3 , I F - . . r 1 1 . .CIRCULATION DutiibStion . ; 7 n n 1 J February, '82 ; 9 X1X3 I Vet paid, daily, Sunday 6636 MKIOXB a. a, 0. 1 i - WEATHER- ; VomUIM with rala ioday : ;aad Jhanday moderate tern." peratare; Max. Temp.' Taea ' .day; 83, Mia. 40, rirw M feet, rain .OS fach. - ' EIGIITY-FIR3T YEAR Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Mornins Iarch 16, 1931 No. 301 . 1 IT I I I ill .klaJ 11 I ":I I V I ' I I I .1 I I r . , - ""V tl I il 111 I.I W. I I I I I .'A';?Svv - - FOUNLDPD 1831:- 'I? -J .. ':-' -' -- MIT DAKOTA Holds Margin but Country .?PteMdtsUhjsp6rted " t May Save Voti rs Mostly - gai Bourbon But France -has- Lead ' Over Jacob Coxey . PARGON. HUrch 1 (AP) Returns from 16Q pre dncta oat of 2,235' In yester day's democratic presidential prefereaee primary gare: Mur ray 3,280; Roosevelt 8,980. Re tnras from 107 preclneta for re publican presidential preference give Oozey 1,000; France l,S4j Boorer is. ; (Copyright, llSi. Ihe Xseoclated r---. Press 1 FARGO. N. D.. March IS I API A heaTT democratic rote In tbis normally republican state characterised today's North Dako ta presidential primary election but results "were shrouded In un rArtalntT with only mearre re turns : available- several hours af ter closing of thajpolls." ! An i lnraslon of the democratic primary by the republicans, who ovesin v w ncn ipnu W&i UWITED STATES Home District's Tourney Entry FRUITS LIFTED Oregon and Other Western States are Favored in Action by France Real lrogress T6ward Peace is Reported When ; ? Officials Meet With Neutral Envoys; Second Parley is Planned ; TOKYO, March 16 (Wednesday) (AP) The govern- tentative agreement for a Sino-Japanese armistice reached N 9 inspection Needed Upon 4XVtIUJF' . A OUOUIUU tviiict cute uctwecu ui vlluicsc uiu OlliUIIICIIla II Will naw tne Japanese witn neutral meaiaiors present.- - ; ijie Monday meeting was held at the British consulate ' --' 'r : . vvanavat wrf 4 V If a m am 0atwAMlM Japanese minister to China rep- - v-- ' resenting his country and Kao I F"nch1. KOTernment tonight lilted Tal-Chi, nationalist commissioner E TO GIFT FOR HOOVER Game Commission Takes Up Progress toward peace at Shang- a . is i a r: i uonecxion; lax upon at Shanghai representing China. Nelson T. Johnson, United States minister to China, and the British, French and Italian en- vav wna rvpasan f fVa ment announcement said, adding PMTinCA0t toe SaD thrn hnnafnl ,1m, nt real I " a blanket embargo on fresh fruits from the United States, Canada and seTeral other countries, Im posing Instead conditions under which fruit will be. admitted. The embargo was Imposed last week Sflvettoa high school may claim the honor of being the first school to represent district' IS in the state basketball tournament, for the district waa newly created this year. It-comprises Marlon and Linn counties and SilTcrton earned the right to be its r core aentatire by defeating soma strong quintet in the county A league and then prevailing by ore rwhelming scores in the district tournament. SO- : Terton's team Is shawm above. Top row, from the 1 eft. Coach Harold TJarla, KoUa (0), Pettyjohn (1) Stayner (Si, Scott (4). Bottom row. Manager Hobart, Orren (9), Brady (12), Jenkins (14), Jobn- son (11). Numbers refer to thoee worn on the nnirorma. Photo by Draka Bros.. SUTerton. Or. Shells Criticized PORTLAND, Ore.. March 15 (AP) Members of the Oregon state game commission, at a spe cial meeting here today, took up a collection and bought an Oregon ' fishing license- for President HooTer. Chester McCarty, special . legal Tokyo has instructed Shlgemit su of its decision and he was ex pected to meet the Chinese again today. T ? V . : " I m n p1 for the commission, left could! muster In their own party, was apparent Fram all-part of the state eama word that a reeord Tote for a; presidential primary had been cast and there was a big demand for democratic ballots. Returns from S3 of the state s OLD MS MED IB 01 UPON BIN GOODS IS AT ISSUE MS E Soviet Land is Forced, . Embargo is Legal delW the license to the nresident .. . and a large shipment .from Bam- WASHINGTON, March II and urge him to come to Oregon nXZaeraiCI OlOrY OT tanV "JL M V. L v , "llavrjr-A aupuia arose looay I a J ' "J I Am Franc docked la it weak. map f) tkt r t tMn, n The minister of agriculture order also made a special provi sion for fruit la French ports or In transit when the decree of March 8 was promulgated. Fruit importers protested when the embargo was clamped on last week, declaring losses to Ameri can shippers would amount to many thousands of dollars be cause importers or shippers-ouid steiwer Says ail Labor In aaVlj a VMUiy iraiViv faav aa a ayvi- ed. The measure apparently was aimed especially at apples, on which the San Jose scale appears. and a large shipment from Balti- for a flshlns; trip. The real surnose of Mccarty's trip to the capitol, however, is to argue Oregon's boat fishing law before the United States supreme Plot at Kidnaping. Is Cause of Probe at the ; JERSEY CITY, N. J, March II (AP) A lead in the two-week- neiurua uvn . ' i TvA iw enacted at thi 21 J5 predneU In the democraUc f?.tt.rt If Vzft U Aa an Jtan, ' veukak a I Isaok BVBaiuu Vi tuo " " " I . n ivnu nam vaa v tnvirwa fiASnJn n noosftrelt of New tQre- P"WbIts boat fishing on cer- old . Lindbergh kidnaping case. Governor R. D. Roosevejt oi new .a..)nn. . , upvm i riv-1 ttiui MmnA.nt MAnTi York Ml Totes and Governor W H. Murray of Oklahoma, 826. On th republican ballot, re- tnma from 24 nrecincts gave for mer Senator Joseph X. France of Maryland l4,T0tes. and General er. The United States district I to be taken seriously, was being de Franca docked last week. lover the right of the treasury to Transportation la bar Russian products from the Balk Prohibited United States. The decree provides that fruit Secretary Mills told a delega shlpped since March I must be tlon seeking an embargo that the accompanied by a certificate from I treasury is powerless to act under competent authorities ox the I present law and that additional country of origin guaranteeing I legislation would be necessary If that such fruit Is free from scale. 1 his department was to have au- The fruit will be inspected atlthonty in question. State Basketball Tourney Schedule for Opening Day 1 pjn. University HJgh'vs. Medf ord. 2 p.m. Astoria v. Baker. S pjn- Benson vs. Athena. 4 p m Barns vs. Lincoln. 5 p.nv Corvallisvs. Silver 7 p.m yehalem vs. Oregon aty. S p.mv -Klamath Falls vs. Hoed River. 9 pjsu jtfarshfield vs. Salem. LUMBER FJRT6 TOM MI X DIES AFTER OPERAHOH Prominent Attorney's Long Battle Against Joseph .Vividly Recalled mm wm. mm Eight Games In Mine HourtV ; - : : - .;'-..- ?V'- dianingai 'i p. m. Vtfii Test Endurance of Fans; ; Plans all Complete Medf ord,. University High Battle First; new Plan Of Elimination is Used In Annual Classic court here upheld the law and tracked down tonight by detec-1 Freneh ports and la case scale Is The delegaUon, composed of re- interests opposing it appealed toitlves as they investigated the the supreme court. . I story of an old plot to steal the The commission adopted a reso-1 famous filers son. i lution asking congress to exempt l importance of tho clue was detected It will be ordered de I presentatlves of business, labor stroyed or seat back. I and civic organizations headed by The transportation of fresh Senator Oddle (R., Nev.), took HI CI Ry RALPH CURTIS Trained to the minute in aatiei- . pation of the most dlzxying ordeal of their careers, the witnessing ef eight basketball games wltala a -space of nine hours, veteran tour nament fans will begin pourias lnto the bleachers and balconies of the Willamette gymnaaluBt shortly after noon today and th " 13th annual state chamnioaaals PORTLAND. Ore., March 18 1 race will be official! v under wav. (AP) Thomas Mannlx, II, prom- At 1 p. m. sharp and the vet lnent Fortland attorney, died at a erans aforementioned know that hospital here tonight from com- "sharp" Is no vague adjective plications arising from an attack when Roy S. Keene la running tha of appendicitis. ' show the shrill toot of a referee's Mannlx was stricken last Fri-i whistle will start the hostilities. day and was operated upon imme- and nothing but basketballs fllt dlately. His condition grew stead- ting here and you will be visiMa ily worse and Sunday night he re- until approximately ! o'clock. eeived a blood transfusion from I with only an hour of respite far his daughter, Marie. He rallied dinner. only slightly. Within nine hours,' 144 yeaag Mannlx practiced law In Port-1 and agile hoop artists will eavert v JaTn (Turn to page 2, eoL 1) amendment to move 'the capital from Bismarek -to ?amestowtt P- of one cent a shell on loads used j uty commissioner of corrections by migratory bird hunters. Jot New York City, after he had TT v ' ' wMrfi irk-in I wuum vi v- i nrougni a prisoner irom Tomos !S?rtJnSS Tailable tf2 1U -ute gam "perrlsor r -"f prison in New York City to Jer wlth returns available from inrinr an executive sea-1 1.. 4f . slon of the commission, tu U. .ei-i nf) enarg;e4 wltvf being in on the ly, who resigned recenUy aa su- plot J pervlsor, leit tooay ior The prisonefTwho has been a 6U WIIES nrecincts. Just when results will become definitely known was uncertain. ARE BEING PLACED land 20 years. One of his great-1 on that mania floor surrounded w n at t. a a &.. 1 k t, ni.r I est legal fights was with the late howling humanity, and at least la tba position the treasury naa sui- George W. Joseph In the famous of those lads win engage In actual flclent evidence of the use of con- of the Willamette Valley Lumber Wemmc. wlu a fight which plar-i umstancVwhieh wm vf et and forced labor in Russia to company resumed operations Mon- eventually led to the disbarment create a second unprecedented ree- exelnde that country s products. dfl n . .hlft v.,i- f0iiftWf,- of hoth himself and Josenh bv the A- in fVr asrTl anrtnlam anHn a 4 W a Later. Senator Steiwer (R., " . .nnr,m. nrt. v 7. v. jr: ?.r Oregon) sent a letter to Sectary wown or nve weex for VT" w,nu Mills saying the soviet union u units or ine piani are operai- tnree bot was reinstated for wihranrfa Mrst "makes alilabor in Russia forced tof two shifts with the exception probationary period of three t-0 TSZauTZhic wa were requir-Ki w i.iond to determine the outcome of the l8ianQS contests for democratic and re publican national committeemen m that election there were no con tests ; for residential indorse ments. ARKANSAS CTTY, Kas., March ik fAPl Gov. W. H. Murray of Oklahoma said tonight he did not exnect his anticipated strength in the rural sections of North' Da kota would appear in the results of today promary election until tomorrow. He said "I'm ' ndt worrying about the first returns" when In formal bv the Associated Press thatGov. Franklin D. Roosevelt of New York held a slender lead aa a preference for the democra tic presidential nomination on the face of early reports. "I will be a whole lot stronger in the country and it is the cities from which results are coming now,? he said. 6EUR EN Ai BlllKCOIfffl PORLAND, Ore.. March IS (AP)-r-Tbe Broadview Dairy oi Portland was granted a tempo rary injunction today by Circuit Judge Kanzler restraining Max Gehlhar, director of the state de partment of agriculture, and John D. Mickle, chief oi tne a-msion oi foods and dairies for- Oregon, from revoking dairy's creamery license pending a circuit court hearing. The .dairy .filed a suit for a permanent injunction alleging the defendants intended to revoke the license without due process or law. The complaint alleges that Gehlhar has expressed Intention to revoke the license days and was Interviewed In the Tombs by a confidentiarrepreeen- tative of Colonel Lindbergh last week, was identified today as John Smith when he left New York. It was learned, however, his real name Is Charles Fitzgerald. Tells of Plot to Kidnap Infant Present at the conference of Jersey City and Newark police of ficials were William Gleason and a woman. Identified as Mrs. Cath erine Ducbezk. They were taken into custody for questioning yesterday. Fitzgerald's, story Is that he (Turn to page 2, col. 1) Lb.r !SSS n.a.r:of the planing mill which will re- year, last September 22. i.. .nh nnuinru from main on one shift. This unit has this country. I uvva la vyeriua uunug ms suuv Mills told' the delegation a de- down of the balance of the plant, .i.t. . v t nrAATit I Closlnr down of the plant was upon each shipment from Russia, an to the heavy snow in the Two large Peterlne machines for the making of glasslne and cellophane bags are being Install ed this week at the plant of the I Traaanrv of fleiala have held In I mountains back of" Black Rock . . M i - - -- . . no ih aui v a v western raper uonrerung com- cases of shipments of lumber, were tne logging operations are d t daBghtors, Marie and pany as a part of an enlargement lpnip wood and, manganese, tern-J carried on. Tha camp was closed j praneegf nd by hU mother and irrvfcraut wmcu wm peruiu uv i poraniy denied entrance, vnai eri- i v- iul' wnM u- iougw. three sisters, all of whom live at wiuiiBuj u am uivin cjilouoit r-1 gence or ineir origin vu inlaw yniuu mo muu uu uotu uuwn I Cohassett. Mass. Mannlx was born in Ireland but came to the United States while a boy. He graduated from Boston university. He practiced law rn Massachusetts and Montana be fore he came to Oregon. He is survived by his widow W HO COLE SEEKS PLACE UPOlil WATER BOARD other creameries in the Portland milk shed to be honest. Precinct Groups Name Delegates ThwsfayrP?? Grant Boyer is Candidate Again For Present Job Thomas E. Cole, 13 IS Center to teach i street. Is the first citizen not now ly in paper bags and particularly I dent to Justify refusing them en- tnese requiring cellophane. Tne I trance. new machines, costing 915,000 In stalled, will produce as many as 400 printed bags a minute, the bags being printed In three colors. The bags will first be used on the 100 million bag order se cured for the mill this year for the production of Popsicle con tainers. When the new ma chines are in fcse with the three, machines now on the floor, from 10 to 20 million bags can be pro duced in a month, the machines being nsed night and day. About 0 men and women are now employed at the company's plant here and business Is report ed somewhat Improved from last year. DISCOVERED DEAD : since 1921. The snow has nearly all disap peared except along some cuts of the railroad. Two skldder sky line rigs are being operated with ISO men In tha camp. The payroll represented by the 300 men employed at the mill Is substantial Item in the merch andizing activities of Dallas and the renewal of operation of the plant Is welcomed. WALTER GLFJSON Republicans of the county have been summoned to hold precinct caucuses on March IT 'tO-elect delegates to a wnntrwvantlon j a member of the municipal water commission to file declaration of j candidacy for the position. He of ficially Informed Recorder Mark Poulsen of his Intention yesterday and gave as his slogan: -"Favor municipal ownership of water sys- I tern. , . Ed Rosteln and William Gahls- dort, appointed to the commission JUDGE TO DECIDE PORTLAND, Ore., March IS (AP) Elbert A. Vaughan, 54, widely known as an inventor, dropped .dead on the lawn of his home here last night. Vaughan had gone out for his usual after, dinner walk. When he tailed to return a search was started, culmlnatlnc in the find- lug of his body this forenoon. Heart disease was given as the causa of his death. Vaughan's most important m OB 0 I I IK IS RERUN known what it means to fight through to the championship University high of Eugene aai Medford high will be represeated In the opening encounter at 1 o'clock. They are . both rated ' among the half dosen favorites. with Darwin K. Burghers Pear--pickers two or three "notches above Jean Eber hart's. Cam pas Cubs on most prognostics to r lists. Those lists may. be thrown overboard at any moment. About the same situation pre vails with respect to Astoria aad Baker, who will trot out next. The Fishermen, 1S30 champions, have been heralded all season as tha team to watch, inasmuch as tha third place team of last year re mained practically intact; while PORTLAND, Ore.. March 1S Baker, from tar away eastern Ore- (AP) Walter B. Gleason, Port-lgon, has been serenely winning : land attorney, today announced games au season ana is planning his candidacy for the democratic to follow unobtrusively in its Pen nomination for United States j dleton neighbor's footsteps of last senator. year. Gleason said he favors repeal The highly publicized Portland of the eighteenth amendment and champions who give promise this the Volstead act "for the reason year of being as good as the Port- that national prohibition has bred -ana papers say iney are, win ius- a corruption In -the United States sle with the unknowns from Ata- unparalleled In the history of the ena next: and so it will go all af- iionntrr" Ha also la for "imme- ternoon and far, far Into the dlate payment In full of tha ad-1 (Turn to page z, cox. aj OUT FOD SENATOR FATE OF K D UPER murder of James Iverson, Silver- Justed compensation certificates" ion mznt waicnman.- ocean nere i "v. - . - ventjon was the dragsaw, a, ma- yesterday morning. A number of ! Gleason is chairman or rUDllCrlineTaj logging business throughout the I house to testify. I central committee. country. He also invented a smau i Robert Ripley and Frank Man- WARREN. Ohio, Mar. IS which will be held in Salea April! j. a. Boyer, for 12 years clerk hy the city councl last December. (AP)The fata of the first of coast. In South Alia) 9 to draft a party platform. Tha"0f Marion county, filed notice yes- nnder emergency termt of the I two men tried for tha kidnaping I Orient. - '. chain tread farm tractor which Is recently confessed to tha -rPhafi4-r'a 72nrili now vwl4e-y used; on the Pacific fleerB that they ware Involved In liGaLTG DdllUlL nierica and in the the crime. Ripley Is now serving a ---- I IS year term, in tha Washlnrton nnmw of delerates Is proportion- terdav that he would be a candl- charter amendment are the only U. j.mM Am inttmlr.. n.Taroidi Vaughan. who was horn at iUU reformatory at Monroe, ate to the republican votes In the dte for reelection. He will seek others yet to file. WilUam S. Wal- gon ot a weaUhrNUes contractor, Fewr1' 2"f2?Blil 8 Jli I whn M to th Mulon Mdna. -.; . I tne republican nommauon a. iw i -jiuuububu -iw wm uw inrobablv will be decided bv Jndre I - T. : cvbbij j-u- Is Planned For George Eastman WbMr eanenses are not held tne I May Primaries. . so. Il.vnn B. Griffith tomorrow. precinct committeemen will have I Boyer thus far has no PPon- roe new commissioners wiii oei Tne trial of Dowell Hargravea, to designate delegates to , attend I ents in the race and no possible elected at the May election. the convention. opponents nave as y pwu This is tha Orst time in many tioned. Petitions asktag hls name . - vWh' SttaffJffiiT111 Sales Tax Will uraneu a piwiuim. , works here. He retired as head of the company about a year ago. Officers are now searching for a third man known as Dupree Poa. LOS ANGELES. March (AP) Joseph F. Regan and Jack B. Green, convicted ot the murder of Detective Hugh Crowley during Rosebnrg Bids Delayed ; Lad Seizes "Hot" Wire M. A. Lynch Is Candidate ;? Arraign Jack Kentworth 31, Youngstown, alleged to be one of two men who abducted tha boy near his home March 2, re quired only four hours today. Judge Griffith, who heard the case without a Jury at tha re quest of the defense, Indicated, he Meet Opposition ' J Yl Botll PartieS I would announce a decision torn or- Beer Bill Will Get Favorable He was thought to be In Texas, I a theater robbery were sentenced where his sister resides. . I today to ba hanged at San Quen- : Manning was arrested in Fort-1 tin prison In from IS to SO days. I land recently after a trip to tha ' Crowley was shot to death dur- l Orient. , - ... , -lng tha robbery last January n. WASHINGTON, March IS I (AP) Higher hurdles for tha controversial manufacturers sales tax were raised today . in the house. Concerted efforts In both par- row. Should tha court find Hargraves guilty, a recommendation for mer cy would reduce tha sentenea to 10 - to SO years. The maximum penalty is death. SenateReport Schools Are Tourney Entrants for First Time ' ' WILL OPEN ArniL 1 PORTLAin), Ore, atarch . IB (AP)-The Portland chamber of commerce baa received , word ; from, the Teterana -Imresm tn Washington, D. . C,- that pen ing of bids for constrnctlon of the National Soldiers Home at " Roeebarg - hae been postponed from March S3 ta April 1, the , bids will be opened in Waabing ; ton. yj , H. V , ; 1 SHOCK ONLY MINOR MEDFORD, 'Ore. 'Marcb f 1S--V (AP) Donald Morton, 8 climbed a tree" near his home today and grabbed ft high tension wire to support himself. . - ' i FOIl IEGISIiATTJIUS REDMOND, Ore March IS (AP) M. A. Lynch, formerly a member of the state highway commission., has announced bis jafliidacy . for representative . in ?A" ,1 Home the 1.25 per eent levy began and " " . T . minister yuits ,VntM mhiiIt V , I . . .f T v. i - - - lute American xbusiauuu i ABr - WILL PLEAD LATER I and the National Grange said they ? PORTLAND, Ore., March IS were against the proposal. (AP) Jack Kentworth, 2S, pu- A meeting to form a democratic gilist, was arraigned la elreuit anti-sales tax bloc was called for court here today on an indictment tomorrow night Republican Inde- eharglng him-with .tha first de-1 pendenU plan to assemoia soon gree murder of Arnold Hansen, i tor a tire purpose. It, Portland .welterweight tight-1 er.. He was given a week In which i to enter a slaa.- Hansen was shot to death here March 2. . Kentworth was arrest-1 ed at Klamath; Falls two days! Uter. WASHINGTON, Mar. 15 (AP) A bm to permit '4 per eent beer Is to be reported favor ably by ' sr senate' manufactures sub-committee this week over tha objection of one ; ot its ' three members. " Senator Hatfield (R. W. va.,) declined today to subscribe to a report ; favoring the measure. Tha 13th annual official basket ball tournament will witness tha largest influx ot new tournament entrants which, has been seen in a number of years with six total Hair Will Hanei Rochester, n. y March is ate today to George Eastman, . whose benefactors reached fltf.' , 00.000. This was five times tha . money the manufacturer conld , call his own when h shot himself to death at his home here yester day, leaving a terse message that i his "work wss done. ' Friends of the organizer of th 1200.000,000 Eastman Kodak: company planned a public faaer al in St. PauTs Episcopal charch here Thursday at 3:30 p. m. Maa- : sages containing recognition ef Eastman as a great philanthropist ; poured in from remote corners as? the earth. - ; ; - -. .; i TTnflar Prdcci tri I sponsored . by Senator strangers to previous state eompe Unuer irreSSUre mnm (IL Conn.i and began tltlon taking their places on the Bingham (R. Conn.) and began preparation of a mlnorityreport opposing it . Atlanta Mayor Kept in Office of tha police. Aeeordlnr to I ATLANTA. March 15- (AP)- custom M. Nakahashl should have iWlth the largest vote ever polled SHANGHAI. March II. (Wed- assumed resnonalhillty for the at-1 in a municipal election here. At- nesday) (AP) ---Chinese dls-j tempt on the emperor and. accord-1 lanU citizens today voted 17.178 TOKYO. March IS. (AP) Home Minister Tokugoro Naka hashl.. who waa severely criticised for remaining in. office after tha bombing attempt on the life ot I Emperor Hlrohtto January 8, re signed from tha cabinet today. T-,:,- i f1 I Tha Japanese homa minister Is J. VWll, i& siaiiu I bead Chinese Occupy tltlon taking their places on the bracket and striving for tha state championship on an equal footing with tha teams which have been here before.-.-. a - One ot the unexpected guests Salem la 'welcoming . is Nehalem which cornea to the 12 th annual tournament from district 1 S (uncross those bate if you're su perstitious.) .The-Nehalem play ers are- not surprised ,at being here. . They were spectators and visitors at tha tournament last announced that they -. flAWimJj RESUMES - lCTTfiRNK. : Ora.. - March IS i Batches from PelninsKtodav said i inxlv. should have resixned imme-1 to 11.743 to keep In off lea Mayor I year and (AP) Seventy men went back-to Chinese Yorunteers eceupledf tha 1 dlateiy.- -- -. t r v. v I James L. Key, who called tha pro- i would have full strength again for Av m tii. m nH Rma. mill I town of TJanahan. 1 miles south-1 ' . ' , : I hlbltlon law a failure, permitted I tha 1932 race and would ba here. aboYe Dexter today. Officials of west of Chlnchow ia Marrehuria, I r f INSURANCE DROPS I Sunday charity movies, refused to : Burns tomea from tha new dls tha Booth-Kelly Lumber company I The dispatchea said occupation i ; NEW YORKV March IS -(AP) J pay a bonus to low bidders on dty j trict one,, which "ls a .part of thS ika . .AnM k. Htiirnilvi. nr-rttdtd bv a mllitarr an-1 Now Ufa insurance issued - in I construction work' and approved I old district one,-represented by toworkat the"Wendllngniillandgarement in which 159 Japanese j February was. S.S. per cent less! salary reductions to balance the I Baker for the last Jew seasons. I camps. April 4, - . -'soldierg ware slam, 7 jhaa xa Fsoraary iisi. r eityhuagat,; - -t ... . i-iuamata .raus comes, iron, un- Railroad Crews Eyed by Hoover trict' five which was made from parts of district four where Med- T.rj-.-, D-av- lPAr ford and Ashland ruled, and u. w-i wu a w, trict . - three .. where Bena, The Dalles. Hood River and others controlled tha situation. -. Corvallia represents tha new district 11, part ot tha old district six . whleh- sent Eugene . high, I WASHINGTON.'. Mar. IS (AP University high and Albany. SB-1 President Hoover agreed with: verton comes from - district 12. 1 congress today that tha Interstate ' part of tha old district seven of I eommeree commission should as-: which Saiefn was . previously a I certain what effect a six-hour day part and which waa represented I would have upon railroads and by Monntouth last-year, and part employment. - ". c ' . A ot old district f. r-j. I He signed a joint . resounoa Oregon City was also "part of I adopted by house and senate ar-: district seven in tha past," but lsldering'the commission to xoaka now ia tha smaller'flislrtct known I an lnves titration as to the posslbil--as number IS which- Includes 1 ity of establishing tha "short day : Multnomah county outsido of I for rauway- workers." Portland and Clackamaa. county. While soma : of - these teams I MROXYn UNDER KNTFB might not have coma under tha 12 1 NEW YORK, .March 15 (AP) entry system, some et them might S. L. Rothafel, showman better have kept out other entrants and known. as "Roxy,-was operated this halt dosen of newcomers will upon at tha Fifth Avenue hospital 7 not likely ba weaker than the today. Physicians said his eondl? tournament ' artraie. " Uoa was sjood." v? - i It - , J ! :1 ' 1 it- i1 1'-