The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 10, 1932, Page 7, Image 7

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OUnrASHAN. SabrU Ore 9:vlh:!K.!2r -Ilcrs:
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News and Gliib Affairs
Olive M. Doak Society Editor ' ;
Trio Program is
Anticipated f i ;
According to report keen Inter
est la being taken in the iprogram
to be presented Saturday night In
the Woman's club bouse and
which will be presented by Miss
Mary 8chults. , violinist! James
Hutchinson, pianist, and! Michael
renstein, cellist. j , '
The group represented three su
perior artists, and rery! serious
musicians. The program has been
planned with respect to real mi
ll and to the taste ot mixed au
dience. Of the work Axnesteln
has written "Passacaglia; by Hsn
del, is an old dance. It was orig
inally written tor the. organ and
has been arranged (or the violin
and cUo by HslTsrsen. lt Is a
wondertally v made arrangement
and wilt glre excellent opportun
ity tor the trio to show jits abil
ity." - - ' '
And ot the Brahms Concerto he
Mys, It Is an original for the
violin, and cello with orchestra ac
companiment. Very difficult and
a great work! Some of the most
beautiful passages of Brahms gen
ius can be heard in this work
which Is seldom played."
The Schubert Andante, accord
ing to Mr. Arenstein is one ot the
most characteristic of his melo
dies. The sound effect is ideal for
the three instruments which will
present it Saturday night.
The affair as planned will be
quite smart with many guests In
formal dress. Interested groups
! are coming from Dallas, Moa
: mouth and Albany.
I Ushers for the evening will be
Eric Anderson. Wayne Wiley. Ty
S rus HIllwaT and Lucius Springer,
Arts League Program
i One of the outstandingly Inter
! eating programs of the year "for
the Salem Arts League was that
I presented Tuesday night at the
! city library.
E mX. n .Inro htm. o4r&n
lUiCV uuQ av.b yiojo 17 g.wu
by local talent directed by Perry
Reigelman. The choice ot plays
was commendable, the casting was
pleasing and the work was sur
prisingly meritorious. The pro
gram was given by the creative
I theatre section, new organization
jot the league and from the work
i Tuesday night, it would appear
' that this new section will develop
Unto One of the outstanding
i groups j j
ji Original one act plays written
bjr members of the writers section
jot the league will be presented as
jthe next offerings and will in
clude "Broth Will Boil Over." by
sErnest I Everhard Baker; "Empty
Spaces.?' by Ruth Fargo; and
j"The Big Shot." by Perry Reigel
jman. j '
j Castling the characters is pro
gressing and will be continued
this evening in the auditorium- of
the Salem City library, at which
place .the section meets from sev
en until nine o'clock.
Thursday, March 10
Executive board meeting of Salem Woman's club
with Mrs. Ji M. Devers at her borne, rather than Satur
day at clubhouse. .
Home Economics club' of Red Hills grange meets
with Mrs. C. W. 8tacey. Potluck lunch. v
Mrs. Carl G. Doney and Mrs. George Pearesv boat
esses to Thursday club at Pearce borne, 1C7 North Win
ter street -r ' :-.'( - ! ' '
Loyal Woman's class of First Christian church, li
lt o'clock, la church parlors.
Open meeting of Artisans) t o'clock; program and
dancing. - ? .
Business and Professional Woman's at
Marion hotel.
W. R. C. Ladles Aid, all-day meeting at fairgrounds;
potluck luncheon at soon. ' ;
Mrs. Edna Wood hostess to members of Willing
Workers class of First. Christian church, at her home,
1048 North Winter street, j '
Friday, March 11 j
American Legion Auxiliary Quartet program, invi
tational affair at T. 8. Roberta studio, SOS North Sum
mer street.
Woman's Missionary society. First Baptist church,
at home of Mrs. E. W. Peterson. 155 North 21st street.
Three Links club, l o'clock in lodge parlors; Clara
McNeil, Edith McElroy. Louise Loveland, Jessie Moore,
Saturday, March It
Salem Woman's club to hear Prof. F. Klngsley ot
Portland in illustrated lecture on scenlo and historical
spots of New England.
. Sunday, March IS
Biblical drama "A Sinner Beloved", Knight Mem
orial church, night service.
Rebekah Lodge
Plans Anniversary
The Salem Rebekah lodge is
planning: for an anniversary meet
ing of the lodge organization for
Its March "21 meeting, according
to the report from the lodge pro
ceedings ot Monday night. It was
also announced that the lodge will
devote i the entire evening, of
March 14 to drill for the degree
Monday night the program pre
sented was under the direction of
the F. L. club and members of the
Encinitis club of Salem gave a
play. Included in the cast were
Mildred Judson. Mabel Curry, Bet
ty Elpfson. Gertrude Chamberlin,
and Dorothy Franks. Members of
tie F. L. club in charge were Eve
lyn Heseman, Adaline Seymour,
Myrtle McQay. Lula McClay, Mil
dred Martin, Helen McElroy, .Ha
te! McElroy, Dean Hart and Eve
lyn Naderman.
T .
Past Presidents Club
Mrs. Clara Adams entertained
members of the Past President's
'club of the Woman's Relief corps
at her i home Wednesday after
noon. " A short 'business meeting
was followed by an enjoyable so
cial afternoon.
At the tea hour Mrs. Adams
was assisted by Mrs. Cathryn Low.
Mrs. Jessie Hastings' and Mrs.
Low were special guests.
Members present' were Lizzie
W. Smith, Bessie Martin, Bertha
Loveland, Mary Ackerman, Effie
Dunlap, Hattie Cameron, Helen
Southwickv Rose Voris. Lora Me
Adams.r Sarah Peterson, Jennie
F. B. JOnes and Mrs. Adams.
Hunt CluhDrill
Well Received
An Interesting affair of Tuesday
night was the Informal entertain
ment given by the Crop and Spur
club of i the Salem Riding Aca-
- demy for about 100 ef its friends.
' - Guests were seated on the band
stand, platform at the horseshow
stadlamjand watched the class
drill of ! the Crop and Spur club
tinder the direction of Riding
Master Newman. ".;
Following the .drill, guests
were served with sandwiches and
coffee anda delightful informal
evening, was enjoyed.
Those riding were Mrs. Edwin
Reynolds, Mrs. Fred Lange, Mrs.
Harold Hughes, Miss Nan Put
nam, Miss Farnsworth, Mrs. Brey
man Boise, Miss Alice Brown,
Miss Irma Bolander, Mrs. O. C.
Mischler, and Miss Ruthita Hoff-
. neihrr ii.. ,,,..,
; The- Academy members will
meet Thursday at the horn - of
Mrs.' Harold Hughes and elect of
ficers for the coming seasom. v
ri: ri-"ti TTalM '"!;'tJilii& jr&UfcS'
, member X the local Business and
Professional Women's club was
speaker Wednesday noon before
the Albany chamber ot commerce.
. The Albany B, V F. W. dub bad
-' charg of tho program.- Miss Cros
by spok on tho tbemo of That
Banquet Will be Large
Affair Tonight
One of .the largest affairs of
the Business and Professional
Women's week will be the ban
quet which will be an event of
tonight ia the Marion hotel.
Miss Merle Dimick, club presi
dent, will preside. Irving Vining,
well-known speaker 4n Oregon,
president of the state chamber ot
commerce and a member of the
Oregon game commission, will be
the speaker ot the evening. In
addition to Mr. Vlnlng's talk will
be brilliant additional program
The committee in charee of
the banquet arrangements in- B. L. Steeves.
elude, Mrs. Maud Ramseyer,
chairman, and Miss Josephine
Shade, Miss Ruth Moor, Miss
Irene Brelthanpt, Miss Daisy
Hayden, Mrs. Emma Hins, Miss
Amanda Schwabbauer, Miss Nell
Thlelsen, Mias Edith Burch, Mrs.
Winnifred Herrick.
Mrs. Edna Wood will entertain
members of the Willingt Workers
class of the First Christian church
at her home Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Rich Reiman will talk on
"New South Wales."
Mrs. P. W. Morse, and children
Pauline and Paul W. Jr., are vis
iting at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
Sorority Banquets
This Week End
Of Interest in university cirel
will be the tw large formal ban
quets which will be given this
week end, on by the Alpha Phi
Alpha sorority and th other by
the Beta, Chi sorority.
- These affairs are in compliment
to th pledget being initiated at
this time into formal membership
in th sororities.
Th Beta Chi sorority will have
its banquet in th Silver Grille
room f th Gray Bell .Friday
night. Green and yellow will b
th color' scheme carried est in
th decorations of th tabl and
, Miss Marjori Chris teosoa wlU
b th toaatmistreacHoaor guests
will b Mrs. r. A. Elliott, boos
mother, and patronesses, Mrs.
Homer Gonlet, Mrs. C. D. Gabriel
son and Mrs. Paul Wallae.
Special guests will b th In
itiates, Bdlth SIdwell. Margaret
Nunn, Emma Wolford, Margaret
Wells, Lois Bradford, Hattt
Ramp. Betty Hawkins, Nova Hed
ln, Eleanor Henderson, Doris Ross,
Nellie Perrln and Clara Wright.
Covers are being placed tor SO
Th second banquet in compli
ment to initiates and special
guests will be Saturday night at
th Masonic tempi with Alpha
Pbl Alpha sorority as hostess.
Th affair will be formal and a
large attendance ia being planned
tor. Special guests will be th
initiates and university men who
are being invited for th affair.
Honor guests will be Mrs. M. Y.
Johnson, house mother ot th sor
ority, Mrs. Robert Molton Gatk.
toastmlstress, and Prof. Gatk.
Toasts will be given by Helen
Stiles, Lulu AlUn, Ruth Schreiber
and Lucille 8ummerlin. A color
scheme of orchid and yellow is be
ing used.
Siiverton Hills. Mr. and Mrs.
George Benson entertained Satur
day night for Chief Boatswain Os
car Benson, TJ. 3. navy, who Is
visiting her during his furlough.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
B. 8. Porter. Mr. and Mrs. Will
King, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Hadley.
Mr. and Mr. O. V. Murray, Mr.
and Mrs. Milton Knauf, Mr. and
Mrs. M. Mires, Mr. and Mrs. A. H.
Sacher, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Specht,
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Benson. Mrs.
Louvlna Benson and Mr. and Mrs.
George Benson and Oscar Benson.
Watch for Our Handbills . . . J Evervthine at a Savins'
Prices Effective Friday, Saturday & Monday, March 11-12-14
will be demonstrated in our Safeway store all day Friday and Saturday.
Come in and try this skillfully blended coffee it hits the spot!
1 Pound mm 3 Pounds.. (gG
For All Soap and Water
milk .
Reasonable Limit
Tall cans
For Whiter
10 bars 1 23C
Chocolate Sweets
Fine for Lunches
. Finest White Floating
General Housework Soap
10 bars 35c
Contains Product
of Lemon
Lg. pkg.
Happyvale Pink
tall cans . 25c
5-oz. cans
Fine Dessert, all Flavors
Country Kist
Stand. Cut, No. 2 Cans
Pure Can
18 pounds . . 95c
and S Pounds Brown
or Powdered Sugar
Libby Pure
2 .
Highway, Ripe
No. 1 cans
Superb Hop
2Vs can
Those sweet and juicy navels. Orange prices have already advanced, bat
Safeway has these still at a lowdown price. 1 Boy all you want. d0 JA
Per case U ... $LA
More of those good ones
fresh in from the coun
try. Rock and Red. AH
tTZ: 24c
Cut. from r our - choice
jronng beef. To boil n j
or braize. Lb. : C
Market Features!
I STEAKS! !?ii.
Sirloin, T-Bone, Rib. A11 PQRK SAUSAGE
cub xruui uur uiuicv
Safeway beef.
A fine lot of young1 rab-
Mts, to fry wIvOA.
bakfl.,Lb, . ,. A3C
- - Short I -!- r--si'
ilad from fresh ham
and loin trimmings
mad country
stylo.; Lb.
Fresh Dafly
; Storo No. 37
, 162 N. . Commercial
; Phone 6169 : ?
": $L00 Ordenl
Excepting Features
Store No, 519
270 N. Commercial
Phono 9432. .
lYirs. iviu
is nostes8 - i a - -
Mrs.; Uildred Lenoir B(irtiin.
ed wita a luneheoa Wedneedsy at
mo nurses nome oi saiem Uener
al noepital eomplimentlng lliss OI
gra L&raon.r whose blrtad&r was
beinc celebrated. The affair was
a delightful surprise to Miss Lar
son. . , -i,. ; ; .
- St.- Patrick's dar 'deMMtlana
were ettectirelr used, and daffo-
aim ana grreenerj and rreen us
ers centered th small Ubles at
wnica me cueau wer anted.
QompUmeaUag Miss Larson
wer Mrs. Tirsll T. Ooldu. irtaa
Norn Lebow. Mrs. MyrU Eoff.
Miss ltarr Beradt. Min Vvrtl
Fairbanks, Miss Tioia Raaek.
Mbs OUT Dos. Miss Natalia.
Spandier. Mis Alio Lenoir, Mrs,
Juanlta Hald. and Mis Marie
. .
Waconda. Mr. and Mrs.' a. Rar
Jone were hosts Saturday night
at a "!' party. High seor was
won by Mrs. Frank Felton and
Mils Raas U reoeired th conso
Refreshment wer served to
th following guests: Mr. and Mrs.
William Oorsline. Mrs. Myrtle
Miles and Miss Nina Spurtock. all
of 8alm; Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Stairord. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goffln,
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. RusselL Mr.
sad Mrs. Frank Felton, Mr. and
Mrs. Allyn Nusom. Duan Felton.
Veil Felton. Mile Russell and the
hosts, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Ray Jones.
Silrerton Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Lytl were recent hosts In ob
serrane of their SSrd wedding
anniversary. Card wer th di
version of th erenlng with high
seor' going to Xtertrnd Chrysler
and L L." Stewart.' i i ;x:A
Guest tor th eTeninr includ
ed Mr. and Mrs.- Stewart. Mr. and
Mra. Ben Glfford,- Mr.' and Mrs.
c . to.- Mr. 1 and- Mrs. Carl
Specht, . Miss Mabel Sand. Mias
c-nrysier. Miss Rose Specht, Mrs.
8ophi Snecht. LawIa Uohr -n.
Tid Coughenhower of Pendleton
ana Mr. sna Mrs. Barer ly Town.
Kfiter A birthday dinner
honoring William Hamilton waa
given Saturday night at th Wil
liam Blak horn. The ttbl Ac-
ratln colors war In keeping
win ratnesrs oay.
Brldg was - th direrslon of
the lATMnttir Pr4a
MrsJ William Newmyer, Mrs. V;
r. xucniamara. J. T. Weisser and
William Hamilton. Covers wer
laldtfor. Mr. and Mr, .wilifam
Newmyer. Mr. and Mrs. V. P.
Mcxamara. . Mr. and Mr. J. I
Weisser. Mr. and Mra. C.' R.
Smith. Mr. and Mrs. William
Blake, Alice Blak Bats and th
honr guest "William Hamilton.
Bethany Mrs. Harold Satern
waa I th Inspiration ot a llttl
family party Sunday night In
honr of her birthday which fell
on Monday. Present for th even
ing were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sat
ern and twa children. Mr. and
MrsJ Victor Madsen and two
children. Mrs. C4e Satern, and
and Mrs. Harold Satern and
Hi Alumna association of Sa
lem General hospital met Tues
day lerenlng In th nurse horn
for Its regular monthly meeting.
Business was followed by a social
hout. About IS members wer
0Fert Thunday ONLY
Ladies' and Misses-
Sizes 16 to SO .
Guarariteed Fast Colors
Only 2 Dresses to a Customer
Thursday Only
Golden Rule Store
C. L. WcIIman, Registered Pharmacist
In 4The Market"
470 N. Commercial St. Phone 6183
Bay yoar dmgrs, remedies & sundries from your registered druggist who is always at your service night or day.
We sell you your nationally advertised remedies & toiletries at the prevailing cat prices; and besides, we are
operating a Salem owned drug store, giving yon drags that are handled only by pharmacists, at reasonable
prices. No limits; bay an yon; want only dealers excepted.
6 for
3 for
5c Cremo; Win. Pens
or Square Deal
10c Target or
Rofl Rit
RoU Rite
Cigarettes 2 for
25c Anacin
2 25c
$1.25 Spors Stylo
Fountain Pen
1 lb. Pure
Castile Soap
85e Johnson's Wax
60c Liquid Veneer .
60c O'Cedax
45c'Oroaite Cleaner.
30c Wright's Silver Cream.
17 z 22 Chamois
50c Whisk Brooms
50c West s or Prophylactic
Tooth Brush
$1.20 Swamp Root 98c
$1.35 Pierce's 98e
85e AHenrha 69c
60c Sal Hepatica 39c
50c Sod. Phosphate 39e
65e Bisodol 43e
85c Jad Salts 59c
$1.00 Miles Nervine 69c
85c Krnschen Salts 56c
60c Bromo Seltzer 39e
UJSS Pinkham's 98e
$2 S-S. Remedy 1.49
10c Wash ClotKs
2 for 15c
50c Pepsodent 29c
50c Ipana 29c
50c Pebeco 30c
45e Colgates 30c
50c Koijnos 26e
35c Revelation 23c
$1 Tangee 69c
50c Day Dream 39c
50c Ayers Roogo 39c
75c Angelus Rouge 49c
First Aid
Yx lb. Hospital Cot. 19c
1 in. Adhesive 5 yd. 19c
5 yd. Sterile Gauze 36e
2 ia. Gauze Bandage 8c
25c Handl-tape 19c
Body Powders
$1.50 Yardley's $L39
50c Carlova Rose 29c
50e Cheramy 39c
$1.00 Djer Kiss 69c
For the Nose
65c IGstol 42c
50c Arzen 29c
$1 Vapex 69e
60c Eondon'o 39c
50c Tick's Drops 29c
$L00 Ambrosia 79c
75c Woodbury's 49c
50c Pond's Extract 39c
50c Witch Hazel 29
For Colds
60c Foley Hon. Tar. 39c
1.00 Turpo Vaporizer
complete with 75c Jar
Turpo 69c
65c Pinex 69c
50c Drakes 39c
60c Pertussin 42c
50c Bronchilyptus 35c
35c Pisos 27c
60c Rem 42c
75c Vick'a 49e
60c Blentholatum 39c
35c Musterble 27c
50c Cuticura Salvo 43c
25c Carbolic Salvo 19c
75c Baum Bengay 49c
25c Zinc Oxide 16c
35c Kleenex 27e
35c Kotex 27c
25c BuJD Dog Caps 19c
65c Poker Chips 49e
Mod ess compacts 2 25c
35c Playing Cards 29c
Hetdth Foods
$1.20 S. A. 85c
$1.00 Ovaltine 65c
75c Dextri Maltose 53c
$1.00 PsyUa Seed 69c
$1.00 Hornek's 69c
$1.00 Lactodextrin 79c
Egrgs, dyes & beauti
ful cards at 5 & 10
cents. 1 lb. Box Vo
gan's or Lowneys
Chocolates 75c
Large Cedar Chests
with . stationery J$2.19
Smaller size 1.98c
Heir Beautifiers
50c Lucky Tiger 33c
$1.25 Nourishme 98c
60c Danderine 39c
50c Palmolive Sham. 29c
50c Packer's Sham. 33c
60c WiMroot Tonic 39c
$1 liquid Arvon 79e
$1 Fitch Ideal 79c
50c Conti Sham. 29c
60c WiMroot Hot Oil
Shampoo 37c
$1.00 Listerine 69c
$1.00 Pepsodent 67c
$1.00 Zonite 69c
60c Glyco Thymoline 43c
50c Lavoris 39c
$1 Mn-sol-dent 69c
Toilet Soaps
23c Packers 16c
23c Woodburys 16c
25c Cashmere 16c
30c Resinol 18c
25c Listerine 16c
25c Mennen's
25c J. & J.
25c Palm Olive
25c Colgate c
25c Supreme . 12c
$L25 Absorbino Jr. 89c
70c Sloan's 49c
60c Jap 00 43e
50c Perry Davis " 89e
35c Omega OQ 27c
60c SL Jacob's 89c
Shaving Needs
35c Burma Shave 29c
35c Palmolive Cr. 21c
50c Mennen's Cream 29c
50c Everready Cr. 19c
25c Mennen's Tale 14c
50c William's Cream 39c
45c Colgate's Cream 29c
75c Molle Cream 49c
50c Burma Shave 33c
50c Shavo 29c
75c Pocket Knife
Pearl or bone handle
Cd blades 49c
75c Lilac Vegetal
2 for 75c
Fact Creams
$1 Pond's 55c
60c D & R 39
60c Pompeian 39c
$1 Krank's Lemon 79c
,$1 Paqnin Hand 65c
50c Melba Creams , 29c
Shaving Lotions
50c Colgate's 29c
65c Barbmsol 39c
50c Wodbvrys ,29c
50c Aqua Velva 39c
1 Pt. Universal
Vacuum Bottle
50c Wildroot 25
50c Jergen's 29c
50c Hinds H 6 A 39c
50c Prostffla 29e
Retiahle Drugs
PL Cod Liver Oil 39
pt Russian Oil . 49c
pL Milk Magnesia 39c
ex. Spts. Camphor 23c
ox. Olive On -ltc
Peroxide te
Rnbher Goods
25c Rubber Pants 9c
39c Rubber Gloves 19c
$1 Ladies' Douche 53c
$1 Bath Sprays 59c
$1 Hot Water Bott. 49c
$1 Fountain Syringe 49c
Face Powders
75c Hoppers 47c
60e Pompeian 39c
50c Java Rke 33c
30c LaBlanehe 33c
$1 Pivera 79c
$1 Tangee 69c
$1 Meuo-glo 59c
Pills and Tablets
50c N. R. Tablets 33c
60c ZDatone 42c
35c Ex Lax Figs , 26c
75c Doane's Kidney 59c
$1.00 Blarmola 69c
50c Feenamint 33c
25c Carter's Liver 19c
30c Olive 23c
25c Johnson's Baby
Cream v 16c
40c Castoria 29c
L50 Petrolager 98c
L50 Agaroi 98c
50c Super D 39c
$1 Squibb Petrolat 79c
Olympic Tisiud
r (1000 Sheets) .
3 for 25c :
5c El Dorado 6 - 25c
Gdttv Valet or
Probak Vm
always have
Just pfag it- la and
the correct ttao,
Graranteed vv ,C
- 7 deIaidec
(for Gillette type razors) . . .
23c 23c
z Tm o p.
.coruu. someuan. , w
- " . T . t 1