PAGE TCN The C?j:GO:i STATESMAN, Clsa. Ore; Wcfatsday Lrcrnlr. llsrch 16, 1S22 - 'JOE JiiLlESES II0MSUEST5 On 25 Yedding Anniver ' . sary; Magee vReturrvsg : lo . nomurouK , - ; SCOTTS MILLS, March : 1 S Sir. .and lIIn. - Joe -James; was pleasantly -surprised Saturday nlibt at their borne, three and en half mllea from Scotta Mills on the Silverton-Marquam! road. The occasion v their 25th wed 41ns anniversary. About SO were present ao they went tothe Mar aam hall. A mock weddins vras tti ATDnlnr Y.. ta in the evening lunch was . served. Guests present were frotn Silrer ton, Salem. Corranis.Woodburn, IXarquam and Scotts Mills. The Jameses were i presented with a .tt' piece ' aflrer set, -.f: ' ...-; " Ellis Nicholson is carryinr the jnail on the route (or ; Carl Mil lard, who la confined to, his home with" Inflammatory rheumatism. i The- Scotts 'Mills 'grange met Thursday night In Vthe Groshong building. (or a social time.. ; The R. N; A. club met Friday f ot an : mil day meeting c in . the club room in the Groshong build ings Mra. ; William- Pry, Mrs. George Haynea and Mra. - A. J, Ettlln were hostesses (or - the dinner.' A short business meeting was held in the afternoon. Mm. Herman Land wing, ' Mra. Levi Kellls .and Mrs. E. R. Lawrence axe to be hostesses for the next meeting to be April 1. - i- HBIB JUKCO leu fiuiua; iu Hornbrook.. CallL, where he has -been working. : He waa ' called " home two- weeks ago by the 111- neas ot his eon Dale, who has re- The play "Fingerprints" ; given by the P. T. A. Friday night la . the I. O. O. T. hall was well at tended. Eaeh one acted his part wall, especially Raymond Kellls Taa the expert. The. proceeds Fri day night were over ISO. 8UNNTSIDE,. March IS. Sun nyslde i appreciated the ; splendid vrotram of music, song and speech presented Thursday by a group of boosters out to swat Old Man De gression.' and who succeeded in eattterlng the bloom (or the time being. This crowd of entertainers were Salem men from the cham ber of commerce. "Tiny- ItcNam ars, who performed at the piano. was much enjoyed and a great de light to the small boy. and brought xoritt repeaieu ncur. nww Crawford, field man with the Ladd 4 Jk Bush bank, spoke on the signs ot the times and the prune situa tion; The aalem male quartet won mS annlan.A t Farming7 operations are going forward as weather will permit. Loganberry Tines are being train ed up on the wire, some tields are a week ahead. Much of the wheat " suffered from the severe winter weather, ; canting - the heaving up and freeslng ot the grain plant. . The ling of hammer and saw are heard abroad In the land as new buildings .are being construct ed, several new homes are in the making along the highway, new families moving in seeking better locations. . ; r ROBERTS March 15 A large appreciative audience was at the Community club meeting here Saturday night. After ; a short business session, with President Sachenbnrg presiding, the chair man of program committee took charge.; Mr. Edwards of the , State Grange gave an Instrnctlve and In teresting talk on grange work. He tressed the necessity ot coopera tion among the farmers. tf . .Little Bettr Jane Conner re- Sraopiii ef Aaaual guteaat el tke rkie Marie fire Ins. Co. 144. ef Te lle, ia the Xaplre of Japan, en. toe tair ty-flrtt aay DeomUr. 19S1. aw4 to sae Iaeanaee ComaiMioaac ot the State ef Oregon, purieaat to law: r . ; -CAPtTAJj ntorast of iptit eapita, 1500,000.00. . - INCOME Kt prralaau recelvol dating ths raaz, ta.14i.eS0.TS. .- Iatann, dfrldmct aa rests i reeciToi derlaff U 7, Sa7.6a.0. loreeje from ether enreee reeotrid Aar tar ae year. 1,010,17.78. Total taeoma, gl.790.S3S.5e. 1 ' - mSBUBSEMXMTS - '' t Iomi paic dariag the year Inelna- ,4itn xpeatM. 91.A61.44S.Sft. . Dlrideada paid ea eapital stock darug the eu. n. r - - ' - ComnilMleaa aad aalarles paid dariag he yer S21,B77.t. . . . . h.. geteToi.!4 " sMas- U .1 : Tetal MpBditar, tl.ig,t0.ei. k f ' ASSETS - - Beiamraaee KeaeTarable en t al 4 Value, et ml eaUU ewae4 (aarket . )'! el tUeVa aa4 henea wne4 (mar- . tM n nwrtgagaa end eaUatarat etc. igiSB-SH rnaiaaia , to ewrw f netf writ- and . rents I 'fee end aecraai. 7.ssat. - . r?r Teul .4rtt .. tu.840.J.6a llfU?- UtaM tn "Win, tSf A00." sl'saaaraei preialoas risks, gl78,790. aO tZV-Z wMBliaiea aad brokerage. . - -.roa ths tear - - dtMT?! Uean yiar. fST.. : aill" Cemptay ToUe Mario 1 Mr Jaa, C. Ltd. ITT. . 5 3. In. Attoray te (aet. . f tatery ratidMt etteracy for A. gekUek. YorUaad, Ore. ; Mrr rtidBt &ttan- 4 . H Dona 01 1 BtH SHIT CaOPERATlOH m 1111$ 1 m n Am;&jms fi jECT ido O . . 'T. " " ' ... '- - . . ; W 1 1 . s' :'ir - . 1 '-. . '.-1 V ' T if Aim f 'o MEri : s ki 4- ,':rl:palhU spMUcle. of a natUa'slplua foIUwtaf kUaapiag of the Ltadberg V tak ' iadlcates that th only dfas ag aiast this type f crime la Im lock the stable before the theft. Accord-, lagly, aaaay aaovie colcbriiio of HoUyweod, wbooo S abmloas aalarios saake tbem ptontial targ ots for the art of the xtortionut, are'takiag oUborato pracatioJU to protect tholr cluldroo. Aan Harding, stotod tago aad scrooa star, waa the rocipiont of a aete of 'frioadly warmiag, tolling- ker that . kor daughter, Jaae, was abont to bo kidaapooV Mias Hardiag immedUtely doubled Ike force of araaed awards skat al ready protected kor kerne. The child is now kept eader coastaat vigUaaea, Tko kerne of Harold Lloyd la laailarly protected and kU three children, GlorU, Peggy and Baddy, are never oat of algkt of ealck4rlg ger guard. But it ia aet oaly ia Hollywood that sack precautions are koiag tekoa. ' Coaa Taaaey kaa applied for police protectioa for kia child, although it U a brave kidaaporjwka would take aay libortioa with tko child of tko former keavyweight champion of tko world. Rooidoats ia tko oxduaiTe dntriete of Park' aad Fifth Aveaaes, too, are taking precautious by employing college athletes to protect their ckil drea Whiid outside their koaaes. Already saaay atadoate ef Columbia Unirorajty are availing tkeaMohres of this nethod of paying their expenses throagk college. Above la Cliff loatgemery, of Colaaakia's grid squad, who la oao of the collegian to adopt this congenial entployaMat. , cited "The Kid on Our Street. Bill Judson accompanied by Mrs. Wood gave two vocal numbers. Lyman McDonald' with Mrs. Mc Donald at piano sang in hobo costume and also gave a reading. Scottish songs and clever, read ings were given by Mrs. Gordon McGilchrist The -Scottish pipers gave several numbers of Scottish music and ..dances. Mr. Hutcheon, accompanied by Miss - Nettle Hutcheon sang "Jean McNeal? and an encore number. Mr. McGil christ, Sr.,' sang several songs, ac companlng himself on the concer tina. Every number on the pro gram was greatly appreciated by the audience. - - -The 4-H girls and boys have about completed their projects and are now preparing tor their achievement day program to be held In the near future. The, 4-H girls entertained the 4-H boys March 12. with a program and light refreshments. Mrs. E. A. Goodrich, leader of the girls, as sisted. Work on Program For Easter Starts Shortly at Airlie AIR LIE. March 1 5 Work will begin soon under the direction of Mrs. Emery -Whitaker for an Easter program to be given in the Evangelical church. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Moore en tertained for Sunday . dinner Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Richards, and Mrs. Bill Thomas all of Bell Fountain, Paul Banta, Charlotte. Banta, J. Ly Moore of . Airlie. Claude Moore of Salem, and Del bert Moore of Eugene were guests later In the day. Mr. and Mrs.: H.-.W. Lee are here from Portland to spend a few days with their daughter Mrs. Emery Whitaker. Mrs. E. D. Brown was taken to Dalles Saturday to have her ankle x-rayed- She broke It In a tall tew weeks ago. MRS. McCALL HOSTESS -BRUSH COLLEGE. March IS Mrs. Marie Flint McCall will en tertain fellow members " of the Brush College Helpers at the re gular meeting at her homeThurs day afternoon. Mrs. John Schlnd Ier and Mrs. Louis Hlmmel are the' committee In charge of pro gram arrangements.- ' L i f He. ? 56 'l- ' P 9. SrBeptia ef Anaaal 8Utemat ef the UaUeA-States Branca el the Nerth China lea. Ce. Ltd. ef SaaarkaL Calaa. la U Brithh Cotoay ef Beagkeag, China, eS the thirty-tint ay of Deteaiaer. 1911. a4e to the Lunraac Conmiialeaer of the State of Orre. perraaat to Uwt . Aateaal ef eapital tteek paid sp, . ... lKCOMB . -get premlnnu teeeircd during tko rear. $10,01.T9. , latereti dividend ea4 rats sseaivad dariag the year, f 48.2379. Iaaent .treat i etaer eoa aariae the rear. 89.066.75. eoaxeas received xotai ineeaie, siss.sii.oa. - - OI8BUBSEMSKT8 ' Ket lenu paid taring the rar taelaeV g eejeataMat expciu, 48.748.82. . ' Dtvidwda paid ea aaaiUl atocn anrina the year, 0. -v-;:,;.-. . - . Ceauaiuioas & malaria naia gorlae the yar4M78. .. Tax. neeuMS ana fees nala inrinr the year, 84.874.81. -Aaenat of all other aneadltarea. S5 294JS. '. Beauttaneee to Home Offiaa. S48.. gl9J0. ... l.-i Total expenditsre, 8149,61142. : . - v- ASSETS "( ' abjo'ef real aetata . ewaad faurkat value), 0. : . Value ef tecks and aoadt ewaea I Con veatiea -ala), 9U070.94O.90. . uueeent ea Cantliaa Fanoa, flSS.Sl. Caah ia banks aroa,haa. 840,186.67. FreaUwa in eeane ef eeUeetlea writ- tmm ainwA B.w.V.. a . last ail ft Km laterort and rents dsn. aad acerned, 115.605.62. 1 - r. ,.i - .-v -i,..---;., , Dae - frea retnrariag eeapaaies 1 ea hi nam. ana ; aoaeiAi - laMdn. . aa. ... V-1 . v Total adndttef aueta, 91.187.44XTS. ttmmmm aaj. exn. ISS.S2a.00. Ameeet ef eaearnad imlnu m aU anaaiBg rteke, 989.881.87. , - .-.rzT w eeomueion aad brMaraga, 52, au etker Babniti, 812.41T.1T. neaerity depraeiatien resarra hetweaa oaTntioe and actual auurkat. fl8, 248.75. -.'-.i '!":: - Total i BabtlltiM. ; azehiKlTa ol aurftal ; BUSINEsso m ORZGOX 5 " 4 -oa THB TBABj if V Premimma raealraA dnrlnr the iraa. LeilAl Bald diirin Oi - Lee taearred dariag the yean 1. 450.14. --- ' , ,. ... -.. . , Fame of Company - Kauie of PrMideat Name ef Secretary " Sutntory resident sttoraey for settle Narcissus Bloom MakAppearance "In Jensen Gardens BRUSH .CREEK, March Ifty Nardssaa have began to bloom in the gardens of Miss Alice Jensen here. Miss Jensen has several thousand bulbs and 11 different varie ties. The full glory of the blooms win not be. reached ' for several days jet. Daffodils a the Ed Nel son farm In the SUverton Hills aro also beginning to bloom - The Nelsons . have somethlns; JUke m thowaand clamps of the Kins; Alfred variety. SPEIUIIG COBIESI TALBOT. March . If TheTSan tiara Community Club met in the Ankeny Grange hall Friday night with a large attendance. During the business meeting Mr. ' and Mrs. W. L. Emmons and Mr. and Mrs. Cook were appointed on the kitchen committee. Ruben ' Ed wards and family of Lacomb.put on an h o u rs entertainment. which was much enjoyed. In an old fashioned spelling match, Gil bert Belknap and A. L. Emmons chose sides. Mr, Emmons side losing. This side Is to put on the program at the next club meet Mrs. Ray Reeves and daughter Miss Elda Wlntermantel are In Canby to spend a few days with relatives. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Belknan and family spent Sunday at Mon roe,' the guests of Mr. and. Mra. Harlan Belknap. Parent-Teacher Meet Postponed for Week SCIO, - March 15 The March meeting of the Sdo P. T. A. has been postponed from Thursday. March 17, until sometime next week. . The theme of the meetlnr will be "The Challenge ot the Children's 'Charter to the Com munity," Mr. Myers will . talk on "Finance in the Community." Pupils from the eighth grade will Km. IT : IriWlIl tl the Anaoal -8iImi. a The Union Marine At Oeneral Innranee Oe ef Urtrpooi, Knclaad. en the thirty flr day of Deeaaiher, 1981. aaade to the Iaamraae CeauniMieaer of. the Stat t Oreges pnnaaat to law I - , - - - . CATITA1- , Aaeaat ef depeiit eapitaL fiOO.OOO.OO. - - IHOOMnTT , . . Ket oramianu reeaiTad dnrln taa wmmr. (1,178.8945. - ... .,- . - latereat.- dlTidanda aad mti MuI! 4riag toe Towv, 972.97A72. , Iaaente froaa .ether, eearces veiv4 dnriag the year. 9758.265.28. , . : , Yeut taeeaie, 83,004,538.50. ' OI8BDE8XMXXT8 Ket leeaea said dariae taa vaa laalaA. lag adJutaMat expenaei. 940M86.7L. . Qividead paid ea capital stock during the yavKa,.:--?,.. -. . - --7, Ceeiuuuioa and salaries paid aariag the yeas, 9258,5477. ' , ; -TT . Taxa. - Heenec and fees paid daring the year. 985.962.85. ' ..- - Arneuat ef all ether' expeadltarea; i8.788aa. - . - Total ezpenditare. 8886.080.89. ASSETS - Vain of real estate 'owned faurkat value), Kii, --. : ' vaiae el steeks aad seeds owned (saar ket value); r Lsens ea stertgagos end eeQateraVeta ail. Cash la banks and en hand. : 960.. 889.4A . Frsuiiasis in eourse of eeDeetSen errit- ten slues September 90. 1981. 99.268.8T. ' laterest aad rents due end eeerueeV. All otaer Assets, g27,497a5. Total odssitted asests, 92.914.U8.95. -LIABIUTIES " Greta alaiats for lessee aaaIAt2Tu 1S9.00. - t w;.-- . , Aaseent of aueeruad preailBBU sa an eutstaadiac risks. 8818.119.22. - . " Dvm . for eoaisiissieu- and; brokersgs. ,Zk.&U. - f..'- . i AU ether JDsbilitiea. 8439.090.41 Xxpensea of IaTestiratioa sad Adiost- aont of Less. 412.000.00. -f f - j Total UahniUes. axelai! f deposit espitat Of 8400,000.00, 6l,S71,42a4. , BUeIrioS IB 08E60S ; f j K8 promiaats reelTd eari&g the year. I8.V19L11. Leuee paid 4arlag the year. 92,611.11. i aim nartagtta year, f i, Lesees iaeurred di 09.11. Naaae ef Coaaoiar Tka TTaiaat Vrtni a Ooaaral Inseraaee Ceaspauy, Ltd. " Kaase ef U. 8. kfasrr P. Bwesferd, "ftstatory residont attersty fee aerriee PICKS COMMITTEE n. t naraau. ' children- i - .. .". ' . ' ' . 6 present a. play, entitled "Every body Calls Me "Gene. J The first graders ' will . sing? and Dr. Epley will probably direct a com munity sin. ; . - A nominating , committee will be appointed to suggest officers for next year. -A definite date for the meeting will be announced later. , j .-. , .. Ted Hansen Ordered To Leave SUverton After Hearinff Held SILVERTON. March 15 A po lice court hearing was held before George Hubbs Monday afternoon at which! Ted. Hansen and Elmer Hansen were rled for drunken ness and disorderly eonduct. The dots were arrested Sunday nlrhL Ted Hansen was given a suspend ed 'sentence- of . to days it he would leave town and Elmer was given 10 days and lift fine. The I boys, while bearing the same sur name are not related. ; Never have you seen such values on fine clothing and furnishings.. These savings mean man. and now ia. your opportunity. See our windows for this complete close-out. 1 Lot AU good stymies, nearly .all colors' ;aiad ; aUsizes. In conservative and young even's styles Many that : would sell regularly . at $25.00. ""Tt1-' and suits that cannot be bought wholesale j now at this amazing r low price. ' Every one now for this closing out sale Reg. 85e VaLow:;;.. ' ". "Mj 1 tot Pullovers & Coat styles. Hany aU wool In .various colors. & Val to 5.00. - 'n ft Now to dose outi: :.,r.....-?J, .;. 1 A) U "New colors, iew fabrics AH lateststyles l:rv: SHIRTS ; - Fine BroadclotV fast plK&TWe Now to close oui. Fine leather, Bl & Taa Yal. torlOowrTr SCiltCtOSEOfSR mra o w GRAKD ISLAND, Utreb, Severe colds and a light form of influensa. nave' been Tenr preva- ent la the commuirlty during the last month. At present a large ma jority of the famlUes In the dis trict are. afflicted . with the epi demic lnv aome ' torm.Laat .Wed nesday over halt t)f "the children la the : upper room - ere ' absent (rom schooL Since Thursday morning the rour upper grades have been .free from school ..-duties due to- the Illness of their In structor, "Mrs. Pauline Tq wlerT It indefinite .as to when the up per room will again resume their school ;activities. C fnr "i;:, Mra. Roy E. ; -snil i'and "Mra. Charles A." Ferguson -attended a sliver tea of the taiisionary socie ty ior xne Dayton unrisuan caurcn held Fridayafternoon in the home of, Mrsvj, L. Sherman. A; specjal feature of -the afternoon was- a re ry Interesting atlk given ? by Mlsa Hattlo P. Ulthetl. a retnrn missionary, "from the Belgium Con go In Africav" Among her, Interest souvenirs she had a copy o( the hew testament and a hymnal both written in the native langauge be sides .a large , group - of . pictures which was used :ln Ulastratlnr The Grand JAlaAd WprOTemefltn vise wui noia ica regular ousmess meeting at the sehoolhouse Satur day nlghtr March 19. The program is in charge- of the literary chair man, Mrs. -Pauline Fowler and two assistants, Mrs. Grace Wiley and Mrs, Hattle Lefley.' FLU HITS HARDER; LIB IS On FALLS CITT. March : 18 All public gatherings bar shown a decided deereasv In . atteudence lately due to the many eases of flu present in the city.- Social ac tivities, have been halted to a cer tain extent. ' - : ' v Mrs. Norman McDonald is alow. ly recovering from a' bad case of the fin. She guttered a relapse and hag been confined to bet bed until just recently. . ; - : A most enjoyable card party was given in the Masonic -hall Tuesday night. The members of Luekiomut ehapter A. F. and F. and members ot Rhododendron chapter. O. E. 8. were joint hosts. Eight tables of bridge - and three of K00 were in play with ladiea high score going to Mrs. Sherman" Foster, and .mens high to Ned Smith. Special guests were Miss Jessie Mae Irvene, Miss Geraldlne Richardson, Mrs. Vernon, Estelle, Mrs. D. J. Ickers, Mrs. Ned Smith. Mrs. Sol Wingo. , Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Foster, and Mrs. J. H. Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Ted John son, Ernest Helgeson, B. W. Watt, D. J, Grant, A. O. Adams and Hal Tnompson. Fine ; ljC : Very Reg. - 95c e colors,! pre shrunk, A' 65c raw a 9 1 a : ED -WQODBURN, L March "I l&.Mr. and Mrs. Howard . Magnusen have moved to KelsoT Wash.; where Mr,' Magnusen is to have charge ot the Union Oil company's station la that dtr.Along with 'Magnusen'g transfer came a promotion, so now he la manager ot the Washington station. Mr.- Magnusen. went to Kelso last Tuesday aad Mra. Mag nusen went today, i V ! . --. Mr. and-Mrs. Norman K. Rich ards returned to Woodburn Satur day, after baring spent a week In California' Thiitlng several of the principal cities. They visited San Francjsco and also stayed for some Ume at Palo Alto. .',Tbey. visited with Mr. -Richards' uncle, George Richards, in Sacramento. They, re ported a very tine trip; . .- ' APJBOr is Bconted, . . There has' been a rumor clrcu- atlnt in Woodburn 'to the' effect that schools Vill be forced' to close a month or eight weeks before the tegular; time, because -ot. ! lack ot fundi." There ,ls.'apparehtly; no foundation , for the .Teport.. The matter has not been brought up at any school, meeting; and the more general iaea, is. mat,. the schools have sufficient funds to operate to the end, of . the "school jrean. It has been ; pointed , u . that It. school tupds were becoming . low, . war rants "would ' be , Issued to i that h&in rPald as uaual. Mrs.T O. R.J Chambers, jrhai "is connected with Oregon State col lege at Corvallls, spoke to all the xlrls - at Woodburn high - school Monday afternoon on "Life and ue woo. Mrs. chambers was scheduled as speaker through . ar rangements made by - the, voca tional committee of . the local Girls, league. Preceding the talk tne newly elected Girls league of fleers were installed.. Ther are; president. Dorothy Lee; vice pre sident. .Mary Jackson: secretary. Vernlcer Bents; treasurer, Thelma Hammond;, and press reporter. idona doss. Music for the annual state-wide high school music tournament. held at Pacltle university In For est Grove, has been, chosen. The giee duos of Woodburn " high school, under the direction of Miss Nelma Saylor, are working on five namoers. They are: "Night Song.' by Clockey. f or rirls glee club: Gypsy Lifs,' by Scott, for mixed chorus; "Wind on the Hill," by CHare, for boys' glee dub; IU Take- Ton Home Again, Kath leen," for boys' quartet; and Mc Dowell's "Cradle Song. for the girls' ouartet Woodburn hlrh school's glee clubs bate competed at the Forest Grove tournament irv"" L.VZ1: JT ..I v... received favorable comment. Sev eral prises have been won at the contest. Juniors Cbanrploas The Junior girls' in tardus bas ketball taahl At . the local high school became champion ot the school -here recently. The seniors were second, the sophomores third and freshmen fourth. Members r-f the winning team were forwards. Lois Lindsay, Lois I roc tor, llaxei O W VWU . efi This Store Must Close ' Every Garment ra Fine Stock MUST . Wide waist bands' & othei.Can BusEm make, light colors, heavy wt. uk-jicl : QC ft Reg. sold up to 5.00 JTow to close out 1 ee si j HOSE fine Rayon & lisle.. All colors. 85 & 60c .Vat : Now 5 prI. SWiXTS ANDf SHOinr -v Broadcloth & Rayon, all colors 'exceptional. buy at - ::. 3 for 1X3 Hen's Una Suspenders 7Sc VaL Shrock andJ)ora Dooper; centers, Selma Csrathers, Betty r;Wellsi Mildred Grim aid Doothy Le; guards," Mary 'Jackson Gwendo lyn Strike and Edith Rolling. The U'tercUss ; volleyball ; tournaments for both boys and girls is to start next month, t -' : ; - The. business " staff ' for The Treasure Chest-Woodburn hlrh school's senior play which will be presented. April 1, has been chos en. Oren Ottoway is stage mana ger and Joe Serres Is . business manager. Others on the staff are Ralph Nelson and Ear! Lively, as sistant" stage managers: -Charles Treaidder, electrf clan : .Ralph1 Nib ?er, property manager '-. Perry Landsem and ' Peggy jShorey, ' assistant- property, managers: Emer son Jones, assistant business man- ger;Vesta Carotbers.' cue' mis tress; and Roma Kallak; -. head usher. vMiss .Virginia' Mason is directing the play, .. - t Farmers' In this ' VicInltrV who were f arsighted or lucky' enough io raise onions and then hold them till: bow are looking at the world through nlnk-hued seecta- ties." Flve'dollart per J 00: pounds is consiaerea a fair price. ySever al growers have been holding oat 'Er-T'50- ome have got it. AMTTT. March 15 Sarah Buffnm-Lasche died at her home near Amity, March 12. at the are or t years, arter a short niness. Funeral services were conduct ed at the Christian church in Am. Ity Tuesday afternoon with Ladd's Faaeral Home in charge and in terment in the Amity cemetery. She was born near Amity, Sep tember zi. lsss. in 138 she was united in marriage to Mr. Frank M. Lasche at Vancouver, .Wash. To tnis union one daughter was born. Mrs. Lasche was a daughter of pioneer parents and had lived her entire Jife in Oregon. .. . She is survived by her husband, Frank M. Lasche and daughter. Mrs. George Fromong of Glad stone; five brothers, Hiram D. Buggum of Tillamook, S W. Buf f um ot Amity, Thomas and George Barium ox coqume, Oregon, and Huston Buffum ot Salem;-and one sister, Mrs. Gertrude Chrlstensen of Portland. AT CHURCH EVENT LABISH CENTER, March. IS Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Starker at tended the 25 th anniversary cele bration ot the Vernon. Presbyter ian church In Portland, starker was treasnrer there a number of years ago. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Boehm and son Clyde were guests at Mrs- Boehm's parents st Sher wood Sunday. kvavw U' The Balance FOB iS. UE Consisting of about 200 finest gar ixientse fine tailored and excellent fabricsT-every one the latent style, and suiU'tharightnow.would sell .in most stores up to C35 x But bur lease expires; Never such JITiis GO! dotliingv at; astounding value. x-:v"v .wTIES AH new colors and .opto a.00,Now : , UNION SUITS j Ex. Fine Chalmers Unions, finest xnercer lzed. Reg. VaL to.1.75.--V-.aiT'; yNow to close out. - -" " ItlJ HATS '? - y 1 All 'good styles, all good colors, many, for merly sold up to 5.00.-,; . : , , O AC' Now to close ' ' ZmJiW 1.C0 A very QC AH good patternsIn all wool, fabrics.- VaL. to 5.00. ? ' 45c SUEDE JACKETS I m- Knit collar & cuffs. Ex. well made. A real 7.S3 value : - . . ;.r? nf. Now. to close out-'JiLtiK, OBSERUES BIRTHDAY 1 - sATJRORA. March 15- Sunday at the Will home on Main street, the family ot Mrs; Henrietta Will gathered to do her honor. It being her list ' birthday : anniversary. Gram." as she is affectionately known, is active and keeps up a large house which Is the favorite gathering pisee for her children, grand children and their friends. Gathered around the table, center-. ed with the traditional birthday cake with SI. lighted tapers were Mrs. Henrietta Will, Mr. and Mrs. Fred-WilL Mr. and . Mrs.; Esra . Hurst, Eradna,Terry, and Bobble . HursV Mr. and Mrs.'r Norman Hurst and,' Allle : Will of Aurora. Mr. and airs.. wiujnien and Mr. and Mrs. Ben .Will and son of Eugene.- The da'y- was- marred only by the absence of Dorotny Hurst.; a grand-daughter, who was. In the' Good Samaritan, hospital, at Port land,, recovering-- from ' an opera tion. Dorothy's birthday falls Up-, en the day follow lag that of her, grandmother, ar 1 tne ceieorauon f is always a double one. Later in' the day a number motored to Portland to Tlsit Dorothy. -1 ; . Olsen Ftmcral: Rites Are TEi Afternoon - - SILVERTON, .March 15 Fu neral lervices f or Mrs. E. Olsen. who died at her Hubbard . home Sunday night , will be held there' Wednesday afternoon . at one o'clock. Several SUverton people are planning to attend. Mra. Ol sen, with her husband, who baa since died, lived. for several years on the Paradl?- Alley, road. For the past few y-rars she. has been Uiving with her i daughber. Mrst Aivm wuiiams-ai uuooara. air. Williams is a brother of Mrs. L. H. Meyers ot SUverton. : 5, eateasuw STATE EYE! TEST 1 We now have the proper equipment and are qual ified to give standard State examination re quiring all motorists to pass a visual test.. Consult us and get the facts about your eyes. OPTOXtETIUSTS S33 STATE ST. - . .. vv-; - 0 vv o b o 6 something to every . 7 v "Tl of our Entire Stock of they, must be sold. such Reg. sold 3 for 15 J2.65 f I v -v A PS - - - It ... - - r 1450