- i - ; V i --:r-:'i--1 .' "?V ' i PAGE NINE" The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, March 6, 1932 , -. r'.:' --1 - - - - " " , . ... ,.r . , r-" ; : , ;.; , - - : ; . ..... . : if t. Statesman' Classified Ads Call 9lM 1 1 Classified Advertising Single insertion per line.lOc Three insertions per ' : line . . : i 20c Six insertions per line.. 30c One month per line.. $1.00 Minimum charge . 25c Copjr for . thU page ac cepted until 6:30 the even-' lag before publication for classification. Copy . re ceived after this - time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes HELP WANTED SPECIALTY SALESMAN To cov er Oregon; State Non competitive, high class trade, appointment. Box 655, statesman. awn ""w-si-11" --- '-'p' - 11280 $340 IKAR. do v eminent Job. MenWomen. 18-50. Steady work. V coach ybu for Salem examination. 1.1 st positions and full particulars FREE- Write Immediately today sure. Box 1!, Statesman. MEN-i-WOMEN 18 to 60 Civil Bervtce positions pay IJ269 to $3440 yearly. Why not train now and pay later tinder our PAY AFTKR AP POINTMENT PLAN. Limited num ber accepted tinder tlt offer. See Mr, Kills, Hotel! Marlon, today. a. m. to p. m. i -.T-nirri mc-w wnilCN. 18-59. $14S.8O-$2S0iOO month. Qualify for steady government Joba, Common ed ucation usually sufficient. posi tions' and sample coaching- FRfc.lv Write immediately. Franklin Institute. Dept. 155 Rochester, N. Y. HELP jW ANTED MALE - aaaam m --a--aa-a1--' RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS. cadr work. Men 38-50. Commence $158.00 month. Paid (vacations. Esperienc un . rVimmon education suffi cient. Full i particulars with sample coaching- FREE. Apply today sure Box 4, Statesman. HELP WANTED FEMALE SPECIAL fWORK FOR MARRIED WOMEN demqnstratlns a m a si n g spring styles.! StSrt at about $14 week ly. No experience or Investment Not house-to-house. Write fully. Harford Frocks. Depti B-28174, Indianapolis. Women teachers between 23 and 40 who have had at least 2 years noc ..,. iuinl mr nolle training and 3 "lirm teachtnr experience wanted for 1 lntrMtinr vacation woric F.jprnw, guaranteed. Address COMPTON CO.. 1000 N. Dearborn. ChlcAgo. SALESMEN WANTED U STATeT DISTMBUTOR Sa man ufacturer's representative in charge national distribution exclusive terri tory appointment Friday, Saturday and 8unday, 10 a. m. to 4 .p. m. Hotel Senator, Room 225. NATIONALLY KNOWN LINE Dress straws, harvest and gardeifc bats. Commissions weeaiy; season on now. Great opportunity for permanent connection.' Best references required Car necessary.; Carndins Hat Co., 2 128 Washington Ave.. St. Lools. Mo. SITUATIONS WANTED ii 1 1 1 rMMM..ii - - Practical nurse takes cases at none er will go out zoi w. zain. wwwy'1 Girl wants housework In or out ot l town. Kte. Z. POX ' - " FOR SALE Miscellaneojis FOR 8Al Old papers i wn flle Statesman offtc. infinnnr.-i-.ri-" - Tv-vK-ri-ltera. all make-, new and ut ArWUtr- and tvnawrlters for rent T-M-rrltav Kzrhance. 421 Court 8t - anrsVMVYYvvvy ''"' trrntu-nd nursery sales yard. So. Ubortv St. Comer armory. Prices to suit th times. Phone 6505. Orchard sprfry. All kinds carried tn stock. Lowest: nrlces. Puritan Cider Works, Wst 'Salem. Phone 5-4- Rebuttt vacuum cleanera Rent and renalr. TeL 83.S. to p. m. inn j-. n ru-irLTuuLru'xjviji.ri.i-irir'r.".-'i - -- -- Mrs, Ralph's chicken tamales now located. 644 K. uipcrxy. xet. -"- Corvailis strawberry plants and lo- . .1 XT T-l t lr Tl 11 fid. ganoerry lips. . --m--ii '- fc . ' Cn-inm hatehlna. 2c. Also custom ' is-h turkev icK. The Willamett Valley Hatchery. 410 S 24th, Salem. n n n n n rr-LjTrrniTj'vtir.rr i""! - " ' I-ir-nberry 1 tins. $150 thousand. John S. Marshall. R. 4, Bos 103, Sa lem. On Garden Ros'j- FOR SALE Corvailis strawberry plants. Five dollars per thousand. H. W. UOUId. A1J rue vreea, uic. xru-1-n.n.i-ui rw-inr- ir.- 1427 8tar Sedan. $175.00. Also some good used Office furniture. 169a Broadway. Tel. 5390. MWWW M w- Hon roots, rood ones one hundred thousand EhigUsb clusters, also redrlne. three and four dollars per thousand. Order at one. . C. C. RUSSELL & SON'S R. t. Bx 148, : Salem. Ore. Ph. 69F2- Tnrr won SALE: 10 tube R-32. '$171.00 Victor, repossessed. Balance du $$T.J0: trm $5.00 d?ww7 -monthly. S Mr. Jans, W1U Music Store. ... . FOR SALE Love birds and cage, reasonable. Phoa 9512. -: L- j-i -lulu a-iririr " - - -- ------ On minute lctrto washer, recondi tioned. Balloon ringer rolls, guaran teed, $25. HaUk Klectrlo Co. .-ar nfinnrw-r " n.a irnn WnAdrow washer, used two months. Briggs-Stratton 4 cycU iraa engine. Absolutely no Ttbratkm. Be Mr. Jj&UUa, tiBiim je.i-cu . FOR SALE Good 2nd crop alfalfa lav and oats,! TeL 2F4. Jess Walling. xnrLajuLnjTLriiinr-in- " "---------- rkun. rut-h East Indian .parrot Color crimson. Green wings, yellow tips. Talk. TeL 4448 CHoIt). POLLY AND HER 1 WOK, SAMBO, AT 1 , I DAWGON& IX THt$ i mE " l JESSUSE TlT INl ' LAST IV& JFCUKdA GADGET ALMOST WMES) , grOjliJgJl ..TTTT"" K " - ' - A W TO BEs AJ IT SEEM LIKE I HAD LL2VJ7t - 1 VstSTRIFE! " j 5 " " r - ' - . - .... . . ' i' , . , . . - " . , ''; :;:..: .v r -. ' . ' - , '. !..; ; , .. . : - i . i ' ... - -;- - . .'....... 1 ... . ' - - - - no financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear ia advertisements pub lished In its columns, and in cases where this paper la -at fanlt wUl repri'thatC part of an advertisement Jn which the typographical.' mistake occur. The Statesman reserves ' the right to reject objec-' tional advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to " classify all advertising un der the proper classification. FOR SALE Miscellaneous ICrttt.ik prints 4 f.w- 1:3c at Skew's. IC4 i.iberty Ft. o-.er I'enney's store. TRADE Miscellaneous TO TRADE Electric brooder. 409 chirk ai. fVr dry wood. Phone 4044. WANTED Misceilaneons WANTED Will pa? 3c a pound tot OOD CLEAN COTTON rags. Must oe pieces st least s square yard Statesman of fire Ail kinds of rifles, pistols, shotguns, old gold ind Jewelry. Condition no ob lecL Name your prk. . REINER'S EXCHANGE 824 N. Commercial WANT Ell lined pMnos. In ex change on radios, phonographs, ot fur niture H I. Stiff Furniture Com;any - i i-y-.-.irir-.--r-.ri n ruoijuiru Dressmaking all kinds rellninz. re pairing: men's, women's, children's coat a Phono 4534. i-i- -y-r-i i y i i i iin.i innfinnr Frnlt tars nil nizr Phone 8472. MISCELLANEOUS Spare time use It for a, course in tne capital tiustn?ss coueae--oaytand night school. Landscaping, grdng. TIe. TeL 4747. Custom hatching- a specialty. War Iner-s Hatchery. 2140 N. 6th. TeL 9671. Wringer repairs for all makes of washers. Mr. Kills. Halik Elec. Co. Cows for sale or to let out on shares. Chas. F. Simon. R. 8, Box 140, Salem, 59F11. NOTICE Some of our recdrds have been destroyed and we desire lnforma- 1 Ion as to present whereabout s of the fol- lowing upright pianos : Aldrich No. 98444, Krakauer No. S3KS9, and Krak auer Grand No. 533i. Will pay $10.00 for inform, regarding present location of any one of the above pianos. Sher man Clay ft Co., Portland. Oregon. Leave your dull razor blades at 324 N. Commercial. Sharpened for SOc per dozen, work guaranteed. 25 pianos to rent $3-$4-$5 a mo. Used pianos new upright $195.00:1 nrands. 3s. GEO. c will. 433 State Street Salem. Oregon. Etiv or rent one now. Terms if de sired. ROOM AND BOARD Room and board, also table board. Close in. 40a Marlon. Phone 3492. Nurse will render excellent care. special diet for convalescent or boarder. Lovely, warm home, close In. Box 39, Statesman. Desirable rooms with board. Low rate,.to permanent ladles 491 Union. wwiwesMMMWMXXM Room ft bonra. Br. 101, Statesman. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Pa tton ar-artment with private oath, nicely furnished. Located In business district. Call Pstton's Book Store. Heated hskpg. rooms. Ill Chemeketa. I 3 and 4 room furn. apts.. private hath, electric range, garage. 1047 So. Com'l Phone 349. FOR RENT Close In modern fur nished steam heated apartments. Phone 8490. FirRNISHED bun-alow apartment. $25.00. Adults. 917 MI1L Phone 3298. Furn. apts.. I or 3 rooms, reduced .rates, adults, lost Oak St. a a wwtMAww, Nice front room apt.. 315 S. Win ter. TeL 5S25. Completely furnUUed apartment. Private bath, garage, bus service at door. Dial 7589. 24iG Etate. Fur. apt., light, water, garage, 1421 X. Church. 2 B, furn. apt. $12. 1060 Hunt. FOR RKNT Reasonable, a five- room duplex apartment, close in. A. C Bohrnstedt. 147 N. com L Bt. Well furnished 2 room apt., bath and carn-re. Tel. 7664 FOR RENT HOUSES 6 room furn. 774 Trade. 5 R. fur. basmnt. Owner 705 N. High. Furnished and unfurnished hou R. A. FORKNER. 1410 N, CotUg. FOR RENT Flat for adults, t to I t-uoms. 820 to 840. Also bouses, ate. BECKS m HENDRICKS 8t North High Street- FOR RENT 4 room bouse at 1348 Broadway. $18.04. Phon 6323. Mod. S room, stove, garage, $15. TL 5980. Geo. Steddar. awwaaaaaawwMMwaaAaaiaa Rent vot housa from BECHTEL- THOMASONt 811 State. $10 to $40, who speciaiis on rentals. FOR RENT Two room unfurnished dL llcfctn. water, heat. 810.00 oer mo. On 3 room furnished 112.50. Stat Street. ' PALS FOR BENT HOUSES . FOB RENT ' 2.J0 I 25.00 12 SO N. Summer, 4 R. 555 N. 20th. 5 R. turn. . 1245 Waller. R. . 25.00 .25.00 444 N. 1401, 8 ru . 530 N. 21st, ( R, 20.09 260 N. 15th. 5 R. 10.00 15.00 22(5 Uapla, 6 R. M Jelierson, 4 K. CS a 21st. S K. 15.00 11.00 I W. O. KRUEOER 147 North Commercial t room house, partly fumlst'ied. Call 755T. Implex house. 849 N. Wmtcr. FOR RENT DESK SPACE, office room, light, heat, water and 'phone. Inquire room 200. 381 State street. FOR SALE Real Estate - Good 7 -room plastered borne, fire place, basement, etc and attractive surroundings. Ornamental, nut anJ 1 fruit trees. Fruit and berries more than pays taxes. Two rararea. 8 to 4 fine lots, alee view, paved street, near schools. Priced to sell all or part. terms. 745 Rural Ave. Phone 884. MUST BE SOLD -6 room house In North Salem. Lnrse lot, fruit trees, paved street. Will sell equity cheap. Bal. on contract Also quarter block and two bouses on North Front St Good factory sight. Make an offer.- En quire 1495 Broadway. 29 A. Finest of soil, all in cultivation. 4 R. house, barn, 4 A. In berries, other rood fruit 84200. Terms. 72 A. 55 in cult, good 4 R. home, fine barn, good rd. A real buy at 500. Good creek on place. Vi A. Good home, hardwood floors, full basement, furnace, lots of fruit Close to Salem. Will trade for bouse in town. 84500. R A. FORKNER 1410 N. Cottage Phone S0J1. THESE HOMES PRICED TO SELL $4200 buys a late bunt modern 8 room home, located at zujs Mcuoy fee $100 down, balance $40 per month to Include interest Immediate pos session. $1800 good 5 room plastered home, lo cated at 410 S. 18th St Has base ment, furnace, garage. Paved street $60 down, balance $17.50 per month to Include Interest. $$00 buys a 3 room house with 2 nice lota Located at 1035 Third St. West Salem. $50 cash, balance $10 per month plus Interest t:S)0 buys a modern 5 room home with attic, late construction, well located on Falrmount HilL $1200 cash, balance payable; $30 per month to Include Interest. NOW IS THE- TIME TO BUY YOUR HOME SEE US FOR BAR GAINS. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO., REALTORS 131 S. Liberty Street Phone (448. 4 room strictly modern bouse on pared st in N. K. Salem. $3750.00. Small payment, bal. like rent 1 acre of very rood rround wtth fair living quarters; pries $700.00; $800.00 will handle. 3 miles north of Salem. 100 acres aTl stocked and equipped. rood Improvements, running water, some timber, aboutO head of cattle. 3 head horses, hogs, etc. Will consider a house In Salem or Portland or small acreage. We ran exchange this farm for around $9000.00. S. M. EA RLE. Realtors 20S No. High St. Phone 9478. FOR SALE OB EXCHANGE 105 A. 8 mi. south of Salem on paved highway, 6 rm. and 2 rm. house, barn. garage, hen- houses, live stream and springs. SO A. under cultivation, baL timber and fine pasture, wonderful lo cation, for roadside stand, service sta tion and camp jrround. Will sacrifice ray equity for 4500.00 cash or con sider small place well located. Modern improvements. Farm is rented, posses sion Oct. 1st. 1933. Address C S. Cal kins ( owner). Jefferson, Oregon. ! WMWWWWMWM We have a good 5 room house and full basement with 8 room plastered house on back of lot and will trade for clear acreage. We have 2 acre $i down and $10 per month. we nave a gooa a room nouse, m ext ern wtth basement and garage, price $3500.00: terms 325 down and 325 a month without Interest. McGILCHRIST ft PENNINGTON 209-10 U. a Bank Bldg. JCST WHAT YOU WANT PRICED FOR QUICK SALE A CHOICELT LOCATED COUN TRY HOME, only TWO MILES FROM SALEM, practically new. 8 room house; nice OAK FLOORS in living and dining rooms, FIREPLACE, FURNACE, bath and toilet. Nice, handy built-in fixtures: laundry and fruit rooms. Acre of extra good land ; raise all your vegetables, fruit, keep poultry and cow. AUTOMATIC ELEC TRIC WATER SYSTEM. The PRICE on this nice country home REDUCED for QUICK SLE from $4500 to $3.- 750, $200 rash, balance Ilk rent. IN VESTIGATE AT ONCE. FOR THIS AND OTHER CHOICE BARGAINS in close in country homes and farms. SEE WELLS TALLMAN, 381 State Street, Pbone 3713. FOR SALE OR TRADE A nicely I improved acreage near Boise for Wil lamette valley farm. P. O. box 354, I Boise, Idaho. LAST CHANCE To buy a $7500 homo for $6250. There is 'nothing to criticize In th nous. Owner Is going Into business In another state bene th bargain. Plac is clear and can be bought with $1500 down, baL mtge. SEE Mrs. Elli witb LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 220 Stat Street Phone 4708. EXCHANGE Real Estatt AaWMWwwwvaAa Portland duplex for Salem prop- arty. Owner. A. H. Dewey. Tec 4114. Plain 4 room house .well located. navad street, clear. For small modern house. Will pay balanc to $180. Call 4404. vwwMMa-rfwAaAA "TOR RALB OR TRADE 28 acres, fin aolL beautiful vUw. 7 acres fruit and nuts, U aer ak.tlnv ner. small noose, -mod barn ana cdjck- en bouse, garage, near highway. $3, to, terms. 8 room housa on rood street, has. ment, furnace, large corner lot, hard wood, floors, $30. xtfna WINNIE PETTTJOHN. RcaKer 17$ South High Street "Long DisUnc Banse' EXCHANGE Real Estate SUBURBAN HOME FOR KX- f "CHANGS 12 acre suburban home located 4 miles south at Liberty, practically all la bearing fruit and berries. room plastered house with electricty. Pries $1500. Owner will consider I a smalt modern home clear of debt as part payment Terms on Um balance at Interest. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST CO. REALTORS 124 S. Liberty Street ' ' Ptione 4188 FOR SALE FARMS A GOOD BUY Fins farm. 45 acres. Best of soil. creek alt rear. 8ome pasture and some timber for own use. House, barn, hea bowse and paved road nose to gooa schooL Price cut to $2800. Was $4000. Extra rood terms. SEE mr airenl BECHTEL, or THOMASON 341 State Street ACREAGE BEAUTIFUL 4-A. TRACT GOOD FISHING BOATING ALL GARDEN LAND 4-R. house with basement, all In good condition, barn, garage, poultry bouse. Very rich bottom land, only t miles of Salem.- This place is priced at of Its value for quick sale. ( Mors yet to be told about this place.) Come and see us at ones. Frlco'oniy $3500. 00 : $700.04) down. 5-Acre tract, modern home. Barn and etc.. electric lights and water system; pries $2850.00 ; a real snap. .14-Acres. Modern 4-R. baniraiow, has bearinr peach, cherries and prunes and X-A. strawberries, fine location. (-miles north. Give away at $4850.00, 44-Acres, rood Howell Prairie soft. Good improvements, fine solL Lasted 4U M of what it could have been sold for two years ago. 168-Acres. good Improvements, 80 A. cultivation, fine watered pasture. price $9000.00 : trade for smaller place. Hon ranch now Is the time to buy. We have a dandy that can be bought right But unless you are really in terested and have some money dont ask about It SEARS ft TUCKER, Realtors 132 South High CITY CONVENIENCES AND COUN TRY PRIVILEGES In a choice suburban home with 1 acre of good soil not far out on paved highway. English type shake house of 5 lance.' cheerful rooms and nook. plenty of built Ins. fireplace, wired for electric run Re. furnace, garage and woodshed. Good well and water sys tem. Price $3900. cash (309. baX monthly. ANOTHER 1 acre tract with 4 room house, modern except basement, gar asre nnd woodshed, chicken coons. Im mediate possession. Price $3750, cash $100. baL monthly. If you are looking ror a sutnxroan home. SEE US before choosing. LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 220 State Street Phono 4708 BIG FARM SNAP Owned by a widow forced to aelL Extra, fine farm, lit acres. About 138 cultivated land Some in crop, baL tim ber, and pasture. Has several good springs of water, good bldgs. Market road, not far from good schools, best of solL Price 818,500; good terms to rlrht party. Might consider, small farm and some casn. Ten years on oai- ance. mr n (rents BECHTEL or THOMASOJC 341 Stat Street CLOSE IN TIMBER TRACT Located close in, just south and west of the Salem Heights schooL Has excellent view. Price for immedi ate sal $1300.00. $200 down, bsl- anc payable, 8150 per year, in terest 4. THIS TRACT. IS WORTH MORE MONET IN VESTIGATE NOW. See W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phon 4448. LAND BARGAIN: 42 acres ail tin able, no buildings, would make a good all around farm, located on mil from Gervais. Price for IM MEDIATE SALE. $2200 cash. NOW 13 THE TIME TO BUT. W. H. GRABENHORST CO, REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street aMM M-arfa rfa . a,a The Plac you have been looking I foe 54 acres good rich soil, 25 acres cult, 300 fruit trees, some rm tim ber, fair buildings, all stocked and equipped. Only $3750 and easy terms. 10 acres. I cult, fair buildings, lots of berries and Other fruit, some stock and equipment $2000. "Will take In small, clear house ln Salem to $1204. 5 acres. Improved. 4 acres cult and la crop, well located, price $1280. terms. Have good 120 acre farm to rent on cash basis. Get detail Be Mr. Blake. H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. Phon 8948. 10 acres 1 ml. from Salem on paved road. $1400. I A. 2Vt ml. east of Salem, t room house, chicken house, garag, and all good soil $1700. 8 A. H ml. from Salem, 8 room house. bau. liehts. electric water sys tem, large chicken house. 40 bear ing cherry trees, 250 hens, cow and farming tool $5000. 120 A. 5 mL from Ladd A Bush Bank. 25 in cultivation, IS acre timber, lots of piling, balanc tumps and pasture, fenced with woven wire, 3 springs, good esti mated 2000 cord of wood. $30 per acre. 1 acre within city limit of Salem, 12 lota, several cherry trees, close to bus line. 1 acre, very good I room house, eleo- trlc lights, patn, nice garage, cllent soil, in suburbs of n-r-r ton, $80. MELVTN JOHNSON StOTJ. S. Bank Bldg.. Phon 4794 MONEY TO LOAN MONBy iANroNAtJTO Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your payments Ton keep the car P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St. and TerrT I Phon 4782 Saletn, Or. - 1 PERSONAL LOANS MADal on furniture, cars, i er other -rood security. Kepaya monthly. Wha ta financial nd i security. Re; ua bfor closing a loaa. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First NaUonai Bank Bldg, Phoa MONEY TO LOAN Heard' over KOIN daily' rlns out a loan aenriea that Is really, really different NO DEDUCTIONS NO FEES NO OTHER CHARGES ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS $18 to $3r9 Beneficial Loan . " Society " OF SALEM Room 119 New BUgh Bids. 2nd Floor LICENSED BY STATE 518 State St TeL -7-4-4) CITY AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Beat terms obtainable. Our Insurance department offers you ex pert advice and service in all lines. HAWKINS & ROBERTS (Inc.) TeL 4108 205 Oregon Bids. PERSONAL INSTALLMENT OANS STATE LOAN COMPANY 812 Oreron Buildlntr. 2nd Floor. Office hra. 10:00 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. Telephone 7783 Licensed by State LOANS WANTED WANTED $3000 on first mortgage. Writs Box 380. Statesman, WANTED Private money to loaa on real estate. W. H. GRABENHORST CO.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Tel. 4448 LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Custom hatching that paya, lowest I 5 rices, expert labor, best equipment c per ers Jan. and Feb. 2 He March. Special prices on quantity. Phone Poultry wanted. Salem Poultry Co., 255 E Miller. M, A. Mann. Phono 488S. Poultry wntd. 554 N. Lib. TeL 4490. Baby chicks; Wsrfners Hatchery. 2140 N. 5th. TeL 9471. FOR SALE Barred rock roosters ( weeks old. TeL 44F5. FAMOUS GUARANTEE of 100 alive chicks at 14 days age! Baby chicks now 10c later 8c of B. W. D. tested Hanson and Hollywood strain. write for particulars. ERVINCS WINLOCK HATCHERY Box 284-X Wlnlock, Wash. FOR SALEWOOD 14 la 2nd rrowth fir (4.80 and $5.- 00. TeL 4448. GUARANTEED DRY wood coal TsL (000 Salem Fuel Co. Trad ft Cottage. 14" old fir. $5.50. Smith ft Rubens. Phoa 48F14. Dry 2nd growth sawed 13 or 14 to. Ross oss Bowman. Rt 2. DalUs. Phon"" 8030, Business BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D. Barton Batteries Starter and I generator work. Texaco station, cor ner court ana enure n. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. E. Northness. CHIROPRACTORS DR. a L. SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor. 258 N. High. TeL Res. 8473. DBS. 8COFIELD, Palmer Chlroprao- tors. X-ray and N. C M. New nana Bldg. CLEANING SERVICE Center St. Valeterta. TeL 9482. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets- funeral wreaths, decorations. C w. Brelthaupt florist 4(4 8 tat Street TeL 6004. Potted nlanta. Dolnsettas. fern, etc IE. A. Bennett isursery uo. lei. siis. ALL kinds of floral work. Lots Flr- 1st, lttlfO. Market. TeL 3583. INSURANCE TtF.CKE A HENDRICKB 189 N. High TL 4917 WILLAMETTE INS. AGENCT Wo. Blivea, Mgr. "exclusive Buttaville Agent 218 Masonlo Bldg. TeL 7988 LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT TUB WEIDER LAUNDRT 288 I. High TeL Sill CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRT Wa Wash Everything In Lux" W I Telenhone 3141 I Telephone lilt 1344 uroaaway LAWN MOWERS BimMu4 an mnalraA Alan ra1aa FL w. Hcott. ht a. corrri. m. MATTRESSES Mattrsssss from factory t boms. New 8 lb. snattres $8.00. Bnov r and fumlgators. Capital Bedding Co, Tel. 404. 31 wortn tjapum. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos. Phono graphs, acwlng machine. sht musto, and plan studies. Repairing phono-a-ranhs and ewtaa michln . 481 8888 1 Stat Btrset. FOR SALE WOOD Wood, sawdust, manure. TeL 8472. , For rood wood Dhons 8888. Tracy's wood yard. ALL KINDS, any Worth. Call 8788. DRY FIR AND OA K WOOD, oat and fuel olL Call en as (or prices. We Civs rood measure, rood quality na rood service. LARMER TRANSFER STORAGE TeUehoas 8181 FIRST CLASS FUEL Old fir screened bos fuel Old Ftr mill block. Dry planer wood. Dry second growth. FRED E. WELLS. INC PHONE 8847 Old fir and ash. Phone Judd. 10JF21. 12" and 14" old fir. Phono 8448. Dry slab and old -fir. TeL 5744. Old fir 14 In.. 25. 2nd rrth. 4 ft $4. Oak 14 in $4. TeL 8400. LOST AND FOUND LOST Hand bar' containing man's clothing. Pacific highway north on Feb. 24th, morning. Reward. Pbone 9440. LOST A gray overcoat on No. Church or Broadway between High land and Marlon. Phone 3939. Reward. PERSONAL EPILEPSY CURABLE 7 Detroit lady finds complete relief for husband. Specialists home and abroad lauea. Nothing to selL All letters answered. Mrs. Geo. Dempster, Apt 13-17, s LaFavette Blvd. Went. Detroit Mien. FOR SALE USED CARS When You Think of Used Cars, Think of McKay's! Ws sold i hundred rood used cars last week at our sal. That means just that many more satisfied buyers. We have been trading since then and we have secured several aod cars. AND WE ARE PRICING THEM RIGHT. 1(29 Ford Spt Roadster U$225. 193 Ford 8 pass. Coach 3&. 1931 Chev. 4 ( window Sedan (25. 193 Chev. 4 Coach (perfect) 435. 1931 Chev. 4 Coach (25 1927 Whippet Sport Roadster This far has nearly new rub. Motor Is perfect Only 135. McKay Chevrolet Co. Where You Get the Big $ Worth 333 Center PEACE CLASS TUESDAY K-RITK VT.rch K Th K - i7zr "I Z.,t .Lv.T. Tv Z izrrZ Mn-b tr-J.a- A 'nil atta-rlan-M J. " "Z . V. . leader. Directory PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBING and general repair 144 So. Liberty. work. Graber Bros. Tel. S4. PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN ADAMS for house decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc. Reliable workmsn. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, carda pamoh- leta, programs, books or any kind of i printing, call Tn statesman Print ing Department 218 & Conunaraal. Telephone 8101. RADIO FOR very purpose, for every pur Ail stands rd sixes or Kaalo Tube a EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 84T Court Pt. Tel 11. STOVES STOVES and store repairing. Stoves ror sale, rebuilt and repaired. AH kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hop baskets, books, logan hooka, Salem Fence and Stove Works, 242 Chemeketa t TeL 4774. R. B. Flemrnw. TRANSFER CAPITAL CITT Transfer C. 828 Stats St, TeL 7713. Distributing, for warding and storai .ge our specialty. Get our ratea FOR local or distant transfer stor sge. csll 3131 Larmer Transfer Co. TniHti to Portland nilr. WASHING MACHINES All Makes Rented, sold and repaired. Easy. A. E C Maytag. Conlon. Meadows ana Automatic. hoqq bros. W. C MAN GUM. Manager 339 N. High TeL 123 -O O Real Estate. Directory . wsvit si a h i"j nqiTTl 188 N. High TsL 4947 a U. EARLB High St. 184 N. TeL 9478 J. LINCOLN ELLIS 488 Stat TL 8871 8OCOL0F8KT A SOTT S04-S First Nat. Bk. Bldg. TsL TS47 j. r. ULRica 228 Stat Street TsL HOMER Dl FOSTER REALTT CO. 374 Mi Stat 8t. TsL XT ft nRARENHORST A CO. 184 U. Liberty St. TsL By CLIFF STERRETTI VF? FOR SALE USED CARS; Valley Motor Co. Used Cars 1 1981 Std. Coupe $445 00 425.00 450.00 S2S.00 , 175.00 , 425.00 , 225.00 , 225.00 . 95.04) . 190.00 1931 Deluxe Roadster 1931 Deluxe Tudor 1930 Sport Roadster 1935 Buick Coach 1939 Oldsmobtto 8edan 1929 Ford Phaeton 1928 Essex 4 cyL Coups If It odg coups 1931 Tudor Demonstrator i TERMS TRADES Valley Motor Co, : Pbone 3158 Center Street Display Phono 7910 Lot at Center A Liberty Good-Will Used Cars SOLD WITH A GUARANTY 1929- PonUac Sedan 1930- Hupmobile Coupe 1929-Ford Coach . .$393. o . 400.00 . 293.00 1927-Pontlac Sedan . 1927-Pontlac Coupe 1924-Pontiae Coach , - 19S.00 . 245.0 - 125.00 323.00 127-Dakland Coach 12 7-Whippet 4 Coach 1 99K.TVw1cr TtnaAtrfr 185.00 nslool 1924-Chevroiet Coach 125.00 j 1927-Ford Coach with ruxtell 100.00 1 1924-Studebaker Coach 285.00 A few others to choose from. Vood -Wheat on Motor Company Pontlac 8 Pontiac 4 .USED CAR DEPARTMENT 845 Chemeketa He Now Owns a GRAHAM BLUE STREAK 1931-Butck 8 Coupe, nearly net listed Northwest manuel at $800.00. Our price $495. Save money car today at our sales room. Loder Bros. this 448 Center Street Salem Pbone 4133 ! Graham Sales ft Service for Marlon and Polk Counties NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE- UVVT IN THE COITNTY COURT. FOR MARION COUNTY, OREGON. In the matter ot the estate ot MART O. FISHER. Deceased. Notice Lb hereby given that the Final Report of Sarah Jane Ward land Walter W. Fisher, executors 1 -f tb. aat.fa, f V.r-r ft IH.h.r I Z " -' ,: - -V' ecfca- B "lca I 1 .V- a.w A r.' r''1T. ' marca, ai. uej nvur vi 191VQ o ciock A. m. tnereoi. as the Court House at Salem, haa been set aa the time and place tor hearing any and all objec Moris to aald final report. Date ot first publication, Feb ruary 7, 19 XX. Date ot last publication. March I. 1922. SARAH JANE WARD. WALTER W. FISHER. Executors ot aald estate, . M. ENDICOTT, Attorney for executors. F7-14-21-28-M Cross - Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER w w w w ""I15" 55 W PM 34 W ft ,K&-4Wr-4-&-n 'ir W "Ist" " HORIZONTAL. 49 toward 1 enter a 61 grassy field formal dissent 52 before 64 round timber for extending a ,sail 57 bnrn . slightly Sf surfeit' CI sprites 52 square or bloclc ef wood 55 A feeble minded person 44 perceived 55 cut 47 slight de- ' preasion 45 loaded, as with a - burden 7 widely . admired 15 rent asunder by force 14 musical instrument ' 16 excepting 17 te correct 18 hearing ersaa 19 apportions 29 saucy 21 fabric TesemUIiif silk 25 laste 24 obtain I ) 8178 7123 4448! IJ sus 80 1. Image 52 thing . referred te 55 roofed witlt rede that svtitl intotiim plates IS rland . Herewith it the, Saturday's puxxle, . ivanginf; m curves 57 eeaae IS hel i 59 de dradf i ery for ' smother : 45 saturate ' 45 the under surface - 45 either 47 denom- t ' InatioB - 4 J hard, in. flexible and etose ta texture 'Oawn. 1MB. 3Bss Iwsns tjMeK 1m TUEIMPEEBiESIS: BRIDE OF 8.' IRIS TURNER. Mar. 5 atlas Tbel- ma Peebles, and Stanford Norrls C were married at Cheballa. Wastu. Tuesday. Mrs. Norrls la a dangh- ' ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Feeble -who lire two miles west of Torn- -er. Mr. Norrls Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Norrls of Sammldis trlct, . , 'A recent accident occurred) on the new concrete bridge near tbK -creamery, when Elmer Weathers, turned to cross, hia car struck the curbing: with such force that both left wheels -were torn off and other injury don .to the car. . The driver was unhnrL Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Thomason. - old residents of Turner, who spent the winter with a danrbter In Albany, have returned hre. The local WC. T. C. will met Wednesday afternoon at 2:34) o'clock at the home of Mrs. E. J. Harrison Th. t)t ..nt. i. wll. K . Friends are welcome. C. A. Bear and D. S. Riches made a business trip to Portland Friday. Ffi T AMITY AMITY. March 5 Charles Mar- tin Trotter. 71, passed a war at his noma In Amity, Wednesday. Fnneral services were condnet- est at X n-w ,atan1 tn HT.f InnvllU -,M.. WV . . Friday with interment In Portland i crematorium. C. M. Trotter delivered the Ore gon Journal here. He had been la failing health for some time. Ha w" bornt ln Springfield, niinolg and spent several Tears teaching; school. He was united In marriage to Mis Alice Russell at Chester, Iowa. They moved to Oregon IS years ago and lived on a farm for I T?. -T" !- "?. lUV mf l Amity ana bought a come. He Is survived by his wife and I "n. rTOl. A. V. TTOtter, Of Cal- IfornU. i NOTTCK OF BALE I stock of drugs located at West' I Salem will be offered for tale by - 1 sealed bids. Bids will be opened I at 11 a. m. o'clock on March It- 1 1932. This stock inventories $416.55: Fixtures fC79.lt. Certi fied check for tea per cent et amount ot bid must accompany bid. Stock may be Inspected Mare CP I PASSES il 8. lfj z. Right reserved to rejeen,T' any or all bids. i THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, 471 Pittock Block 1 Portland. Oregon M-4-S-f-t-t. 59 gives VEHT1CAL. 1 pays in advance 2 hear frost 5 utwardlT manifest 4 portable canvas ledge 6 very 5 applies remedies te 7 travestied 9 upon 9 employs II more recent 11 avouch 12 is indig nant at 15 spwrtiv 21 peruse 22 inclines the head 24 calls la driving snimsls 25 a negative 25 a shruh 25 restrains 51 exalted 52 mass ef cast taetal from the crucible 54 to ventilate 55 express ef imps tience 46 a cereal j ' grass 1 55 arrived at 45 own 41 elongated fish 42 single taut (pL). 45 weary ef -dollaess f 44 single j . 45 instants n ' 45 entreaUd . 54 moved ta solution te ' unduia .tions 55 mark, deneUng omissiea t" ' 65 an en. , treaty A' 44 clear f 55 the . V present 55 white -' - alkalis . s';"compouB' cnaxactew ef seanf referred i 45 perfsrm. .';: vtl a -