page Fouirrnni The OREGON STATESMAN, Caltsi. Oregon, Ccngay l!cralg April 24, 1Z22 MOTORCYCLE SAVES EXTRA MAN -i J '' ISIOESSPD IIIIIIIIIIMIIIIill" 111 I' n nr-m w v b nr-si n n n rnubnmyiia nn H i Committee Suggests . Mrs. J. Holecheck for Scib J f.iPJtfZ Head . SCIO, April 2 aThe Albany chamber - ol commerce Program presented at the P. T. A; Thnrs- day, wag , an .'Immense - success. .Every number was enjoyed. and applauded heartily. The numbers were introaucea oy Lreonara un key, secretary of the chamber; of commerce. ', -i-: ' , : T- s - The chamber of commerce male quartet opened the program with Soldiers Chorus and 'Strong heart', - an - Indian love song. Messrs, ; Bennett, Lehman, , Peter son, and . Taylor made -up the . quartet.' Mrs Frances Ploy hart sang som and the Bee". Mrs. L. Ben nett gave two readings, "Apples" and "I Came to See. My Grand maVMrs. C. E. Williamson fol lowed with two vocal numbers for- the children, "Grandma" and "Coo Coo Clock. Other vocal numbers Included "Daddy and - Home" and "Little Old Church in the Valley", sung by Alfred Ncs bill, who accompanied himself on - the guitar, and Swedish songs, sung by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pe- . terson. dressed in native costume. The community Sing was led by Howard Johnson -and by Mrs; Williamson. Rex Dallas, pastor of the First Christian church spoke briefly' on "Paradoc". Mr. Pal mer played two saxophone solos. Rex, Dallas sang an Impromptu olo, by request. Mrs. Williamson and Mrs. Ployhart sang "Come toe the Fair". Mr. Taylor played two violin solos "Love's Greetings' and "Turkey in the Straw". During a break in the srosram. Mr. Gilkey Introduced the transportation committee. He also presented Mr. Balne and Mr. Charles Curry, can didates far county offices, ' The program was resumed toy a vocal trio, singing "Glow Worm". The usual oratory con test between Rex Dallas and Lou is Bennett was held. The children of the audience, were asked to judge the winner by applauding, but called the contest a draw. .The program was closed by the male quartet singing "Three Lit tle Kittens" and "Story of a Tack". t Preceding the program a short business meeting was held. Re . porta of committees were given. Miss Doris Klindt announced that the next meeting would be a moth ers' v meeting.: The nomination committee reported the following as. their choice for officers for next year: ' president, Mrs. Jerry Holechek; vice-president. Miss Re becca M orran : - secretarv-treas- urer ; : E. P. Caldwell. Mrs. S. Phillips reported that Dr. H..C. Epley will conduct a community sing Friday. May 6. This Is' to be In . observance : of Better Music Week.;- " i Fire Razes Home Of Albert Klein SWEGLE. April 23 The home of . Albert Klein was completely destroyed by fire Friday after noon. The origin of the- fire is not known as Mr. and Mrs. Klein - were attending a funeral at the time of the tire. The , Swegle baseball team played a return game at Auburn .Friday afternoon. The score was 13 to 7 In favor of Auburn. 3;.. y . 8PRICIIT PRESIDENT BETHANY, April 23 - Henry Sprlcht was - chosen president of the Bethany community club at its annual business- meeting. Otto Dahl was made vice president and Mrs. Stuart McClure secretary treasurer. Plans were made at this meeting for an all day plc Bl 1 to be held the last day of scaeei, u wees: oz May zu. A motor cycle that "saves man has bem added to the equipment of Day NUes service station. Formerly tending oof a service track after a stalled car meant sending two men, one to drive the sen Ice car' and the other the car to be bromght In. Now the ser vice man rides ont in this motor cycle, hooka it on to the car to be brought in. and drives the latter back to the station. " . Achievement Day Event . Marks End of 4-H Year For Eldriedge Pupils ELDRIEDGE. April 23 An in teresting achievement day pro gram and tea .was enjoyed by a large number v of mothers and friends of 4-H club cooking school members at the school house Fri day afternoon. The exhibit of sunshine cakes were particularly attractive and judging was difficult. 'Judges were, Mrs. Mary -L. Faulkersoh, county school superintendent, Mrs. J. E. Shaft and Mrs. F. R. Nusom. ' . -,. - -- Prise winners were: First, Lei a Wood, mayonnaise mixer; second, Florence -Wargniet. pickle dish and fork; third; Bonnie Bell Mil ler, salad spoon and fork. The program follows: Talk by Mrs. Faulkerson, the club pledge by the members in unison, the club creed by Dorothy Hannegan, song, "Dreaming" by club girls: reading "As a Man Thinketh" by Bonnie Bell Miller; recitation. Wanted, a Girl" by Florence Wasgnier; recitation, "What Counts" by Lela Wood; demon stration, how to make a nourish ing sandwich by Nancy Keene and Dorothy Hannegan. The tea given following the program completed the club work for the season. Table decorations were In blue and gold. . The girls and their local lead er. Miss Jeanette Luper of Wood burn, - Eldridge teacher, are. de serving of great credit tor their outstanding achievement during the year. ' ' Names of officers and members follow, president, Florence Wasg nier;. Lela Wood, vice president; Dorothy Hannegan, v secretary; Bonnie Bell Miller, and Nancy Keene. Those enjoying the program were,. Mesdames C. H. Hannegan, Al Keene, Caster Keene, Frank Saalfeld, F. R. Nusom, Tom Shively, Fern Runcorn, Stenson; J. E. Sharff, Karl Brown. Hels lar; A. W Sahll, Amel Cramer, Kelly; W, P. Palmer, Jones; A. L. Collins, A. W. Nusom, Sr., B. J. Miller, Fuller; J W. Wargnier, Virgil FaUey, A. 'Nusom, Faulk erson and the Misses Celia Rub ens and Nuretta Palmer. - UluL-i fU MJiJLL LJLL-JL--1 ;;;; i! Binirac Toblo and Choir? Dot k Rey. $89.00 Special V ? Table Is large afae, beaaUfally fin ished in Americaa walnut, Orient al wood and Zebra wood. Genuine weod carvings. Chairs are Urge and wen wpholstered. One arm chair tncbsded, . . 70 in Din SPOHQB CLUB CLEAR LAKE. April 23 The ladies of the Improvement club met at their club room Wednes day and quilted, and In the even ing served a 7 o'clock dinner tor their husbands and families. KAbout 70 .attended the dinner and enjoyed the program after ward.. Mrs. Chase of Salem, gave four readings, Mrs. Cbapin gave two readings, Miss Joan Evans sang (wo soios, ana itev. scneu erman gave a talk. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. T. Stolk, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Fred .Ham mock, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Gar ner, Mr. and Mrs. George Gar ner, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lick, Mr. and Mrs. Petchel, Mr. and Mrs. Art Baker, Mr. and Mrs. C. Boyd, Mrs. A. Smith. Mrs. J. Pugh. Mr. and Mrs. H, Evans,' Mr. and Mrs. Watts. Mr. and Mrs. R. Dutolt, Mrs. J. O'Neal, Miss Powell, Mrs B. Clement, Mrs. Miller and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. Du tolt, Mrs. L. Chapin, Lunelle Chapin, Nellie, Hazel, Bertha and Donald Clement. Martha, Marion, .Harry and Jack Robert son, Neva, Ada Mae, Loretta and Estelene Smith. Lois Lick, Grace Petchel, Pearl Baker,- Berna Opal, . Milton Scheuerman, Jim Hammock, Harold and Rex Da tolt. Glen Garner, Henry Stolk, Mrs. Chase, Joan Evans, Rev. Scheuerman, Jim Irwin. , ! Evangelist D. R. Schierman of the Seventh-, Day Adventist church of Salem is still conduct ing his series of lectures at the schoolhouse. Thursday night he spoke on : "The Mark of the Beach," and -next Tuesday night will give .the last on "Depres sion." The M. W. S. society met at the church Thursday afternoon. Next , meeting will be at .Mrs. McFarlene's at Quinaby.May 19. Hayesville Women Give Straw Votes To F. D. Roosevelt HAYESVILLE, April 23 The Hayesville Woman's club spent a most enjoyable afternoon Thurs day, at the home of Mrs. Charles Andresen. In the straw vote for president. Roosevelt got a big ma jority. Members present were Mrs. Ro- villa McAfee, Mrs. A. Stettler. Mrs. D. Jansen. Mrs. Roy Brl- dorf, Mrs. J. L, Morrison, Mrs. F. Williams, Mrs. E. L. Moore, Mrs. I D. Greig, Mrs. BIdwell, Miss Ida Denny, Mrs. Burr Teel, Mrs. Clark RItchey. Mrs. Robin Day. Mrs. H.' Robertson, and the host ess, -Mrs. Charles Andresen.. ' Guests were Miss Joy Greig. Mrs. pete Andresen. Miss wihna Eyans, Mrs. Leonard Greig and Mrs. rrans: Marshall. The next meeting will Je held at the home of Mrs. D. Greig, May 9, ana win do the last meeting of i me eontest. The Examination of Eyes and Accurate Fitting of Glasses a .Specialty OPTOMETRISTS 333 STATE ST. " 1 w i 'SSnWBnnWB . . , The Strongest Backbone V 1 Any jest Car Ever Had At first motor cars had just frames. Then came the double-drop frame. Next truss frames. Then X-frames. Now Nash steps out ahead with the new X-Dual frame a tutxrdurable, iupertltld and ftrisZ-jVaotype. Look it over carefully when you come in to see the new Nash models. For this X-Dual frame is ru and : diftrentiho straniest frame ever built-The massive inside Jbride4Ur- ders extend clear from the front cross member to the rear kick-up Trfir Joublifram. '-;: ' Everyone interested in motor cart should surely tee this! net? Nash X-Dual frame and then drhi this car. All models are lonjier, lower, with faster acceleration, and greater power and speed. wheelbases ranjie from 116 inches to 142 inches and prices from $777 to $2055, at the factory. ' 'vNEWi NASH ' . FivtNew Sarin Announced Ftbrudry 27th ' 4 '. Neyer , have we known such merchandise to be classed aa fire damaged goods.,. But our aim la to clear bur floors of every sign of goods which were in our building at the time of the fire; hence, every thing, damaged or not, la thrown into this sale. No contract goods reserved, all must go at reduced prices so as to make it possible to get back to normal conditions with new goods;, free from the odium of fire damage. Hamilton's Sales have always been money savers and this Sale is surely "the greatest money saving event we have ever heM. - - - . PEN- EVEEniEf ' DISHES Odds and Ends of several patterns While they last Each - Genuine 100 Mohair Davenport Sf inches , la length, snassfve arms and 'weU rosmded eeck. - Beta pieces are wee eea straettea and cashione : are re- versflde. . - "-',. - '-- ' - Enamel ' sughur water W aste Baskets 3 Only O Piceo DUG SUITES ' " la fall wainai veneer. TaUea are f-f oot extea sloav maastve tamed kfa large stse chairs p helstered fat varlesa eelers in tapestry and ve kw. Boffet is roomy. Ornamented with aa evertay flgwred bmbIo aad walnnt. Tahjee ts S12SJ0. While they last ().9S Large Size CM5i?oimSep "lTT nt" Unfinished Specials Fua?im5fruij?e Chairs while they last, 79 Tables while they last 02.95 I 4Se Bath Stools while they last Specials 40 pound, felted cotton mattress 50 pound, Napper wool mattress Special j 04.95 Good spring mat tress for as low "oi2.95 Is neavftr weixhted and has encealed Tear choice ef several beaottf ad shades 2o)g Complete OCCASIONAL CHAIRS ' Tour Choice of Covers Only Other ehaira at greatly redaeed prieee .0 Pioeo HDnmmimo Eooimn SunntiG Consists of Table, Buffet and 6 Up holstered Chairs. Walnut finish. A real buy at this price Only 0 .95 CLUE GIHLAMS Choice of J beautiful Patterns Chairs are large and Oomf ortable. For Only x: Electric Radios A very well eaastneted .set with a fine tone. -Ret- 153-50 Special Biauswlch tadle Phonograph Csnahinatloa Bet. rmes QpitM 899 ?5 CXXXOOtXXXXXXXXX36X3gX3tXX , Enameled : Values to $28.00 ' Coosista f drop leaf w. $7.95 to $14.95 Complete mmm OPBCIAI. Simmons bed, Simmons coil spring, and 50 pound mattress All for only .0 a .95 I , 9X12 Special tXXXX3t3t3tXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Good quaHty felt, base rags Pressed wool rngs, fringed, good patterns 0H4.95 Azmlnster rugs for as low . -as wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxa v 3 Only averaiEDOiPtt and nw ne snsswnnsTnnnv Upholstered in Tapestry, full web and spring constructed, loose spring cush ions. Lowest price ever offered. ; 1- " im Models- . Bectrts a: Elec ro- VS-:-' r - Onr , . taunedla WWm Reg. 760 4-Pc. Bedroom Suite CoosUU of Bed. Vanity. Chif fonier A Bench. Ilnlahed la either antique. Ivory or deco rated green. Special ISO on All Wood, Gat and Electric Range mm 3 Special (o)(o)if , xj OHO A Strong,. LigKt Wcight Table yith v. Waterproof Top . In Walnut veneer, good ska. vanity and full size bed.' A real good bargain while they last fAn TP rs r: rp; : ;in v JUL JamcG EI.' rjcclcii net J9 ; ; :865N. Commercial, TeL 85S3