The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 10, 1932, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Mo ml nsr, March 10, 1932
'L-iocal News Briefs WIDTT IS URGED
i- mm . : : 1 Tn ri TPn nmr
u tiii I tti riiibt
Nine Pupil Perfect Nine of
the S J JhlgHi school freshmen ex-,
amined at the ccunty health unit
yesterday were f ound to be in per
fect physical! condition. Seventeen
were In need; of attention, most of
them of a dentist. Remedy of den
tal defects Is considered more im
portant In children of high school
age because they, hare their per
manent teeth, whereas the grade
school pupils do not. Yesterday's
clinie concluded examination of
the new freshmen and entrants at
the high school. 5 , , :;,
Spa made Easter eggs are class.
Estate la 3T0O The estate of
Emma J. Bassett, deceased, lias an
estimated value of 13700, probate
- papers filed yesterday with County
Judge Siegmund reveal. She was
- 84 years of age when she died
February 28 at Bend. There are
Iflve heirs. Mrs. Maybelle Turner
will be executrix of the will. I. P.
Aldrich, Chester Cox and Roy Bur
ton hare, been named appraisers.
One cent sale now at Capital Drus
store. .
TAriMtrlmuire Instituted Fore
closure of a mortgage for 1 1200,
abW. 838 of which has been paid,
was begun in circuit court Tues-
iiaT tav the State savings ana
Loan association. Defendants
named are Elenora and Bernard
s. Zlellnski and Elenora Girard.
Interest from April 15, 1931, at
eight per cent, Is asked.
Spa made, Easter eggs are pure.
Many After Jobs ?Many candi
dates for work appeared Tuesday
at the Oregon Pulp and paper
company's plant here seeking
lobs. Announcement was made
the same morning in The States
man that 50 men were working
an extra day on the glassine
paper machines to fulfill heavy
orders. No new men, however.
are being taken on at the plant.
One cent sale now at Capital Drug
Senior Have Program The
senior class meeting, program to
day immediately after the noon
hour will consist of a SO-minute
talk on Russia by Professor J.
c Nelson, a tumbling act. and a
song and dance act by Rosalie
Nnabaum and Louise uramer,
Onlr routine business will be
handled, according- to President
Paul Hauser.
Spa made Easter eggs are safe.
Fallon Sentenced A fine of
8500 and a Jail sentence of six
months were levied against
Frank Fallon here Wednesday
when he was haled into court
charred with, transporting intoxl
eating liquor. Fallon was released
from the Oregon state peniten
tiary two months ago. Since that
time he has been twice arrestea
For sale or trade, stock of grocer
ies. furniture and fixtures at
Rockaway, Ore. Will consider city
or suburban property. Phone
To Announce Debaters - De
bate teams which will participate
. in the first inter-district Inter
Fla la 60 Per cent Sixteen of
the 28 eases of communicable dis
ase reported In Marlon county last
week were Influenza patients, the
tefday. Only 50 per cent of the I Large ueieyaiiun UUHIC5 lu
SSTSJ? SE Solicit his Candidacy
eases were: Whooping cough five. !
chickenpox three, and smallpox, j
tuberculosis, - pneumonia and
mumps, one each. '"'
Against Hawley
fConilnnHt from PfK It"
annnorter of Mott or anr other
Salt rising bread. The old fash- candidate for congressional hon-
loned kind. Fresh every Saturday ors.
at Benson's Bakery, 264 N. Com- -"i have many friends In all po-
merclal. ' Iitlcal factions" Governor Meier
Ralph Campbell Same Little r'wllil'i?. rf Ur.r.i1,u'.4 nr
change was noted yesterday In the Ulm t0 pog,, sute Treasurer
w npu v.uipuBU, n. H6ljnlB j tne primaries. McGii-
who suffered a fractured skull on ,hri, ..m h w interMtAd and
Monday as the result of being would declde wnat he won.d do i
a ira1?' enaania " within the next week.
wmameiie sanatorium Teponea Floyd Cookf eh&irman of the
last night. He had not yet re- republican state central commlt-
guinea conscigasuess. ,- i t tho citv Yesterday. Iz-
Want Land Returned Claim- ? the y". p3"t!f 1,5fj?fil
hnMt... 7 ...... a i.-'i .j i here.
Coming Events
; March 10-10 Oregon'
state basketball tonraament.
April 7 Third District;
conference of. State Federa-.'
tion of : Women's, clubs, all-;
day session at Salem Worn-!
an's clubhouse; Salem Worn'
an's dab, hostess.', v ,
April 11 Grand chapter,"'
Royal Arch Masons.
April 12 Grand council.
Royal and Select Masons. .
April IS Grand romman
dery, Knights Templar.
April 15-21 North Pacif
ic district assembly. Church
of the Naiarene.
April 24 Salem district
Institute, Evangelical church.
MayS-S Younic People's
and Women's Missionary
State society. Free Metho
dist chnrch. . '
holding 27 acres of land and re-
A report was current In the city
fusing to give up possession. .Ji...i. tr x TT..r
fhrla or, tr,, lll.t,..! I JCTicuajr mm. v. , ----
m mkj m, sua .avatUVV U1VUOVI WU A WxU
was being groomed to oppose Mar-
daT, s 'nelrcuit court Lnan Daa Portland newspaper
man, for the democratic nomlna
i tion as United States senator.
asking that Jessie Barkus be dis
possessed of the property.
Schults trio concert Woman's
club bldg. Saturday, March 12th,
8:30 p. m. Adults 81.00, students
Estate Closed The estate of
the late Mary O. Fisher was or
dered closed yesterday in probate
court Sarah Jane Ward and Wal
ter W. Fisher - were executors.
There were seven heirs.
(Continued from pas I)
ary donations by members of the
police force. A number of mer
chants from time to time send In
quantities of meats, bread ana
other staples. Pin money for the
"institution" is often given by visi
tors at the police station.
Since the "hotel" was opened,
early last fall, Fred "Slim" Clark,
unemployed lumberjack, has been
if attacked hv fnflnenia or Chief Minto's right hand man In
even bad cold, remain at home keeping the place In order. J. G.
and in bed as a duty to yourself Macs- uuuara, wuo
and to others," cautions..the Ore- after "Slim," has spent the wln-
gon State Board of Health In a ter tnere as cnei.
bulletin Issued this week. "You Two meals are served each day,
will recover more quickly and oth- with the men allowed as many
ers wiill be protected from a like helpings as they want. For break-
infoPtiUn " tha nnnrt aa fast they are given mush and milk,
An epidemic of influenza Is prunes, oreaa ana coiiee; !r un-
sweepihg over this country and al- ner, stew. Deans, oreaa ana cone,
though most of the cases are mild "On the whole, they re a Prett
It Is known that the complications gooa ouncn. commeniea mo
of thisl disease are frequent espe- chief, concerning the type of men
ciallv ifter the epidemic has been cared for. "I believe they would
Mtahllshftd for Home time. Ererv go to work if they could get It.
case df Influenza should be- ser- Some of them ccming now are not
sffWcxl and thn nntlent Very gOOd. tUOUgn.
should take al 1 the precautions
that should be taken with any
other serious infection. Just be
cause you are not bedridden with
this disease at the start does not
mean that you can expose your
self to a more virulent type of In
fection. Cases convalescing from
influenza are high-ly susceptible
to other Infections counsels the
An experiment in county health
department activities, first aid
classes in the grade schools, is
proving highly popular, among
the sixth graders at Lincoln
school, according to Miss Eliza
beth Freeman, superintendent of
nurses. A similar; class Is being
tried out at Silverton.
Nurse Margaret McAlplne has
16 pupils in her class at Lincoln
schooL The course consists -of
24 40-mlnute periods spread over
12 weeks and deals in general
first aid work.
Lincoln dudIIs enrolled in the
class are: Anna Grabenhorst, Ho-
wena Up John, Ethyl Ray, Carol
Potter, Ines Ecott, Donald Crone-
mlller. Clifford Hyland. Myrtle
Scott, Robert Unruh, Mabel Hey-
land, Shirley Speer, Stuart Davis,
Mildred Mason, Lee McAllister,
Delva Lebengood and Laura Hick'
'Continued from pae 1
antttlns' unread 1 nfinpnK and had Earl A. Knott of McMinnville Is
colds. The lack of nourishing on the social committee of the
fond dim to economic conditions trustees and is anxious-to get the
is a predisposing cause to influ- j attitude of the students on the
enza. Correct diet must include question, but for some reason or
scholastic competHion in this re- milk, fruit, green vegetables and another no sub-committeemen
frtnn win ha announced soon bv cereala. Avoid fatizue: avoid have been appointed to assist
Principal Fred Wolf of Salem high crowds; have plenty of rest, sleep him nor any action been 'called
school, who has charge of the mat- and fresh air."
ter. Dallas, winner in this district,
probably will meet either Albany
or Corvallls. Albany finished its
last debate last night.
Spa made Easter eggs are better.
Program Postponed There will
be no program at the Y. M. C. A.
Friday night as had been planned,
postponement being due te spring
for by the board to gain the stu
dents' viewpoint.
However Knott has made con
siderable inquiry Into the sltua'
tion, he indicated when he was
in Salem to witness Freshman
Glee. He has also corresponded
with Methodist schools all over
the United States and has an in
teresting report to make concern
Ing their attitude toward dancing
opening. The Monmouth normal - pi00eer of 1818 celebrated TJ 1 - Another
musical group was scheduled to ' 0,,r .ylAa AinA IieiD KJTlc noUier
Methodists ; at Woodburn
Name, Church , School
Officers for Year -V
car waa badly damaged aa result
of the collision, .
Mr. Martin had taken his son
Aldred and wife to Albany earlier
n the day, where the former un
derwent an operation .early Tues
day, for aid to a knee injury, the
result of an automobile accident
ha met with whila 1U
bany .last June. It would seem. I L lOonttnoad " "
going to Albany is a rather unfor- Rita Mae HIIL Eleanor Braxeau,
tunate drive tor the Martin's. Mrs. William de Sousa. Flavia Downs,
Aldred Martin will remain In the Robert. Kretcher. Lyle Heckinger,
WOODBURN. March Rev.
John D. Woodfin was reelected
superintendent of the church
school of the .Woodburn Metho
dist Episcopal church at a meet
ing of the church school board,
held in the church Monday night.
Other officers are: assistant su
perintendent, J. H. Livesay; of
fice secretary. Miss Wllma Mor
rison; : recording secretary, Mrs.
W. D. Simmons; treasurer, Mrs.
G. R.; Allen; librarian, Emerson
Jones;' organist, Helen Woodfin:
assistant organist, Mildred Fret
well; primary department super
intendent. Mrs. Charles Dean; su
perintendent of cradle roll depart
ment. Mrs. James H.. Livesay;
home superintendent. Mrs. Jean-
ette Zlmmerle: and missionary su
perintendent, Mrs. B. O. Brown.
The regular monthly meeting
of the Bethel Home and Foreign
Missionary society was held Tues
day afternoon - at the home of
Mrs. Charles' Sweaney. Miss Au
drey Seely gave a reading on stew
ardship and Mrs. Albert Van
Cleave talked about missionary
education. Mrs. Bert Seely also
took part In the program.
Official dedication and accept
anee of a tree set out at the Wash
ington grade sehool last year oy
the Woodburn Woman's club was
made Tuesday afternoon. In enucleation-
of the bicentennial of
Georre Washington's birth, the
Woman's club set out several
trees and shrubs last year, to be
dedicated to Washington this
year. Only one, an elm tree. grew.
Vernlce Bents of the high school
delivered an oration on Washing
ton's love of trees.
R. C. Meet Today
Mrs. Nora Broyles will be host
ess to the Woodburn Relief Corps
members Thursday afternoon at
hr home on North Front street,
for the regular monthly social
meeting. There will be a pot luck
dinner at noon.
A lara crowd gathered at the
VA7tf. V.a .fan. Katnntu i Woodbum FOUT SoUST ChUTCh
. . ii.. j.. litir Tim
crowaea ana spectators occupying uuj ---
arcr aTaiiahl corner of the rrm- aent. former prison cnapiam.
naslnm na. Vaonlfw (Mm AofAlt. I NAVf6Dl tOld OI Bnuieruu, Cl"
ed the Parrlsh Junior high team tions of notorious criminals. He
27 to 18 Wednesday night in the also discussed delinquency of mln
flnal game of the season for the ors, segregation, and other penal
Parrish team. problems. He also spoie i in-
Coach Frank Brown, who has state training school tor dots,
developed many strong scoring which is located north or here
teams and who knows how to Miss Covey Keeiecteq
train his men to ret points, failed Miss Dorothy Covey, who Is
entirely in his efforts to connect teaching in the Ballston grade
with the loop and was the only I school, spent the weekend visiting
faculty player who was held score- wnh her parents, Mr. ana Mrs.
less. That was a little victory for rrank W. Covey of Woodburn.
the junior high men In spite or gne as accompanied by Aivin
the fact that they did not win the gall of Ballston. She has been re-
rame. elected bv the Ballston school
Harold Hank was the high scor- hoard to serve next year.
er for the faculty with 10 points A delegation from the Wood
and Gllmore came up with nine Durn American Legion post's aux
points to the good. Gurnee Flesh- uiary unit visited the auxiliary
er regisiereu six points auu mjij- post oI tne Salem Capital f osi iso.
nan two. 9 Monday night as special guests.
The Parrish men kept posses- Mr and Mr9 Norman K. Rlch-
sion of the ball most of the first arda jeft recently in their car for
quarter and at half time trailed Canforna They expect to visit
only two points. 10 to 8. The fac- Franclsco and other Calif or-
ulty crew got better organized as nJa citleg Tne trip will probably
city with her husband for a few
aouuwujK aim opermuon.
seriously m at her home.. Hilda
Heinonen who is staying at the
home of Howard Stephens is re
ported somewhat better, '
-Mr. and. Mrs. Edward. Phelps
hare returned to th41r bonis in
Hood River, after spending few
days at the Pautio heme. C'.
Nels Sipola who has been at-.
tending the O. L T. In Portland
returned home after a completion
of the course. V t - ' . .
"Botts" Grant, "Zollle" Volchok.
. The drawinr will take place at
8 p. m. and the seventh number
taken from a 'large - ."squirrel
cage will be adjudged the win
ner. Many, merchants are supple
menting this gift with prises from
their stores.
Dancing will start at the Crys
tal Garden at 9 o'clock, both
floors being utilised. The .Eli-
nore theatre style show , starting
VHW YrtnTC. Mar xf AT I ai s o cioca win oe an ouuianaing
A mjn who was once a railroad j f eureL . " L.-m . . v
telegrapher steps into one of the . Merchants participating in the
most prominent Jobs in the world pro nun are.
--thi presidency of the United Trar.NcZ
States Steel corporation. Arehart AWrich. AUaa Book Stora,
WQliam A. Irvln Will take Over I AndT-on Candy Snop, The Ac. Aap-
April 18 the office held since 1911 w , "Bl! A... ot "5 W.T t
Boock. Max O. Bnrn. C J. BrIr Co.,
C. p. Brelthaupt, W. E. Dan Burns,
Brrnes. Inc.. Buster Brown Rhoe Ptore,
Bill's Barber Shop. Capital Drac Store.
Ontral Cafe. Carl tc Bowersox. Court
Street Dairy Store. E. W. Cooley, sto-
ent cbrporation.
by James A. Farrell who is retir
ing as he himself said early this
year f In favor of a younger man.
Mr. trvin s appointment was an
nounced today.
The new president. S8 years-old I w. Capital Hardware A
last December 7, has been in the ? c1 Mt Market. Capital Fur
T . " , ! , " I Shop, Carson Pharmacy. Central Fhar-
Iro and steel business 38 years, I m,, c. c, store. Cadwu A Par-
many) Of wnicn were spent as OP- er. Crown Drug- Store, Carson Bar-
eratiag vice-president of Ameri- tr-ho0- ?V!iisa 5or,l',ctor''
... a..i Tt ni.f. Tpnartitint Store, Day Nlles, Inc..
can Steel and Tin Plate company, Koff Kie-tHr- p. Rainh Emmona Tno '
United States Steel Subsidiary. I Elliott's Dollar Store. Florshclm Shoe
Last September 1 he was brought I Snop, Kt I. Rirmer Hardware Co,
to NV York from Pittsburgh to'vi
iui j Ttce-prestueocy 01 in nahlsdorTa. Greenbaum's Dept. Store.
Howard Corset Shop, Holme Monarch
Orocery. Paul M. Hand. Hamiltm
8ho Store. Huteheon Pa hit Store. C
8. Hamilton Fnrnltur Co.. Imperial 1
Furniture Co.. Irish Cash Store, The I
Jewel Box, Alex Jones. O. W. Johnson
Co.. Otto Klett's Crystal Gardens, Ka-
rourys, Kar s Coat a Dresa Shop, H.
T. ixve. The Market Grocery Co.. Dr.
Henry F. Morris. Miller Mercantile
Co.. McMarr Store No. ISO, Model
Beauty Parlor. Model Fond Shop. Mar- I
inello Beaurr Parlor, Market Drug
store, The Man's Shop, Mack's. Model
Cafe. The Malt Shop. Mldxet Market.
WASHINGTON. March 9. Nelson Bros.. Nash Furniture Co.. Les
(AP) President Hoover struck '"ZJ- A.
- . - . a 1 ' """"t vrvB w.a a
Dacx at ana aeniea loaay a aemo-I Honse Pharmacy, J. C. Penney Co.,
cratie charm that he had lauea I Price Shoe Co Hirh, Street PIkxIv
to cooperate with a special house I "-h S7
economy commitiee m 11a enotui Gas A Coke Co.. J. C. Perry Dru
to reduce federal expenditures. I store. Pastime Cafe, Mike Panek.
The White House couched its Keene, poi
a j m 9 ata 4 I oiuic, rfamu tuKi wiOM riuar-
couDwreotrgo in m .uruiu .no- ma Roth's Grocerv. IJovd Ramxten.
-r,a w v- su -Ba7wu 4 I ruia r UI UilUIfJ U. VS. OllIUlCT I aWVePir a mmmm-m a a a.
Chairman Byrns of the economy Jh Smart Shop. Safeway store No. v m V'ru v .
eommittA that the nreaident had K19 8a'av Store No. J9, Salem Mrs. John Tweed has her Incn-
M Tk afd onW ttronri th "rdw SuPrllne Beauty bator, started on the first hatch
orrered his aid only through th Shop, The Spa. Samuel's Commercial ot b.h -fct-v. hla rnr Hfr
press, the Statement said "Con- Exchana-e, Salem Dmn Co.. Tourist 2LaT Silf. Hit
....... . a k. Ha. uiif, iiunDieson irner wnorj. vai- I vua
"v- v""' pert a Todd, r . w. woolworth Co.. f hana
behalf that he had instructed ev- Bro Grocery. Weller Hardwar, I
ery arm ofhis administration to er.. worth's Dept. store. Or- Darkens is employed by a finance
cooperate with the committee and cutt and Pfister. Cross Market. R. H company aa caretaker of a nlace
4t.. . .tvi.. ...v. .i1riwb fiwwtir nu,k Tinii.JU xk... I company as careiaaer 01 a piace
rw TTViwI n..-.. m.... I Tha Nimmnnlti clnK arfll fiav
while still other suggestions were macy. Commercial Book store. Cap- its regular meeting Friday night.
en route. 1 iuu uit mnnw u- (iiMonm. 1 x .1.1 11 .v .
Z'IriW!S "dJ Br.,HUnr3UH;rtShoP?,S chicken house erected in place ot
eds. the Statement said, is Electric Co., Johnson's Ladles Ready the one that burned 10 days ago.
GERVAIS, March t. Mri T.
A. Dltman gave a party at her ;
home 'Saturday night honoring
Mrs. D. B. DuRette aad Mr. Dit
mars on their , birthday annirer- '
series. Three tables of "500" were
played, with prises for high score
going to Mrs. C. B. Ellsworth and
Frank Newberg and for low score
to Mr. and Mrs. DuRette. Mrs. Dlt-
mare served refreshments, assisted '
by her niece, Miss Lucille Brook.
Carnations, daffodils and pussy
willows were used as decorations.
Those present were Harry
Brook, Lucille Brook. Donald
Brook" of Oregon City, Mr. and
Mrs. C. B. Ellsworth; Mr. and Mrs.'
wiiiiam Allsup, Mr. and Mrs. Da
Rette. Mr. and Mrs. Ditmars. Mr.
and Mrs. I. V. McAdoo and Frank
Mrs. A. B. Minaker and Miss
Viola Peterson attended a meet
ing of the Woodburn Woman's
club Tuesday afternoon. The club
planted a tree by the east side
schooj in memory of Washington.
Mrs. Minaker sang "Trees."
Geryals chapter. O. E. S-, gave a
program in celebration of the
Washington bicentennial at its
meeting held Friday night. A
unique feature was demonstrated
by Mrs. Jones of antique china and
other, articles of Washington's
time that had come down in her
real results
to Wear. Joyce a Restaurant. Klaaaie I TV. A xj ruvtna .lnw mot Cat.
Photo Shop, I. W. -Doc" Lewis. Marr I .'"J J.A ?yZiZZ . Z
Grocery, Peter Pan. Presnall Paint rdT with their leader Mrs. A. A.
store. Portland General Electric Co.. I nail at tne A- A. maueiger nome.
Steuslofrs Market. Schaeffer'a Drua 1 A hnaina meetinc was held with
fec vWu&G,Cth President. Lucille Wood, pre-
ernAuto Supply.
the game progressed.
take 10 days. Mrs.
DUBLIN. March 9 (AP)
Eamon De Valera, New York born
son of a Spanish father and Irish
mother, was elected president of
Richards has the Irish free state today in the
Two criminal cases will
. V. It.. law
appear, DUt wm oe nereiuo u. Mehama Sunday. March .
Friday In May instead. Tne Doara , Ta
of :f directors of the T. ll. a A. f are known nere were
will meet at the Y this noon for ,h,ii .ta Taylor and
wife, Mehama; Elvie Taylor and
Education as to
Values of Milk
Council'" Plan
A small levy on the total re
ceipts of milk by all dairy organ
izations in Oregon as well as milk
distributors will be used to pro
vide funds for a state-wide educa-
slding. Plans were made for a tea
to be given the second of April at
the school house. Eveline Naf
zeiger won the prize for best toast
exhibit and Ida Scharer for, the
best creamed potatoes.
After the business meeting the
girls enjoyed a pleasant social
hour and a delidlous lunch serv
ed by Mrs. Nafceiger. Present
were Lucille and Josephine Wood,
be Florence Hansen, Ida Scharer,
been working for the local Mac- Dail Eirann 81 to 68. trled , JnBtIce coart today, with Emmeline and Eveline Nafz
Marr store. . Smiling at bis triumph, alter the state's case against Archie Ed- Lucille Hall. Irene Nafzeiger,
Eddie Armstrong, son oi airs, years or waumg mo new cuicl - d to f nreliminary I A. A. Hall. Helen Nafzeiger and
Mary Armstrong, is recovering ecutiye took active cnarge oi tne hearJns at 10 Q.ciock this morn- Mrs. Nafzeiger.
Punishment For
Sending Threats
By Mail Enacted
now able to be up.
a regular session.
Lost Springer Spaniel
Club Names Heads
tTa. i T J tion campaign to develop more
tor rirst renod use for mllk and mllk prodncts.
Paul C. Adams, executive secre-
from a case of chickenpox. He Is dail tonight and presented the
names of ms ministers.
The ministry Is wholly fianna
fail the De Valera party name
which translated means soldiers
of destiny. The labor party whose
handful of votes will be needed
to keep the De Valera government
alive, was not represented.
MARION. March 9-
The Mar- t.. th. nVo d,1,r -nnnHl A PUDllC speaauig cu" -
",m ; ,. Mt. Marion county graae oa "-
femaJe wife, snverton; daughter. Maoei Jon Help One Another club, work- Bald yesterday. He was in the city "'.r.l m V. i,;m at
... ..j hnahand. Mar.le&V: 1 Ina- aa an aiiTlltarv nMth TRA local .i . v. 0rT MUUUI yuiina urn u
pup, nrown ana wm. ------- ------- mTiwsas RtwrtoB on Friday night. April
Uprising Feared
li Hitler Group
Loses Election
ing, and the case against Frank
Kirsch scheduled for 2 o'clock this
Eddy lg accused of burglary not
In a dwelling, the charge being
filed as aftermath of the shooting
fray last week when Eddy was fa
tally Injured by Harry Erpelding
The Kirsch case. In which
charge is driving while under In
and husband, Macleay;
grandchiwren ana great grano- Farmers union, surprised Mrs. Q. antlc ade milv ordinance pass- 2"r " "7" u l hv
children: Vernon Patton and wire w. Pous Monday with a basket a v.. w th a Mnn Ml. cc""s IV'. 1..." .
Mrs. Walker Improves Mrs. .nd Ernest and Jackie. Macleay; dinner and spent a pleasant day r th. T dairy interests 19 Hui- i00"4 "v L bek'
Arlia G. Walker, wife of Judge Harry C. Patton and wife Shirley helping her ouilt. dt thlir eamnai mtenaent. "?,- etl - - some
Walker of McMinnville. was . re- and Russell. Portland: Elmer Tay- This club which only recently tgh tne pressV through the !!nL0t"n "Tn t" U yfr
r- .a mm t . vwa I II 1 . JU T yv M .T svv a MARS. I a.A -w. I ... A .S la. -m-. a. I . ...... srUUUl DUUBIlU "a" w aa I AUlfii allUVI m s-aw w w -
cuperaung weu irom or, w uu rv w svara couiu.ctcu ' ,ei,ooH and through district or- "a. nn-ft bftf0rB April. i tha t tha nresldentlal elec-
operation at the" Salem General ma; friends: Mr. Anderson, Mr . j lzation by electing Mrs. A. F. Laf-1 gaoizations where information on
hospital Sunday It was reported and Mrs. Roy Carter, three daugh- ky president and secretary-trees- the Taine cf xy products would
yesterday at the nospuai. jars, ters ana son. urer, Mrs. rrea scnermacner. be disseminated.
Walker Is well known in saiem. i -uranapa Tayior is iae pro-1 purchasing committee consisting
She IS a, graauate OI n uumcue pneior ot iuo iu .uwnu m jars, un utugu, jura, ivuuuiiu i y
university-ln the class of 1919. lor grove situated on the bank ot and Mrs. Gray, was appointed to Vf ffiClOW T aiUreS
I tne mue noriu iurt ui iu oo-u.- me lowest possioie prices iu
tlam: He was born at Macleay in groceries for the members.
- . . . aaalw .
open toaay. w-a rirsi the Waldo Hins, Marcn 4, ists Members present: Mrs. Ron-
Bank Building. " land grew to manhood on the old bins, Mrs. Schermacher, Mrs. Le-
Th contest will be divided into tton next Sunday goes against
three sections: grades one to four, them.
five to eight, and secondary. Ele- Thg uncertainty was based on
mntirv entrants Will give read- Ta davelonments. At Ludwlrsha-
Ings of not more than five minutes fen two Hitlerite engineers. Theo
ln length and high school pupils dore Ejckel and F. Kemmet. were
UrU: ZTWIwlU make extemporaneous arresUd charged with illegally
WW aaxil&iuil rciti speeches, limited to six mmuws manufacturing 80 bombs. The sec-
In length on suo-iopica i i ond factor was an eaitonai tnreat
I,M bm.m , uuu m wM
- . wnk. TTnlta Otlfl and la . I TT.11. V.
xeedlam -is Better H a r r y dJ?,n,a".n ??.f toJlf5HLf!I: l1!,"- ?ZlJl' memorating the bicentennial an- the League ot Nations. . , Lffaet that there must not be a
iCITv. - i7.or. n, caiuvan, rs. wdbj, iura. nt Wrth tit (lMrn rn tara annearaace antt ei- mmj.n K-nt .An tf RiindaVa
lOUUaui, wuu - 1 .n la.l1io Vmi and mATM O.I...1.. ,.4 Um ntlmnnr I . J -o- i " ' " ... ' " . . , v.
Washington has been ylsible lor f ectlveness wiu aetermiu-j . eetion brings no absolute ma-
several days at the Montgomery I winners. Gold ana suver bmw jorlty.
WiM ilnn at f 7K NnrtM T.lnArfT I ha iwlMH ins wiuusia vm
street. In the display one sees the first, second, and third places
nation flag unfurled besides an
Needham who su"" ried Martha Farrens and moved Schawley and Mrs. Gllmour.
wiw ,1 , tZ, to their present nome wnere tney
juries aa 'VmmZ.' -ZZ have lived these many years.
du comsiun ,They passed through many
teraay was consiuerapiy J hardships in building up a home,
was announceo. wnen ne ww . . . hefor a bridee
spanned the river they forded the
river or used a row boat to get in
first taken to the hospital, it was
not exneeted he would live Zf
musics HQ ...
rurt Fureeson's Willamette Val
ley Boys at; McCleay dance Frl.
'Wants Committee" PoefD. J.
Miller' of Macleay has filed .with
the county clerk a notice that he
will seek election as precinct
committee for the .republican
county central committee.
Airlie Calf Club
Seats 1932 Heads:
7ieif rive Rru-.rtAH unusually fln oll-on-velour por
V15UQXY rveporica trftU of Wa8bington whUe In the
foreground is a miniature repro-l
ductlon of the Washington monu-
PORTLAND. M arch 9 (AP)
A sudden guest ot wind upset I. W.
AIRLIE, Mar. 9 The Airlie 4-
H Calf club held an instalUtion of menL Acc0rdlng to Manager Nue-
I officers Monday night. Paul Ban-
man, a -similar display has been
.a,--" ...r u.... 7a whllA ha was walklna
LOOK Upon Albany near his home here last night. His
, .... i a. f M
Trip as Real Jm
LYONS, March 9 As Marion
CHEMAWA, Mar. 9Led by a
ta, presiaeni; narry uose, vice- ad. in .va i. mora
. . . a I wi-efT ii4 vuw t wvn mmm w a. w u wa"
I presiaeni; augeno uaris, secre- tha Ko0 of th- -omljanT.- stores. Martin, farmer Of this Plaee WM
Ury. Other members present: on bla way Boma fr0m Albany late
Jack Weinert and Harry Bose. J atiMTTH uwtfllRY I Monday afternoon his sedan eol-
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Conn ot Sa-1 prvm.PTnw er M.nh e hidad with a r-r rnlnr to Albany
lem and Tom Frye of Miles City, api nrtnn -n viiirr niaadad lahnnt aif way between Albany
xouuiu, : wno cufc guUty in circuit court here today and Jefferson, almost in iront ox
to a eharca of xorsrenr. He was I the White school ouiiamg. ir.
I here with many old friends.
Wlta sal epsratlm sc iea si Hbm
nt orros Bidg. rkoo ssoe .
state penitentiary.
'es about his forehead while his
. a. . a i . m 1 VW Wm aana ax V V a aw a. Q J W " am a wv . t mrn mm v -ar- a -
AWre Nornial Noraalcy .vrhtintr Redskin named I r,,' .v" 'r. ".r 1 entenced to three years in the Martin received only minor oruis-
' . - . . nJ I r - . oivuxvit iuiu t; uig auii au-
was virtually rev nea at ia i Simmons, tne orana Konae in- ner home Sunday, j : .
nign Bcnooi in -- dians aeieatea me toemaws in
dents absent yesterday.' For the djan BChool team 45 to 43 on the
first time this semester only 43 tmall frand-Ronde floor tonight
pupus aia not aneuu viaooco. : i m an ovenime game,
Walter Fred
-To Mr. and Mrs,
-CppendahL 2020
FALLS CITY, Mar. 9 The bill-
in v machine thai i vm i formerly I
Simmons made three personal ! naed In tha bank of Falls Cltv
fouls la the first halt and only I was purchased a short time ago by
one field goal. In the second tha- school hoard and installed in
frame he curbed his personal eon- I the commercial room of the local ,
tact ''with the players ana con-1 Bi,i, school. i ,t
taeted the loop ror i. points.
Too Late to Classify.
The game ended with the score
1 North Capitol street, a girl, De- knotted at 37 to 37.- urana
i lore .Jean, born on March 1 at I Ronde made a barrage of goals
i the Bungalow Maternity home. I in the overtime period and then fisso. Buys l acre with fair building
Rcofleld To Mr. and Mrs. JY I Chemawa rauiea. nuv me gun
I R. Scotleld; 20 Columbia street, ended the comeback. The two
i a boy. Russell Clyde, born at Sa-J teams meet here lonigni..
lem Deaconess hospitaL I Chemama urana nonae
Uhlto To Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Bobb ...K.z ir, viueneue
White of : route 9. a : rirl. born I Pratt .....
1 March S at . the Bungalow ; Ma-1 Hatfield C ...... 4 .Doran
ternity.home. ' . : 1 Vlvette 14 . . . . . .G. . . .1 Lrerman
acuHr to ear. auu an., a. mt. i ucyue ....
Kelso : ot S4S Statesman St, a DogEagle 12. . . S. V. . .4 - Pruetta
I rlrL horn March t at the Buses Franklin 4.....S......4 Doran
aw w -1- hmuiui atwiii.i r1 - -i.' . MMmM ... m m m - . . . m -
on aarden road 'lust out ot city
llmlta 1589 cash, will maka down
' naymanL r . -f - - - - .
StftOw. Buys a modern ( room home
With sarasa. chicken house, water
-j,;: system, -just" outside of elty on
amrdan saaiL - :? si
mm... .F.l Simmons I FOR KXCRAKaE: SO acres of rood
- - piling umoar ror ciosa in acreaxe.
Fully modara new. T room house, barn,
double garage, alectrlo water sys-
' tarn with two acres of land very
dose m at S475Q. terms. '
SEE Chaa H. VIek with
14 Bouth Uberty Street, Salem
To the Public:
An organiiiatlon, to be known as the Highway Protec
tive Association, is being perfected. It will hare two pur
poses: First, to assist in putting an end to drunken driving
on- public highways, and. second, correcting some ot the
abuses which have grown out of the use of such highways
by heavy commercial trucks. ; "
i Those approving the purposes ot the association are In
vited to become members. We are asking only for your, co
operation not your money. ... '
; .. : , - . . JDSWALD WEST.
Highway Protective Association,
X S31 Railway Exchange Bldg.
1 Portland. Oreeon.
i Being in sympathy with "the alma of your organisation I
ask that 1 be enrolled as a member, but with the understand
- ing that 'membership carries no' financial obligation on my .
part; -;' . ; I.. :
a. Ore.'
Dr. Chaa
Chinese Medicine
180 N. Commercial
SU Salem
- , Office hoar
Tuesday and Bator
day 8 to 8 p. m.
ennmi) V. . T.I ndKanrfi Vld.
fluence of intoxicating liquor. ,-. tv. Ln.. tmtir nnrmwl
comes here from Woodburn on af- y and -ent to the sen-
Seek Fishermen
Adrift on Floe
ate legislation providing severe
punishments for those who send
threatening letters through .the
Applause greeted .Speaker Gar
ner's announcement that, the bill.
nravfdtna maximum Densities of
HELSINGFORS, Finland, tsooa fina and to rears imnrts-
a Mm ltt A mm. S.t. .-.aa i "
rc '7. f'"; . 1 . I. : onment, was passed,
left Helslngfors late tonight to
search for 700 fishermen report-1 vat.t.q rrrv uareh Mrs.
ed to be adrift on an ice floe in 1 Jonn Anderson "is Just recovering.
tne eastern pan oi tne uuii i from an attack of the flu. SU is
Finland. Ian aetiva worker in the M. E.
Airplanes are expected to Join T.M. ktA mnA ... rriendahln
tne searcn tomorrow, me excl I circle-
wnereanouta or tne maroonea men
wag undetermined.
Mechanical Drawing
School Comes to End
HOPEWELL. Mar. The me
chanical drawing school conduct
ed br Don Stewart, after seven
weeks of study, held its nnai
meeting Monday at the Hopewell
schoolhouse. - .
Mrs. Alfred .Heinonen is quite
Card Tables and
Chairs to Rent
. Priead
STsjl 1 ' j T '
Lau 0610. Used Farutare
Department ;
151 North . High , -
Jast Tea KlaatM ftea Us Bsart
- af Town -
EcUblished 1893- TeL 8852
Convenlontly Accessible -Perpetual
care provided for
Prices Reasonable . ?n
Mm -
aa . . Va . . m r m, m if..
Jhe Placei6Trcde:
- 7 tmtf Thrive :': :
Our prices are juat aa low
and on the average a lot
lower than many stores not
even giving the profession
al service, that has ' given
Schaefer8 the reputation
it .has in this state. - ' '
vr Try Our Service and
" ; jbe Convinced " ,
- ; nnra store " ! -
133 N. .Commercial SL
V - Penslar Agency
r - Phone 5197 -' .'-