k - , t ; Iht OREGON STATES:.! AN, Ealera, Orr"cn. SnndayBIornlne Arril 1MS32 n4 5r si 1 PIECKSO-; Bironra Big ; Stores Selling Retail - Under Quotations Wade ':m ' From Creameries COAST PHEAllSEROGEETS3AeENTSsOT PORTLAND, April f-AP)i- someone u cutting butter prices to tho bis store for the- latter ere In 4 many instance offering sup plies co consumers t actually lees tan is being quoted by creamery interests,, ? a-,.. a - There was no ehanre la the price of. cubes on the produce ex change tor the week-end session. All values appeared steady, even uwraja - secret - euuing appears mors or less general. - , :? Make of butter showed a rather fair Increase - la Portland plants daring the week bat a greater In crease was shown in shipments from coantry plants. - ' - , ! Batterfat Talaes are steady in general with practically no fights among buyers at country points. There is still a lack of change In open market - prices -on eggs . here with much the-aame condi tion reflected in "leading markets I CPW WM 5-5:. and good Butte is 'V Cattle Mostly bh Steady Basis PORTLAND,? Ore., April t -t AP) An increase In wheat prices and farther ' depression of natter 'quotations were the ma jor points of development in. . the general market situation here this week. ; y . .-. '? v., - ? ; - "Big " - Bend ; bluestem' 4 closed around St cents. Soft white and westerf white were5S. with hard winter., northern soring and' western red at 51 . White oats' was unchanged at 1 22.50, ' and gray ; oats was 1 21.7 5. vv Good to choice spring lambs were J.OS to S.Oo. and mediums were quoted at 5.00 to 7-00. Other lamos. . to lbs., down, were CO. .59: mediums were r 4.30-t.vft. and common, all- weights,, were S.00 to 4.5e.);-vt;., y.:: s There was no change In cattle except vealets which "declined. Best weight steers were S.25-7.0(T. Salep; Liar liets Crop Said 3 1 9( Million rr Bushels Short of J 1931Harvestv: Grade u raw . 4 mSST co-op pool price, 91.69 per - hamdred. '..s- -, .- Sarplna f Factory' tallk 4U.04L -(KOt-kMl so Starch atUtf ? aesnfab f -, , t .- Batterfat, sweet 10c V '. y Batterfat, soar, 17c. CHICAGO. Aertl -CAFiZ-.1 skyrocket Qlrht. wheat today whirled S cents a basheU with com zouowug lasw-r? An aastonlshlng official , --an nouncement - that the -United State winter wheat crop " this season had been impaired S 11 1 probation officer, Salem, will be - TXXTTT AXT TKOKAttM lUtoUaawCr'.,,, , ,. ' , , , . " ' 40 .: ' OiiHi.irt. e OaioM, nek, Kow ts . Phi. Calif, .; Kw ptatoe. CaliL, . AiptrafM, Calif. Cvkea. ki km - SyiBMh. enas box . Kknbarb . Eztn- gtamUr4a kfodinm , of the country; Storage operations are being pushed to take care of the aarplna.-: - While there continues weakness for light weight broilers because - of the persistent dumping by the Centralla-Chehalls section, there wai.no open change tot the week end. Other chickens are firmly 'held. In the market for turkeys gen .eral trade appears unusually f a- rorable considering the season. Prices are intact at the point 'where they hare been for sereral weeks. Best cell continues - for , . hens. - - "' Qulte good trading tone contin ues at the week end for fancy quality country killed calTes. Late receipts haTe been moderate, with some gain in the call. Lambs are steady but hogs are weak. Because of . the Oregon state laws which call for extreme pound age tax as well as for a special tag tax, practically all fishing opera tions for salmon are 4Ut of Wash ington .ports with a. higher price . forced tor salmon-here and fish ermen spending their money else , where. ,-. ; i.,-..... . Prices aretelng shaded, geaer ' ally in the - market, for, onions here. Wholesalers - are : cutting their prices la order to force a suitable morement and clean up. Country sales- are also inclined lower although few cars remain. to choice realerg were 6.00-1.50: Hogs v were downward with heaTles, 2 502 JO lbs., at 1.76 4.6 S; medium, 200-320 lbs., 4.00 5.00; lights, 1S0-1S0 lbs., were 4.7 5-5.00. and feeders and stock era were S.50-4.00. . i Butter extras were quoted at 19 cents and standards were the same price. Prime firsts were . 1 8 end firsts 17 cents. - i There was no change la eggs at 14 cents for fresh extras., and IS centa for standards and mediums. Harwas unchanged at SIS for eastern Oregon alfalfa,' and $14 for oats and retch. Yakima alfalfa was S14, all on the Portland f.o. b. . buying price basis. Raottera. '4 Uh kan' BaarSea, kess Ma4ioa km Rpriarary - Colorad kailwa General Markets POBTX.AXD, Or, april (AT) nwutt, aKCAaaca. not priA: boUar, tra IS: atandarda 19: erima flrcta IB: fra IT; m traak axtrai 14; freak uvmm i.9. Portland Grain : FEDERAL PROBE IS , ll FOR RAULY POWTLATO. Ora, April 9 (AP) fmem Hirt how C1m May S7H S Sept. 37 58 ' 87 V -SSU Cah aurkatt Whsat: Bit Ben4 bln. ie oa; ntni wane, weatarn vuu 5a V ; I kar4 wnter. Mrikera apriBg; wnttn red. Oata: No. t bit 22.50. Cora: Ko. t E. S22.75. Villna; aiandard S17.50. Portland Produce By JOHN L. COOLET . NEW YORK, April 9 AP)-r Unexpected news ,of ; the senate banking committee's- decision, to start lis short selling inTestigatlon on Monday rerersed the : stock market rs trend today, bringing a rally that pro Tided at least a tem porary respite from declining quo tatlons. . 't -'v-- " ; Shorts corered briskly at the opening. But It was soon appar ent that only the more timid trad ers had bought, for within a quar ter of an hour -demand began to subside and prices tapered off. They steadied after about half the ora .sj eaatai early gains or. .1 to points naa been lost," closing - slightly above the lows of that setback for an aTerage advance of a little more than a point. Sales totaled 1.1 45,- 723 shares. ptfRTLASTD. Ora,- April (AP) omiiar pnata. vt aeora ct better. 21 3Se;. staMardav 20 22c cartoa. . Paeifie poultry prodneeM aell. lar pwi: freak extras, lie; itandards. -Country aeate lelliac price to retail era: ,.rjitry killed hot, beat botcher nader 100 Ibt, 6-6Ue; vealera, 80-130 ibt -te; "aprine lamba, lSe:' lamba. yearuaca, IS-lae; bearr ewea, 4-5; em aer eaa-a. S4e: bulla. 6-S e. . Caaeara bark bnjinit price. 1931 peel, Se Ik. ' - Ha moBinal. 1930, lMl4e; MSI. - Batterfat -direct to abippers: etatiom, lSe; Portland deUeerr srieea. lfte IV . live povHrr net baying price; keavry beaa. oWed. 4 lba. Dp 15-lSe; do me dian, xae: light, loe; broners. iz-ie IB.; eotored Tooatera. over 3 lb 30-z3e aprins. wbite, 15-lSc; old reoator. Se daeka. Pekia, 13c ee, 12e; eapoaa. is-zoe. . .. ..- - ObUb aelling price to retailer vtwa $6.5 J cental: boHere 95.0O-S.25. Ker potateev Florida. Se: Teza. 92.35 per 50-Ib lack. j - Petatoe local. 9e-1.15 : ' Parkdale. 91.25: Deaebvtea. 91.95-1.88; oaatera Waabinrtoa. $1-1.25. . 6eed potaUe (certified earliest f Xt, 1-1 He: early roae. 1-1 tte IO. e J.00 ; ta.se e OS OS -0T, - sooe , BaylBg Mees .11 -09 aaras rrteeev. -OS .0$ -19 ulO -IS Jit OBAXX AXD HAT Boylag Price Wbeat, arettara red White, tm. ., B wrier, ton. to . Oata. tea, top Hay i birytaa arteea Oat and vetea, torn Clerer JSO JS9 S 21.00 21.00 15.00 t 19.00 is.ee to laee Alfalfv TaUey. tad eattiag IfcOO-lCM Eaatera OTCCoa .- Bora Top Brad Stytaa 1991 apriag laaib Iiaaib T.oe .e Hot, top Ho re. nm cata Btoera ,. Cava Heifer Dretsed eaal, tap Droned legs d.S0 ,d.lf 0k to 09 1 tm jam 0 U 04 "a Ceam . Vediaai wool. 9S -le nd Old afOBAXS aiaat -aoariaal Hilarity club members were en tertained Friday afternooa. ey Mrs. Earl TJnruh at her noma on Mfllr atreet. BOUUUetS OI wua flowers fare the rooms an air of spring. Mrs. Leon Hansen: and Mrs. Dot Medley assisted Mrs. TJn ruh in serving, at tne lea nonr. Mm Tni Lorens and Mrs. Leon Hansen won high score at earns. Pmant vira Mrs. Hansea. Mrs. taw ttaII. Mrs. Dot Medley. Mrs. Charles Wilson. Mrs. . l.ouis wr- enx. Mrs. Carl Allport and Mrs. Junior Eckley. Ia' line with fta Ucy to deret-1 op Oregon Into a place that the world will kaew about, thetWom en's Greater Oregon asaoclatloa will Interest Itself la thetraffle problems of Oregon at Its Monday night meeting 4a the chamber oil commerce rooms at I o'clock. Sergeant Walter Lansing of the! state traffic department .win give! an illustrated lecture oa "Traffic I Safety. - BeporU concerning the recent Oregon products dinner will be given In addition, to other mat ters of 'business. ' - . Silrertoa - Mrs. Nona Whltsv 080. $00 bushels as against the ltll harvest led to a buying stampede. : Further . enlargement of, the giant crop . loss estimate appeared probable. Inasmuch as severely adverse drought condi tions haaa prevailed, since the data was gathered on. which the government report ' depended. the speaker Monday atternooa at the Apra meeting of the Silrertoa Women's. club. Mrs. I White will speak ea natters concerning the Juveafla oomrts. . i; ' ; .. Others appearing on the pro gram will be Miss Hannah Olsea, principal ot the . Eugene Field I grade school, who will apeak oa Owing to big selling to realise I t&ephaseof Wl profits oa the rise-ot values top quotations were not fully main- talned.and wheat closed nervous ZU to I T-S above yesterday's finish, corn 1 1-1 to 1 S-s ' ap. oats 1-4 to -t advanced. - - Today's closing euotatlons: Wheat: May. it i-$ to H: July lold. It to it 1-8, now fi4: Sept. old. tl I-I to new il, iCorntrMar, ll M to l Jury ITU: SepU l to S-a. Oata: May. 11 f-s to Jarr UK; 8ept.. 14. Liberty Miss Dorothy Bro lag was receatly . complimented with a surprise pre-nuptial show er when Mrs. A. B. Browning. mother ot the bride-elect: and Mrs. Gordon Bowdea entertained a group ot friends at the Brown ing home. Those present were: Miss Dor othy Browning, minor guest. Mrs. Harvey Prultt, Mrs Lyle Rains, Susie and Frances Jones, Mrs. I B, Senter, Inet 8alladay, Dorothy galladay. La Verne Oakman. Flor ence Copley, Helen. Copley, Mar- loa Slewert, - Margaret McCoy, Doris VaaPelt, Agnes Miller. Rosesella Gabbert, Eileen Moore, Gall Mclean. Ruth Powell, Ada Williams, Mrs. Floyd Tan Sickle, Mrs. John Graber, Mr. and- Mrs. L. B. Stiffler. James 8euter. Mr. SL'FSS&SSZ S Sf Red Hills Grange and Mrs. Gordon Bowdea, e - Sons of Union Veteran and its auxiliary will meet at the Womaa's clubhouse Tuesday night at 1:19 Annual inspection will bo observ ed at this time and all officers are requested to wear white. All mem bers are especially urged to bo present. nected with the lower grades of school discipline: Miss rEdaa Speaker, Junior high , school ta- stractor, will speak oa tn saa- jeet as applied to laaior high school paplls; Mrs. George Habba will read the paper oa Oregoa product; Mrs. Aaaa Powell will lead the group . la s staging: tne songs designated tor the women's clubs or the northwest, with Mrs. Edson Comstock. at - the puno: Miss Peggy. Goplerud will giro a piano solo There will also be reports crom the convention "held at Salem Thursday. Mrs. Harry Wells entertained the members of the program com- mittee at tea Wednesday after-j noon. Mrs. .Wells Is chairman of the committee and la assisted by Mrs. Robert Goetsv Mrs., George earner, Mrs. r. at. roweti ana Mrs. Leara Habbe. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar D. Olson left Saturday tor Rochester. Mian. Mr. Olson will return la two weeks It Is expected, bat Mrs. Olaoa will! rem ala longer according to piaaa. Miss Betty BoaeU will enter tain with a six Uble bridge tea la the Stiver Grille ot the Gray Belle this afternoon. . s -It i j - r SOClAli CALENDAR 1 : : Uonday; AprU tl Delta Chi. Mothers , wtth Mrs. M. a liadlejr. til .North 19th street. 1:10 Vdoek. ....... f . - ; . Woman's Greater- Oregea asaoclatioa. chamber of , commerco rooms, g o'clock; Walter Lansing to speak oa ,-Trafflo BatetyT.-'.,U;v:,-'t-. ' -1 : : Piano recital at Waller hall. Willamette nafveraltr. - " sunaay Bcnooi Teacners Guild of Chfldrea's dirisioa. T:Ii o'elocav First CoBgregatlonal church. . . Usual S:!t o'clock book review club meeting af8a- . lent Womaa's club postponed. . ; Royal Nelghbore tmportaat business seeslea, Hl ' o'clock ia Fraternal temple;, drill practice will follow basiaees meeting. .t r-: . - -.' "TV Sons of Unloa Veterans aad Auxiliary, T:t o'clock; , "Vi Women's clubhouse. Annual inspection r officers to wear -white, '. . , ; " -...... - ; Junior Guild ot St. Paul's, Episcopal church, one b'cloek, no-host luncheon at homo ot Mrs. Rose Babcock. f SI South Commercial street. :. ' . -.f - -. . Chi Delta chapter of Delphlaaa, t:St o'clock with Mrs. F. S. Aaunsen, lilt North Capitol street; Rasslaa art stady ,. ' . . 1 ; s - ' .. " : . -; . SalemTLrts league, Salem public library; lecture en . Robert Frost byProt. Lawrence Zillmaa. , !."" - Wednesday, April IS . ' " : i. r. Dorcas society ot Christ Lntheraa charch. monthly s teetlag, la church parlors;. important business meetlag." ; -n .Womaa's Guild of Amerlcaa Latheraa church, baa- - Inees session, and kitehea shower at church; program of music v v: ,hr;-J- ?- r y 'A K3?. - i Opels meeting for Artisans at Fraternal Temple, it o'clock program and dancing. All-members and friends .Invited. -- -..-------..- To Meet Tuesday LIBERTY". April t. The Red Hills grange will hold Its regular meeting Tuesday, April IX, at the1 Liberty nan at s p. m. one canai date will be voted oa. The re freshments will bo in eharge ot the mea. Mrs. W. : a Miner, Mrs. R. L. Meyer and Mrs.- Omof H. Minne maa win act ae hostessoa for the regular monthly business meeting of tha Dorcas society ot the Christ Lutheran charch. at Its meeting Wednesday ia the Church parlors. - Members ot tho Delta Pri Moth ers dab will meet at the homo of Mrs. M. O. Flaoley. 221 North 2tta street Moaday afteraooa at :t o'clock. This is a "work" meeting and all are requested to bo present. Mrs.' M. a Fiadley win enter tala tho members of Delta Chi Mothers dab at her home Moa day at 1:10 o'clock. Tho chib members , are working oa quilts for tho sorority home and aU members are urged to be present for this "workT meeting. Mrs. Earl Andresea entertained the Hl-Ho club with a 1 o'clock laneheoa at her homo Tuesday and this waa followed by an after aooa of cards. Mrs. Frank Matthls held high score. Birthday Dinner Party Is Attractive i v ::. .- s Miss Sylvia Paulson and Miss Dorothy Taylor are extending in Tltatlons .through, the press for an informal reception Saturday alght at their apartment at which Hmo friends' of Misa Sitae Paul son aro asked to can aad meet her while she is 'here oa a brief visit Saturday. Miss Paulson, for merly a member ot tho' Salem school system, is now- wtth tho Seattle school system. During the spring vacation new la progress she u vwltlng la Salem aad ia Eageae. '- Dayton W. ghafer and Mrs. 3a- saa Capliager. both of Turner were quietly married at tho resi dence of tho orficutlag mmlster. Rev. .W. C Kaataer. Saturday at ft pja. Mr. aad Mrs. Shafer win make their heme at Wlllamiaa. see Mrs. Oeoo Grabeahorst enter tained with a charming f o'clock dinner Saturday night, compli menting tho 11th birthday at An na Mae Grabenhorat. . The dinner was; given at ;tho - Grabenhorst f home oa.Washingtoa street Yellow, and white was the eoloc schema used and, waa achieved with spring flowers and "pretty novelties for the dinner table, v ' Co vera were-: placed for M ; Anna Mae, aad ."Barbara Crala. . Rowena Upjoha, ZUlah Frogler. Clare Barshall, Mary Elizabeth Slsson, Jewell Mlnier, Jwro Sim ' mena, Cathrya East aad, Rape Gibson. : -: . r : A Hue. party at tho Capitol the atre followed tho dinner hour. . Cloverdale Mrs. Fred Schli- f erer waa hostess to tho W. C. T. U. at -her homo Wednesday. Tho women pieced a quilt, of tho sua flower pattern. Tho baslaess moot ing was la charge of Mrs. A. A. Dumbeek whflo Mrs. F, Cook led tao aevouonais with prayer by - Mrs. 1. Hadley. - r .. - - Mrs. L. E. Heanles, Mrs. C. Dra. . ger and Mrs. B. Drager were ap- J pointed as delegates to tho coav . ty convention at Wood burn April Those present from Salem were Mesdames J. Simpson, K Cooler H. rayne. V. Harvey, Grabeai. horst, - aad: MUdred Sthllferer. Mrs. M. Garaer. Olga Garner. Mrs: F. Lake. Mrs. C. Hedges aad Mrs. A. Heanles were guests from Clo verdale. Members present were Mes dames L Hadley. M. Shilling, J. Schlfferer. a Staaley. T. White head. C Drager, L. E. Heaalea, W. Morris. J. McISnney, K. Raa seS, P. Fiiflet; F. Feller, F. Cook, A. E- Kunke. E. ShUllng, J. FUf let. W. Farr, 8. Drager. W. Miller, A, A. Dumbeek. J. Morris. H. Fee ler, J. Cook. . Miss Ida Feller aad tho hostess, Mrs. F. Schlfferer. Talbot Tho Talbot Womea's dnb met at the home of lira Gil bert Belknap Wedaeeday after aooa with the following members present:" . Mrs. Sarah Taylor, Mrs. George Potts, Mrs. David Jacobson. Mrs. Davidson. Mrs. Bob' Austin. Mrs. A. X Emmons, Mrs. Deleter Davidson, Mrs. Loyal Johnson, Mrs. Charles-Taylor. Mrs. L. M. Harding. Mra.;D. E. Blinton, Mra. Ciamd Johnson. Mrs. A. s. coio and the hostess, Mrs. BeTkaap. Mrs. John Calavan was a guest. Delegates for Msrioa County Fed era tloa for Womea's dabs were appointed. Mrs. Q. M. Belknap, Mrs. L. M. Harding. Mrs. David Jacobson, Mrs. A. Davidson, aad Aurora Mrs. Natalie Strick land. Mrs. Vera Bradtl and Mra. Helen Sadler represented the Aur ora Woman's club as delegates tolHrs. Loyal Johnson. the third district convention at Sa-I Mrs. Calavan and Mrs. Johnson lem Ttiursday. - sang a duet. MICKEY MOUSE , "The Bear Facia By WALT DISNEY ETC 3WVSTEQJ IfAVeTeHV TIED TO A TSEE.VefTrl AlOADEO SHcrreuM. WMIA4TW f vsja i guess tf$ f run UiMil THAT GUM WtU 60 ZZtfjff V ' a7 1 . , , m.ii I 'wool nil crop, nominal; Ttiusjnona Technical consideration plainly I tt-m,. ...t. t.io governed the session. With eight poond. ' successive declines behind it, -rru Kwni. . ,vV f.if (h. market was ' Sld-SO-lS-OOkreer. fll; Vriltom. brokers had leu ino.maraei waa rt rtU,, mothy: 9i: eaatera Ore entitled to a rebound Since seldom timotllrt is.50; oat and reteb, does a vigorous reaction, go much 913.50. lunger mu " . called Correction, k . Pi-iiifQ Vorarl What the market might have rruiis. vcgeiapies done without benefit of the wasn- o or... April o-(ap)- lngton news was problematical, Oraasea California, narela. arrapped. but brokerage houses discredited fancy. 92.75-8.eo: cnoic. S2.5o-9.ss box. v.. .nlft' mmn-r that a'hnae Grapefrait Calitoraia. 92.25-2.50; Flor- the eDl;" lB,rn." Ma. 9S.50-4 eaae. Lemoaa Califnmia. ."bear raid" had been planned for . ume s do, eartoaa. 93.25. this morning's session. Nevetthe- Banana bnnrhn, 5c: handa. lb. IesSTthe sudden announcement ot srraa-berrie l.o Aaeeie. 2oe box.- next week's inquiry was admitted- poutoeo-riopd.. ee: T.xaa. e ly a Surprise and if it Was design- Rhabarb watdoor crown. I U lb. Cd tO Check the market's fall it Caboace local, 2-S lb.; new crop. . .kM.. r . ' : . . California. 2-44e lb. .S. lih-Voyirln Cabbare oc 2H-9e lb.; sew erop. - Stocks credited Ith harboring California, 2-e lb. the largest Short ' positions . re- PoUtoea local. 0o-91.15: Parkdale. It, aham'oeeninr srains. 915:. Deaebates.' Sl.25-13 ; eaatera American Telephone shot up 1 on a transfer of 5S shares; at tho close it had lost 1 2 points ot tho rise. U. S. Steel rallied 2 and closed 1 1-8 higher. American Can's . advance of 1 was reduced by third. Westlngbouse. AHied Chemical, consolidated Gas, North - American, National Biscuit, New -v-.t. rnnl mmA niimarnlll Others x w---. ------ 1 (Mtbern raaa. S1.T5 b. crate. baettraccea W '..71 ! Califlower-haL T5-95 erate: Boas. 1 ha,,. lbt.Il II mil. . .-. i-i '.;, t-v -i- THIMBLE THEATKE-tamng, Popeye rNow Showing A Lady of Her Word- - By SEGAR YOU BUTTED HlV HEW) IKTOJ THIS POST fMD KEARLV KILLED ycxre fNV cone. set. OrWUVAUXEO J W ME.OUVE. .: tuft IT fMNfT tSOHER . HORJ VATO SET OaPOJL RVCMT- I LL SIT DOWN, SOT ONUY FOR. y m of Waablnstoa. 91-1.25. Seed potato (certified) earliest aO. 1-1 He: earlr To. 1-1 Me lb. OaloBa Miliar price to rotallen; Ore- son. 97-7.50 cental; boiler, 95.75-0. Cneanbera othoaae.- VSo-91-dO do. Eplnaeh local. 70-80 o ranee box. Celery California. 91.73 doc; bearts. 91.75 do, bnneae. . ( . .Mnihroom botboeae. 90s lb... ,'.-' ; : Peppera Bell, Florida, 25e lb. -r Paaa California - 7-te. .-' Eweet pototoes CaUtonla, - S930: LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY , ANVTK1MG T1U.XCOWTE. BACK I GOTTA i AaOPMR&AACAMVd DETECTIVES tOOKHf , R?2ME X COTTA C2 AWFUL CARCFUU Any Port ,1a a Storra DARRELL McCLiniE hir tona. TTnion Pacific, tnasinsr a new Iow recovered; otandarii ntrof Califonla. on an earnings report showing $1.11 a share last year against l to.f'ssas heavy. r ? r :. ' - Tea toe botboaa. faaer. d0-45a lb. 1 eboiee. SOe lb.; Mexican, f Sje-4 repack. ed. - ' ' : - - Lottaee Arisoas, . $3.75 ; i Iaiperlal, SS.50-S erato. - . ' '.i-.f ...: . Aparroi vaiiiorai. - greea. i-i tat paaad. .. - -. - - ' RbberU a T. Club F.ri inva Lunch Session I pptliuriadfrsW oai sueiiey, . , . , I 9 :eo Veaper aerrleea. KEC. . - , . i2:eo-lf. Pollaer SBC. I U:0 D. Cadeaaa. BT, HOBERTS, April t The C. T. dub eajoyed a pot luck lunch at tho community r hall Thursday. The first division furnished j the lunch for this meetinr nd second division wfll have charge of the next meeting, April t Mrs. - Forest Edwards. Mrs. W. C. ' Pettyjohn,' Mrs; Or 8. Hlggins, fra. s. c Davenoort. Mrs. John On borne sad 'Mrs. Esther Query I jjlis rarm i BHw.m drove to Hlllsboro weanesoay w attend tho f uaeral of Mrs. IL M. Rice, ;; L ' i-yJX??- S1& Collier ratio boar. KBCT 7:15 Tb Old Stasias Mart. 7:43 Beth Parlor, KBC. 19:15 Mark Daniel, baritone. -19:43 Portlaader. - f Mead ij ;15 Omn. SfBC. S:S0--Thre4 ef tae Veaie Clef. KBa 9:10 Stnttair Striaa, KaC. S:3 Bteaaial maeta aperelor' eon- fereaee, KBC. 0:90 Cooking school.'' 1:I5 Kcmbraadt Trio, KBC. 10 ftO Weeaaa'S Magaaiae. adv. LSZCWH TXMT UOOK AROUMD J OCTECnVESIS FOU.CV41N8 VOU -xu.eewovouA message. I 1TCDI a i . .mi ' . . v yAMOTHSIlL. f 5DAN MIGHT HAVE ei i FALSE CUJM-) V HAOAlVrevTrVt A AAF&ETASZE -St Akcl X . J wilogcosb rrl : - - ' -. IX GEE,rrOTWaj5 A MARROW C9CAPE r BUTrsJOW MAYBBTHEyU-STOP J FOLLOW CrCAM HOWEST; TT3 6KEAT TO HAVE A rClEKlO LIKE MEC WrCM TH04GS ARE CZEAlC1N6rTDU6H. 1 TOOTS AND CASPER. 71 "Worthless Tane By JIlValVlY lVIURPHY Radio Programs ' Saadsy, apxQ IS XW 420 Ko. Partlaad -9:09 Arloat Trio. KBOU 9:00 Aawrieaa liOfioB. . . 109 Walter Dawroech. KBC. 10:49 Aloaf tso Oardea Walle. -11:00 lateraaefeaal broaieaa Iraa P - ia, KBC - j--. .-- V" 1:85 fitriagwood Unaenble, FBC. S :M Iaarse or atioae a -riA la AndT. KBC. 9:00 Stories of Ztadrerd Kiplinr, SBC. 9-45 Palai a ur arcaewa, -ijv. . 10 sis ftyapbear. KOHO. 11:13 Bakdad crran. - arnanssa 1C. Corrallla MoBlrr T -00 6ood mornias awdiution. lad by -. . T M. Caaaar. f : T:1S Sttif ap eaereloe. directed y - ' Aaaonr T. um. .A.AA Pan. ItmHP 11:28 'Motor Teblcla tawt, Harry C t e -os rule -bp , tk aoaioTj Tjr .j - v.u Mli Aaaa Price. - .iurii a Coaatv Asemt O. a. I . 7 iW-'u'ciBb UoeOas. '' THtNfr ABOUT CASPOc ISTHACT, SIMMS erlVNV THE - - SOWCTHi( TOTAAK J, about; ANOH1S RCCCMT v wrmcoLONn. STUXMUCM DISCUSSED! WHAT A - CETHAT R6MTWASI . ' THEIR BOXING &LOVES WERS SO Bta THEv LOOKED UKS SOtA- PI l LOWS! caspo? Dtotrr EVEN MTf HOOPER . SAW THE WHOLE THlMij? CASPER KAOa ' A 9VILO SWlrdia ANOaNITRYlKda TO AOlDTHE ' BL.OWTHS CO LOtsTZL, SUPPED ANOFELLON BACK! VEiANO s vWEM HOOPER . POUtO KMSELF, FLAT CN HIS - aaatsa mm aaaa aaSe AV4 US rr 'TOO FAT TOtrSTUP , 1MT1M3 TO. T SAVE HIMSELF . FROM BSrracr COUr4TlOJT! ? ITTAKES A T5CRWCKTO THAT. . - m THS TALK . t OP THE TOWR TOOT OUT OF IT? NOTt4lNt!r! NOT A MOVtn OFFER. NOT A VAUDCVILLC ' VCOKTRACT, HOT A TrUHM J vXOUTHr5 TIMSCAPER, PCQY1SETJYOU HSHWGT dJOTHAT NEVER; NEVER,, NEVER OOX-- AcVAlN! JOPHbSHOOrtA LEFT HER HUSBAND BECAUSE LITTLE CASPER FOU4HT HIM TO A ORAW tN THEIR FIRST HATCH . - ; 9 13 Kt rntam Svedwaae. tM. GreM aVKafai rtaMa .oShehijst HAVE SSdOOtJBi AT : THE RADIO MME9C t V j THE REPORT CAMS (LV. y 'i CASPEKrOOCED - , 0UTCX.HCCFE2. W THEIR I puncHi a a i a hv. esf r M A 1 - , rrs rry own fault I BORCEO CASPER INTO A RETURN MATCH! I SHOULO HAVE UTT1VCU.CNC06M ALONSl WHAT MUST SOPHIE THINK OF MS ? SHEU- NEVER RETURM TO MS NOVMl WHAT WILLI D07- tiJHAT SHAUL.I SAY' 02