The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 15, 1932, Page 6, Image 6

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, . Oregon, Tuesday Morning, March 15, 1932
Society News and GluB
O.S.CI Banquet
Will be Event of
: Tonight
An rent" of large interest tb
. night will be the Oregon elate
college clnb banquet at :15
o'clock in the Silver Grille room
of the Gray Belle. An evening of
Informality has been planned with
only one set appearance' on the
program, that a talk by Edward
A, Stevens who coaebes the row
ing crew In Oregon State college.
This club was organised Sep
tember 2. 1910 as the Orange
clnb. Charter members were Land
and Ira Hamilton, Frank Ward,
Carle Abrams. Mr. and Mrs. Hor
ace Brodie, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sim-
eral, Carl Steiwer, Ray. Ethel, and
Bess Smith. Donald Morgan. Mr.
Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. AlTln
' Finlay. Mr.: and Mrs. Wilbur
' Weeks. - Miss Lettie Abrams, Mr.
Donnelly. Percy Cupper, and Miss
Mabel Huddleston. :
'The club, met-regularly nce a
; month until this past year when
cit was decided to meet only upon
."calL The number had grown so
large and the Interests so. dlver
: gent because of difference in age
and occupations that it was lm-
possible to keep a clnb unity.
There were at the last count 400
"graduates and ex-students of Ore
gon 'State college in Salem.
The name of "Orange" club was
changed after an incident which
confused the organization with
Irish politics.
Mrs. M. D. McCallttter has had
general charge of the plans for
the banquet tonight.
i A jolly birthday party celebrated
the anniversary of Lorils Young
1 Saturday evening, j St. Patrick's
' day symbols were used as a dec-
orative motif. Games preceded re
freshments. Present in compliment
to Lorils were Wiley Young. Mar
Jorle SUffler, Ellenita Stiffler. Bud
Stltfler, Viola Elsenbach, Marvin
Tartar, Cloyce Drake. Roland
Stoddard, Virginia Stoddard. La
Tina Simpson, Alberta Asucey,
Kenneth Grant, Lorna' Grant, .Yiv
lan Grant. James McAlTin, Joe
Rundall. Floyd Ponte. Marjorie
Freeburg. Junior Butler. Alicia
Butler. Arlo Young and Mr. and
Mrs. Young.
Hollywood The regular meet
. lng of the Merry Minglers was
held at the home of Mrs. R. I.
... Shaw Thursday afternoon. The
regular Easiness session was fol
lowed by delightful social after--.
noon. Mrs- McNeil was a special
... guest. The next meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. E. S.
Those present were Mrs. Mc-
Nell. Mrs. J. J. Ackerman, Mrs. J.
J. Ackerman, Mrs. J. E- Wood
bum. Mrs. F. P. Phlpps, Mrs. C.
C. Colwell, Mrs. A. W. Fletcher.
Mrs. A. McCain, Mrs. Fred
Scharff. Mrs. E. S- Barker. Miss
: Fern Colwell and Mrs. R. I. Shaw
, i, '
-. Oltve M. Doak, Society Editor
Tuesday, March 15
.First of series of spring recitals by students of Miss
Virginia Melton, school of music, -Willamette unlver-
slty; S o'clock in Willamette chapel.
Salem Madrigal club and Salem CItIc male chorus
In Joint concert at First Christian .church, 8:15 o'clock.
W. C. T. U. in Union hall Ferry and South Com
mercial streets, 2 o'clock; reports, from regional confer
ence, and special program, public welcome.
Junior Guild of St Paul's Episcopal church, with
Mrs. Hal Patton, 12 o'clock luncheon; last luncheon of
Lenton season. -
P. L. E. and F. club with Mrs. Alice Davles, 941
North Cottage street, potluck luncheon at 1 o'clock.
American War Mothers, social meeting at American
Lutheran church, .1 o'clock.
Oregon State college dub. : 15 o'clock dinner, Sil
ver Grill of Gray Bs'e.
Worthy Grand Matron to pay official visit to Chad
wick chapter, order of Eastern Star: school of instruc
tion, 2. o'clock in temple social rooms; dinner at C:00
. o'clock in banquet room; regular meeting at 8 o'clock.
Wednesday, March 16
Thimble Bee club of Maccabees, with Mrs. George
Dei tz. 2195 South Summer street. 2 o'clock. Answer roll
call with St. Patrick's quotation.
Past Noble Grand's association, at W. M. Siegmund
home. Miss Wllda and Miss Eugenia Siegmund hostess,
es, 1398 Lee street. ,
' Woman's Union of First Christian church, with
Mrs. L. O. Smith, 159 ('Center street, 2 o'clock.
Mrs. John . Kooreman entertain Women's Foreign
Missionary society. 2 o'clock, at her home 1755 South,
High street.
Mrs. Marie . Flint McCall hostess to Sweet Briar
club, potluck luncheon.
McCormlck class of First Methodist church with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Scott, 980 North Fifth street.
Mrs. George Cummlngs, 1396 North Fourth street,
hostess to West Central circle. First Methodist church.
South Central circle. First Christian cjjurch, Mrs.
F. L. Burch, West Salem; cars will leave church, 10:45
o'clock, any one not having transportation will be cared
for; potluck luncheon at noon.
Security club with Mrs. H. A. Gwynn, 2 o'clock;
charter members of club will be special guests.
Thursday, March 17
North Salem Loyal Temperance Legion, with Miss
Esther Spiers. 1435 -North Summer street.
North Salem W. C. T. U., prayer bands with Mrs.
Belle Roberts, Mrs. Ella Tyler, and Mrs. Clark.
Faculty Women's dub hostess for tea honoring
women students and trustees wives of Willamette
university, at Willamette lodge, 255 North Capitol
Mrs. W. M. Smith will entertain members of Chap
ter G of the P. E. O. Sisterhood at her home, 1485 Cen
ter street.
Hayesville Woman's club, with Mrs. H. J. Robert
son, on Claxtur road.
Thimble club of Neighbors of Woodcraft, Mrs. Vel
ma Teeson, 1890 Waller street; all-day meeting, potluck
luncheon at noon. .
Mrs. Frank Doolittle. 4(4 Rural avenue, hostess
to Lion's ladies for an informal afternoon.
Fid'ells class of First Baptist church, in church par
lors, 6:3d o'clock; business and social meeting follow
ing. Friday, March 18
Y. M. C. A. lobby program to be given as a "chil
dren's program", public welcome.
Sewingclub of Business and Professional Women's
dub, with Miss Daisy Hayden in Ambassador apartments.
A. A.
Saturday, March. 19
U. W. Silver Grille of Gray. Belle, one o'clock
Rev. B. Gelser,-noted mural artist, speaker.
Sunday, March 20
' Mother's'' tea being given by World Wide Guild
girls of Calvary Baptist church, between hours of 3 and
5 o'clock at home of Miss Lola Dale Pickens.
Unique. Organization
Elects Officers
The state chapter of Daughters
of Founders : of Patriot met In
Portland , at the "Sign of the
Rose", tea room for a delightful
luncheon Wednesday . and trans
acted business Accumulated dur
ing the three months since the
last meeting of the group.
Election of officers resulted in
Mrs. : Earl C. Bronaugn of Port
land , being placed ,' In the ores!
dent's chair; Mrs.. Russell Catlln.
vice president: Mrs. Ralph Pop-
pieton, oswego. recording secre
tary; Mrs. John Galagber. ' Port
land, corresponding secretary;
Mrs. Oscar Tinkle, Portland, reg
istrar; Mrs. Herbert A. Hale,
Portland, reelected treasurer?
Mrs. j. Thorburn Ross, Portland,
historian; Mrs. Jaeob Shumaker,
McMtnnvIUe, chaplain; Mrs. Roy
S. Stearnes, . Portland, color
a New councillors, chosen were
Mrs. , J. If. Juddleson, Portland;
Mrs. , B. G. : Harding; Med ford ;
Mrs. O. J. Gof f In, Portland. . .' .
. The only member to attend
from Salem was Mrs. W. H. Byrd,
uiner memoers in saiem are Mrs
Catling Mrs. B. L. Steeves. Mrs.
Frank Spears, and Mrs. W. B.
The next meeting of the group
win be In Salem some time in
June following the acceptance of
an invitation to come here ex
tended through Mrs. Byrd.
This group of Interesting wom
en Is. very small. Only those who
can trace in unbroken descent
ancestry to founders or patriots
of the Colonial times and the
Revolutionary war. The object is
four-fold, to associate women
whose ancestors struggled for the
first rights of the present United
States; teach reverence for Amer
ican historical events; to discov
er and preserve Colonial records
unwritten: and to commemorate
historical events of colonies and
the Republic and In time of war
to give special service.
Mr. and Mrs. King Bartlett en
tertained with a bridge evening
at their home Saturday night.
Spring flowers used in artistic
manner about the rooms gave a
pretty background for the bridge
tables. At a late hour refresh
ments were served. Mrs. Clifford
Parker and Glen Porter held win
ning scores for the evening, of
cards. Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Carl E. Hultenburg. Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Parker. M. and Mrs.
Porter and Mrs. Pearl Victor.
Mrs. Marie Flint McCall will
entertain members of the Sweet
Briar club at her home on Wallace
road Wednesday. There will be a
potluck luncheon at noon. Mem
bers are asked not to bring addi
tional table service.
Lindquist-Fake T i
Nuptials .Celebrated j
;' Interest in contrast promises' to
continue throughout the entire
summer season. Here a frock of
printed ;sllk has a yoke, smartly
revered, lit plain color. A stunning
model bth offers delightful op
portunity for ' Individual taste In
' selecting ' colors most becoming.
T2t pointed details are .'extremely
fashionable and lend avouthfal.
slender effect? Harmonising prints
Independence Mr. and Mrs.
James S. Robbie entertained the
K. K. K. club at their home fol
lowing a no host dinner at the
Methodist church Friday night.
Five tables of "500" were in play
throughout the evenjng and fa
vors for high scores went to Mrs.
George Carbray and Elmer E.
Mrs. Charles Anderson of Cor-
vallis, a sister of Mr. Robbie, was
a special guest.
Mrs. W. H. Walker will be the
hostess for the next meeting,
March 25.
Members present were Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Addison, Mr. .and
Mrs. Harrison Brandt, Mr. and
Mrs. B. F. Swope, Mr. and Mrs.
J. S. Robbie, Mr. and, Mrs. Pearl
i Hodges. Mr and Mrs J. G. Mcin
tosh, Mrs. Stella Calbreath, Mrs.
W. H. Walker. Mrs. George Car
bray, Mr. and Mrs. CO. Sloper.
and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cockle.
A visitor in the city from Bur
llngame, Cal.. is Mrs. Gertrude
Reed, nee Gertrude Fawk. who
arrived Sunday to be with her
mother. Mrs. W. W. Fawk. who is
ill at her borne on South High
street. - -
Mrs. Velma Teeson will, enter
tain the' Thimble club of . the
Neighbors of Woodcraft . at her
borne 1890 Waller street, with an
air-day meeting Thursday.' A pot
luck luncheon' will be served) at
noon. ,
.-. ' - ''- ' ' . T5"
; Sllverton Mrs. Robert Goelx
scored : high. . and Mrs. W. E.
Satchwell won the low. prise at a
eharmMTTlttle "500" party given
Thursday night by : Mrs. , -At-. W.
Kleeb.-Mrs. E. Kleramlck assist
ed Mrs; Kleth at -the- refreshment
Present were Mrs. ' SatchrwelL
Mrs Klemmlck, Mrs. Goetx, Mrs.
Nora Bell, Mrs.-Arthur Hasten
rs F, M. Powell, Mrsi Fern Da-f
be delightfully used in this Venport and Miss Helvie aHrrw.
Pattern 2301 may be ordered
obiy M sizes 14- to 20 and It ta
l?-.SIx 11 requtras ' 2 yards of
-incB raric. i yard contrasting.
r -A
r'Mwra. 'Writ pUialr rr mm.
i!4eM BBd'styl awBkvr. B Mr
Utm. murtea. ,-: ... : .
Tkt tw tprls fatbfoa 'caUlc
Ji saw-retdr. Tkia Saaoiifal. f
rfat kook otftrt S3 aaffci f ebie.
atbnti- Auxa Adaai- itylaa for
adlt( aad ehlldraa. Ta et
. frock far aftaraooa, arcoiaf and
tporu wr. axqnUiU lttril at-'
." r aa4 dr
abl kiddi aiadcli ar featarad '
II personally - chocea. bj .aaa
Adant aad all fasaioaablo. prartl
el aad aaty aad iaaspaaaUa to
auka. Saudi ifor : jraor eopy.' Prka'
f eaUlor. fiftaen cent a. Catalog
aad,. pattero torataar, treaty f it
Mt4 Addraia all mail aad order
I Tha StatAtaual Patiora Dapart-
" Miss Mable Robertson was host
to a few friends Sunday night at
dinner la her home on North
summer street. Present were
Miss Elisabeth Lord, Miss Edith
Schryver," Mt tnd Mrs." Sheldon
TSaekett and the hostess. t
-Mrs. George Cummlngs will en
tertain the West Central circle of
the First Methodist church Wed
nee day . afternoon :t her home
1396 North Fourth street, , ,
- The T. K. K. class of the First
Methodist church will meet w 1th
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Scott 910
North; Fifth street Wednesday.;
Judgment, for $100 5 and costs
IwasVgranted Monday in -circuit
I court to George Tkatch against IC
Itane. Personal property owned
Miss Charlotte Llndaulst,
daughter of Mr. and .-' Mrs. - C
Lindquist, became the -' bride - of
George Fake, son of Mrs. C, H.
Fake. Saturday night at 7 o'clock
in a quiet wedding at the home
of the bride's, parents. Rev.- P. W.
Eriksen read the ceremony before
Immediate relatives . and a few
dose friends. . . -
There were no attendants. The
bride -wore a semt-formal gown of
sort blue eolor combined with lace
and carried a shower bouquet of
freetlas and pink rosebuds, v
Miss Mary Fake played the wed
ding marches. Miss Arbutus Rudle
was soloist accompanied by Miss
An Informal reception followed
the Impressive ceremony. v Then
Mr. and Mrs. Fake left for two
weeks -to be spent in a trip to
California. Upon their return they
will " make their home in Salem
where Mr. Fake is a member of
the staff of the secretary of state.
Worthy Grand Matron
Will Visit .
The worthy grand matron. Mrs.
Minnie White of Portland, will be
with Chad wick chapter. Order of
Eastern Staf , -today. She will be
present to eonduct a school of in
struction at the lodge social rooms
beginning at 2 o'clock.
The evening session will begin
with a -banquet in the banquet
rooms and this will be followed
by the regular ituslness session at
8 o'clock. The entire ritualistic
work will be given. This will be
Interspersed with quartet music by
Mrs. O. Dv Adams, Mrs. Dale Tay
lor, Mrs. Lyman McDonald- and
Mrs. K. H. Pickens.
A social hour will follow the
regular lodge service. Mr. and Mrs.
Hernert- Mauser are acting as
chairmen of the committee in
Waldo Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph Doerfler were hosts Saturday
night at a charming little bridge
party at tber home here. Baskets
of daffodils were used about the
two rooms where four tables were
In play. The St. Patrick's day mo
tive was carried out in score cards
and refreshments.
Winning high score prize was
Mrs. Emma Murphy-Brown of Sa
lem, and Dr. L. C. Marshall, also
of Salem, was given the consola
tion prize. Present for the eve
ning were Mrs. Brown, Dr. and
Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Madalene Cal
lin and Miss Genevieve Morgan of
Salem, Alex Pallant of Portland.
Mrs. Gertrude Cameron, Miss Lil
lie Madsen, Henry HJorth and
Richard - Syrlng of Sllverton, Mr.
and Mrs.1 Clarence Osika of Mon
mouth and C. F. Doerfler, Miss
Ava Jane J)arby, Miss Anne Doer-
ner and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Brunk's Corner Mr,and Mrs.
Ernest H. Sundborg were recent
hosts for a birthday party given
at their home to celebrate their
Joint birthdays. An enjoyable ln-
formal evening was ' spent after
which refreshments wera served
at a lata hour4 - .' : ; . i
Guests present' were Ronald
and Glenn Hogg: Mr. and Mrs.
William Fleming; Mrs. .Dorothy
Howell and .children Norma and
Rae; Edna Fleming; Howard
Fleming; Leona . Brunk; . Edith
Brunk; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Brank; Earl Brunk, Rita McElroy
aad Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Sund
borg. . . - .- ... '-
Lions Ladies WilK.
Be Entertained.
The Lions ladies are being in
vited to attend the "style show
being offered by the Lions as a
feature of the Thursday luncheon
In the Silver Grille of the Gray
Belle, Representative stores will
present models showing spring
and summer attire.
Following the style revue the
wives are Invited to the home of
Mrs. Frank Doolittle, 464 Rural
avenue, where' a social afternoon
will be enjoyed.
Mrs. Doolittle is being assisted
as hostess by Mrs. A. S. Johnson,
Mrs. R. C. Aiken and Mrs. Percy
Hubbard. Mrs. Arlle Boje gave
the second party of a series Sat
urday night to'aroup of friends
of South Hubbard.
After a pleasant evening playing
00 refreshments were served to
Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Sargent. Miss
Effie Sargent, Mr. aad Mrs. Frank
Grimps, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Mlg
not, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Kunkle,
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Mathiesen, Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Spagle and to the
hosts,- Mr. and Mrs. Orlie Boje.
High scores were won by Mrs
Mignot and Miss Sargent.
Aurora Mrs. F. M. Fergusen
and Mrs. Lester Reed had charge
of the dining room at the card
party given by the Maplewood
grange at Barlow Monday, ' with
19 tables at play. First prizes were
won by Mildred Brown and Her
man Plantz, and second prizes by
Harriet Reynolds' and Christ
Trost. Harris Lyle won the door
- - 00
Mrs. John Kooreman will en
tertain the Women's Foreign Mis
sionary societjr of Leslie Metho
dist church, at her home 1755
South High street. Wednesday
afternoon. A feature of the after
noon will be the playlette, "Cali
co Mites" under the direction of
Miss Faith Friday. Assisting host
esses will be Mrs. L. C. McShane,
and Mrs. A. C. Bohrnstedt.
War Mothers Will I
Meet Today
Tha Salem ; Chapter of tha
American. War Mothers will meet
today at the' American . Lutheran
ehurch at 2 o'clock, for - a social
and program meeting. Mrs, Neda
Buck will address the members
gathered, aad Lyman MacDoaald
will be vocal soloist on the pro
gram. Piano students of Miss Rath
Bedford will give a group of num
bers. - . . .-.
v Mrs. Laura MeAdams is chair
man of the Social committee and
assisting her is Mrs. Ida Shade,
Mrs. Norma Twilliger. Mrs. Aman
da MoUeneop. Mrs. Kfttie Ken-
non, Mrs. Mattle Schramm, Mrs.
Agnes M. Bobb. Mrs. Jessie Cros
san. Mrs. H. B. Cleaveland, and
Mrs. Louise Krapps. -
Hubbard The' Pink and La
vender club was entertained
Thursday afternoon by Kathryn
Will at the home of her father-in-law,
Gus WI1L The decorations
were .violets and daffodils.
Those present: Mesdames Anna
SehoL Fannie Nafzinger. Nettle
Maybew. Lizzie Grim. Eva Ma
lone Alice Weaver, Ruby Kauff-
man, Anna Stauffer, Ruth Stauf-
fer. Pearl Bates. Edith Painter.
Alice Adams, E. S. Wolfer. Chris
tina . Stauffer, Winnie Kocker,
Nell ..McLaughlin. , Billa Zeek,
Luty Sewall. Era Calvert. Edna
Hovenden. Laura Jackson, Cor-
rine MeKey, and Kathryn Will;
and the Misses Lenore Scholl,
Frances Weaver, and Rose Jor
dan. ,
Hubbard A pieasant event of
the week was a shower honoring
Mrs. Earl Hecker and given at
the home of Mrs. Ernest Mayhew
$fl .95
Beattstie Kre-rad 44
Capital Beauty Shoppe
nMne-Sesa 223 NortJi High
This ad will be honored aa
$1. Payment
For the last time Today
Be Free From
Superfluous Hair
aafely, a a r
uoaatly ra
BOTet hair
from faea. aa
d a r a r b a,
a r a aad
Ne Paste
No Uqids
Ne PewaWrs
Ne Needles
This method only is recom
mended by' leading specialists
Consultation Free and
Opea Tuesday Evenings
until 7:00 p. ra.
904-5 First Natl Bank
TeL 4427
Offices la principal cities
Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. May
hew was assisted-by Mrs. Georgo:
Zeek. - 1 - . - -
Mrs. Alfred Moon M '
Robert Zorllnder won hirb near
at -500- . '
Guests were 1 Vr ' r.rl . ttv.
ar, Mrs. Orvllle Bartrum and son,
Mrs. Elmer Smueker, Mrs. Ray.
mona sernatsskl. Mrs. O. A.
Kunkle, ? Mrs. Florence Mignot,
Mrs; Robert Zurlinder. Mrs. Al
fred Moon, Miss Ef fJo" Sargent,
Mrs.. AJDert Bpagie. . Mrs. Alice
Calkins, Mrs. Sarah Col Tin. Mrs.
George Zeek. Mrs. Harold -Sargent
and children, Mrs. A. B.
1 A T r n . .
cvarw, tawi.'An.. emit Mathle
on. " , "
Roberta -wJIrav-JEether Qaerv.
Mrs. J. p. Bressier, and Mrs. Will
Melr entertained the G. T. club
with a 1 .o'clock luncheon Thurs
day. Following the luncheon an
afternoon of rames and conver
sation was enjoyed. Those attend-
g were: Mesdames Mary Joba
n. Alice Coolida-e. Flora. TTnll
S. C. DavenportjW. C. Pettyjohn.
B. D. Fldler J.-. D. Lott, Geo.
Higgins, .Leonard Zielke, John
Orsborn. Robert Judson. E. A,
Goodrich. Albert Blankenshln.
Bnd Stu teaman, Nick Kugel, B.
Kieen. Roy J. Rise, Geo. Bressier
and the noetess.
Its "Bulk" and Vitamin B
Help Believe Constipa-
tion; Also Has Blood
building Iron
New laboratory experiments
demonstrate that Kellogs Axis
Bkan has sufficient "bulk'' to ex
ercise the intestines, as well as
Vitamin B to help tone the intes
tinal tract. j '
In addition, Kellogg's Aix-Bbak
supplies twice as much blood -building
iron as an' equal amount by
weight of beef Ever.
Now you, ean overcome common)
constipation by this pleasant "cere
al way," and banish the headaches,
backaches, lossf-of. appetite and
energy that so frequently result.
No need to worry along with pills
and drugs, which often lead to harm
ful habits. T
Instead, just eat two tablespoon
fuls daily of KeUojrg's Axl-Bkan
adequate for most types of con
stipation. If your intestinal trouble
is not relieved this way, see your
doctor. The "hulk" in Ail-Bean is
much like that of lettuce. Inside
the body, it forms a soft mass,
which gently, $kars the intestines
of wastes. j
Special processes make All-Bban
finer, softer, more palatable. It is
not habit-forming. Equally tasty
as a cereal, or used in cooking.
Recipes on the red-and-green pack
age. At all grocers. Made by Kel
logg in Battle Creek.
Hubbard Vera Bole enter
tained the members of her bridge
club Friday night at Tier ruraj
home. High scores were won by
Mildred Smith, Cora' Smith and
Blanche Brown.
The rooms were nrettv with
daffodils and ferns. The flower
motif was further carried out In 1
the table accessories and refreshments.
Those nresent were Kathrvn
Will, Mildred Smith, Kathleen
Beckman. Blanche Brown. Rebec
ca Cleaver, Cora Smith, Ella
Staurier, Nell McLaughlin, Neva
McKenzie, Anna Stauffer, Louise
Grimps, and Audrey Wells.
The next hostess will be Cora
Smith, Thursday. March 17.
A charmingly informal tea be
tween the hours of 3 and 5 o'clock
was -given at the Ira Jorgensen
home Saturday afternoon with
Miss Iris Jorgensen assisted by
a large group of young maids as
hostesses..' Guests were Flavia
Downs, Maxine McKUIod. Virginia
Cross,.. Helen Worth, Anita Sav
age, Marguerite Filsinger, Mary
Jane Adams, Helen Wiedmer and
Juanita Bellinger.
Aurora A hostess of the
week was Mrs. Walter Grim, who
entertained Friday at a 12:30
luncheon honoring Mrs. A. L.
Club .members present were
MrsvB. 8toner, Mrs. T. Eiler, Mrs.
E. B. B radio, Mrs. B. Glesy, Mrs.
Frank Mler, Mrs. J. W. Sadler
and the hostess, Mrs. Grim.
if' ' itt
ere TODAY. 9 A,
Urigni yriuts itn iong. shoft and
no sleeves. A large- selection and
plenty or theiu, 2 for 1.00. or -each.
Ladies' all -wool slipon sweaters,
light shades for summer.....
Two tone effects with brass but-i II .UU
a A - ..aX ettA SNavi4afaiia1
tons to carry guv tuv uiwutcuuiAi
idea .- ---
Infants' and kiddies, wool . and rayon
sweaters, Jackets and Jersey , suits. This
is an outstanding birthday offering and
wDl go-fast aVeaeh...;....... ........
WVES ' '
Fabric :; gloves, light shades in
pull-ons and .wrist lengths, X for
1.00, or each.
Two-tone rayon Jamas in one and two
piece styles for women and misses. Tou
may have your choice at each........'..
'A laro' assortment. of varied col-;
orad'combinaUons Choice at each
Crepe de' chie sWrts for girls 8
to 16 years; Pastel shades, each.
These are the lat
est styles in tans,
greens and blues.
T A Trrrv tTU AniTC -
rmvix x-lvuvnu a ai AA
For the girts, sizes 4 to 12. Materials are . 11 .UU
crepe de chines, taffetas and georgette.
They win be arranged in two group
1JS and
Ladies' air silk hose in the Spring
shades, also lisle mesh hose
Beads, : neckpieces and odds and
ends in novelty jeWry, Z for 25c
or each - - T'-''
Ik grojip of embroider pure linen
handkerchiefs S for 50c, or each-
PURSES" . : t:' lTh E? :
All genuine leather, moire lined Vv I p
- 'and containing coin purges, choice QJT CUrV
One and two-piece frocks in many different styles. '
Some, hare the lace collar and sleeve treatments,''
lace blouse effects. Plain and satin face crepes and-;
printed crepes. They wOT be arranged ;la four J
esBBffBffaaam 1
Knitted close fitting hats and
tarns, 3 for 1.00, or each :
Close fitting models of knitted
rayon and silk, each.
Bran new shipment two piece suits the
last word maize, greens, powder, royal.
rea, oiue, uack and white, etc
WAISTS . kfl 95
fm m vj-isaaaejp an eUA. aeaav wu a mmmm
short, cap sleeves and sleeveless. Two
groups to go at 1j00 and.
Non-run weave stepins, shorts,
vests, pantiea m pink, green and
peach, eKh
. Brassier top combinations
sets, stepins, sups,
.or each ' ....-
Mnations, dance L LX
' Silk erene da chin oanties. com-S II UU
- mnations, sups and - gowns,?xsae ;
) quality : .r:...4.?' r"..';..:...-;.
SII UNDffiS-i ; i:J
- Crepe de chine slips, panties, dancej
combinaUons. -Tailored and - laeer trlm-
. t.,t.. A Al . ' -( '
UUUUCU, M WW.! ........ MU4r - -
Tork City. i;i;r
by the defendant was ordered aJL-
'tacbed. -:'---"-- "- . - j-