v. - Tfc$ OnnGO!! CTATTSIIAIiV CI:ti, Ort-sa, Scsfay Merely; HartS 1V KS2 suan viale Gnorus Church rirst Vioneert ft: 1 Woman's Over CffiEltliusiaftic Portlander's 1 Lecture Willamette' Piano T. e" Recitals Planned - - - v; Following ; Its annual eastern the Willamette university school of music will begin Its series of spring concerts with a piano and rocal recital Tuesday night la the unfrersity auditorium. Waller hall. Prof. Cameron Marshall, head of the department, will present THE Woman's dub elected delegates for the Third Dis- tadrats in rocal numbers on this teuVmeetin of tU Federated Woman; clubs of Ore- J" frftn sit the Saturday afternoon business meeting. Mrs. J. JU. waiton win be heard in a dirersi- tvdvom will hA defecate bv virtue of her office as presi- tied piano .program. dent of the dub, and those elected were Mrs. C. K. Spauld- a The J; inMrs Claude Ellison. Mrs. B. L, Shrode, Mrs. F. A. El- liott, and Mrs. J. A. Brownson. . . . Erotik Tone-poem Grieg: The Third District convention will meet in baiem Apru Barbara Pierce t rtfU fVi Ss am inr fix I Mr ueart at mr awet roica Vi, mm - ' Q. 1 .. I . iiustcsa. rtTMi. Nirlit RabiM Silent tribute to Miss Nina Elizabeth Ogden McNary. formerly a promi- Nocturne ..: Chopl; mKfl. fV.a oliih nrn Marjory O'Dell the Saturday proceedings ot the N sonata 1st MoTement ciuo. MacDoweil A request for aid from Mrs, Rath Schrelber John Sipple. president of the Na- Indian Snite-Legend (two pianos) tlonal Federation or women's MacDoweil clubs was presented to the club clara Wright Mildred NeTins THE outstanding event of the I members. Mrs. Sipple: asked theLautene Do Minor Mosart v fa pfK & mmlcat af-I Woman's club of Salem through Charlotte Hill f.ii. thi. tim twn Toal or- Mrs. J. M. Devers. president, to Staccato Etnde Rubinstein anitinna of Salem, the Salem call a meeting of delegates of the Helene Price ins mi th Ritam cItIc five federated clubs ot Salem, W. Lullaby from Jocelyn.. . . .Gounod u.u Chorus, will be the perform- C. T. U.. Garden club, Salem Good-bye Tosti i. r.i..ar in hk eivn Tiip-I woman scud, Business nuu riv- i ruiizaDeia ugaen A- i. th virt Christian fessional Women's ciuo, ano jen des Ondes. L,escneuzKy ehnrch at 815 O ClOCK. I American Auocutuuu ui umwci- i spinning vxiris 01 vanuicv Joint Concert Is Planned Tuesday ' II. III! II t Elizabeth Boylan PROMINENT ACCOMPANIST OF WEEK I Reserve Plan Numerous Activities . ' The Girl Reserres ot Salem will har a busy week according to plans bow under development. Tuesday the Leslie group will meet following school for a "skat ing party and this will be follow ed by refreshments at the home of the adrlsor, Mrs. D. B. HllL. Plans will also be worked out in regard to the Washington bicentennial sketeh book upon which this group is working. This group has also chosen a. new name for itself and Is now known as the Amicltia group. Parrish Reserres will also meet Tuesday, the ninth grade with Gladys Taylor, adrlsor; eighth with Esther 'McMlnnlmee. adrls or; and seventh with Sidney Han- narord, and Carol Flemming, ad risors. A Joint meeting of these three groups will be held Tuesday and Miss Inet Relfsnyder, facnlty adrlsor for the Reserres at Par rish and leader of the member ship contest will preside. At this time the group will be announced who has procured the most mem berships, and . plans will be made by the loosing groups to entertain the winner. The high school Reserres will meet Tuesday of this week in or der not to conflict with basketball tournament plans. They are begin nlng a charm project and the sub- itnt Tntulit will ) Tinnii." RS. KENNETH DALTON, who hat been prominently This will also be guest day for the Music week plans are being en club in its celebration of its international "iDeeW, and serves through the committee. Large Tea Will Be Smart Affair in University Social Realm ONE of the smart affairs of the social week will be tha large tea for which the Faculty Women's dub will tfc hostess at Willamette lodge Thursday afternoon compli menting women students of Willamette university and wives of trustees. Mrs. W. E. Kirk will introduce to the line in which will and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney, Mrs. F. M. Erickson, Mrs. Frank Snedecor, Mrs. J. H. Lauterman, and Miss OliVe M. DahL Mrs. C. C. Clark will stand at the foot of the Iine.1 rv i m IS Ttr lfl Identified with the musical events of the week. Shs ap- Mgh school Reserres .-7. rviuul"6 Wl W , r.,. t h. RWum. nnA Prnf,timl Worn- A1USI.C are being . i. Mi ..,.. i Buy w uuicu. iu uimuui i i r ' wi "- - - - , I workea ont or tne nl? n school R- The affair is the first presen- . n, oi. rn,awi. tktt, 1 . -t..i. ..t- 4 ianv,n1 nmA " r a Ia "cnooi e- Edith Findley American Lection Auxiliary Quartet vroaram Friday night at Owenn Gaiiaher. They are work U. .W,V. Pmwt hu TTY,rL,lL.TVlU mg in conjunction with Mrs. Wal f I w w o ir ai4 IV a v ww v rv v sj v ll A al.a SS ouVa "thisTean p;of? EB,w: fe to carry to her club a petl- Ballade-La Flat . .Chopla anfJ gave a' ffTOUp of solo numbers on the GrVcV "aS Moo Tnd Hobsoni, the director, ana organ- - nU t0 8end " dele. IZr OI UUtu gruupo. - .... ,ar.4.j .tnh. tn 1 . . ... . To add to the interest reit iu w "r" r ": r. uZT.ii II vTrnl Wnmn I. am .... in women a cons reus id m uem . w.-w-. wa nrrinixfltinDi wuuan muur i . I bershlp U composed of local peo- fa C"cago during the worlds Makes haster Plans PV-1" rSZr'irt F. A Elliott reported that sen. riollnlst and Emory Stewart a tree , wo Jij4 Hobson. pianist, both youvniui s." .V1 T. " V." "t? r vMnath vih m he the near future .mnanio nri win'hA assisted Announcement was made of br Miss Lois Plummer in the op- the Greater Oregon association The program inciuaes: iouuay uijui u i vuac VhomWc Hrmn ... .Gretcnaniou I commerce. aiemDers were urgea 10 aiiena The meeting concluded with a lecture on historic Boston and Mixed Chorus fin Wines of Song. .Mendelssohn Cirlc Male cnorus The Springtime of the year An. J the New England states by Prof, i br Vaughn Williams. H. H. Klngsley of Portland an 1 Mixed Chorus J appreciative audience and a rery frtlnnalse In F Sharp Minor, Op. i 44 Chopin described as delightful and ia ! TCmw-T Stewart Hobson. pianist structive. Prof. Kingsley accom Lights (A Fantasy) .... Clockey panied his remarks photographed. Madrigal Club hand-colored, taken by himself of Dear Land of Home (From the places about which he talked. i Tone Poem "Finlandla ') ... Prof. Kingsley was accompan Sibelius Plans were made at the Thurs day meeting of the Loyal Wom en's class of the First Christian church for an Intensive evangel istic campaign to precede the Eas ter services of the church. Mrs. Laura Osborn presented the plan. In addition to this business a program of Interest was given by William Judson, soloist, Mr. Co hen, who spoke ot his work with the Jewish people, and Miss Guin evere Wood, pianist. Hostesses were Mrs. Barnett, Mrs. Birch, Mrs. Buckles, Mrs. Rmm Xfru frnhre. and Mrs. large one, listened to this lecture" Taylor. Present In addition to the host esses were Mrs. Laura Osborn, Mrs. Almlra Reed, Mrs. C Moore. Mrs. M. Headrlck, Mrs. C !W. Doane, Mrs. L. J. Carleton, Events of Interest Passed In R eview as Week Closes Chapter "VTTTTH Saturday merit saveral events of interest nassed W V!sfAnr P.mAnnf liirlni fha -araaV Koon I In the Salem schools are invited the social events sponsored by the local Business and Pro- come mLbT S tnirlnch S fessional Women's club of Salem in compliment to the Reserves. "iraflV s fnfornofmngl otAohrst tift hv thfl C.lllh. Xk. W A. V " J I . . The final event was the colorful reception Saturday Birthdays are nieht at Lausanne halL Members of the various women's pftmnllm-nfJ dubs of Salem were special guests, and the honor guest was ThurVdav evening v oin,.rt ter A. Denton, music week chair man. Saturday the grade school Re serres will again meet at the T W. C. A. with- Mrs. Elizabeth Gai iaher, local secretary, and leader of the grade school division, and her assistants. The first meeting was declared an excellent success with about 25 grade school maids present at 10:30 o'clock. An In j . & . uian project was aeeiaed unon and the. coming Saturday meeting win go to aerelop that project. All ruth and sixth grade girls T Civlc Male Chorus A Bird Flew Clockey Madrigal Club I rize. Song from the Melster- Mrs. Iola Gleason. Mrs. Smith, iyLLa T KirT-if s. J. W. Har- 1HWMl1'1 O MlSS Margaret UOsper. Kennen entertained th members The reception rooms were of the Hilarity club at the home led bv his daughter. Mrs. Bora, uN irmnrit Mm. president of the Oregon League Tmt' Mr3. Saunders, Mrs. Holllng- Qf AfteiTlOOn 01 w omen voiers. i worth, Mrs. Rooert u. tian, airs. A. D. Welch, Mrs. Pearl DeVoe, I Miss Lola Pickens will open ize. Song from the Melster- - . - - Mrs. Sylvia RIchter. Mrs. M. Mc- Q h f u teJl tnU laser. . ......... . Wagner Y. CTT. U. Will Hear Donald. Mrs. Radclifte, Mrs. J "r p""7 !! v.-t v- .lll.l.t Sweet and Low Barnby Conrerence KepoXTS Th nrk-ved sailor Arr. by Reports of the recent W. C. T, T I v , . n . . . A- . 1 V win I am I u. neionai uonierence aeio in MfTx rinrni Peruana, win oe given at tne Water Bor Thayer next Salem w. C. T. u- meeting Civic Male Chorus 1 luesaay ai z o ciock in nw Drink to Me Only With Thine on Commercial street. Mrs. Lydia Vtai Old Fnellsn Lienman, presiaeni ana mr. r. I 1 M M . 4 . iLfi rninrnc i tsisnoo. wno were do in in ueu- Sa Fever Andrews aance at mis conierence wiu give ; , Clvfl Male Chorus these reports. Vn . th Tfi wa virtwinr Mrs. O. W. Emmons, president V. Williams or tne women's BiDie ciass Mixed Chorus First Methodist cnurcn, wui ieaa I the aevotionais. wnicn win I elude devotional music. Bible The Interesting series ot book reading, prayer and a short talk reviews being given by Mrs. J. C. I Other numbers on the program Nelson at the Salem Woman's l will be: vocal music by Mrs. a. b- clubhouse on Mondays following I Erana. and a short talk br Mrs the regular club' meeting win be J. J. Nnnn. who will use as her aa erent of this Mondar at S:30 snfclect. "The Union Signal," the o'clock. Any interested woman is official organ of the W. C. t. u. invited to attend. AU visitors are welcome. Hunt, Mrs. Knox. Mrs. Frank Cor- afternoon between the hours of aa li SOCIAL CALENDAR Sunday, March IS Biblical drama "A Sinner Belored", Knight Mem orial church, night service. Monday, March H Book Review club of Salem Woman's club at club house, 3:80 o'clock; Mrs. J. C.Nelson, leader. Regular business meeting ot Auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars, 8 o'clock Woman's clubhouse. Greater Oregon association meeting, chamber ot commerce rooms, 8 o'clock; "linen" topic of discussion; both men and women welcome to attend. Mother's club ot Delta Phi sorority when Mrs. L. O. Clement, 345 North 17th. street. 2:30 o'clock. Chapter AB of the P. E. O. Sisterhood, with Mrs. A. R. Hunter, apartment EOS, Royal Court, 7:45 o'clock; election of officers. Tuesday, March 15 First ot series of spring recitals by students of Miss Virginia Melton, school ot music, Willamette unirer- " sity; 8 o'clock in Willamette chapel. , Salem. Madrigal club and Salem Cirie male, chorus -In Joint concert at First Christian church, 8: IS o'clock. W. O. T. U. in Union hall Ferry and South Com mercial streets, S o'clock; reports from regional confer ence, and special program. Public welcome. Junior Guild of St Paul's Episcopal church, with Mrs. Hal Patton, 18 o'clock luncheon; last luncheon of Lenton season. . Wednesday, March 16 j Thimble ee club of Maccabees, with Mrs. George Delta, 8198 South Summer street, 2 o'clock. Answer roll call with St. Patrick's quotation. I Past Noble Grand's association, at W. M. Slegmund home. Miss Wllda and Miss Eugenia Slegmund hostess, es. 1308 Lee street. ; - Woman's Union of First Christian church, with Mrs. L. O. Smith, 1808 Center street, 2 o'clock. ; j ' i Thursday, March IT I North Salem Loyal Temperance Legion, with Mlsa ' Esther Spiers. 1488 North Summer street. North Salem W. C. T. TJ- prayer bands with Mrs. c BeUe Roberts, Mrs. Ella Tyler, and Mrs. Clark, i , " Faculty Women's dub hostess tor tea hoaorin womea students and trustees wires ot Willametto ualTersity, at Willamette lodge, 283 North Capitol -. street. , Mrs. W. M. Smith will entertain members of Chap- ; ter O ot the P. B. O. Sisterhood at her homo, 1488 Cen ter street. -: k ; r- . i Saturday, March 19 . ) ' , A. A. TJ. W. Sllrer Grlllo of Gray Belle, one o'clock . luncheon; Rer. B. Geiser, noted mural artist, speaker. ZA: ' ,f Sunday March X0 hr-hA'fc - t otwV tea being girea by World Wide Guild ? piot Calrary- Baptist church, between' hours ot 8 and o clock' at homo of Miss Lola Dale Pickens. nette. Miss Lois Plummer, and Mrs. A. J. Flint. St. Patrick's Party Compliments Club Miss Frances Sande entertained her bridge club at her home at 1865 Trade street Thursday ev ening. The rooms and card ta bles were colorfully decorated in the Saint Patrick motif. Daffodils and green tapers in crystal holders appointed the love- y dinner table at which Miss ande seated her guests for a late supper. Mrs. Ralph Kinzer and Mrs. Oscar White assisted miss Sande in serving. Mrs. Oscar White and MUs Fae Driscoll were honor guests. Miss Ruth Skinner won the high score for the evening and Miss Jo Maulding won second. Club members present were Miss Donna Harlan, Miss Laura Wright, Miss Margaret Davidson, Mrs. Harris Lietz. Miss Bunny Miller, Miss Jo Maulding. Miss Ruth Skinner, Mrs. Ralph Kinzer, Miss Edna Faust, and the hostess, Mi3s Frances Sande. Dinner Party 3 and 5 o'clock tor which the members of the World Wide Guild girls of the Calvary Baptist church will be hostesses In com pliment to their mothers. Guests will be greeted at the door by Bernlce Zlelke, Helen Alexander, Jean McElhlnny, and Lola Dale Pickens. St. Patrick symbols will be used for decorative effect and green and yellow will be the color scheme carried ont In flow era to be used about the guest rooms. Mrs. H. S. Glle and Mrs. Earle Grlgg will pour the first hour and Mrs. Earl Cochran, and Mrs. Charles McElhlnny will pour the second hour. Assisting In the serving wil be . Lois Cochran, Clara Jane Harms, Edith Star-' rett, Margaret Sears. Dorothy Pickens. Mrs. Lorraine Graber, Mrs. Alma Willis and Mrs. K. H. Pickens. Miss Era Cochran has had charge of the program and has arranged the appearance of Miss Helen Purrlne. violinist. Miss Ha Hoffer. vocalist, and Miss Eva Cochran, pianist. Mrs. Robert S. Bean, Mrs- H. B i j oi r I I Mccauley and Mrs- P. A. Orowney Lodge rlanS tor Large Ut Portland were gueets during the week of Mrs. Mabel Condon and Miss Evelyn Cowden at their S- a . J. 11 nY. x a a. of the Fraternal Order of Eagles r met Wednesdar renin si tor the her nom la Salem man yers .il;!. nr.ofi.ilnMt while jQd Ben member regular business and social meet- nt t. ,anH ch w !:Pl"i.VfIe "5: welcomed back by a large circle ot urv . 'i'-V.VZ . - friends wmcn will ne neia weonesaay evening, March 18, with friends and relatives of the Eagles and Auxiliary as guests. The evening will be given over to dancing and cards. The social hour Wednesday was in charge ot Mrs. Matilda Parsons and Mrs. Elva Coons. Refresh ments were served. A number of Salem Auxiliary to- Veterans ot Foreign Wars are planning to attend . the banquet to be given Wednesday night in Portland at the regular meeting place of Post 907. The affair is in compliment to Mrs. Dora Rat fenperger, Harrisburg, Penn., na tional president of the Auxiliary, who is now oa a tour ot inspec tion of the state departments. Mrs. Bryan Conley, state council member tor the Auxiliary, will be in attendance as well as others. The local auxiliary will have its regular meeting Monday night at 8 o clock In the Salem Woman's elnhhanse on North Cottace N street . e A very atttractlve masquerade dance of the week was that enjoy ed by members ot the Wisteria dancing club at CaatUliaa hall Fri day night. Added to tho appeal of attractive masquerades was tho feature dance presented- by Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Mudd and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilbur, la colonial-costumes. Mrs. Lyman McDon ald accompanied them: Prises tor costumes were won by Mr. and Mrs. RusseU Beutler and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pitcher. - -. e - Mrs. A. R. Hunter will enter tain Chapter A- B. ot tho F. E. O. Sisterhood at her apartment. SOS Royal Court, Monday evening, be ginning at 7:48 o'clock. This will be the annual business meet lng..andJ election of officers. was hrilliantlv decorated in a nro- ? Mr?- - C. Kennen. Bridge n j I P'ared until a late hour with iuoiwii ui. ui0 prize for high score going to Mrs. Carrying OUt the Club COlOrS Junior Eckley and second high to of green and yellow. Music Mrs. Loai8 Lorenz. during the receiving hours was 4 A mianignt supper was served presented by Miss Iva Clare Love, at th daintily appointed dinning riollnlst, and the club chorus room taoie wnere corers were added beauty to the delightful J1"" "J. ien- ' f dHl nl st- Patrick's norelties evening. .a i. .i At least 200 guests called dur-U-nv,. . ,.(.. tnAXr t1ft ing the niae to pay compli- gupoer hoor compUentlnK tne ment to the hostess club and to Wrthjay anniversaries of Mrs. Dot Miss Cosper, honor soest Medley and Mrs. Junior Eckley. The concert given by the Sa- wa8 presented with a birth- lem American Lesion Auxiliary d4T cake Md a from tne club quartet Friday night at the Rob- Prent were Mrs. O. C. Kennen erts studio marked an artistic and Mrt, Eari xjnruh as special presentation in the field of mu- guests, and Mrs. Charles Wilson, sic. This was the first concert to Mrs. Leon Hansen, Mrs. Dow Lor- be giren as an mairiauai oiier- eil. Mrs. Junior Eckley, Mrs. Dot Ing by the quartet Mrs. Kenneth Medley. Mrs. Carl Allport, Mrs. Dalton was the accompanist and l loUi Lorens, and Mrs. . Gilbert presented a group of delightful I Kennen, club members piano numbers as a solo oirer- Mrs. M. E. Peck, Mrs. Rob ert Gatke and Mrs. Lilian Hageman will receive at the door. Those who will alternate at the urns during the afternoon hours will be Mrs. A. A. Schramm, Mrs. B. L. Steeves, Mrs. C. A. Sprague, and Mrs O. P. Bishop, Serving wul be Mrs Daniel H. Schultze, Mrs. Lestle Sparks, Mrs. W. Q. Jones, Mrs. E. F. Oliver, Mrs. Lawrence Ziilman, Mrs. W. E. Power, Miss Lois Latimer, Miss Marian Morange, and Miss Gale Currey. Assisting about the rooms will be Mrs. F. A. Elliott, Mrs. W. V. Johnson, Mrs. J. A. Mills, Mrs. Herman Clark, Mrs. F. G. Frank lin, Mrs. H. M. Tennant, Mrs: Roy Lockenour, Mrs. H. E. Rahe, Mrs. C. C. Hawarth, Mrs. Edna J. Ellis, JJrs. A. A. Vasakas, Mrs. Charles L. Sherman, Miss Fran ces Vlrginle Melton, Miss Helen MacHlrron and Miss Edith De nlse. Mrs. C. H. Johnson is general chairman for the affair and as sisting general chairman is Mrs, Roy Keene. Mural Artist Will Address A. A. U. W. The Saturday one o'clock lunch eon meeting for the American as sociation of University Women will be of unusual interest be cause of the speaker. Rev. B. Gei- ser of Portland and McMinnrille. Rer. Gelser is a mural artist of distinction. He has Just completed the mural painting for an -Episco pal church of Denver, Colorado, and Is now working on the mural in St. Mark's Episcopal church of Portland. The theme upon which the art ist will speak is "The Aim of Mod ern Art". Because of extensire foreign study the remarks of the speaker will be the more Interest Ing. Musical numbers will be giren by Miss Migonne Goddard of Mon mouth, and a member ot the local A. A. U. W. Mrs. Lena Bartiuff entertained members of the Middle Grove Ev angelical church at her home Wed nesday. Following a business ses sion refreshments were served and a social hour was enjoyed. Ing. Miss Lois Plummer assisted Mrs. Dalton for the first group of quartet numbers. This concert was an Invitation al affair and Included a number ot out-of-town people In attendance.. The formal initiation banquet j The Mothers club of the Delta Phi sorority will meetwith Mrs. L. O. Clement, 345 North 17th street Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. C. F. Gillette. Mrs. E. E. Gilbert, and Mrs. O. W. Emmons will be hostesses- Mem bers are asked to bring light given by the Beta Chi sorority la I weight woolen pieces with which compliment to pledges wno were ito start a paicnworc quut. being initiated into the sorority was a smart event of Friday night. Mrs. Samuel Butler entertained with an informal tea Wednesday afternoon. She was assisted by three maids, Miss Theo Beck, Miss Marguerite Beck and Miss Julia Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Smith and son William have arrived in Sa lem and are making their homo at ihm Royal ' Tt. Mr. Smith Is an assistant ieer in the state ! highway depa uaent Banauet Brilliant Event A SMART affair of the weekend was the formal banquet giv en by the Alpha Phi Alpha sorority la the Masonic temple banquet room, observing the for mal initiation of a group ot pledges into membership in the sorority. The banquet room was brilliant ly decorated with yellow and or chid as the color scheme carried out in lovely manner through the use of many flowers. Mrs. Robert Gatke acted as toastmistress and responses were made by Miss Lula Allen. Miss Helen Stiles, Miss Margaret Schrel ber and Miss Lucile Sumerlin. Mrs. W. V. Johnson, house mother of the sorority, and Prof. and Mrs. Gatke were honored guests for the affair. Pledges in cluded Vernlta Van Fleet, Marjor ie Lang, Mildred Drager, Eleanor Tames, Leola Johnson, Betty Smith, Eleanor Barth, Frances Poor, Lorraine Sheldon, Dorothy McDonald, Sidney Hannaford. Lu cile Sumerlin and Margaret Schneider. Special -guests were David Mo- ser, Don Pense, James Burdette, Wallace McCrea, Don Poujade. William Mosher, Garfield Barnett, Bernard Newby, Stearns Cushlng, Forrest Mills, Lowell Eddy. Ross Knotts, Percy Sweet. Reo Young, Eugene Smith, Alfred King. Don ald Clarke, Cecil Harmon, Rufus Franz, Myron Butler, Rou Har land, Clarence Barton. Arthur Smith. Donald Faber, Fred Har ris, Clarence Poor, Robert Loean, Paul Rowley, Harold Ro?e, Wil mer Wells and Floyd Albin. Woman's Greater Oregon Association will meet at Chamber of Com merce at 8 P. -M. Monday, Mar. 14th. Subject. Salem's Linen Industry. Speakers, Mrs. Carlton Smith and Supt. F. J. Gllbraith. Dr. David Hill's moving pictures. Everybody welcome. f Sis- EASTER . . . put on new clothes, and new smiles, and-be photographed while looking your best. MAKE THE APPOINTMENT NOW I Johnson's I J tor Hosiery Johnson's for Gloves JOHNSON'S 464 STATE "NO MOKX WRINKLES" $5 Jar . . . The Original "Darlene" Turtle Oil Cream 1LUNEY SALE Monday Only Just One Day 1 25 Hats . . Fresh, Crisp . . Direct from New York City to You! Here Subject to Your Approval Regular Values to $7.50 MONDAY ONLY We Appreciate Your Patronage A recent scientific discovery which meets every need for perfecting the face. A remark able tissue builder without an equal; it really removes wrinkles, prevents and eradicates sagging muscles, crow's feet, dry or oily skin and other face blemishes. Priced to sell at 83.00 a Jar. Special now. . , . $ .00 FREE la eaaitlM te giving this $& Jar ef Untie OU Cream tt tl we will give rea raX a t-ec ewttle ef antrtat eat an a S-ea. kettle ef Beauty MUk te eaaaalete the treatment. ! - Eesalts guaranteed er money refunded! Sale limited te supply ef stack ea hand. Add lee far mail orders. - aBaaaaavaamaasBSSsamamammmmmmmssasssaammmnamaaaam Capitol Drug Store . - j J. B. WDLLETT ' ' '. ..... Corner at State and liberty Street 7 YOUR CHOICE Do as Sclem does - da your shopping d Johnson9 V .,m-. i i ii hwi i n ,n i nji i I'lf Tgi-V"TTTr rrsgrssiwsaaaaaaari saarsp r aaaaMiiaap ' ' ., - i t .'! .. . : . . . f 1 ' : .