The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 24, 1932, Page 8, Image 8

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Orejon, Sunday Morning, April 24. 1932
3 MS eeK s aienaari
Ir - i. .
enefits are;
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Pervade Salem Th is:
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In Spring
Next Fortnight
THIS yeek and the following week are dedicated to music
; and nothing could be more appropriate to th6 spring
days than the gentle and subtle beauty of spring. days
-those with sunshine and warmth. U -
The Salem MacDowell club will start the week4 off jwith
its last program for the year, its "spring program' At this
time the Alicia McEhroy ensemble of Portland will be thels
sisting artists. Miss McElroy is well known in Salem where
she lived at one time and her ensemble group have appeared
; here in the past and have been appreciatively received.
' Reports have it that the ' j - ; ' : ; f
V : ticket sale isjone of tthe larg-1 yance-l r'Sv-'
est in; recent Concerts vt the Alto iiiy tnite?Fim
rtlnlL and-: that t la hnrWI
that ; the- Grand I theatre .will
P '- bewell, fUid.for fttafe occasion.:
- The curtain rises at 8:3fr Mock.
-..;.:" Tb a - program -Includes: j" ;
Part One-ft
A Swan (Six-part arr, by Cnaf-
fin) . ; . . ". .Grieg
Spring.. ' Lovely ; Spring ( Five-
part arr. by Chaffin) . . .Grieg
(a) Breezes of Springtime
(arr. by Branscombe) . .Jensen
Select Chorns
Incidental . Trio: Era Roberts,
Mary Capper, Margaret Slmms
(b) The Bugles of Fairyland
- MacDowell Club Octette'
(c) At Parting . . . . . .MaeDowell
Sylvia ..... . ... ... Speaks
MacDowell Club A Capella
:;' IV
A Little Dog Barked at the
Big Round Moon Conant
By Moonlight Spicker
MaeDowell Club Octette and
A Song of the Sea Stebbins
Part Two
Program by the Alicia
roy Ensemble:
' .r v.. I
Komm susser Tod
. Bach
Ballet Suite. . . . .Rameau-Motel
...A.. Minuet
V B. Musette
. . C. Tambourin
Woodland Sketchs . . . MacDowell
A. To a Water Lily
. B. By the-Meadow Brook
The Butterflies (Duet for
Flute . and Oboe) . . . . . Kronke
Flute Doris Wildman '
Oboe Mary. Cain ' -
Noisette., (Nut Cracker
Suite) .Tscbaikowsky
-L OTerture
II. Danse des Mirlltons
III. Danse de la Fee Dragee
; " IV.TlDanse des Fleurs
t Intermission
' ' Part Three
A Choral Song, The Bridal of
Poem; . .John Oreenleaf Whittier
Music Percy E. Fletcher
Presentation of Poetic Theme
- 'Mae Waters j
Presentation of Music Salem
MacDowell Club Chorus
Chorus membership Includes:
- Soprano I: Ruth Armstrong,
Grace Brown, Louise Bryan, Jes
sie Bush, Gladys Edgar. Selma
Fischer, Josephine Lllburn, Jen
nelle Moorhad. Mildred Moser,
. Jean Pearcy, Eva Roberts, Claud
laa Roland, Nancy Siewert, Vida
Lou , Starr. .
Soprano : II; Bernice Bowe,
Mary Cupper,- Esther Day, Grace
DeHarpport, Alma Green, Lucy
MInturn. Lois Plummer. Helen
Prang, Mae Waters, Esther Wil
cox.! -
Alto I: Rae Beldln. Mary Blsh
op, Erangeline Blatchford. Delia
HJort, Maeyle Lleta, Ruth Rho-
ten. Arbutus Rudle. Grace Sher
man; Nan Smith, Elisabeth
j V t - Sunday, AprU 2h
ww .:." Breakfast ride for Salem Riding Academy, reserva-
iiuoB, leiepnone 1Z1.
J-xtfK: - Monday.
,,r, r. - w w
Mrs. Mary J. Reeres,
P. E. O. sisterhood; exemplification of Work to be made
i 'v.-. Miem Muuoveu eiub
TV' ensemble lu concert at Grand theatre. 8:30 o'clock.
' Book review class of Salem .Woman's club, 3:30
I a'clock. in clubhoose.; Mrs. J. C. Nelson, leader.
:.. Regular meeting. Royal Neighbors of America at
fraternal temple, 8 o'clock ; last o? regular weekly
: Oregon State Graduate Nurses association. District
No. J, at home of Mrs. W. E. Anderson, 1577 Court"
;-street, 2:3 o'clock; Miss Anna Boe&ringer, assisting ' '
hostess. . , . V ' ' "
. Sons of Union Veterans, Mrs. John Bobbins, t
North Liberty street; potluck dinner : 30 o'clock: pro
gram, to follow; all invited. - t-
Salem Woman's Press club, Mrs. A. E. Brown, 1S76
Fir street, 2 o'clock. trT::- w - . 4...
. Buatnees - and Professional Women's club election
f officers at dinner meeting at Gray Belle; program-to
follow: Dr. H. H.". Dixon. Oregon. Medical school to talk.
, ; Mrs. Carl. Nelson hostess to Chi Delta Delphlnlans,
? joVsJJplseopal guild, program in parish hall,
-t olockr moving pictures of world tour to be grven
bT Frederick Umpprt. Special music. ?' s
iJ.:',rT Ann Lw circle to General Aid of First Meth-
odUt churchy J 30 o'clock. " " -t
lV..X1-!t.i;52. elM '"h Mr. and MrsRobert E.-
1 f'-towir;An4"bwtflVtioViBe saanialL
" i :''. MrsvT JIarryi Bonney aadVMl'fcFrankcRlveui Joint 3 i
hostesses for VBruiS College Helpers, r" : 'iSl-
- United Circle of First Christian, church- at -church; -ZSJ? I
1 j luncheon. t.-2t o'clock j business, t ess Ion at ' 2 o'clock f
ij;i6llw.-.t '::':-"''k-y
oda - livens.',;- Jean s Kann, Mar-
g a r e t j rRosecranSji ; Margaret
Slmms, ' Roberta ; .Vahnlce, Grac
ZoieL--:! 'iiTy y -:
The . Alicia McElroy Ensemble
personnel Includee, .yiollns, , Ma
rie Chapman MacDonald,, Anna
Caughlan, Doris Wildman, Dor
othy Robinson. Oboe, Mary Cain.
Viola, Katherlne Hoon. Cellos,
Prosper Poni, Elsie Ray Wen t
worth. - Flutes, Doris Wildman,
Margaret Laughton Baar. Piano,
director J Alicia McElroy. . V
Saturday night the Salem Sym
phony orchestra will present its
third and last concert of the
season as a beautiful prelude to
Music eek which will open of
ficially May 8.
The Symphony concert will be
given In the armory and the as
sisting artist is ' C. Earle Jen
nings, baritone, new to Salem
but -who comes with an exceUent
reputation for himself, estab
lished In various musical circles
of the United States.
The program of the Symphony
is a step more difficult and still
more developed than that pre
sented early in the spring. Hard
work is telling on the group and
Its admirers will be pleased with
the work to be nresented Satur-
Music ; week opens with de
lightful church concerts and con
tinues throughout the week with
more elaborate programs than
has ever been presented in Sa
lem for a" Music Week observa
It will close with a lovely mu
sical gesture to mothers.
Miss Frances Chance
Bride of Clark Wood
Lyons A wedding of interest
to folks of this community was
quietly solemnized at the Lyons
Methodist church Thursday about
o clock when Miss Francis
Chance of Mill City became the
bride of Clark Wood of Salem.
Rev. H. G. Wood of Sunnyside,
Wash., father of the groom, per
formed the ceremony. Only im
mediate relatives of the groom
and friends of the bride were
present. ; I
The couple are in Mill City for
a short time. Mrs. Wood is well
known both here and in Mill City
where she spent her girlhood. She
is the only daughter -of Percy
Chance whose present residence
Is in California. She has one
brother i Frank in California.
Francis is a member of the Mill
City Christian church. Mr. Clark
Wood is a student of Willamette
university In Salem and pastor of
the Lyons Methodist church.
Those present for the ceremony
Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Wood, par
ents. Miss Wood, sister of the
groom and Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Following an absence of several
months, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Mor
ley and daughter, Tvnne A
france, have returned to make
their home in Salem again. They
have been in St. Helens where Mr.
Morley was connected with the
highway department.
Avril 25.
hostess to Chapter A.
B. of
- cnorus and Aliiu ffV.Wnt
April 26
if - y
"a? ".V '
lXhJ of the participating groups for the civic-community program which
J will be presented by about 800 Salem and Marion county
a trittmphal finale program for Music Week which is being
Salem as all over the United States May 1-8 inclusive. This
Nuptial Vows
MTTN the springtime" there are
-I sure to be many wedding bells
ringing and April continues
to prove that the custom is as
popular this spring as ever be
fore. In keeping with the spirit of
things is the announcement of the
wedding date of Miss Jean Mid
dleton, graduate of Willamette
university in the class of 1931
and William McCallister. gradu
ate of Willamette school of law,
for June 4.
The announcement of the date
came at a charmingly Informal
evening for which Miss Edith
Findley was hostess at the home
of Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Findley
Saturday night, complimenting
Miss Middleton.
The guest rooms of the Findley
home were charmingly arranged
with Belgian Hyacinths. The an
nouncement came following a
marimba sold, "I Love You
Truly"' by Miss Edith Findley
and "Until" sung by Miss Elis
abeth Clement. Then announce
ments were passed to the guests
telling the news.
Miss Middleton is the daughter
of Mrs. Kathryn Middleton of Sa
lem. The wedding It is expected
will take place in, Salem. She was
affiliated with the Delta Phi sor
ority in Willamette. Mr. McCal
lister was affiliated with the Al
pha Psi Delta fraternity and with
the Delta Theta Phi law frater
nity of Willamette. He Is at pres
ent practicing law In Medford.
'At the tea hour. Miss Findley
was assisted In serving by her
mother, Mrs. - M. C. Findley.
Guests in . compliment to Miss
Middleton Included i Miss Jennie
Delzell, Miss ' .Gertrude Oehler,
Miss-Bertha Babcock. Miss Ben
eitta Edwards, Miss Mildred Mil
ler. Miss Elizabeth Clement, Miss
Marian Brets. Miss Beatrice Hart
ung, ' Mrs."; Dorothy " Middleton,
Mrs.:-Dorotby' Fleener and : mi
Findley. - .T'"!'-:'.' ." ";
A marriage which came as
complete surprise to aU, was that
or Miss i Rachel Howard, daughter
of . R. s, Howard of Salem and
Claud D. Matthis; son of Dr. and
Mrs J. O. Matthls, also of Salem,
April g; In Camus; .Wash, i
Both -young "people "graduated
from Salem hlirKvschoor with th
class ; of 1 1 3 17 ahd Mr.-.ttatthls Is
now a u-eaaman in Willamette
unlvertitr.. He will continue with
bU school work. Tbe JtHing couple
will make their, homes with their
respective parents."" " "
Several .social atairs are helii
planned . In- eomrilfment to the
young bride.", "- cr V -' '
A marrUge of this week which
was prettily solemnised-was that
Of MJSS Edith Lois Rim and Rnl
B. Taylor Tuesday evening at the
Highland ; Frtends' chureh." Mr.
and Mr Taylor Will, make their
home in Salem.,
t- Dallas. J Mrs .'Lairs Woods.
Mrs. -W. F. VanNuys- ahd Mrs.' Ed
r . :
j our pbotofraph will Pca
Hamilton entertained Thursday
afternoon with six tables of bridge
at the Woods home. Mrs. Maurice
Dalton received high score for the
afternoon and Mrs. R. Y. Morrison
received the . consolation- prize. .
Those present were Mrs. W. G.
Vassall. Mrs. C. W. Henkle, Mrs.
W. C. Retxer, Mrs. Emll Febvet,
Mrs. Fred Jackson, Mrs. J. J.
Wick, Mrs. E. W. Cruzon, Mrs.
Roy Donahue, Mrs. Harry Webb,
Mrs. Lew Plummer, Mrs. P. J.
Walton, Mrs. J. C. Tracy, Mrs. J.
R. Sibley, Mrs. George Eberting,
Mrs. E. V. Dalton, Mrs. Maurice
Dalton, Mrs. R. T. Morrison, Mrs.
George Fuller, Mrs. C. L. Foster,
Mrs. A. R. Hartman, Mrs. D. M.
Dpndero, Mrs. Joe Griffin, Mrs.
T. C. Stockwell and the hostesses.
Dinner Party is
Pretty Event
Mrs. Edith Croner entertained
with an attractive dinner party in
compliment to her daughter, Miss
Bernice Croner Saturday night at
the Croner home. Spring flowers
were a pretty centerpiece for the
dinner table where covers were
placed for Miss Croner, and Mrs.
May Moore. Mrs. Hester Hilpot,
Miss Cora Talkington, Miss Katie
Reinhart and Miss Ruda Quamme.
Following the dinner hour the
group was joined by H. Gibson.
Burton Randall, James Hilpot,
LaVonne WillaroV George Jack
son and W. McClary and a line
party followed.
Aurora Honoring . Mrs. Paul
Gooding, a birthday dinner was
given Mrs. Paul Gooding by mem
bers of her family at the Gooding
home recently. The . guests in
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Chester Gie
sy and daughter Phyllis of Port
land; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jeskey,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jeskey, Mr.
and xfrs. William. Jeskey, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Colvin and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Will Gooding
and children. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Dental and daughters and Mlsi
Eleanor Jeskey all. of Aurora.'
Prolong Your Youth I
Don't Suffer
Over Fading
Beauty i
Is often a source
of grief and hu
mility to the
woman who la
young. Don't suffer this em
barrassment another day. The
Marton Method removes. every
vestige of unsightly hair. No"
Pastes, powders, needles er
Moulds. .- -:.y:-.' v i r; '
-v . , 004-5 1st Vah BasJt . ' :
'TeideOT ; .,; f
Write : or - phone for" literature
yom're ImwbV'mv fae'-tisway,-
Super Special
chorus if well
residents in
observed in
tion of tts
others will be
Salem (Jtvic
Members are
In Club
MRS. H. D. CROSBY. Mrs. C.
K. Spaulding. Mrs. David
Mrs. F. M. Erickson, and Mrs.
Clifton Mudd were elected to rep
resent the Salem Woman's club
as delegates to the State Federa
tion of Women's clubs convention
in Portland May 25-38 inclusive.
at the Saturday meeting.
Salem Women's club also went
on record as voting the clubhouse
to the Salem Heights Women's
club to be used for a benefit tea
which the latter dub will gWe in
the near future. A rote, of thanks
was extended Lynn Cronemiller
for the Washington bicentennial
tree donated by him for planting
on tne club grounds.
Mrs. F. A. Elliott announced
the state child welfare meeting
which will take place In Salem
May 2 and S, and announced that
the speaker for May 2 will be
General Hastings from Washing
ton, D. C. General G. A. Hastings,
extension director of White House
child health conference, will
speak In the house of representa
tives and the public is Invited.
- Announcement was also made
of the benefit to be dren Tn Mi-
day by the Order of the Eastern
star in Masonie temnle.
Mrs. Earl Andreaen was admit
ted to membership by vote and
was greeted torether with in
other new members.
L. O. Lewis SDoke brieflv b.
fore the clubwomen asking en-
Featuring National Baby week
and. die: State Child HealtK
inference, May .2-3 at the
TStatehbuseT ' 1 '?;-i:i7i':
' jToI ? be . publisKed -
form . Sundays May
z ' AsniaUjcharge 11 1' made for 'theckwt of : , v X i s5. . " ' -J"
1 f
known for the beauty of its
numbers. Another chorus to appear tn addition to the many
the large joint chorus and quartet of the Madrigal club and
dorsement by the club of the pro
posed civil service bill for fire
men which will be presented at
the primaries. Mr. Lewis asked
the club to endorse this bill on
the grounds that It would create
greater efficiency In the fire de
partment by removing the ap
pointment of men to the depart
ment by political moves, and plac
ing the appointment on the basis
of examination.
Reports were given concerning
the Thursday meeting of the Mar
lon County Federation of Wom
en's clubs at Salem Heights, by
Mrs. C. K. Spaulding and Mrs. W.
D. Clarke.
Preceding the address of the
afternoon Mrs. Percy Kelly sang
accompanied by Alice Crary
Brown. This bit of music formed
a delightful Interlude In the reg
ular order.
Mrs. C. W. Hayhurst. club
woman of Portland, addressed
the club on the possibilities of
the club for the women. Mrs.
Hayhurst told her audience that
no greater service could be ren
dered than that which could be
accomplished by the club women
studying the peoples of the other
countries, becoming friendly with
Mondays and Thursdays
. Caf riffian Hall
' ' Rates'
2 classes weekly, $5. month.
Beginners, fowndatkm and
advanced roatines.
Classes arranged for business
April 25th. at CastiUIan Hall,
4 to 8 p. m.
CHENEY BROS. School of
I Agfc
work and the interesting selec
them and their ways of living and
thus promote world peace.
Mrs. Hayhurst also told her au
dience that it Is now possible
through Miss Mulhern of Port
land public library, to get an ad
ult education course of study for
clubwomen which when satisfac
torily completed by a club will
entitled the members to univer
sity credit
The great value of present day
eaucauonai advantages were
stressed by Mrs. Hayhurst. She
stressed the fact that true edu
cation is adult education. A
course of adult education Which
will give credit and may be had
for the asking and postage Is that
to be obtained from the federal
bureau at Washington, D. C, the
clubwomen were informed by the
A ten hour followed the ad'
dress. Mrs. Martha Schmuek and
Mrs. Clara Patterson presided at
the tea urns.
7 EBfe
Parents Vwishing ; to" have their
.children pictures in this edi-
: tion should phone The- States
man at once. t;.-
IJmit 5 Years
WITH law tyt omes needs
tor abn? irretuTblshings."
organisations retwrn to the old
trusted "beberitwalch seems to
gain - In favor in" . society rather
than lose casteJS"
This week: there Will be two out
standing benefits".- One Is that of
the Order of- Eastern Star at the
Masonic temple'-' Tuesday after
noon. Mrs.- D. XBeechler and
Mrs. Harry -CraWIord are general
chairmen, and aw receiving the
.reservations. It is urged that res- -
ervations be made as early as pos
sible, and a few tables will be ar
ranged 'for. thosew ho are not able
to make reservations until the. day
of -the benefit." Cards will be in .
play after '-o'cloek;., : v
-" Wednesday night at ; a o'clock
the St. Paul's Episcopal Guild will
- . - -' ' . . . . -
giro a unique ion oi oeneiii lor
the church. This, will be a moving
picture of the world tour made by
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lamport
last year. Mr. Lamport -will give
the accompanying talk and It is
anticipated that the affair will be
of much Interest to a large num
ber of people.
Special musie will be given un
der the direction of R. H. Robert
son. For reservations it 'is asked
that Mrs. F. H. Crosby, 4501. or
Mrs. B. deLlsle, 8317, be called.
School's Music Week
Program Announced
In celebration of National Muiic
week, the state school for the
blind is presenting a program in
the school chapel on the night
of May 2 at eight o'clock. .
Featured on. the program will
be Miss Marguerite Carney, well,
known blind soprano of Portland;
Frank 8anders . blind pianist of
Portland, formerly student -of
this school; mad -Dan Roberta cf
Oregon City, barf toufe soloist, an
other former etw4eat,f
Trio numbers will -be played by
the Misses Roberta and Theda
Splcer of Eugene and Mr. Glade
Follls. music Instructor tn the
school. Students of the school will
also take an active part tn the
program with group and quartet
The public la cordially Invited.
Your Mother's
Mother's Contest..
All Mothers are Eligible
Class A (To be taken with chil
dren.) For mothers of chil
dren under 21 yr.
Class B (Taken alone.)
For mothers of grown chil
dren. Wonderful Prizes
CaU at Studio for Rules
Gunnell& Robb
Phone 5572 fcatflttate Street