The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 24, 1932, Page 11, Image 11

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Sakcv Oregon; Sunday Morning:, April 24, 1932
Wany People . Dislike : Them
But Landscape Would
Be DullAYithout .
There are many people who dis
like yellow flower of any. kind.
It seems that yellow la a great fa
vorite or the. Great Gardener, how
over, as; there ire moro yellow
flowers tmonr om wild flowers
than any other color exceot white.
Perhaps it is tod common, that is
Yet 11 all yellow flowers were
uminaiea, now ami would our
fields and roadsides appear the
greater part of the year, for from
the earliest dandelion te the lat
ent-blooming goldenrod, yellow is
tne most conspicuous of all colors.
Then too. among our- cnltirated
f lwers, the yellow of the crocus is
followed by the narcissus, and
Ten among plants of various col
ored blossoms like tulips and pan
sies there may be found those of
Iiure yellow. Buttercups are a do
Ight to the children, and a field
of these glittering with gold is al
ways a thing of beauty, although
not a Joy to the farmer.
And what brightens up a coun
try roadside like the great masses
Of yellow primroses that bloom so
freely and so long in certain lo
calities. Then the yellow foxgloves
that light up the shady places in
damp woods certainly deserve ad
miration. Among the shrubs, the earliest
to bloom is the flowering currant;
and in some states even earlier
than these are the yellow Jasmines
iwhose golden sprays brighten up
the sombre-hued cedars, as If to
do their best to beautify the world.
Some claim white as an emblem
of purity, red of love, blue of
truth; but Is not yellow a fit em
blem of the riches of God's conn-
try? The yellow of the aunllght--who
would wish its rays to be of
any other hue? Some of our finest
roses are different shades of yel
low. Because It Is one el Goers
, commonest gifts, is it then to be
despised? .
. In the culture of larkspur one
of the; very important things to
understand Is that-these plants
!wlll nbt enjoy being, IrAns planted
they5 resent Ittbttofotsvthi
seed should be." jown where the
plants are to remain and sinee
tho seeds are rather small, it Is
well to broadcast them carfully
or drill them sparingly in rows,
and when they are established, to
thin out the plants to about eight
or ten Inches apart. .
Larkspurs are extremely color
ful in ho garden and making a
striking background tor ' lower
growing plants, and-by reason et
their long stems and willowy ap-
oearance. thev are also verv dec-
bratlve as a cut flower. . -
Now there are salmon shades
In larksnur. This is something
comparatively new," for they were
Introduced only a, few years ago.
Larkspur La France and Empress
are two varieties in the salmon
Shades, and other introductions
include Los Angeles, which is a
deep rose on salmon ground, and
Miss California, a deen pink-shad-.
ed salmon. .Theso aro outstand
ing varieties and aro ' tho result
Of many years -of - plant breeding
and selection. .
Tho ' annual larkspurs should
hot be confused with the delphin
iums which are perennial. These
also hare been greatly improved
In recent years ; with a greater
range of color combinations,' lar
ger flowers and taller spikes.
Some of the leading delphinium
specialists have their headquar
ters on tho Pacific coast particu
larly In tho northwest, where, con
ditions aro ideal Tor the growing
pf these very beautiful flowers.
Miss 'Alice Jensen has received
fen Interesting letter from her sis
ter. Miss Then Jensen who is em
nloved at a rinch IB miles frdm
Faso Robtes, Calif. The house in
Which Miss Jensen Is staying- at
one time belonged to Jesso James,
anting his stay in California. His
dug out, used for. hiding, is also
near by. Another point of Inter
est In the vicinity Is .the grape
Tlnyard owned by the celebrated
Miss Jensen Is- a trained nurse
and for years worked under Dr.
C. W. Keeno at Silverton. She
bas been in California for the past
several weeks.
Ernest Ekman was rushed to the
hospital Friday night : gnd .a
Things Electrical
Motor Rewinding, Repairing,
. Installing Radio - Supplies,
Contracting Motors.
Phone 9U9 466 Stato St.
;,. Nursery Sales Yards' ;
open Sunday 9 :30 to . 4
f '''L S
540 Chemcketa
Eetween Hish '& Church
f--gi '
The effect of air resistance cy I-
Inder at top has four times as much
air resistance at any speed as same
cylinder, at bottom, with- ends prop
eriy saapea ror air travel.
Tne rear sweep 'or the new
y 1 VV
't ; -'' "r, jJ1 -N I
I v- '- '''' - S "
Among all tho iate flowering
garden! subjects, .chrysanthemums
are .deserved favorites; each sea
son they meet
w 1 1 h an in
creasing de
mand. T h o y
produce" a lav
ish profusion of
blooms, - giving
xolOR life, and
beauty - 4o the
garden Just at
I time when the
colorful sum
mer parade has
To a large
extent this gain
time aUdaea
in popularity is
because of tho
work which has
- been - done' in
Chrysanthemum breeding
in to
cent years. The department of ag
riculture Bas devoted considerable
itlme to the study and propagation
ot early sorts, much to the Joy ef
I mose wno me -mums-- on
I the list of favorites
Earllness is one of the essen
tials in selecting chrysanthemums
and many or tho catalogues have
made a special effort to list these.
Those that- bloom in September
and early October are most valu
able fair our Willamette valley
gardens. Although some of the
late - November , and . early.. Decem
ber sorts are marvelous and do
give us iine blooms ocaslonally it
is, unless one make a specialty
of the unusual, on the whole bet
ter to leave these for the Cali
fornia growers. At that I have
picked - chrysanthemums - f o r
Christmas,' but it Isn't an ordinary
occuranco. v.. ' " - - f ;1 i
One ot the lovely new varieties
which comes lnfb bloom in oarly
October is Daybreak, very similar
to Seashell In all respects except
its flowering season. Seashell
comes Into flower in late October;
Daybreak is fully two weeks ear
lier. The flower is of the open
single typo, almost .three Inches
across, with Several rows or soft
shell pink petals. An oven earner
new "mum," and a yery striking
land effective' variety, the color of
the American Beauty rose, is Viv-
idA third now early October
chrysanthemum Is tho little yellow
pompon. Yellow Gem.
A very early white sort is Jean
emergency major operation per
formed: Mrs. Eckman was taken
111 Thursday. - -
shows how engineers hare incor- tJlrtZS T
porated aerodynamic design which body, designed r(
has increased top speed and reduced IJ?1??" ".V't
fuel costs appreciably. J l"Jth,ls 4180 ca"ed
x aar drop design," that automobile
-0 engineers are approaching in to
v . day's motor car.-
The laws of nature and physics have played a greater part In the
tody design of this year's motor ear than ever before. Air resistance
inheeded in the days of slower speed$-has become a definite factor In
the building of 1932'a high speed cars. Accordingly body designers hare
Introduced "aerodynamic styling" in today's automobiles to further
Increase speed and lessen fuel costs. As seen in the above illustrations,
the car of today is approaching the perfect streamline design given te
the fish by nature millions of years ago.
; Watch for Gopeland's
Special Sale , of Paints
TeL 66ST ' ' ; vr - :
.' Wallaco Boad 200 yarfl north of the bridgo .-i
, . Patronize Your Salem "Building .Trades.
1 1 --t.-- .
" ' ' Ck)mmcn and
Not how conventional body de
sign creates air resiata&ce ta frost.'
and vacuum at rear.: and (belewV
how aerodynamic design reduces re
slstanee and vacuum te a minimum
and Increases speed and economy.
fia J. 1" . -j T 7
Cum'mlng, which flowers In the
middle of September. And a great
favorite of mine is Frances Whit
tlesey, a bronze and garnet beauty
which also comes into flower in
September. Gypsy Girl is another
favorite ot mine, a-single sort, of
chestnut-crimson color. . A-simi
lar one,, but more double and. a
little more bronsy in effect is
Ruth Cumming. -
Ono could go' on -Indefinitely
about ' chrysanthemum varieties.
There is the lovely sturdy Octo
ber Girl and the October Dawn,
the yellow and bronzy Barbara
Cumming and the docen little But
ton types. Should any et yon net
have the addresses - of houses
which keep tho better and newer
varieties . I will be glad to send
theso to yon If yon will send me a
self addressed; stamped envelop in
care of Tho Statesman.
Now is chrysanthemum plant
ing time' and it will continue un
til early In May. They, are easily
moved and divided It they are giv
en plenty of water after ' trans
planting. Although. th$ mum roots
do not go so. very deep it is well
to dig no the soil tor the bed
at least to a depth of Iff Inches.
As they are heavy eaten and com
paratively poor foragers, one
should add a moderate amount Of
well rotted manure or. good com
mercial fertiliser. Tney require av
reasonably rich,, well drained.
light soil and a sunny location.
They will flower longer if shelt
ered from north or east winds by
a wall. Frequent soil-cultivation is
of first importance; occasional
and thorough, watering during dry
periods. next. Both ot these impor
ting points can be cared for to a
degree bypladng a two-inch layer
ot tho moisture-retentivo peat
moss over the bed.
Stimulants added during the
growing period is advised by some.
Light amounts of nltrato ot soda
or fertilisers that contain both the
nitrogen and phosphate aro excel
lent, -Some growers advise giving
a small teaspoonf ul of nltrato dis
solved In a quart ot water to each
plant every -ten days or so, and a 1
teaspoonf ul . Of super-phosphate
sprinkled aronnd each plant every
t&reo weeks.
Tho well being drilled . on the Ray
Binegar farm has reached a depth
of 70 .feet and is to go deeper.
Water .was struck at 20 teet but
not in sufficient .quantity.
vinffs Department
r-;.-. V .. .... .- v .- - . ' . ; . i,, i.- ; v -r ; f j,,:
"1 II W lvi. "TI ?fVn ;tfj f-. i U 'A " fl- .i"w'!3sS r i v
The. seeds of many annaals may
be sown la ; the open - - ground
where theyare to remain. Whom
there is sufficient inolstarw in the
soil from rains, sow the seeds la
freshly turned soil to a depth that
will insure sufficient molstnro for
good germination.' During tha
summer month when the soil Is
dry,: Irrigate thoroughly and af
ter a few day spade, pulverize
and rake to a level.
Open a shallow furrow, sow the
seeds, coTer Immediately and firm
the soil to tho eeda with the
back of the rake. Level the sur-
faco br raking, leaving a loose
mulch on fop. Avoid sprinkling
for this would form a crust, which
would exclude tho air and make
it very difficult for the tiny plants
to breakthrough the surface.
The thorough irrigation before
spading should provide plentiful
moisture to germinate the meeds
without additional water being ap
plied. Alter the plants, are -up.
they may be sprinkled or Irrigat
ed, following each Irrigation with
surface cultivation to . break the
crust that may form..
when the plants are sufficient
ly-developed, thin to a distance
between plants that will give room
ror those remaining to develop
well. The thinning process may
continue for some time, removing
each alternate plant at frequent
Intervals. Those plants' removed
from the row may be transplanted
to other parts of the garden It
desired, or presented to a neigh
bor or friend. In removing the
plants take sufficient soil with
each one se as to disturb the roots
as little as possible.
Some of the seeds that are best
sown In the open ground where
tne plants are to remain Include
all Poppies, Larkspurs. Sweet
Peas, Alyssum, African Lilac-
Daisy, Zinnias, 8alplglossIs the
last named, by the. way. Is most
difficult to transplant, but may
be easily grown in the open. Cal
endula, annual Phlox, Oenothera
or Evening Scented Primrose,
Cosmos, Scarlet-Flax. Godetla, Lu
pin and many others.
Humus is
decomposing organic
matter. Its
presence in the soli
provides a better, growing condi
tion generally tor plants. It serves
as a sponge to retain the moisture.
It provides a congenial home tor
bacteria. It separates the soil par-,
tides provides, spaces for air cir
culation, and makes the soil more
Where soil .do not contain
humus, or where tho growth of
vegetation Is scant, orgaale matter
should be supplied in the form of
leaves, straw, discarded garden
plants, or barnyard manure, which
contains a considerable amount' ot
straw, hay or similar materials.
With good humus content, plant
growth may be stimulated with
tho addition of concentrated fer
tilizers, such as bonemeal, or the
chemical fertilisers. :
A soil containing a great
amount of humus may become
what is termed an add soli, there
fore an occasional application of
iff f x, ,
s f m .osssnk.
This offer on Col-O-Tec 4 Hour Enamel is being
mads to btroduc
170 Stores ra the vst
Am, rt ' . .
816 N. Commercial
.'f:' "4-4
.-r, ..
1 1 1 Aho . Handls
This house is the American use
of the Mediterranean stylo of ar
chitecture, and is becoming very
popular, especially in the south
and along the west coast. -
Inside, a . large living room Is
linked to . the dining room by a
flag-etone terrace on the garden
side. The kitchen has direct ac
cess to the front door through the
serves the cellar stair and the. ga
rage. Upstairs there are threo
.bedrooms of good sixe, and two
baths. Over the garage it a Oat
deck porch reached from the end
bedroom, and there is .a' balcony
over the front entrance.
1210 man
use cut man with hoe (Ingo
Plan your garden in advance ot
Sow the seed ot larkspur where
the plants are to remain. Do not
transplant them.
Plant gladiolus bulbs at fre
quent intervals for continuous
Improve your bed and borders
with alyssum. ageratum, etc.'
Spray continuously tor the con
trol ot aphis.
laht perennial seed . early. ;
Stake tali-growing! plants noiir
ana tioinem wits raraa, .
r ft r c
hydrated or air-slaked lime broad
oast on the surface and cultivated
in is beneficisX,Llm's ''sweetensT
the soil, bringing about a chemi
cal action which releases other
plant, foods and s generally bene
ficial to growing plants. . ..
.In Irrigated districts tho homo
garden should bo planted on the
levsL There is a neater and more.
rapid loss ot moisture in tho ridg
ing method and It Is not satisfac
tory for homo garden purposes.
Ends May, 7th
Hour Enatrfl at our
regular tow price any '
cotorM pint M pint or
pint., .and get another:
can of the same size...
any color... for Just
: ONE CENT more. .
our complete lins ot lughestqual-
Gliddes mado paints, enamels, lacquers, wall
paints, brasaos
ana omer painons
needs..'. Duality
tnsrsatssd, at
decidedly worth
wh3o. saving 1
? ,t f-..
rt - - fvm rr , ri tsm ft
Fuel Ofl fndCoal
.. ..
aiem ypioraes" ana Hams1 1 s
- The exterior is stucco or white
washed brick. All woodwork and
trim" and door are painted white.
Shutters are gteen and the roof
reTT Spanish- mission tile. The
small chimney pots ' on the chhn
ney top are burned red terra cotta
and the Iron rail around the' flat
deck porcft may-bo Diluted 'black
green or white.
-The house - woald "be suitably
placed on a lot 67x150 feet and
faced toward the east. 'An approx
imate estimation of ' tha cost
would indicate this ihb'use to-' run
between 9,00 and Ill.Ott.'de-
pending upon lAcallty, local labor
and material costs. '-i '
Thin popple and ether plant
while they . are small. Give them
room to grow. .
union set provide green on l
ions within a few weeks. Plant
tnem Close together to conserve !
garden space.
Scatter grass seed on the lawn
in the thin spots If you have not
already attended to it. .
To prolong tho blooming season
01 sweet peas, pick them every
Spray with arsenate of lead for
tho control of caterpillars and otb '
er leaf-eating insects.
A dusting of sulphur will often
prevent and control mildew on
vALSETJS. April It Tho
whole school baring boss: exposed
to w hooping - cough no one . Is
sent horns until tho cough Inter
fere with school work by -orders
of Josiah Willis, and Miss GIllo.
Many students have It,
1 -
Low Prices sal the
V Best Service
' Powder & Sc??!r Co.
I n J
rAIRriXLD. April ll-'Wa-
or rood Etemenu" waa- the su'
ject discussed Friday night at
rnJrtleld grange by Roland Jla-
son, dietician at Newberg. -
In hi talk. lfr. Mason- pointed
oat thaLby eating easily prepared.
of food .valued, man .is digging his
grave with, his teetk 'Dairymen,
pooltrymen and so on,!--declared
Mr. .axason. ."hare iior; jeara
stuuiea proper leeaing- qr. -ineix
livestock, because it wasj com
mercially to their' interest to. do
so. Man, undamenuuyjs avan
mal and should be govecned ln.nt
eatiaftv habits thevsamo aa the ant
mala be owns. , ,- V. -V .- P
-MThe law ot life 'is. replenish
meat or replacement rand - man
must replenish through the, foods.
the mineral he ha oxidised or
burned np, so necessary tor hi
well-being. Through the latest sci
entific, processes yon can now ob
tain these valuable mineral.
Tim o. Mi .
dies it snen
SLTERTON, April it Tim
othy 'D. Allen, Sllrerton pioneer
died: at hlsv horn here Friday
night at, Jl o'clock. Funeral ser
vices la charge of. Jack and Ek-
man will be held from the ehapell
Monday at 1 p.m. with Judge L,
u.&xcManan- reading the cere
mony. ,Mr. Allen will be laid to
ress in tne . siirerton cemetery
wnero nis latner, Henry Allan and
Saye Money Jfcfow. On
Composition Shingles - -
$5 Certain-teed
Standard Hex. Shingles
$4.00 Per Square
$4.50 Universal
Composition Shingles
$3.50 Square '
We have only a limited --
. quantity
Cobbt-Mitdiell Co.
S4 So. 12th TeL ?443
Everything ta Bmfldtas;
I v S I IB
file first place she looks (JUcttertrl) is at that manly scenery;
that goes by the name of sec. And then, check as if it isn't so
her eyes drop to yovr collar and tie. (The few inches of whits
showing between the chest and chin can make or break a men
sartorully. That's your cne to wear only Arrow Shirts. IW
Arrow.with over four bvUioa collars to its credit, styles and sets
a colhtr. thats the despair of other shirt mate No cwlmgendsC
Ko wrinkles and ripples. .Wearins; is believing. And Arrow Shirts
sxeSniprized-Shrank, guaranteed to stsy your . .
'correct sixe forcrer, or monry back. We're snx
ioos to prore it wiuV the fanwus TVunmtat"r ; ''jillisi.
i ' ,v"T Support
Specify rSalest Made Paper for Your
.'.", - Offlce SUtioncry
. t--
his graAdtaaRBBsrAlUn, ars
already; burled, h? J 1 ? r V.
nr. Auetx was oont u- u vra-
do Hills on the blaeo now owned .y i
by Karl Baberly on Feb. ll,JS5t.
He has spent hi ofttlre life at 611
rerton. .Hi wife. Geneva w.Wol-
fard, died U JanaaryMlll. :Mr :
Allen reUred from his farm bo '"
cause of his health, t years ago.
Ho-1 survived by the following
children. Beber O. Allen, who' i
postmaster. L. Clay Allen, Floyd
W. Allen, Dewey Alloa. Wynola
Ottaway. Faye Ren wick, aoveral
grandchildren and great grand
children. - - J. '
; . BYBKEtd BOMB ' 1 "
i . SDL.TERTON. April 2. Er
nest Byberg returned Friday front '
Los Angeles where he has been
tor several months with hi mo
ther, if rs. J. J. Byzorg. Mr. Br
berg drove to Silrertoa In his an-"
tomobuo and plans to remain
here Indefinitely. Be wtU assist
his brother. Jonas In bis manufso-
turing plant here. Byberg said
when he left tho south and all the
way. up through the valley until
ho reached the Bay country It was
uncomfortably hot.
Hiss Ermal 8annder who
been an art student at Lorn
Linda, CaUf., U at the horns o(
her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. A, B.
We mast, keep on.,
talking about being
careful. It is the
prime requisite of a
moving and transfer
company. We have a
scale of prices that it
will please you tor
scan, " j -''
, r - - -.
ifiit i I ii f
lanuiacturers bf-r-.
1' , i
Oregon Products; ; .".-V- .