a verdict
I .L - J l . .111. A .1 A I
I reacnea oy eiiner len or eieven oi i
i tne jurors in tne josepn Kanana-i
i wai lyncniog case woum ds
ceptable to both sides.
, a...-a t
,B the win
be 8lnging of tha g0ng "Dream
j u t- r.
rb1 of Ralen. The sonar haa re-
e.iT6d favorable mention
. .
"rongaum me nwriuweov.
Associaiea uu eoapnr,
which will be heard over KGW.
Dr. EDlev organized tne lirst
wJmX University male quar-
terf and for 35 years was choris-
Dr. Epley organized the first
teifot the First Christian church
here. For eight years he was
leader of the boys', chorus.
L In . 19 tt when serving on the
with ttia a1a.tlnn nt M!b Mfnatia
I mtatrmrm nnw nt Pnrflanrt aa ill.
rector ot mulie.
In order to create an Interest
ii. i .v. tv.t
l'""" 1" ""JTrrT-Vr
'.'tT -Zi.yiT.A .r.i Z-
a rna av nirn nrmniiLKU . a a aaua u v
r -
!. an1 nthar onerettaa.
b m w - -
Unprecedented Interest s
Is Shown in Music Week
the national .observance of Music
week which wUl open all oyer. the
country with musical programs
M x Md continue through the
entire week.
Eight years ago Mrs. waiter
A. Denton became Interested tin
the state observation of ;. Music
week and since that time has
been state director ot music week
as well as local director, of the
plana for. the week. The Salem
. a . a Xl.ll aV - -
i w a a ja TMavnam ss BSfraaisar nn n mss
H.a'.tMiM an A tar.
i c" JL JrZnt Vr "tbe
thered f the :elef .it
I wee K 10C1J. UUt wifca u
Ut this yeart .1. wp.ttat
I music weea w btouiuo
la a A at A ll Valmai A aval
. . . a
- - - . -
uons as y-ne muaica piw-
School of
all Reinstated ; 65 so
up the secret society situa
while no definite deadline
set for fUlag of the affldaylU dt
elarint the stndenta had with
drawn from the iUegal society
memberships. Instructions from
the school board were that sus
pended students should take the
required steps toward reinstate
ment not later than today. Prin
cipal Fred D. Wolf said.
There Is no reason for delay.
Tarenner commented. "We'll co
operate all we can. We want
them back in school as soon as
Reinstatement of the three
boys acquitted yesterday of the
assault-and battery eharee fhed
in connection with the abduction
" Victor DeJardln Is out of the
"0' "coram to jclpal
jueso uuj, j 11 mes .xNicnoi-
son. Jr., Kenneth Filsinger and
Lawrence uiauaeu. were ex
pelled by the board last Tuesday
lor the remainder of the semes
ter, along with the four who
pleaded guilty yesterday.
The court action has nothing
to do with the schools," he de-
Heavy pressure- was
(Turn to page 2, col.
Accused of burning an automo
bile with Intent to Injure Insurer,
Clarence Wolf, Paul Miller and
Paul Sharer were haled before
Ju8tice of the Peace Miller Hay-
" '"'"u' ..wiuuuu.
Tne incident is alleged to have
occurred on the Sllverton road
April 14. Complaint was signed
Dy s. A. iMaienorn or tne state po-
The state police have been in
A t A. .
vesiigaung iwo car ourning
cases. Tne car wnicn leatured m
ic-iidu case was regiBierea io
Mary Wolf. 2045 North 4th street.
but owned, according to the po
lice, by her son, Clarence Wolf. It
wasTeported stolen from Its park
ing place near the paper mill the
lght it was burned.
Persons attending a meeting at
the Hazel Green schoolhouse re
ported burning of a car there
that night, and said that investi
gation showed no one to be about
the machine. Police discovered a
five gallon can, which they said
IliUtUolVt DAlILt
JTOKYO, April 29. (Friday )
(AP) Japanese dispatches from
Manchuria, said today
Major General Mural's brigade of
T. i,aa a
fiHaTbaSe with ChtaeS in-
L TJSfiL. wfln? 100
of the chnese. but without de-
clslve advantage to either side.
The Rengo news agency re
ported the battle was fought all
Wednesday night and Thursday
morning. Afterward the Insur
gents, estimated at 8000, stood
intrenched four kilometers from
Correspondents of the newspa-
1 ... A..h( mr,A Vl.h I 7lil aa
well as the Rengo agency, said
the insurgents apparently had at-
i . -i irk.,
I . .v " -T.i-
iiu uruv era ibiibb un lur cuaaain
I motor tracks
Schools, churches, service clubs,
chamber of commerce. Individuals!
thrnnrn mnatai Mmiiin and
W" - "
"w " '
clubs, all. are working together
in amasing enthusiasm according
to Mrs. Denton. t -
The eivlc-community concert
Saturday night In the armory will
have on its program 800 perform -
era, according to the present plans
announced. Seating tor this num
ber ot performers and for . the
huge audience which will hear the
program i only one ot the prob-
lems which have fallen on the
shoulders ot Mrs. Denton as dl
rector and aer -eommuiee or ir.
H. C. Epley, Charles E. Wilson of
the ehamber of commerce, Mrs.
M. Endlcott. chairman of the In -
stltutions department of the Sa -
i. vrr... xtr-m t f
A dig IIVBUia a V. U U. wilt mifc w.
Geer. ' mnsic -chairman of - the
Woman's elub. . - . .
Eleven . per Cent Wage cut
For Employes Getting
Over $2500 Voted
Hoover Fnriouah Plan Goei
" I F - , 7
wuwn lu www "W
With.5-day Week
Swinging behind its leaders, a
weary and hard-driven house to
night approved sections In the
economy bill designed to save
Earlier, It voted down the Hoo
ver payless furlough plan and ad
opted an 11 per cent wage cut for
all em pipy ee receiving more than
After a hectic session, the mem-
Ders reiurnea lomgm 10 raiiy
. . A. . - M A A a t
against effort of Insurgents to
84. This assured a saving of
about $12,000,000 for the bill.
The turmoil-shaken legislators
then turned to provisions restrict
ing allowances and extra compen
sation for federal employes, es
timated to save about $13,700,
000. but only after the Insurgent
coalition had been beaten down
on numerous amendments.
Portions of Planned
Economy Defeated
The Hoover five-day week and
furlough without pay plan, esti
mated to save about $82,000,000,
was offered as a substitute to the
emasculated McDuffie flat 11 per
cent proposal, exempting $1,000,
by Representative Ramseyer of
Iowa, republican member of the
economy committee. But It was
defeated 179 to 156.
Before the house finished with
the wage-cut provision the bi-par
tisan Opponents struck -out the
provision eliminating the Satur
day half holiday for federal em
ployes, estimated to save $9,000,-
000. Limitation of salaries of re
construction finance .corporation
employes to a maximum of $10,-
000 also was approved.
With $55,000,000 eliminated
from the expected savings of $67,
000,000 from the McDuffie wage
cut plan and the $9,000,000
through the defeat of the Satur
day half holiday provision, the
insurgents knocked $64,000,000
from the omnibus measure.
BOSTON. Apr. 28 (AP) A
huge Hon ran wild, on the fifth
floor of a downtown hotel to-
SL'TolfJS. mf in1" Inic
Five were hurt slightly.
Tho Hon plunged twice through
plate glass windows from one
room Into another. A squad of
police, armed with long whips
and aided by a trainer, finally
placed the animal In a cage.
The Hon known to the movies
"Leo," a veteran film perform
er, first leaped through a window
into the studio control room.
crowd In the reception room hear
ing the crash, tried to leave but
elevators were not able to take
them all off the floor at once.
The lion was soon brought back
into the- broadcasting chamber
and after an announcer related
ana aiier an announcer reiaiea
wlut had happened tho beast
JPeA through another window
1010 the reception room.
Two mntnrfati vara rrato.A
city police as the result of two
i auiomohii
automobile accidents and Stan-
ley Mitts, who Is snfferlnr from
a fraptnred arm. w.. taken to
: m '
i Cai i-v.
Salem Deaconess hospital.
C. W. Pogue, 2217 Lee street,
was arrested an a rharea of drlv.
Ing on the wrong side of the
street, causing an accident. This
colUslon. in which vonnr MItta
was Injured, occurred atlSthand
Lewis streets.
As the result ot collision ot
automobiles operated by E. J.
jaekson and O. P. Lehl. both of
Portland at Commercial and MH-
I ir streets. Johnson was arrested
I .Vaa. aS aV am la. .
I ria-ht-of-way.
Harold Sned. 918 North 18th
J street, was arrested on a charge
1 of speeding through aa utersee
1 QUWm TDs.A
PORTLAND. Ore., April XI.
I CAP) Immediate construction of
- 1 those portions of the two r pro
loosed shortcut highways -rromi ducted In behalf of Jobs N. - Gar -
I Portland to the sea as haye been
a. l fixed or will soon oe nxea win
1 be urged upon the state highway
1 commission tomorrow by a deie -
latA Mn.auntlaf : (ha ' Vat1i.I niitui tha. .t.Mi m turn whom
I . ouuu0 . . .
I west Oregon Development ' asso -
iciauon. , . :
Phone's Dial
Salem, ean'-equal the tory' of I
the Taklma ralley aebool teacher
vno vest to sleep on a ledce of
rock and -woke up to find a rat-
.Uesnake looklnr at 'Her.
- Mrs. W. B. IaraUa, 415 N. 13rd
er Into the hole In the dial derlea
aha. Jabbed a snake. Starred , she
jumped back and saw a small car
ter snake colled around the dlal-
Inr derlce of the telephone. The 1
was aura. Mr. Henry who
the neighborhood, - was
called and removed the snake
which- proved to be about a toot
It Is a wall phone so the sup
position is that soma one ceiled
the snake around the dlaL
n 1. -
Dtniaill3 yet IWU; CCUnumy
Program is Furthered
At Board Meeting
PORTLAND, April 28 (AP)
Awarding of contracts on 14
state projects totaling $450,000,
sale of $172,000 bond Issue of
which $97,000 was sold at a pre
mium, and the inauguration of
aerial surveys for projected high
way routing featured the meeting
of the state highway commission
here today.
The commissioners at their
meeting also outlined further
steps In their economy program
by reduction of maintenance and
shop crews to seven-hour day ef
fective next June and the elim
ination of three patrol crews.
J. C. Compton, McMinnvllle
contractor, was awarded rhree of
the 14 Jobs.
Barham Brothers of Salem
secured two bridge contracts,
construction over railway tracks
north of Portland and on the Co
lumbia river highway at Dillon,
at $8,709.50 for the first and
$11,251.50 tor the second project
The largest contract awarded
today, the second time It has
been called for bids, the surfacing
of the Boyer-Valley Junction sec
tion of the Salmon river highway
and the Dolph-Sherldan section
of tho MeMInnTille -jnilamook
highway; went to Wren ft Gree
nough, Portland. The firm bid
$136,765 for the 27.6 miles Im
provement. The First National bank of
Portland entered a bid for tho
entire $172,000 remaining of the
million dollar bond Issue author
ized by the commission several
months ago in order to carry out
regular highway work. Other
bids entered brought the total to
umer nignway awards an
nounced late today include:
New Era-Can by section of the
Pacific highway In Clackamas
county, two miles grading, -to
,7- bW
received for: this Job.
Trout creek-Upper Soda creek
section of Santlam highway, 8.4
miles grading in Llnn.count'y. to
Johnson Brothers, Klamath Falls,
at $00,818.
. vr.,.Vm zo
(AP ) -Invocation of a recall elec-
on against Mayor George L. Ba-
iUKTLiAND, ore... April 28
raw coiUMCT
ker and City Commissioner John I company for hiring local archl
M. Mann was virtually assured to- teets. letting contracts locally and
. James uieason, county regutrar
oi elections, and L N. Penfield,
aepuiy city auaitor In charge of
elections, announced more than
the required 15,714 names of reg
istered voters to invoke the recall
will be on file tomorrow.
The announcement came after
the two officials had cheeked Dart
of Iare number of petitions !
tnrned ,n today, thelast day on
which they could bo accepted.
The exact count Will not bo
avauanie until some Ume Friday
lwo cnecaers saio tne per-
cenUge Of "good" names In the
anal Petitions was running high
"a ial WT9 prooaoiy wouia do
margin of more . than 1000
name on each petition.
Three Cornered
.Will be Bitter
(AP) A bitter, three-cornered
fight for eontrol of the -delegation
to the national 4 convention
and Internal dissension over, par
ty control embroiled California
democrats today aa each . taction
appealed for support La Tuesday!
nraaldantlal tirlmarr.
I . T.lai Mmnitm -baractaHzad
I By eharxearbf nolltlcal treaeherv
- 1 and "whispertng.- have been eon
Bef . Franklin D. Roosevelt and
i Alfred E. Smith for the demo
I eratie preference. Under the law,
1 California delegates are bound
wyjfv.a . " wHw.wa. . wmwu.
1 they ' are pledged until he releases
t tnem. - - . ' :
$C0f0W ;Lpss Occasioned
At Cold Storage Plant to
- Place Armed Guards
Rebuilding Warehouses of
White Firm Uncertain;
History Recalled
HOOD RIVER, Ore., April It
-(AP) Loss estimated by own- j
era at mora -than $80,000 was
caused hero, today by fire which
destroyed the Van Horn cold stor-1
ago plant of tho Applo Growers
association, and a warehouse or l
tho American Fruit Growers. Ine. I
State police said there was some l
evidence of Incendiarism. I
Tho loss to the cold storage I
plant was estimated at about $71-1
000. and to tho American com-lues
pany, at mora than $5,000. The
damage was partly covered by In
surance. Duo to the epidemic of ware
house fires In the Pacific north
west the. cooperative has station
ed armed guards at all other
properties in the city and valley.
Owners of the warehouse said
that faced with one of the largest
apple and pear crops in the val
ley, It will be necessary o rebuild
to take care of the tonnage.
Whether or not the two ware
house barns which were destroyed
by fire Wednesday night will be
replaced was undecided by the
owners, Harley O. and Floyd M
White, yesterday. They said these
were only "side" warehouses anil
their contents comprised only a
small part of the stock of their
firm. D. A. White and Sons.
The buildings and feed and seed
stored in them are considered a
total loss, amonntinr to $5500.
Insurance claim adlnstem will In-
meet th ruins soon.
nutnr. rMtt I thtk older f
tho two barns, that nearest the
river, according to Frank Welch.
pioneer who worked In the build-I
in. i. itti tt- AwnAif
" " -
by Squier Farrar and company,
grocers, shippers and packers.
The building was used as head-
-T-V .viT
T ;n.T, : muivru
IsasinsifiiTii-lnM n
w S
Vires UHaer way
uiiraugmuvu wu iu iwKca
V ..... I. ,.nH. -rlh
this fire. Fire Chief Harry
(Turn to page 2, col. 8)
-t,:. aWi- 5 i-LJ
lieves It more to tho city's welfare
1?' om KJJJi
letter to be sent to Salem service
dubs and tho chamber of com
merce today.
At recent meetings, criticism
has been made against contracts
amounting to about $75,000
which were given to outside con
tractors daring tho first three
months of the present year. Tho
letter goes so far as to accuse
outside contractors of using un
ethical methods in letting sub-con
On the other hand, the builders
have praised the owners ot the
nave praisea m owners oi inw
Breym.n and White blocks and of
the Western Paper Converting
I specifying the use of building ma-
I terlals from Salem dealers and
employment of Salem labor.
Dairy Co-op to
Hjr.j. C..-- Mayor tuggins u accused oi sign
aleet Saturday ing megal warrants against the
Explanation of the recent drop
In milk price to distributors, and
other matters will come before a
meeting of local Dairy Coopers
tlve association members, called
tor Saturday afternoon at 1:80
o'clock at tho chamber of com
I merce.
Don Hendrie,Lee Pepion
PORTLAND, April 28. (AP)
Oregoalane made a clean sweep
of the Pacific Northwest Amateur
- 1 luo union m wreaiuag loarna
ment which ended here tonight.
Here are new enampions:
Don Wagner, Oregon State col-
letre. . heavyweight.
Don Avrit, Oregon 7 8tate col
lege. 191 pounds. : u--'
Harry - Kallander, Multnomabi
dub, Portland, 114 pounds. A
Harold Johnson. Reedsport
I Athletic club. 188 pounds.
- 1 -Herbert T. Burgeson. Multno-
1 mah." 14 5 pounds.
I E. R. Bierberdorf, Portland
- 1 T. M. C. A.. 114 pounds.
I v Don Hendrle.' Salem T. M. C
to I A., 121 pounds.
i Taa txanlnit niamaaa1 Ta4la
i . " . "
l school,-115- pounds.
-;. -ia - aaaiuoa im winning -
:;rajuM -in Bombing
Injunction Over f
Municipal Mart
Site is Sought
PORTLAND. April 28. (AP)
Walter W. Whltbeck, as a tax-
here an Injunction suit to prevent
tbe eltr of Portland's onrchamlar
a municipal market sita e Front
The complaint charges arrange-
meats for purchase of the market
site were made without calling
of any bids and that tho purchase
price was $200,009 too much and
that In tho alleged overpayment
there was a "wilful conspiracy be-
tween defendants herein, the par-
thereto, to waste and expend
and convert to their own use the
said sums.
Candidate for Senate Talks
At Yew Park Meeting
Along With Hulet
The power Issue Is at. the bot
torn of our economic troubles.'
Kenneth Harlan, candidate for the
U. S. senate told a responsive au-
dience that filled the seats in Tew
Prk hall last nijcht at the meet-
nS held by the South Side Corn-
munity club, municipal ownership
"When the restraint of free
competition is removed." Harlan
said, "there is no further excuse
tor "Rowing the capitalistic sys-
tem to wor" ,l" eT,Is !n tne Power
I L..I. ... A I . 1. I - W f
OUBueoB- AU BB,iaw wu,cu
I monopoly is not private business,
I I. I. VII. I I ,
He said every candidate Is now
for development of the Columbia
I because that is a popular issue,
but U federal government do-
1 vaTArkfM aw f IVa VMAnAoA haa It-tat
I wiwyuivu aavsvsv aaaa aaav
annAP rtaa tutvafi trntt alaA
I Svinu tha trnmt nlana tn An aalJanan rnlAi Th ama4-
.ftl TiAnliior 1am Knv nnww at
I - -
I tt.A dkm and 'onttnn to Ml It at
exorbitant rates.
The people will not benefit un
less the state develops tho power
on the Columbia, he said.
Harlan favors election of the
president by popular vote, broad
er scope of postal savings to cover!
unlimited, deposoits, struck at the
reconstruction finance measure
hich he called a "two billion dol
lar dole for bankers." and propos
ed a' shifting of the tax burden to
those able to pay.
Charles C. Hulet. candidate for
"P."? J ""..r J'":
the rich.
(Turn to page 8, col. T)
VANCOUVER. Wash- April 28
(AP) Mayor John P. KIggins
of Vancouver was aceused of
'malfeasance, misfeasance and
corruption" in office In a com
plaint filed in superior court here
today by Dale McMullen, prose
cuting attorney.
McMullen said he was acting on
miormauon suppucu
a a a. If a a a
jniuer, propnwor oi a ioc r waiHng In tb, -treets between in
plane machine Shop. I ternectlona. 11 Mr eent aatnr
The eomplalnt cites a long Ust
of alleged violations of state laws.
current expense iuqui ior auir-
plles hnd equipment for the city.
The complaint alleges that mem
bers ot the couneil sold, supplies
to the city and received warrants
in payment thereof, contrary to
the statutes which: specify that of
ficers ot the city shall not be In
terested In contracts.
Mai: Champs
northwest title, all the champions
axeent Lee Penlon will be Invited
la nartlcinata in the national
A. A. U. Olympic, tryouts in Jer -
amr citr. Penion la automatically
excluded from that tournament
beeaaaa there la ne Olvmnle wres -
tllng to weights under, J.21
nonnda. - v ;
Wagner won the unlimited
heawwelrht ehamnlonahla with
a fall Avar Cdwarm Pnhr. 8t Mar.
tins college, to f minutes, 87 see- contends, and that to the eeaetJ
onds. " - : w -v . :. I tutlonal reqairement to the maK
iLee Pepion woa m fall over A.
T. nihaan -nnatiaehad. to t mln -
tea, IS seconds, and Hendrle
gained a fall ovei Clarence Grelg. 1 on " we lemiory inwuj k
ot the Salem T. X. C to 1 ed.". he says. "It to true that wlth-miftataa-
v mmAnit ' -.-.v.. . I la limited areas - an apparently
Don Segal, another Salem ;T.
man whn reached the finals, lost
to Harold Johnson tn S minutes,
. . . ..
.as seconoa. v-;:'";. - . : -,
Head " of 'An&Chisssa
Forces in RecesS
Trouble it one
Korean Believed
-Who Hurled BomE
It Attacked
SHANGHAI. ADrfl jS1t.u -
day) (AP) Four of tho high
est Japanese officials in Shanghai,
Including General Toshlnort Sni
rakawa. commander of the army
here and leader of the Japaaoa
forces In the Shanghai fighting,
were seriously Injured by a bomb
explosion here today.
Tne two most seriously lajared
were Mamoru Shigemitsu, Japan
ese minister to China and director
of the recent peace parleys hero,
and Consul General. Kuramatsw
Also among' the Injured was
Major General Kenkichl Uyerfa.
who began the Shanghai battle as
commander but was replaced by
General Shirakawa.
The bomb was tossed by an uni
dentified man. belired to be a Kor
ean, into the speakers stand at a
big military review in Hongkew
park In honor of the birthday of
Emperor HIrohlto of Japan.
Following the blast the huge
crowd. closed in on the man ac
cused of hurling the bomb. Japan
ese military officers attending the
review sought to establish order.
They rescued the man accused but
It was not known immediately
whether he was dead or alive.
Officials said Generals ShIraka-
wa and Uyeda were not critically
Scores of foreign military of fl
eers. Including a number of offi-
cers of the United States Marino
force and tho thirty-first U. S. ia-
I 1 ...
iam.ry narrowiy escapea possieio
serious Injury from the bomb.
1 PM.. I ,M -
Ion the platform until a few mia-
I utes before the bomb exploded, as
guests of the Japanese. Most ot
them departed, however, when tho
I Tananava Vjm k aaa4u - .a
i m ajaucou" aCfiui IQUtB A
amAiU1iaa lnf4aJ blar1-'9A.
loan. warmaAms. At..nm.
I -""
I when tha, Knmh -rn1nAA
"We have a problem worse than
war automobile- accidents, baw
r-an Hal tr vjmm immUm mM
state, fn an .ccIdent-prevntl-
"TV 'ZJ? " " -Z ITX
members of the A. E. F. were kin
ed. 53.640 persons were killed ra
automobile accidents last year. be
pointed out.
Secretary Hoss displayed a ser
ies of charts prepared by his de
partment to Illustrate causes and
frequency of accidents, and hew
to prevent them. The accident-
program Is three-fold engineer-
Ing, enforcement of law and ed
ucation. One ot the charts explained
that with present-day automobile
only 1 In 20 accidents can be laid
to mechanical defects of the ma
chine. "The problem resolves it
self down to tho human element
tho man behind tho wheel."
"Look out for the pedestrian.
warned one of the charts. It show
ed that 27 per cent of pedestrian
I killed K an torn ob ilea have fceea
.treet. t intersections. "Thoavo-
rage pedestrian who gets killed by
automobile la not decrepit, an
nounced Hoss. "He is between
the ages of 21 and S4."
8 peed is a Urge factor in eaua-'
Ing serious accidents, according
to the speaker. Demonstrating the
danger of high speeds, he showed
a chart comparing the impact ot
an automobile striking a fixed ob
ject at 40-mlle an hour speed aa
equal to that ot a drop off a 10
story building, 120 feet.
Carson Offers
New Argument
OnTuition Tax
A new. argument tn support of
I the blrh school tuition act
I brought out yesterday by District
I Attorney John H. Carson tn a
I brief filed in the case of M. Weln-
1 acht vs. Sheriff: O. Tt.
1 which Involves the validity ot the
I tuition tax. Carson claims that
I Ue tax Is not levied by dtotricta-
I but- by county. It is uniform
I throuxhout the taxing district.
Ur. . .
1 The law contemplates pladng
I the burden of school expense -.
gross tojusUee to done, but when'
i the area la considered aa pan
I only of the taxing ditrlct, the ap-
I u-. kuatllf. mAmm --
uwmmuv w