The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 10, 1932, Page 1, Image 1

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"rlTer &0 lecC, west wind. ' ,
Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, April 10, 1932 ;
INoJ 328
h i flKFPJTh FflnirJC I " 1 Til KFFP FAITH
.-- - r-'M 1 - " ' . -r----' II - - L- --
Vote Taken After Many of
Delegate Gone; 35 to
' 32 Ballot Result
Resubmission of Amend
ment Sought; Congress
men Urged to Assist
Marion county's republicans
went back to the "gold 'old days"
of political conventions Saturday.
They agreed that taxes mast come
down, expenses bo eut and Wash
lnxton and Hoorer principles car
ried on. Then came prohibition.
And for one hour the assembly,
130 in number, heard a succession
of contrasting arguments on a
proposal that a plank favoring a
national referendum on prohibi
tion be embodied in the county re
publican platform.
In the end the "wets" prevailed.
Br a rote of 35 to 32 they voted
down a proposal to strike from the
platform a plank favoring a na
tional .referendum on the 18th
amendment. The platform at
adopted contains this section:
"As there appears to be a gen
eral desire throughout the United
States for a re-submission of the
18th amendment to the state leg
islatures or through a constitu
tional convention, your committee
. recommends that our congressmen
and senators be Instructed to vote
for such a resolution, when pre
sented for consideration at our
next congress and that candidates
who are now seeking office for
the- United States senate and con
gress be committed to this reso
lution." V
Father of the plank and leader
in the fight on the floor of the
convention was Louis Laebmund.
Along with Mrs. W. Carlton Smith
of Salem and Fred J. Schwab.
. Lachmund had voted In the plat
form committee for the favorable
report on the plank. A minority
Platform for. Marion County Republican . Adopted at
Political Assembly Held Saturday at Chamber of
Commerce Rooms Here:
4PEAEXXG for. tbe Repa&Ucani of Mario county, -we Jeel
that la this 200th year after the birth t that great Amer
r" lean model of efrll virtaes, George Washington, our party
should dedicate ltelf anew to tb principle of it founders IB
years ago national unity and honesty and true democracy. .
We hold that these faadamentala can be realised only by,
practices insuring economy m pwoue arrairs, ana coniming
agencies of government to the lowest practicable number:
Lbnitlnir salaries ito match services rendered, and In equit
able proportion to Incomes In private life, and that will avoid
duplications and padded payrolls.
Taxation to maintain government on these lines should .
be based upon the productive power of property assessed, and
the forcing of hidden sources of wealth to reveal tnemseives
and bear their share. -
Tax burdens can be lightened only- by reducing agencies
that consume tax money. . ?
We insist that Republican candidates for the legislature
nledge themselves to support and vote for measures that will
wipe out unnecessary commissions and consolidate others, and
also effect substantial reductions m tbe nlgner salaries of state
and county officials.
We ask for a horizontal reduction averaging at least 25
per cent of the total federal budget.
' We demand that our representatives In congress pledge
themselves to work for the elimination of useless bureaus, con
stantly Increasing in number and cost, and becoming a menace
to representative government.
We ask Republicans of Marion county to rote in the pri
maries for no candidate who will not publicly subscribe to this
'platform, and 'we pledge our party to support the candidates
who make such pledges.
We commend the untiring and able labors of President
Hoover, Marion coonty boy, in directing through the period of
its greatest stress the affairs of our nation in a manner credit
able to its place of leadership in world affairs, for which des
tiny It was set apart in its beginning times and haa since wor
thily maintained in the progress of the race.
As there appears to be a general desire throughout the
United States for a resubmission of the. 18th amendment to
the state legislatures or through a constitutional convention.
tout committee recommends that our congressman and sen
ators be instructed to vote -for such a resolution when pre
sented, for consideration at our next congress and that candi
dates who are now seeking office for the United States senate
and congress be committed to this resolution.
Another Trio Missing and
Firemen Battling to
Rescue Victims
: Plans for the local institute '.of
the W. C. T. U. which will be
held here Tuesday at the Union
report was made by W. W. Rose- hall have been announced,
braugh and Henry L. Porter, urr The program Includes devo-
ing the convention to reject the tions at 10 o'clock followed by a
"wet" plank. , ; talk by the county president, Mrs.
Vote Taken After Helen Prescott, on the topic of
Some Had Departed Institutes; 10:45, short talks by
By the time the raattercame up directors of departments; and lz
. y,a. TitMnv Btrenrth of n'lAi1r nAtlnck lancheon.
the assembly had been cut down At 1:30 o'clock there will be
considerably. A number of the I the dedication of the white rio-
BERLIN, April 9. (AP) Dr.
Hans Luther, president of the I abrasions
Reichsbank, narrowly escaped as
sassination tonight while he was
pacing the platform of the Pota
damer station in Berlin, waiting
for a train to take him to Basel,
The bullet, fired at close range
by one of two men who had been
quietly walking up and down the
platform, passed through one
sleeve ef Dr. Luther's coat and in
Five Story Structure is
Demolished; Blast is
Blamed Upon gas
SPRINGFIELD. Mass., Apr. 10
(Sunday) (AP) Three per
sona were trapped by walls of
flame in an 'explosion here early
today. Three other persons were
missing. A five story brick store
and tenement building was de
molished. The building, located on Ferry
street in the heart of a congest
ed area, was left without a stand
ing wall. Nearby buildings were
twisted out of shape -and glass
from structures for blocks around
littered the streets. The blast was
supposed to have resulted from
an accnmulation of gas.
Firemen Struggle j
To Reach Captives
Mrs. Dahdah, Mrs. Mary Fran
geia and a 7-year-old girl named
Karon, were the three trapped in
the ruins. Firemen were strug
gling to penetrate the flames to
reach them.
The debris was in such confu
sion, and the flames had swept so
rapidly through it, that there
were but a few Isolated spots un
touched by fire, and these provid
ed no pathway to the bodies.
So terrific was the explosion
that Patrolman Harry Lawrence,
the officer assigned to the. Ferry
street beat, fell before the concus
sion and had to be rushed to a
hospital. It was reported he was
suffering from severe .shock. One
fireman was overcome and was
brought from the ruins on a
stretcher. Two women and a boy
were suffering from bad cuts "and
71 W
Frank Keller, Sales Chief
Of Company, First to
Face Jury Action
Trial of the former officers of
the Empire Holding corporation
begins Monday, morning at 9
o'clock In the circuit court ' at
Dallas, Judge Arlle G. Walker
presiding. The first man to be
tried will be Frank J. Keller. Jr..
sales counsellor of the company.
Along with the four other offi
cers, Keller Is nnder Indictment
for devising a scheme to defraud.
The Empire Holding corpora
tion was authorised under a per
mit Issued from the state corpo
ration department In December,
1930, to sell 12,500.000 in stock.
To obtain the permit Its officers
alleged they had individually paid
$20,000 into the treasury- of the
company where as the records
of the company show no officer
paid In more than 13000.
Sales of stock of the corpora
tlon ran to nearly $1,000,000 be
fore the Empire permit was can
celled. Cash paid Into the com
pany's treasury exceeded $200,
000. The state, represented by Bar
Dett H. Goldstein, special prose
cutor, and John H. Carson, Mar
ion county district attorney, will
contend that the officers devised
a scheme to defraud. Various
lawyers will represent the defen
Stay man who Points gun in
Belief They are Yeggs,
Reports Indicate -
Officers in act of Making
Arrest of an - Alleged
Bootlegging Pair r
z.. DALLAS. Tex., April 9 (AP)
Two federal prohibition agents
were charged with murder today
for the slaying of Marion Mc-
Glothlln, 60, proprietor of a
crossroads gasoline station and
The agents, N. D. Heaton and
L. C. Smith, declined to make a
statement, saying federal regula
tions silenced them.
McGlothlin was shot to death
last night and his wife wounded
in the hand when they pointed
firearms at the agents in the be
lief they were holdup men.
The shooting occurred as the
officers were arresting Lester
Cox and his wife. Ruby. The
Coxes had met the agents at
McGlothlin's business place by
appointment after the govern
ment men had visited Cox's home
in an attempt to buy liquor.
Mrs. Cox was alleged to have
displayed a pistol and to have
been disarmed.
Thinking a robbery was occur
ring, Mrs. McGlothlin seized a
pistol from behind a counter and
pointed It at one of the agents,
he shot the weapon from her
hand. The bullet tore off several
of her fingers..
McGlothlin obtained a shotgun.
The other agent opened fire.
McGlothlin tell with three bullet
wounds in his body, the shotgun
discharging harmlessly as he
pitched to the floor.
In the excitement Cox escaped.
Wen Property Identified,
Paid $50,000, Baby -Is
Not Returned
Numbers on .Currency Told
In .Circulars Sent to
Banks and Others
: i
Oklahoma's Colorful Chief
On way West; Meeting
In Salem Listed
considerably. A number of the the dedication of tne wnue nu- "7V ,7 t"v"w r'", ? " WASHINGTON Anril 9 (AP) wyers wm represent me aeieu-
SefegaUs had left for home while U recruits, followed by Cru- g-J 8b?o hSelbow Siffititloi f"- .JffJfc
tnlnr a test vote lm- sade anniversary conducted by tach and a half below his elbow. .....i ordrd bv the outstanding in the legal pro-
pending, ducked oat of the cham- Mrs. Helen Prescott: 1:50, w. C
ber of commerce rooms wnere me t. u. worx in oou
roll call was taken land did not address by Miss Daisy Frederick;
east a ballot. ' 3 o'clock, address by ReT. P. J.
The roll call was by delegates, Eriksen; 8:30 o'clock, question
and not by precincts. Records of box and adjournment ;
Chris J. Kowlts, secretary of the o'clock. - There will be special
assembly, showed that slightly less I music.
than f 0 precincts of tne 79 in me
' county were represented while 130
of a nearby railway porter's boot.
The man who fired the shot told
police his name was Dr. Max
Roosen. He smilingly surrendered
momentum today with the formal I . i
a trAnA- I oeeu suopoenaea lor us uu
A whirlwind of rumors and re- . . Z, " '
hU plsioL Both h; 'and kit eom-lrU rerolred about inanlry.
."ir.V ..r.': sissr or them holders of stock.
r""-t o - . Tt7.11 mam Vnt un UtMtta BIT ouuiiuuuv..
county were represented while 130 I TTA
dalarates out of tha147 author-1 H flflVPr
In attendance. - Cii --r
"For 11 years the 18th amend- TT3,W
ment has been on trial and It has
failed. declared Louis Lachmund
in speaking on the majority -report.
-Sentiment has changed
now, and I believe this conven
tion has a right to ask for a rote
on resubmission.. When prohlbW
n. mimrtmA SS aip Cftnt Of the Pa-
" pers in Ihs country were tor it:
Margin Wide frB
Werner Kertscher. admitted cheer- T Wall streat butperslstently
fully, police said, that they plan- J J", day -wUl be used in securing a
n -ht Th- Lnthar because gigntlc bear raid climaxing the
they disapproved of th. Relch J 7 rlli- " '
bank's deflation policy and want- V""" " " "
ed a "controlled inflation." They al.-v-. t. f
XVJV1UI1 U ti iuiu yimuvut v
the New Tork Exchange was to
appear before the committee Mon
day. Substantiation of the conten
tion that bears had been active in
I denied any political motive.
More Tourists
Visiting State
PORTLAND. Ore.. April 9
f API J. E. - Shelton, secretary-
wtsm Awtaa, aa11si TtstA 1 si si van K tVisa manarer of the Oregon State Mo-
Trk Cy-rC VlfYt lted sponsors of the lnvestlga- tor assodaUon. reported today
I O IOreS 1 CI C tlon in the qnlek uvtnrn on the UsOS TisiUng automobiles were
market today. The senators were regisierea m -..-w
J .1 mm a, A-t . V a iVa Wsasal ftsl
Good weather at the elose of aot concerned by later losses.
Herbert Hoover, president, re
ceived - almost one' halt of the
straw r ballot rotes received j by
rhm statesman in the' abort poll
t. iw lir this Weekend la th tV limnrttt nut n mniiilt.
now less man i per ceui. i 1 "77 - t. ."II
uvuip. I - nAnr nan Ta 1 v v&a il,. Ta mi tnt, I .
.v. amonmle advantages ne saw oaioxuay ww.. --- -- wi jraviu.;. v,v.-
ii ieS5 Prohibition. : eeived 48 votes. - Franklin D. reported business decidedly more
W W. Rwebraugh. speaking Roosevelt, New JorksUU gov bTisk than it has .been" tor ser-
for the mlno report on the re- ernor, came next wltb10 rotes eral weeks. . The good weather
InbmlasSn plank; declared "This while Newton D. Baker of Cleve- also Bent hnndreds of people into
1. no mi Sd piaee tor such an land, another democrat, ttW their gardens and out on their
ine-the ease U not clear and with 11 votes. Will Rogers and frallt yards, mowing lawns, spad-
tha issuer cannot be drawn. In Ume Al Smith tied with six votes each. tog t0M hedge8 and doing similar
the matter of resubmission may Scattering votes werreceived ,prln, gardening. Some repair
mri Di -M It U'ODl VI piaca i oy r - i wvn wmva. j
COme U :", fc M . " , m. flnverntiT UnN I ...V, was alaA
ray S, Governor Meier X, Jonn .
c.tiZA hf W. CL T. TJ. ' r--- I Garner 1, cnanes u. ww t,
Oirerea oy w, y .k. i. Ttabart LaFol-
Heury L. porter, -iawer-, i wu . - ----- ; .
eonvention. declared the plank on lette 1. - ; - -
...nVm(1nn WOUld ."dltidS the
first three months of the year, as
compared to 7448 registered m
the corresponding period f 19U.
en LEVEY iii
Governor "Alfalfa Bill" Murray
Oklahoma, nationally-known
for his firm stand last year In re
ducing oil production In -that
state, will speak in Salem Wed
nesday. April 13 at 4:30 p. m. at
Nelson ball. Word of the gover
nor's appearance was received
Saturday by John S. Marshall of
Salem. Marshall is chairman of
the county central committee of
the democratic party.
It Is expected that William Del
tell, who formerly knew Murray
in Oklahoma where both served
in the legislature, will Introduce
the visitor who is on a nurriea
tour through the various states
where his name appears on the.
primary ballot.
NORTH PLATTE, Neb.," Apr. 9
(AP) Governor William H.
Murray of Oklahoma made his
final presidential campaign
speech In Nebraska here this aft
ernoon and entrained .tor Port
land, Ore.
Charging the press had been
"bought" against his Interests,
the Oklahoman also criticized
public utilities, chain organiza
tions and dealers In stock.
Present conditions are not a
Vernon Levey, 19, whose "com
plaints against W. H. Baillie, ex
niMHntnni!nt of the state train-
"-'- . - . I. . . l-J Vl 1 1.
Ing school for boys, caused an in- i oppression, ne wsenwi, out uau-
vestlgatlon of the institution sev- i ruptcy.
era! months ago. Is again an in
mate of the school. Levey was
received at the Institution Friday
night from Muitnoman county,
where he recently stole an auto
The investigation of the boys'
school was conducted by the state
child welfare commission, alter
Levey alleged that he had suffered
NEW TORK. April 9 (AP)
Col. Charles A. Lindbergh has
paid a ransom of $50,000 tor his
kidnaped son. but the baby has -not
been returned.
This was disclosed tonight la a
statement issued through the New
Jersey state police.
The ransom was paid, the state
ment said, "to the kidnapers,
properly identified as such, upon
their agreement to notify him as
to the exact whereabouts et the
baby, but -the baby was not found
at the point designated.
Government Asked
To Trace Currency
"Several days were permitted to
elapse to give the kidnapers every
opportunity to keep their agree
ment. It was not intended to use
the number of the species (cur
rency) In which the ransom was
paid, but inasmuch as the kidnap
ers have failed to keep their
agreement and have not communi
cated since the ransom was paid
it is felt that every remaining pos
sible means- must be utilised to
accomplish the return of the baby
and to this end the cooperation of
the federal government was re
quested In tracing the bills used.
Earlier in the day It was learn
ed that a circular giving details of
the currency had been distributed
to banks through the country by
the treasury with a request for
telegraphic notification It any of
the bills were seen.
The date of the circular, Wed
nesday. April C, coincides with re
lable Information that the pay
ment of the ransom was effected
Monday en an airplane flight
which CoL Lindbergh and CoL
Henry Breckinridge, his attorney,
made In the neighborhood of the
island of Martha's Vineyard, Mass.
The pslr carried a suitcase, suit
able for holding currency, and a
blanket. As the statement pointed
out "several daysT elapsed be
fore the payment and the action
by the government.
Tonight's statement lent lueii
to two theories: One, that the ran
som had been paid to the real
kidnapers and they "double cross
ed" the colonel, became fearful of
completing negotiations or tor
some unknown reason decided not
Bents, Schmidt
Not Indicted as
J?Vc-f Pnnnrf) to complete the transaction.
x- aa o t. a w H vr a j -rfc, othet was that clever erim-
- liaals had succeeded In forging a
By error. The Statesman rs-1 satisfactory identification of
nortad Saturday. April 1. that I tv....!... vMniium and
serious leg burns. These burns, It I true bills were returned by the J aeixed upon the opportunity to ex-
was claimed, occurred while at
tendants at the institution were
removing an "Oregon Boot" from
his leg.
Levey's father now has a elalm
for several hundred dollars before
th stat board of control.
FOREST GROVE. Ore.. Apr.. 9
-(AP) Solomon Franklin Dem
inr. 8f . one of the last tire) mem
bers of the Forest Grove G. A. R. I equipment under mortgage. Bents
Marlon county grand Jury against !
Henry L. Bents and Jacob B.
Schmidt. The contrary Is true,
not-true bills being returned
aralnst each man. Bents was
freed of the charge ot larceny by 1
bailee and Schmidt of the charge
of passing a check with the in-1
tentlon ot defrauding the. payee.
The Jury, In making its report
on - Bents, investigated charges
that he bad sold hop-drying
died here today.
Customer Finds
Missing Brother
who now lives at Newberg. re
sided for many years In th north
end ot Marion county where h
was well known and respected.
BOSTON. April 9.(AP)A
clergyman got Into the chair ot
Hazen MacDonald, head barber at
the Rlts Carlton hotel today tor a
beginning In various properties
as the week closed.
party." i Porter pointed-out that
the platform, committee had turn
ed down a pUnk offered by the
W. C. TV IT. pledging republicans
to vot only for men who wer for
th 18tli amendment. -
Porter then recounted his .mem
ory of saloon days. "It th safcon
had ter been square or oeceut.
Navy Mutineers 3
Drtvenuut bux:
'A thief who stole a large se
dan from Conrt street near Com-
nrrAYAOUlL. Ecuador, April 1 1 mercial last night wrecked th
ap Government forces " to-1 machine nine miles south on th
' . I . .. . ....
. . . a nrAntnvt i j. j. ihhiiuhii uul ui
iin - he declared. VI am remind- th0 fort at Punta Pledra. but al-
ed of eoyot hunting? sometimes lowed th rebels to escape on
7T - w aMant land and I nnHnat. i - . -
I . Iwir. t w ara many in th I The rebels. In possession of both I , The stat motor rehlcl d-
Nearly 400 young people, mem
ber of th Oregon Yearly Meet-
share, With hesitation MacDonald I far of Friends, crowded th Roe
proceeded, stopping occasionally to Cat last night for th ninth an-
study his client's features. There nual Twin Rocks banquet and pep
was something familiar about rally, preparatory to the youth
them. . conterenc which will b held at
The shave finished, MacDonald the Tillamook beach August 1-7.
ventured the remark: "You are Attendance ' honors, went to
Walter, arent youf .. ' Lento ChrisUan Endeavor, which
Cn-n-.-4 V-. -11 an.A,uf v-JI A amI. ttm mamhomlltn PTOS
Un ihlPT Gone I , : . , Unt- . In the-Intermediate group,
r " lilrL I ;wey war brothera who hadn't Snnnysid First Friends ehureh.
seen or heard from ach other j Portland, took honors with; all ot
Lnrne Crowd at Friends
xr..JLi. fwM t?nlliiBank Directors
JL UUUV VsUlU fvf ffva "uy A Rf,f
Arerit Indicted
Car Stolen and
Wrecked, Burns
sine Walter set out seeking a for
tun 1ft rears ago.
iFacinc nigaway, stat poucs om i twtq oeeu LiOSLIlS! -covered.
Th car had gon over . VT ; I
' IffSSJS!? i WW" Approve
its members present, .tb . Ban
quet crowd was almost a hundred
more than anticipated by leaders.
MUo -Ross of saiem actea
Commands" in which he declared
"th need was never greater 'for
.it am mm rtA enmn wna Will
.v clA" - 1 KTTGEN1L Ore. April t (AP)
Cm. 1 tnr 4ha bannaat I The board of directors of th
was Donald Edmundaon of Port- Junction City stat bank, whiek Is
land, pianist. Florene Rltter; now ta .th luinds of th stat
and banquet chairman, Genevieve bank; examiner tor U4"0?;
Beckett of Salem. r was described by thoLan county
Appearing on th rally program grand Jury today as Incompetent,
besides thos mentioned were: unsuitabl and unqualified . to
Frederick Baker ot Tacoma: transact banking business.
TBug" Unstrom of Salem- Ruth p grand lfC
Kellogg ot Beotto MUU; Dr. John nit 'adg O. JJTtl
Broachar . of , Vancouver: James vestigate th board of directors
tort 980.099.
At Norfolk. Va.. the very Rev.
H. Dodson-Peacock. on of three
men there who have been seeking
th child's return since eight days
after the infant was kidnaped
March 1, said he did not believe
there was any connection between
their efforts and th failure of the
ransom payment announced to
ducted In tha manner of a ship's
log,; - witk ' Admiral's orders . ex
tended by Chester A. Hadley, su-
" " " -. . . ''" Z ''""m 'Sim, mm I ...t..J.l mtt m. WflfW
V-.,ndiaiTer few coyotes." gunboats - Tarqui and . Cotopaxi. M registered to V L. McAllister fZmCZlZ Ztn it lrd tha -routk ot th ehurek to
W Smith' defendedtth. ma- bold off th goverfament rorces in ot Shw but elty polio wer in- j-J&tn rinanca eor- -carry on". -declaring that th
rTtv reoort with Tlgor. Sh said th: llty motorsnip omi wi foraed it belonged, to mm ebaeka returned to ehnrck tcay face th greatest
that whU th saloon "was a dis gnnfir as mey iyy.- . . . y. . . MJJj;- Th0rm Boesen, of th Rehallag and opposition that it
. ' TllT.T-- Hadler and Harmon of Portland;
quartet bt Portland. :'- ' '
Among th leaaers zor iao jvh
Rocks' eoaferene in August will
bo th following, according to an-
arac i present wium .
abominablet Like- Laebmund,- mh
Mmmmdad tha W. C. T. U. tor
anin . th - saloon, - but
ASTORIA, Orfc. April t-r(AP)
ah Samuel H.vWUson,
Voing. to giT.!ber dent of Knappa. died
m m. m. m. -mm,m mWm a & -mm.. - BB M t mm Illa tkmm n WB H W n W AW wt U BBiaata kIW AM OUSM -mm avaaoav JW m-m -wmfmm mm m
. tAfl Mia-oiumoia iuiwr, . "V.f tha annual youth conference, first
at a hospital tracts - are . Beginning to . moon. oho r -.v . t. un -,- .
.12 nm.m . - win: b I snnllcatlons wer . saatr la; but started la 1918. - , r
1 1
mp M .
l'"; . vn.h and all funcUons ot th bank, do- WW
Ott of Portland Emel 7w7nao, clared It.w. nnabl to And sut, hfOJ
r; iLZ. TfStaini- - Kneeland. I ncient ridenc to warranV to-
Ution ot criminal statutes. .1 n JAf fiVUW OA
Attorney -Faces r , iiicitoi7ioyidBiii
Forged Charge
KLAMATH FALLS. Or Aprfl TCT WliUm bjTIxul Ut
.ibW hanou. IharUof f orryH rrtM ; : -'fl v X Mz
Turn to rajjo
aanaeament - last- night: Memu
Coffin. Edwin Mott, Levi TV Pn-
aington of Newberg. cnester iao
wiU b held In" Portland, wher Jon 81899 bond, r L'i lii
mrr"aaursd. grnd-jury- tidlcUnot rr4 -
m mil mm w m a mmrnmrn lmlsi aii whuimul. a auua w ua m mrmm w v r u . . -
to d act-1
of Portland, ; prsnU4:Capta
. (Turn to pag ti