The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 24, 1932, Page 10, Image 10

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, April 24, 1932
Out for the
v - 7 St- .
UilLLEY TEfiffii
Dispute Here
Hid - Willamette Circuits
To Start and Cascade
: To Continue Play
TODAY'S GAMES -' -Mld-Wlllamette
. Division I s . C ;.". ,
- Tew Park at Hopewell; Turner
at Sublimity, Stayton bye. "
Division II . . - -
' Monmouth at Falls City; Grand
Ronde at Airlie;. Independence at
Dallas. . : r'-.;' " ' "; '
Division III ; ;
ML Angel at Gervals; Salem Pi
rates at St. Paul; Hubbard bye.
, , v - Cascade League
North Section -
; Amity at Woodburn: Brooks at
Newherg; Dayton : at Mt. Angel.
! South Section .. ; ,
" Jefferson, vs. Turner on Clover
dale dimondi;Stayton at Browns
-Ule;Sclo at .Lebanon.,. .., -'"-
f'i Although the -breather forecast
: for today is "showery," prospects
are that most of the ,. baseball
fields In this section, will-be in
good enough condition ' that the
Cascade league and the Mld-Wil-
. lamette league can open up in ear
aest on their 1932 baseball races.
The Cascade league was sched
uled to" start last Sunday, but be-
; cause of rain only two of the
games were -played. Today Is the
"' regularly- scheduled opening for
thfcj Mid-Willamette league.'
?n the Cascade games last Sun
day Jefferson beat Lebanon 4 to
1 and Brownsrille set Scio down
7 to 4, both scores Indicating good
early season ball. Lebanon won In
the south section last year and- is
reported as baring the same pitch
er this season. - -
Jefferson is going up against a
tough team today In the Turner
outfit Scio and Lebanon meet to
day so one is sure to even up
for last Sunday's defeat If the
weather permits, r -
''The game between Woodburn
and 'Amity should draw a big
crowd. Doby Wood who pitched
for; Willamette last year is the
chucker for Amity according to
reports and his cousin, a hard-hit-ling
shortstop, Is also in the line
up. This pair would put punch
Into any of the league dubs.
' Both Salem teams wi play to
day. Tew Park against Hopewell
and the Salem Pirates Against St.
- .W. U Prt. - w.
BttM T , S .77ShCtaeim. S
Chieaf T t .7001 JJ. T. 4
Pittas. . S .345 BrookL .1
fkiUd, ; S - J45 St. Lp-.S
U .Prt.
0 .455
9 .409
T .300
. PITTSBURGH. Pa., April 23
. (Arj -roe Pirates won the fi-
mal game' of their series with the
Cardinals today, 10 to 9. making
the. count . three out of four
games for the first home en
counters. -' . .
4 : ; ' B H E
St. Louis ......... 9 14 2
Pittsburgh- ;"1.; . ; . ...10 -. 8 1
. Carleton, Haines, Dean and
Maneuso; Brame. Swift and
Grace. .
Cubs Win In 12th
CHICAGO, April 23 (AP)
Lonnie ; Warneke. young right
hander. and the Cubs today went
12 Innings to defeat Cincinnati
2 to I, i The Reds used four
; R HE
Cincinnati ...... ... 1 9 3
Cb'eago j v......... 2 7 0
.... - Koip, Johnson, Hilcher, Wy-
song ana Manion; warneke and
Braves Sweep Series
- BOSTON, ; April- 23 (AP)
Socks Selbold held Brooklyn to
six hits today and the Braves
poanded out a 7 ; to 1 victory
over the Dodgers. The Braves
swept the three game series.
Brooklyn; . . . ... ....It 3
Boston . : . . . . . ; ... 7,, g 0
Nungo, - Thurston, Jones and
. Richards, . Plclnich; Selbold and
uargrave, :. -
Hansen 'Stop Giants
f API Roy Hansen : came back
today and pitched the Phillies to
a 7 to 2 victory over the New
iorav. uianu. ; Hansen pitched
snuioai dsu until the ninth." "
wew Tork v . . t . 2 1 1-- 0
rnuaaeiphia ...... 7 12 2
. Hooney, walker, Gibson and
iiosanr Hansen and Davis.
Two baseball 1.. .v,' v 'c J
sssfsjsnisn r
.j ,.u cum ing season, will
launch their 1932 effort t
weather permittinr. The
Legion Juniors will practice at 10
a. and the Senators at 1 p. m.,
; om on uunger Iieid. , J
In ' each case the invitation Is
'come one, come all." Anv lad who
will be less than 17 years old June
30, and thinks he can nlav ball at
,. . . .: -
ui,;ugw ; wuier ji.
Huston afid Coach Harold Hauk
have announced.. ' K ii; Ck"
The same invitation with no age
-ovl30 has been issued bv "'Zeka"
rod who again win direct the
: gators. Batting practice-will be
Ltlj and then the candidates dlj
vned into two teams and a prac
tice game win belayed.
feuS- lb, :' A&B0& :
, WILL' WjQ'-S1,g(-.
BT this time, the lass ei about
eight different oi? league
dtiea have seen their favor
Aes in action ! in the few .nmea
of the 1932 marathon toward Ten-
toantTille. : ' - :J
At this early stage, of the race
aH f ans . are usually optimistic
even on the bandwagons of perpet
ual tailenders. 1 If the home team
cops the first series, the fans talk
pennant. . IX ue Jiome team loses,
they make ' excuses and explain
that the Tictorious opponents are
admittedly a strong "spring team."
Sometimes an expert observer
can really get a good line on
team s pennant possibuiaes even in
the first week of play. But it
would require ! the services of an
oracle of Delphi to prognosticate
the final standing of individual
players in the batting averages,
fielding, yes 4nt not batting.
Once upon :a time, in a rain-
soaked, bleak army camp, we
were assigned the extremely
dangerous Job of guarding pri
soners. We Had no shells lu
our rifle, bmt took the Job
quite seriously nntil one of the
"hodsegow inmates tipped us
off that you couldn't drive
these birds out of here with
the whole German army. But
that's not what we started out
to relate. "
Trailing one! grimy and gloomy
Individual around the camp late
in the forenoon, we followed him
into his company commander's
"Captain j he complained.
"When I went on that last Jag
somebody snitched my spare uni
form, my blankets, my raxor and
all the money I had. Tou know
while I'm ln the guardhouse I
don't get any j pay. I ain't had a
bite of tobacco in two weeks.
Cant ; you; dq something, about
getting those things back or
helping me out somehow?'
"Private Potter, repUed the
captain, "somewhere in the bi-
We' it- says the way f th
.transgressor iis . hard. f . And
we went forth from there.
If-thera'it muaaa fn
ror ; the - secret society - members
. J o v .
who have been' barred from ath
letie participation at the hieh
school, ; they're welcome to 1L
w. w? . to say
today, but will
more about "that subject for
:s jswrii
rumn oy a young friend.
; The road was, a ribbon of as-
And 'twas rapidly growing dark
.'When the kuapers came rid
I TTn tn tiaiW' r--v.
. ng- 1
3 1 "-- a 1
frog, from
. - - meir luwers
All the better , to disclose
In,. Victim; niM.i w
J Vletiin with; bleeding nose.
They sanr a sons of battle
Amidst terrific din.
And then Aim for Victim
The, battle did begin.
Oh they mashed him and tbey
. , v smasnea mm .
l3j. KiM Ftstow Syw4ite. lug, ftrml BriUttt rtH Tfr
For Instance, it would be easy
to say that Al Simmons to due te
lead the American League in bat
ting during 1932, and that ' Bill
Terry will lead the National Per
haps they , will. Simmons ' rede
borne an easy winner in 1931, andi!!!.!
Terry tied Chick Eafey in this im-
Krtant department in the senior
. But that Is figuring without eld
Babe Ruth, for instance.' in the
Junior circuit. It is figuring with
out Earl AverOL Lou Gehrig, Earl
Webb, Eddie Morgan, and many
ethers who are potential threats
for the pinacle of batting stardom.
It is figuring without the trans
planted Babe Herman, the always
dangerous Lefty CDouL without
Hafey (if he plays), without Bot
tomley, Wilson, Curler, Ott, Klein
and many ethers who are as likely
as not to take on a new lease of
Chemawa Wins Decisively
Over Depleted Track and
Field Team
CHEMAWA, AprU 23 The!
Chemawa Indian school traek
team swamped Salem high under
a score of 89 H to 29 H In today's
meet, making clean sweeps In a
number of the events.
100 yard dash Arlee C. Em
mons C. Churchill C, 10.3 sec
onds. 110 .'high hurdles Olnev C
Franklin S, 15.2 seconds.
440 yard dash Wilson C
Walts S, Sederstrom 8." CO sec
220 yard dash Churchill C.
Emmons C. Barnes S, 25 seconds.
ZZ0 low hurdles Olnev R.
Hunter C. Franklin S. sx
finili . -. ".-
Pole vault lluha S. Piin r.
ovrgoyne ana jsenon S tied for
mira, 1 rx. in.
Javelin throw Dos-aai n
Arlee C. Lucia C, 139 ft. I in. .-
a se yard " run Shepherd g,
Cook C, Paquette G 2:19.2.
And then jthey Jibwled -with glee
And Victim,- miserable Victim,
Never a word said he.. - '
sack they hopped in their
'flivvers"'.-"---"' -
Tearing off la a eloud of dust -t
Leaving the -miserable Victim
Leaving him there to rust.
xnen back they' went to tbe
JCity " '-v c ;
Went back and-drank their f ill :
jror - wey. were government
- agents- : r
And Victim, a wornout still. -1
Meet Scheduled 5
For Salem Club
The leap year motif will -have
a - part ' in " activities which axe
planned for. the Salem Golf club
this afternoon. If weather per
mits a mixed doubles tournament
will be played, with the women
members ezereislng their leap
year -prerogative - and selecting
thel? f partners. :- . ?:'"
sThe ; fairways and:; greens of
the . Salem course are In : ideal
cuouiiion wnenerer it does not
rain now, and dry out soon after
the rain ceases. Winter tees with
one or two exceptions have been
aoanaonea. ,
urahara Sharker - club
. - V -" . . .'-a.- !tw- itK
life and bare the season ei their
Players fa both leagues, meat
noticeably In the National, , are
still adjusting theaaetvea to the
new deadened ball. - They are bit
ting more scientifically, what tab
ing. ' The crop f singles and
doubles will undoubtedly take up
the slack in heme ran and triples.
Sluggers who cant shorten up en
their bats and place their "shots
will have an increasingly difficult
time staying In the .200 class.
Barring the unforeseen, however,
Al Simmons, Connie lfaekt un
orthdoz power-box, ought to. cop
the honors in the American League -once
again and it still looks like
Bill Terry in the National, with
one of the strongest arguments
coming from a young fellow named
Chuck Klein.
crittt. ma. tom
of Salem High
880 yard relay Won by Che
mawa (Churchill, Arlee. Trottler.i
Emmons), 1:44.1. t
Shot put Levay C, Scott C,
Bird S, 43 ftv 2 in.
High Jump Dogeagle C, Muhs
S, Burgoyne S and Weeks C tied
for third. 5 ft. I in.
Discos Levay -C, Emmons C,
Bird S, 106 feet.
Broad Jump Emmons C,
Weeks 9, Lucia C, 20 feet.
sue run gnepnera s. sum
mons C, Reitt S, 4:37.
Seven. Salem high school traek
and field athletes are lost to com
petition through the secret so
ciety ban. Coach Vernon Oil
more stated Saturday. These sev
en would have been entered in 11
events. In view of the loss of
these men, some of the dual meets
scheduled will he cancelled hut
there will he some dual meets and
some boys will be entered in the
state meet. ! ' - '.-
has given assurance that he has
confidential information the wea
ther will behave this afternoon
and that it will be safe for the
players to. turn out. : ;;: --.
Brooks Defeats ;
Buena Crest, is
i Stim Unbeaten
The Brooks grade school base
ball team added another to its un
broken string of Tietories when' it
defeated Buena Crest 12 tox 2.'
Brooks will play Stayton April 29
for the south side championship.
' . Brooks' ; pitchers, Lowery and
Susee, allowed Buena Crest. bats
men but one hit. .
; Brooks' liaenpwasr-L; Ramp
2b, Potts lb, Henry ss, Aker e,
Orr lb, Lowery p-lf. Sturgis rf.
Sttssee If-p, B. Ramp cf. Hutto cf,
Hess rr.
? SEATTLE. April 13 (AP)
The Rikkio anirenity 'nine, he-
nina Kiautani's ught pitching.
won a I to 4 victory from the
University of Washington team
I today, to divide a two rame ser
"m ties. The Huskies won, l, to 8, in
- is innings yesterday.
.':r f
Bob Johnson Figures Again
In Victory; -Speed on
Paths Exhibited . -:
coast xsaavx
u r-
u- Pt-
na p. is
4 .789
jom A. 10 t .S3S
0kU4 S 11 .431
8etttl .T 11 ' .368
MiMloa -S IS .111
Bony. .It
Pert I'd 11
BM'U 10
PORTLAND.' Ore., April 13.
CAP) Portland scored lts.fourtb
consecutive victory over the Mis
sions today, i to 4. -
The Ducks were trailing In the
seventh .until Hlggins hit a home
run, scoring a man ahead of him,
and Fred " Be-rger, as . pinch hitter,
repeated .the performance a mo
ment' later and. tied the score. .. ..
In the. eighth.' -with two out.
Johnson mad two - bases . on a
Texas league fly and came In on
Higglna! single, ; : ; I
Missions 4 .1
Portland .... ; . , ,.,. g. . 1 1
Caster and Rlcci: Shores, Kll-
leen, McDonald. Peterson and
Stars Lead Series
SEATTLE, April 23(AP)
Hollywood hit the offerings of
three Seattle pitchers here today
to winthe baseball game 8 to 1
and to take the lead in the series
three to two. The Stars counted
II hits.
Two big innings spelled the
downfall for the Indians while
Miljus held SeatUe helpless. Hol
lywood scored three runs in the
fourth on four hits and three
runs in the seventh on four hits.
Hollywood ; . 8 15 4
Seattle 1 7 1
'Miljus and Bassler: Kalllo.
Freitas, Hartwlg and Bottarinl.
OakS Win Another
(AP) The Oakland Oaks broke
the ice in the fourth innlnar here
tonight to start a drive that end
ed in a siz-to-one victory over
the San Francisco Seals.
Thomas, hurling for the Oaks,
held the Seals scoreless until the
eighth in which inning they put
over their lone tally. He allowed
hut four bits during the game.
. . R H E
Oakland . . $ n 2
Seala . 1 4 2
Thomas and Gaston; Davis and
Penebsky,, Murphy.
!X)S'rANGELES,-' April 23
(y WM game, ten innings.
' ' '-. y- .-' . .. nun
JncramentOv' - 1 n
Los Angela jj j
Hubbell and WoodaU; Ballon
and Campbell.
ill OF
Aafzazoaw UAorrsj
Ik Pt
U Pat.
S .435
S .444
7 .56
7 .223
Detroit .8
Wuk T
IT. T. S
01T1. .5
St. L. S
PklUS. -4
CUeasa .4
Bottoa S
CLEVELAND, 'April 23 (AP)
Cleveland came from behind in
the eighth and ninth inning today
te win their first game in four
daya fnom Detroit 4 to 7. It was
the third straight victory for Wes
Ferrell, star Cleveland hurler.
V. R H E
Detroit 7 10 3
Cleveland . .. i . ; ; it 10 1
Whitehill. Bridges and - Ruel.
Hayworth; Ferrell and Sewell.
Roth Gets No, 5
NEW TORK. April 23 (AP)
The Yankees outslugged Phila
delphia in a hitting duel today te
win IS to S. Babe Ruth hit his
fifth home run and Ben Chapman
his first.
Philadelphia ........ S 11 1
New Tork ; 18 14 1
Walberg, DWhoag. - Cain and
Cochrane; Rhodes, Andrews and
Fischer Too Good
(AP) Behind the- four hit Bitch
ing of Carl Fischer's left handed
fireball, Washington defeated Bos
ton today I to 0. - '
Boston 4 1
Washington I 13 0
Weuand. Michaels.. Kline and
Connolly; Fischer and Berg. w - '
BroWms Sweep Series
8T. LOUIS. April 22 (API
Sir Louis outhlt the White jbox to
win 11 to f , here today and make a
elean sweep -of a three game ser
ies with Chicago.
Chicago ........,., 10 ' 2
St. Loult . . . . . . . i . 11 14 - r 1
a Frasier. McKain. Bowner. Moore
and Grube, Tate; Blaeholder and
rerreu. .. . nA
L With hopes of Improving wea-
tner, me Kitbau teams tomorrow
evening will .enter the second
week of their schedule. The three
games postponed on account of
rain last week will be nlaved at
the end ofTther five-week sched
ule. ': ,
This week's games wfll be:
Monday Postoffice vs. Court
Tuesday Maytag: Washers vs.
State Printers, r ,
: Wednesday Associated Oils
vs.: Elks. . . - v";
Thursday Salem?. Jdnen mills
"ProT Newton, who will engage
in one of his always-lively boata
wltH Art O'ReUIy on Tuesday
night's wrestling card here.
Only this one is billed as a
finish' match with nothing
.barred, in contrast to the main
event between Pat Flunegan
and Henry Jones, which is
stipulated to be "clean.
vs. Western Paper ConTerters.
Friday Meat Choppers vs.
Valley Motors and Kay Woolen
Mills vs. Wranglers.
At the league meeting Friday,
it was voted that all managers
must turn over to Supervisor
"Bill" Ross the names of their
16" players before their respec
tive games.
Bulldogs Slated
To Play Molalla
In Tuesday Game
WOODBURN. April 23 The
game scheduled to he played here
Friday afternoon between the
t earns representing West Linn and
Woodburn high schools was post
poned late Friday morning, as an
over-abundance of rain made Hhe
local diamond unfit for play. It
was originally planned that a
game between Chemawa and
Woodburn be played at Chemawa
Tuesday afternoon, but that date
has been changed, and Woodburn
Is to play the Molalla high school
team .there, Tuesday. On Friday
afternoon a game between Leban
on and Woodburn, to be played
here, has been scheduled.
PULLMAN, Wash., AprU 23
(AP) Opening the northern di
vision conference baseball season,
Washington State eolleg defeat
ed the University of Idaho, 7 to
0 here today.
SsmmpllGfte 5ai? WacMias
Small Ckrs . . $1.00
Medium Cars . 1.25
Large Cars . . 1.50
New and most modern equipment just installed makes these new
low prices possible. Quality of work will be the same as our $ 1 .50,
t$2 and $2.25 jobs fcthVpastV: v J -A -
Dpo 4 FcycQ; CPcr ; CYC&E
Attach to
. in
ChemekeU t Wgh '
Delay to Mean Peterson's
Appearance 'on : Mound ;
'. ; ' ' In Contest Here
The Willamette - Oregon State
baseball game was ealled off Sat
urday afternoon because of rain
It will be played the first of this
week with Andy Peterson occupy
ing the- mound before the home
crowd for the first time this sea
son. Peterson started the season Fri
day, against O. S. C. in the most
auspicious style of any of his open
ings.' In nine innings he fanned
21 men,' getting 23 for the whole
game. This is the largest strike
out record that he ever made.
The Bearcat team worked well
for the first game and though one
or two of the errors were , costly,
bobbles were searce.-Tbls is espe
cially encouraging since the team
had three freshmen, on It through
out the entire contest.
The new men acquitted them
selves well in the opening game.
"Pete" McCann caught a nice
game and although the Staters
stole bases on him freely. It was
not all his fault because the bases
were not always' covered speedily
and to the best advantage, fre
quently forcing -him to hold fire
an Instant before throwing. -He
caught Biancone off third base for
a putout while a man was walking
to first.
Freshman Infield
Recruits Speedy
Ray Wood yard Is another fresh
man who played and he proved to
be unusually successful as a lead
off man. The first time up he got
a walk from Woodard, the Beaver
hurler, and also took a free ticket
on two subsequent trips to bat.
Norman Swanson started the
game at first base and played his
position, well, but was replaced by
Egleston in the middle of the
game because George Erickson
was sent in to pinch-hit in Swan
son's place. Egleston also played
a peppery game at first.
The outfield, handled by Gus
Moore, Walter Erickson and Char
ley Gill, was "particularly well cov
ered. Not a single error was chalk
ed against the outfielders and
each did some pretty fielding. -
With a little more infield prac
tice, baserunnlng practice .and
elimination of base stealing, the
Bearcats will have a smooth-working
team. The hitting was as good
as could he expected against the
Orange pitching and will probably
improve some.
Klamath Wins in
Interstate Meet
By Slim Margin
23 (AP) Klamath high school
won its first major traek and field
title today on Modoc field by de
feating a field of 12 high schools
in the southern Oregon-northern
California meet. The Pelicans
scored 80 points.
Grants Pass placed second with
38 2-4 points. Others placed as
follows: Bend, 24 H: Eugene. 19;
Chlloquln. 18 Ashland. 12;
Fort Klamath, 9; Lakeview, 4;
Malln. 4; Butte Valley, 3.
Byron Haines of Bend was high
individual scorer with 13 points.
Rex Ha maker of Klamath was
second with 10.
iiet W
J ty cv
Tuesday night's wrestling mate hi
between - Henry Jones of Provo
Utah, and the "Duke of Barring
ton, Pat Flnnegan of Springfield,
O., should settle one question lav
the minds of .wrestling fans.
That question Is: "Can Jonee
win his matches without rough,
tactics?' There is no doubt that
Jones can win from a great many
grapplers with Just straight wres
tling, but Pat Flnnegan believes
Jones cannot subdue him without
reverting to slugging, kicking and
similar tactics.
Jones is confident of Tils ability
to whip Flnnegan under any and
all rules and readily greed to the
match. In their first meeting here
each had one fall and the bout
finally went to Jones when he
kicked Flnnegan In the solar-plexus
and placed a body press on him
while the colorful little Irishman
was gasping for breath... -
4 The other fall that Jones took!
earoe close on -the heels of a slug
he gave Flnnegan . on the chin,
starting him on the downward -track.
The "Duke" took the first
fall with a surfboard hold. It was
following the first fall that Jones
started his other work.
Another match on the card
which promises to be a natural
is between Art O'Reilly of Eugene
and "Prof. Newton of Oregon
City. This will be a finish match'
with the one getting two falls first
Vera Harrington of Portland
will be here' to referee the bouts.
Liberty to Play
Leslie; Defeats
W. Stay ton Nine
LIBERTY, April 23. The boys
team will play Leslie Junior high
school here Wednesday afternoon. ,
On Friday afternoon they are
scheduled to play Aumsvllle.
The boys' baseball team played
West Stayton there Friday after
noon, winning 8 to 4. The local
lineup was: Hershfelt c, Brown
ing P. Gibson. 1, Murhammer 2,
Alsman 2. Smith s, Valentine 1,
R. Murhammer m, Williams r.
Jones and Cleveland, sabs.
The girls lost to West Stayton
girls. 14 to II.
Good brakes hare helped
avert many a terrible
smash. Tet the best
ones eventually wear
out. . v
A periodical check up and
tightening at Ostlind's
is an inexpensive pre--caution.
Authorized Franklin
Sales and Service
875 Chemeketa Tel. 4003
and DeSrer
Anj Place,
Any Tim e ;
6192 C
TeL 1192
. .
; it
.. .