1 UVil TV hi t E MEN BOOKS OF II 27 new Volumes and Eight Hi Interesting Mrlor e s t ". Maps at Library ii unusually - wide variety of reading material comprises the latest additions to the Salem pub lic library-collection. Besides 87 new books of biographical, statis tical," fictional and historical na ture, tbe library bas acquired eight maps of Oregon and Wash lngton national forests. Of espe cial Interest Is a map of the Skyline-" trail from Mount Hood ' to Crater lake. - . Tbe new works are as follows: ; "Tbe American Year '.-1 Book, 1J31..; Saizallo, "Every - day Spelling"; Baring, The Puppet snow, or Memory-; Kennan, "E. -it. Harrtman,". , (a biography. 2 TOD: StrackeT. 'Thft Adventure of Living?; Bill, fThe Red Prior's Legacy"; Corbett, "If It Takes All Summer"; Gilson.' "The -White cockade"; Kyne, "Lord of Lonely Valley"; . -Tbe Loop." a tale of . the Oregon country by 13 Oregon . aainors." . Montherland, "The Bullfight ers-; Newton, "This book-collect-lng Game'; V. 8.; Foreign and vomesue commerce, statistical abstract or the U. S.; Redfield, "With ' Concress and Cabinet" ? Beebe, "Nonsuch; Land of. Wa- . ier-; jenains, r vision by Radio"; Jenkins, .RadiomoTles, Radforls- . Ion. ''.TaMVfefAn"- TtmarAt Tlia Back Journey Across Central It- rit , ourr, Aiasaa, uur-isesu-tlf ul ' Northland of OnnortnnftV." Knight, : r "PechuckrV t t (Lorne Knight's adrentures is the Arc tic) ; CortL "The "Rise of the nous or tfotfischiki"; Hudleston, "Warriors in Undress"; Brooks. lae uis of Emerson"; Ritchie, "Thackeray" and His Daughter"; Begbie, "The State of England"; VerrllL "Great, Conquerors of South and Central America." "Road and information Map for the National Forests of Oregon," map; "Cascade -National. Forest." pam.; "Crater National : Forest. Oregon pam.; Deschutes Nation al Forest, Oregon." pam.; "Ocho co National Forest, Oregon," pam.; "Oregon Skyline Trail Map from Mount Hood to Crater Lake; "Umatilla National Forest, Ore gon and Washington," bam.; Ump qua National Foreet,"" Oregon"; pam.; "Wallowa National Forest, Oregon," pam. , opment under" ths basis' recom mendations ef the recent, report of the war department toeongresr. The development proposed would cover, nsrlgauon. flood : controL reclamatloa and power. i ' From power sals revenue would be had wnicn would' repay the govern ment. , - . t- - J sMiiisn LADDER PLAY 0PETJ5 I! The - laddep - tournament of the Salem Tennis association' got un der., way last week -with Don Baa ders challenging Norris Kemp who was ranked as number six and de feating him. -4, 4-..;-4.f:,..-'.-.-. - The rules provide that any play er may, challenge the one directly above him .once a -week . and the challenged person must defend his . position within ''a week after being challenged or forfeit. . . . r The eight top-ranking men and tour or five of tbV top-ranking women will represent - ' Salem against other towns. 4" i f : . Two matches' with Monmouth normal and two with Dallas are scheduled for the first four Sun days in May. Anyone paying the required dues is eligible to belong to the club and profit by the club priv ileges. , ' '- "- . ; The players now rank in ' the following order: Pete Hagemann. Melvin Goode, Fred , Hageman. Herbert Hobson, Daryl Meyers, Don Sanders; Norris Kemp," Ed Rafferty, Jake Burns, Don Vestal. Jim Nutter. Jerry Hansen and "Bob Johnson.--' The women -i are now ranked as follows :; Edith starreu, Marie Eggstaff and Leota Jones. n ilLEO HMDS r.'EETICG The physical education eloVef Willamette university, 1 composed of majors In physical education, attended ; Oregon stste ; physical education spring meeting la Port land1 Saturday. ---y-y- Dr. Murray was, the principal speaker ; on : the program and In his talk outlined the need of games which carry over Into later Ute. Some of these games ' are volleyball and handball. HsT de cried the notion that these were. - - Ths -WilUmett club has', held some Interesting ' meetings front tims to Ums hers and. has lesraed a number of games.. The next it plans to master Is cricket." popu lar English gami which Is seldom seen in this country. , ; Those going to Portland were Lestle 8 parks, who Is secretary of the sute association." Mildred Miller, Don Faber, Charles.. GI1L Gus Moorev Walt E r I e k s o n Dwlght Adams and also Mrs. Er ickson and Fays Sparks who are not members f.th club. ? Palmer Estate Appraisal Filed ..The late George W. Palmer left an estate of $34,872, an apprais al filed In probate court reveals. Of th property. ilS.2 07 was per sonal and 21.5,.real. Notea of the Cooperative 1 Prune Growers' a s s o e 1 a Uon x totalled $10,01 0. Irene Palmer Is administratrix of the estate. Appraisers , wers O. D. Needham, James Pats and Henry pauner.:. . ,' r ! : . : On&Act Cbmedyl WitmOSered: iByShikpohSdoh ; "Handsome Is", one-act ' com edy, Is. being prepared by students of ' Snikpoh-elub. v Salem 'c high school dramatis society, .for pres entation at the April - 28 assem bly. Miss Virginia Durkee, Wil lamette university dramatics star dent; Is serving as coach. The east includes Betty Bon- neu. -Robert ; Burdette, CUrlbeU Burnslde and Ed Farrlngton.- Lindleitml&id3 In Courthouse Liylng of new 1 1 n 1 e m throughout the eosnty eoarthouse was began Monday under order ot the county court. New linoleum Is to be laid In all offices and In ths corridors en three floors. "The county, court decided upon the purchase of ths linoleum after, the grand : jury had : reported - this month , that the . linoleum In. the county elerk's office was unsightly and dangerous. .The material and the work Is being furnished by the H, L. Stiff Furniture company and the Hamilton Furniture company, both of Salem: ' -- V ZT-.-rr- O. F. ball at Wilson villa Thursdiy afternoon, wag well patronized by Aurora women.' Among those zn attendance were Mrs.- Millard; C ri sen; Mrs. Frank McAllster, lira. Ray Targen, Mrs. Nellie Mlnar. Mrs. R. R. Mandevffle, Mrs. E. E. Brandt. .Mrs. Frank KEer, Urs. Waiter - Grim, urs. b. r. ciesy , Mrs. P. a Ottowsy and Mrs. TJ. f pller. - Both J firs hundred nd I bridge were played. At brldge , I Mrs. U. Eller and Mrs Ottowsy . reeelred high scores. - 1 1 - - Aurora A benefit eard gtrea by, the Rebecca lodge la the L O. ladd; BUSH, .BANKERS . Sal&m, Oregon " Established 1868 Commercial and Savings Department s- SPELLNG COflTEST WILL BE SATURDAY The annual old-fashioned spell ing contest for all the schools In Marlon county Is to be held here next Saturday. April 23. Mrs. Mary 1 Fulkerson, county school superintendent, announced yester day. One puplk.i -eligible from each ' room In the county, from the third to eighth grades inclu sive. The contest Is to -be? held in Salem high school beginning at 10 a. m. Mrs. Fulkerson said yesterday that she wished all teachers to understand that no entrance fee would be charged any partici pants. She said there had been . . some confusion about this matter - due to a misunderstanding of the spelling contest requirements and 1 the declamatory contest require ments. The latter contest is to be held at Silverton Friday night The winner In each grade .in the contest here will receive a - gold medal and the runner-up a silver medal. Each child scoring a perfect paper in the written contest will receive a certificate. After a preliminary test of 60 words Is graded, ths . students who ha vs, made no mistakes will . . be matched In an-oral spell-down. .... ,r , ' i - Large Fund For I Columbia River , Work i&Sought WASHINGTON, " April IS (AP) Authorization of $31f , 09,000 for developing ths Colum bia rlrsr was sought here In. a bill Introduced by Oregon's two republican senators, McNary. and ' Stelwer. The bilP provides that super tslon of the -work be- under the secretary of war who .would ; be .authorised to carry out the devel- Bowman Director Of General Firm LOS ANGELES. CaL, April 19 Ralph G. Bowman, one of the best-known petroleum marketing executives 6n the Paclfie coast has been elected to the board of direc tors of General Petroleum corpor ation of California: of which com pany he is Also Assistant, general saiei'Vfciaflage-1' General Petro leum is the. Pacific coast subsi diary of the billion-dollar Socony- Vacuum corporation, one of the largest Industrial organizations In the world, with activities that touch practically every country of ine globe. No More Gas Stomach In and Bowels if r ' tf - ire Vrtah te- be llavaa mi hi tomai h taka ftsalaaaa ' Caa TibMb wixicl ftx ptwpmrmi pactoUy far atomacb gm and ail th bad affacte wan King fzov faillag at tfc. linsMtn tka faallnr wita Vaavt sat eitatkMi wUl vaaiab. mad you will acait dorp braata faatta aftai by daalra fat in s Tka npty. bit of caawlnc tka ataaaach wUf b abl to aUrcomfait. That drsway, alaepy dlnaor will ba saplaeai 1 avtartaiajroaflt. Ymna llmba. I mnr Ion cold ud mo eaaaa Baabnaaa'a Caa Tablata orva r from tatorMHne; 'with tka circa la- Bloatiaf will caaaa nsa'aad fira will mm d aad "mo to alaes" bo. Cat tka mralna. la tka vailow pack is at any geoa orag eter , ran si - Always onhand at v Daniel J. Fry's. Adv. 17 VhenRestls Brc?ien Act Prompttjr When Bladder Irregularities Disturb Sleep Are you bothered with blad der irregularities; ' burning, scanty or too frequent passage and getting up at night? Heed promptly these symptoms. They may warn of some dis ordered kidney or bladder con dition. Users everywhere rely mloctn'ttriUs. RecxTmmcnded IfoT 50 years. Sold everywhere. AtfmrT 1 VlAvrrisT n flU VU1U UlUI U12C - VQI lillK Larmeir Transf er & Storage PEONE "-33132 ' "J I L I Six Fall Afoul Of Traffic Law Last Few Days Six motorists were arrested by city police on traffic violation charges over the weekend. Licen ses of two. Paul Forgaard. 585 North 18th street, and Richard Tisdale, charged with speeding. were suspended for 10 days by Municipal Judge Mark Poulsen. Others arrested were: Andrew Broadous of Eugene, posted $10 bail, on speeding charge: ' J. A. Natnman. 1070 Leslie street-and Harold Rhoten. 1565 South High street.-both charged with reckless driving on a turn; Duane Grif nth, route six . charged with speeding. Achievement of - 4-H Clubs Told Achievement programs for var ious 4-H clubs in the county are being held during the spring weeks. The Thomas school, of which Mrs, Emma Wolfard Is the teacher, will hold its program to morrow night, while Friday night. April 22, the Eldriedge school will hold Its program. Miss Jeannette Luper Is teacher of that school. Mrs. Mary Fulkerson, county school superintendent, will attend both affairs. Tuesday night she went to ML Angel where she at tended a meeting of the teachers j club there. The club hss been studying first aid. ;MHmRTM1S IVIany Nationally Advertised Goods Will Be Sold at I-ipjsj t--,,;' '-..iil klD Y. 1 and Some for Less Than Half-Price - - Contract Goods Excepted STARTS u Kl wmmw as Dlfil As announced above we will open the biggest jewelry, selling event ever conduct ed in this city Thursday morning at nine o'clock. Oar entire stock will be of fered for sale at ONE HALF PRICE OR LESS with just a few exceptions (these, few exceptions are contract goods upon .which the manufacturers pro hibit price' reductions. - Never before in the history of this generation has it been possible to obtain so much for so little at our 'Store. The goods we are offering is oar regular stock of Nationally advertised and Nationally priced merchandise No! We Did Not Make a Mistake in pricing these goods, we know some of these prices will seem incredible and yon might assume the printer made a mistake. For example, an Illinois 19 Jewel Bourse 12 size 14K. White Gold R. P. Watch Nationally priced at $75.00 our price' is now only $19.75. Think of it, a reduction of almost three fourths! Twenty, dollar. three strand La Tausca Pearls are now selling at $4.75, a reduc tion of more than three fourths. Space permits us to enumerate but a few of the truly sensational values that await you at our store. Quantities of some of "these extra specials are limited- oar advice come to our. store as soon as possible for your share of these truly wonderful bargains. Now is the time to purchase graduation and wedding gifts, yes the thrifty and prudent buyer should 'even consider purchasing Christmas gifts at this time, prices will never be lower we assure you. You win receive the same unlimited guarantee with every purchase just as though you paid the fuH regular retail price. , We want the oldest inhabitants of this city to try and remember the prices of ten, twenty or even thirty years ago. Come to our store and be convinced prices are .lower today than ever before in history. We extend you a cordial invitation to visit our store Thursday, you win not be urged to make a purchase, and as always you win be treated as an honored guest. I DIAMONDS -Hover before have we. offered diamonds at these prices, oar entire) stock ot ths finest blue. whits perfect dia monds will be sold at half price and la some Instances less than half price. Compare and check these, prices with all other stores.- Baying s diamond today at Hartmaa Bros, is Jut like ' spending your dollar on both sides, it does doable duty. , '.. - jr- - " Bny that diamond ring now and yon will obtain one twice as large as yovrwoaJd if purchased at the regulars price. Be sore and inspect our window display of dianettdav it is worthy of your attention. $75.00 HALF CARAT DIAMOND. Beautiful Bine White Col or 18K White Gold Mounting. Was $200 .NQW Ladles Diamond Ring 18K White' Gold' Setting Blue White color ' 4 j gst was S33.00 .-. . . . . .NOW i 1 f aOU Beautiful Steel Blue Diamond. Platinum Mounting adorned with 10 Diamond. &QO Cfi Was 9165.00 .KOW iOa-aDU Large Diamond of Perfect Color Gold Mounting Contains 10 Diamonds. C1IC fifl Was 9290.00. NOW 149aUU QUARTER CARAT DIAMOND. Beautiful Blue White Color. New Design 18K White Gold 097 CA Mounting was $100-00. ...... . .NOW I OVI Quality Diamond Ladies' Resplendent White Gold Setting $50.00. NOW New 18K $22.50 Large Blue White Diamond Genuine Platinum Set tug contains 8 Diamonds &Q9 CA 9185.00 ...;....NOW s?7aaJU Bine White Perfect Color Diamond New Design 18K White Gold Setting. . 0C7 CA Was 911800. , NOW $7.50 Crystals $2.45 Mens' Wrist Watches Ladles1 $20. La Tausca Pearls $4.75 pq Genuine Rock Crystal NecklaceLarge ILLINOIS. 17 Jewel New uusnal cut crystals. Orlrinal price was Model Luminous dial .nwwu vat wjwu " Fnco wnn 14K IX'Dlte Gold R. P. 1,11 nJHh Come early lor tnls rare bargain. Case. Cooneave back. 93TJJ0. NOW $18.75 ELGIN. One of Elgin's Newest Creations. Case Old English Pewter. Very unusual pat- 1K White Gold R. P. tens. Some have delicate small handles Sf1! 0014 i1 $ 250 Salt Peppers $1.25 ethers are plain. Be sure and ask to see ij this real bargain. Was $20.00 NOW $13.00 $2.00 Creamer Sugar 95c li GRVEN. 15 Jewel Move ment Raised Gold Numerals. Thin' Model, 14K White Gold R. P. Case. Was . 1 fn Old EnSllh Style Genuine Pewter Cream- 935.00. NOW s;usd- Sugar Never before.. never again pALTHAM. Raised Gold liU at this price. $3.25 Metal Bands $1.25 Nnsoerala. New Model Movement. Cases- are ei ther engraved or" plain.' Was tA Off BaTS IT:: III, , ELGIN. Ladles New De sign. A rare value. Was NOW . .... $12.50 iiia Three strands of ' loveliness. Genuine La ' ' Tanscaw . They have the delicate pastel j .colors et a rainbow, the sheen is as soft tt as velvet. ; ILLINOIS. 17 Jewel .Movement Dlinols. latest model, - ease of 14K White Gold R. P. Was $50.00. NOW $15. Silver Chest $7.45 $24.50 GRUEN. 18 Jewel Move ment. Unlimited Guaran tee. Case of 14K White Gold R. P. - 0 7 CA Was $S5 NOW7 1 aOU - " . - . ' aansuanunan- ELGIN.- Elghi' Lady Lo ' rain. DlaaosMl Adorned Case. Movement nnquali-. -fiedly Guaranteed. Was Complete Silver Service fer six people, 9 stainless steel blade knives, forks, teaspoons,- dessert spoons, bitter knife,. sugar shea,: gift ease. Nationally make. $ 5 . Mesh Bags $1.45 "D ITnltfM aaut Itarfa la tlw mmtam of tha Small mesh. In all different color com- ; .MsntionV . " . ' - --' 91&50. NOW Kfl Om? policy has never been how cheap we TI015Jtf' HABllLTOIf 12 Size Thin Model I ! - .r ... . 13 Size. Verr Thin Model 14K White ' uv mvu. r.u r r , m cowld bny watch hands, bat now gooo. p 10 Jewe MoTemeBt ; n. nans wm . r.vase. il This Thursday special Is sold for service adjusted to 5 positions. 1Q CA- 1 JeweI' ' CQQ CO bUi! 5Sr;.:j34p $2. Double Compacts 65c as well as beauty. Was $75.00 ..... .NOW NOW n yl No. we did not make a mistake in the price. .Ton wfll think so. when yon see these onnola - gold and enamel doable compacts. ' Extra; Specials for Opening Day Was Our Regular Price 0 CA Water Pitcher of f QC' 70 OU Beavy Weight Pewter ! 3 Now Was -: Our Regular Price : Now. Community China Service of 07 Pieces.'- $69.50 XSFSZ'Z? $37.50 - "'."I. .(' .' T. - " . Ha-'"- '- u0 A A Bread Tray. Oblong. . . ' Aff Electric Waffle Iron? 7&.UU Very Fine Pewter ..... SIsJC . . ' JJJ SO"0"01 n $6 95' 1 CA Pewter Bowl for; ', ; ' 7C . 09 7C Te Spoons Set of . ? QC 7IJU Universal use ......... IUC - Heavy Silver Plate..... 5JC Was . t : Our Regular Price ' Now .-. CA Waldemar Chain, nr ' 0011 White Gold R. P.. . . laO t9 CA Bm Vddm' Qem. Lea- f 1C 3U ther Gold Corners... $lej, - .... . . ' CO 7C FoMtsln Pens Kat. 01 A 6l D Known Make ...... VlaftU Was Our Regular Price Now fry CA Clocks of Ormola Gold. An Qff vIsUUGood Timekeepers;... v3 Neckla i 1 (EJ fl( R Quarts, Lapis. ijO 4C VO.U II Feldspar and Camellan L&D : $iS0SiiEi..9Se'. run EI PI -. ; -t, '. . . . . . Oh The Corner State and Liberty Streets' i - - ". Entire Contents Copy righted . ej We Abo Handle Fuel Oil and Coal r 1 i