The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 07, 1932, Page 12, Image 12

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, i- . 6., ;f . J. ". " ! ' - -y
$Ztky Marks Program
flans : fcr Community
Sessions Planned '
grama valley, April-.
- --' ft Sprta Valley Community
1 it will meet at the school house
Filday Blfht. April t, with the
Jlabcrta Community dab furnlih
? In the .tree program. ; The com
:: ftlttae la charge Is Mrs. W. R- Ed
irarOa, Worth Henry and Mrs R.
UarkM- la charge of f reah
. menta wfir be Mrs. S. D. Crawford,
f aalr Matthews ' and Mrs. C. A.
- .thirftam. ; " . ' ' ; '
' 'J ".: 80 Grada In Charge '' 1 V'.
" Th eighth grade graduates , of
' 1130 of the Brash College school
I Ire In charge of all program ar
' . faJlfsments for the Brash College
mmaiiiiIW rtnh mee-tlnar Friday
Ight and hare planned an excel-
- lent program. Aa a special ej
- Ufa the boys double quartet . of
farrlsh Junior high will furnish
the 'music 'A clever sklC, "Ton
tears Hence,- Is to be put on by
a. nnnn Min Uunret OlUis,
Pol county health nurse will gWe
short talk. The 1930 ciass wu,
- flrene-CuUer, x Kathleen ' Rock,
fevelyn Working. Ralph Harper,
Fred Dawson and BUly TJtley.
.v.- : - ... - :
' Play at Sclo
SCIO. 'April f Friday, April
I, the Riverside Community club
will bring the. three-act comedy(
'Welcome Home, Teddy,- to Sclo,
And will present U at the Peoples'
. theatre. The play Is sponsored by
' the high school and the proceeds
Will be used for , , general high
Mhool actlTitles. , , '
" " Play at Rlvervlew
-.. The Farmer Union orchestra of
Marion held Its regular weekly
Sfaetice at the Elmer Asche home
londay evening. Dorothy Asche,
Carl Gibson. Lloyd Saunduman,
Willis Kelthley and Bob Weln of
" this community are members of
the orchestra. The group Is put
ting on Its, first appearance away
. from home next Saturday when
, they are to appear at the all day
. Session of the Rlvervlew Farmers'
Union.' '
W est oalem INews
l WEST; SALEM. : April t -The
West Salem bus, ; which' has been
to' Portland for some little time
being repaired" and painted while
the owner and operator, Ray Fer
gusor. has been ironing out some
technicalities concerning his fran
chise, resumed Its regular route
again Sunday night. For the. pres
ent until .further notice It will
operate on the former, time sched
ule and -If Improvements and
changes are made a week's no
tice will be given. .-
The tree planting held In mem
ory of George Washington Tues
day afternoon sponsored by Rev.
C. L Dark, pastor of the Ford
Memorial churcb, was the second
for the school this year held la
lem Thursday. The local club has
been asked to display and talk on
the prune recipe booklets put out
by them.' On account of the feder
ation on Thursday, the regular
meeting day for the Liberty elub
will be held April If at the home
of Mrs. Brotherton..Thls will be
the next to" last meeting of the
season and the nominating - com
mittee for new officers will be ap
pointed. , . : .-', .; V
honor of the 1 -Father of His
Country". John W. Simmons of
Summit furnished the tin black
walnut trees, three of whlelrwere
planted by Rer. Dark: and John,
A. Tantlss on the church grounds,
to be later grafted with the Eng
lish nut, and the other- o the
school grounds, t A delegation ot
teachers and pupils presented' a
brief program eqnsistlng of an
introductory address by Francis
Wise, reading by Dean Thompson
and group singing by all presenL
- Harry Perlman of Portland nas
purchased. the stock of. the West
Salem Drug; Co., and. Is negotiat
ing a deal tor the resale of the
goods. In all probability the drug
store will reopen in the near fu
ture. I:.
Mrs. C." L. Dark underwent a
tonsil operation Tuesday. She Is
the wife. of, the West Salem Min
ister.. She Is doing nicely. ; i
The seventh grade pupils hare
begun "Better? Speech- cam
paign and - which will last until
th close ot school, at which time
the winner will be treated by the
losinr lde. The names of the two
divisions - are .the "Americans"
and the "Webfeet". The treat will
consist of a final farewell picnic
Mrs. Floyd De Lapp assisted hr
Mrs. A. -A. Lee ot Salem are or-'
ganlxlng s group et ' the' young
girls of the church in aa .organ
isation known as "Standard Bear
era. AQ girls 11 years or. up, or
seventh grade end . up. ' are' elig
ible. At the first meeting, held
Tuesday evening at the De Lapp
home, .. simulated . Buraanese
home end beautiful l baskets of
flowers were .' effective decora-
Uona. t?v.hiH . r -4:
- Those elected to office included
leader and president Mrs Nina
De Lapp: rice president,' Muriel
Raster; recording secretary, Mary
Ruth Rlffy. corresponding seer e-1
tary, Bertha Stevens. Other offi
cers will be elected later.
- Those present were Ruth Maert,
Reba Clark, Muriel Kxster, Mary
Ruth Rlffy. Doris Thurman.Ber-1
the Stevens, Mrs. Lester De Lapp
and the hostess, , Mrs. Floyd De,
Lapp. v ' : ..U ;''.! V . '.
ZEN A, April . f A group et
Zona folk who were guests at an
informal party given at the home
of former Zona residents. Mr. and
Mrs. . Carl Worthington of near
Popcorn Saturday - night were:
Mr. and Mrs. M. Stephens and
family, Mr. end Mr. Walter B.
Hunt and children. Kenneth and
Helen. . Miss Olga Horten.; Ted
Horten, Frank and Louie Butler. ,
Liberty Club Meet
- LIBERTY, April The
Cemmunlty elub will meet Fri
day night at t o'clock. The chil
dren entering the declamatory
ftffitest are to speak their pieces
fit practice. Another feature will
se ensemble and solo guitar num
bers by the pupils of Mr. Stor
hOw of Salem.
The play, 'Bertie's Cavewom-ea,-
which wu billed tor this Fri
day ' has .been postponed a week.
The refreshment- committee re-
' ttesU cake be brought.
Mrs. C. W. Stacey and Mrs. R.
Dallas will represent the Liberty
Women's elub at the district fed
eration of women's clubs in 8a-
Plate snd
Dr F.C.Jcaes, Dcn b
Boeai 11, upstairs ever
.. now i urn will i ill ' i
-West Coffee Is the 5 &
V multoexhwutrre-
seats ..youll fiad it : ;
?L perfect for mdrip. , ;J.
1 end other
Q o(saakins;cofee
-r- miwi v mm y mm w M m mm mm
Here's a simple way to GRAND coffee
FLAVOR . . Golden West Coffee tod
the Golden West maker. I
Just measure Golden West in your
"drip maker; pour in jumping, boil
ing water. Let VLudrip . . then serre.
You'll be delighted with the result.
Your 'own grocer has Goldea West Cofce
the Golden west maker. coaomical, Sool
: mm
: finest;
of mImU kMU-Ucmd4
for yrf et bkif. . .
HUt Oiegea Makes 1
- Hakes vngte.
!7T7?TT Vt-
w m
DnaoExed iatbo;
Old PnoMonod
v m m - w m m.
Where a Dollar Does lU Duty
173 S. Com! St Phon 8757
Vhmrm la roxl mxvinr here for TOO.' We do all OUT
own kUIins:, buy all our livestock direct from the
: farmer. Too pay only one profit when trading wim na
This is the Best Qtudity Beef the Market Alloris
Beef to Roast 8c and 10c
Beef to Boil ...l.Xc
Prime Rib of Beef, boned and rolled ..15c
Beef Loin Steak 12c
Fresh Hamburger .............. ...:..i.l0c
No water - no cereal - no extra suet. Aclaia Tery
fevr nurfceta fat Salem can advertise.
Veil to Roart .."..J-.
fhrhmj wrmgrmim a "
4rsl, , t ALL FUMX '
- y - ' '
WB take the finest of Wflkmctte Valley meats . . the U. f. '
Government inspects every operation . . Smoke from Ors
foa hardwoods, colors and flivors them, and we pass them
tin tn nn irn vnn. J t t .t'.i
i - " ! wsucr i or uiai aunrjrr
istaily of yours . .;. fire them a Cascade treat TODAT I
A Fatflej JNseJtlissj Cm Jhrmdmet
wlk's ICarkit x
Oari A BmtM
Oneir Xarkrt
9. V. Prtgsa ... .
Uttla Lair's Sim
J .. ;. i.'ii- '-. .::".
7Ma's Varkrt .
Jlitm VatkaV
c .KoncoTrrnt
trU 3. BUI
Uarlat UmA 0.
SCatt Bwiu Xaa.
Vaetl TU Mark!
Xivtua's ltarkas
rasa's imij
SJk's OroMrr
'Dallas toaawy
Vo4l Vwka
C. 1C Kaaarta
Saapa Ctaaaty
. Staaalaft VaVkai J
TMdda'a Vatkal
Wanur Xaxtat '
- Waa4 Bin. y
' -J' v. - -
' zsnaranavoa:
: City Ifaat Xatka
, fUkm't XatkaS
'4 Out port and pork pwocta are of the very, best .
quality. We never use any old or of f trade nogin
our'mancet. - - . ...
The" pork we hare to, offer this week b unusually
lean. . v . ...Z:-..
Pork to Roast .J........................;.10c
Pork to Roast with Hock on .. .....:.;.8c
Fresh Hocks .....;
Fresh Pia: Feet... : ......... r.3c
Fresh Spare Ribs ...... ....i...;......il0c
Fresh Back Bones ............ ... ..'.,.3c
Pure Pork Sausage .l...;:...:.:i;10c
' iNo water no cereal "
There la no better sausage being offered for sale in
Salem than this. Inexpensive aatisf ying. ; . :'. '.'
Wo make all cured and smoked meats. They are sugar
cured end smoked with oak wood. We think there Is
no' better at any price. 7 .."'-.-,-
Hams.::...: 16c
Bacon .. r;..12c and 14c'
Cottace Rolls :.:;....:....:...i2c
Picnics .: ...1 .'......l.i 9c
Pure Lard .4 pounds for 25c
, ' ,- Our own maXe ; . r
earrar a4 Orahai
In our present location 12 years. In Salem since '1895;
a I '1111 I I : B-" 1
I v 5 ; , ;, .11 . '.".' ' r .
We get called on the carpet a s?ood many ti mes.fpr one thing or another, but this cno
just about Caps the Stock - It teems acbrdtng to a phone call we had the otber day wo
miista stepped on somebody's toes or somethin, because' some kindly soul called us cn
.the phone and asked us why under the sun if we have to use some dum animal to ce
tenbe something "Vyby dont we say Mule instead of Jackass. Of all asinine ads that cno
is it, We were told. We smoothed it over the best we could by saying in our off hand way
; to the lady thsit we weren't refering to her when we said Jackass WeU site said hoVdl
know you wasent refering to me or my husband one Now if you'd said mule my hus-
band would have known you were refering to me because he's always saying I'm as stub-
born as ateule nowwKy didn't you say that, so we'd know which one you were refer
Ing to? Lady, we said, as the phone slammed in our ear, there isn't so many tnesV-'V;:
... ... . ,, . . -
Here are a few Items in
Canned Foods Worthy
of Consideration
Armour's Milk
Pillsbury's Best
Freshly Roasted
lnBuik ' i .
65 c
lall cans.
5c 49
lb. sack
M -J-B Coffee
Morning Milk
Albert' Best
49 n,
. sack
1 lb. cans
3 lb. cans .
Tall cans
Blue Ribbon
Tan Camp's
49 m
Tomato Soup
v sack
n. 4vt
Egg Mash 100
Burbank, White Star or
American Beauties
Per can
lb. sacks
Cove Oysters
Reg. size can
Kew pack
Van Camp's
large cans " .
3 29c
: . .
' ... -' "' ' t
3 f.r 29c
Egg Mash
100 lb. sacks $1.65
100 lb. sacks . $1.59
Korn 'Pellets
100 n, ek $2.35
Mil Run
. - -
BO a. at 75c
For bleaching
gnart bottle
Fine Granulated
20 pomd, 89c
In Bulk'
Fresh Extras :
P&G Soap
Peets Granulated
Sweet Corn -
& cans
Now if we don't make a
slip in the next few min
utes this painful operation
is gonna be over and we
haven't' thought of an
earthly thing to say with
" -,' ' Large Cans '
i Pineapple
fcs large cari . , . , ' 125c
" . V . : - . L - L 1.1. ,. I -
i ' : - - - . - '
3 small cans, crashed or OC
sliced Pineapple " aCu C
25c Package and 2 Bars
Mstal White
Infor 1 ' , 25 C
. - " .-V '' - j ' - J
' .2 Packages ;
Super; Suds
": '2Bars:' "-' '
Crystal White
in for J;
any meaning except of
- - - . ..- .
course quoting some prices i
that means you folks -can
buy, foods to your hearts
content .without having to
bring enough - long green
with you to choke a horse
Thank the lord she's fin-
tshed (meanin the ad).
, : ' - -
. T
f - -. 3
l v