: t ( , . The OREGON STATESMAN Salect Oreron, Schdar MorAtngAprfl 24y 1932 PAGE TWO i . 1 . 1 ' t ' -1 Farmers' Celebration Plan ned by Silverton Meth odist Church : alDay-. wIQ be a new feature of ; tserTsnee at Stlrertoa tats year. . Methodist church of which lit W.'S.' Gordon 1 pastor, will sponsor a farmers day celebratloa at tae church on May IE. ;A sps del procram Is being arranged tor the 11 o'clock serrtces. : At, nooa a bot lack dinner will bo enjoyed ' add In the afternoon another pro gram, ander the auspices of the -'. SHreKon grange, of which Edwin dterland .U master, will bo gr- ed. These plans were announced at the Friday night meeting of tpw SUrertoa grange. ; ; J 'It was also announced that a . . social night was being planned by the local grange, a definite date . to; be announced later. Mrs. Lew- - ifr Hall Is chairman of the commit- - tea in charge of the arrangements. "The report, clipped from Taurs day's Oregon Statesman, of the " Pomona grange meeting at Red "T Hills Wednesday, was read. Plans . for the State Grange conrentlon were also discussed. For the most part these are being taken care of by the country group and by the SHTerton Chamber of commerce. - .During the program hour Mrs. " Karl Haberly. lecturer for the Sil verton -. grange, reriewed the Grange Bulletin. In the renew , , It' was brought out that the Bulle- ' tin enjoys a larger circulation than any other paper In the state ; outside of the Portland dallies. . Special Tisitors were Mrs. Iran Martin. Carl Abrams and OttH Paulas who all spoke briefly. Mrs. Martla led a discussion on tax . questions, i other rlsltors included , Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hurt and Mr. r ,and Mrs. Thomas Talt all of Stay- ton. ...,-v; "v ; ' Harry I Riches transfered his grange membership from the MaeCleay grange to the snrerton grange. .. DIES MHllE AUMSVILLE. April It Wil liam Henrr Stalakamn 71 AtA at his home oa route one. Aums- uie. maay afternoon. April II. Re Is rarrlTed Ma iniii three children. Henrv and i. .thoay of AumsTllle. Felix of Ger- tbis. wu aranacnuuren. Two thndrex passed away In infancy and on son - was accidentally killed fa l$lt. The deceased was Knr-r. in 1 ta HanoTer, Germany, and . eame T GOTHAM'S BARLESS J AIL FOR ERRING EVES aBSSaaSa ) 4 ' - i. J. V Haass ef - NY if Recepxiom Room' ycriMMXTES. Towerimg twU storiM abT the f amove sidewalks ( Nm TrL the aew Heaea ef Detoada fee Woa, wktck baa iatt been formally -pamed. reaaaables a saadara aaaitsaaat keaa. Tka wladaw are coMpicnoaa by the tkMac ef the aastoatary Irea bars.' laataad they " ar divided lata aqvarea I by re to ba mm ymouiri la tb bastif Ho only a. lackea aad aireaest pleaale epMaraaxee. Tbara art Nar are tbara to b eay call jiut raama. The reonu hava anrery aaodara ceavealaaea. Raaaiaa? water hot aad cold, is always aa tap in each roomy aaartmeat. Taa ela atyle wall btuut aas giraa place to a odsraiatic bad. A mirror of peliskar ataal reflects the featsraeef the bunate frees the wall, wkara It ta parmaaaady fixed. Each room also has a disappearing table, which, wbea aet la caa be slid tale) a prepared graaTe ia taa wall. TJ was axpLuaed that this pracaatioa : to daere ia tats la awry jail are paaeled with baUat-praaf glaaa, bat S is set to praveat a dasparata tamato from skaaUag liar .way eat, bat ta tka avtawU to fraa aa iaaiate. A aaval faatara ef tka iastUatiaa la la) PORTER GETS SCHOOL POST Pcrrydala Dscts two new i ' Jeachcrt Salaries; Rs- Stfuccd 10 psr JDcnt :t: ' ; PERRTDALH, April Illper rydale school board has iirsa eoa traetg for tho comlax year to Roy W. Porter of ireWnarfne as prin cipal ana uigs Doris Gsttman at MawtMra? aa a m1 stint afrk M.likr KBBta Sinn Af IiJiMiMnM will teach intermediate grades for nis second year and Helen MeMll lan of Portland will hare the pri mary, graces for Her fifth tern. A. 1 per east cat was made la all waaaa. PmfMMv kiiva iu has taught her the past two Tears has a contract at Hubbard. The high school girls vent to Salem WadnaadsT aft rnnn Tt,m alrls who made letters fa basket- oau kad their pictures, taken aad later tka entire rmin attanif l show. Helen MeMUIaa chaperoned the gtrla.V" -: Tho community dab meeting wm be Tuesday night. April It ThrA lav will K . m. cal talent, coached by Professor' auae, ana aa erening or real en joyment ia la atora tnr ttna a. tending. There will be bo charge tor aomissioa. Musis wm bo tar nished by a Salem orchestra. WEST 8AIXM, April 2 Urs. Robert . Pattlsos . aad baby soa hare returned zroza afew days spent wltk friends la Longrlew, Wa. ' ;v-" i'M", Mark-Smith.: wh made a loop trip oa his motorcycle freia .here dewa Into CMllforala,;irlU a boy enam. - reports w great -tfeal of snow endeold en countered on the trip. ZXo wfil Tlilti here with the wuuam Ma&t. ana the. Gerald LAraus, ior a wuio and then go Oa to his own home In Tillamook. Tho two ladles are aanta of bis. - ThO Royal - TJaarhtara Haedav school Class aatertaiBad tna Ann Beo class at a Jolly party Thura- uay wgnu too ooys were guests or nonor oua ia tna net tat tk woa . aa . attendance contest, re cently staged 4 between - tho two classes. Mrs. Garrett H. Temple toa - aad Mrs. - A. C Henalngsea are tho teachers -of the classes, aad Mrs. Emmett Dickson was aa aaaiuonal cnest. The awntn spent In nlarbisr ramea and at tha cloao of tha evening, several . of nris, serrea - dainy refresh- : Tho Perrydale Good-WIU club sent av largo box of clothing aad household, needs to Mr. aad Mrs. Frank ".Parr of Turner, whose clothing and "a largo portloa of household linen was destroyed by tiro last week. Mr. and Mrs. Parr llred In Perrrdala tnr imnl years until last fall when they oougat a noma la Turner. meats. '- -..''"'":'" Tao Foar-H sewing dub, the Willing Workers, which met at tho homo of their leader, Mrs. Lylo Thomas, Friday afternooa after school, - Is , planning aa Aehleremant day to be held la about a fortnight at tho school- house, v -, c At tho : April meeting- of tho Parent-Teachers association held la : tha community hall . Friday alght. Dr. I. 22. Forbes of tho Ore gon Normal school at Monmouth gave aa address, "What Is Edu cation?" Tho eereuth grade pre sented two good plays, and a read' tag and two musical a umbers eon- eluded tho program. . ' - Officers for next year elected Included, president. Mrs.' Karl P. Mobley;- Ylce-president, Mr. Lyle Thomas; secretary-treasurer. Miss Roberta Peterson: historian. Miss Catherine Chandler. Mrs- Elmer D. -ook. outgoing - president la- stailed tho new officers." Games, stunts and music, both Tocal and Instrumental were the entertainment features of the so cial time for tho senior worth League, at the home of Mr. and airs. Xyle -.Thomas Thursday aignt. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. Roy.Flnster, Ervin Sim mons, Mr. aad Mrs. Gretta, Mrs. Graeo BUss. Lester Llnpert. La- ella Bees, Miss Roberta Peterson. Ruth Bennett, Catherine Chandler aad Mr. aad Mrs. Lylo Thomas. Refreshments were served by the nostess" assisted by her sister. I Miss Laella Raes. ni's peoenis HBIE North Howell Grange Uuch Pleased by Performance;: - Wen In Disguise NORTH HOWELL. April Tho men's program given at tho North Howell grange hall Friday ' Bight was very much enjoyed oy a largo crowd. Tho fashion Show ; was staged by Tom samp " who was exceptionally .clever aa : a. French designer, aad who Intro duced the following yoang men dressed: fa .the latest women's styles. :- Alan wiesner as a maia, Ray mond Panlsoa, as a bathing beauty, George Cline In sophisti cated evening dress, Hartey Oo die In bride's costume and Del roy Fltxko In. aa attractive red traveling - dress, who were all worthy of special mention. Tho "Country Store" was put on by a group of men who typi fied the old time customs of a back woods country store with Ted Stevens as the genial store keeper. Music by Joe Schlndler, and readings oy John . Paulson and Harold Dunn were also enjoyed and then tho floor was cleared for dancing to the Mlkkleson's orchestra. Next Friday night there will tut a ard nartv la the North Howell grange hall for the bene fit of the baseball team. Aim eircamveat any attempt from ehapel, which beaata a revolvtag altar, divided lata three eectiee far Preteetams, Catkells aad Jewish Taa aathortUas sceff at the idea of anyoave trytna to escape from taa Imildiasr aad ther have graMdat far who, ia these hard times, U going ta not away from regalar meala, bad aad eervlea ta sack a home-like atmaaahare? 4. 5 a a to this country In 1883. Soon thereafter he was united in mar riage to Julia Era of Washing ton, Mo. They settled on a farm near Little Rock, Arkansas. In 1894 he and his family moved to Oregon, purchasing a portion of the: Taylor donation land claim, 1 H miles east of Aums vUle, where he resided until his death, j Funeral services will be. held Monday, April 15, at 9 a. m. at the Catholic church In Sublimity. ON LUTHER PROGRAM Silverton. April 23 Miss Mar guerite Bather will .take part In a discussion oa "Tomorrow's Luth eran church" to bo held Saturday afternoon, April 30 at the. Ninth District Convention of the North Pacific Luther League at Belling ham. Wash. Rev. Carl Fosa of Silverton wffl also take part In the program. Rev. Mr. Fobs Is advisor j for the Junior Luther League of the district Rev. A. W. Knock, who conducted a in GRABS THERE FOUR 8CIO. April St 'Thursday night. May 28, eighteen Scio high school seniors will receive their diplomas. In September, 1928, IS freshmen entered high school. Of those IS, nine are among the graduating class: Virginia BB yea, Vera Arnold, Max Long, Ralph. Johnston, Cyrus Peery, Geraldlne Peery, Eleanor Miller, Genevieve .Sims, and Helen Roner. - Tho other nine either trans ferred from other schools or were members of other entering classes. Evelyn Bronson entered bible session at Silverton during tho past week, and Rev. H. I church, will bo among the speakers.. from Estacada; Rolllo Rain bolt. from Hennessey, Okla. ; Wuanlta Stepaaek baa been registered at both Tlgard and Albany: Jean Marin eame here from Crow, but had previously been at Staytoa; Rbva Jackson spent her first two high school years at Halsey; Opal Shilling entered from Albany; aad Marjorla Hoppo eame from Portland. Earl Bartnlk and Tar- omir Walters were 'members of other freshmen classes. Commencement will bo held Thursday evening. May 38. Rex Dallas, pastor of tho Albany Christian church, win deliver tho address. Baccalaureate services will be held Sunday night. May 32. The Rev. Mr. Ralston has been asked to deliver tho sermon. Wm 3Gn ILaoG of Penney's Great Anniveriary Event.. If you have not taken advantage of Penney low anniversary prices,'plan to do so this weekT- fresh new merchandise is unpacked daily. Next week marks tl climax of a gigantic celebration in honor of 30 years of truly great service to; the American people. ' Evans Valley. Mr. aad Mrs. Merle Foots are receiving con-1 gratnlatfona upon tho birth of a I daughter - Wedaesday morning at tha homo of Mr. Foots's mother. Tha baby weighed Sight pounds and has been named Shirley Ger trude. . 5iU 11 Fast Quality HSVO S73 80x105, Crinkled Cotton S or on. Colors, Full Standard MUST REDUCE STE . Panties, Bloomers and Step-ins 1 Tubfast, for Those New Spring Dresses Save, hut Sacrifice Nothing in Quality If you are thinking of lighting fixtures for your home you will find some wonderful bargains to choose from in our stock of modern, up-to-date fixtures. If you need floor lamps, table lamps, shades, we also have a great variety of these that must go. ' ' ' Also i we- have a complete, stock ; of percolators curling c irons and vacuum cleaners that must be sacrificed. . ; BELOW.YOU WILL FlHD W PARllAllJSr OF SOME OF THESE ITEMS YOU WILL FIND THAT ALL THESE ITEMS LISTED ARE OF STANDARD MAKE AND QUALITY. Sl'r27 .. kReg. ;v Sale; Manning Bowman silver I urn set J.$65.00 $30.00 Hamilton Beach combin ation, food mixer and - juice extractor :i. 21:85 Two-burner all enameled r ; ; three-heat hotplate....:. 9.20 L&H two-slice automatic - toaster ..i.;. .LI.;.: .1 15.00 Stamte waffle iron with heat indicator ......r...L. 11.50 . Reg.- - Sale Lighting fixtures 5-light dining room or living room ......1.1... ..$ 6.50 New modernistic indirect fixtures, as low as...... , Table lamps 1 : . . 3.75 Scenic-radio lamps .......... 4.95 Parchment shades vi 1.15 Bed lamps .......... 3.00 Royal Special vacuum cleaner :... 39.75 2.95 2.95 ;.65: 1.95 25.00 Sale to Sto Monday, April 25 8 Ao M. aLuu ukL&Lr 417 Court S or OH. . 02iQ0 E?ociG57 DUggo - (5EiILPOT3E JJ C For Men, Fine Ingrain, 3un and Tiibfast, 'Lowest 11 or New Patterns Prices in Our Memory, j l YSk P16211, 5 Pieces yv Sex Generously! JZczto Crista Broadcloths! F&nciesl eWraCllsaW5e mlaaaV sityT" Splendid Variety I 1 ' i MouU YPrWps! 02II7nE3 Ym QO - SStSi r ' " .. J V - .t mm , ,. J ?"" "mmTymm ""mm " t KWO JAT r 1CD N. Liberty, Salea