The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 26, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESS1AN Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, April 2 S, 1932
3 ..
, Accidents NnmeroM" ;M lior
automobile accidents Wore nnmer
ou ' ' orer the weekend. . Mrs.
George C. Weller, 945 Shipping
street, suffered a bruised ' arm
when . tbe automobile . driven by
her husband collided with another
driven by; . Lars Bergsvik, 1920
North Summer street, Summer
and Shipping streets Sunday even
ins;.; An unidentified ' pedestrian
was. taken to a hospital Sunday
after being hit by a motorcycle
ridden by. Robert Heckma, . 09
North Front street..- .- Other acci
dents f.were a- follows: W. H.
Lynn, route three, and Mrs. N.jlB.
Clement; 1C1S Nebraska on State;
Charles Goode, 666 Thompson,
and IV. S. VBorelle. 1J C South
23rd. on Chameketa; R. B. That
cher, 1020 North Summer,, and C.
Blundell. Oregon I Packing com
pany, at 110 NprtCapltol; Hel
en Schetbner 1 8 South Com
mereial, and an unidentified mo
torist, on Sammer; Ralph Parsons.
105?i Saginaw, and an unidenti
tied motorist, at State "and Lib
erty: . Constance Kantner. 833
North Commercial, and Mrs. S. B.
Ashelman, at Court and Front .
Complete line of thrifty, hardy
bedding plants. Salem's Petland.
Mae Clinks Listed Nine clin
ics are listed on the Marion coun
ty health department calendar for
Ihe remainder of this week: Tuea
day all-day mllkhandlers' at
health center bv Dr. Vernon A
Douglas. 10 a. m. toxoid at Sll-
Terton by Dr. C. C. Dauer and aft
ernoon preschool at Sihrerton, Dr
Dauer; Wednesday m o r n i n g
school at health center. Dr. Doug
las, and all-day clinic at Park
school. Dr. Dauer r Thursday
morning preschool at health cen
ter by Dr. J. R. Backstrand. 9:30
a. m. toxoid at Mt. Angel, ail-day
school, preschool and toxoid at
Mehama. Dr. Douglas; Saturday
8:30 to 10 a. m. toxoid and
vaccination clinle at health cen
ter. Dr. Douglas. There will be no
Friday preschool clinic this week
Wrestling, double main event
Henry Jones ts. Pat Finnegan
Art O'Reilly ts. Prof. Newton
No time limit. Vern Harrington
referee, 8:30 tonight.
Kosturos Answers Answering
complaint of Fred A. Hunt and
Estil Hunt, Peter Kosturos seta.
. forth that by oral agreement
Fred A. Hunt sub-leased the Cen
tral hotel, 187 North High, and
that upon dissatisfaction of either
party Hunt was to step out. De
fendant says he was to receive
half Interest In net receipts from
rentals and that further, that he
owes plaintiff nothing on account.
Defendant says he alleged he call
ed an end to the sub-lease when
Hnnt, while under Influence of li
quor, used violent language in
front of patrons.
Amend Answer F. D. Kaser
and Frank Eberhart, defendants
in circuit court suit brought by
Henry Zollner, . yesterday filed
amended answer la which they al
.lege plaintiff failed to comply
with terms of contract inasmuch
as plaintiff failed to furnish cer
tain equipment for use In operat
ing place owned by Zollner. De
fendants took the place over that
' F. M. Morley made assignment of
his Interest in the lease.
For lumber, shingles and building
material, see Pedee Lumber Co..
1231 Edgewater street. W. Salem
Phone 3311. W. T. Grier, Mgr. '
McDougal Answers Answering
complaint of A. S. Kirishian for
money-due on rugs. Walter L. Mc
Dougal says his daughter Marjor
le purchased rugs worth $1204.
50 and that 81054 was paid on
account, and the balance, 8150.50
Transient Runs Wild - A- tran
sient, giving his address, as Port
land, Stanley Hermanovich, was
arrested ly local police for drunk
and disorderly conduct. Municipal
Judge Mark Poulseo . yesterday
sentenced: him to serve five days
In jalL Hermanovich Is reported
first to have demanded, liquor at
the Ben Sin restaurant on State
street, .and;, being told 'none, was
for sale, to have bitten the pro
prietor then -attacked another
Chinese while the former sought
the police. Hermanovich was ar
rested at the Depot cafe,. 411
South 12th street ,after the - pro
prietor used a catsup bottle to
subdue him.
Wrestling,, double main event.
Henry Jones vs. Pat i Finnegan,
Art O'Reilly vs. Prof. Newton.
No time limit. Vern Harrington .
-referee, 8:30 tonight. '
Delaaeys Home - California's
warm weather and sunshine were
never so pleasant to - J..T. rDe-
laney, manager of - the Oregon-
Washington -Water ; Service com
pany, as during Jk combined business-
and pleasure trip there from
which he has-just returned, he
Intimated yesterday. I Delaney
says it took the two- weeks spent
down there to entirely "knock
out" the flu, which he suffered
for several weeks. He was ac
companied on the trip by Mrs.
Delaney, the time being spent
largely around Los Angeles,
where a festive air prevades pre
liminary to the forthcoming
Si ifflsirioiiis
Would Prevent any Further
Loaning at This Time,
Says Jerry Owen
The executive committee St the
Oregon department, American Le
gion, at a meeting in Portland
Sunday, voted unanimously
against requesting a moratorium
tor an indefinite period on princi
pal and tnterest on .world war vet
erans' state aid loans. This was
announced v Monday by Jerrold
Owen, secretary of the state bonus
commission and prominent -. In
American Legion affairs.
Resolutions were received from
five American Legion posts In
Oregon demanding the morator
ium. Owen said there was approxi
mately $30,000,000 represented in
veterans loans in Oregon at this
time. ..-
Several reasons were given for
rejection of the move for a mora
torium.' These Included the appar
ent unconstitutionality of the pro
posal; that were it practical It
would - deprive all veterans who J
have not yet taken advantage of
such loans from obtaining funds;
prevent payment of cash bonuses,
benefit less than 15 per cent of
the borrowers, and make it im
possible for the state to retire the
$2,000,000 bond issue which be
comes due this year.
Owen said the proposed mora
torium would defeat the .purpose
for which some of the posts had
Coming Events -
April SO ' ' Salens 8ym
phouy Orchestra concert at
armory. : v : .
". May MjuAc week, v
May -Oregon confer
ence oa Child Health and
Protection. . rj.-
May 6- Toung People's
and Women's Missionary
State society. Free Metbe
dht 'church. -,-r' : -,
May 7 Optometrist coo
vratlon. " ' - "
" May -7 Annual May
Day festivities, Willamette
May 25-20-37 Oregoa
Farmers fJaloa convention.
Spa chocolates for Mother's Day.
Williams Winner Joe Wil
liams is proudly displying a large
beautiful silver cup, a trophy giv
en him as winner in the district
contest of Willard battery distrib
utors. The district includes seven
western states, Alaska and Hawaii.
Williams' distributing territory Is
Marlon, Polk, Benton and Yam
hill countes. His sales volume ex
ceeded those even of the Los An
geles and San Francisco territor
ies. Williams attended the meet
ing of Willard salesmen in Port
land Friday, where the presenta
tion was made.
Assembly This Week The bi
weekly Salem high school assem
bly will be held after the luncheon
period on Thursday with the sen
iors and juniors attending. Other
student meetings this week wil
be: Tuesday physics and biology
sections of Science club, Girls'
Letter club, boys' double quar
tet and Girls' league cabinet;
Wednesday Techne, French and
German clubs, and Girls' double
octette;, Friday Glee club and
Snikpoh society.
Dance Mellowmoon Wed. nite.
Jlmmie Whippo Campus Chords
Paul Iewis Returns Paul
Lewis, West Point appointee and
son of Mrs. C. I. Lewis of Salem,
has returned her front the Ha
waiian islands -where he spent 15
months visiting with bis brother.
Lieutenant Hubert Lewis. Paul
will remain here until he receives
orders to report at the military
academy. He will leave in time
to visit New York relatives be
fore the opening of school, July
suggested the move. He declared
that 85 per cent of the borrowers
of the $30,000,000 lu loans were
paid up to dateand that if suen
action were taken It would cut oft
further loans. .
The cemmlsstoa has paid $20,-
000 in cash to ex-soldiers during
the past three months. Owen said.
Owen continued that the bonus
commission had been very lenient
in its dealings with . ex-service
men, and that the borrowers had,
been given- every opportunity, to
save their property.
Sheriffs Kales Executions
filed with the county clerk yes
terday show Chrysler coach be
longing to defendant Clara K.
Berthelson was sold to Dough
erty and Bairey for $100 In con-
Orchids Abound A party of
local people who made a trip Sun
day to visit, relatives of some of
the group' near Wllholt springs,
report terrible roads but tbe larg
eat and most beautiful array of
wild orchids ever seen growing
in the woods. Both cars bearing
the local people became stuck, in
such bad shape was the road on
account of rains. On the trip were
Sylvia Mattson, Henry Mattson,
Lydia Rehfuss, Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Fromm, Charles Mattson and
Frances Mattson.
Mildred Cuddy, formerly of the
Marinello Shop, now at Mildred's
Beauty Shop, 335 N. High. Tel
Feldman Trial Today John
Feldman, charged with obtaining
money under false pretenses, will
appear in justice court this aft
ernoon at 2 o'clock for trial. Feld
man is accused by O. Umenoto
Japanese gardner of the Labish
section, of tendering him a bogus
check In payment for 63 sacks of
onions. When appraised that the
check was not good, Feldman
made no effort to the right the
matter, according to Umenoto's
Sheep Detract ."Driver of tbe
other car was a long ways behind
when I stopped to inquire direc
tions. but was looking at sheep
along the road and so ran into-my
car", writes Dan Perrine of 2366
Sandy boulevard. Portland, in re
porting a traffic accident April
21, near Fargo, in this . county
Driver of the other ear was Mrs
A. J. Schols of Aurora, the report
Save money. Bu good quality
merchandise at Miller's for less!
Guardian Reports Report of
Truma Huston, guardian of
Truth Anderson. Rose Yarnes
and Frances May Huston, heirs
of C. A. Huston, has filed annual
Doine eii
Occurrences and Gossip. ,;
at the center of - Oreiraas : 1 -
state government
SiiQW rilillll IS3
Discounting major construction.
the buildings situation Jn Salem
last week showed signs of liven
ing activity. While the building
permit total fell short of the pre
vious week's, through lack of a
project such as the new Jarman
building, permits for repairs and
alterations were more than dou
ble the week before and other
new construction was unchanged.
The week's total was $3958.
Permits were Issued- for two
large dwelling alteration Jobs, to
N. D. Litwiller, 1407 North Win
ter. $1500 and to C. P. Bishop,
785 Court. $1200.
The one permit for new con
struction was taken out by Mrs.
J. B. Craig, for a garage to be
erected at 533 South Commer
cial, costing $300.
Other alterations and repair
permits, most of them for dwell
ings, were as follows:
S. R. Wile, 530 North 22nd,
$200; A. T. Yeaton, 531 North
Cottage. $20; Lottie C. Smith,
1153 Oak. $50; Mrs. P. J. Lark
ins, dwelling at 565 South Com
mercial, $75; W. E. DeLong,
1996 South Commercial, $100;
E. Newton. 520 North 19th, $20;
C. S. Huddleston, 1853 Court,
$25; A. G. Eld. 1065 Erixon,
$48; J. M. Smith. 2361 Hazel.
$30; W. H. Boleh, 1092 North
Fifth, $30; Bertha C. McMahan.
911 North Front, $140; L. L.
Trexil, 652 North 14th. $230.
Character ballding and leader
ship qualities, which the Future
Farmers of America inculcates-la
the farm boy. "yet a bit shy aad
backward because ot lack of con
fidence, la one of the organisa
tion's greatest assets. Kenneth
Pettibone, 19, Corvallls youth and
president ot the National Future
Farmers, told members of - the
chamber of commerce here yester
day. "";; V-
Younx Pettibone. outstanding
Future Farmer In Oregon, stopped
here enroute to Corral lis . from
A'tshlngton, D. C, where he met
wtth his executive board to make
plans for the national -meeting la
Kansas City la November. Be
tween 1500 and 2000 boys are ex
pected to attend that meeting
from the membership, of over 65,-
000 in the country.
Oregon Future Farmers bow
number 1100 members, represent
ed la 34 chapters.
Pettibone explained that the or
ganisation functions solely in
those high schools, where Smith
Hughes vocational education work
Is organised, and where the Smith
Hughes instructors may be the ad
visor to the club. Its purpose is
several-fold: To promote voca
tional agriculture, to promote In
telligent selection of agricultural
pursuits, thrift and scholarship.
recreation and to sponsor cooper
ative buying and selling.
Cooperative buying and selling
are already being worked with
success, Pettibone said. He told of
requirements for the tour degrees
In the work, the final one ot
which stipulates that a boy must
be able to Invest $500 from
money earned In the Future
Farmer work.
The national group, extended
now to 46 states and Hawaii and
Porto Rico, was first set up In
1923, patterned somewhat after a
Virginian organixation.
T eaa never be said about Ore
gon's state police head officials
that all they do is sit at of
fice desks. George Alexander, as
sistant . superintendent, was at
Banks yesterday to keep an eye
on the Filipino-White conflict,
while last night Superintendent
Charles Pray accompanied Lieu
tenant Walter Lansing in chas
ing down a hit and mn driver,
and caught him at Jefferson.
Politics la certainly is the
air around tbe capitoI, and
Governor Meier had a lot of.
fun yesterday at the expense
of both Rafms Holmaa aad Hal
Hoes. Ia fact every actios tak
en the governor -facetfcmsly
pointed out tbe political angle
of it. The meetings were bar
monioua at least, so that's
something for a campaign sea
Hofman once asked 'the govi
ernor- hew -it felt to be so
"cocky." The executive replied
he was not running, for office,
and the only thing the voters
eould do would be to recall him.
and "then I'd have Che petitions
stolen," he countered. - - At any
rate the governor was enjoying
himself at the board sessions
during the day.
has been In 111 repute, and the
remark would be the reverse
from a ' compliment. ' ; However
Jim is not that kind of a sleuth.
so don't be alarmed. x'
' Chairman Leslie Scott of tbe
state highway commission and
Engineer R, H, Baldock ap
peared before the state land
board yesterday relative ; to
contlane waiver of royalty'-oa
sand and gravel taken from
banks , of navigable streams.
The matter was taken - under
advisement while the governor
encouragingly remarked that
he . waa glad . that at least
"something can be taken oat
or tbe banks now.
"The new state tubereujar hos
pital is completed and the $60,-
00 structure has been accepted
by the board r of control, it was
announced at the board session
yesterday. The - building was
erected by La H. Hoffman, Port
land contractor..
Mr. Meier returned to Port
land last night after- spending
a busy day at bis office. He
expects to remain in Portland
again this week becaase of the
serious illness of his mother-in-law,
Mrs. Mayer. He report
ed her condition yesterday as
being "only fair. Mrs. Meier
remained with her mother.
. The legislative act of 10S1
which provided .for relatives er
counties to pay "toward the
v maintenance of patients at the
state hospital and feeble mind
ed Institutions wfU be given a
test as to Its legality in Mult
nomah county May 5, It was
aanounced here Monday. The
state Instructed VanWInkle to
represent it at the proceedings.
Someone in Klamath Falls In
tended to compliment James
Stewart by referring to bim as a
Scotch sleuth in .land business.
But around the capitol the word
"sleuth" the past several months
nection with action brought by r 't ,'n proDate court, showing
expenditures for the year ot $1,
026.49 and a balance on hand of
Estate Closed - Decree closing
estate of Arthur E. McClain has
been granted the executor, J. Deo
McClain, In probate court here.
J. F. Daugherty: the plaintiff
was high bidder with $1295 in
foreclosure in case ot Pauline
Kohrberger vs. J. D,.. Hartwell
and Milne a. Kenyon.
Scott Protests
FSoyalty on Sand
For State Roads
A proposal to enforce payment
of a royalty of 10 cents per cubic
yard on all sand and gravel taken
from navigable streams in Oregon,
was opposed by Leslie M. Scott,
chairman ot the state highway
commission, at a meeting of the
state land board Monday.
Heretofore the board has waived
the royalty on sand and gravel
taken from navigable streams fot
use on state highways.
Scott said the proposal was unfair.
Benefit Karre&a At least 125
proffered, but that plaintiff re-I people attended the benefit bridge
fused to take tne i60.&u. mc- and 5oor party given by the
Dougal renews his offer in the Auxiliary to the Veterans of For-
answer. , eigu Wars at the Women's club- all this week
. . . c. tk house Monday night. .The pro- 471 Court St
I.MKiKitHm "TV" eeeds from the affair will ra Into
Our complete stock priced Vt off
Fleener Electrie,
BATON ROUGE, La.. April 25
(AP) The state of Louisiana
Is being run by a woman for
the first time in its history and
a young woman at that and nev
er knew the difference.
Attractive Miss Alice Lee Gros
jean, 25 year old secretary of
state, took charge of government
affairs as acting chief executive
for the duration of Governor Al
vin O. King's ten day absence at
the Governors' conference in Rich
mond. Va.. and handled all busi
ness that came to her desk as if
she had been used to it all her
She began work at 9:45 a.m..
and lost no time getting down to
routine. She has moved into the
executive mansion with her
mother, Mrs. George Grosjean.
Congratulations came in from
otner state officials and their
wives and from citizens of Baton
Rouge, she showed pleasure at
the good wishes extended her, but
rel'M on her smile to convey that
pleasure ratber than on oral com
tended the church service.
Several years ago 14 cases re
sulted from a similar situation.
At that time an evangelist prac
ticing divine healing by touch ex
posed a large number of persons
Members of Kappa Gamma
Rho. Willamette university men's
social fraternity, celebrated their
organisation's 12th birthday with
their 13th annual formal ban
quet, last night at the Masonic
temt)le. Including -guests and
members. 66 were present.
With a ship motif for the pro
gram. Alfred G. King, president
and toastmaster, introduced the
sneakers in nautical terms; as
follows: Admiral, retired. Clar
ence Oliver, an alumnus; captain
Clarence L. Poor; mate, Ralph
McCullough; engineer, Wesley
Janke: fireman. William Thome.
Honor guests were President
and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney and
Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Sher
From the flower-floored valley -v
to' the snow covered mountain was
the Sunday experience of the Che-
meketans, .13 strong, who with 16
Obsidians from Eugene essayed to
elimh Snow mountala. from base'
camp at Roaring river fish, hatch-v -
err. The lower trail was quite &
muddy and later the-party ran
into saow whieh was soft aad
DIM Mf guiug M) uni-WU ' l
party turned back after reaehlag ?
a point about a mile and a Quarter j
from the summit.
Only a tew spent Saturday night t
at the hatchery, most of the com-
pany going ia early Sundays .
morning. The start was made at ''
7:20 and camp was reached again
at four la the afternoon. Lanes -
was eaten in a driving saow storm -on
the mountain side. -
Dick Upjohn was party leader.'
Another phase of the proposed
power plant project for state in
stitutions was aired at the capi
tol yesterday whea the-matter of
convict labor was brought up on
complaint of the state federation
of labor. It seems the contract
would provide convict . workers
for the common labor, and sev
eral other things are Included or
excluded from the specifications
which It has been found out
since are of vital importance.
Voter Pamphlet ."
' Being Mailed to
400,000 Persons
' The 1 first consignment of 87.
000 voters' pamphlets for the pri
mary election was placed la the
mails here Saturday. Hal E. Hoss,
secretary of state announced.
The records of the state depart
meat indicated that more than
400.000 of these namphets would
fbe required to supply the voters.
Statements of candidates for non
partisan offices will he printed la
both the republican and democra
tic pamphlets and in addition, will.
be sent to voters of other political
The v cost of printing these
pamphlets will exceed $12,000, ot
which amount the candidates for
office will pay $4000.
As waa stated bj this rot
amn sometime ago, a lot will
be heard about the proposed
power plant a long time be
fore it will be bant, if it ever
is, and a long time afterward
la tbe event the plant is con
structed. However tbe board
went on record as having Mno
Intention of having convict la
bor run la competition with
free labor.'
The race for legislative posi
tions in various sections of the
state presents too keen a com
petition some candidates believe.
The first withdrawal was an
nounced Monday from the joint
Multnomah-Clackamas county
district when David S. Hasted
dropped out, leaving Represen
tative Harvey Wells and Henry
Robinson still competing for the
republican nomination.
Power Hearing
To be Delayed
3 Weeks More
Heariag of tbe proceeding
launched by Charles M. Thomas,
publc utility commissioner, ' ln-
vorring the rates, charges aad
practices of the Northwestern
Electric company, will be resumed
in Portland May 24 Instead of May
I, it was announced Monday.'
The hearing opened In Portland
two weeks ago, but later recessed
la order to give the electric com
pany's attorneys time to prepare
their case. The motion for a con
tinuance until May 24 was filed
by John A. Laing.
The state capitol will be the
scene, next week of tbe White
House conference of child wel
fare organizations In Oregon.
Several hundred representa
tives of social agencies, child
health and state-aMed institu
tions will be here to discuss
the many problems la this connection.
Pupils representing the North
Santiam school at the spelling
contest at Salem Saturday were
Marian Heltxel. Mary Tyler, Gen
evieve Tucker, Dorothy Bannick.
V""1" " ' , T"." I tn general fund of the auxiliary.
uon, wm u . jr Program numbers were given by
ociai oi ' rioueh-Barriok- nnartit Mm B.
C A. social rooms at 8 o'clock r i .d' " .
Amend Complaint Ralph C.
Zimmerman has filed amended
complaint in his case against John
Sonnen, a. foreclosure suit.
U. A. soca. rooo,. . . CoB, ehajrman
Thursday night tor members and . h benefit.
friends. A musical program, m
... M. I
addition to other entertainment. Our complete stock priced Vt off
is being planned, by the social all this week. Fleener Electric,
Mmmltlii 1471 Court St
TtanM Mellowmoon ' Wed. nite. I Pot Sfnr llvr With the
Jlmmie Whippo Campus ' Chords vaccination Saturday and Sunday Frank Kelley of Portland were
niM Nankins Linen nankins.!. .
givTn by the Salem linen'mllls been.vrted accordlnTto Dr Sa" mon- Bu' ood QualUy
Sreugh Fred J. Gilbraith man.- J?l!r merchandise at Miller's for less!
ger.wlll ,n8""er.f' officer. Vaccination of 13 more Portland Visitors Among the
chamber of Mmmerce "jnday persons will be made soon and Sondav Portland- visitors from
?.Si,v:; .nnncpd vterdVv at two pe"ons Bot be lm- here were Walter Zigler and Hel
las McKay announced yesterday at mii1ti,A wili ha isoi-Bd th
Estate Closed Final decree
has been entered closing estate ot
Estelle Kaylor. Anna Kaylor
Conklin is executrix.
From Portland Mr. and Mrs.
I - r r - oa , , I 3unriav vl.qitnra at tha home Of
vi h u 7 ov ircuiio cayuaeu vs i -
smallpox at a church service here Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wilson.
Fear Smallpox
Epidemic; Will
Vaccinate Many
Fearful of a smallpox epidemic
breaking out. Dr. Vernon A. Doug
las, county health officer, had as
many members as possible of the
First Church of God concregation
of last Sunday come to the health
-eenter Saturday for vaccination,
A member of- the congregation.
who attended church that day and
was reported as ill and nartlallv
oroaen. out ac me lime, is now
111 with the disease. Two weeks
of isolation are required by state
isw ror ail persons exposed to
tha diaeaaa wV. ..rn.. . v.
Ross, both ot Salem and J. Wal- the vaeel- .V.
... A Am9km V....11. ..4 .1. 1 " l.-W .-
ici AUAwa luutiutt nu air-
ter of Mrs. Mary E. Anderson of
Ohio. Also survived by seven
grandchildren and three great
grandchildren. .Native of Ohio,
aged 92 years 6 months 29 days.
Friends are Invited to attend the
funeral service from the Terwil
liger Funeral Home. 770 Cheme-
keta street. 2 p. m. Tuesday, April
26. Mr. W. W. Rosebrugh offici
ating. . Interment in Lee Mission
At the residence of her daugh
ter, 425 Kearney street, April 24,
Susan H. Adams, mother of Mrs.
Florence Martin and Mrs. C. D.
the chamber gathering.
munised will be Isolated until the J en Hill.
I en a or tne week.
Campbell to bdcm iwi.., v-k ts.
James U. Campbell of the Oregon Salem hlgh 8Cnool amateur typInR
supreme court will team, consisting of George For-
Kiwanls luncheon today. His sub- gard; Kathleen Lindbeck. Carolya
Ject will be "George Washington. Hunt aBd JetnBe c,adek won
in keeping with the celebration or
tnTJOOth anniversary of his birth. tred ,n the sUt! he,d tt
Weeka Appointed Dr. A. E. Ongon State . college Saturday
u..h.. a Their average speed was 67.53
appointed by Governor Meier as h"rda -or-minute with nine er-
a member of the state board otIror8'
denui; examiners. -He "weeds SaTe money buT good ,uality
ut. uii f,cu" "" I merchandise at Miller's for less!
term expirea .ipni . I '
Alsman Cases-j-ln cases ss Hasted, republican candidate for
Olad Mortenson Snd" Morgan b.i -nntatT, .B thm i.-.i-1-tn,.
Staton. default ot Staton has been I
allowed on plea of .attorneys for Multnomah and Clackamas coun
the respective -plaintiffs. Alma tJea has withdrawn from the
Maurice Alsman and Julia Als- ncef ne notified Secretary ct
man. - State Hoss Monday. There are
' " - 'L '' -'Jl.'" !ljl-vi-t now two candidates in the race.
-Seeks mf"2UXt Harvey ,S. Wells and N. Henry
-enforce payment, ot $2000. Allege Bo51lJon j , A . '
- "ed to have been agreed pon ar rT?'r :''?--?; : 'v Z
settlement veT "suit; has ? been l v case ; Continued Non-support
filed against Sarah Cetfenbury oy i charges brought against Lowell
W. J. Branstetter. . . : . !E. his wife were eontln-
S-tb" wi'i'--"-'-..-':-- ? --:3 twhen-th enasV-waa'1 broUrht
i a Car company V'Anp tot the SastiCi, ot the peace
f tomoblle, courpany .was. yesterdayi Jrfa.s-v.!v-
awarded default judgment r ot
tut ln 1tscnst airainst C. ' J
Hunt,-v- i .v:'.'
Seek to Wed Two Turner
people, Earl D. Standley, 35, and
Gladys Hale,- 22, were issued a
marriage license here yesterday.
BelereSt memorial
51 PalU Ifhstd
Jatt Tea tOaatei Tnm the Htart
Tawa .
Established 1803 Tel. 883S
Conveniently Accessible ;
Perpetual care provided tot '
Prices Reasonable
Law Provision
For Recovering
Fines Lacking
There is no provision of law
under which John B. Short may
recover from the state $50 a&4
costs, which he was fined for kill
lag a deer in closed season In
Jackson county. Attorney General
Van Winkle held in an opinion
handed down. Monday.
Short was alleged to have killed
tbe deer attef the legal time for
the opening of the deer season In
1929. but during the time that
the open season for killing deer
had been closed by proclamation
of the governor. .
The opinion was requested by
George Codding, district attorney
of Jackson county
It was also announced that
several nationally known speak
ers and experts on child welfare
will be sent here by the federal
government to address the con
ference. The delegates will also
visit the state institutions during
the three-day session.
Croqu I a e 1 e
Ringlet End
52.00 plete
Open Friday
Evenings by
307 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
TelL 3663
Branch ot Castle Pioneer
Permanent Wavers. Portland
Why have unsightly
ing hands'
There's a sure way for tbe
woman who keeps house to
protect her hands from
the roughening and coars
ening, effects of dishwash
ing and other housework.
Wear Rubber Gloves
We have a full range of
sizes . . all fine quality
gloves ' s guaranteed to
give long and satisfactory
Drug Store
135 N. Commercial St.
n itaact operaUM at at dm
S1 Oregoa Bid. rfcaaa SSOS
lMi:hM - vi
Call 6010, Csed Furniture
191 North High : ;
-. Wait' f or-Dlietor's bigf ire sile
Ok Weekend t Alarm Oaly oae
fire alarm was turned in' over the
, wMkisd. that 'for, a chimney
blase oa Norway street early yes
i Dr. Cbaa.Lam, '
Chinese Medicine -
148 N. Commercial
RMaua ,i aad S 1
' .'. "Office", hostrs V i
Tuesday and Satur
day 3 t5 fw as.
fat : -
Featuring National Baby week
and the State Child Health
conference, May 2-3 at the
Statehouse. ""
rTpjbe" publish
forni Sunday May J 1 v r .
Parents wishing to have their
children's pictures in this edi
tion should phone The States
man at once. .
:: :feclJmit;5'rVI:
i :
5 A arnaill harg&will 5e ; made for the cost of f . f
r -. v k'J no other expensed !
terday morning.