The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 22, 1932, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESSIAN. Salent, Orejon, Tuesday Mornlir-r, Uarta 22,. 1832
.Survey Shows Salaries Bot
: torn irr State in First I
Class Schools !
DALLAS. March SI A recent
survey; of the teacher, salaries
in-' the elementary and hlgh
school districts: of the first class
revealed ? the tact, according : to
the Oregon Voter, that the Dal
las school system Is credited as
being conducted at the lowest
per "capita , cost , of any standard
school. The lowest minimnm and
maximum salary In the v Dallas
-elementary " school ,- being - JJ30
and 11110 respectively, the vstste
Tvrage quuiae or uaiui ana
PortlandVls . I1B?0 and S1SS0.
This represents 3 S schools of the
first class. V:
in me mm schools it was
found that the minimnm tor Da;
las. Salem, Mllwaukle, Hood Riv
er and Cottage Grove was 11170
Oregon City 11140; Grants Pass
11125; Hlllsboro 11035; and the
state average 11250, or higher
than: the Dallas scale. The maxi-
. nism for Dallas is 31410 and the
state average 31(10. Albany. As
toria. North Bend and The Dalles
pay 31440.
under salaries for school ad
ministration it was found that
the state average tor superlnten
( d en t was 1 3 C 7 0 an d th a t Dall is
paid 33500 with a ten y-isrs
'I teaching record. The Dalles. Til-
lamook and Rosehnrg pay a stm
liar salary. Albany, Ashland,
iCorvallls, Hood River, North
Bend and Parkrose pay 33600.
Silverton pays 33750; Oregon
City 34000.
. For high school prlncioat the
state average is 32760 and Dallas
'pays 32040. Ashland and New
berg pay 32400. Silverton 32310.
Grants Pass 32500 and Albany
The state average for the prin
cipal of a Junior high school is
31995 while Dallas pays 31200.
Newberg and Oregon City pay
31400, Silverton 31700. McMinn
vllle and Grants Pass 31300 and
Hood River 32150.
Quintet Ends
Season With
MILL CITY, March 21 The
Mill City high school entertained
the basketball team at the third
annnal basketball. banquet Friday
night, with the " faculty and 70
members of the student body pres
ents t -;v ', '"
The tables arranged In cabaret
L V '.' . u ' aaBaaHaMakaMaBBa - - ' ' "' .
; Sewing Club Members En
tertain Teachers at Leap
Year Affair :
JEFFERSON, March 21 Mr.
and Mrs. Lyman W-Patton enter
tained with, a 7 o'clock dinner
stylewere beautifully decorated Saturday night In honor of the
In green and yellow. , the - high
school colors. Daffodils and tall
green candles' formed the center
piece of each table. The place
cards were another attraction of
girls and boys basketball teams.
Miss ' Durf ee acted as ' toastmls-
tress, and the following v toasts
were given: ' ' : " '-" -
Address of welcome, . by Mr.
the tables being green and yellow paUon. to whicb Gerald I helps re
steins containing the ntag pro-l.ponded; basketball prospects for
gram eiereny conceaiea in in. 1$, , VM tfy... Dy Helene Wed
yellow foam. The decoraUon eom- au. . A1, nt-ln ofthe
uiiubt v iwwi a vBKw1vu;r -,rI teams, also gave a talk; and
jenaer. kbx wauaee ana cisie M.i,n WhdhM anoke on Snorts-
CralL Imanafctm Th nmilndM f the
The , delicious - dinner was pre-1 evening was spent In games, cards
pared by Mary Rada, Geneila Gen-1 and dancing.
try. Agnes Brown and Marie HU- Those present were Jean Me-
deman, and was served by Jerrine I tree. Mervine Thurston, Keithel
Gordon. Blanche Swan, Lucille smith, Alice "Harris. Helene Wed
Spry, Agnes Brown and Shirley die. Alice Calkins, Gladys -Cala-Horner.
, nan. Melba Foster. Dorothy Mar-
The program included a guitar lCnm. Marr Main.. Vivian .'Chain,
solo by Oliver Schaer; song, "The Gerald Phelps, Milo Harrisr Mer-
Song of India." by Audrey la- lin Whedbee. Clinton Hart, Ken
Duke, Florence Root, Maxine Jew-. neth Selpp, Melvln Morris, Ralph
elL ' Dorotheen Dunlvan, Geneila Beach; Lester Stephenson. Bob
Gentry and Shirley Horner, dou- Harris. Miss Dnrtee, and the host
ble trio of the high school gins' nd hostess.
Glee; short talk on "Basketball" rjr. and Mrs. John Fuller of
by Vylos Fitzgerald: guitar solo 1 nanbv were In Jeff erson Saturday
by Homer. Thacker; a duet by looking after their prbperty, Just
Dorotheen Dunlvan and Audrey east of the stage terminal. They
LaDuke; guitar solo by a guest, Mteet to make some Improve-
Harbo Thompson. . J ments on the house before renting
i The program was concluded oy the orooertr.
a clever skit which was a take-off The Eranzellcal church will
on basketball heroes which made J observe Holy week by having ser
a dramatic ciose xor a succeasiui
S.,'.L: A TV Tm
QGiefy 1(E
ews an
3 Ouyx M. Doak. Society Editor :
i vices everv evening during the
week with the exception of Satur
day night.
Former 4-H sewing club or tne
Jefferson school composed of Mer
rine Thurston. Keltbel Smith.
Jessie Hart, Sylvia Vasek and
Jean McKee. entertained their
teachers and friends with a leap
year. St. Patrick's party Friday
Mrs Harriett Prince ;
Entertains .Group !
The IV F. of club celebrated St.
Patrick's day 'at -the home of
Mrs. Harriet Prince. The group
met for the day and" enjoyed an
old- fashioned New England din
ner at the noon hour. The after
noon was spent in piecing cuta
and in conversation.
Present were. Mrs. Nellie Knox,
Mrs.' Ftef Prince, Mrs. C. a. Giv
en. Mrs. Franks Prince, Mrs. CUf-
ton 'Itoss,: Mrs. Kenneth Prince,
Mrs.' Ry Clark. ' Maxine .Clark;
Daryee Ross. Frank Prince, Jr-
and Zarelda Prince. .. " . ?
Aiimsville Club Plans
Easter Box . ' "
'' Annirvllle One of the most In
teresting, meetings of the year for
the Aumrville Women's club was
held at the home of Mrs. Charles
Hein Thursday afternoon.
Activities were presided over by
the president, Mrs. J. E. Towle.
During the ' business . session ' one
new member was voted into the
club. A large assortment of dress-!
es for the Easter gift box was on
display. After, the business ses
sion . an enjoyable program was
given. Mrs.'. Charles Martin -and
Mrs. T. C. Mountain, accompanied
by Mrs. Martin, sang a duet. Mrs.
John Ransom and Mrs. T. ' C.
Mountain ' each gave a reading.
Mrs D. W. Lamb, accompanied
by Mrs. Glen Munkers sang a
pleasing solo; Miss Gladys Bur
gess and Charlotte Martin accom
panied by Miss Gwen Martin gave
two violin duets. Charlotte Mar
tin, accompanied by her sister.
Miss Gwen gave two harmonica
At the closing hour dainty re
freshments were serred on small
tables. Tiny violet bouquets made
attractive favors. Mrs. D. w.
Tuesday, Mareh22 ; r
Song of Veterans and - Auxiliary, 3:30 o'clock pot
luck supper at home of Mr. and Mrs: EL L. Buchanan,
1245 North Liberty streets
Chi DelU chapter of Delphian. 1:30 o'clock, with
Mrs: George Lewis, 180 North Winter street. . ' - '
r Radio . Homemakers club with Mrs. George K.
Moorehead. J470 Trade street. 2:30 o'clock.
..Tlllicum dancing club at Castlllian halL . j
Chadwick chapter -of the , Order . of Eastern Star, :
afternoon meeting In social room of temple; Mrs..B. A.
Rhoten chairman of social committee..' . i.
EtokU club with Mnu. Mason Bishop, 2: JO o'clock;
'Mrs. Grover Blrtchett to speak on South America. .
Salem Press dub, Mrs, 8. Stone, "3 73 Leslie street,
S o'clock. . ' -7 ' ' ' " -
" Centralla temple,' Pythian Sisters, 3:30 o'clock pot
luck dinner; regular meeting to, follow.
V .Wednesday, March 3
' .- North Salem W. C T. TJ. meet 2 o'clock, Jason Lee
church. - - .
Leslie Can-Do "class with Miss LaVerne Proctor,
1C5 Berry street-
,First Presbyterian Aid society, 2:30 o'clock in
. church parlors. Election of officers and tea meeting. .
Thursday, March
Annual ; Maundy-Thursday . banquet. Scottish Rite,
, tn Masonic temple; 1:30 o'clock; all members ef Rite
and wives Invited; for reservations telephone 4320.
Kensington club afternoon with Mrs. Charles Hud
kins. - ' , ' . '.
Saturday, March 26,
' Salem Woman's club, regular business meeting,
followed by talk by Miss Grace Elizabeth Smith and tea
Hollywood The regular meet- An , attractive dinner party
ing of the Hollywood Ladies' So I being planned for Monday night.
night. In the Odd Fellows hall- Lamb, Mrs. Glen Munkers and
STAYTON. March 21 Stay ton
grange paid tribute to St. Patriek
during their program, with reafl
Bouquets of daffodils and Ore
gon Grape formed the tawe aecor
atlons. with shamrocks for place
cards. Those nresent enjoying tne were: Mrs. Will Howd of Shaw:
si n win op rnaiT Tm irrn m wiiii rpnn i - --- p
L J m,mw Th Party were Dorotny Mareum. l- Mrs. RosalthU Johnson. Mrs. D
lngs and musical numbers. tm , ' rUJ prtt. LucUlelw r.v r.i v.
orogram opened with Mrs, E. R.
in eiemenuiry scnoois me ayer- oias orsnesira iuroianing two -. v e,fs 7.11 - .Z
age of the state for the salary of numbers. Next came a. humorpus "g-i;,? Vak Jea
m nrtnelnil l S1SA0: T.lln hAtnp It.Hn. K nm Cr&ite. Severn Ie HarV .8TiTla .Vf '.T.T "truCtor In high School, Mrs. MUS-
low for the sUte with 31170.
Hlllsboro pays 32200; Hood Riv
er 31300; i MeMlnnville 31350;
Tillamook -$1800; and Newberg 1
31500. -
Three well equipped - school
buildings 'make p : the - Dallas
Kee. Ralph Beach. Robert Hart, I rrove and the Misses Gwen and
Robert Hart, Robert Gumn, woei Charlotte Martin
Davis. Francis Gatcneii, muo Har- i
ballads, accompanying mmseir oni . ,, rtr atenhen- k- u ttt tt t.. ....
l.w, t - 1 TT . 11. S1U
son, sirs. kl. s. murswa, mm. i members of the Golden Hour
grange - members - eacn : gave a
spring quotation and Lem Phillips
sang two of the good old irlsn
the guitar. Mrs. Ida . Nipple fol
lowed with a reading on VCJo-oper-
atlon and Harmony" in .grange
school system, and for the past work, and closed her talk by read-
two years many , pupils are
brought in to both the elemen
tary, junior, and senior high
schools under the Transportation
act. The school board has main
tained a high standard at low
cost to the taxpayer.
Paul Smith. Mrs.
Mrs. Flo Toung, Mr. and Mrs. I
W. Patton. Miss Maude Durtee,
Miss Bertha Dillon, Miss Geral-
dlne Regeeter. ' Miss Frances
: Pierce.
ing the 10 commandments for
grangers prepared by S. H. Ed-
C. A. Ratclif fe of Salem follow
ed with a most interesting, ad
dress on China, telling tor the
most part of conditions in Shang
hai; when he was there some time
ago. Mrs. Koht then gare a read
ing "St. Patrick's birthday," and
this was followed by another Irish
song. Miss Ella Williams gave a
clever original .reading, which
brought the program to a close. "
Mrs. Rena Tate, lecturer, has l LARWOOD. March 21 The
I planned . some very interesting I house at the Roaring River fish
programs since she has been in I hatchery was completely destroy
office. ed by fire Friday afternoon. None
several members or tne jsp- Lof the household goods were sav
worth. league enjoyed a party ind. The fire originated from a
the church basement Saturday I stove In the basement. Harold
night. Games were en jojd and Rente, employed at the hatchery.
an excellent lunch was furnished. I was the one present, the supenn
the party, with Rev.
Weight as chaperon.
LYONS, March 21. A number
of women from Lyons hiked up
McCully mountain to the- Wren
Lnmber .company mill I camp' one
day recently to spend the after
noon with Mrs. Guy Maines. Those
going were Mrs. Alta Bodeker,
Mrs. Ines Ring, Mrs. Rosa.Berny,
Mrs. Laura Neal, Mrs. Elizabeth
Westenhouse and small daughter
Charmain, Mrs. Henry Bodeker,
Mrs. Thelma Surny and Mrs. Clara
Miss Doris Huber is employed at
the telephone office as ; switch
board operator at present. Mrs.
Holford, who, is the local central
office operator, is assisting with
caring former sister-in-law, Mrs.
E. D. Crabtree, who is ill. but who HUBBARD. March 21 Mel
has been slowly Improving thelMalone has purchased the White
last, several days. ., Front hotel, formerly owned by
Among . those from Lyons . at- Frank Thompson, and will begin
tending the pre-Easter rally serv- remodeling and renovating at
ices at the Church" of Christ in once. Malone plans to make the
Stayton Friday night were Mrs. place a modern lunch room and
. Grace, Holford, Mr. and Mrs. J. H recreation center.
'- Johnston and Louis Trash. A dele- - The cooking school sponsored
gatlon from the Mill City church by the Hubbard Service store and
club at her home Friday after
noon with a 1 o'clock luncheon
and Informal social
Mrs. Lloyd Springer will be the
April hostess and will be assisted
by Mrs. J. R. Pemberton. Covers
for the Friday luncheon were
placed for Mrs. Mason Bishop.
Mrs. Carle' Abrams, Mrs. J; R.
Pemberton, Mrs., William Schults,
Mrs. Lloyd Springer. Mrs. Roy
Hewitt, Mrs. B. E. Slsson, Mrs.
E. B. Millard. Mrs. Breti. and
Mrs. Van Slyke.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Hewitt
were guests at the tea given
Thursday afternoon at the Town
club In Portland by Mrs. HlrosI
Acino, wife of the Japanese con
sul in Portland. The bril
liant affair was complimenting
Y. Tsurumi, noted Japanese lec
turer and author, who Is . visiting
In the United States. Mr. Hewitt
cial club was held at the home of
Mrs. A. A. Harms with Mrs. Grif
fith as a special guest. Eleren
members answered roll call with
a current event. Members are to
answer with a Believe. It Or Not
sketch at the next meeting. The
regular business session wa fol
lowed by -a very enjoyable nodal
afternoon during which time
members worked on their second
quilt of the season.
..Present were: Mrs. W. F. Starr,
Mrs. J. Brennen, Mrs. C. S. Thom
as, Mrs. V. M. LaDue. Mrs. P. H.
Ernston, Mrs. E. E. Lucas. Mrs.
D. J eager, Mrs. W. W. Fisher,
Mrs. O. A. Forgard, Miss Florence
Kleeman, Mrs. Griffith, and Mrs.
A. A. Harms.
Husbands of one of the popular
card clubs will be guests for the
dinner which will be held In the
Silver Grille of the Gray Belle.
Covers will be placed for Mr. and
Mrs. O. D. Adams, Mr. and Mrs
Earl Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. T. T.
Mackenzie, Dr. and Mrs. Vernon
Douglas, . Mr. and Mrs. George
Hug. Mr. and Mrs. Max Rogers.
Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Siegmund,
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Brown. Mr.
and Mrs.. Fred Duncan, Mr. and
Mrs. George Rhoten, Mr. and
Mrs. Charier McElhiney, Mr. and
Mrs. Brown E. Slsson, Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Wolgamott and James
St.! Patrick's Party:
TV A ' - ".AT
is Muxiuary urair -
Pythians to Entertain .
High Official
The Pythian Sisters will enter
tain Mrs. Nettle Hardisty of As
toria at the regular meeting of
Centralla temple tonight. Mrs.
Hardisty la grand, chief of Oregon
Pythian Sisters. - :
- A -. pot-luck' dinner at 3:20
o'clock .will precede the regular
meeting. Mrs. Lettie Hansen. Mrs.
Naney Bnrk, Mrs. Leila Benson,
Mrs. Vivian Burk. Mrs. Mary Fugh
and Mrs. Lillian Marshall make up
the committee, In charge of the
sodal events. -"-, -. -. " f .-- .: ..
It is expected that a large visit
ing membership from temples In
nearby valley-towns will be pres
ent for the meeting tonight, i .
Mrs. Ida' Seymour entertained
members of the auxiliary to Unit
ed. Spanish War veterans at her
home Friday afternoon, with Mrs.
Margaret Millett and Mrs. Bessie
Baker as assisting hostesses.
Green and yellow was the color
scheme used In compliment to St.
Patrick's day and the games.
songs and stories which- made un
the afternoon's program together Pkvfriari Air? Will
with the table accessories at the I i,TDyZCT1faY'1U
Present for th afternoon were! n pmit.wi. f aia
Stfi'.16 " wm meet in the church Wednes-
Edith Woolpert. Grace MIekelson, day afternoon at 2: JO o'clock.
wicy rtewcomD, eiancn waicner, I There will be an election of otfl-
iir. V , w " "ew- eers la addlUon to the regular
lett. Lulu. JHumphrey.. Ada Hull, business of the afternoon. A so
Josephlne Frnm. Liniam McKln- cial hour and tea will conclude
ley, Mary Miller. Florence- Buck- the afternoon's unmn. .v.
lese" Ida' Girod. Jessie Bertelson,
Anna AUey.- Bessie Bsker. Mar
garet Millett. and; Ida Seymour.
Dinner Party Will
Precede Lecture
Hostesses for the tea hour will
be Mrs. John Griffith, chairman.
and Mrs.' Joseph H. Albert. Mrs.
u. u. laws, Mrs. H. S. Bosahard,
Mrs. H. J. Mohr. Mrs. 8. H. Pro
bert, Mrs. D. H. McKensle, and
Mrs. H. M. Evans.
PAS stsfiS til's--sisriSisr ss
u..Crjr- v w . v"7 " i to welcome her arrivaL
Prof. Alden Alley, a prominent ex
ponent of International law.
Covers will be placed for Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Blinkhorn, Mr. and
Mrs. R. R. Board man, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Stelgler and Mr. and Mrs.
Jet erson. Mrs. K. S. Thurs
ton and Mrs. Ezra Hart were host
esses to the Past Noble Grand club
meeting on Thursday afternoon.
Beautiful bouquets of spring flow
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer D. Cook
and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Lewis
of Klngwood .entertained Wed-;
nesday night In the Entre Nous
clubhouse in Salem. A color
scheme of yellow and green was
used in 'commemoration of the
St. Patrick anniversary and the
Easter season.
Bridge was In play at six ta
bles. Winning scores . were held
by Mrs. Charles Adams, Mr. WU
keson, Mrs. William E. Moses.
room, jroiiowing the regular busK
ness routine, the time nassed
quickly in games and contests.
Kiethel Smith won the prise in the
snamrock hunt contest. At the
close of the afternoon, refresh
ments were serred in the dining
room, which were also In keeping
with St. Patrick's day. Dainty
lights shed a soft glow on the love
ly bouquet, shamrocks and pigs
hleh formed the table decora
tions. Th follawlnr mum Harm
Silverton Mrs. Alvin Legard I were present: Mrs. Lee Wells. Mrs.
Stayton Mrs. Glen E. Fox de-
afternoon. I Ughtfully entertained with a St.
Patrick's party Thursday night.
Four tables-of bridge were In
play, and high score was won by
Mrs. Willis Brown, while low
score tell, to Mrs! Ellen Reynolds.
Bowls of fragrant violets and
bouquets of. daffodils were used,
and the touch of green In the re
freshments was most dainty and
Mrs. Fox's guests were
Mesdames C A. Beauchamp, Geo.
H. Bell. H. J. Tate, M. S. Hunt,
O. E. Gardner, Sim F. EtzeL H.
Humphreys, Dave M. John, J. W.
Mayo, W. Brown, H. Ficklin, E.
Reynolds, C. P. Nelbert, Edw. J.
Bell and SG. F. Korlnek
Mrs. James Walton. 1177 Cen
ter street, returned Saturday to
was hostess Sunday night at din
ner In honor of Mr. - Legard's
birthday. Following dinner four
tables of cards were enjoyed.
Present for the evening were
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Legard. Mrs.
A. O. Legard, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Sather. Victor Sather. Llllle Mad-
sen, Jerdis Kloster. Ora Larson.
Mr. and Mrs. Forest West of Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lar
son of Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Larson, Merl Larson.' Har
old Larson, Miles Tobias of Ore
gon City, and Mr. and Mrs. Le
uonmoutn Tbe oirtnaay an
niversaries of Miss Maggie But
ler, Mrs. J. L. Murdoch, Mrs. E.
N. Keeney and Mrs. Ed Rogers
were honored at the Christian
chnrch Thursday afternoon at
party arranged by members of
the Ladles' Aid. ATI the birth-
Walter Pelham was In charge of tendent. E. Amacker and his wife had met and become acquainted j her home after a visit of nearly days occur during March. Two
Wayne hein in Portland.
I . mm A 1
Harold had stanea a nre ra w
basement stove, then being very
hurv at the nonds. because of high
water was "not aware of the tire
until It had gained considerable
headway. Nearby neighbors, see
ing the blsse, rushed to help. Un
able to save the house they put all
their efforts toward saving near
hr . hntldlnzs. Mr. and Mrs.
Amacker returned that night.
Neither the building, which la
owned by the state, nor the house
hold goods earried insurance.
Tbe recent warm rains d ring
ing the snow out of the mountains
has swelled the streams, causing
Crabtree Creek and Roaring Riv
er to -become quite menacing. The
water roars by at a terrific speed,
carrying, huge logs, stumps and
other debris. Farmers along the
river, recalling past rampages
with the author while in the orl- I two months
em iwo years ago. Mr. Tsurumi
addressed the tea guests briefly
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lee will
entertain f n compliment to Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Taylor, Mr. and
Mrs. AI Wlckert, Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Pitcher. Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Craig. Mr., and Mrs. John
Sande, and Mr. and Mrs. Trank
Crozier Monday night at the Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hucke-
steln are the proud parents of the
first son to be born Into the
Huckestein line of descendents
for the past 33 years. The child
was born at Salem General hos
pital Monday, and has been
named Richard. Davis.
In Riverside. Calif., I birthday cakes featured the re-
with her son. Major Leo Walton, freshment hour which was
and his wife and family. Dtrrlng charmingly enhanced with spring
her stay there she had opportun- flowers and St. Patrick day
uy to see mncn or me souinero i greenery.
wa 1o tiresentT A' anlendid idedi- held In the Pythian hall last week
eaUon program was enjoyed at the was w water! - An attractive birthday party
Stayton church. A new basement ireys ana Mr. uacy conuuciea m i .....,., nrenarlns I eomnlimented smsll Robert Rob-
California country and was rery
pleased with It. Major Walton Is
executive officer at the aviation
school at March field. He was
brought up in Salem, going from.
here to West Point and entering
the aviation branch of the service
upon his graduation.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Propp were
hosts to members of the Sans Sou-
el club at their home Saturday
night. Mr. and Mrs.- L. M. Case
held high score for the evening
of cards. At the supper hour' Miss
Evelyn Propp assisted! In serving.
Mr. and Mrs. William Daven
port of Woodburn will be hosts to
the club April 9.
hss Just recently been added to demonstrations. Mrs. I, H. Bates ," l'Jtlr
the building for social activities won the grand prize, a huge angel lOT gn ww.
and classroom use.
food cake; Mrs. Ruth Stauf fer j
won the grand prize of a 43 pound
sack of flour in the attendance
contest; Mrs. Frank Crimps won
the 24 bound sack: - and - Anna
Scholl, the 10 pound sack. -.'" ;
John Friend, the local barber.
will move his family from Wood
burn to the C. W.- Mayger house
abont April le, - ;r ,1:
. .Vwm Rmolnlskr. a. senior at
wrrrnviicW--March 21-H-Mrs. ith TTnlversitr of Oregon, arrivea
.Tna imhrnlr has an Anacoha t VHdav 1 to snend her spring Yaca-
f hetf that layed an egg measuring J tion with her parents, Mr. and
! IVa by 8 3-4 inches, and with a I Mrs, John Smoinisxy,
double yolk. This-nen, two years
7, old. daHy lays an egg ftyj
' Inches. She has layed an egg a aa;
for .the last ' 1 S ' months, u . never
: missing a. day.,' T-j--X
- - The Thursday Thimble club met
, at the home of Mrs. Ralph Mae
Donald, with Mrs. Peter Peterson
' as Joint hostesses. The elub voted
to make window curtains for the
- -community club and scboolhouse
ins, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Robins, Friday afternoon on the
occasion of his fifth . birthday.
Mrs. A. E. Smith assisted Mrs.
Mrs. Mason Bishop will enter
tain members of . the Etokta. club
at her' home Tuesday afternoon
The Leslie Can-Do class of the
Leslie Methodist, church, will meet
with Miss LaVerne Proctor at her
home Wednesday afternoon. The
regular meeting date has been
I changed because of the spring dis
trict convention of. Foreign. Mis
sionary societies at Albany March
30. Mrs. Glen-Price and Mrs. .B.
Monmouth Women students
of the Oregon Normal school llv
Ing at Wallulah hall entertained
with a' St. Patrick's party Thurs
day night in the social rooms of
Luther house. A color scheme of
green and .white 'with spring
flowers made an attractive set
ting for the affair.-Special guests
were Mrs. Addle Ro bards. Mrs.
Ardie Parker and Miss Laura J.
Taylor. Corsages of riolets were
presented to the guests.
Monmouth The married peo
ple's Sunday school class of the
Baptist church met Thursday
night in the social rooms of the
church, and at the business ses
sion adopted the new name of
"Fellowship Class." A pleasant
social hour with Mrs. 8.. J. Wll
llamson In charge of the enteis
talnment, was concluded with
seasonal refreshments.
Mrs. Vernon Peery and small
daughter. Diane, and Mrs: E. J:
L- W. patton, Mrs. Hugh Bilyeu.
Mrs. B. 8. Thurston. Mrs. O. W.
Humphrey, Mrs. Maud Blackwell.
Mrs. R. W. Curl. Mrs. Paul Smith.
Mrs. Charles McKee and the host
esses, Mrs. Thurston and Mrs.
Hart. Invited guests were Miss
Frances Goin, Mrs. T. O. Kester
and Mrs. Leo Smith and son of
. a
West Salem. A groan of vounc
folks met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Flnster for a social eve
nig and to organize a senior Ep
worth league, Wednesday night.
Games were enjoyed, and a brief
business meeting was called to
perfect the organization. Officers
elected Included President, Lyle
Thomas; vice-president. Miss Adsh
Clark; secretary. Miss Roberta Pe
terson, and treasurer, Roy Flnster.
Mrs. Roy Flnster was appointed to
act as chairman of the social committee.
Those present included Miss
Hazel Emmett. Miss Adah Clark,
Miss Roberta Peterson, Miss Ben
nett, Ervin Simmons, Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Thomas and the hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. Ro) Flnster.
The regular meetings of the
league will be l eld at the church
each Sunday evening, and occa
sional social evenings will be held
week-day evenings.
a a a
A St. Patrick's day party was
given by Vurty Grant and Louise
Bryan at the home of Mrs. C H.
Bryan on North 14 th street. Tbe
evening was spent In playing
games appropriate to St Patrick.
Refreshments, which were served
at a late hour, were in eolors of
green and - white. Those present
were: - Lena Cox, Vivian HIakle,
Grace Quackenbush, Hazel : Har
per, Esther Erickson. Velma Rom-
inger, Clandlne Rowland. Frances
Fellers, Viola Lottls. Margaret
Crossan. Bernice Croner, Ruda
Quamme, Ruth Cole. ' Evelyn
Poulsen. Mrs. C. H. Bryan and
the hostesses Louise Bryan and
Vurty Grant.
and Fred Gibson.
Present for the evening were
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smart, Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Hummel. Mr. -and
Mrs. Chris Hampshire, Mr.
and -Mrs. William E. Moses. Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. Earle, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Gt Krueger, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Adams, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs.
Becklen, Mr. and Mrs. Wflkeson,
Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, And the
I .
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Toose. Sr..
entertained - at dinner in their
home Wednesday evening. The oc
casion was in celebration of their
40th wedding anniversary. .-The
table was lovely in its springtime
dress, a big bowl of daffodils and
greenery centered tt and tan yel
low tapers were used. Rem la Is- -eences
ef the wedding day and of
the Intervening years as wen . as
music furnished the diversion for
the evening following the dinner.
Covers were placed, tor Mr. and
Mrs. R, B. Hutchinson. Mr. and
Mrs. Fred J. Tooze, Jr., Glen
Hutchinson. Miss Annabel Toose
and the hosts.
A quiet wedding of the week
end was that of Jean Chapman,
daughter of Mrs. Wlllamlna Me
Rae, and Glen Dalsiell who were
married at I o'clock Saturday
evening In the study of the First
Presbyterian church. Rev. Grover
Birtchet officiating. Mr. and Mrs.
Dalziell will make their home in
1 week only
Ringlet end
Push Wave
- Open Friday evealnsr
307 First National Bank m&g.
TeL $S3
Breach ot the Castle Pioneer
Permaaent Wavers of Portland'
- - ... . n . r .1. . - -m. w . w. -w.
KflfJTXsv. Jlliiuo. - Jaarcu. i 1 ill ...... .v.. : v-
Mildred Rich, while playing. feU Zi V!,
and sprained er arm, making tt I ,Vl-' - : ; .
necessary to carry , M. Mrt w.Mo Miiur 0f
Mrs. Orris Fry, accompanied by
nMr- arm. JaIib Otir ind Orria
r:JL. Awr--..-T," OtjenwiU assist mus proctor. Donnell, will leave Thursday . for Joaeph, win leave Salem rthls
m.Vr, win V. ..If.t.V; ; i I-- -r :V : :. Berkeley. CaL. where they will be morningy by motor' fort Denver
Claude Ellison assistant! An lnterestlnr meeting to look 1 r i.r. i,,wa ... vhiin h nMtn inin Up. rn
forward to Is the Joint session of Fay0 Wassaxn. They plan to spend: and to establish their homo In that
the Radio Homemakerst elub and Easter week In the south, -: dty.: Mrs. Fry and sons have been
the. Y's Menettes club at the home . -. 5 i making their 'home at the Royal
of Mrs. C. A. Downs April l. wlth 1;; Miss Margaret Wilson Is spend- Court apartment for the. past ser-
Mrs. George X;. Moorehead as-, hnr the snrlnz vacation" from her I era! weeks. Much Informal enter,
she is staving with her grandpar-i A' V ' . v t m" weorge jv. ooreueao mg the spring vacation" from her erai wees. Mncn jniormaj enter
Mr andMAlbert Martha Hen- sUUng. Miss Clarabel Nye wUl ad- w0Vk m University of Oregon; tnlnlng has v marked her depar-
S hl Uii ttnJnen ot BoUeldaho. were recent dress the group on some phase of Jul? her parents, Mr! and Mm! ture. ' V
til aehooi: la wy. rfdlnner guesU at the Lloyd Stlf- homeHfe. . .. ot w.ftn v :
. x -l V V ..!-r 1 . v ... . "'J
Ailnlt ' r Mrs. Ronafd Craven will spend 1 Harold Pemberton a gues at
A. DUnagan and.iamiiy. I tv Mm n. waV In Portland I ,v. w. -,a w.. !
The P. T. A. held iU meeting "mi- "7 ' I "V
; 1 BY: ALL-DnAl 1
, f - -p,, ,,,1 mm aaMBMHaaai '"
Has Bulkr and Vitamin B
for Constipation; Also
Iron for Blood -w,; '
Thursday night.- with alumni In
charge; At the business meeting u
was voted, the P. T. A. sponsor one
evening of - community singing
Itlng friends.
FALLS CITY; March 11 Miss
vitAnan. Thtrtr-ffT members and! Jane Hammel -entertained at her j duriaa- music week.
' T - - . ; . .1. . . - M. f.W . JlA1fh I W . - ,
Two visitors were present.:; Tne i nome maij nisni . : Misses . vaneiia - mmm n r . r TJ ' a
next resrular meeting wui he atliui Bt. -ainca Dora oeren sang a aueu a piano i vuuu ui iiuuur iu
the home of Mrs. Anna Holt with young people were present. comidaet vu KiTen by Mrs. LaVerne
u pda.cii Keiiv as lolnt host-1 netltive games were played vita l DiIon .. Miss . Corrine Moberg.
ess. Mrs. r Holt has invited the prizes i, going to I Sam : Speerstra. j Magee gave a reading. Del-
group to meet with her Thursday I Walter . Warner, ana juonua xeri ,1 ward ; showed some inter-
t- do aufltlnc. .... - . , Ignson. ' testing pictures. . - -
L. Vl Bartnick who has been I i An Epworth League-was organ-1 utss Rose Polla of Mt. Angel Is
employed at Upper Soda Is home 1 lied, with waiter, warner u teaching the Crooked Finger
to do his spring planting; - - - ? jcharge: The offieers elected: pree-1 ecaool in the absence of the teach-
laent, am peerjj; v-er, miss jrniaes weip,-wno is ui
'MUJm TO HUBBARD dents, Jane Hammel, jsuen irw, i at her home In Mt. Angel.
BRUSH CREEK.' March 21 Rosella Funk, Katnnne wagner
r. a i r - u u in I ami Ravell Howellr : secretary.
' ZLV.?ZX?1 J!:;; tfmi- treasurer "Viv-1 GRAXGE CLUB FETED
:mim tn th. M f am wll- Uo DesL ' : '. -- " I MONMOUTH, March 21 The
liai brother of Mrs. Mever.l : Mrs; Ethel Meldrum of Mflwau- Home Economic club - of " Mon-
whohas been Tquite from Iniu- kle, president of the JRebekah a- mouth'. ; gran ge.jrambertng more
... r7,?.. . I VI- f nrnron will make Mag- than '49 member, enjoyed a de-
BUZa. Mr. liuuiu. w iuvU i M.,:i ii.ttM J. VMa mt. tt,m tmwnt
noiu Lodge- wo. its an nui n1 ""i .V' '"' -ZZ r'v. VJ T.Crir
Fleaher. Thev have been here at-1
T Itendlnr the tournament. . Rev.
lss Irma Bolander will spend I tamitrW -.ho -ta tha father of I
V .4 ..II.. S W - - .". - - I
iervuoB in nong xicacu, jjrs. Flesher. expects to return to
wai. saer jeares xnursaay. Salem shortly to make his home. -
. - ?"
Mr and Mrs. W.' M. Buck will
mm mm m m ;,." I ieaTO UUI WKHua tvf iiaautuft-
He Held Tomorrow ton where theywm spend the next
month. ' Mr. Buck will : remain m
DALLAS Min-h is Smnt a-r. ILonr View and Mrs. Buck win ao
ecuUves ot the two Dallas troops organisation work for the W-C t.
met at the Bine Garden. Friday U. over tne.siaxe. : . ..
night to make plans for a' court ' i - 1- '
of honor to be held in Dallas Wed- ; Mrs. Henry Schmahl will enter
nesday. a P. i West ot Salem, tain her club with an Easter
scout -x ecu tire for the Caacide luncheon and afternoon of cards
Area council, was present and gaTe I ner home this afternoon.- Ad-
a Ulk on the duties of a- troop ditionai guesu wrn ne rs. w ai
ter fage ana airs, sraesi. -mom
of Portland and Mrs. Donald Gra
ham of PrlneviUe. --, r. . ;-'. - :"
Mrs. John Rand-returned IW
Xeattstle Xre-r4 fiAf
Capital BeantyJ5nopp .
Mertn mgn
ar Mrs VL Olsen. who hao maae town learas. i n quiuici vj v- - - ,
rtfMf MUr ul thenameofthe-'IMrtylrUhrivw. Harrison .frutJtfafg. But-
. in.iw died a week ao Sua- The first game was with the Dal- ler, Mrs. J. L."Murdock and Mrs.
son-in-law, diea a weer ago ua- e wri. s Esther NeaL Several men ot the
eay ana uw iu v. r V" ZTZ - - .
I them by a S9-SI score.
grange also were diner guest.
KEIZER, March 21 - Eugene
Dovl won - hlrhest - honors. Panl
Brandon second: and Bobfav . Rata-1 day from" Seattle where she had
burr, third. In the 4-H camn cook- spent a week vlsltlnr with friends.
rv club's biscuit exhibit held Fri- This weekend . Judge, and Mrs.
dar. James Nelson Is the i elnh I Rand entertained : Mrs. Edward
leader. Contest ludree were Tom
Oye and ' Julius ' Haf old. These
three winners are ready to send
in . cards for' cooking their first
Burke and son -Donald of Eugene.
i Mr. and Mrs.' .Donald Graham
ot Prineville, are theliouse ghests
of Mr. and Mrs.' H. Q. Malson. ;
, Goodies?
mi clfkianf.
v: -. .---. -
lets Uun cf Us
prkt4 brimft.
In ten years. Kellorz'a AlX-ExaX : "
has gained an increasing number of
friends. . Today, it is -used . by -millions
with satisfactory results.' '
T New tests show added reasons for '
the success of Axx-Bbak. Labora-
I tory experiments prove it has "bulk-
to exercise the intesunes, and Vita
min B to help tone the. intestinal
tract, ' r . i-:.-- - .
Another benefit of All-Bsah is
that it has twice as much blood
building; iron as an equal amount by '
treight of beef Urer. -. ., -
vThe headaches, loss of appetite
and energy that so often result from r
constipation can be overcome - by
this pleasant cereaL Uow ranch bet
ter than using: hablMormliig pills -and
drugs."; ; :--.;-x.;v
All-'Bsam' action is gentle. Its'
"bulk" is much like that of lettuce.
Within the body, it absorbs mois
ture and forms a soft mass. Gently
St clears the intestines of wastes. -
" Two tablespeonfuls daily are
sufficient to overcome most types ct
constipation. It your intestinal
trouble is not relieved this way, see
yowdoctoxa r-v. ::;c;'''f -".--
Serve as a"cexeaL er use la eook
in. Tempting recipes on the red-aiki-green
package. Sold by all gTOa .
cera. Made by KeUog; La Battle
Creek.- ; ; -
Urded her recover.