!. - t'" ; t .,--,..TJ.,--r.wy- . j - r--.,, ..j A . .uimji ..-,.T..w..,--- i 1 I--iiin 1 iTli .) t 1 ... V ft 4 ' i . f ; .J ' . . i 1 ! i A. - f -.it A, 'A ! i . Statesman Classified Ads Call'910l" CUssiflod Adrertlslsc Slaclt Insertion per UnMOe t Tbree insertion pet ' T " line j S0 ;1 Six lMArtloa per llne.-.lOe v Ob monUx per line, ;$!.' : ., Klnlmnia ebarss I . . . - J5e Copy tor tnhs. pe :r eepted nnUl ttt eteV lag -betora psbllcatlos for elMiacatIo&. -Copy rr-: ' , eelre4 after Ufa :Ume.ill " be ran nader ' Ihtf Tieadla. Too Lcte .to CUsmlty. v The : OateBint ame i f bo . financial responsibility-' for errors vhica may : ap-t pear .in adrertlsemenu pub-' Usbed In Its .column.--and ta caea where ttris paptf W at taalt will reprint tbat . part of an'a4rertlaemeat in wnlcb rtie typogTapaieaJ mistake oecnra. :;r. - v- .; : " ,Tke Statesman v reaerrea . tht rlxbu to reject ebjee -tlonal AdTertlalns. It far- : tker- resenree tbe rlb( to 4 : jclasslfy. all ; sdrertislns an der Um .proper. claasiflca: HELP WANTED MAU: FOR RENT HOUSES i Vmb ltS. 8tdr worfc ttTt te IJOe yarw POSTOFFICK CU3XS lAIti CARRIKSa. Common linwiUon uffldMrt. PaJd. vacation. J5 eoacM rREK. Writ todar r Dopls bouM. U N. .Winter. tare hootc, InqotM N. Cot tax. i SALESMEN WANTED - FOH RENT ltVnooi ftn&rtsicnt bouM. CSoae ' ta n BMtlr furnlshad. fully canle4. Ta cm hT yotir own llTteff quar ters 'Mi a vie iwt tacom bMidMi Only-fsa pr month, 8a air. Blak. a man. hmitM ' KDi. Miana Salary about MM wely. Box UOrcon Bids. BtllMlMIL ' - I - - at C SHIELDS Fbono 1903. SITUATIONS WANTED - :- Practical nnrw take ram at bomo f WUl 99 Wit XDl H. W ' Palntln. paper hanging. TaL t55. ajxri-qi - "r r l jn.- r - nnni - i ------- ( nftTTsnswrVKa - Let tn do your demo thins:, clean your ruga, orerstuffed, drape, and pollah your floora with mr equJpmeat. .. TaL 7S04. ,: , . ., FOR BENT Small furntahed houaa. j Inquire- aerTic atatioo, Zlit and Majr- EXCHANGE Real EsUtt FPU SALEr-USED CAE3 Valley 7,lotor;COr4 5 ' ' St treed On CMd ta lilt ; lit Sold ThU Tear -. Ask;th Person Who; Bought One 1 Wood narlnr aarrlca -etatloa with I eonrectuaary ana laacnee ootnomea at uw beat or tocauona. rnea soja; win aceept' Salea reaiaeoce m its' aerea. good -tmproTementa, lao acrae coed farm .land, hateae feod . a ai av.M umotr . paawre,.. : weu wwrw., 0.4. . Eeero.," ? td. Coup, rambto aeat Hm for cW. IU0d.ee-W .wm takai;" - .cmt. or alW propaw r , : ...... -rt :ryrrr. : I fa, look tb 'r4 tow 1 safely, because of tbolitron arm- Uaed automobMa. to. trade for aeralari. 2 i 1 ad f area.- Riiaa "Ca narratacBi aer are. state Motoca ;in, WaHey 'MOtOr CO. I itM of difflcnlt oisodea t the Pbone aiSi Center Street - jcascaaea in 11. W wmca ' IT party, of it Kortaweatera, under Alexander Stuart.; and Jauee Settlu net tie wu . hoe- tOlty booto) Celtto falls in 1111. land were tamed bach; toward As toria. , .. . Staart was woandad and lar ajitettBt-. of trading goods jwms eeised . .-A short io before, ihe Indians attacked 1 another . arty- of Northwesters. I between the caaeadee and .Danes A snnitfre expedlttOB, fren Astoria. - of C 1 tnen; Intimidated thav Indians, . bnt infUeted mo ef fecttre punishment Iter in It 14 an expedition, from Aatoria, .or IS men. :made- the two portages keta. fi -,r 1 . Plata- a -R., .house, aTod i location. I rtae 7 lie Lot at MarlAe Av Liberty IthiA-rlnr Indian .was ahot. It a ra ise worm Dzneany new uee uraaaian ivm -w m KTCHiNaB-tUILst aauUT Ikw been tiaed- Fun lanath- wind 1 Tndlanji wAfaT. ovarawad . hr aniMiS in. , 4 room atrtctly-modera .faralabed labield swipe, wlater front, wmd wtasa. I ia atratery nd" COmnelled td re im LSfH.. rv H.iianMMi iira h iimm i.te anil 1.1. Am lap Twin i . - . - . house la Eifcene for unlmproTed acra a. P. a Box tOS, Salem. -GOOD RANCH FOR TRADaV l0-crea. floe "stock ranch 00 coast i highway. -Rr house, large bam. 'bswa; p Salem. : , . --4. tOO-aerea. stock .ranchriTI A. culttra - ted. 4.feo.oee ft. saw timber: won- derfufr- pasture, ru&alna .waters - - trade for sin ill, acreage up to I.? . ".Ve.oa.. -;v -. '- Sg-acrea, sahdr; loam aofl. 4-R.' house; -barn. ood buy-for - ae0.0e ex change for seoaller place. ,. , for iizs cash, sea aeons Brnon. sto 1 ."r-. r- s srnet. - . .- leoonter In, ltlf,. In-: wnlch Irene Canadian was auiea. WITtt AN O at THAT COUNTS f cinaian agitator, m mit ilARaB6TOCi - liberal tERMti seeordmg'.to Cbxi attempted .to ex- - model x fords r cite ths natires wlth thla soap" box r aX rPP; ; iilw j to psas! hrv tronWlni; lr arat- itO'A,Todof . . . , . .ooi ers sad scarinx away onr flab. mi A Ford . track -apaed. -:-. ...lerttliont haTlar' Bif Look , at aU itot Jthoee balaa 6t rood feolng to otr aee.ee 1 enemies; and' look -a ear wires tMn, Anrnnr Ka4v ttit -Pootiao CMaen ! Cher. FOR BEST RENTALS SEE BBCHTEL or THOMASON S41 Btata Street Room 4 Modem furntahed house for rent. Call MS for appointment. ' 1SI Cher, Landaa 8edaa LJI0 Cher. Ceach iiUnM. toad bunnlow.. lars barn. silo, dandy milk house. electrtcW,,- Ch-. twik Meh lights and water ayatem. House I t ; t OTHERS has basement andbath. Js0 1 PRICED FROM (20 TO 500 A. timber. Trade for city property. 17-acret. 0-R. house with hath, flre- !!!S2 land, children, naked f On this 00- IW'jR 1 eaaionHosa, aaya the tiatlres were mnsierea 10 me numoer oi'Booai 1000 warriors.' iVICrvay wnevroiet VO. I , -Bat, after llrSl, trarelera FOR SALE MisceHaneona ejjjiBiu"i-ri-i'LririjiiLrir iri x " m FOR SA1.B Old ars lee but Ale' Statesman offtea. Xri riirLnjiru Liii"iiinir r i . TnMiKm all snakea, new need Adders and typawrlteraCorrsat Typewriter Exchaaae, 1 Court 8t esaaaaaasasesSsaaseseaea CorratUs strawberris plants wf J ran berry Upa V D Leekv TeL 8ri pjiAJTJVVV'i'VVVir lT asiaaaaaaaasie FOR SALE Real Estate Uood I -room Blastered borne, fire place, basement, etc..: and attractlre I surroundings. Ornamental; . nut and fruit treea Fruit and berries -more than pays tasea Two garages. S to f ni lota, nice elew. paved street, near schools. Priced to sell all . or part. terms. TtS Rural Are. Phone S54 - nni and -floored attic, strictly modern and new. $1500, will torn on more- erpensiTe nouse. r . ,.. cre- fJ- i2H 1 4 y. Comt. phow tirt ttt Center up and down the Columbia rirer place, electric water system. Kna-f 1... . - .-t.. - . a , a fMa- a aMMMP a nan . nam ill bw war 1 u lubi huui isih Of waxer, uioerxa. iwwi . . r. : I . - ' ; " . fc-'nlSSr tw LIVESTOCK mud POULTRY f iu ZtZ,ZuZ bee 8EAR8 . ax tucker, Reattora i 'J:r:?:r':.:'L;-l L ,. imnfi. aad- si ik HAiiiii aeisi A-aSBE uoxrxn aaasiasa euiu 1 v a--r h-"- rmlleta. BOo ea. If taken at once. C E. I who were then ' beginning to ar il t South High Street Uodsini home BLAKE'S vacuum shop repair ana 1 stairs, entirely rent Phono 1381 IMS S.- Liberty mam! a,. m m m m n Ladles hats, alterations and repair. Green bautn'a. 240 N. ComX ; eaaaaaaahaaasm'' asa . Manure $1.10 yd. Sheep 50c ex.. Dirt and sand $LJ5 yd. TeL 404$ or S17L Wringer repairs for all makes .of washers, Mr. -Ellis, Hallk Elec. Co. with apartment up- separate with two baths, rarare. beaiina fruit, bear state boose, $1200. . ... t- j WINNIE PETTTJOHN, Realtor 176 South High Street FOR SALE FASMS eaaSMaaawaaa1Ma'aaaassa' DON'T MISS THIS I 48 A. being sold for less than the cost or the buildings. . Bungaiow m fine- shape. Hot and cold water, rood barn, stream, $0 A river bot tom land, rich fine soli, on pared rd. School bus to grade and high. Price $3000. Will carry $2,000 be- nus loan. - . R. A. FORKNER 1610 N. Cottage Phone $031. I Pennerleln, R. way. 0, on Stlverton high- FOR- SALE Bronso .turkey eggs, 20o each. J. J. Thompson. McCleay. Oregon. Phono 17FS. riTe. and.who far 1S4P and there after were to go t6 the Willam ette In growing numbers, were to be bat little molested. "The race conflict at the nar FORCED TO SELL Mr 105 A. farm In the next fewlw ... vrt. r m , a o. . ii 1 k. I - "- v crop. Implements, t cows, S borsea, all goes for $5000, some tenna SEE my agents - l . - . Potatoes for sale. 5c per hundred. -d nra i7ice only $a00 UI )tfgte """f 4 od for table or seed. Mrs. Bayer's I wlth terma. - I-??:81?. ..fifTl-T: fall to see this one., A chance in BUYER'S OPPORTUNITT ; Drastic reduction for: Immediate sale. I Comfortable ( room bouse with fur-' nlture." large lot.- one street paved, walks In, shade trees, alee . lawn. FOR SALE Ten year old mare 1 rows of the Columbia Tlrer : was weighs 1850 iKjunds.-Inquire Rt 4, Bx ended; not, howerer, by the white ?fr: roua?. man's strategy of prowesa, bnt 1 for sale Team of reidinga, I by the . whito man'' disease. weight 8200 iba. Carl v. Booth, Tur-1 rrhe Indiana of the . interior, Ju-nJXrij-Ln-rL-.--- nrr -,n.rj- 1 BOfe rOBiStant tO the WhitO OlM'l for sale Thrifty white Leg- I Ilia, were to driro oat the whites horn cockerels. So ea. T ml east on I with the Whitman massacre of Pratum road. 1-4 mi. west or iratum. 1 1M .nti th-. Taklma war of lt55-. nntil th hunt for gold in flnnA tnr table or seed. ?laca R. F. U. v, box 'l'"1" ake Wallace road Phone 1F32. Two new trailers, disc wheels, bal loon Urea. Urge beds, 83S.0-4.o each. 1811 So. Lfterty. Salem. Wen rotted fertllteer. Reasonable, 875. - - - nadta for sale tuba R. C A. ra- dlola .superheterdyne, new JMI.OO.re-l,, Best f -Und. Runnlns; water. possessed balance due- 7ti: 25."!" I On rood roadf Mtlk and mall route. 8t.ee monthly. See lrr Jans, . wm s i , laiprovements. . Electric UghU Immediate possession - or ' a good home. S large cheerful' rooms - and sleeping- porch, . plumbing,' electric lights, basement. furnace, nice year, J shrubs, shade trees, double garage. Worth $Soe. Will sell for short time for lust oae-half, r I1S0O. - LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 220 State Street V Phone 8708 283 acres. ' practically all in cum- life time to Ct a deal Ilka this; act quick. T '$27 PER ACRE ,l . Baby chicks. Warmer's Hatchery, 1 1860 should bring in the palefaces zi n. nrtn-TM. nit. ...tin greater number, with flre- rnrfam hstrMnt ie ner err after I water and renewed diseases to Mar. 25th. TeL 1S3F2. Lee's Hatchery. I complete the ruin of the saTages S ."It may be of passing Interest to mention here the Indian reme- Speclal baby chick sale. Toes. A Wed.. These low prices will surprise you. Salem Chlckertes. 885 N. Cottage Street. - Dar old and started chlx. also pul- riets. The Willamette Valley Hatch- ! PBEiPDiIlKH AT D8IISII GOUJESE and Aleea Boyington, Mrs. Wil sen, - : R assail - Wilson, Jesslo Moe, Mr. Bv Phillip, Kelt Phllllpa. and ..Mia Beulak. OV ZaVAIS. April 21 ? Mrs. .a Pope- rare a birthday party Tnee- dle described by Glbbs. Tor tonl and- renereai; medicine he aays ths aborlxlnefl ced Jt detoe- tloa of the Oregon grape; for as emetla, an extract of the eatnae root, or "of the cnenmber.Ttne. the latter being employed a st eath-p artlc: for ronorrhesw a tea .steep ed, witb. A specie of fern and Uep URTJSH COLLEOS, April SI I day afteraooa tor her ehQdren. ftmoke f of ' eertalB pUnt : and 1 Brush ceuege graaga wm oa joint l setty, age eight, April if, and woods r for abortion and.atlmo-lhostca, with the Oak. OrorelKaroi. ago alx. April 17. i-ChO : laat lncehildbirth, a powder mad i grange zor tn au oay romona i area s games ana recresbmeatk en of th.tail of rattlesnake; for a rrange meeting- to oe neid at oax gagea tne-tlma. Those present ponltice, : th .Inside bark of thejOroT Saturday. April . A busriwera Lona and Jeanette Barken. skunk weed; for . a fomentation j iness session wfll preced th lSt-llrria and Jake Catsworth. , Ioae tor bruisea and sprains, the Juloe-ltB o'clock; dinner wmcb wui aeiscnaeier, Betty Back. Betty and of the eolfs toot; for broken followed' by . an interesting; pro-1 Dorothy -Oetermaa, - E4di Benny limb, smllnta of Lwbod and baav-lrram vrenared br Mrs. T. J. Kd-read eae Pawoaka. Rarah r ia tdageat Th omen; wrapped their I wards; Pomona grange lecturer. Ferguson, Leaaa and Betty Jaa bodleavin twigs, of 'nenuocKCTFomona-gTange masier. yiea 1 a.oppmger, iietty catching, Calrla spruea-at pertodlc timee 8wll-anM serred several years aa Brush land Zadi Nattager Mary An lngs th Indians ortea aeannea, I couege grange master prior . u i atinaaer, , Frances Wright, Ray and . bad re they .freqneatly lelecUoif to hi present office. jaoad and Lilly Potts. . - cautertsed. Ross Cox describe th I The Brush . College Sunday I . :v f cold piung ana tn .-steam sain iscnooi is in a iiouxisuiax cwuvu-1 .v&avAu, April Zl Anton ae remediea for rheumatism, and I tion with between 4S and SO tnlLelack waa eererely shaken up say than an old Indian of th I regular attendance. r.C Swing land aaffered alight. Injuries ' Sat Flathead tribe cured him ,f rnee l as the aupennteaaeni ana wun i araay wane saorlag th family's matlsnr -of th ahouldera . and 1 the Bandar aenoei teaeaera menta l aousenoid goodg t Bopmere. Bo knee with tS day treatment of I much . prals lor cooperating jatruckr looe gravel west of towm th cld -plaBg-In mid winter Jerery way toward the good of land loot eoatrei of hi car wtt which - included rigorous rubbing I the community. Mra. Ollrer Whit-1 th resullthat his light track with In. Icy water." aey is saperintendent of the horn e 1 its load and himself went Into th aeparuneac , wnn msnoen nam-1 aitcn. eering 20 and ihe eraaie reu wun 11 bane earplled. ; ts: v. , A I ' Primary teachers are Mrs TJ. J.I mrJim .i AZlli-Ll': :i Lehmaa.' Mrs. Karl . Harrltt and The ihifhiti -iTTi,ri.a. Mr. JL R. Xwiar; young people SiaitaVtJ23l! TJtley. BIbl Class, XL 2. Lehman, Ceauaissieaer of the UtTltai secretary. Mra. Fred Olsea. Cap- nmi e.mw , tain O. L. BaU of McMinnrUl ktmt j F. ' who ta a horn missionary held oeoee . " - - :Bp preaching aerricea at Brash Col- . . ISCOMX leg Sunday school with a fine fgVi,wTsir rlT ri tae re, attendance of f 0 Or more. IateresL dirldead aad rati naini direr Whitney was honor guest lriag the- rear. sL41.ot. .rvm etaer - eearees weal BombThfeat No Poser, to Bank Teller LOS . ANGELES, April SI AP) A man bearing a package thrust a note at Teller Charles M. Camnbell In a branch of th Cltl-1 .. . Vrvi" 71 sens National Trust and SSTlnrs I " "A"uf ""- SLTJ: "Jf year. OtMisVi: hanV - WadnaadaT. . J I A.. Total taeeaM. SS.S48.S34 vs ' wra Itaa hnanr mar cillvr niSRCBorwrvra ii? ,v Whitney. Mr. and Mrs. Walter I ry. teia. lit ,iuf mnnM in naval . . ... lias' eaieataMat hmhm umimu or ril hlownn all arr th aliM 'J. - ZT", 1. X. i - " P" etlai stock Sariai - " . . " v T. " I ctitv winsiow vi mubiUi sara. we 7er, sioo.evo.oo. with this bomb. "Go ahead and blow," replied Campbell, - I mean business. Buddy," the man threatened. "So do I." Campbell, ahoated In' wrath, and sounded the . rob bery alarm as be started pur posefully ont of his cage. . The man fled. Campbell pur sued him a block, but lost him In the street throngs. Whitney, Ruth and Loyal Whit ney. FEWER AUTOMOBILES . " WASHINGTON, April 11 (AP) It may not hare been no ticed, but 731, 17t fewer motor Tehicle were on th highway last year. 127 A 100 m cultivation, balance pasture, fan buildings,.! miles Sa-ery 410 A S4th 81 mm ,iooo casn easy .-'verma vmwwmwmmmmm SOCOLOFSKT sun . .-I Poultry wanted, saiera rouitry tro.. First National Bank Bid-- ' - 1 255 E. Mnier. M. A. Mimn. rtwn4. Business Directory T BATTERY ELECTRICIAN I PLUMBING and HEATING Musts' store. aBasSwassasaasMassMAs Tmetor for sale, tativlre Model Cafe. axouxT-a-njLirii-irsi ..mm Oood piano, ruga, 1fcfastt,t li brary diner and chairs, bed. Complete range and miscellaneous article All or part at barrain prices. 1454 N. lth Street , i.i n.ru u i.i i.r i rn 1' - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Beautiful Pekingese, weighs I Iba. Will sell cheap 'to good borne. 4CH 4782." : and water system. Fruit- Will take I smaller farm as part, payment. Own er. Box 139, Statesman. $5. down and $$&. per ma 2 acres ACREAGE FOR SALE WOOD For good wood phone 311. Tracy R. D .Barton Batteries Starter and generator work. Texaco station, cor ner coort m enure n. PLUMBINU and work. Oraber Croa. I TeL 504. general repalt ICS 80. Liberty 8 A ami aeaf Pratum. 25 acres eul-twood vard. tlvated, baL stumps and timber, all Iwmwmwmmmmmmmm U. ani fmalem room Diss-1 fenced, BO buildings, price $440. tered bouwtalectrlc llghta, fuU I casn. - . . : . " W. O. KRUEOERr 1 . 147 North Commercial WANTED MIsceJIaneoiis basement,' 'aotoniatla pump,, doo- itie rarare.- sz?ra., .- 188 acres 12 ml. from Salem, 8 room house, all fenced, - nice home site, ' all-year creek and spring, good " son. $46. per acre, all cultivated. MELVIN JOHNSON 82 TJ. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 4704 New S room modern, ready In. 101 days, lot (0x190, good orchard and WANTEDS-REAL ESTATE . H aa . .rr . a. aJrfMfa afUH. Id gold nd Jewelry Condition 00 ob- I garden, price and terms s meet the! down, balance $50 month. rcononmns. - W. O. GRANT Masonic Bldg. Mam voor arlea. -i REINER'S EXCHANQH 15 N. Commercial. - - P.lnHnr kalaomlalnr. gum wood I rraJnina. contract or day. - Large ar .matl (oha.- free .estimates oa Blue print. Bill Vasby. 15 Stats St. WANTED TO BUT rood farm. SO to '40 acres that can.be bought witn small payment bisjs my a rents 841 SUte Street Room 4. 1 ta. and arowth fir 84.8 and $5.- II Td 11(1' GUARANTEED DRT wood coal TeL 500 Salem Fuel Co. Trade A . AUA -glMPfe 4a 7s DRT FIR AND JAK WOOD, oal and, foal oil Can on us for prices We aire rood measure, rood quality and CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 44R H B Worth a CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT, PS& Chiropractor 85 N. High. TeL Rea 78. ' PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN ADAMS tor hoase decora ttnr, paper - hanging, tlnttng. etc. Reliable workman. Phillips Injures Hand on First Day Of Work at Camp MEHAMA, April- 21 Cliff Phillips who 1 - employed at Hammond Camp It a bore Mill City, completely mashed off the end of his 'finger ap to the first joint, the first day camp opened. Tuesday six Inches of frestf snow were reported, at thla camp and the snow 1 down quite close to Mehama again. " Mrs. -Floyd Monroe was called to Lyons Tuesday night due to the lllnes of her sister-in-law, Mra. Addle Brant. Wednesday they took Mrs. Brant to Salem to see a physician and last re port waa that ah 1 com better. A large delegation of Mehama people attended th aerrices at the Christian church la MUl City thla week, conducted - by Rer. Earl Ladd. Those attending from Mehama Tuesday were Mra. Mon- durtagj CesuUMieaa aad aalarUa mIJ dmrtmm the year, 2,413.7S5Jt: . -Taxes, tteeaaee sad fen paid dorUfl Ike year. f240.0M.70. . aaiesat of aU ctker expesditares, $438,314.23. . . Total expeaaitsret, f S,473,890ja AS8CT8 -J-f wtate owaed (atarket vahM). $417 J24S.S. Talae of steeks asd beads ewaed (au ke valae). fS.70S.042.7S. f iTrsoVaa.,Mrt.nrM "4 S fJCA is beaks .sad oa kaaa, $1,438,. Preauaaui ia eoane of eolleeties writ. tea siaee September SO, 1031, f 12.120.SS. Iatereet aad reats doe aad aeeraed. f4.5.S0. Total admitted siteta, M.840,280.68. LLVBILTTIXS Crees claims for losies sap aid, f V 44S.250.74. - , Ameaat of aaearaad premiam ea aQ eautaadiag rUka, S8.398.S4LS4. Dee Ser eeauaiasiea sad brokerage, f L aze.2. An ether tiabmUea. 8224.740 JL Total UaVtlitiee, exelstlTe e( capital teck of fi.oee.eeo.eo. $ 4.t7.es.2s. - BU8INE88 IK OREOOH FOR THS TEAR -Net i ilnn receiTed darlag the yeas. $138,534.. Les paid doriag the year, $101y 014.40. Lenes lacarred doriag the year, $137 os7.se. Kame of fJemseay The XaMaehaietta Preteetive Aseeeiattea, Iae. Ksme Of President Bbarles A. Ear rlnrtea. . , . Haste el Becrttarr lrnvM 0. Hed rna. hiitt : VAima lfrs ' fard- t m r- a ti .Iklaa. writ, on au aca um. autatory reddest arieraey for serrloS Mr. and Mra,, Boylngton, Alle l. x. Creseh. PRINTING sTOCMI ST,VtCSL tRhrSR -TRANSFER . Teleohone a STORAOP 818f - DRS. tora Bldr sooriELn. Palmer ChtroDrac- X-ray and. N. C M. New Bank" I asAkprr.rkllaarf - DBuoa Is ax ehang b radios, phonoKravha. ot fur nltura H L Stiff Furniture Cominny - xn-nj'u'utuo.nnfWTnrriri'.'r'i-- - -- - - Fruit hn a shtes. Phone 8472- MISCELLANEOUS MMMWtad WANTED Homo for elderly gen tlman. Address Box 140. Statesman. ROOM AND BOARD A'.; TeL 8317. Modern warm room and board. Room, 8 meal, gaf. $22. 1040 N. 17th. .- Mod. rooms with board. 1 Union. FOR RENT APARTMENTS jiruxnrtrnvv-frirrir.-- r --- - Patton : apartments with private ; bath, nicely furntahed. Located to i business distrid Call Pattoa e Booh ' Store.-- - ,. ,' - . , Wett furnished 2 room apt, ' bath ' and garage Tel J884 221 Haset T-ri.n.-i.-LTLru' - -- -- -- - i- tm. apt, 445 A Winter. . . it nnnnri rir"!" Ti" - - Nice fur. apta, Pri. bath. 482 Marlon, j aaaasaasaasaaa . 1st floor apt 1335 SUte.'- mmrmmmmmrmmrmw r-r iuu j j jin. " - Nice turn, apt, 59 Union. I. ii mi . S2aSaaaSa1 marr naiitw lHiTnlshed aoartinente ' furnace hwir, private bath. $4 Court 7. aaasasseae KatfMarLfMBF JtK iaJlrfl mTXT aildoniylwrulra T Mill St 184 S. Liberty St - Phono 8294 or 0878. - - ' ' BEST-HOME BARGAINS: $1800. Good five room plastered home with basement and furnace, rar are. naved st Located at 810 a 18th St. $5 cash, baL-$17.50 per month. $2250. Five room plastered bungalow . with one half aero located on pav ed st, near Englewood school, nice shade trees, only $50. down, bat S33. per mo. 81800. Late built modern 4 room home with two bedrooms, oak floor, fire place, garage. $38. down, baL $18. per mo. 1IS00. Late built modern five room Bpanlsh stylo stucco noma en par ed st and bus line. $50. cash, baL 825. toer mo.. . $1500. Five room plastered bungalow with rarare. located at 655 Klng- wood Ave. West Salem, $50. cash. baL 814.50 ner mo. All monthly payments include bit WHT RENT? See W. H. GRABENHORST A COw REALTORS 1S4 8. Liberty St Phone 4488. ""siX ROOM HOME BARGAIN: Near state house, hardwood floors. basement, furnace, garage, in solendid condition Inside and oat Price $4500. for IMMEDIATE ' SALE. 22S00. cash down. -terms. SEE THIS BARGAIN TO- DAI. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS; Old fir and limbs, TeL Jadd 103F21. Good -old fir. Phono 8922. CLEANING SERVICE Centor Bt VuleteHa Tel. S883 FOR , STATIONERY, cards. pampR teto, programs, books or any kind el printing, can Th statesman Print Ing Department SIB A Commercial Telephone sisl Cross -Word Puzzle - By EUGENE SHEFFERt MONEY TO LOAN saaeaaajSssjinsBh MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced - Arrange to reduce yout payments Ton keep the rar P. A. BIKER . Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Phone 4732 Salem,. Ore Crrr AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable -Our Insurance department - offers yoo ex pert advice and service In all llnea, , HAWKINS A ROBERTS J inc.) TeL ' 419 205 Oregon Bids Bells of Harmony Heard over KOIN daily ring out a loan service that ' Is really, really different TOO GET THE FULL ' - I AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST ! STRICT PRIVACY Old fir. TeL 544$. FIRST CLASS FUEL, Screened hog fuel dry . second growth fir old fir mill block. Phone 8847. Fred E. Well lac Bona-dry fir, 18. TeL 8278. CUT. flowera ' weddlnc boua&ots funeral wreaths, decorationa c Court St Tel flit Breitnaupu nonst ts oiate aireev TeL 8004, - Old fir If ta. $8.00. larre tad growth 1 In., seasoned 85.50, phone 413a ALL klndsof floral work. Lots Fler 1st 1 8th Msriret Tel. 52 Bits For Breakfast o ; .- o - (Continued trom page ) mlsslv a children. . , . (Indians thronged at the two portage of the Columbia to obtain - rrappiles of salmon and to barter. They were generally . described as a rreedy. treacherous, thlering and hlnndthlrat-r Int. Thar wera th wuiv.n. "..Tr'-T middlemen between th natives of Wa, Ua a m V . I . . ,Vaa, , , . a , lor.) . ... i -. - -' " e S. S -."Captain: Meriweather Lewis In 1 8 1 called the cascades Indian Beneficial Loan Society - OF SALEM Room 11 New. Biigh Bid. Snd rioor J 'the jtreatest thieves and coun- "-Ji-aB.u ui oao . idreia w naro met wun." us tn is Btaie st,- tei. e-i-e- i j-,,-, tanx 4hr return in ISO 8. only the Yiglianc reitwiHAi. u-ana -1 0e Lewia and Clark . prevented an Indian, atuck. Th explorer well monthly. When In fiiwaclal need see I knew that th Indiana wer plot- as taforo ciosins a-wn. i I tine treachery. A narty of Astor- 'ZZZtvi S : Zi I ian waa attacked at Cello falla First National Bank Btdc. Phone 8552.1 in 1112, OB th way to New Tork with; dUpatche for John Jacob - Furnished and onfurnlshod houses, R. A. Forkner. Phone 3031 - T. "Ln"uLn n .. - - a rm. - house, cheap, j- Adults. Ino, 182S N. Capitol St - , :t - ' yjAiXreu8-WJ-ruininriri oa FOR BENT Close to modern raswence ox i mLmm, -. itakUi - for- - roomers and i vrT! .naM. : f irenlaeo i this at once. TalreraTs4eBr monthT ' ---rs I SEE Mrs. Ellis with J -.SSf? CHILMCO- Realtors rt V- LEO N. CHILDS CO Tftealtors, $20 State Street Pnone 8708.1320 State street POLLY AND HER PALS SNAP IN DUPLEX HOUSE: Modern with oak floors, fireplace, electric stoves, basement, furnace, laundry trays, double garage, paved st. cor. lot in excellent conauion in side and out Now rented ror aiv per mo. Price 83750. 8878 down. balance payable $37.50 per mo. to include Int ACT NOW tomorrow may be too late. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. FhOn 8118 I PERSONAL, INSTALLMENT iOaHB "' 7. y e.a-a- STATE loan ctJMf ANx . iana norsea. jonn xceea, wno car $18 Oregon BoUdlng. 2nd Floor. lrM a bright tttt box' ConUlning Office hra lOrOO A.M. to 4:8. P. 8C. .. - v.i. Uceaard by State iu " ABOtner parry oz six Astonans, ia making their way- down .In ills; among whom - were Ramsay Crook and J ohn Day, , were rob bed, and th f onr others ; perish ed. The two1 urTlTor arrired at Astoria la a pitlabl condition, th saragea haTing stripped them ot : ererythlns;, leartnx - them hut som bits tt. deerskin to coter their nakedness. FOR RENT HOUSES ; 1 EXCHANGE Real Estate iTeiaphona T788 . - ' FOR EXCHANGE 100 acres of rich, black soil, fair set of bulldiars. Bear good business can ter. Owned by a widow who will ac cept In exchange a rood residence In Salem -or Portland. This place has a Federal Loan of 8225 aad owner -will assume a Ilk amount on the resi dence. It will pay you to Investigate LOANS WANTED :. WANTED Private money to loan on real estate" - T W. O. GRABENHORST GO . ' -REALTORS ? v ; 1 184 A Liberty St - ..TeL 848 Phone 478 WANTED To borrow 81500.00 OS 1 1st mortgaa - on business property, R. 1. Bx 238, Salem, -Onaron. FLORISTS' RADIO FOR every porposa, for every parsa- A11 .standard sixes of . Radio Tube. EOFF ETCTRICAL SHOP. I471 STOVES FLOOR 'CONTRACTING Olsen Floor Co. Tel. 9111. T" STOVES and stove repairing. Stores ror sale, rebuilt and repaired. - au kinds of wo rea wire fence, fancy and plain, bop baskets, hooka, loaan hooka . Salem Fence and stove works, sss Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. tt Fleming. INSURANCE BRCKB A HENDRICKS 189 N. High v TeL 4147 TRANSFER WILLAMETTE INS. AGENCY Wm. Bllven, Mgr. exclu&lve Buttevtlle Agent.; 218 Maannlc Bldx. -Tel. T908 LAUNDRIES CAPITAL- CITY Transfer Co. f 2 SUte St TeL 7778. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty oet our rates. FOB local or distant transfer stor- j are. call . 3131 Larmer Transfer Co. Ttw to Portland 1a))r ' THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY - THE WEIDER LA LIN DRT 283 A High V. t . TeL 8131 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "We Wash Evenrthlns In Lux Telephone 3185 ' 1284 Broadway ! LAWN MOWERS Sharpened and repaired. Also trades fL W. SCOtt 14 8. tWL let ilS. MATTRESSES Mattressea from . factory -to horn. New 50 lb. mattreea 85.00. Renovab oro and fumlgatora Capital - Bedding Co.. TeL fees svss wortn uapuoi. WASHING MACHINES All Makes Rented, sold aad repaired. Easy. . B. CL Martar. Coalon. Meadows and Automatic f 11 aad up. nOQO BROS. W. C MANGUM. Manarer 839 N. High TeL 8028 Itteal Estate Directory I 12 13 H 5 I 16 II Id Ii 10 I II W 1 16 20 I21 I2! IT 26 ; 27 28 . LcZ mmmmm rr-r- 4h . New mattress made to order, old saattreaa remada: carnet cleaning, slx- Inr: fluff rur weaving." Salem Fluff Rur A Mattress Factory. A 18th A Wilbur. TeL 844L Otto F. Zwlcker. But 1911 a - BECES HENDRICKS 189 N. High TeL 4947 A IA EARLE 224 It High 6L TaL 1878 SOCOLOFSKT SON 394-8 First Nat Bk, BMg. ; TaL 7807 BIUSIC STORES 4. F. ULRICH 328 State Street TeL 8873 GEO C - WILL Pianos. Phono graphs, sewing machlnaa, sheet musto, and piano studies Repairing phono graphs and sewma machines. 433 Stats Street. Salem. HOhfER D. POSTER REALTY CO. 87 0 V, Stat St Tat 7523 W Ft GRABENHORST A CO. 134 A Liberty St ' TaL 4488 HORIZONTAU; 1 dilfarent . from th . eommott i ; order ef 2iatnr . IS fetrtity 19 lessen 14 en the sea 1J look fixedly at It ' mother IT trait f decimal , system: .' It enliren .. It existed t , 2t neuter r- BTenetra . 21 uny stick SL conreraed . By ; CUFF STERRETT 7,;-. ' Jason - rt v sailed for . , mmmmmwmmmMItammWmmm1m,mmmmmmkmmmmmmmmi aasaasBBemaTaasBasmnTaBBrSBamm - 1 waaMsaasaaasasaaasi .... I I ' I , (HE cOCAll) (you CANTHAV&) r4ERVl-SISTERJJ COOCeVSrH5J . .JT- - -t : . - - ' ' "'T'i p-l i VvVHBTH'r HlMTIU- DLfeK;-S VVHy DYDbfT'y CNC Cfrfc - . ; t S $ !;-.. - 1,- x17 "Wsg&N ' ( SAM HILL ? IDEAR. I BORROWELy Y'USE tVWHOCAN &Jy: ' yjf, . 1 v jSxJ- : P' j ' lv yiSfw 'W oWi' & -S c:' Nijg: . :t q M (mw. I-Ljt LXfTn.-a, : ' : -- j: - th golden . . fleeee tS abundant r-2T-i-taunta . tt tnpid;. :pefaoAr; r--ft natives ef -v Denmark U Oriental -relght . , tt Individual leaf of' '! calyx ' TUOBOI 'T'-lansatetf ";t 84 belongins; -- r to u JS-tax?-, - rary lodzej T SI dmestle - i S7 myself St narrow passaxe- . w7 St eorer a read dt terrest rial lisard 41 flant. harma: ' . alternats : leares ' . 4ScUsa . i desifn-4.- ationa . ,ViatTICAL, 1 talking In .anldl v . rnanner 2 ptae v t lerel - 4 bererara 5 Spanish . ": artiel ; f th exist--bog irnt - Terse .; 7 ', cast down a allowance - for weight efacon- tamer 9 inember f a Shos nonean trlb of f lT"4'aa : tl not of the seal . " 11 rant '- ;-i 7 15 Inhsl and It -fruit of x th oak : tree It wTiries 11 small cyVi i inder . about . which : thread may b ' wound 22 anrleri -basket 23 black- ' thorns 24 monetary units el ' Britisk - ; India . Herewith Is the solution to yea terday Puxxle. i : - - ; s I'm ' r mr-mmmr mm- . I 4 r- .iij l-'t lViEl Rm IV a'n Bwzm cra . ATP c mA v.tb8-v-HrM fumes- ". 2T Julcjr. It landed 2S thee wh - Restate ef a , glide TT ; ; British . thale . Boblemaa S9 behar 81 recorded ,--tie rat - ' f ' - . : 82 cpleed dlxh of , , gam . 8S harbor refug - i . : 8S 4noUussr -S Soman pa - - triot wh wasafoo . : ; f Car tha-re St in the past St letter of , . - th Greek . alphabet . 48 indeftalts-,.. STSclS ' ' I ivl DO- 5.C--ii - Q3 .a 41 neir animal irnkf - - - -