- : ... ' ' ' The OREGON STATESllAJ s' tuj.j V r 9 x 7, '. ; - - ' , . - . .v. v -z . -rr.- - : - - - ' - - a , " , , , - ' ' - - ' mWifctie) Supply Statesman Classified Ads . ; .XaH 9101 " Classified Advertising Single Insertion per Une.lOc . Three insertions per -- line .i... ......... 10c Six Insertions per line, .30c One month - per- line . . f 1.0 0 - Mlnlmom charge ...... 2 5c . Copy" lor this pate c- " cepted nntHS:30 tne even-. ..ing before pnblleatlon for - classification. - C opy re ceived after this time will be ran under the " heading Too Late to Classify. . r ' ' The : Statesman- assumes - no- financial responsibility tor' errors which may ap pear in adTertlsements pub lished ia . its . columns. : and la cases .where this paper tai at . fault I will "reprint that" . part of an advertisement In -which ; the .typographical' mistake occurs. : -;.:,.,; ? z-:, The Statesman . reserves the . right to reject objee . tlonal advertising. : It for---ther reserves the' right to classify all advertising nn- -der f the proper classifies- : -tien. -."v,- 1 , FOR SALE Real Estate LIVESTOCK and POULTRY I 'FOB S A. X SAL CUt M WWB, all under cultivation. -81800. Cub or stock to ttOt ,m down payment. BeJU anc to your own terms No agents. ' Tor entr f 1SS0 you can buy a aero homo, comfortable houso. plenty C otnor Itnprovcmonts. borrtos, fruits. - and tlii wUt nako tbo down paytnent.i Mar. XStn. Tot, 1SSFS. I Hatchory. with Btnau montniy payments 3a00.0S win buy a 40 aero iarm Poultry wantod.- Salom. Poultry Co. 1 Sbs B auner. n. a. Maua. Rum .. Work borsea Jackson Sara, .Wood-1 bom. Or. - ' : r . . f- Baby chick. Wanner Hatchory. S1S H,' 4th. Tot It. - . Gieiirs expos lira. Hoag U 4 - veil - ksotra teacher of Folk and lUrtom coun ties, and Ur. Hoag eerred n prin cipal of sereral schools la the gam sections before their retire ! meat to a trait tana : at : Mon month. - h . - .. . ME5 TO GIVE pooeflRiionn Ity dab ia paying for thla, . The teachers. SXlss Grace John son and Miss TorhUd Brantl, wlQ put. oa he. program for the April meeting. r. .... - :- ' . . Custom batebmv to per w after I a SILVERTOK.vlMah--. lC-, WOMAJTS CliUB ENTKBTAIXKD I SIDNEY. March 15 Mrs. R. H. Others Harmless miles Salem, rood road, mil to payement, ( room bouse, barn, chick en house, fruit, aood well and sprlnc. mof sood timber,- vises easn aiaac. easy terms tni la a anap. . JO U. 8. Bank Bids. Phone 48S.- : Good 7-rooro nlastored home, fire-: place. " basement, etc . and. attractlr urroundinra urnamoniai. nut - ana fruit trees. Fruit and barrias more than pays tasea. Two carasea,-S to. fin lota, nice view, parea axreec near achoola. Priced to sell - all or ' part. ' terms. TSS Rural Ave. Phono' SSS4. 1 . FOR SALE WOOD 1 In.- tad srowtb fir V4.S and 1J. 9. TIL 1141. - . .- HELP WANTED WANTED MEN .WOMEN, 1 $105.0tV2&S.Oe ttonthi Qualify ; f er ' Steady xovarnment Job. Oommon edu- cation usuatly auincieat. t..aJstvyosi tions and taampl doachlnc FREE. Writ hnmcatateiy. Franklin Institute. Iept. 158 W, Rochester. W.T. . 81tO-t490 r , TKAR." : Ctoyerhment . Jobs. Men women, t8-ft. Steady work, i w. Mwdi vou for Salem examtnationa i 1. Lint posttlons and toll particular FR3CB. ? WrlU tonmediatftlytoday sure. Box 18, statesman. ; " - FOR REJiT ROOMS . Room rtot In. Ueaaonabler board ' optional. Tel. apes, ere. 878 State. GUARANTEED- DRY TeL 8004 Salem Fuai Co. ; Trade Cottage, f "- .-' -- - r ,. - Dry tnd rrowtb sawed IS or 18 In. Ross Bowman. Rt. . Dajlas. - Phone Old fir IS". 15. 2nd srowtb 4 tU 84. For cood wood phone 8888. Tracy's wood yard. - ' v. Old and Sad growth fir, 8488. CENTRAL HOWELL. Mareh 15 l m avsva s - ' fiteinbArrer vka wu last la the I , MtAr.tnA : tha AnkanTl Mr. and Mrs.' H- I ucniy n- I n.a rh.lr - . . enAav I ZrTlLJZ .tT . vl v I tertalned wrlth-: a dinner Sunday 1 ,; BOSTON. March IS f API shortly before aoon. wss.foirnd day afternoon. Members - Ptwat W to Mayor James J M. Carieyy today Monday afternoon, snfferlng from er:.Mrs. J. O. Farr.,Mrs.;L. B. JiS!!!!; ' 1L TelS? f1" ofJraJ the cold and. exposure, fosses smith! Mrs. C JV JohnstoiL ; Mrs.1? Xttl JiV.T" fic PoUes Sergeant i John P. M. had hon ted all gnnday alght and Sidney HowardMrs. George Mar-1 fwjivrn S vS v. r f. " V, Monday morning.- Aroand noon Utt, r Mrs, William nAJ?Stt SSl .-Plf tSSti Monday tney ilred a gnuMraicniand the hostess, Mrs. Irr. Mi f "V- .V Cr w T w f" 1 "a wa y f"1"" - i man. m uoi ana.- b cil. xxm uieu Stelnberger was swer. When he was found he. was ahana from the cold -an had rol led under log ror protection-- Still able to aa-lTC Unnr -i.aitarJT,lawfif ILIChtynd Mr.. r ' y :- " Mrs. Tarr was:a special guests 5". JlLtTi.i -'.riJa J "k from W? V1?? ..t w I in a ' wonna cansea ; wnen ne nit - other -attractions . resniiea i Big. tongne. v ) TOT IBIU.CIVIll tumjuiwr j Ka S Itmmu tt-tH iiutl BtaUaMBt' af I k tm.. t.fct . air Ttro feet of snow was reported . si-aa.i-u, a Marias , oKr rAiufwS: In the . district. Stelnberser was " ta. i rT" 'V rr TT IT Uce sleeping room, 838 Center. ALL K1ND9L aaylengtb. Call S7SS . DRY FIR AND OAK WOOU eel I and reel oa Call on us tar prices. We ' ROOM AND BOARD Desirable rooms with board.' rates to permanent "ladles. 891' Union. Lanre. desirable room. -with board. Rates reasonable. Sl ITnlon. EXCHANGE Real Estate FOR 'SALES OR TRADE . SO acres, fine bo!L beautiful view. -T acres fruit and-, nuts. acre oak tim ber, small hoasa. anod barn and. chick en bouse, garage, sear highway. 83.. I aira good BBO. terma - , .- . ' . Imnl.HnlM - s room honaa on ceod street, base-. I Trukd TRiNsren : a srrnRAasi ment, furnace, large corner lot,, hard- J . . Tetaehona 3131 wood floors, t $ 2 000. Terms. :mwmmmmmmwwwwmmismwmww - - v - it orr slab and. old nr.-Teu s4f. .- Tprvvir pii'TC rrXTJ .nu t, I 7 - A.... M, A . . m V.... .1 I .KM. .....w i .www '.' V . ITS South Hbrh Street . I Old fi urf Ihnha TL JndA MtnL RK1USE MISS 8MITII -: - , . . . ... in 1 1 U r.i m , ! - . . . i I n wt m .IaIh.. mm fAMIf 1 ' - not wlthont a and he ! -TTISrl. t. tor basebaU waipmeat lor vth I retired Miss. Jowphlne Smith as M a " m . . . . f a- . aa la VTns. aI mV. S ISA IW V K Aft V. - He tras bronsht to fillTerton 'mp,w ,weK I Tl:"w'. .v " . teacher lor next year, j , . . . . ! - I ww.vwv.vw. . - . r, ,. , I uto COOV W4 Ul UWU "SUM yu. vu a- u niu uvuiit ia ui w i t - and llered that he will suffer any last- good quality and I lng harm, froni the exposure: nroovc v.. Tsf 'vres.iasM raeelTed darlar tba year. I$1,113.S5. .- :. . . latrvwt, aivulMicU reat rere.TM HELP WANTED MALE RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS. Steady work. Men 18 85. Commence 3188.00 month. Paid -vacations. ExpeHence un necessary. Common education suin- dent Full particulars with sample coaching FREE. Apply today sure. Box , 4, Statesman. y. FOR RENT APARTMENTS tor I to 8 acre tract near Salem. i rfttj-j-111jW1jftjjn nfinnfififi ran nnnnnfinr I - Pf' gates, suaatai w su Patton ' apartments with - private oath, nicely furnished. Located In business liatrtet Call Pai ton's Book Btorv, . Mrs, D. A, Hoag Hfi , Lecture at Imbtute f j. ' , . -- ' . . . - ... t , eaaBBaaBaBB-aaaBBSt- y - - - '"" MONMOUTH.' March 15 Mr. business district. Price 6S0.,Trade) growth fir, dry 1st growth fir. Kewland Mrs. D. A, Hoag attended eariasr tao yea. S118.07CJS. laeeaie front atasr .aearess iartag the year, - . Total taeesja,- fi.sss.S5S.io. DISBUKSKJUHT8 reealTaa: EXCHANGE - -r Rare good S room boose cloee to FIRST CLASS- FUEL Old fir screened bog fbeL Dry Sad T.KO K. CHILDS COu Realtors 830 State Street - Phono 8T08I clean sawdust. Phono 8847. FRKD B. WELLS, INC Heated bskpg. rooms. Ill Chemeketa. FOR- RENTClose In modern fur nished steam heated apartmenta mono so. - - Modern furn. 3 room apt. private bath. Furnace heat Fine kitchen. Near HELP WANTEDU-FEM ALE t- i. r:,l''Ilr.'l state house. 1084 Oak. Are you Between zv ana i lore children T Hare you erer taught school or Sunday school? If so. you may qualify its district representative l WeU fumished S room apt, bath for national organisation, permanent i an)1 garaga. Tet 7884. 2281 HaxeL position ana reai owmrwmw cated woman capable of earning 8-.-40 yearly. Give complete quallftca tlons. Address D. H. Scblosser, 8233 Grand, Kansas City, Mo, Bousekeeper wanted for family of : four. Tel. 4008. - . ,. Fur. apt Heat 310 N. 14th. FURNISHED bungalow apartment 825.00. Adults. 847 M1IL Phone 328. FOR RENT t 8 room duplex apart ments with er without garage. 820.90. A. C Bohrnstedt 147 No. Com'L St Good Salem home. Close to. Owner will trade for improved small acreage. Box 109, Statesman. WWWWWMWWiWWWW Close In 7-A. poultry ranch, capac ity 1000 bens. Dandy place. Trade for, city property. - SEARS TUCKER 133 South High noon TRADE For some one that has acreage. M.- 800, good R. house on Urge corner lot. Both streets oaved and paid. Will trade for acreage. What have you 7 SEB my agents ... BECHTEL or THOJBABUM 841 State St Room 4. FOR TRADE (0 acre farm near Cashmere, wash., for Salem property. Box a. Turner, tire. PERSONAL spring Institute at Eddyrille la Lincoln county. Satnrdar . Mrs. Hoag. was one of the lecturers at the general assembly ' sessions. Her topic In the morning was. Kat lessee Bald 4n)u tka tw taenia. I ant Imsaranas OwMir. Ltd. ( Lsadoa. tag aaJastsMat axpssaaa. SM.ISS.OS. Ixaglaad, aa tbe Uirty-fixs aay at ! . IKridenas Void aa capital essek aariag I eemser, - 1881. made - to; the laaoraaeo us year, t I Ceaaausiiaaer oi tas state ei vrcgoa, par- - OesuatasiaaS salarlss paid dsrtaf I caaat te lw: ue ysr. 8414.8T3.4S. 1 -. - CATITAXf Taxes, lieeam aad teas paid aariag I Aaieaat el capital stoea paia vp. the school grounds this winter. 1 ' BRUSH CREEK. March 15 Tba Farmers' union and school I clarence Brown, the roster son of - district, shared with the comman-iur. and Mrs. Dan Hill man, went down- to Lebanon for the weekend,- g fX , imaging iM9 trip vu uia oicjus.' stunIi af taa Aaaaal fiuusent of l cureaca returned sanoay aner- tba Leadaa A Pnriaeial Madae noon from the SO mile CTCle ride. SSbasgjaeajaaaayaai wish to' correspond with lady is telfDerlces for Teaching English.' ze years oia witn new te- maxrnnany. Box 112, Statesman. In the afternoon she spoke "Problems In Discipline.' on FOR SALE USED CARS taa year. S88.118.60. . Aaieaat of au other 816SJO8J0. Total expeaaitarea.. Sl,lAo.TT4uSa. . , .. A88JETS . Tatas of real erUte owaad fatarbet Talus), . . I Value at steekt aad beads owaad (war set Talae). 98.291.134.wO. Leaaa oa mortor aaa eouaterai, sta Valley Motor Co. Used Cars 1331 Std. Coups 1331 Deluxe Roadster -1331 Deluxe Tudor 1 1330 Sport- Roadster . 132S Bulck Coach 1838 Oldsmobll Sedan 1333 Ford Phaeton Cash la beaks aad oa bead, 3149.' ? SITUATIONS WANTED Practical nurse takes eases at .borne er wOl go out 201 N. 36th. Housework In motherless home Write Box 111 Statesman. - . mmm TJnencumbered lady 100 par cent O. K. Good principles. Excellent cook and all-around sood worker. Phone 8878. Mrs. Burgart FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Flats for adutta 8 to I rvoma 888 te 840 Also houses, ate BBC KB A HENDRICKS A,, .1h Hutb J? Duplex house. 943 N. Winter. FOR SALE FARMS it A. FARM SNAP , 83200. All rich black loam SoiL half in crop. Has e room piasterea nous. Kiea llama a a. nastura. runninar wat er. Pared road, -close to high and grade FOR SALE Miscellaneous XATjxriJsjT.iTJirerii'wsri"i"iii'" FOR SALE Old pajaws I0e a bun die SUtecman office. Typewrtters. all makas, new and esad. Adders and trpewrUerstorreat Typewriter Exchange. 481 Court St 1 aiiisjruiJairjsrrj' " i 'f - Orchard spray. AH ihjdsearried In stock. Lowest pria IJrttan Ctder Works. West Salem. Phone 8428. Rebuilt yacuum cleaners. Rent and repair. Tel. 8368, 6 to 9 p. m. xrunjuxArinrir.-i-i-M-i Mra Ralph's chicken tamalea now located. 654 N. Liberty. TeL 4690. - - - - a CorvalUs strawberry Plants and lo ganberry tlpa v. u. ueex. rei. sr. ' Custom hatching. Sc Also custom batch turkey egga Tbe Willamette Valley Hatchery. 410 a 84th. Salem. ISMbeSwSafeseMMeaSaM-ew FOR RENT 6SS N. 20th, 6 furn. 444 N. 14th, 8 R. 630 N. 21st. R. 1106 a Liberty. 5 R. 2185 Maple. 6 R. 645 Jefferson. 4 R. 55 a 15th, 6 K .968 a 31st 8 R. 360 r. 16th, 8 K. W. G. KRUEGER J4T N. Com'L .?25.00 . 25.00 20.00 - 15.00 15.00 . 15.00 12.00 11.00 - 10.00 Phone 8158 Center Street Display Phone T310 Lot at Center a Liberty ecbooL Best bur in ralley for tbe mon-1 ' 1938 Bulck 4 door sedan, license. ey. Shown py appointment oniy. tstit i ruu leather upholstering. Pnone 404a i BECHTEL or THOMASON I vwwwww)wiwwwwwwwwwwwi 341 State Street Room 4 NOTICE Of APPOINTMENT Wntic fa harabr rlyen that "the 1 sts.er .bmIm ha Kun dn1 in. I Pramlsais la eoarse e( eolleetioa wrlt- pointed by the County Court or j ' the State of Oregon for the Coan- j iBurest aad mat dns aad seemed. MJHo I last will and testament and estate Stl .,aa...T.TA 460.00 of Vary Manrer Boggs, deceased. ixiiLmES 26.00 a,n4 that they hare duly Qualified Gross claim far losses unpaid, 166.. HI as as tnch executor; all persons hsr- 885AO. -. - Will tar rfslms aralnit the estate of - Lr2 XX. n 1328 Essex cyL Coupe 826.001 said decedent are hereby notified J p,, f 0T eammUtloa aad 1935 Ioi gre Coupe . 95.00 I.- tn am: dnlv reriMed. I sasm.oo. GloTer, our attorney, J01 Oregon I gfaKv fi.io5.o8T. Building, Oregon within slxj business nr oeeqoh months from tbe date or wis no-i a ir". ,v 1831 Tudor Demonstrator . TERMS TRADES 390.00 ooo.oo. ntcokts Ket preaUaaia (weeired dasUg the year. 420,S7aoa. ' Interest .dlTldeads aad rents reealTed aariag Us year, 9 44,077.78. Income xreaa eiaer sewxees tswbitm daring tks year, 3.03S.7. Total income, $51487.84, D1SBUBSKMENTS Ket losses paid daring tke yesr InehU lag adjustment ezpeasea, 9209,308.88. IMylaeaea paid oa capital stack idariag they.r, , ... . ,s - tsuaustoas aaa taianes p eenag tke year. $109,17541. Tszea, licenses aad ' tees paid dariag the year, $31,501.11. - Amount at au otaer expeaaicares, 098.81. Total expenditures, 6408,9830. Assrra Talae of real estate ewaed (market rslae), . Talaa at stocks aad beads Owned (mar- broksrsgs, I ket vahia), $1,030,004.78. Leans oa asertgages aaa ceuaterai, sia. ta, baaks aad ea baad, $88,- Valley Motor Co. ACREAGE 4 room modern bouse, 265 W. Rural, garage, basement furnace, f 15. Phone 6545 trrrT-:oET--MW Nice room house 4 blocks from state house. Osly $25. - i.kt) w . cmilds co Realtors 820 State Street- - Phone 6708 Old t room house for rent, cheap. Close In. H. U Stiff Furn. Co. FOR REXT 6 rm. bouse, close In. $15 per mo Phone 8559.. FOR.' BEST RENTALS -v SEE BECHTEI or THO MASON 341 State St Room 4. BUY NOW U- Save $25-$75 Special 2-Day Sale USED CARS These low prices and great savings prove that bow ta tbe time and here TWO FARM BARGAINS 28 A. nearly aU cult, 4 rm. plas tered bouse, - electrta lights, running water, on pavement; price $2100. Terma 87 A. very best of soIL west of Mt j Ana-el : 40 A. cult. $ A. pasture, orch- i - a nrnvn imti nnw ass a nam iimai ?Izu .T I the place. Wa hare Just the model for seed company. Price is.ooo; terms. O. C. BIjAKK .... uce. - - . . . ' ti Dated St Salem; Oregon. WIS I i paid dartag tba year, $8.t7T.tT. 2nd day of March. . I Leaass iaamcred dsrlag tke year, . KATHARINE R. M A U R i R. ol r . EZRA lfAXJRER. Executors ox ine b" J! TT last Hll and testament and estate of Mary Maurer Boggs. deceased. RONALD "O. ULOVEtt, baiem, Oregon, Attorney for Executors. M.z-t-l.-Z3-o. Hama of Presldeat rnil B. wna. Kaae of Secretary Ha reld W. Ea e-bb. . . , Satatary resldeat attorney fee serviee Insaraaee Ceaadssioner A. i sr. kis saeeessers la effiea. - H. Averill Business Directory T With H. a SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 8903. 3H A. 6 R. house," full basement electric water system, paved rd. 3-4 mL town, 2800 : terma 6 A. $ R. bouse under construction. $2500; terma Will take bouse in town, ltt mL Salem. -' 73 A. 55 A. In cult, fine bunding, stream, good rd. $5500. Will take house In town. " R. A. FORKNER . 1610 N Cottae Phono 8031. you want Vena '37 Model 4 door Bedaa Ford '80 Model Coach .$ ss. Is. BATTERY ELECTRICIAN I PLUMBING and HEATING FOR RENT 6 room modern home rhukena dressed to order, fresh fish 1 North 17th St Half duplex house, 5 dally. Salem Poultry Co. Z5o auner. Phone 4888. Frea delivery. i Dresses 49 cents. Color, fast Green baura'a 340 N. Com'L Special 5 or 6 ft Bhe Crpress tt T5; smaller 6 Oe up. Shruhs SScwp. Other large trees reasonable. Fruit trees. Warren Nursery. 340 Court St tannnnnr. - w FOR SALE Wheat and vetch hay, $13 per ton. Phone 126F4. Used tractors for sale. 18-20 and 15-30 McCormlck-Deermg. Callaway Implement Co- 332 N. High St TeL 444L Walnut dinette table, 4 chairs and rm chair, oractically new, reason able. Ph. 87F3. rooms modern. 8mall house. 4 rooms. garage. P. H. Bell, 208 N. High street Phone 675. Business Opportunities Chev. 3S Model closed cab. deL 186. Cher. '38 Modal 4 door sedan with trunk 388. Chev. 37 Model Coach (recon- eondltlonedl Its. Chev. '25 Model Coach (as re ceived 80. Dodge '28 Model Coupe 246. Dodge '33 Model Touring. Per fect condition. The . owner took very stood cara ef thla one 66. WE ARB PATINO CASH FOR LIGHT, POPULAR MAKE AUTO MOBILES. t R. D Barton Batteries Starter and geuarator work. Texaco station, eor mr Court nn frhurrh. CHIMNEY SWEEP Te1thona 4460. R. B. Northnena ' PLUMBTNO aad work. Oraber Bros. I TeL 6584. general repair 166 So. Liberty. Cask 62.1 A Praailnau la coarsa of eelleetiaa arrU tea aiaea September 80. 1881. flSL 630.14. Iatsrest aad reata - doe and aaeraed, 8,6780. All oUar Lines, ailnvs 411,582.08. Total adautted sssets, smss.ZlSa. LIABlLJTIKa " Greet claims tor leases unpaid. 55, 838.00. Ameaat ef unearned presmiasu ea au aatstaadiag risks, 307,50J1. Das far commissioa aad brekarsga, 13,000.00, AU ether liabilities. S6L7SL1X. Total liabilities, ezelasiva ef eapital stack, $587,018.48. . BUSINESS IV ORE603T FOB THE TEAS Ket prenuaau received dariag tba year. fS.S47.IS. Lssms paid dariag tka year. 3 1.007.48. Losses incurred dariag tka year, lr 938.40, . Kaata ef Ceatpsay Iteadoa a Provia K. C2 -' Synopsis at tka Aaaaal Suteseeat at -1 Tks Oatary lasataaos' Cesiaaay IAd, ef Ediakargb. Seetlaad. aa the tkirty-firs . day at DecessW, 1981, assde te taa la saraaee CosnauMieacr af taa State af -Oregon, 'parsaaat te lawt CAPITAL - Aaioaal of Depesit Capital, 400. 000.00. ' , r TXCOMX '- Ket pteaalassa reeeired during tke year, L06,S.1. , . . - late reat. diridfradi aad raata reeelred dariag tke year. 188.837.48. laeeane ireas ether soaress received daring the year, 6S,143.2L TeUl iareSM. 81.808.113.88. I18BURSI31ENTa j Ket losses paid dariag tke year foclaeV iag adiastsMat expeases, 873.868.78 DiTidaads paid ca capital stock dariag tkeyear. 0. , , Cosaaussisas aaa saianes rut wii , the year, 8488.5&L . Taxes, lieeases sad fees paid dariag tke year. 54.400.38. Aasoaat of aU atier axpeaditaree, 1 'Twai"sxVeaeitarei. 1.8ie,40.8. ASSETS Talae at real' estate owaad (swrkeO v!taaaf stocks aad Uada ewaed (war- ket vslae). 31.e53iS.13. . Loaas aa aiertgsges aad collateral, etc, " Cask la baaks sad ea kand, 163,- 6Prssslaw la court of coHectloa writ tea ' aiaea September 80. 1911, 204?. ,7Iaterest aad rents das aad aecraed. ,2Total admitted asset. 2,049.538.80, LIABILITIES ... Orow claims tor losses unpaid, 285. 4at4SwOO Aaseaat ef aaearaed premiams ea all ouutaadlag rUks, ,L8ai8U8. . Doa far commissio aad breaerara. Small grocery business. Write Box 108, Statesman. for sale. : McKay Chevrolet Co. " - CHIROPRACTORS DR. a L. SCOTT, PSC Chiropractor 388 N. High. Tat svea. caia. . DRS. SCOn ELD, Pawner Chlroprao- r. X.rar udN.CE New nana FOR RENT 20 acre field for rent Good sou. TeL 127F21. ' FOR SALE -Real Estate NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT TOUR SUBURBAN HOME Immediate possession of a neat 4 room plastered house, nook, built ins. rirepiace, plumbing, electric Mgnts, water system, woodshed, garage and chicken coops. 1 acre of dark, rich productive soil on paved road. Price $2750, little down, bal. like rent or MONEY TO LOAN Marshall strawberry plants, 3.1.0 Q M. 1 m rood vacant lot aa cart par- you dig 'em. 580 X. 17tl St ment wv owwwwwiww' i . Two nw semi-modern houses of 4 Mammoth -furniture auction nextl room m-in, l to 6 acre tract each. 1-4 Friday 10:30 a. 780 MUL K"Timila out en paved road. To be sold on thing in nousa xurnisninaa, I easy terma MADE on furniture, cars, salaries 1 or 498T. or other srood security Repayable monthly. When In financial need see ua before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg Phone 3553 MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce youi payments Tou keep the car P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Phone 4733 v Where Tou Get tba Big Worth . 833 Center - ... r" ... Late model Bulck. Sell cheap er trade ror anything I can use: TeL 8401 CLEANING SERVICE Center St ValeteHa. Tel. 0883. PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN ADAMS for bouse decorating. Taper hanging, tinting. ett. RellabH aiwKimn. PRINTING YYR STATIONERY, cards. oamBtt- leta, program a, books or aay Kind ec printing, cau -ma Hiateaman rout ing Department 316 a Commercial Telerore 0101. RADIO rial af. A O. Ins. Ca. Ltd. Him ac Aaa. liar. Stewart H la- 1 13S.7A y. I Kama ef Cempsa: Kama of Breach Secretary A. Kaeeafla. 11 luiAni ' a',i ..l ii.kni;. sxa.xoo.oo. Total liabilities, exclusive of cspital stock, 1,801,040.88. ED8IHE8S IK OREGOX FOB THE TEA -Ket preauasss received dartag tka year. 1,111.85. Losses paid daring tbe year. 33.539.T4. Tba Ceatary lay israaee Oapaay Ltd. Kama of V. S. Maasrer WOUam A. Bttrm miMmI ilttfmr. In a.ialna I Vrf!Aanll- James M. L Wood, By. Exea. Bldg, I Statutory retideet ettaraey far sarvies Porttaad. Phil Gressmeyer. - Cross -Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER FLORISTS NOTICE u w r nl lAaaae I , pera "KusSi wooory, a;ui'i phone 3666. VSS 1' n . -.L.J-r'---wm o a r PLTrrh milk stoats. W. W. Vanwey.: W tokeaat ot AumsyUle. - Baled bay for sale, . 8" ton, S. end of pavement on Turner-Marlon road. J. K. Parrlsh. TeL 814. Jefferson. ; , W ANTED-MisceHaneoiis " WANTED Will pay 8c a pouftd fot GOOD CLEAN OtTTON rags Uu be pieces ar least . p square vard Statesman office ; t . jjjjjj-y-ymi , worvi'"'-i-ii - All kinds of rtfleo, pistols, shotguns, eld gold tnd lewalry Condition no ob loct Nam your prlea. : , REINER'S EXCHANOal 334 N Commercial Frutt Jars alt sixes. Phone 8473. Xn.n.i-"i."i - -- -------- -- WANTED Used ptaaos te es ehange ee radios, onooograpna. ot nr. nlttr H I. ttrf riiwlmr. rnwt;nw Choice 2 acre tract notfar out on graveled road, 3 room house, drove well, telephone, electricity and gas ser vice available. Price $1000, cash 25, bat 10 par month. LEO N. CHILDS CO.,"Kaltors 330 ata- Street Phone 708 S3 A. Polk Co., 12 In orchard, dark soiL well fenced. 7 rm. house, large . barn, chicken houses, hog houaes. etc A real bargain at $5300. Will consider small house as part trade. 1 A. close to Salem, good soil, drilled - welL 580 on very easy terras. 10 A. all In cultivation, 3 A. new straw berries, family orchard, 4 rm. house, barn, etc. 8000. Will take ' garage or service station oa koos relt hhrhwav. 46 A. 6 mL from Salem, 20 under cul tivation, timber, spring, orchard. ? berries, 6 rm. bouse, barn, etc. $3.- j too, - - . ' - " i J. V ULRICH COMPANT S2B State St Phone 8673. 00000000000000000000' FOR SALE Or rent t tracts, CaU at 1950 Market - i 'Bells of Harmony . Heard over KOIN dally ring out a loan service that Is really, really different NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned was on Feb ruary t. Hit, duly appointed exe cutor of the estate of Phebe B. Webb, deceased, by order ot the County Court of the State of Ore eon for Marlon County, and has Salem. Ore. duly qualified as such. All persons bavins elalms against said estate are hereby notified to present the gamer with the proper Touchers and duly verefled, to be under signed.- in care ot Edith C Wilson, Route 5. Box 58, Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published CUT Cowers, wedding oouqueto kkimI wtmiIil decorations, C W. Breithaupt nonst- 011.9 oirw. TeL 6804. FOR every purpose, for every purse All standard aiaea of Radio Tubes EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. S4T Court St Tel OIH . at.t. nAa nf floral work. Lata Fler- Ist. 16th A Mwret. Tel. NO DEDUCTIONS NO FEES NO OTHER CHARGES ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE I March 2, 1S2. ON LOANS-110 to 8100 Beneficial Loan Society HAROLD BANTA. Executor of the EsUte of Phebe B. Webb. M. 2-9-1 S-23-S0. ; -i . . ' OF SALEM- ." Room 118 New- Bligh Bldg. tnd Fleer LICENSED BY STATS . Sit State St TeL 2-7-4-0 NOTICE OF MEETING PERSONAL INSTALLMENT XAN8 STATE LOAN COMPANT V 213 Oreron Building. Snd Floor. " Office bra, 10:00 A. M. to 8:30 P. M Telephone T73X There win be a meeting of Re publican voters of Precinct 23 .t the Court House at 2:00 o'clock. Msrch 17th; to elect four repre sentatives to the County Assembly meeting- that meets on the Ota Licensrd by -state! day 0f April, at the Chamber ot Commerce rooms. . Precinct 21 ;r.;r: MISCELLANEOUS : f yMWWwMWWWI rfw)wW ' Landscsptng grdng. . Wyle. TeL 4781. Custom hatching a specialty. War-' . Iner-s Hatchery, 318 N. 5th. TeL 357L n n n n rarn ieatM',i,fc " m m , Wringer "repairs Jof." of i washers. Mr. EiUs. Ballk Elec Ce. T.rtr. i.-.'i. ii.iLHrinriririrn i ----------- 38 otanoa to "":;'? Sat Used pianos new upright f 13100,1 ann6 tss&k c will : " : i Wk?rS 4 " sired. .-..cV-..-, ' LOANS WANTED : SO A. lm mL from Ladd 4k Bush bank I part advice and aerv4ce In all lines. on paved road, wvei, au cuiuva-1 hawkims at HuusniB inc.; ted. fenoed. creek and alee build-1 Tel. 4100 206 Oreron Btda . tnar alt.- sizs nar acre.- - s I t acres,' 8 room bouse, electric lights , aaa water system, anreu iot aiao trio stove. SO bearing Royal Anne cherry trees, large chicken house. -350 hens, nv, electric , stove, all i for 84760. Some trade. - 65 A. If mL from Salem. 33.cultl- . vSAeu, Dcuauca s.uuia autu vabiui v. ''u. S room bouse, livable, barn, gar age, f cows, 2 horses, farming tools, tbe finest- of rnqfL 16000. - Trade for email house. - ,. , 1320 V: & Bank Bldg. crrr and farm loans at lowest embraces area from High to 12th 8L and Trade SL to court St. FRANK DERBT. Commltteenlsm: rates. Beat terma obtainable. Our Insurance -department offers you ex- NOTICE WANTED Private money te on real estate. - ' - W. H. GUBENHORST CUW 134 R Liberty Rt Tel 8431 1 man girls, 1 itfr-y fw.ttli? vlctbrKarly Indian rm a.i v utuu. auu cuutitut 1 Oregon. Salem Publio Library wants to find available copies of : ' Balem Directory for 1S74V v Salem Directory for 1IT1. Strauon capunty ox Uie oa FOR SAXAwSaor.txada. 3 rear Bol- Phona 8738. stein bull. See .Midgut Market. ; Call at Ubrarr or phone CtIO, S M-Iw-1T1S. STOVES Potted plants, poinsettaa, fems, ato. , A Bennett Nursery Co. TeL 8178. STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired, au kinds of woven wire fence, fancy a plain, hop baskets, hooka, logan nooaa. Salem Fence and Store Works. 388 I Chemeketa Tel. 4774. ft B. Fleming. INSURANCE TRANSFER nWWTI a TTFrVDRICTKS ill N Hlab Tel. em WILLAMETTE INS. AGENCY Wm. BUves, Mgr. w.ti,.1 Rntavflla Aaent ei ar-anni- Riflr. Tel. tsea LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT . thi! wcinr.a LAUNDRY tsa 8. Hlab - v . TeL mi CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 118 State St TeL 7778. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. FOR local or distant transfer at ar ses, call 8181 Larmer Transfer Oe. Trucks to Portland daily. WASHING MACHINES AU Makes capital crrr laundry w Week Everything tn Lux" Teleohona 3188 . 1384 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Rented, sold aad repaired. Easy. I A B. O, Maytag. ConJon, Meadows and Automatic. HOQQ BROS. W. C MANOTJM. Manarsr 838 M. High Tat, 1883 T3 ib if V "28 " ZV" rpnn fjy ' " " 31 1 3 h$ Hi "" " 77Z 35" 51 """" "1 I 1 1 I 11 Sharpened and repaired. Also trades. H. W BCOtT, 1T w. UWl I. lei. . MAGNETIC TREATMENTS Real Estate Directory an. J- Kaatock. 368 Cbemektav, TeL 8748. Tonsils cured without operation. Blood pot sow, pnew. Woica reauita, WWnrSl A SENSSICKaV lttK Hlgh - Tel, 4I4T MATTRESSES S. M. HARLal 1 334 M. HbXb St TeL 34T8 - Mattress aa from factory te New SO . Ib. snanraaa 68.00. Renovat- ore and fwnlgatora. Capital Bedding Co. TeL 4est S0S0 wortw lipirou. - X LINCnLN wr-rjsi - 461 State.. - - - -- Tel. tm . ftflCOLOFSKT A 8038 804-S First Nat Bk. Bldg. TeL TtOT HOltlZONTAL 41 cry of. the 1 recline crow 7 crrstalline 4f 4 msVe substance 4 exists used as an 44 one of tbe antiseptid asteroids . It-arge . 47-hrouga ndfTatioa 48 lesl; 14 fall te foW is-wuui . family . atandins V K bring legsT actum against &bape4 . worm 7 nerve tissue fn-' closed ia the, cranoa t exposes to moisture MUSIC STORES . ' J. r. ULRICH I 111 Bute Street TeL IITS I grapha, eawta aad piano m grapha - and OXO. C WILL Plaaos. swing tsaaenmae. aneet muaso. studlea. atapairrag boosjo- rtasT machlnaa , State Straat, SaUm. HOMER DL FOSTER BXALTY CO.- I 3704 State St TaL 7833 1 W TT OIUBZNHORn COl 134 S, Ubetty 4U. , " TeL 6488 1 POLLY AND : HER PALS " fl OOOCH ! ANGEL. OUCH I If 1 ttrw- cwnA. MLJST2CHE. DEAREST? YOU'RE HURTING PAR&J By CLIFF STERRETT -r . -1 1 X " - - : ' r ' .. 111 I I M.Mrea.in I I 1 - r ' 1 mm-t-aF- m - tm ve,. awjasTb-aT Tsfr a 8W -f . . M IJIVZ T S I I I J m - - w W SBsvtease m0 - mi w IB ' I I I . W . I 1 1 "VSn T'H i'" r.Ww , . - a 1 - 11 V- UAJiaveoe.?-f ! Pas 41 j; Ks&wt l I m av m-a m a ' - a aav a aw ww aw m aav are. ar bbbw 1 a . a - a a w w riiawi rsaay a a a -va. a - u jt ' I ' avMfyVMkvavyflMHBBBBBgBBBMBBBBBawaa " - -.a, J . . . - . ' - " . . . '4 .. . - or rank IS note ef . musical 'scale It Latin conjunc 1 Won f8 possessive w "w nypnaue nnit SS settUi toe 10 myself aiouad for llariewins' - growia VERTICAL 1 short in- .: termission t foreigav. aU-eoeking ttteosu portrait i escbrw II long bair en the -Becks ef fores with . amororu - ; glsnees It rents 17 ta this ' ; tnsnner f tl badinage -23-handles a" - snbjeci X4 blemish ' 2S f emal 7' of the domestls fowl - 28 pole sos-: V tsininr Tessel'g sails ; 'j - 21 stem on :s; wbidk ,' .r.;'- organs art : srraiige4 -2 male red ' deer tl resinens J --: substanea 12 kroad - '. tracts af lerel . .-. coontrw IJ exercise ' assigned .ts a pvpH 14 4iowi IS rat SweiMsIts Eerswits b tba solntioa it yes- !5t re 4Bft4MVl8 ,.- - terdsTs pnxxle. n grstes . iarshly - . fthaTeo- :M? k saemef tat - . Gosrd tl endara z tl braid ef , ksl . ." V t4 -BftHS : .. ! ee .-,tl- - tl agresasnt t decay - , -4. besstaf , ItuTdea 2 . ' M. I II II 1,11 a imuEiRpntft. TK.f 18 lost eolor -41 enclogarf) : ' forcoa fininj; .r-r birds - ' 44 established ralae . 45 mountsla , range ei ; -central - ' Enropa ;!; 48 Salt 47 Headed -' . piece' ef - m metal used - for fastea- . ing v.,v-. 4 NegaUra r 1 ZzTTtU ;. ..-ca cd ,- ; 1 1