PAGE ELEVEI Th OREGON STATESaiAlfSalen, Oregon, Sandar Blornlngy April 10, 1&32 3-; - OS V-..-. - -v. J,.'. ... CV-' - -..Vi.,. . v-4-. --5- , V.t - - W ."S - "' 1 eyaeallA. V -"' JUema a.--: - i a -- at.- Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 ' - Classified Advertising Blnglt Insertion per line.lOo Three Insertions ,per - line s . ." . ... mI. . ... 20e , Six insertions per line. .36e' One month, per line. . $1.00. Minimum charge ...... lit Copy r tor ; this" page ac- 'tepted until C: SO the even-: Ing before publication for classification. - Copy re ' eelted after this time will . be ran under the heading; Too Late to Classify. 'ifX- The -Statesman ' assa flies ; HELP. WANTED V STEADY JOBS -U. S. GOYERN iirwt - tlAB.t2SS month, lien worn-' en- lt-SO. Paid vacatkm. Kxperienee I usually- unneeeaeaTT.- ruu pirncuui with eample eoachins FRKK. write Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. A. Rochester, r. x. ? HELP WANTED MALE Men Steady work. 11704 to $5J0 year. POSTOFFICK CI.ERKS vr tt. fiBBlRB.1 Commoa educa- An arfMwi Paid vacation. IS coached FREE. Write today sure for I full partlculara Box w a. . statesman. ,-' : Bis money srowins MUSHROOMS. Cellar, idle spaces. Isverythln tar tZtA rM,nrFREK MUSHROOM GROWERS AS3N, 41 N. Clark, Chl- 'CACO. "xnxin.n rioriii " " .......aww. Old established manufacturer will finance responsible man In a perman ent business. Mast have A-l referen ces and car. Starting average, l0 weekly. Steady Increase up to $100 for I ZIZ y,Ir n -iir season or lay I off a Write promptly MeCONNON A COMPAN T. JJePt B-""i " wtoiw. Minnesota .-.-.x-.-j I - LIVE IN SALEM OR NEARBY 1 TOWN 7 If so, I'll show. you how to make $10. profit a day. I furniah ev erything. . Exper. TJnnec. NO selling. Send m your name Immediately. A. James, Dlv. $4, Huntington - Beach, Calif. HELP WANTED FEMALE SPECIAL WORK FOR .MARRIED WOMEN demonstrating . a mas t n g styles. Start at about $ireekly. No experience or Investment. .Net house-to-house. Write fully. Harford -Frocks. Dept. B-4147, Indlanapolla, WOMEN TEACHERS WANTED m nitlan work. Exoenaea guar anteed. -. Give age. . education, experl- I ence first letter, uoanun -va. jv. Nj Dearborn St., c;nicago. " SALESMEN WANTED ,iihjiixv wfMYvrm'ii - - - WANTED EXPKRIENCEDSALES- ninTtmrrr FOR SEVERAL EX- I P KR I ENCE D 1 BASTVmO niTiri'j iv I tpk WITH A PER- MANENT POSITION AND A 8TEAD- VJrr TO "eIrN "FROM 22I0 TO $ PER ANNUM WHILE LEARNING THE BUSIN ESS. TO SUCH MEN AS QUA LI FT, THE PROPER TRAINING WILL BE GIVEN. TOGETHER WITH 1PINAN- ZlC,r iKnlTmo OIVE ?aND,TPlMBlR V'"" "VrrA,np An- I DRESS BOX 11$. STATESMAN trj-jxiiir r " . SALESMEN: Earn $10 dally sell ing coveralls, shopcoats. Lettering free. Leading mnfr. offers best qual ity $!.$. Twelve patterns, Prompt de liveries. No competition Comm. ad vanced. Outfit free. WEAREVA, 1124 Maple, Los Aageiea. warn- ww I . We control Issue of astoolshtng, op portunity: brokers--salesmen matiog . .Ml.. . aealsl t mrfSTlt r'i riUSwilrUa Write! Kelly Investment co.. uoi am- arfllo, Tex. ' SITUATIONS WANTED VTr.-Lr.i irn- ..w. Practical nurse takes eases at home or will go out 201 N. 15th. VltlX'lTi -i - - - - . .... m mmmm - WANTED General repairing paint ing, papering, handy maa. gen aval work allklnda Bex 112. 8utea man. - ' " . vi. Girl wants work helping In the W. Room $. T. W. C ArTet $$7$. TRADE Miscellaneous - eaaveaeaaaSaaabaaai Orthopbonlo VlctroU and six full ! aooas oi recunw. , t ZmZ Also sewing machine In excellent eoa - ditton for eaie. mono : FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE Old papers le e bua 4Qe Statesman offtee. VT--.xnjiLiini"inrr,'iri ' - Trpewrttera, all "nakjevj new and weed Add d typewritarsforreot Typewrit Exchange, 421 Court et . . -i i, n nwnnnnnm - - - Corvallls strawberry planU and lo- gan berry tips, V D. Leea. to. ess ta uu"ir ri Vi i wnHlaad narsenr. swing closing Out it a Peach trees lSe te 50c. Cherry Sdlln e tVloVOrart Royal Anns, aSlef Bartlrtt pearV 4 ft. 18c. seedlings c to lee. urwi 20c to t(C Bartlett pears Salee yard by armory on LnierV. Tau : . BLAKE'S vacuum shop repair aa rent Pboae SSSA ixe o. awbtvt- tAtmm heta. alterations and repairs. rxrreOi'srA' oreenoaum a, sv r. ' 'Blitwett bed davenport dltloa. For Informauon xeu t Sf It W1 mMM Sea BB. W and aaad $L28 yA TeL 8472. Sheep Ogpopp-.w" STTT I Kl dorTeath: WB. Vaa Orsdol Farm, . a ' 2ITat tFtii - - - Wringer repairs, for air makes ef washers. Mr. Ellis, Hallk Pec Ce. j ytwWDMW.. Mtvm '' " "mrT --- ' i 9k .ell rotted f ertU - i..Vir; wi eL 47A v POLLY AND HER B&AR WITH ME A MOMEMT WHILE X DEGRESS,, AMD CEtsrvaiMEN.- m a i ff-, a i m nr A A-S- BLmfri. DUnrl d-rAT- .4 i f t 4 , ' J .' lXLTj T s w -e-Asaw 's ' . IT --a - -m Asemea-., ea. . f V " w a a wea a. e a Sal m av a a I I I bill --mw r m l i a - Hi. ; ATT IfIT i ? " i ! no financial responsibility for errors which may - ap- Aear la advertisements pnb llsbed In Its columns, and In-cases where this paper Is " at fault wUl reprint . that ) part of an advertisement In which the typographical . mistake occurs. "x The '- Statesman reserves the right reject objec- tlonal advertising. It fur ther reserves . the right to, " classify, all advertising un der the proper classifies-' tlOtt. ''W I FOR SALE Miscellaneous Fok terrier nupe. $!,' Fourth, honse 8. Texaco Oil Tanks. Road to feeble minded schooL Route 4. Box XliO, amunuKHi WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED wood, good milk cow or touring car for Chev. truck. S4S Doud St. Wood burn. TRADES TRADES TRADES Accept good lots in part payment West Salem T room 'modern home or North Salem modern home. Have good large farms on which can accept smaller in part payment. Have good Salem house for suburban. ... A. C BOHRNSTEDT I i 147 North Commercial St. -. AD kinds of rifle pistols, shotguns, old gold nd lew. ry Condition no ob- iecc Name your pnc. REINER'S EXCHANGE . 15S N. Commercial Painting kalsotntning. gum wood graining, contract or day. Large or small Jobs, tree estimates on blue print. BUlVasby. 15 State St. W ANTK1 ttsed Maaoa ta ex hang on radios, ohonographa or far H I. St Iff irijtnre Company Fruit lara all sixes. Phone 8472. Want room and board in private I family, not boarding house. Write de- I talis to P. o. Boa n, aaietn. FOR RENT ROOMS Cn h sleeplne room. CSS Center. ROOM AND BOARD TeL $317. Modern, warm rooms. Room, meals, gar. f ?t0.?f.?fe age. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Patton arartmeots with private oath, nicety furnished. Located In business district Call Pattoa's Book Store. Double room, first floor, private en- trance. Buslnees people. Board at "aChurch. Phone 727$. peopie. Hoard opuon- Heated fur. apts.. 218 Marlon. ; ; " . - v - 1 Two 2 room funi. aptaHeat, Ofhts. water. (SS N. Liberty. Phona 4424. Well furnished 2 room apt, batb and garage., Tel 7$t 4. 1211 Hasei 2 room apt. 44S 8. Winter. Clean, neatly furnished apartment. fnrnace heat, private bath. 615 Court St. Tel. TI. FOR RENT HOUSES rOR RENT Flats rot adulta t to t rootna $2 te $ Also houses, eta BECKS S: HEnURlUKS 1SB North High Street Duplex house, f 41 N. Whiter. R house. TeL S6S1. Furnished and unfurnlsned houses. i "rr' FOR BEST RENTALS SEE BECHTEL or THOMASOI4 211 State Room 4 8mall 1 R. cottage, nook and bath. suitable for couple. Garage. Good gar den. Paved st. 1 blocks from bus. In quire 1724 N. Cottage. House at 18! Oak key next door to west. Owner, Sarah Kennedy, Woodbura. Ore. FOR RENT 8 room modern house and garajre.'ISie 8.-Church. TeL 4814. FOR RENT . . . r . I .Jt I Close tm. uooa opportunity ior ngni I . Inaulro 1044 Oak St. party. Inquire 1044 Oak St. ISO acres, at Hebe for rent. Kola service station or SEARS ft TUCKER. Cash or shares. 1 to 14 acres 2K mL out Wallace Read.. Miss Porter, R. 1, Bx. 85. TeL f F2L DESK SPACE, office room, light. beat, water and "phone. Inquire room see. ssi Btate street. FOR SALE Real Estate WB have a. 4 room honse and gar- ere. splendid location, worth $200.00 elfar. d owner wants or room house and will pay cash difference op' Owner Is compelled ta sell a nice 4 acre home wtth good 8 room bouse, fair barn, good chtckea- house, ever lasting spring, s acrea er. prunes, i acre of raspberries, 2 acrea tillable, some nice timber, on good road, 4 nil., nf R. mm ent vlll BBrtrlflM fnr l" ,1M, "f I J fv, riip t a PFNNrVGTOV I -mmm-mw w. w ATTRACTIVE BUT Exceptionally well FURNISHED 4 - lWlaiM lot. 80x185. Own- : ! . teavmaT ' own w m nrlce, of 81600. SEE Cat Patton with , . LEO N. CHILDS Keaitore $! State Street Phone 870$. tmftmfkmltmfmmttmmtmtHmmtm 1 Sale or trade inc. property, s rm, bouse, close, in. ee... PALS ladies M i j Room and board, private bath. gr- 1 Tnh tnVkstiOXTR TH13 BAR- I V ?:,nl..XT .nA T- I JtSS?-.. .,TZ TrtHrinJ who id oio. Mrs. A. K. a- staying witn ner w we " 1 m v a VI I WS Will r TllMRSKI n RnilW Villi I 1 n - - - ewknsr SB Vina hAirare II j mm .) m mmm m Tata - W V WtAAai MSI T r-iiTi m . mmsi . " - iihin now amu oavej. I ket road not far from Sal em. -jraoe ON LOANS $1S to $20e 1 other extras. This car nas" run ie pinug, "' 1 v1 i w . v i i -v -xii - " i I i tun. rutn i , - i i cam rexff ari ehui . t Aranr- i.i' -is--" ii TMAf) 5TAhil)AOTlDC WILL GO rTT, TT 1 PR LP.- FOR SALE Real EsUU k j Good 7 -room plastered ham, fire place, ... basement to. , and attractive urroundlnga OrnamentaL nut aad fruit trees. Fraft and berries more than para taxaa Two mracea. S to (la lota, ale view, oared street. cnooia.' mcea to seu au or pan. term. TfS Rural Ave. Phona IS54. rau noose and four larga lota, chicken house, family trait, I10. " . acres ana new inree ra. nonae xor $1850.' - - -rf .- Income crooertT of two flats, corner lot in bualneaa district for . (00:: to exchange tor a rmrm. - . (- . . WINNIE PBTTYJOHIt. Realtor 17S Bout High 8treet-' COAST' COTTAGES 1-4 room houses and ( cottages, good location. $5000. clear ; term., or .take clear bouse la Salem or good town In valley lor part. - " . U State Street T i. Small house at 1175 N.' 1 Jth,"rarage, large lot. Price and assume pev- ins. ste flown. i per montn. . B. Batterman with , W. O. KRUEGER " REAL HOME BARGAINS IJJ50 buys one-naix paved " : i" Ji7 .rrT J V5T U1WUIU W AISVAWaWJ 1UWI Ml. 13150 buy. a modern , room, bouse, I fireplace, two rooms have oak floors, I bedrooms, basement, fur nace, frigldalre, - double garage, paved street Lot 88x181. Located near bus and school. $900 cash, balance terms. $2850 buys a modern B room home with basement, furnace, fireplace. paved street, good location. $500 Jnwn Kalian. mm r 1 down, balance terma $4509 buys a new, modem 1 room homo. Just completed, corner lot with two paved streets, located v on Falrmount HllL A wonderful buv. $1500 cash, balance terma $3500 buys a modern 0 room English style home, only $100 down, bal ance $30 per month to include In terest. Well located ta new dis trict on paved -street near bus line and school. $1800 buys ii late built modern 4 room aeah SB Iumains ar ease I home with 1 bedrooms, oak floor I ir r.r..r? ... r"' i , bunt In kitchen. $38 down, bal-1 mnce $1$ per month to Include interest. I a t room plastered home, I " f- """"r "i acre of. Jand, located on i-. cuiuvaieo. i a. w irvvu r, street near, , Englewood I . "ZuZSaT 5VV 3 several . beautiful ahade I . M ."eadof ouys jaie duiii mooera a rwra i fifth street. Price S1K0V. ncum Spanish stucco home, pavedlbranoa $1270, payable $20 per month. sireei. oniy cuui w " i ner month to Include Interest. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT SEE US FOR BARGAINS W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 134 a Liberty St. j Phone 8448. NEW HOME AT A SACRIFICE Seven nice rooms, two baths, hard wood floors, cor. lot. both sts. paved. beat of construction, double garage, priced at $4750. for immediate saie. $500 cash. bal. easy terma. see it ai 1589 N- 19th st phon 468 or 7976 I REALTORS 124 South Liberty Street BEST BTJT8 IN BUNGALOWS $2100. Mod. 4 R., 2 bedrooms, fire place, "furnace, sta. laundry trays, cor ner lot. both streets paved, cost own er $2750. Their loss your gain, some terms. ANOTHER SNAP 4 R. bungalow, furniture, one lot $1.- 1 004. with two lota $120. Four lots iiiu. uwnw leavtna vvy, if i sell at sacrifice. See BECHTEL or THOMASON 241 State Street - Room 4 Shown by appointment K room modern house In North Sa lem priced right at $4500.00 ; will ex change for acreage. t ronm TiniiBM with 2 room house on rear of lot In fine location, price 14.- 000.00 : exchange for modern 4 room bouse to $2500.00. Concrete dwelling In PardeevUle, I Wisconsin: price $8000.00: no mort gage: exchange ror property near sa- lem or vicinity. Store buOdlng with apartments re I SKK W H nRABKNHUIUil Mt IAJ.. I In S.t.m nr ImnrAvM I I 1A AAA nn.a rmi't h1IAV vntt I u.hnBAii vfnllfi anln Penl RrAWII I mforoed, concrete building in Salem. """ price $1$00.: exchange for acreage Ifff flJrs untoproved with water te $10,000.00. -rrHOUAMN r . waiv cn mMtftv w.r aj i arm tmm. MtlwatlA no house, good barn : a bargain at $- I ; l.r. hn. for c-. n u uu -aril, aauu.vw uu. u . n m, lem bouse. , 4 room plastered bouse, paved street, mortgage $800.0: exchange equity tor acreage or lota S. M. EARLE, Realtor 208 No. High - Phone $87$ aaroaMsaaatMeeebstsabje tor WaLB- V rtaT 'house, close te. ??Bk-8TT IiVT'TtliS! part basement, ' excellent $1800, E-Z terms. 4 i hiMM and nook. bath. . elec lights, H A ground, paved road, $2, 780. $50 down, $20 per month. 187 acres In Tillamook, 1$ acres bottom land, win keep 1 cows, $250, will take small house up te $1800. We have some good prospects. If you want to sell or trade Ust with ua We rent houses, write Insurance and make loansv v RICH L. REIMANN, Realtor .mw wt, o. k - flit VZZJSZ-?-- - - - - - " In valley. Start to foreclose te days I Day old and started chlx. also pul- A new building, in the business part not sold. Win sell for leas than half 1 lets. The Willamette Valley Hatcb ot ow7 wHh a 1 7earle.T. valuo. About one half or more of this ,ry. 410 8. 24th St ground. Aa agate grinding outiit, ana wood machinery. Will sell cheap. Will consider a truck. For particulars writs H. V. Johnson. Waldport. Oregon. FOR SALE BT OWNER Excellent home, well located, best surroundings. T rooms aad sleeping porch. Opea for Inspection. I8S North summer. - eMsavavea1eaaavasJss LET TOUR CHILDREN PLAT IN THEIR OWN BACKYARD BUILD A HOME i - Good lot 84x198 Sooth Saleen $500. Corner lot lth A Chemeketa. $80. r 1M. 4..-. e hliMlr. -Am t a t holOOO. "WU lufc m vivw ..wu. n.-- ' . Many other lot aom. as low " $1M. Flint National Bank Bldg. EXCHANGE Real Estate AAAA)(AAA)MAjlAAAAAAAWAAAAAA)Ail Plato 8 R. boose, good location, paved st, clear aad $180$ tor small modern boose. Call 8404. ... - TRADE Oakland, CaL property for Salem property.' 881 N. 14th St - - ; '. I': f ;iv i,U - The Ifeoartlng'Gaest" -"S 'r S:'r:rZ'.''J- "'. EXCHANGE Kcal EsUU EXCHANQsl v . toom house Anbnrn, Waahtagta. ' dear. Pay elfferenoe ea Satom - been. " . . Good bono Tacoma, Westilngtosv Mtc. tlTSt. Trade for Salem. I tooms, modara. Susene, Ore. Trade for Salees. - . t rooms Cottar Grove. Value ft,- tee. Trade for Salem. Clear house and sales contract to Ho . omam, Wash. L Trade for coed . hooM ta Salem. - Income property In Salem to trade for Vacant lots as part purchase of good :. . boon fa Heattla. wash. ' Good room modern bouse. Trade forfwood district with new t room plas Klamath Falls. room., nubest locatWn Ba- lem. Trade for San Jose, Callfor- ala. Must be a aTobd .home. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LfiO N. CHILD3 CO- Realtor StS State Street - Phone I acres Vi mL from Salem, e room house, bath, electrle lights, wired . for eleotria stove, automatlo- Dump. 0 Royal Anne cherry trees, land tiled, lance chicken boose. Sit - K Leghorn rns. and aU farming tools for 9410O. 1720S. A ial farm. " " " - , acres Wnl from Salem on paved road, aood sail. tlSTS MEL.VTN JOHNSON 320 TJ. a Bank Bide Phone 7M Clear house fat Portland $2500 and $2000.00 for modern house ta Salem. Good eld house In Salem, clear trade m . J tllAi N. ar.nMe iwv" v" CaH. - ... . . - Want modern house in the vicinity nr RnnOtnm Pacttla AeOOt to-$4000.00. 05 acres river bottom son. fair huiidtnaa. SO acrea cult, balance pas ture, crops -In, $5600.00 soldier bonus loan, trade lor city property. TT. G. SHIELDS Oregon Bldg., Salem, Ore. Ph. 1161. rem exchange prfc 450o, mortgage $3250. owner . & wUheji to ;xchange equity as part payment on a smaller house or less rfn. room home, well located on North I will take lot er auto ior equity. Eugene home to trade for Salem homa. Cottage Grove home to ex change for Salem home. Oregon City home to trade ror Baiera noma. See W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 134 & Liberty St. Thone 0458.1 jvjm.n.n.i-irn-ir rn - - -- -- -- -- -- -- GOOD TRADE FINE 40 A. DAIRT FARM Nothlne Like it Anywhere- Best of solL rich loam and very productive. Modern R. house, also modem dairy barn, equipped for sell- mall nrnmr. SEE BECHTEL or THU41A6UW 341 Bute Street . Room 4 Apply In person 11 you wun to see the farm. TRADES STRICTLT MODERN BUILDINGS E A. close In. strictly modern bouse. m-nrJt ,tuilMlnn. Trade for eltv er larger acreage. - ' 1S a. Salem Heights, eberrlea, lo- gans ana iiioeris, epienata laxgv umw with good view. Take acreage or city in TrhnrL 220 A. clear of Indebtedness, want city Income will assume. SOCOLOFSKT A SON First National Bank Bldg. FOR SALE FARMS eesebMeaeaeeeeeNeessebsssw SPECIAL nrr.n nn,Kir nuTV Fine farm, only $22 per acre, fa- ced. no bldga, f miles Salem, some fine timber. If marketed will mere than pay for place. Price $22 per acre. $2000. HALF CASH Will buy extra good farm for the $41 State Street Room I vasseessesssBmsBWasssasaep en sj we STTRTTRRAM - HOMES t acre tract with good f . . . . 1 nouse. oarn. garage, two uec. house with 400 Hanson strata white Leghorn chickens, electrio water sys tem. 1 acre bearlnr cherry trees.- all kinds of berries. Price $420. part cash. Will consider first mtge. as part payment. ... FINE 40 ACRE DAIRT FARM, ta eood locatloon mllea north of Sa lem, good house, grade B barn, Irnple- menu including' milking machine and tractor, 12 cows and .some chickens. i-iu itann a wm a vm srmsiii tm proved acreage In exchange. a tew eowwva wa wui aAov see cai ratton witn LEO N. CHILDS CO- Realtors 220 State Street Phone (70S SNAP: Seven acres all; In bearing or chard, new small nouse ana gar age, only IK miles out Price $2, 800.. easy terms. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. ,124 South. Liberty Street WAAW(AAW)AMWAMAA1 LOOK LOOK ' FORECLOSURE SNAP One of the very beat 160 A farms i j il. V. Li WUaT X ter In the state, good bnlMlngs, i iromo- r , v. for two or ftiree tolllea. Money talk Jl Jnm WdaAIw VV amx tV aww e s aaa aa I the valley for the money aeonvy agents. Shown by appointment SEE BECHTEL er TUUMAbUn - - $41 State Street - Room 4 APPLY IN PERSON ACREAGE I . a . . . tk.ll. . mmjt I f A. DIHIH. INH tVU. WUUlJl i"V I PUllOingS, UB roOS TOaO. . 1 kood ga $11,040 with equipment WUl take ta 10 A close to Salem, bottom taad. 1 - acres in berries, Duuaiaga. New strictly modern five room noose. , Just being completed, urge let. A v real buy at $245. Terme. I room strictly modern home, dees tn, good location. $$78. J. F. TJLRICH COMPANT 111 State Street - Pboae $871 I mm m t a m viku. ev f " cattle. X ' norses ana .impieaiaiat ULCIlEAGBv SAimAM bxvxb bottou zjlno kg " acres i IS. - acre ouUivated. g room house, harm pool try house, f am- nr orcnere, nmpinsr water, mtav, (M Federal leea.' WUl take I to It acres for equity. - - y.. t "A" ORADB DAXRT . ' itf acrae .. - eaulimed for it cowi. AU bulldmrs modern, eleo- tm Ualtta and runame; water, its aeres cultivated erope, included some timber. This la an up te. date farm aad well located. ON SH.VERTON HIGHWAY . ! acrea I117S- f 00.00 down. 1 mile of Salem, also i acrea m Hour' tered house ior oniy Phone . Ill So. Blb St. V NO BETTER BUT - 1 As dose to Salem, finest of soil. R. u borne, electric water system, moa era 400 ben ebicken bouse. Chlck- ens, cow and farm equipment go. This is cut to $4200. -for quick St fine soil. R. house, good barn. : electrio r lights, close to school. oared rd. 84200. 4$ A. 5 R. bungalow, good barn, run ning water, so A. hot torn lane. pav, rd. $2000. - EXCHANGE A. near Brownsville, clear for " house m -Salem. T A. Good boarding house business. stream, fine land, near coast ; Want small tract, or bouse la 8a Two good bouses, one in Tacoma and one la Aaburn. waam, zor nuem . i property. v , R. A. FORKNER "v" 1I6 N. -Cottage ; Phone SOIL WANTED REAL ESTATE WM SPOT CASK BUYER For bargain In farm or dry vrop- erty. Must be prtoea low. see ua 8OO0LOFSKT SON First National Bank Bldg. Business Op port unities Lunch and confectionery, nice fix tures, good location, fountain, frtgld- aira, s team-coo aer. nne place for pastry-cooK. mot reduced to 1 8 BO C J, Jackson, S41 State St. Hebo coffee shop" for rent or sale, j good paying buslnesa Call Wm. Fltx- gJtrtcKlOSRlvert MONEY TO LOAN 'Bells, of Harmony' Heard over KOIN dally ring out a loan service that Is really, really different. TOTJ GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST Beneficlal Loan Society OF SALEM Room lit New Bllgh Bldg. tnd Floor LICENSED BT STATE $1$ State St. Tel. 2-T-4- psSa4aegtai4aaJM$e)e CTTT AND FARM loans at lowest ratea. Beat terms obtainable Our inert advice and service m an lrnas I iiAWKINS A ROBERTS (Inc.) TeL 410 20$ Oregon Bldg. PERSONAL INSTALLMENT J0XH8 STATE LOAN COMPANY Office bra, ioe A. mT to :20 P. M. Telephone T7S1 Licensed by State til Oregon Building, tnd Floor. TT222r??TZ?rZT?rZ?2CZ!mm nance Co, $ Grand Are., North Fort - I LSOO. UTeaV AjOCai FSD. Mr. AJOeO. 0 - I f ""TL0. SiJtSS!fr Titr - License Mills pcn vtHit. fAiNR MADE on furniture, ears, salaries er other rood security. Repayable monthly. When la financial need see us before dosing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone $51$. s$jepSkea)seaSaslBaS MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Reflnanosd Arrange to reduce youi payments Ton keep the car. P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St. and Ferry Phone 4722 Sslem. Ore. LOANS WANTED WANTED Private money te loaa on real estate. W. H. GRABENHORST CO, REALTORS 1M & Liberty St. TeL 8481 $2000 private money, extra fine se curity. 174 a High. Phono 5Z4. I IVPCTftTir mrtA Pnm TRY . . Custom hatching la per egg after Mar. 15th. TeL 111F2. Lor s Hatchery. mmmmmmmmllmtmMmM'.tm0mmm,mmm1 finaelal babv ehlck..aala. Tuaa. ds WaA TKaaa low nrinea will snrnrias yen. Salem cnickerie. is N. cottage Street. FOR SALE WOOD AMA)A)AAA)MMMiWAA(AAA ' For good wood phone 111. Tracy's wood yara yiAMAWWWMkAlMAlAVIMMAMA)l 1 to. 2nd growth fir 84.80 aad $$. 00. TeL 684 A ' ' . uuARAnr&aU' uki wooa coej ALL BUNDS, any length. Call 871A . rtltV ETtt -im ni( OTrVn . Ml I . .1 fii.l tl tW nn tar nrln.A Br.r' " " I gi've,amraf good'efflttr' and 1 " VPtIV chablet' p,V;:U I flSTRANSFER 4k STORAGE TebsBbeae 1111 Old fir aad limbs. TeL Jndd 101F1L FIRST CLASS FUEL Old fir screened hog foeL Dry-2nd growth nr. Phone 147. - j FRED B, HSLUL AMU. tAAAAAAAAAAAAJ Nice dry second flr. reasonable Llprtoe. TeL 4144. jrOR SALE USED CAES I lliCome on, You j Bartroln Huliters! 11I2T Cadmae Soot St.. 000.00 ta 1127 yours today for STATE MOTORS, INC. tit Chemeketa '.' Valley Motor Co, THE FORD 8 IS HERE And our used 'ear prices hava' cer tainly come down . -. -.. We have several owueis of nearly new. Model A's who will sacrifice. 1021 Coupe ... " T . ... it $375.00 ItSO Coupe, , ii i . i seo.vv 1030 -Sport Roadster . . 285.00 1020 OMs 8edaa .' , 25.04 1028 Pontlae Sedan.-. - isvff 1021 Dodge Sedan 150.00 0.00 35.00 10.00 1021 Dodge sedan 1025 Ford Roadster 1920 Ford Sedan TERMS TRADES ;; Valley Motor Co. ;"; . Vhonm . S158 . Center Street Phone 710 Lot at Marion di Liberty McKAY'S USED CARS With an OK That " 3 Counts' INVESTIGATE -LOOK RIDE BUT 128 Ford Coupe ( It runs) $ 18.00 117 Ford Tudor- (raiUe axle) 115.00 117 Star Rdstr. (fine shape) 138.00 ltts Chevrolet - Roadster (first dass) 175.00 12$ Ford Sport Roadster (ok) 195.00 192$ Chevrolet Coach .Cloaks new) , , 225.00 1927 Pontine Sedan (over- hauled) 235.00 1 VnrA Snort Coum fverV nice) 245.00 1920 Ford A Tudor (runs fine) 825.00 1929 Chevrolet Cabriolet (re- conditioned) 850.00 1930 Chevrolet . Coupe (per- feet) 1 ; 1930 Chevrolet Coach (1,000 ,.$. miles) Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. . phon,i12rl ... r.:,...:::.:.'.:. Out They Go EVERT CAR RECONDITIONED AND REAUI TO UU HUDSON BROUGHAM could tell It from new-Cost new $M2, now 1M$ with new'car service guarantee. Let President S-oaaa. Overhauled as needed. Painted New -ply Urea. wire wheels, this car cost over $2200 in lizt; now n Wltn new car service ura uiii ESSEX COACH 10 modeL run less than 11.880 I miles. Original finish Inside and out extra good. Reconditioned as neeoeo. New car service Tana guarantee OAKLAND 8KDAH 21 ModeL New paint and recondi tioned. It day service ana guarant $421. It Couoa. Orhriaal finish good. Me- fj P Leather upnoistery I mnn 1S U(xtl Std. COUOO. Overhauled 1 f "f"4 Atmoet new.sut W I " I It type DlcUtor $. This car Is an I . 1. Vaa nnlv rn. 1 1 BOO IZT.rll ZZm ,"V. liw iJSw ViA - ourea, L TzTCTT I ana out. aee mm owe w sow I $. HUDSON tT Model Coach.- Complete over-! haal repainted, already to ge places $24. 9.1 ranna Overhauled as needed. new paint aad twe This one Is way MANT OTHERS IN STOCK FROM WHICH TO CHWSH SOME CLOSED CARS AS LOW AS $$. STATE MOTORS, INC. Hudson Eseex-Studebaker-Rockne Distributors Ooea Evenings and Sundays ItS Chemefceta - Phono S4te. FOR SALE WOOD WMWWWWAAWAAAMAAAAAAAA. Good old fir. Phone 22, WOOD SAWING I aMiWwwavI..m. 0442.' WW vMS W il'ex,. aavi'iiiem I . axtt irmThJTi I AilV VUill I IA!T Rrsreen list and lTth on i Market st. a boys laainerette. owe I Jacket. Return to Marra Grocery. K- ward. . ' n"ifwriTMii- - . RtraTAl. 1 eowa. dark lersey. red. my place first of week. Sale date Fri- aav Anril If. Par for ad. reclaim. Mne east of -prlaoa annex- J. J. McOovera. MA1AAIWIA)AiAM mmmtmvmmm T?rr Rv - horse .weight about 1080 lbs. Bald-faced. Phone 28F2. TJV3T r.aAlea' white cold Wrist watea. oerwoea -m. wur ... rrr. mom ia J ... -I t noi" ST4AlAa iUn : m war ta i - '."rD.hTZ n ra. PERSONAL I LL!'? aAiAiia tireiM and abroad VnMr ta bam. All letters answered. I Mjf: iL1.7' J V MRS. RAT SMI THE ' ASTROLOGER of Portland who predicted safe . return ef Lindbergh habr. will - be at-, the AmbaseseV apartments Menday, Tuesday and . " - Wednesday, f ... - .. By CUFF STERRETT FOR SALE DSEb CAES I SATM MONET. ON DEPENDABLE CARS tt Chevrolet Coach. Car has bad excellent care. . " - - 2 Dodge IX A. 8edaa reconditioned motor wire wheels i good tires. W 2$ ChrysSer (2 Coach- This will be hard to beat, i - 20Tedge Seedor Sedan reconditioned car at a right price. . '1 HupmobUe cyt. sedan. Investigate, these aad others for the best buy, BONR55TRRI.R MOTOD CO. New Finer Plymouth $$4f.-':. - una Huaoir at the Flshlosf Season Opeaa Friday ,i- -.-r, . Here Ik a geed Roadster . . .; ' Foryoor tri - " .rr; '- Priced to Sell $50 Inquire at Statesman Office. GOOD - WILL - SOLD WITH A GUARANTY -1030 Hupmobile Coupe $5TS 127 Star - Coupe ISO 129 Ford Sport Rdstr. , 235 Bulck "4- Roadster 00 128 Hudson Coach 145 187 Ford Coach u $5 1128 Studebaker Coach ., tit 124 Chevrolet Coach t ' 115 120 Jewett Coach ' HI J 120 Oakland Sedan 127 Ford Touring II J lfzt uaxiantj Touring ei- Wood-Wheaton Motor Company 540 Chemeketa St. Pontlae $ . Phone 9688 Pontlae 8 itn t-m pm.t.. a t w I draalie brakes. $20.00. 871 Patterson 1 West Salem. IS , RICKEY, April 9 The last munity dub was held Friday night with a rood attendance. Kenneth Sheridan was elected presIdentTto fill the vacancy caused by the re- signatlon of Mrs. W. D. Horner and Yen eta La Branch was ejected secretary - treasurer to succeed I Mrs. W. O. riood, also resigned. Over IS was realized for the I piano fund from the sale of I lunches and a cake, with prises B uuuaiou u j a. c. uiokuuis, a. k iui.j iuu usuy suit The men of the Bethel Farmers' Robert Blair returned home from ' union put on a comedy and ex- the Silrerton hospital Wednes eeeded an former appearances. day. Mrs. Finlay's aunt. Mrs. Da- Other numbers on the program re-din, Haiel Sheridan, vocal so-1 solo, Robert Brown. 1 13 lJ-!-LL tvuyal AlClgllUUta To Rally Monday TWJ C;i 1 meeting Friday night with Eunice. Night, ilvertonlET4 KrBtt la eh c 6ILVERTON. April Marion Circle of the Royal Neighbors wUIJe. Brenden nd Mrs. James Rue be hosts to the rally meeting to j in charge of this. ha held Mondav nlrht at which I Ti Mnm m e ... I n -.mIm,,, fnn, rwilaa Vmu month independence, Salem and IWaodbnrn will ba n resent. Tho I 4nnln 4n1te nf Co lam wtll nnt m ta. initiator work. A playlet, I "TV. D. m u rfil H)ilu.llM 1 direction of Mrs. D. H. HUlman I ... - . .. . . Wiu lurnua a portion oi-m oo - I lvlliiiiiMt Business BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R D Barton Batteries Starter and generator work. Texaco static, cor- ner Court aad Church. chimney S?EEP Telepnone 44$. R. B. Northnesa CHIROPRACTORS DR. a L. SCOTT. PSC. Chlrepracter. 288 N. High. TeL Rea $871. DR& SCOF1ELD. Palmer CMroprao- tora X-ray and N. C M. New Bank Bldg CLEANING SERVICE Center St Valeieria. TeL 4$2. FLORISTS rmr riowera. weddlnc' bouaoets I fuaeral wreaths, decora tlona. C W. Brelthaaet. florist 488 State Street TeL 8104. ALL kind's of floral work. Lots "Fler- Ist, 18th aiarket TeL , FLOOR CONTRACTING Olsen Floor Co. Tel. 0111.- INSURANCE I BECK RRCITB A -HENDRICKS ' - . Tet 4iti - - WILLAMETTE INS. AGENCY Wm. Bllvea, Mgr. !4MiT ButtevlUa Agent 111 Mse-ote B1d. TeL TIM LAUNDRIES I I . THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE RT1DER LAIINDRY 281 A High TeL I1U . CAPITAL CTTT LATJNDRT. W. traih Evervtbin to Lnx" I Telephone 114 J 1284 Broadway ! IaAWN MOWERS - SharMoed aad repaired. Also trades. n. W. pcott. 1T a. tunrt Tec m. MAGNETIC TREATMENTS - I Wmmtrw isa CItAtnAkta.- 8742. TeasUs cured without opera tieew mood poMtnw. rmeq. ywa mww. MATTRESSES ITeineasss rrom factory to Hmm as la. auatisaea 8AA RenevaS ore and famlgatora, Capital Bedding . .. .... . . . . . . . i . W xaw eves. avv vaihwi. New in stirs te order. a i hi mm ai lie ile t garnet el no sins' i mars xluff rea wearing.- Salem FluTX Btif dt Mattreee Factory, a 18th-At Wilbur. TeL StlL tXto T. Zwtcaac, FOR 8ALE USED. CAES - Dodges $1015 $1440. Marios Garawe - - . hi ' coin; ED BYCUIB WALDO HILLS, April t-Ura, Fred Knight was hoatesa Thurs- - da f afternoon . te ' the Wlllard ' ... - eomen s ciud. runs lor attend- ance at the county convention to be held at Salem Heights, April 1 11 were discussed. The dub decided to sponsor a yiusiaui iur music ree. to be new at the Waldo Hills club- house Wednesday even- ins;, Hay 4. Surrounding school districts will be lnmed to partic ipate. ' Burins; the prorranv fiour Mrs. P. J.Neuswanger gavo a talk on Equator." Mrs. D. T. Hlllman. gave a resume of the life of James Whltcomb Riley and quot- ea irom some or his poems. Mrs. C. C. Geer will be host ess to the .club April 28 at her Z"7l f,lZ ' . . ? Jol.,6c1t,?n of pioneer relics "4 cb cl"b, "ember is asked to br,n something. Those present Thursday were Mrs- r. Hlllman. Mrs. C. R. Riches. Mrs. Karl Haberly. Mrs. IF. J. Neoswanger. Mrs. Robert ye. oiive and vera Ottoway and Mrs. Knight, vld Anderson of Oregon City is Mnir Plavr PaehiM Community Meeting KVAN3 VALLKT. April 9 The Evans Valley Community club held Its regular monthly the program. Following the pro- I gram, lunch was served with Mm . .v- T I era and Sunday band; harmonica lento nii-tiiM Wm. h.)!., I Am l TT. I old Solle; reading. Fred Mehl; nll. o- I play from the Davis district. I . . . .. . - 1 aance, iesuo giru; guitar soio. I Charlae UTtibvla. I Charles Wlegle. T Directory MUSIC STORES f GEO C WILL Plaaoe. Phono. I graphs, sewtng machines, sheet musts. and piano studio Repairtng phono graphs aad sewtng machines. 421 State Btrel. SaVm. PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBING and general repair 188 So. Liberty. work. Graher Brae. Tel ftSM ,; PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN A DA If S tarn hana decorating, paper banging, Unttng, et. RHfoMe wnrVmn PRINTING n FOR STATIONERY, cards, pampn- -lets, programs, books ee any kind of ' Minting, call The Statesman Print ing Department 218 8. CommercULs. RADIO FOR every purpose, for every purse , An standard sixes of Radio Tuhea, EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. ItT (Vwt w sue STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Steves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. AH kinds of woven wtre fence, fancy- and Plain, bop baakece. books, locan hooka. Salem Peace aad Stove Works, 161 Ch-mAra TX 4774. R B Flemlnr TRANSFER i CAPITAL CTTT Transfer Co. 11 State St TeL T772. Distrlbotlng. for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. FOR local er distant transfer store lege, call 1121 Larmer Transfer Co.. ITrwHta to Pnrtlswd daily. - WASmNG,MACHINES All Makes - asy4sa xevsnv eaaaai ituw. csusa. LaC, Maytag Cos Ion. Meadows) sad Automatic ,$r$ and up. -.- HOQQ BROS, y , ; W. C. MANGtTM. Manager 111 K. HiCb TeL 4111 Real Estate : Plrectory TaL I ' BECKS A HENDRICKS " - '- 11 K. Hlgtt '-- - TsL 414T - 8, M. SxABZJi 22 K. High St , ' Tat, 8871 - urmArm a son , : 1 204-8 Flret Mat Bk, Bag. TeL T8$t XL T. I7LS2CH ' i lit Stat akree . -i TsL 88TT HOMER fX FOSTICa REALTY CO. 17018 State St . . TeL 71 IP W. K. O&A2ENH0R8T e CO. i J:- X1IL ' v. .-. 114 A Liberty BU ZVt. 4481