Where :&ttnS 'Satisfied h-:- -. : s. ,-" ,. ".v- - .". , .'- : .' v, 4 v - if ,; 4 i ;" !, Statesman Classified 'Ads ; Call 9101 v. --f : "s a t, . j ..r. - i x f - :i ?. if f,. ':;' k I Classified AdTertstns Xqi 'i f t ; '? ? t s r ' i. single Insertion per Hne.lOc Three Insertions per ; ? line . .. lOe 1 81x Insertions per Una.; 3 Oct One montn per. line.. 11.00 Mlaimnm c&axse 25e Copy" for " this " psge , ac cepted until 1:30 toe even ing before publication . tor classification. ' Copy ... re ceived . after . this time will be run nnder the beading Too Late . to Classify. - The - Statesman assumes no financial responsibility ir for, errors which may, ap pear' in advertisements pub lished in its columns, and in cases where this paper is at fault ; wUlr reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the 'right to reject objee- -tional adrertlsing. It: fur- ther reserves the right to classify all- advertising' an-T der the proper ciasslfica- -tion. FOR SALE Real Estate 1KB, home, electrie water system, lint modern chicken house. 250 lien (0 cherry trees, land ail tiled, dose to Salem. Priced to Mil or trade lor larger acreage. 1H A. R. honse, electric water sys- tern, roll basement, -i mi. Salem, $2800. - 72 A, 4 Rehouse, fin barn, good soO, 55 A. la colt. A soap at 15409. , R. A. FORKNER tsirK. Cottage . . . Phone 80SL mmmmpmmmmmmmfmmjmmmm0mmmmmtmmmmmmmi fin stock farm, good Improve ments, aooM flit timber, good pas tare, living water, acres tillable. stocked and equipped and owner wants Salem homa - It beantlfnl acres on pavement north, unimproved, (In nut land, beat of new clover sod sou for wy tzzas. small down payment And $ 2 per month. afcGILCHRIST PENNINGTON.. 208-10 U..S. Bank Bldg. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Poultry wanted. Balaos Poultry Co :5S B Miller. IC A. Ham. Phone 48(8. Baby : ehlcka.. Wai-iner Uatcberr. SIM K. (to, TeL $7L - Cnstom batching 2 sar en after Mar. 26th. TL 1UP2. Lee's Hatchery. 8pc1al baby chick amis. Teas, st Wed. These low prices -will surprise you. Salens Cblckeries 215 N. Cottags FOR SALE WOOD 1 In. Xnd growth Or fi-tt and St.. 0. TeL S4S. GUARANTEED OBT wood-coal TeL $ee Saiem Foal Co, Trad A CotUK ' '. Dry Snd Krewth sawed Is or It tn. Ross Bowman. Rt, S. Dallas. Phone sose. -- HELP WANTED FE3IAJLE I esMsssjawssnsaasWaessee 8PECXAXt WORK FOR MARRIED .WOMEN, demonstratlnr ' A m a s I n srlea. 6Urt at about $li wsekly. Do xprlenoa or Investment. Mot honae- to-hoose. Writ fully. Harford Frocks, I th above bnslneaa. wpt B-S41J1, XndlanapoUa. MISCELLANEOUS MNssWrfSserfeWssaSaWWs In tli Matter of the Wmametts Mo tors Company. Salem, Oregon. - The underslrned will receive sealed bids for the stock and equipment .of Tit stocK ana Nationally known, firm wishes rep reaentatlvea. Largest line hosiery, lin gerie. , raincoats, abJrts. ties. Cow price. ' Fre outfit. Good income. Writs Midwest Hosiery Col, Omaha, eqslpment Inventories as fallows: used cars , . , , " i Shop equipment c ,. , 1523.(3 Fixtures A offics Equipment 1S1S.5S Parts and th-ea . M9.S7 ToUl .I350S.49 The stock may be Inspected Thurs day, March SUh and Friday, March 25th. Bids will be opened at 471 Pit tock Block at 11 : A. M. Tuesday. March 21th. Certified check for ! lady demonstrators Miner's Beauty LVSI? Jn walda o. Call betwn 11 and 19. I fTSl ?I!L2t$?'J22? ruptcy. O. W. INGRAM. Receiver. ' SALESMEN WANTED t Fhop. 4 rail and nook, nous practically new and In best condition. II 804.. terms. . S rnv house and 2 lots with fin variety of bearing fruit and nuts, near Jr. high. 14000. witl exchange for sub urban noma and lew acres. WINNIE PETTTJOHN, Realtor . 1 South High 8tret Oood T-room pUstsrsd home, ftr place, ttasement. etc. and attractive surroundings. Ornamental.- nut and fruit trees. Fruit and berries mors than pays taxes. Two garages, t to fin lots, nice -view, paved . street, near schools. Priced to sell all or part. terms. 745 Rural Ave. Phon SS54. For good wood phone Slis. Tracy's wooo vara. Old end 2nd growth fir. 14(2. ALL KINDS, any tongth. Call 2T22 DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD, oal and fuel oil. Call on us tor price. We sirs good msasnr. good quality aaa good serrlc. J i LARMSR TRANSFER St STORAOE . . - . mm . i Old fir and limbs. Tel. Judd 102F2L FIRST CLASS FUEL Old fir screened hoc fuel. Dry 2nd growth fir, drylst growth fir. Now clean sawdust. Phon 8S4T. FRED B. WELLS. INC. FOR SALEUSED CARS 2(24 Oakland. Rebuilt with daUvsry body. A bargain. Phon I4T2. Lata tncde! Bulck. 8U ' cheap r I trad for anything I can as. Tel. fill .or 417.) -t 4 - -i 1 " " 121 Ford ' Roadstsr. Phon 1472. 'i . -. - Ood snap. iiFiPFBsruvnn : m m no '.. I.- Carnation Seelang v ? Way to Open Plant von sell . at public auction, for cash, all right, title. Interest and estate had and possessed by said defendants, and each of them, oa inn r ror lurner i-iaineiior imc jmy is. mg, m. and, to mm PRIVATE OWNERS SACRIFICE 1222 Plymouth 4 door sedan driven TURNER. March 21 Repre- senUtivee of the Carnation Milk . v - ; :lv i - I company of Portland were in town onir til? ImUeX Hfioluni pVw Uined the Brush CoUege Helpers Vlan whVreby the local an fre wheiing. TeL M4I. at her pleasant . rural home en . the Wallace road at the regular I :?lV-Z.rrJ7. ,.Tt store, 142 so.! Saint Patrick's was the predoml-1 11": natlng motive rooms and meats.-. .,; .... ' ' - .. "V - ' Plans were discussed for assist ing- the Kerr baby home. Mrs. T. iron, who made her Annual offi- Lee Gibson being appointed to 1 cial visit. find la what way the club may I Members and guests enjoyed A best help. Eighth grade pupils 1 chicken dinner at 7 o'clock pro of the Brush CoUege school will ceding the evening session. victoria chapter will exempii- Studebakar Ucht six tires. Oood value. Dirt at one. Club Cigar High. MYERS REEIECTED used about . the in lunch . arrange- the following-described real prop ' arty, to-wit: : ! ' : '- ', - :" ; "Lot numbered One (1) In Block numbered Seven (7) of Capital Park Addition to the City of Salem, County of Mar ion. State of Oregon, accord- ' lnx ,to . the." duly- recorded . -; amended plat thereof now on ' ' file and of record in the of- The Turner Vlctorta chapter No. t"t"7: - It O. E. S. entertained Wednes- Wl r."u lwr day 1 afternoon and . evening . for . CWUBlx' - , ? - rt nAw . Mrs. AnnA M. Ellis of Garibaldi. ss. .;,jrtJ ZlJt? assocUte- grand matron of Ore- sherUf ol mri XOTXCE OF ADMTXKTRATJtnrS SALE OF REAL PROPEKTT . , Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of an Order of Sale LIBERTY, March 21. At the regular meeting of the Liberty school board. Arthur Myers was! charge of the patriotic program. reelected as prinelnaL Miss Lena I reading 1 the aalute to the flar. LHummell as teacher of the third I Mrs. Harry Bonney conducted de- and fourth grades, and Miss Flor- Irotioaau and Mrs. Frea oisen gave I Helpers, as in former years, it I fy the special work put on at the fe "i6!! ld,7A was voted. Mrs. CV L. Blodrett was la district meeting held at Mill City I In May. NOTICE OP APPOISTMEVr OF ADMINISTRATRIX Notice - is Hereby Given. That lute, oa and after the J 1st day of County Court of the State of Ore gon, tor the County of Marion, oa -the 2Mb day of February, 1922. la the Matter of the Estate of H. O. Spragne. deceased, the nnder' signed administratrix of said ess ence Berndt for the first and sec-1 the book, review. Mrs. Victor Ol- j the nnderslgned. Mrs. Walter I March. 1932. will proceed to sell oad grades. The teacher f or th I sea ana irs.-Louis uunmei were l Oldenburg, has been duly appolav I at private tale, to the highest- bid fifth and sixth grades has not been j the committee in charge of the I ed as Administratrix of the Estate 1 der, for cash or credit, or part selected.' ' .. , Iprograav which included a piano I ot F u Wood, deceased, br the cash and part credit, the following; R. D. Teter, who has been ger-1 aeiecuoa airs, hcvau wa wiConnty Court of Marlon County. I described real property, towrt: EXCHANGE Real Estate Alw contract hanllng. Phon 44. iously ill at hU home, is not im-1 rV.n.c minea M RmMi oak mut IC tn ts.la.1 nroTlnS' a fast aa was hnnjut tnr IWUICB U Winners W patr.rclern 1 Su SodelS cord. T- from Salan, A Miaaslan house. WIU pay balance to file, -"l"" 2nd growth -fir S5o eard. Oak- $1 j SITUATIONS WANTED Practical nurse takes cases at boms Totmg man with family wants Job on farm sr hop ranch. W. E. Thompson, -S4 Saalnaw. - -- ' ' 4404. FOR RENT ROOMS Nice sleeping room, 688 Center FOR SALE Miscellaneoos - FOR SALE Old pasnrs ISr ban dl Statesman offtc. - Typswrltsrs. all-male, oew audi nsed Adders and typswrltsrs for rent Mrs. i Ralph's chicken tamales now located. 854 N. liberty. Tel. 499. Corvallw strawberry plants and lo ganberry ttpa V. By Leek. TeL Ftl. Custom hatchlnc 2c Also custom hatch turkey eggs. The Willamette . Valley Hatchery. 41t & 24th. Salem. ROOM AND BOARD Large, desirabls room, with board. Ratea reasonable. 1 Union. Rowrd and room, phone 4S1. If odern S room horn in Tacoma for Salem property. W. O. Grant, Masonic Bidg. Modern home In Eugene for Salem home. W. O. Grant. Masonic Bldg. WOOD SAWING FOR SALEFARMS 1JJV1JUUMrV FARMER Don't buy & farm until you have seen this one. 54 A. rich dark loam Wood sawing. Robins. TeL S4C2. LOST AND FOUND LOST Bui ova wrist watch on Com mercial between Stat and Ferry, r on Fairgrounds bus. Call 41(4 Found, small shoat. phon T42. contests la ere Mrs. Tina His daughter. Mrs. Fannie Bullock KIMee Mrs. A. R. Ewing and Mrs. v.. . it. iHarrr Bonney. Assisting the host- ,l vuvitHi, iviutacu w turn I - ,,- mA hra helninr to rtra for him. I Mrs. Louis HtmmeL Than Msmln in snsntlvi e a an T v4 w vfsAssa euwAA va. uw AvA mm 9 j "M aT m Hills grange will be held at the Women 8 ClUD Meets Lioerty nau Tuesday at s p. m. Hubert Holder of the Holder Brothers dairy lost a valuable cow recently, believed to have suffered Larkspur poison. State of Oregon, and she has duly qualified as such Administratrix. Therefore, all persons having claims against said - estate are hereby notified and requested to present the same duly verified to the nnderslgned Administratrix at her residence at f jeixerson street, Salem. Marion County. Pat ton apartments with private bath, nicely furnished Located In nosiness district Call Pattoa's Book Stor Heated hskpg. rooms. Ill Chetneketa. FOR RENT Close tn modern for nlshed steam heated apartments Phon S4. Storv nf Attarif nn m I -L . - , J n mmA (iirl Oaid Unfounded Miss Gwen and Charlotte Martin: duet by Mrs. T. C. Mountain and Mrs. Charles Martin: readings by Wdgs. Good deep weU. Not far from I iiutv I 8ILVERTON, March 21 The I Mrs. Bessy Ransom and Mrs. Theo Salem. Shown by appointment. Ton I It YOU are a tJUyer, Or J story became current at Silverton I Mountain. With IVlrS. C rlein I Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice, ! said date being the 23rd day of February. 1932. Dated this 23rd day of Febru ary. A. D., 1932. MRS. WALTER OLDENBURG. ATJMSYILLE, aMrch 21 The Women's club was delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. Charles Heln Thursday afternoon. The program Included an oper FOR RENT-APARTMENTS pwlW Sir FOR SALE-USED CARS ri!,1 r?yJlJ5 .!. I r.rtm- Saturday that a young local girl best buy tn Waitay for the money. " fc wv had been attacked Friday night T. McCleUan. Mrs. Bessy Ransom, I are execuUon issued by Circuit Members present were Mrs. T. Administratrix ot said estate. ROT R. HEWITT. Attorney for the estate. F-23 M-1-8-1S-22. y NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of mortgage foreclos- Pric 85000. SEE BECHTEL. or THOMASOS 211 SUt Street Room Chickens dressed to order, frssh fish J Modern turn. 2 room apt. private dally. 8alem Poultry Co. 256 Miller. 1 Furnace beat. Fin kitchen. Near ACREAGE atat house. 1044 Oak. Phon 4882. Proa delivery. Presses 4 cents, Coloc fast. Green- baum'a. 240 N. ComX Baled hay for sale. 22 to. & end of pavement on Turner-Marion road. J. E. fttrrlsa. TaL 214. Jefferson. FOR SALE OR TRADE Toulouss 1 Ughts water, garage. 1010 Oak St. geess en. ana totsamrBTry mvm i mm0mmMmn0mmmmmmtmt m.mmt $1S per M. A. Manning, Vf oodburn, I Fur. apt close In. 422 Marion. VrSk. tu i, mi wesb ol uervau. WeU furnished 2 room apt, bath and garage. TeL T8C4. 2281 HaseL FURNISHED bungalow apartment t2S.CS. Adults. 47 M11L Phons 2194. Large furnished 2 room apt Heat, 82 acres, S ml from Salem, 1 ml to ' school, fenced, well. I A. prunes, 7 A. berries, I room house, 14500. Trade for small acreage. 1(9 acres, 4 room bouse, large barn. ZD A. cultivated, a neaa ox catu. chickens, etc A bargain at 22000. Terms. 1(0 acres, 2 mL from R. R-. estimated pare uur vars ana Prices With Others Chev. 1221 "C Deluxe sed.. like Commenting at the . most . Easterly corner of a two acre . traet of land deeded tiy Cool- -ldge tt McCIalne to W. J. Ger- man on the 25th. day ot April. 18SS. said eonreyance being: recorded in the Marlon County -Record Book of Deeds. Vol. CO.' page 46: thence South Forty nine Degrees and Thlrty-Mln-ntes West. Nine and Fifty-two hundredths chains to a point In the County Road leading from Sflrerton to Erwlns Mill; thence South Forty Degrees and Thir ty minutes East along: said road. 81z and Sixty-eight hun dredths chains; thence North ; Thirty-three Degrees East, Nine ' and . Eighty-seren hundredths chains to a point In the South 1 boundary ot Edmund Olson's land; thence North Forty De grees and Thirty minutes West, Three and Eighty-six hun dredths chains to the place ot beginning. Situate In Marlon County. Oregon. Said sale will be made to tno 4.000.000 saw timber 24000. Trad I Ford 129 Spt Coup Completely furnished apt, week or Frultlaad nursery.' spring closing out I month. - Private - oath, garage. Bus at sal. Peaett tree isc t sec. vnerry I door. S46S State. seedlings Be to 10c. GraXt Royal Anna, 20e to25c Bartlett pear 4 t S ft 15c. Sales yard by armory oa uoerty. xeu sassjnna1ssiasaMsaas Fly "and bait easting rod. , trade or selL Phon S7S3. evenings. . mrt h x I-TV Ttotr i vashfng ma chine, good running order, .216.00. TeL Tappan gas rang for sale. Only vsed-srshort time. Less than halt price. C P. Baker. Independence. Ore. 1000 loganberry planU II per hun dred. ICS Piedmont St, West Salem. ICasnr 21.S0 yd. Eheep See sk. Dirt and sand (L25 yd. TeL 2472. mmmmi - FOR SALE Hampshire and Shrop shire ewes with lambs or wiu traae for Cletrae or Caterpillar tractor. J. B. Klatt, Aurora, bet Newberg and St Paul on pavement PUBLIC SALE On Wednesday. March 22, on my pUc 1 mil south ana i mues wen of Perry dale. Cows and heifers T. B. snd abortion-tested, horses, harnesses. mi ms.Vifnrv. mte. Terms: Sums of 2S cash. 40 days time, on bankable 1 N. P. NELSON, AoeUoneer C M.! Howard, clerk: Charles Strik werda, owner FOR fiENTr-HOUSES FOR RUNT Finis for 'adults. S to I rboma 220 t 240 Also houses, et 6ECKB HENDRICKS Itt North High arrest j Duptex house. 24 N. Winter. ' Furnished and unfurnished bouses. R. A. Forkner, 1(10 H'.00!-. Mod. S R. bungalow, tar. or- unfur. TeL (. Address 12(3 Trade St for town nronertr. 1(0 acres. 2 mL from Springfield, acres cultivated, fenced with wot- ; fn wire. S wells, rennc. a narna. electric llghti." iSOOO. Trade for Portland r 8alem residence. 1(0 A. S mL from Salem, all cultivated, 40 A. fin bottom land. 7 room plastered house, bath, lights, good barn; ( A. Jfull bearing cherries, 1 acre walnuts; S A. -pears and ap- . pies, running water. A fin farm. (100 per acre. WRLVIN JOHNSON 220 TJ. a Bank Bldg. Phon (7(. Fin farm. (1 acres well Improved, must sell, take half of what it's worth. Best location In the valley. Don't fall to see me about this. H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 2X4 and brought unconscious to the Mrs. Margaret Martin. Mrs. Geo. Court ot State of Oregon for Mar- 811yerton hospital. City officials Claxton. Mrs. Lata Fuson, Mrs. ion County in suit: "No 22420. report they Oo not know how the Millie Martin. Mrs. J. B. Towle, STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN AS- story became circulated but that Mrs. Lee Highberger. Mrs. Erma sociatton. a mrm ration niatn. New 121 Chev "f cars at as dls-lso far as they knew there was no I Sneer. Visitors present were Mrs. I tiff jkvvie m. smAirs Ui.v kiuw nviot t Mn. count . 1 truth in It. A young girl was at-1 Howed. Mrs. Llmhanch. Mrs. T. I xxr n snnavicR. h hna-lZ..t .1m rnurt nua wftl t5ii.leked ner the depot sometime jw. Johnson. Mrs. Lamb. Mrs. I band. JOSEPH A. ETZEL and I be recelred at the residence of the (fre m linFeoruary. but u u said mat aneiMonkera. Miss Gladys Burgess, I ANNA ETZEL, his wife, and I nnderslgned administratrix near 5Sn iivaor uu wa uu- Aiiss xMronxA KODens, miss unsx-1 BANK OF STATTON, Stayton. I Alrlie, Oregon. I mjurno excepung ior inguu lone Martin, miss Gwea Martin. I Oregon, a corporation, defend-1 Dated this 1st dsy of Mareh. 112. ants. therein pending, and to me I VI da Powell. . directed. I shall, on April If. 1122. 1 Administratrix, Alrlie Oregon. at tea o'clock In the forenoon I Wm. 8. Rlsley, attorney tor Ad thereof, at weat door of Marlon 1 mlnlstratrlx. County Courthouse, Salem, ore-1 Albany, Oregon. M-i-s-ib-zz-z Chev. 121 T Coach wheeling) Cher. 12 T Coach, perfect Chev. Ill T Snort Coun (nimbi sest) 22S. Chev. 127 T Coach (new paint) 12S. Ford 14 book) Coach (under Blue Essex 122 4 door sedaa 222. 24S. 222. T Business Directory T McKay Chevrolet Co. BATTERY ELECTRICIAN f PLUMBING and HEATING Our Cars Are Always Right 222 Center Street R. D Barton Batteries Starter end generator work. Texaco station, cor ner ontm UTin ijnnrrn. Good-Will Used Cars SOLD WITH A CT7ARANTT l2-Pontlae Sedan ; S(.0 l2e-HupmobU Coup l2-Ford Coach l27-Pontlaa PLUMBTNQ and work. Oraber Bros. TeL (S4. general repair I lt( So. Lfberty Cross -Word Puzzle RENTALS 441 Norway, 4 R. 147 Lee, 4 R. 2(0 N. 15th, S R. fit & 21st S R. 6 8. 15th, S R. 22( Msple, S R. - 110S & Liberty, R. 444 N. 14th. S R. 12(-Studebaker Coach l17-Star ( Coup 124-Dodge Roadstsr 12 (-Dodge Sedan l2(-Chevroit coacn 67(00 285.00 245.00 2(6.00 i(s.ee 125.00 126.00 110.00 W. O. KRUEGER 147 North Commercial Strictly modern house, 425 Market .210.00 "'io'oo I WANTED REAL ESTATE 10 00 I IMMWWWWWWWWMWWWWWWWWM " 1100 1 WANTED 15.001 ( to It acres, east or north of Sa 15.00 i tern. Have good cRy property, or ss 25.00 lcurrties for exchange. EBB Mrs. Kills witn LEO N. CHILD3 CO., Realtor 2!0 State Street Phone (70S. TRUCKS 120-Late Model l(7-in. wheel- has, perfect condition, new dual tires , , 450.00 1920CThevrolet. alnais tires 22X0OO 00.s A few others to choose from. Wood -Wheatott Motor Company Pontine I Phon tltt Pontla CHIMNEYSWEEP Telephone. 4450, R. H. NorthneM. CHIROPRACTORS DR. a L. SCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor. 25( N. High. TeL Res. 2572. DRS. SCO FIELD. Palmar Chiroprac tors X-ray and N. C M. New Bank Bids CLEANING SERVICE Center St Vsleterla. TeL (2. PAPER HANGING PHONX GLENN ADAMS for bue dcrating. paper hanging, tinting. co. neiiaw worsman. By EUGENE SHEFFER PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards. lets, programs, books or any kind of I printing, call The Statesman Print ing uepartmetit. 21s 8. Commwcial I Teiepnon S10L FLORISTS RADIO Available AprlV 1. unfurn. 2 m cot- buu t .- , ' . a i lags, di. wain, wo. raiisc b l farm tl'Jj-Ill I den. slLrbbery. Inq. 1780 N. Cottage 2 room furn. or enfurn. house, $10.00 and (12.60 per mo. 15 State Street. TRADE Miscellaneous - it a n n iLrin m - " " Else, range, for dry wood or toying rn. R. . Bt 147AA. Mlirn. FOR RENT FOR BEST RENTALS SEE BECHTEL or THOMASON 241 State Street Room 4 WANTED MiswrJaneous F0R SALE Real Estate njt--ii j AH kinds of rifles, plstsis. shotguns, old gold nd Jewelry CondiUon oo ob- ,dCt rREfN'SETcHANdB . lit N. Commrciai - WANTED Wood to haul, by, con tract or cord. Phon 44t. I - uiui.ri.niiuiirrair ' . WANTED Will pay C a pound tot GOOD CLEAN COTTON raga, Must t pieces .at least , squsr rard Statesman of fie - ----- -- - Fruit lax aU sixes. Phone 8472. mjlJU'Uin.i l'LTL" r. " - ........ m m WANTED Used " Po change 00 radios, ehcograpluvo fur nltur H L Stiff Furntntre fpany- U - JUTJUi. i" K,nmm Ford pickup track. TL ((L --- WANTED Netted gei tnM. Puritan Cider W01 TTlfRKR TIMBER 21000. if sold next ten days, (0 acres. Only CVfc miles Salem. Nothing like It tor th money, tsnown oy ap- poictment only. Hurry ana see nrenHTEL or THOMASON 241 Stat Street Room 4 I ruinrijulrxinr rrn"n-,.,i EXTRA CHOICE LOT . If sold next ten days 2500, two MONEY TO LOAN sjMeeasw'anssw j PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries or other good security Repayable monthly. When tn financial need see us before dosing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg Phon SS52 MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contract Refinanced . Arrange to reduce youi payment Too keep the rr P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St. and Ferry Phon 4722 Salem, Ore. Used Car Department (4 ChemekeU I TeL 1804. CUT flowers, wedding bouquets funeral wreaths, decoration a. C F. Bretthaupt. florist. 44 Stat Street. FOR every purposs, for every puis ! AH standard stses of Radio Tube. FOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 84T Court St. TeL til. PERSONAL INSTALLMENT X3ANS STATE LOAN COM PANT 212 Oregon Building. 2nd Floor. . Office hra. 10:00 A. M. to :20 P. M. Telephon 7722 Licensed by State Tnn.njti'uiAnnnfvririri- -nr " CTTT AND FARM loana at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. . Our Valley Motor Co. Used Cars 12 Olds Sedan, rebuilt motor, deluxe modeL fender wslL luggage carrier 2 421. 1922 Pontian Sedan 286. 12( Pontlao Coach , , - 126. 1121 Dodtfe Sedan 85. 126 Dodge Coup 86. 127 Franklin Coup . 250. 128 Essex Sport Coup , , 185. 12S Chrysler Coach 185. 125-Bulck Coach 175. 12 Chevrolet Sedan 145. We have 25 cars priced under 210.- 99. Fords Doages cnerrotets. IT Model Tracks 220 to t . 192 AA Trucks, (26 to 29. 12 Cher. ( CyL truck , 2(0. ALL kinds of floral work. Lett tat. lth A Market. Tel. S92. STOVES INSURANCE BECKS HENDRICKS 12 N. High TaL 424T WILLAMETTE INS. AGENCY Wm. Bit ven. Mgr. Exclusive ButtevtUe Agent 21S Maeonle Bide. Tel. T90 8TOTE3 end stor repairing. Stoves tor sale, reouut and repaired. AH kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hop haikets, books, logan hooka, Salem Fence and Stove Works, 2(2 Cbemeketa. TeL 4774. R. B. Fleming. TRANSFER LAUNDRIES THE NEW 8ALEM LAUNDRT THE WEIDER LAUNDRT 2(2 & High TeL 812S years ago was offered (1000; tt was I insurance department offers yon ex then priced for $1200. On beautiful pert advice and serrlc tn all Itnes. M fenth mtrm-tm fund, one Is I H1WKTNS A ROBERTS InC.l teld and th buyer Is to assume (110 I TeL 4102 205 Oregon Bids. on tn otner. envws oy appomm iw TERMS TRADES Valley Motor Company I Ti4hon Kt Phone 1162 Phone 710 Center Street Lot at Liberty V Marlon CAPITAL rnTT LAUNDRT W Wash Everything tn Lux" 1ZM Broaaway LAWN MOWERS CAPITAL CTTT Transfer Co. 22(1 State St. TeL 7772. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. FOR local or distant transfer stor-1 ag. can 8121 Larraer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. WASHING MACHINES i 2 3 is 16 n a yak i pil " xm 13 It2 T- p 22 23 2224 25 tt j I W1 IS3 ZJJ sA W 11 Tw, to w IE 31 Ha sr 55-- -Symbol for telluiit 7 Girl's name. 8 Mend. S Hints. B1ISCELLANE0US i - - Landscaping, grdng. Wyl. TeL 47 (7 jm.ii.iiiL ui.-iii'ir ' - " - 1 "' '' mm Custom hatching a spectalty. Wats tMpa Hatebery. 21(0 N. Ith. TeL (7L- Wrtngr repairs tor all makes of waAaMrT BUi. Hallk Else Co. , . , .111, 1 n' mm mwm,mm 26 ptsno to rent IMf-l . Used piano oew Upright $12.: Oranda. - . -GEO. C WTLL (22 State Street Salem, Oregja Buy r rent en bow. Terms tf ds- " sired, r -i-fi .:- -uu'-"-"Ji" ------ 1 ' " ' " ""M?yf Custom hatching 2. My experieBC UyourVetectien. Msttsorfe Hatcbsry. 221 N Front, Salem. Or.- -- fnce BECHTEL or THOMASON 241 8tat - Room 4 BUT NOW Rock bottom price on good T room tun. welkin . distance to state m seea pout-1 house, owner leaving eatem. vners orks. West 8a-1 remarkably low price of $1769. Will accept gooa secanues in axcuui. SEE Mrs.- Ellis with . - LEO N. CH.ILAJ3 Keauors 22 State Street 'Bells of Harmony Heard over KOIN daily ring out a loan service that la really, really different. NO DEDUCTIONS NO FEES NO OTHER CHARGES ONLT LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PR1VAUI Better Used Cars at Bargain Prices . 121 Whippet Sedan ... , . ,.00.00 111 Nash Spec Sedan (50.00 12 DeSoto Eight Sedaa (00.00 !! Graham Paige Spec. Se dan 120 Marquette Wheels . Sedan, six rtnrinnryicirini'i' "i It A. near Salem, family orchard. A. strawberries, 4 nn. bouse, barn, ' lias. Hk A. near town. I rm. plastered bouse, lights and plumbing, barn, I chicken house. 24000.00. WU1 take I city property op to MOOS. , -s - s xxniir On - eaod aoU. 11 A. Or chard, all fenced, t wells, good , buildings. Pric $5200. Witt tak small boos in towa.- - -1 l mybn hooa In North ISaleni. . nic lot. trait trees. real bay 12 Nash Standard 81z a - m-A - - m QUICK AND COURTEOUS .BBRFICT BRol3Ser" Ufl afsAsveagi aw w w- 76. 5(0.00 4(0.00 2(0.00 250.0 Sharnened and renal red. Also trad. MAGNETIC TREATMENTS M. 3. Kaatock. 2(( Cbemekta. TeL 2742. Tonsils eared withut operation. Blood poison, pnea Quick results. All Makes - Rented, sold and repaired. Easr. A. B. X, Maytag, Confoa, Meadows and AotomaHe. Hoaa bros. W. C MANGUM. Manas 22 K. High - TL CI2I B1ATTRESSES ? Beneficial Loan Society "1 : Off 8ALTSM Hm 119 New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd Floor T Tmruavm BT ttTATia (IS State St Tel S-T-4-0 TRUCKS 12$ Ford with, good body 275.M 12$ International 1 toa 86. 129 Dods three ton with dumn - body and hoist 1160.0 Other good buys at $60.00 and up. James H. Maden Co. S(C N. Commercial St. Phon (Sl LOANS WANTED . WANTED Private money to loan Mattresses from factory, to horn, j ttmtm SS !. mattrea 16.00. . Reaevat- ore and fumlgatora. Capital Bedding ! Co. TaL 404. 1080 WQTta caottOL ; New mattress mad to order, old tattress rentad: carpet cleaning, sis- tngt fluff rug weevlog. Salem Fmff Rug A Mattress Factory. S. 12th t WUbur. TeL, 8441. Ott F. Zwicker. But. 111. ' MUSIC STORES Real Estate Directory- 1 RECKS A rrEWDRICKS 1st N. High .Tt. 44tl 8. M. KARUi 224 X. Big- St. TaL' 2(7$ " 5TtWioen cow j. f. uuuca WJ-TMII 22$ Stat Street phone 2(71 1184 REALTORS sV Liberty SC - PACKARD T-22 SEDAN This ear 2 perfeot 2a every an be bou-ht at v - aahi I price. Can not be told trera new. TeL $4(1 24(.Chmeketa 8t. GEO ' C WILL Piano. arraeh. sewing machine, sheet and plan studies. Repairing pho-o-granhs and sewhur machlnsa, - 42$ Phon 8728. Stat Street. SOCOLOFSKT A BON 8(4-4 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. TeL T(f J. F. CLSICH " " 1 22$ State 2kr TaL $(12 I HOMER TJL roSVEB. REALTT CO. I270U Stat St. , TeL 7(221 - W. BL GRABENHORST A CO. 124 a Liberty St. TeL $16$ POLLY AND HER PALS Taw Knows His VeeUbles, By; CUFF: STElUt-ETT HORIZONTAL. 1 Bead eoTerin$ 4 Alter what cur wed tVe fen r capitel t Rnssi 10 CoUectien of Uterary saylats. t Eccentrie nrtAtfais; alec $Jtti4a what State Is h Oaiteel iar reeiprocatint; txtouoav I State Ne-al. Areadeat 11 Lyric poem. a -- i located 7 ItSteward oa medieTal landed I II Man's nUrVnsme. ests-av 118 Foot-like ort-B. 14 .What charactsr syniWB- lS U what ' State wtw tk . tmtk I SessMrs rFaerlel Winter Otysapies el lt32 Qasimis T - I - ami In 4 wkat tTf England Is th 1 S la bed. f an- rlaUy Circme U-1 Z5 What UaUa gral tpU cated? I v Lmm at the Battle of Getty 17 Become risible. . l Imrf dnr-tc th QtiI Watw 1 - Seface ram-eiy. l z Prepaeta. tl Conner or broaxe tneftey. 1 27 Century aUat. eF atiani ana red. . I 9 KUhiild ZwWa Is the Grk geJilees el 1)1 -WW wa the saetaer of Cafis IT rmbel for al-J-innm. - I IX Ridicule. ZS Sleereless Arabiaa twt Iff tfiVa rtAL 10 TVtiulnit. - ' I so 2e-l f rfnat. Sl-Uxfaest note fa tie Galde 1 4inedat of willow. seaie. 14Z Storm, 11 Lstrs. 1 4$ eatk chaaibez. SAAfflrn nairr. " Iaa SaMumunM. - what rhw fta Eaffaael whe.t BneJ rari i af Uubflaa f Sisfcsspssrel . the FrUV a Prsdt grew 7 S -Wh le taaeaftaaisawief tkel aa-j- mW, -Idyll el tU - Neree? -l DW wfaat taely ( t tT BUck Bwp 1 1 Necessity. , , cri-l? (awhat VTT 2Ts rllM-eew wms eaOW the 'Sag el Caawl si kha I' . nif lurP. AKf WILL VOU PE THE-S& 3 ff W5$Vtf-; I P yTf I -ore '.rTt tl What lw Je-tetT : 41 adreased kU. 4S Wsrds ett SI .What laaeeew J pUyerfciearieJ.e-arT H Tura to the rijM. -2 Weird, i-;-; fLWael Is Jm aalsalaur aassa la . the tars sr& VYea Ual- ewrstry Oli. . f..Tnfah. t7Direef- f I ' t Dinuxiutlye of EldwaxrjL , v-t.,; ; , VEJtTlCAI. : Kl Eiad. I4MoU ef tke nerewita is the sehrUoa ts yesterday'a accede: - i " i uu; , jm 30 isTrt2 -l At - ABOUT A MILUOr4 J ( CErTTAItILVja J SJ!r? " - V- tttAIr IS ' 1 Tt 1 ' ..... . . . r . - . ; , . , -- v - - , . - - - - . - - -.'-;..- - :f :-. -. v ' v . .. a 'j .' ..... r. . ' .. - -. , ... --'"i.... .. . . v ... . ., :.. - - .- - "; , -. . - ' " - , . , 1 Of what SUU is Desrrer tV . - -t r.- 'eapUal? ll .BosUa. J What Eng-sk QW feniW P - t.)CM ..- e- ef t esigiaal 4 Deirae deeply; . " , iPwSUd). - tm. 5 io: uo iicrn . - Lach OCH' Lt! (J .