The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 05, 1932, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, . Oregon, Saturday Morning, March 5, 1932
ocietv News and Club Affairs
Social Functions
Freshman Glee
Olive M. Doak, Society Editor.
Saturday, March 5
Twenty-four year ago Willam
ette university students originated
freshman glee." and tonight the
traditional event will be celebrat
ed la the university gymnasium.
The traditional challenge was
. Pohmirr t br the sooho-
more class, and lnce that time Child Conference
each class has Deem ousy prepares . - -
Its representative song and prac- IJate May ZO
tlclng both tne song ana w na
ture actlTitles which will accom
pany the songs.
The general plans for the affair
ere In the hands of Jack Simpson,
and he has been assisted by a num
ber of sub-committee.
In addition to the four songs
which will be presented In the
contest there will be a string quar
tet number by Chris Seely. Al
King Verne Wilson ana wei
vc.p.'iti- reading by Dorothy
Business meeting tor D. A. R. In auditorium of city
library, 2 o'clock: tea meeting postponed.
Woman's Relief Corps, regular meeting 1 o'clock.
Miller a hall.
.Of especial interest to Parent
Teacher associations as well as to
club groups working along the
idea 'of the Children's charter will
be the following announcement
from Washington, D. C. and re
leased through the General Fed
eration of Women's clubs. .
-Secretary of the Interior Ray
Lyman Wilbur, chairman of the
White House conference on Child
Health and Protection.' announced
Tii and a Yoeali quartet number today that five additional states
r , L. TTpnrv. Maur- hare set dates for follow-up White
Ice Dean and Vernon Bushnell.
with Robert Magin accompanying.
A, has been the custom for
years Prof. James T. Matthews
- will make known the Judges' de
cision and will present the trophy.
Following the glee there will
be class parties. There will be gala
..urjinr tn the winner. Eaen
class has planned Us activities if
noes not men
House conferences to consider the
findings and recommendations of
the conference " in the fields of
child health, welfare, education;
and recreation, and to plan for
rounding out their state programs
in the light of the aims and prin
ciples embodted In the Children's
Arkansas will hold a conference
on March 1 : Washington, -April
matter of state conferences, com
pleting conferences in 23 states as
well as many counties and several
Active Interest is being shown
j I-- hut ir it
other entertainment will be sub- 1-2; Kentucky. April 12-13; Iowa.
April 14-15; and Oregon, May 2-
The freshman class will have Its 3. Local planning committees are
. n.Mlum following now setting up these conferences.
JhYnrogram Anna Jo Fleming is These meetings will bring the
V--J-. 'arrangements. Sopho- follow-up work of the conference
VLZ wi celebrate with a sup- practically to the half point in the
per party In the Green Gate room
of the Spa. Reservations for about
80 people have been made.
The juniors and alumni groups
n. .i ti. r.rsv Belle. The
innlAT have taken the the Silver In many other states, and requests
Orllle room and the alumni will for assistance in improving the
Grille room ana chJld nealtn and weifar work of
1st nl v... o gunner states and communities are being
nartr at the Rose cafe following received from every section of the
thl urogram. Miss Maxine tllrich country, according to George A.
has had charge of arrangements. Hastings, extension director of the
The complete reports of the con-
fra RuBsell Bonesteelejias re- ference and its various commit-
turned to her home in Salem after tees will eventually fill some 40
spending the winter in California, volumes, about one-half of which
Mrs Jefine BriggS, moiner i rare aireaay out, or in tue irt?ss.
Bones teele. accompanied ner
-mm romiln for some-
ROUIU uvi ..... i . - ,
time yet. , . Lodge rartv is
... . . . : 1 1 mill Kft tnA-i o
luncheon speaker for the Zonta Happy Lvent
club Thursday luncneon accocu
lng to plans made at the dinner
meeting of the club Thursday
night. Mrs. Elisabeth Gallaher,
chairman of the fellowship and
inter-city committee will intro
duce him.
Knn. AlDha Theta alumnae
group of Salem met with Mrs.
Harr Hawkins Thursday night.
Sewing for hospital aid and con
versation made a pleasant even
ing. Mrs. Gus Hlxson assisted in
serving at a late hour.
Piano Ensemble Begins
Music Week Program
The Piano Ensemble group
which has been organized since
last year,' making its first public
appearance with last year's Good
Music week program, began work
Tuesday on its program which will
be presented In a civic program
at the armory one night during
the Good Music week this year.
The group has been meeting
once a. month this past winter for
stndy, taking as a text .book.
"From Song to Symphony." There
will be two more meetings of this
group, one March 8 and again In
Practive begun Tuesday will
continue. until the Good Music
week appearance. The program to
be presented will include . four
grand ensemble numbers, and a
number each for the three quar
tets which make up units within
the' ensemble of 6 pianos, two
players at each piano.
Members of the group include.
according to quartet arrangement,
Elma Weller, director; Dorotny
Pearce, Bernice East and Mrs.
Stephen Stone; Bertha Junk Dar
by, Jessie Bush, Irma Keeter. and
Ethel Poling Phelps; Mrs. Frank
Churchill. Joy Turner Moses, iois
plummer and Mrs. Henry Liee.
Miss Weller feels that there
will be a satisfying program ready
to present the civic music lovers
In the May program.
Miss Mary Schultz to
Play Tonight
The Woman's Benefit associa
tion entertained with an attrac
tive lodge party at the Woman's
clubhouse Thursday evening. Mrs.
Avis Martin was the guest of
honor in compliment to her birth-
ay, the first for four years, her
birthday beine February 29. A
handkerchief shower honored the
sneci&l Ernest, and there was a
special birthday cake served at
the refreshment hour in compli
ment to the occasion.
Present were Mrs. Avis Martin,
honor guest, and Constance Smart,
Mrs. Hill,. Edith Patterson. Mabel
Hammon. Ethel Hammon, Mrs.
Berry, s Mrs. Mapelthorp, Mrs.
Smith, Mrs. Boardman, Mrs.
Smart. Mrs. Cagel, Mrs. Muller,
Mrs. Newgent, Mabel Johnson,
Myrtle Johnson, Mrs. Casement.
Mrs. Bolinger, Mrs. Scott, and
Mrs. Patterson.
Silverton A music benefit for
the Silverton school band and
the Silverton public library will
be the concert to be given Sat
urday night at the Eugene Field
auditorium by a music trio com
posed of Mary Schultz. violinist,
Michael Arenstein, cellist, and
James Hutchinson, pianist. The
trio will include both popular
and classical numbers In Its pro
Miss Schulzt is a Salem must
clan, who has recently returned
from twelve years spent in New
York City where she studied un
der Alexander Bloch of -the Auer
school. Later she did ensemble
work and was a member of a trio
which gave special Sunday night
concerts over WEAF. This is her
first concert since her return.
Mr. Arenstein was born in Pe-
trograd. tnd studied at the Im
perial Conservatory of Music. He
is now playing with the Portland
Syinphony and will be their solo
ist next Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Hutchinson is of English
birth and received his musical
education in London. He Is now
well known as a teacher and
player at Portland.
The local committee In charge
of the benefit is composed of
Mrs. M. C. Woodard, Mrs. Ger
trude Cameron, Mrs. Irma Le
RIche and Hal Campbell,
e e
B-:dge Tea
Smart Affair
01 Friday
8t. Patrick inspired the pretty
eolor scheme carried out for the
smart bridge tea for which Mrs.
Ernest Frederiekson and Mrs. Bert
Smith were hostesses at the Fred
eriekson home Friday afternoon.
Daffodllls and violets were used
in effective arrangements and at
the tea hour green glass service
added much to the beauty .of the
rooms and tables.
Mrs. Ed Gabriel and Mrs. Joe
Wiliama assisted the hostesses In
serving at the tea hour. Winning
scores for bridge went to Mrs. Wil
liam Ellis, Mrs. Ed Kitchen and a
special prize to Mrs. Joe Beck.
The guest list included Mrs. T.
Harold. Mrs. Ed Kitchen, Mrs. O
A. Erickson, Mrs. Jake Fuhrer.
Mrs. Ed Gabriel. Mrs. William El
lis. Mrs. Joe Beck. Mrs. Sam But
ler, Mrs. Asel Eoff, Mrs. Walter
Kestley, Mrs. Elmer McKee, Mn.
Charles Standish, Mrs. Fred Hes
ter. Mrs. Ed Donnelly, Mrs. Bill
Ross, Mrs, Joe Williams, Mrs. Max
Guenter, Mrs. O. L. Scott and Miss
Glenna Russell. - -
Sons Visit With
Mrs. G. V. Ellis
Mrs. G. V. Ellis has had as her
recent guests her sons. Hira Ellis
of Rosalia, Wash., and Dr. R. V.
Ellis and wife and two sons.
Dr. and Mrs. Ellis and family
were here only a few days and
then went on to Washington, D. C
on business. Following their de
parture Mrs. Purvlne was the
guest of her son Hira, for a long
motor trip which took them to
Alsea where they visited with Mrs
James Still, sister of Mrs. Ellis,
and from Alsea to Waldport, up
the coast over the Roosevelt high
way along which they visited at
several towns, and home by way
of Sheridan. In Sheridan they vis
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Dr. and Mrs. Ellis will return
next week to again be guests of
Mrs. Ellis. Hira Ellis returned to
his home In Rosalia. Wash., fol
lowing the motor trip along th
Joseph Cohn, son of the famous
former rabbL Leopold Cohn, who
left a synagogue to preach Chris
tianity among two million Jews
la New Wory City, will address at
meeting at the South Salem
Friends church Tuesday nlghf,
March 8. at 7:10 o'clock.
His subject will be "How a
Jewish Rabbi Found Christ". He
will recount the 'experiences and
trials suffered by his father when
he adopted Christianity. Mr. Cohn,
an eloquent speaker, is perhaps
the most prominent Hebrew-
Christian in this country.
Rev. Fletcher Galloway of the
Nazarene church will preside at
the meeting which is open to all
The Friends church is on South
Commercial and Washington
Larry Newgent
Speaks Monday
At Woodburn
Rev. Larry Newgent of Oak
land, Calif., ex-prison chaplain
and revivalist, will speak Monday
night at 7:45 o'clock at the Four
Square Gospel church in Wood-
burn. He has officiated in 45 ex
ecutions during 15 years of pris
on work and baa spent many years
in the study of criminal nroce-
dure, criminal segregation, con
vict labor and juvenile delinquency.
Newgent will speak on crime
prevention and juvenile delin-
& " TOST mntAJUAY t
Xarta Cottars aaa Caeaeeketa streeta.
SVeTFre4 Alaa Wail, auiittar. Cauca
MMi m ie aja. mum a. MeJur, apv
Canfca terviet t 11 a.m. form:
Wnerewith Shall TUt An Be Batten I"
SsloMi. Mn. Trui Hasioa. Orraaist,
Hiti; Walter A. Deatoa.
jnxwt chumh or chxist,
J sdzjrxxsT
Cfeeaaeketa a4 Liberty atreeta. Sansey
errfcnse at 11 aa. Mt S .bk. Babjact,
Has." Sam4ay aehei al : aa u.
Taatiaaaalil aatiif WfflaaaAay.
Ba4Uf Kaeaa at 40S Maaaaia Taaapw
pa. trim 11 ta S:S0 exetpt 8ara
niMlk mmA VarTY atrcata. O. G.
Watioa, saatar. Baadar ackaat at
iaa, B,p. vaw
vwa at ja. traui atupww
The yaatar will praaea at Wtt aarrieaa.
use fxss. uawaiatarr aaaatiaf. a. m.
tin af Bamday mXm! aaart. S:SO,
4i AM ad Klaaioaary aaaiaty aaaaV
mg. as aca a steal anil
taa akaiah saaaaaat.
aerrad ia
rina it Ta5. SmcUI Baste. Twaaday
bU Itady at T:4S .a. Wadaaaday prayar
mtimg at 1:30 a a Taaraday Fallawaaip
aad prayar aaaadaf at 7:4S aja. 8atr
day'Childraa'a'eliarek at S pjav Taoag
Paopla'a aarriea at 1 : P Batmrday.
' mrtaHT mexobxax
lftk and Farry atraata. U. C Suvar,
i-tM Vamin mnUn at 11. Oaiiaoa
takiaet Chrlatiaaity'a Ctom." Kvaaiaf
atrriea at 7:0. Saraaoa aa "Our UUJ
M-aditatioaa." Taa Cbarca aehaal at 10
a-am.; C. C. Harria. 8upt. Chriatiaa la
deavor tocittiaa at 6:45 p.av.
I inaTrmrD raiExss
Cdraer Highlaad aad Chorea traaia.
aM... T Rlma naator. Bibla aeaaal :4S
a-aal, E. M. Bakatt. SapU Morniac wor
tbip 11 aati. Eveaia aarriea 7:S0
Jaaior O. I. : . Baoiar a Ia
tamadUto :0 Mid-waak prayar
neatiBS Taaraday V ;0, P-aa.
u.i.l aad Aeadaaiy atraata.
8aBday atkoal at 10 a.aa. La mob: Jif
i i..i. m 11 a-BL. aad 7:80
Mid-vaak prayar aad taaUmaBy maatinf,
Thursday aTasing at 7:10.
Benth Coaamerelal aad Waahiaitaa 8u.
Ckaa. O. Hawartk. paitar. v"J ,r.
vleai: 10 s-bv Buaoay acam
Cook. Supt. 11:00 MoralBf woWp. Bar;
bob: " IBB Drar o''"l i.
S B.m. Vaapara. Topia: ;
ar... to aa b Chriatiaa !" Laadar. Mra.
KirhtonU aad 8t4o atraata. Xav.
av JtiBBaaiaB, A, bl. pastor. taa
aarvlaaa S:4S ba' aabioett "Th
Tw Soa of AbraaaBh' XasUah aarrioaa
11 B.BV. Bakiaet: "Hum aad Sarah, the
(Md aad Uo Haw CovaaaaU." Bath awrm
lac aairttai ooamaraaioai Barrieas. Saaday
tckaol t:4S BA. Mra. AaMS S. Mimtf
Bta, Sapt. Lataar laagw T pja. Karthe
BatteraiaB, laadar. Oaimoa lactara S p.av
"Ckarak AettriUaa U Uo Ut4 af the
Bofaratatloa." Kar. T. Thaaoc Iorea
aoeiaty Wadaaadar S (a. "Briar Oat"
Biaatiaf. Garaua Laataa aarrieaa wadaaa
day 7:10 pja. Sakjaet: "Ob tao Way
af Borrow." flenaaB Laataa aarrieaa
iThBraday, f m. Sahioet: "TVo Hifk
rPrloat. Haly. Baiatloaa aad TJadofilod.'
aasuaa Lieataa aarrieaa ThBraday, 7:10
P-bu aalijoat: "Wkara Criaiiaal Craaaea
Had Boaa Raarod Bofor Thar Naw
A rata th Croa of Hiai Wkoai 64 Bad
Mad to bo a For Cs." -
quency at Woodburn. Enroute to Boaia Cooper. 'HV.; loeT."
Woodburn, he will visit the state S i&oH? Ttay.
prison in Salem, and at Woodburn 7:0 p at. prayar meeUnf and Biblo atady
will Tlslt the boys tralnlna- school, in Galatlaaa.
meeting la undenomina
tional and open to all.
Pleasant View The Pleasant
viavr w c. T TT mt wednesdav
for an all day session at the Mrs I H. Kvan
luck dinner was served at noon.
The business session was in
charge of Mrs. A. Dumbeck. Mrs.
S. Dreger read a chapter from
one of Frances Willard's books.
Mrs. Nellie Word en gave an In
Elected President
Mrs. J. H. Ryan was elected
president of the Englewood Wom
an's club at the regular meeting
held Friday afternoon at the home
terestlng talk about Miss Willard ' Mrs- A' R- Tartar: ?ter iri
telling of meeting her when Mrs.
i Word en was in college.
Visitors present were the Miss
es Jessie Smith and Grace Smith,
Mesdames Florence Jarman, Eala
Hennis, Viola Cook, W. W.
Beardsley and the hostess. Mrs.
Frank Cook.
Liberty A great deal of. in
terest Is already manifest for the
next community ctub night Fri
day, March 11, which will be In
the nature of a "hard times" or
depression party. The evening
festivities will start with a pot
luck supper at 7 o'clock. Parents
are asked to accompany their
children, as everyone is to bring
their own plate and silverware.
Everyone is to be dressed a la
hard times; prosperity dressed
Individuals will be fined. The
boys' chorus is working on spe
cial stunts to be given and the
."Ark ansa wyers" orchestra of Sa
lem will furnish music.
o a
- Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Frank
M. Powell were dinner hosts to a
group of Gates people Thursday
night preceding the Gates-Parrish
basketball game at Silverton. Mrs.
Powell taught at Gates for a num
ber of years.
Covers at dinner were placed
for Miss Dorothy McMasters, Le-
Roy Graft. Louise Graft. Herman
cere elected were Mrs. J. G. Marr.
vice-president, and Mrs. Earl
Chapel, secretary.
As part of the program. Miss
Frances Virginie Melton gave the
life history of Beethoven and then
played selections of the composer.
At the tea hour Mrs. Ryan was
assisted by Mrs. Watson Town
send, Mrs. O. A. Chase and Mrs.
J. H. McAlvin.
PresSht for this meeting were
Mrs. J. G. Marr. Mrs. Anna Wenz,
Mrs. Roy Sauthmayd, Mrs. J. H.
Ryan, Mrs. J. H. McAlvin, Mrs.
Howard J. Smally. Mrs. Merle D.
Travis, Mrs. G. O. Lear, Mrs. Ellen
Collier. Mrs. L. 11. Ramage. Mrs.
L. M. Scharf, Mrs. J. C. Hill. Mrs.
A. L. Skewis. Mrs. Victor Wood
field, Mrs. Earl Chapel and the
Cloverdale Miss Gertrude
Anderson, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Anderson became
the bride of Louis Hennles, son of
Mr. and Mr6. L- E. Hennies at a
quiet wedding at the parsonage
of the United Brethren church at
10 o'clock Tuesday morning; Rev.
Henderson performed the cere
The bride was unattended. She
was charming in a gown of salmon
pink silk with cream lace.
Guests present were Mr. and
Mrs. W. Anderson. Mrs. L. E.
Hennies, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Hennles. Mrs. Walter Miller and
Mrs. Caldwell. After the ceremony
a dinner was served at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson.
Mrs. Hennies is a graduate of
Plainview high school and also the
Normal at Monmouth. Last year
she taught the Cloverdale school.
Mr. Hennles has spent nearly all
of his life in Cloverdale.
They left Tuesday for a trip
through California where tney
ill visit In Stockton, san ran-
clsco, Los Angeles, Ventura ana
Oakland, being away two months
before returning here to make
their home.
a -
Kingwood Mrs. Conrad Fox.
Jr.. entertained Thursday after
noon at the home of her mother.
Mrs. Charles Schwartz, her
guests being members and
friends of the Book and Thimble
club. Reports were heard from
delegates who attended the re
cent meeting of the Polk county
Federated clubs at Oak Grove,
after which Mrs. A. L. Apple
white gave a reading.
Invited guests for the after
noon were Mrs. Conrad Fox, Sr.,
Mrs. Dan Wetzel, both of Salem,
Mrs. Robert Clarke and Miss
Mary St. PierTe.
Mrs. Elmer Cook and Mrs. Ray
Ferguson will be responsible for
entertainment features at the
next meeting March 17 at the G.
H. Templeton home.
1410 S. Commercial. 8. Uarlow Jeha-
an, pastor, 848 E. Myara Ureat. Phone
vti. Morning worship at 11. Antheat,
"Taa Thouaand Tima Taa Thouiaad71
(F. A. Schnecker). Sermoa by tba pat
tor, "That They Might Hare Life." Hap
py Evening Hoar, 7:30 featuring a go-
pot ,uif. oennoB, 11 ue Jorgtt.
The Leslie Learners (older tnir folk)
will meet for a social honr at S o'clock at
the home of Mist Carla Williams. 1445 8.
Liberty etreet. They will go to the
church for their regular Sunday meeting
at 6:80 p.m. The Asbory league will
meet In Leslie Hall at 6:30. Church
school meets at 9:45 a.m. Stearns Cash
ing, Supt. Mid-week prayer and study
hour Thursday. 7:30. in Leslie kalL
TopKj, "Tho Pharisee and the Publican
1832 Edition."
TT i itk and Xabreska Bta.
voruvr - .
J' Xl.r?SS
tub act: "Can we oa tree ru -----
Tata FeTeriab Age f . Er an ing worship
7 :80 o'elock; Tousg J eopla a "
S:10 o'eloea:; rrayer m""
night 7:10.
otria T.SVF Church school 10 B.B1.
W. P. CoUard. nupt.
at 11
lestea sermon by patter Jr. B.
. v-i v 1 . TntarmadlatO E. 1. V.
5 7 pi. Bibla etady ela.a Taoad.y at
7:'0 rn. v ul1 10
L. C. E.
a.m. '
at 11
irrrT1 V fiHlVT, ChUTCB
0.a!nr E. Li- V'. It. r--
wHklvenTn"g worVbip following. Snbjeet:
"Bargaining' With the Ww.s Oraw.
Mid-wwk sarriceWednesday. 7 .30i p.m.
The Saaday school saoota at th Ford
Memorial chareh at :43 Tho mora
le g aormoa will bo preached by the paa
UT at 11 a.m. The aabjoet of tho ssora-
iag sermoa will b "Iaglorioaa Coat pre
mises." The Epwortk loagaea moot at
6:30 The jastor will preach at 7:10 aa "Here, aad aoraaiter."
Markai aad North Wiater atreeta. X
Stewart, paaeor. Saaday school t:ii a.m.
Moraiag wwraaip 11 o'clock: Sot. M. C
Clark will preach at both aerrieoa. Erea
lag worship 7:10 o'cloek. Toaag People 'a
letuig StlO -eloek: aableet: "Mia.
sJona." William Halet, laadar.
yiaaoarl Synod. Coraer ISth aad A
atreeta. Bee. H. W. Grata, pastor. Sag
lisk aareleea at 9:4S a.m. Sormaa topic.
Fro Children." Saaday school at 9
'clock. Wm. O'Neill. 8upt. Oermaa
riee at 11 o'clock. Mid-week Loatra
aarvieea ia English, Wadaaaday at 7:10
p.m. Sermoa topic. "The People Stood
Beholding- W either league meeting Fri
day craning. March 4. Congregational
meetiag, Moaday. March T at S a.m. Lav
dies Aid meeting March 10 at S a.m.
at the homo of Mrs. Wm. Persey, 647
North ZOta street.
8tat aad Church atreeta. Church
school S:4S a.m. Orchestra ander diree-
tioa Miaa Mary Schalts ia aaditoriaat. 11
a-au Jaaior church. Miaa Percie Mima ia
eharg. 11:00 atorning worship. Bermoa:
"Insight or Outlook tr' Ir. Parker. SoU
by Cameron Marshall. 0:10 p.m. Three
Epworth learuee and Tonag People's
Forom. 7:10 p.m. Patriotic weddiar aa-
der aasvicee of W. C. T. TJ. aader dl
tion af Mra. Cliftoa Madd. Tharaday,
7:10 p.m. Mid-week prayar aerrie.
Charch etreet betwooa ChomekeU aad
Center. F, W. Xrlekaea, pastor. Sasday
ecBool at :4S. A. a. Araeger, eape.
MoraiBg worship at 11 'clock. Dr. Ara ,
8. Jeaaoa. deaa of odacatioa at th Men
meeiUi gut Knaal will giro th address..
liataor taaga at IA MU UUt ,
BharU will load th second stady o
The Saral Billers." . Ko . rraaiax meet- '
tag. Lediee aild meets Wadaaaday at
8:10 ra taa social rooms of th chares
with Mrs. Emll Timm. Mrs. W. . Bage-
dora aad Mrs. Herataa Taste aa kaataesea. "
Mra. C M. Byrd will hare charge mt th -stady
a ssisaieBS. -
11th aad Oaator atreeta. er. Flatcher:
611 way, poster. Bed dance 2031 Mar
ket etreet.- Fhaaa'SSSO. Aaother special .
day ia th Saaday school. The poster
speaka from th fellow iag subjects: 11
mm J.tla.ftw W(a A m-mr tVwimr
Why Blood Atraesaeatt" 4:10 p.m.
Tee Jtaa waern uod coaia sot ig
re." Xe. I al s aeries oa "dbraham." ,
Saaday ache t:45 ia T. M. Utwilier,
Sapt, E. T. P. S. aad Jaaior aoeiety
S:10 pm. Miaa .Thea 8ampea, praaideat.
Joha Friaaea, isnior auperrisor.
SS Ferry street W H Caldwofl, pa
tor Saaday aeheol at S:4S ass. Mr. Oil-,
bert Whit. Supt. Maraiag worship at
11 bjs. Mrs. eeorgia Mister win ering,
the moaaage. Special miasioaary aarric :
at S pja. Re. J. F. Erabatoa ad Iadia
aad Bar. W. I. McGarrey. IMei. Baat. of
tho ellianc win bo th apeakers at tni
aerrie. JEreaing aorrie at 7 :l, is
cradiag special singing aad maai. Miss
Edit rret or rrenek lad vataa an
Mr. Miater will tell of actual eoBditiost
ia Chiaa. Th rerieal serrieee eoatiea
all aext weak witk Bar. Boy Peteraea of
WeaaUhoa. Waah a a th maia spooarr
oeery eeeaiag. Miss Edith Fast f French
lad Chiaa. will also speak Saturday er.
eaiag. Marsh ft.
Winter aad Jefiersaa streera. Bagk B.
Foaka, Jr., miaister. Morniag worship
11 aja. uoatiauiag jeniea aerawa aenra
a "Ask - Seek - Knock" with th them
"God Directing Life." Ironing ern
7:10 a.m. Informal wankip aerrie with
special mast aad brief meteege by tba ,
poator. Ckarek school fsioa at -4
a.m. H. B. Carpenter, Snpt. Three Ep
wortk league aerricea at 6:10 p.m.
Winter sad Chemeketa atreeta. Grower
0. Birtchet, D. DM pastor. :10 sua.
Church school, Mr. L. M. Baatage. Sapt.
11 a.m. BMraiag warship. Sermoa sub
)oet: "What Will tha Harr-at Bel"
6:10 Chriatiaa Eadeavor aoeiotiea. 7:10
oreaing worship. "How Shall . We Es
cape I' Th art day evening. March 10, Je
aopk H. Cohn, soa of Ue famous as-rabfci
Leopold Coha. win apeak at this church.
Court and 17th streets. B. F. Shoema
ker, pastor. Sunday school t:4S a.m. Mrs.
E. Weller. Supt. Morning worship 11
dock; eebject: "Self Denial, A &
f LUa" Erening worship 7:10 o'clock:
subject: The Chang f Heart." Toung
People's meetinc :0 'clock; sabject:
"What Doe it Meaa to be a Chriatiaa t
Beard meeting Monday Bight-Aid
BMotiaga Wednesday and Friday. Mid
week meeting Wednesday. t:bo.
19th and Breymaa streets. Bandar
school 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 10:45.
u. l. r. u. o:ou. t-vemng worship 7:30
with Prof. C. M. Cline of the Portland
School of Theology bringing the message
Dota morning and evening.
1161 Union
Mid-wee eerjic. ..vJl 10
. a.--v.. . flnnt C. E. I p.m.
ChS.iif.. i'r.y. A. 8Urkr.
Prayer meeting issr-j
H B. Bcneuermau, .
street, Salem.
-. . i rv.m.kt atreet.
ennren ana v "---, nn,lM.
Geo. H. Swift, vexw. r---
Church school at 9:40 a.m. Mrs. W.
Barkus, Bupt. Preaching at 10:50 jn.
aad 7:30 p.m. by the pastor. Hand of
Fellowship and Obserraaee of tho Lord' a
Hupper at morning semce. Anthem:
"Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace"
by Roberts. Monday: Church School
Teachers and Officers meeting. Tues
day: Loyalty Class Social. Wednesday:
Prayer and fellowship at 7:30 p.i
Thursday evening at 7:80 Choir rehear
sal. W. tan Cochran, pastor.
- - rvn..1i akAol. 9:45 B
flr-aon' s-d aer-on by Bishop Su
ner 11 a.m. Tueaday : Vespera d
"J!T,,"jr-. Communion 7 and
Lenten semce .-w y
149 N. Commercial atreet. H. Hansen,
nastor. Saturdar nicbt. strrot meetinc 7
o'clock; in tho hall 7:30. Toung People's
meetinr. Evangelist B. F. Smith will
preach Sunday morning at 11 a.m. A
special service for men only will be held
by the evangelist. Sunday school at 1:45.
Preaching at 3 and evening service at
Hirh and Center atreete. D. J. Howe
pastor. Sunday, aeheol 9:46 ajn. Morning
worship 11 o'clock: subject: "The Way
of tha Cross." Evening worship 7:30
o'cloek: subject: "Fishers of Men."
Young People 'a meeting 6:30
" Pajamas In sprightly prints . . .
that Is what smart women want
for both sleeping and lounging.
Tha one-piece model presented to
day Is easily. made, and quite in
expensive It a cotton print is se
lected. Yon will find it extremely
comfortable to. as it Is-perfectly Graft, Willis Graft, Marshall Pow
proportioned lor comion s wBll ell and Mr. and Mrs. Powell,
as style. It may be made with one .
r two revers. . r i -The creative theatre section of
Pattern J2e may be ordered the Saiem Arts ieague, presented
only 14 to 20, and 32 to 42. Six itg flrat eiforts at the state tuber-
1S reauires s yaras ot o-iuu jenlosls hospital Friday night, un
Send fifteen cents In eelsa or
stamps (coins proferrsd), tor each
patter. Writ plainly jsar name,
address and atyla aumber. B sura
a sUt sis wanted, r -
' This aew tprrnsr fashion catalog
if aew ratty. This beautiful.
rfal book offers 12 paces of ehia,
atheatt Abb Adams stylea for
sdslta and children. Th swart
(rocks for afternoon, a vealng aad
sports wear, eaquisit lingerie, -traetiva
house dresses aad ador
able kiddia models ar featured
all personally chosea by Ana
Adama and all fashionable, practi
cal and easy and Inexpensive t
aaaka. Raad for TSU IOBT. PriC
f catalog, frtieen- coots, Catalog
aad pattern togrther, twenty-five
eats. Address all mall sal rdars.
I Th SUteamaa Patter Depare
ment. 141 West 17th tUaci, Saw
Independence The girls of
Omega Nu Sigma, Independence
students who attend the normal
school at Monmouth, entertained
Dean Robart of the normal at
tho home of Miss Ruth Wilson, a
member, Wednesday night.
A business session was follow
ed by a social hour at which time
entertaining numbers included: a
piano solo "The Cradle Song" by
Miss Ernestine Smiley; and a vio
lin solo, "Pleasures of Home" by
Miss Gungadene Bidgood accom
panied by Miss Smiley,
Special guests were Dean Rob-
art, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. w. u
Members present were Miss Ce
lesta Cuthbert. Miss Loretta Holt,
Miss Ines Beard. Miss Meta Toast,
Miss Eennie Burch, Miss Ernest
ine Smiley. Miss Gungadene Bid
good and the hostess, Miss Ruth
Wilson. .
Stayton Mrs. Hannah Martin,
of Salem, spoke before the
Women's Community club here
Thursday afternoon, on legal
points of interest to women. Her
talk was very much enjoyed.
There was a good attendance of
club members, as well as several
women from the Union' Hill club
The hostesses tor the afternoon
der. the direction of Perry Reigel-
man. Two one-act plays were giv
en. Tuesday .night three one-act
plays will be presented by this
same group In the auditorium of
the city public library.
m - m w
Mrs. Stearns Cushine and son
Herald will be the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John B. Ulrich for this
weekend. They are In Salem to
attend ; the Freshman Glee at
Willamette university tonight.
Mr anil Mra. Allan Car cm en
tertained at dinner Thursday night J were Mrs. Edw. J. Bell and Mrs.
at their home. Covers were placed Fred Hottinger.
: for members of their . family - in
compliment ; to the - birthday of
Mrs. Wallace carson. ; . ; '
Mr, and Mrs. Foster Cone and
Indefinite postponement, of the
Saiem Woman's Press club ban
auet and social evening has been
I announced. March 9 had been set
small son havo gone to make their I for the affair but necessity makes
Liberty The Liberty Woman's
club held its regular meeting at
the home of Mrs. Oscar Dencer
Thursday afternoon. The topic
was Oregon Outdoors. Two papers
were given by Mrs. Erixon and
Mrs. Charles Ruggles.
Mrs. Al Brown and Mrs. C. W.
Stacey were selected to attend the
district convention to be held
April 7 at the Salem Woman's
club house.
The next meeting will be held
St. Patrick's day as a social event
with special attention given to St.
Patrick and Easter seasons; Host
ess will be Mra. Charles Ruggles,
Mrs. Frank Erixon and Mrs. Bruce
Silverton Mrs. J. E. fitranix
was hostess at bridge Wednesday
afternoon with three tables in
play. At the tea hour she was as
sisted by Miss Delia Ballangrud.
Guests were Mrs. M. S. Hoblltt,
Jr., Mrs. Lowell Hoblltt, Mrs.vLes-
ter Whltlock, Mrs. L. S. Campbell,
Mrs. W. M. Swift, Mrs. G. I. Barr,
Mrs. A. T. Ryan, Mrs. Parry Rose,
Mrs. Frank Hubbs, Mrs. A. W.
Kleeb, Mrs. Charles Hartman and
Miss Ballangrud.
Miss Golda Wheeler entertained
in compliment to her bridge club
id Miss Esther Erickson; Miss
Emmadell Scnwabbauer, Miss Le
olyn Barnett, Miss Cora Severson,
Mrs. Homer Hulsey, Mrs. Halph
Mace and Mrs. Sophia Wheeler as
additional - guests at her home
Thursday evening.
School of Evangelism Wednesday, 7:30
p.m. A pre-Easter evaageliatie campaign
will beria Wednesday. Mareh 10 and
continue aveny evening until Easter San-
rrasT oeejcah baptist
North Cottage and D streets. G. W.
Rutsch, minister. Bands y achool 9:45 ajsv.
Sam Sehirman. Sunt. Service 11 a.
Topic: "Better Timea on tha Way." The
Lord a Supper following tne morning ser
vice. B. X. Y. U. at o:a P.m. mrs. va
Lacat. president. Evening service at 7:10.
Keraion tonic "ilama OB tne wuiowi.
Secular mid-week prayer service at 8
p.m. Wednesday at which times George
Schaer, the 8-year old wis yooeier, win
be present.
Ellmore J. Qilxtrap. pastor. Bible
school 10 a.m. Morning sermon topic.
''The League of Nation and Today's
Rnndav School Lesson." Christian En-
l.Tnr 7 n m Helen WitieL leader. W,
tt KnrinrU will rive a ruitar special.
The pastor'e evening sennan is of special
rntorest. "Modern Fullfilment of Pro
7 C .C.S.J.
tor. Sunday senooi - K. xo.adar
S and 7:80 ta. Meeungs Tserday.
Thursday aad Saturday evenings.
Ceator aad Liberty streets. J. W-
. B3 rC ai V BJiHBXii m
monds. pastor o . 7". .unjact:
Morning worship 11 a ! wor-
The Chosea rew: W.
l.I:ILa Comrade. .1 the Way:
- "?' r ... kAArn
presenUtion or , "f 7.' .1
rades in the Workshop of Life.
sr. vrjrcEirr db paul
rligbland and Myrtle avenn.
inos ' . "'" r . ,--.. .V
Suaday masses at ana y
Weekday services at 8:15 clock.
FTB8T spramTALiaT
o i... n tka Kelson ball. 381 Cheme-
keU street every Sunday evening at 7 .10
p.m. On March th th lecture topie will
v- Th. Possession ot Truth" by the
o'alAck. I MtiAr. Marr Schwedel. A elrele la bold
by accredited medtuma rrom .-w
Cor Mario North Liberty atreeta.
Britton Be. pastor. Bible "
fVed Broer. Supt. Morning worship st
110. Special music ay m-io
mon lo xonr uim o.--m
B. T. P. TJ. 6:80. ?: orgma prei---
EveaUg seTTiea at 7:so. Jtaie enoraa win
sing. Sermoa "Tho Dispensation oi
n va.iil.f itlrbt nraver meeting
and Bible etudv. Book of Isaiah, 10th
chapter.- Wodss'i Missionary society will
meet at 1 p.m. Friday. March 11 with
Mra. E. Peterson, 133 ona is "
On.T achool 10 lb Testimonial
meeting at 13. Mutual Improvement as
sociation, Thursday evening as ijv
tho Kelson bnildmg, corner oi vaema
keta and Liberty.
rr-r,r- n.nitol and Marion streets. W.
O. Lienkaemper. pastor. Sundsy school.
10 a.m. F. E. Kruse. Supt. German er-
vicea 10 a.m. English service 11 a.m
Annual Missionary Convention and
Revival Meetings
at the
Gospel Tabernacle, 644 Ferry St.
of the
March 5th to 20th inclusive
Every evening at 7:45 and three big services
Sunday 11 a. m. and 3 and 7:30
Sunday speakers will be Mrs. Georgia Minter of Warren,
Ohio, 11 a. m. & 7:30 p. m.; Rev. J. T. Brabayon ot India
and Rev. W. I. McGarvey ot Seattle, 3 p. m.; Mrs. Minter
and Miss Frost, 7:30 p. m.
Miss Edith Frost of Indo-Chiiut will present aa
illustrated sermon tonight at 7:45
Rev. Roy Peterson of Wenatehee, Wn., will conduct Revival
Meetings from Mareh 7 to 20th. Com and bring your friends.
Salem Laundry Proves the Valae of Oar New
Two -Year Guaranteed
1000 Sheets and Pillow
Today Beginning at 9:
4 for $3.50
Guaranteed for at least 52 washing
which is equal to 2 years' wear!
Salem women have a real surprise awaiting them in
thia event tomorrow ! We've planned it to be a sensa
tion! We've planned it to bring you down town early!
Because we know you will buy when you see these val
ues and what a two year guarantee means in buying
sheets at such a low price! BUY BY THE HALF DOZ
ENS 1 . . BUY BY THE DOZENS . . . Housewives, own
ers of hotels, apartment houses, rooming houses, sum
mer cottages ... all will be interested in this sale !
Choose from 2 Sizes
High quality sheets. Made by one of
America's best known mills ...
only 89c!
On account of the extremely low price, we cannot men
tion the mills name. These sheets are made of fine
count, sturdy sheeting WITHOUT ARTIFICIAL SIZ
ING OR FILLING ... of a soft natural finish with
deep hems . . . and they're torn to insure straight hems
after washing. Fully bleached.
2Year Cases
110 State Street TeL 0123
. ...
We relieve you from the troublesome
details of arranging services when
sorrow , has made thinking almost
impossible. - v--;- i :;
6 for
The same splendid snake aavl ma&ty
as the two year sheet, Gaaraateed B
washings. Saewy vhttt with steep heaaav
AS are rally Uterhed, Jxe 42x3.
Salem Laun
dry Co, wash
ed one of thes
fifty two times
and It - came
oat showing
practically no
wear! . ''':
Sriim mbRniflWi FuneRflt DmscroRs
RRKlllon, Procldtxirt "
j mjrtMH mm
p . i rnviii. ww mm
Wolfe? CJCarTTVeTYtfey , MQf.
homo in Portland. . I a change in a&te.