"I 5 J -": . t - :- !- CIRCULATION WEATHER": Average T ll3tribuUun ITsarttled f oHorrrd by rain today and Tbnroday tem peratare acbansvd; Bfax. Febraary, '32 Net paid. dil jr. Sunday 6636 Temp. Ta9day S3, lllm. 85, f.- MXMBZB 4. . O. Hrer 7JI feet, rain .01. - EIGHTY-FIRST, YE All Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning:, March 9, 1932 No. 298 ' A- I HA ID Kidnap News 7001 . VaV3l;! 1 - POUNDED IQBI V ' : - FIRST PRIMARY VICTORY SWEEP Baby Lindy Abduction Recalls Others J 11 V - " V J ' nv"' Lindy Friend nnnOnFOP 11 H RF Hill AA 1 11171 W Ct TUTON I lUUILUU IVIHUL )iew Hampshire is Strongfy For N. Y. Governor, Is Story of Ballots Margin Averages 4500 With Few Wards Missing and ' -Outcome Certain CONCORD, N. H., Mar. 9 (AP) Candidates pledged to the support of Franklin D. Roosevelt for the democratic presidential nomination won a sweeping vic tory over-the forces backing Al fred E- Smith in yesterday's New Hampshire primary, first of the presidential campaign. With . 0 scattering towns and city wards of the 294 in the state missing,- the returns of the vote for delegates at large to th9 dem ocratic national convention, show ed an average majority for the eight Roosevelt pledged, candi dates of approximately 4.500 over that for the eight . Smith pledged candidates. The vote for candidates for dls trict delegates in the two congres sional districts, from each of which two were elected, while in complete, gave the Roosevelt men an insurmountable lead Assures Roosevelt Of Eight Votes The result assured Roosevelt of eight pledged votes in the nation al convention. These . included eight delegates at large, each with a half rote, and two delegates from each congressional district. each with a full vote. The outstanding returns in cluded a few wards in several cit ies, where the Smith strength was strongest but the heavier vote cast for the Roosevelt slate in. the towns, of which a number remain ed to be heard from, was expected to balance these. ' . Robert Jackson, seceretary of 123 E Everyone Is deeply Interested In the fata ot the XJndberg baby but to Leo Hogue, -7 t-year oI& Port land laborer, the crime has espe cial significance. Mf Tlnma Vitslnaaa ' Temporary uraer is uramea yesterday, said he knew the fa mous uuer oi v;naries Augustus Just When Assessment Books Turned Over Jr., when he was four years old and from then until he was 15. "Why. I used to feed Llnd- ergh," ho said proudly. With natural boyish interest, ! Judge Hill Sets March 121 the youth. Lindbergh, who utr a T- . - was to maae a soio xugnc over tne lime vi niMumwH I Auanuc ocean to worw-wwe rWA.111M,n5K, o t t-t -r:.- n - fame, used to coma down from tJivvuiayuiy ncjjwi i uitcu uui lur ruil liilic ell rrco On Education Levy his home on a Mississippi sand hill to the river bank to watch Anticipated litigation over the the "drivers" guide their logs high school tuition law came Into down stream toward Minneapolis, court here Tuesday morning when a temporary restraining order was grantedf by Judge Gale S. Hill against Sheriff Oscar D. Bower prohibiting the latter from the collection of $129,474 In 1931 taxes levied on non-high school districts for high school tuition. Tae Injunction was granted Just as soon as Assessor Oscar Steel hammer had turned the tax assess- Minn., 95 miles away, according to Mr. Hogue. Now in those days the river men were hard men and when they would come to dinner they would come with a rush and grab for the biggest pieces of every thing," he reminisced. "But I'd see that Lindbergh got something to eat afterwards." "Lindy" tried to get a Job with the "drivers", he said, "but he Conference; Close Friend of Lindbergh Leaves on Unreported Mission; Family More Hopeful Following Receipt of Last two Letters Method of Sending Baby Back and Proving Their Claim For Ransom Later Offered Through Philadelphia Paper; Advises Retention of Irregular Piece of Cloth From Infant's Sleeping Garment (Jimmy Glass. Charlie Ross. Billy Gaffnex ment books over to the sheriff for I was too light. About all he could collection. As a result no non-high do was drag the peavy after the school tuition tax which Is at the men. They used to let him do that rate of C.5 mills will be collected until the boss made him stop." until the suit Is argued and the I "I remember one day down on uisuainea even oy me imucrworiu, mo Kianaper, properly termea we "lowest criminal," naa sou gut nisicoart makes Its decision. the logs Lindbergh was wearing virtims ra an spneres or me. Many or we principals or America's au too rreqaent cases or cMM abOno Judge Hill set March 12 at 10 only a shirt. The boss made him uoa nave been stolen from bumble homes. Such were Billy Gaffney, S, of Brooklyn, N. YM who disap-l. m. M the time for determining stay In a shed until after some peared in 1927. and Grace Bpdd, of New York, 11, when she vanished a year later. No trace of I whether the temnorarv inlunction I larilM mt hv" either has yet been found. The mystery of the dls appearance of Jimmy Glass, 4-year-old Jersey City, 8nall be continued or the case dls- "1 was away for several years. jnuiisKT u ioiu, mb never rocn bvitcu, wipouKa M.eiciuH racautiea ma nu was uwii etou i missea witnout iurtner argument, latter be was 15. When I came in rennsyivanla eignt years later. Baby Ldoyd Kieet, stolen for ransom from his wealthy parents in u Welnacht and .his wife. Mar- Springfield, Mo., was murdered by his abductors while his father was en route to pay the money they garet Welnacht, residents of school demanded. America's most noted case was the Charlie Ross kidnaping in 1874. 'The youngster was district 46 and taxpayers there, stolen from his home in German town, Pa., and no trace df him was ever found. An abduction with are plaintiffs in the action and a happier ending, was that of 15-year-old Edward A. Cudahy, heir to the packing fortune. He was re- Sheriff Bower is defendant. turnea to nis Home In Omana alter a ransom of f 23,000 had been paid. Pat Crowe, ex-convict, was I Is Climax of Long aires lea ror tne crime, out acquittea. He later aa mlttea nis guilt. (Turn to page 2, col..t) CIK FACE BRAND JURY Flowers Out Here as East Shivers Anew 1HMTE PHI menu chief EXTRADITION ASKED III KIDHIIG CASE Standing; Objection TJte plaintiffs in reality repre sent a large group of non-high school district taxpayers centered in the ML Angel area who long have been discontent Ad with the tuition law. Under Its provisions RetUITI Of BOSWOfth SOUght wmca were aaopiea oy ias Upon Charge by Talbott Dating Back to 1929 tut national democratic commit- Johnson-DeGrace Claim to Be Viewed; Plan Approved tee and the party representative ef the committee from this state, earlier in the night ' claimed a complete state delegation for Roosevelt whose campaign he sup ported In the primary contest. By Mott Attorney PORTLAND. Ore., Mar. While the east and middle west shiver under the lash of heavy winds and temperatures below zero. Salem basks In -the warm sunshine that inspires Tlg- g I or and breeds dreams of fresh f II A 10 cutrgo lUXl COOLS u iub nun runner occupation Around high school districts of the eounty Shanghai Planned by Japanese, Rumor legislature, charging school in structing pupils from outside Its only district boundaries, is allowed to charre full costs to the non- Governor Julius L. Meier yes- snernoon: These total costs for all high terday Issued papers asking for the Haa ny school districts are allocated to return to Oregon of Fred Thomas, made? the non-high school districts of alias Thomas Bosworth, who is nn-' "We have not made any head the coaatyTbesatO-X costs for der arrest - la San . Diago, CaL, way in Identifying the kidnapers. all high school districts are alio- charged with kidnaping Elward S. out we are more noperui tor tne HOPEWELL, N. J., Mar. 8 (AP) Definite progress was beinsr made tonight toward returning the kidnaped Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr., to the home of his famous parents. This news came from the Soutland mountain estate a few hours after a close friend of Colonel Lindbergh left on a secret mission. The encouraging wortl the first of its kind to com from the hilltop home since the child was stolen a week ago tonight was telephoned to state police at Trenton in re sponse to a question at the night press conference there. "What are the latest developments in the police investi gation? What are the latest de-O . . velopments in Colonel Lind bergh's private, separate Investi gation? 'Progress," was the single word answer made over the tele phone by Major Charles Schoef i tel ot the state police. Earlier the New York Dally News related the following con- ! venation with a member of the -I Lindbergh household during the MUSIC IS FEATURE OF SPK OPEIB progress been Willamette, Salem High and Kiltie Bands Slated To aid in Event 1 VT-irTTTTT 1. V I J - I O I . . . . . . . I - vu . v v V vT " " u 1 I cated to the non-mgn school dis- Talbott, so, fortnerly of McMInn- retujn or tne oaoy since tne last next Friday night at the annual RECORDS BANK OF ULLY WITH STOBY (API-Circuit Judee Kanxler to- TegeUbles. flower gardens and MarS T iIVap tt" .t7 "rCTSIT ir ; . . . - , i i - - ' . j -., uku uu mo oasis ui usessea ti- mie. day ordered Lotus L. Langley. SOll courses. young descendant of the former Ulatlon and irrMwti.A Af the rw,n district attorney, to make a grand Daffodils' yellow glory is grao- Manehu emperors, was formally Jury Investigation of informal ling parking strips and gardens; Inaugurated chihcheng-"dictator" charges by Carl H. Johnston and gay and many colored crocus I or ldanchoukOB, "land of Man C. A. De Grace against J. R. Cal- flash from rockeries or give color I churia," this afternoon. lanan, state saving and Loan su- I to drab corners while trees are The ceremony took place In the pervisor, regarding an alleged on- still brown. The yard of Dr. EL main hall of the new presidential lawful purchase of real estate by K. Stockwell looks like a sum- palace, formerly Changchun's city the Federal Union Savings andlmer time picture with all its hall and lasted only 25 minutes. Loan association, f many early sarin? blossoms eek- The attendance was limited to SO Johnston and DeGrace are them- inr forth. I Chinese, including- several Man- Alonr the roadsides the first chus and Mongols, and 15 Japan- ment objections to questions put n WItn tne arrairs or tne pru- green leaves are showing forth ese, to him by his attorney were sus- aentiai savings ana ioan associa-1 and the white, rather ill-smelling tained today as H. H. Henley on "on. choke cherry is in bloom In SHANGHAI, March 9 (Wed trial on mail fraud charges with Langley, supported by an opm-I many places. Fields are being nesday) (AP) Wildly circulat W. B. Foshay.completed 11 days Ion of I. H. Van Winkle, attorney plowed with soil turning over In lng rumors that the Japanese IIMVRAPnT.TS Minn.. March 8 .(AP) More than 50 govern "v- unuer iwinwauu cuumrc- (Turn to page 1, eol. 1) PAPER 111 FUNS SEP-Olf SHIFT Sheriff McQueen of Yamhill county was commissioned to return the fugitive to Salem. Talbott, in an affidavit filed in the two letters were received! is all I can say.1 That spring opening. The Willamette university band, the Salem high school band and the Scotch Kiltio 8 I band wiU all be on hand to ait PHILADELPHIA, Mar. (AP) In & two column box cap- Just the "right notes" Into the an executive department, alleged that tioned "To the Kidnapers" the Inual event. The bands will travel Philadelphia Record says: over the business district so as to "Cut an irregular piece of distribute the melody well cloth from tne Lindbergh baby's I keep the crowd Interested. original sleeping garment. eep Comments vtrds .or, tH this fragment. Place the baby In if this wtw nM , .. 000 from his suitcase. Talbott said a safe place. Notify Colonel Lind- Fridav nfrht win .n k- ,v he previously was acquainted with bergh where to find the baby. He biggest of the kind in Salem's Dosworcn ana uoraon at aiCMinn- l secreuy win sena tor iu At a historr Th Mn!r nf nrAOMim I I,.... j... a i a I r . A seven-day shift on two of the . .J ,LJoxl ne """l t Court and Liberty while he was in Reno. Ker., on July IS, 1929, he was accosted by Bosworth and a man by the name of Bordon, who covered him with a revolver and appropriated $31,- general, who held the (Turn to page 2 large paper mill machines at the ,ft.evr takln th m,oney Ialbo" w ,mcet and deal wItn TOn ta treets. There the loudspeaker wUl Oregon Pulp A Paper company' tw.m placed him In strictest secrecy. be located. Crowd, may gather a i viwwcu wiiu tuu luimus uTcr iu lumuri mi iue Jipuess nlflnt hr hir hMn nefifiaitated auiouioDiie. ana Biartea lor I xou ro m pruuuco your irag- blOCk in each direction becaosa e transaction Ueiiow. loamy crumbles which In- planned to occupy Nantao and flj Bevt rll wikTdu neayy Oregon. Upon arriving at a point ment matching the part from traffic wm be dlvVr ted fromhetl coL 7 dlcates that spring Is near at other large areas on the southern J0.' " "".JjT for x J5BI pi 1n me ath of Salem, Tal- which It was cut and receive the streets from C to 9 o'clock. Til . aasua avv fcvr uasw cswu- lI-Sbo i v v wmwmq um aawaas w a-aa WWK en the stand Vance O. Steenrod, cashier of the Portland (Ore.) National bank, formerly the American Ex change bank, identified the ledger account and deposit slips of C. H Burnwofth, Foshay representa tive in Portland, for. January, 1928. The records showed Burnworth had withdrawn 11.800 from his account January 14. the date an other FosniT emnlove testified he had received 12.000 from Burn- h 0 "Prt 5" maae V.T- Vv.7 T'l Neutral mediators inactive sev- turers are now anxious to know worth to nay 1. O. Arnold, a Port- Tuesday by the Mar on county ' ."" Inderal days, again took up the Usk If the advances la price can be land attorney, for legal services In ox -rry of .negotiating agreement to held. Labish Just now It appears that Ports of a new fight brewing .TrZ in. this section has .not waited for long the battlefront, stirred the Pd JVJL Jlrnnlt the ground hog's six weeks sleep. Chinese populace into panic to- f "i t? J A . S , j v da the orders which came as a re but has declared spring to be . . . ... - here now. , uispatcnes saia wanaing resi- W1 "i;"Z Another sure Indication of aenls wer nervous nd a great '"c "w""' lu spring is the influx of lambs and exodus or tne inhabitants was un- nwoiwn in driving through the country der way. owing to rumors that ff extended throughout the na- these are to be fonnd in nnm- Japanese soldiers were marching tion and were Indicative of some I. ...... . ... . .. n, v.nviii, I nntnrn In naner n rices. Manniae- . . i nn-rm .it t i b mr irn van, iivtv I .iwu.i i - Tuesday bv the Marlon county I iace8 . na smau aias mat leap T W JURY DELAYED bott declared Bosworth and Bor- (Turn to page 2. col. 1) CAREY AHRUUI INVESTIGATED qualifying Foshay .ecuritle. in -P-' ndia The "smell of smoke from the hostUlUes. VLTZ tLVTYJZlt thi courthouse that the Jury arias Inspired, "clean-up" rite. r-'-;-;7.,n' would report as soon as Judge L. aireaay notea nere ana mere; , t- us o.w 1 Mi.Mar.an r-tnmd from CO While price from manufactured H. McMahan returned from court I the awkward welldlng of rackeU work he is conducting at Albany. I on tennis coorts Indicates that ji yrt'T C I Erpeiding is cnargea witn id ub ubb nu come io oreaa tne LiV&nS 1I6S r OT killing of Lloyd Eddy here last lethargy of winter, and the last m i week in a drunken brawl at tne i sure sign is tne snop windows JxlQeTTllcin iKaliJ Eddy home in Salem. Erpeiding I ready for Spring Opening Friday. before the shooting was one ot two men to steal a car here, go to W. D. Evans. 490 South. Capitol Harrisburg, steal a car there, and street, now, alderman from th .return through Albany where an fourth ward, yesterday Hied a pe-1 oincer was senousiy out not ia- titlon bearing 20 signatures for tally wounded. his candidacy for renominatlon. I Jess Eddy, 45, was shot In the Evans is a member of the council l same zraeas m wnicn nis nrotner. health committee and took part l Lloyd, wag killed, but be Is ex-1 in the vcnt nnblie hearinc on I neeted to recover, authorities at the question ot banning sale of C I the Deaconess hospital, where he grade milk, ' ;;I v i owng ue&ieu, sata -v 1 Mi'lady makes no mistake In the seasons when fashion is at stake. STATE UMBLE TO WCR 0. S. FUND Charges that Carey and Harlan, so-called rate experts, are directly fir Indiraetlv In that amnlrrv Af th products from the local plant has Portland street railway company, been low for two years, the Ore- .nd that the eomnanr la nalnr gon Pulp ft Paper company is money to influence public senti- ; MED FORD, Ore.; Mar. 8 (AP) windows ttlrkt now operating all machines with I ment in favor of the proposed ser-1 A circuit court Jury here today l ransom without the knowledge of main event will take niaa at a anyone e. ioa recora is an- o'clock, with President Gardner thortsed to guarantee this plan Knapp of the Salem Ad elub and as omciai ana genuine, out is Mayor P. M. Gregory in charge, bound by confidence not to reveal The public is waking up to tse the official sources through difference bAtwn tni. .. Which It was issued." oneninr and that of former vr and the response so far is excel lent. Merchants are planning to make their windows as gay as pos sible and with spring thoroughly in tne air they have plenty of la-' centlve to do so. JWp1fnr1 Patter . v,rtB"y every merchant in the mCUlUrU rapei downtown area Is Joining ta th promotion, and most ot them will feature special things for their Libel Damages Given Against USING TALKS OF POLICE PROBLEMS 400 men employed. Paper orders lylce at cost franchise, are to be I awarded Roy Parr, Ashland game have Increased somewhat so that hnvestirated h nharlea M. Thom-1 warden, 910,000 nunltlve and 85.- tne mm is now several weexs oe- as. public utilities commissioner. vu general aamages in his 850.- nind lu orders whereas it was l it was announced Tuesday. ' ud suu against the Pacific only two to three days behind six I "if these charges are untrue I RecordV Herald, a weekly news- months ago. I Carey and Harlan and the street PPr, and its editor. Earl H. Helnleinsald Yesterday the I railwav com nan are entitled to I FehL PORTLAND, Ore., March S I dallT eonsnmntlon of nnlnwood eomnleta Indication.' a state-1 ! Parr's suit was nredicated on (AP) Oregon's highway funds ... aad "On Ian article nnbllahAd tn ara are insuiiieent to matca me iuu 8COPe8 0f men in the woods and the other hand It the charges are paper following a raid on a 11 federal quota ror roaa construe- transoortlnc of the cord- true the people of Portland are quor still near hero November 14. tion and consequently win not get wood here enUtled to know the facts.- 1980. Everett Dahaek. ot Eagle tne iuu neneui o leaerai am mi -v. a.ad ft. RAILROAD PEIISII SOCIETY TO MEET Railroad and express employes TliATnaa ilitamknt fnllAwarl raw I HOI Tit. wan VAnnA aTin i ilMtti I in MIMA, AntitT w n A rnmni. highway eonstrnetlon LesUe M. terly dividend, on preferred stock eelpt ot a letter from M. Cary near th still. The Pacific Record the membership of the Sales Scott, chairman ot the state ,Mt we6klfor the nrat time since Clark, president ot the house-1 Herald la its article called Parr chapter of the Railroad Employes Mglrtfay commission, said today. . . . .tarted onerationa. wives' council . of Portland. a "murderer." . National Pension association will His statement was containea ra -n. ' . ' a letter to William F. Woodward; The move was one to conserve -:'Vi';;V''"-.('-r.--.-:'r - Tne poUce greaUy need the cc Vir v a l rr o Preparedness Stressed sr&sx aawaS 2Tsrs?t Taxpayers' Ask Voice m By Chaplain John Beard 'h: -S! . : - " hood at their monthly dinner omt ceesfully, Lieutenant Walter Lan- vi.wa. and th. .hnrtnt hirh.ldends can be resumed as goon as 111 mrtm. b.IIm I " J mm Z . .7 I -tl.- . it from Portland to tne sea. I v-v uai rAaanitiir nn the two nro- the unusual cash requirements of Jects Scott wrote that Construe-1 company are mew ' "Wi ' should seek , justice and peace rather than war, make trea ties to reduce arms; but we should build to treaty strength and keep the nary op to this strength and efficiency," r declared f Chaplain John W. Beard. Portland, 162nd .infantry. In speaking ot -Preserr-lng Memory of the Incidents of the Last .War at s last ; I sight's meeting" of Capitol j Post 5 No, 9, American Legion. " - - -Some of the pink-cheeked boys who never smelled anything but face powder try and tell of the horror "of war. Wo know what war is. They have no memories like we have tonight. We resent it: when they tryto briat: this country to the place where it can't resent an Insult,' the chaplain be gan. -:. -,"".-' V. "The shot that killed Archduke Ferdinand was heard around the world but It was not the cause 0! the war. Just the occasion. . . Things that bring about war," the chanlaln averred. - ara . national &V Imperialism, , tat aconomla Cuts Protested Py Salem Labor urge and the survival of the tttr ""Jff!!,.1!"- .He rtdUruled Uion ot tnege two highways U not - .1 , 1 the" nreralent. idea that the 1. ni. m Km.n.a f w w, .,- . .v - ... i " :;i rr t. : n , today. - i v.' v- 1"" v""-" jb- ijacs: 01 tanas ana tno anuiseu m-m lamiraw ia3rV - i-tat nibta mawn- aHandad I terns are more efficient than ahort-ent snrrer. The surveys and " o" " r jr by over 2; 00 ex-servlco men, was thof ? United SUtes. - report of engineers are expected one ot the largest for the post in what the publie can do to aid to be provided this summer. Be years, according to . Commander the police was outlined by the glnnlngs of construction on these Irl S. McSherry. The program, in "cuveuaui, u imigwi; in 10-iiwo projects axe on ue program addition to the chaplain's address, j home, do not teach the child that I for 1988. Included explanation of plans fori" policeman is an enemy, teacn tk w.tiATiai MnvantiAn Pnrt. i it tnat di u t iriend. aovistir ana land next fall, by Vic Mackensle, protector; Investigate all stories LCopm fTfr, personal representative ot . Na-1 about the police before condemn-lwc"'" tional Commander Stevens, - and I ing them; take your turn at court music by the Willamette nniver-1 and Jury - duty; . urge change ot slty male quartet. , 1 the laws giving ; the state the The surprise zeature provea to 1 same ngnts as aerenaants , in bo a lK-mlnnto wrestung matcn, 1 criminal eases. nrovtded by Onas Olson, between ar Framing School Budget - o Four taxpayers, men who did machine shop work, which ' are Lilian not choose A reveal their names. appeared before the school board at its meeting at the high school last night and inquired as to the date ot the next budget meeting. They declared they were dissat isfied with the way the budget was msde tip for the present year. One ot them claimed that after out the Named Director Salem organised 1 a b o r is against the proposed cuts la sal-1 the tarnarars bad cat aries of employes in the state 1 19009 appropriation for supervls bighway department, it developed I ara aaiariea and left the meeting. at last alght'a meeting of tko I the board incorported . the Item trades and labor council, Bnsl-It. the. hndret as aa emergency partland. Ore.. JMar. " I. I aess Agent Frank Marshall was 1 fBd. This the hoard members do fAP Tom Carlton. Rend fire ! directed to draw up a resolution 1 -id saying that, the taxpayers chief, was elected nresldent of the I protesting the red action and send I the. item' in the emergency nrornn fifkM : aaiuvpiatlon of fire 1 It to the state board of control I fond to balance the budget. fIEP WHEAT RTTfcirETJ ifiabtera at their annual eonren-1 and to the state highway com-1 The men suggested that a meet- " WASHINGTON. Mar. 8 (AP) tion here today. ' . mission. ...-.; j lag prior to the final budget ses- Within less than 2 4 hours after I v Other officers ehosen were H. Coincident with thu move was 1 tion be held at wnicn tne proposea President' Hoover had signed- a C. Stephens. St. Helens fire chief, I the seating on the council ot aei-i budget could be given consiaera- Prof Newton and Joe Gardlnler. The commander ot the Silverton Legion post told of thojctlTities ot that organisation. '- - s- . mua. annAlntaX t A aaAertato the reception glvea by bill making 40,000,00 busheU of vice-president; and Jack Hayes, of agates from the newly organised tion without the necessity ot lm- ascertaut. tne lecepwou a"" " I ? ... x..,., n I. v. .,. !-..- vuv... mnlAV Wl lm11.ta aotlnn: Tti TT TT OUn. nttiaa wtati Af th atata IO lilol k-.4UU iwuu uuiuuiu i --t lug aiusuv iui ucusiviucut, . m6" "r-- tol Post's "resolution asking for J able for humanitarian 'purposes, . . . .!., I th. Pd rraaa nalrnd and receiTed meat ot thTeterama' adjusted ser- today an allotment of 1,000.009 ton, of Astoria; R. Smith, of Sa- dy. Chester John and H. A. Pet-1 always are open to the public. , KeSlSSatS nomiMialLJB. Jjteedet Portia bold their March meeting tonight at 7:2t o'clock In the Glad TleV rngs mission hall at 829 Court street. - Word received from Washing- is to the effect that retire- rnsuraneo or pension bills- have been Introduced la the news as well as la the senate. The. 8a -lent chapter will make plansfor now la thelrourth week, and ot .,,1'" ZZiZ.Z ZZZ zz r:;: ?. .wn promptly , - - - - as an aid to anemoioyment amonr J?VJ,d. i1. I "P?oS ofcomonfrierSI aaT .n,ad h-rTh. Cli legialstlon will lower the rettre .tZl iL?, ment bT Providing J&iZSittJ?! by employes, lncreaso "r. r. t . " I tae return. , . - 7rZui: "vj?. "a 01 um XT. 8. Rider, employed In the Ba publle schools. I, ,Atoffle and the first Tien UiSU th t1TWthl president tor the Oregon aasoete charged wita overseeing the I oll ftf .v. Katiai vderatoa of health work la the schools, pre-1 t..,. i.,v- rfti ha. th tSOi .rLH0?!0 Prtclpal speak H. wDl ten th- rk ;.r .v. I '.j. railroad and express employes wo the 17009 paid by Uie school dls- Wsto OI tB pasion fund legia trict is allocated. This fund is us- uted 0T by the postoffieo work bq sva luuuwt. , scbwi fj. 1 .a m.M.m.wm. mm.mW- . A I I ; narsea, t.i uus. S100: transnortatioa. 8900: print ing, postage and supplies, $109. I POUXD STAGES RALLY wtm. A (. 1w iiAM nl Mitnitata I m wVnl. amAmt daAtad t A tha NEW TORK. Mar. a API Sat. It am a via iii tnildl tA the I The British pound sterling surged dairy and .food Inspector, clerk. I upward In today's foreign ea Janltor. ' laboratory and main ten-1 change markets la the most brfw r tt,. haaith danartneat. I liant recovery since the British) The board approved- of .Jhe ar- lapse from the gold standard laaT IUNBla "'..---v, mrm'wmm'mrr .. 1 .