The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 16, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OIICGON STATESMAN, Salerx, Orc-ca, Saturdar Morals?, April 16, 1C32
. X.
i :
Wolf Ifctiirae Fred" D. '.'Woir,.Ir. Ua Speak Dr. Join Mm,
Balem high school principal,, who economics professor from tho TJnl
for several weeks wu confined at versitylof Oregon addressed, "a
ooffl wiui a aevere auacic of 1
r rhenmatlam, yesterday was able tol
be back at school lor a few hours.
He was feeling mo ch better-but
: still weak. Expectations are that
he will spend a tew hears each
if day at the high school until he is
luiiy recovered. He t has t been I
checking orer student registration I
: Hatchery chick sate, as usual,
Monday and Tuesday. Salem's
Petland. Call at 2214 N. Front or
phone 2TCT.
IV A. T. to Meet Salem Past
iso. , u. A. v., win hold a so-
elal meetingWednesday night at j
iuv murr, wnu Tuiran peciea i
from an posts In the state. A spe-1
elal'effdrt will be mad to Ret all
local members out, and also to
bare all local ellgibles in atten
dance. A program is being arrang
ed by Commander H. F. Fields
and J.;c. McDonald.YirA.-JffJ --:.';
Walt for Director's big fire sale
.In Glese-Powers store. . ;
Cases - Set, Orer Trials of
Ira A. McPeak and J. C. Eberth,
scheduled for Justlcecoart yes
terday, were set orer. until next
week .on account of rush of bnsi
ness for the district attorney's of
fice. McPeak, charged with .pos
session of liquor, will be ' tried
Thursday, at 2 p.m. and Eberth,
Snf ?f .521 .'ffi-ft
will be tried the same day at 10
a.m. -
Tes, we have bedding plants, both
vegetable and flower . plants are
now on display at Salem's Petland,
Z7S State at.
Governors to be Honored
Portraits of Ex-Governor Norblad
and the late Governor Patterson
have been received by the secre
tary of state and will be placed
in the ' hall of representatives
along with tnose of other pre
vious executives. The 1921, leg
islature authorized an appropria
tion of $1200 for the purchase of
these portraits.
Old Time Dance, Hasel Green Sat
Track Bans Lifted The state
, highway department Friday an
nounced that all restrictions on
loads other than those provided
by law have been - lifted from
trucks v over the Pendleton-Ka-mela
section of the Old Oregon
traiL Restricted loads were ruled
over this stretch of road tor the
past six weeks.
Limited quantity of started Reds
and Rocks, 2 weeks old. Priced
reasonable for. Saturday and Mon
day. Salem's Petlasd. 272 State.
Report-Made Report -on the
estate of Frank S. Sbauble, held
to be a person incapable of. man
aging his own affairs, was filed
yesterday In probate court here.
The inventory value of the estate
together with receipts was $2798.
the outgo was $42$ and the bal
ance on hand yesterday when the
report was filed was $3271. . 1
Attend Hamilton's Ore sale to
night, open until t o'clock, f 2 40
Court st .
' Move Default Motion, flic
yesterday in the probate court
here by Marcelle Dowdy against
Fred Dowdy, asked for an" order
of default in their pending case.
-O . o
Vredenbcnr To Mr. And Mrs.
Charles Elton Vredenberg of Hub-
ara, a boy, Ramon Harold, corn
a April 4 at Salem General hos
pital. - -
Dennison To Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Dennison of route 2. a girl, born
April 15 at the Bungalow Mater
nity Home.
.1TIKIE ;(5C1(S).WI33)S $m UE EII3UES
Such Amazing Values Can't Last Always ' . . Now Is Yout Opportunity to Buy, the
About 75, all ap-to-thc-mtBnto styles, fine fabrics, worsted
sad caastmeres. SoiU that can't be bf tight anywhere for
Ices than S22JM. But men, here's the point, this store
closes and these suits most go now. What a value! ' -
To close out
Each : 1
; . V HOSE ,
I lot fine lisle and rayon. VaL to 35c - A :
Now a real special pair ' " , " . 1UC
Fine leather knit and
VaL to $80. To close
Eayon and broadcloth, ;.r:
all colors '
a FOR 81.00 -
. (Wtt " . v. A. I
lobbT last--night 6a "World Ecoa-I
omi and Social, Problems.!. The
pressor recently-made ?a? world
toar study of conditions; With
Dr. Met address, a boys camp
baaqnet, baseball meeting. Meth-
young people's party and the
Friday social swim all In progress j
last night the T. M. C A. resem
bled a,. ochrro Ja axUvitj;
Open unto 't o'clock? tonight to
serre patrons nnsbVe to attend our
fire sale during the day. C. 8.
Hamilton, -. - - -
One Fatality Reported There
was one fatality due to industrial j
" ""si wun mo i
"week ending April 14, according 1
ito a repost prepared by tho statof
Industrial accident commission !
Friday. The Tictim was Ray Dlgh-
ton of Portland. There were 4SS
aceiaenu reported to- the com
mission during the week.
I The County Clerk's office will be
open to register Toters from 8 a.
m. to S p.m. each day to and in
cluding April 19. when registra
tion, closes. . ;
. Rrport Filed The report of
the estate of the late Martin B.
Smith made yesterday by George
A. Smith in -probate court here
shows cash income of $7942 and
outgo of $5271 including ' dls-
1 . a j - a- 1... ".m. I
remains, according to the report
filed with the probate court here, I
$2 s 71 yet to be distributed. 1
- . - . ' -)- ' I
Special invitation, to visit our I
greenhouse. Located on Blossom I
route. Jay Morris, Florist," Liberty
road and Ewald ave.
, t -tv
! Wager Here Frank- Wager,
who a decade ago was" manager
of sales for the- Valley Motor
company here, was a visitor yes
terday in Salem tor a brief time
as he was on his way south to his
home tn San Francisco. Wager
now is head of sales for Teedol
handling 11 western states for
the Associated Oil company..
Teomen and friends. 7 o'clock
dinner Saturday eve. Fraternal
Funeral at Staytoa Funeral
services tor Mrs. Lloyd Chrisman
of Lebanon who died Thursday
morning, will be held at the Stay
ton Christian church tomorrow af
ternoon at 2 o'clock. The deceased
was a sister of Mrs. C. C. Cole of
Salem route & and daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Harold of Stay
ton. 15c will bny veronicas and cot
toneaster shrubs, 2 days, Friday
and Saturday, 1150 Saginaw. .
Dane Prod Given The com
munity service was recipient of a
check for $10 as a contribution
of the Crop and Spur hunt elub,
which recently held a benefit
dance , -1 -
House, BarnsThe J. A. Ben
jamin house, 1445 Court street.
was ba41y damaged when It
caught tiro In the walls and root
early yesterday afternoon. Four
pumpers were sent out from the
central and east fire stations.
Vacixnci Cleaners and
l1nr Wwr$ fn nt
Call 6910, Used Furniture
Department t
251 North High 4
: ciotnes lou ixeea ana aave rientyx
leather collars, l. r tJJ 'OC
mm m
- 2jk !
aTai EM!a
oOCieiy CQUUr
; Uei num' Mow
Her own Newspaper cn
Important Event r
t s - --- ?
Miss OUt 1."" Doakv society
editor of The 8tatesmaa.seooped
her own newspaper when she was
married to Frederick 8. ' Bynon,
Jr., late Thorsdiy and managed
to keep her "news hound" asso
ciates from knowing about it anw
til the following day although
some of them "had their -suspi
The bride te a daughter of Mr.
and Mra. Robert Doak of McMlnn-1
an 4. tne bridegroom a son 1
Cf Mr. and Mrs. Frederick 8.
Bynon. Sr.. of Salem. -
The wedding was a unlet erent
solemnised Thursday erenlng at
5 o'clock at the Dallas Presbyter
ian churchwith ReT. J. A. Smith
reading the single ring serrice in
the presence of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles A. Low. of Salem, sister
and brother-in-law of the groom,
and Mrs.-J. A. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Bynon will' re
turn from a brief honeymoon trip
Mrs. Bynon is well known in
Salem where she has made her
home for the past few years. She
was a stadent at Oregon " State
college, Reed college and later
completed . her collere eonraa i
" t " wri I
L--l--. uT.. - - I
ssarwa rvau uu WVOnAUV VUW
lttr of Western Education. For
Pt three years she has been
a member of the staff of The
Oregon Statesman, serving in the
capacity of society editor. During I
the World war Mrs. Bynon served
Mauk's Car Stolen E. J. Mauk.
714 North 14th street, reported
to police last night that his light
Overland sedan had been stolen
from the 400 block on South Lib
erty street
Dance, Kent!, every Sat night
Litchfield Arrested Claude
Litchfield, 1222 Waller street
yesterday was taken into custody
by city police on a Justice court
warrant charging ion-support He
was' given over to Constable W. E.
Bridge lamps complete with shade
$1.95. Smoker lamps complete.
with shades. $2.95, $2.95. $4.95.
See our windows. Imperial Fur
niture Co., 467 Court
Pleads Guilty L. O. Phillips
yesterday pleaded guilty to driv
ing with four in the front seat
and deposited $5 and costs with
the Justice of the peace.
Dr. Chan Lam"
Chinese Medicine
142 N. Commercial
Bmmns 1 and
... Aalem
. Office hours
Tuesday and Satar-
, day a to 5 p. n
; "4:1 Jit" SV,
The entire balance of stock,
all new atTles. all rood colors. Suits that would sell
In most stores np to 835. Hart Schaffne A Marc, Michael
Stem and others. Dost wait, get tn on, the up These
suits are down down to the greatest raise orer offered
to close out. -rj
Fine silk and rayon, all new. colors.
VaL to $1.00. Now.
8 FOB 81.23
To close out " '..
Each : " - :
Wool sleereless, all r
colors. To -close out . ,
Tint broadcloth
AH colors, now
Coming Events
April 11-1T North Facif
1 le district aseemMy, Church
of the Kaaarene. ' "
Apttt lTJSloeno'lay
v Uprit IT Salem district
Institute, evangelical cbsreh.-
April 21 Comnty, Feder
ation of Women's clabe of.
llaiiom coooty i atr
ueighta baXL. .
Mar 1 8 tf .islo !week-
Hmt C-8 Towns People
. and : Women's Missionary
State society, Free Uetbo
dbit church.
May 0-7 Aanoal May
Day festiritlea, wniametto
smlrersltyw t.- i
as a nurse, '
Mr. 'Bynon has been In Salem
for a number of : yearn and at
present Is ' manager of the' State
Collection agency, whilo ebmplet-
lug his final term at Willamette
university law school. He la a
brother of Allan synon, statu
representative - of- Multnomah
county, also well known in Sa
lem. -- ,..- ' '
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Bynon
wiU bo "at home to their friends
at f 51 Ferry, street after May 1.
County G.O.P.
Wet Plank Gets
More Criticism
Resolutions condemning the
action of the Marian ennntr ra
wet plank J their platform, were
voted by . the Temple Baptist
church congregation Thursday
The group also went on record
as refusing to support any candl
date who will approve the wet
plank Of the platform and who is
not uncompromisingly dry.
Ob ltuary
On route 8, April 15, Era Chris
tine Llndgren, aged 74 years.
Wife of the lata Andrew J. Llnd
gren; mother of Mrs. Dora Cum
mlngs of Salem, Harry Llndgren
of Corvallis. Funeral services
Monday. April 12. at 2 o'clock
from the American Lutheran
church under the direction of Rig-
don Son. P. W. Erieksen will
officiate and Interment will bo tn
Cltyview cemetery.
Established 1803 ToL 8833
- Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable
DtUrtgt iUtmoriai
Jul Tea sOaatM
the Bwl
at Tow
about 20O extra, flno
A petition signed by, 285 Salem
residents asking chamber of cota-
xserto directors to recall a .-tele
gram sent December,! 1 9 1 1, to the
federal radio commission opposing
establishment of a station" here, Is
now pending before the directors.
Proponents of the petition, lnclud
iag Ray Stum bo. A M. Church and
Robert Bursch, who says he Is try-
tag to. make . arrangements to
aharo KOAC wavelength, appear-
ea Tnursaay night before the
chamber of commerce directors
here. - ':: -.i.f: . -
Bursch pointed out that KOAC
may bo unable to continue its op
erations on a full budget duo to
retrenchment desired by the board
of higher education. In event the
sending time of KOAC was cut
down; Bursch hopes to establish
a station on the same wavelength
and using a different time of ttie
day and a different name. He told
directors of the chamber he
thought sueh a station installed
would cost 229,000.
J. N. Chambers protested for
merchants, saying ho considered
an additional burden would bo
placed on the stores In the form
of extra advertising demands
while C A. Sprague said he felt
it was the city's community duty
first to support institutions It now
possesses rather than to favor un
warranted and damaging compe
The board of directors is to
take a week. It was agreed." to
oonslder the petition for reversal
of their stand now on file at
. . . .
! II " i :. - V V 1 - ' "'I v I : :
' - "77' ' - - S ' " " : "
i ii i nil. ' . . 4
Chosiorfield Radio Proflroni '
MOKaTHut TUdam wmasAX
. Coswci . ' Aux RUTH ,
, I Sana Gwt ' tmNO
- 7J0o.avr.T. 7J0a.awP.t : 7e.avX.
SHamri CtCHESTKA everr eahf bw Seadsy
' , ootOMSA ferwoa
do; mm.
The Oregon code Insofar as ad-
Tertislng Is concerned, was out
lined to Salem Ad club members
yesterday noon by Allan. G. Car
son, locaratttorney now candidate
tor district attorney. Carson cited
extensively from the code In his
talk. . ;v.::
Statutes ' ot the stato - permit
cities to expend by tax lory or
trom bond resources as much as
$5099 A year for advertising par-
poses. Carson explained. Highway
signs placed on road right-of-ways
owned by the stato are illegal and
may bo treated as a nuisance and
torn down. -Signs placed on pri
vate property , withoat owners
permission are also Illegal. - The
speaker outlined other "provisions
of the laws regarding use of ad
vertising material.
; A "Prosperity Week" tor Salem
was proposed by James Carey,
manager of Warner 'Bros, theatres
hero. Gardner Knapp, Ad - club
president will appoint a special
committee to consider the pro
posal which Knapp commented fa
vorably upon at the meeting. .
Red Cross Will
Give Out Seeds
Two , hundred and fifty-seven
small cartons each containing a
variety of small packets ot gar
den seeds, were received .hero
yesterday by Miss Thorn Bos sen.
secretary ot the Red Cross. Miss
Boesen announced that she would
distribute the seed -cartons
throughout the .county through
the different localities on a Quota
v. oc.---.-.-. .-. .-.'...-.::.' 1 .
" " m
basis.' She sail her organization
would Investigate .before : the
seeds wsro given out to be sure
they went to needy families who
would use. them weU. and l not
waste them. : 'Z ' i
Two of Bids oiAn
Two of the bids on seven eon-
tracts tor clearing right of way
on the worth saatiam highway
submitted to the federal avads
bureau in Portlf ad Thursday,
will have to bo readTortised, ac
cording to Jmes : 8mlth.. county
commusioner. ,; 3
The v government previously
fixed a limit ot $2590 on any one
bid on . any one section. On the
sixth section J. . D. Casey i sub
mitted a bid ot $2592 for clear
ing of eight acres, while W. H.
Puckett company bid $2280 on
the seventh section tor clearing
7.7 acres. Both ot these bids ex
ceeded the government limitation.
AT '
Rates 81.00 so UBO
Modern, Hot and Cold Water,
Steam Heat . -i
lVs human
1 . a good tiling on!.
. "IVV HEN jba find something that suits you right
tV. dorni to the ground something that satisfies
you: psss it along just1; as one ; smoker tells
another hoir Chesterfields satisfy. Smokers every
where aree that Chesterfields are milder and taste
better that a ymj they're
Four Motorists
Pay For Breach
Of Traffic Law
., Yesterday waa a day of reek
oning for four Salem motorists ar- .
rested during the week for traffla t
violations. ; ? .r : ; i .':j.rA ,.t
: Five dollar, flnea for speeding
were assessed in municipal court
against Henry Ensley, Salem, and
Minnie Lane, 251 Norway street.
For tailing to observe stop street ' ,
signs, Leonard E. Harms, 1819
South Commercial street and WO
11am A. Hulet 1224 North 2 2d,
each were fined $20. 1 ':v. - '
vr--i m - -
Chocolate Crunches
V i and Mint V
28C per lb.
2 ibs. 50c
yt lb. 15e .
A delicious boner crisp
center dipped in purest
Milk Chocolate makes this
candy- doubly appetizing,
delicious and healthful.
J only at . .' ".
135N.Com1 Dial 5197
Where to Trade to ThriTe
to pass
clicking with irullionsi