TKe OltEGDN STATESMAN, Salecv Dresoii.Tnesdar MonunzXIarch 1; 1932 pagh kink; -. - - K Whsire Supply Sd f I Statesnfan Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Adrertiiln . 81ngla insertion per Une-lOc Three Insertions per . line .............. 20c Six insertions per line.. 30c One month per line. . 1 1.00 Minimum charge ..... .25c Cop for tils page ac cepted until :S0 the even ing before i publication for classification. Copy te eelved after this time will? be ran under 'the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes HELP WANTED MALE ;TJ. &. rovemrant Job pay -well and - aro ataady. You can prepare at noma In your apara tlmo. Fre informaUon. Box T, Statesman. ' ITOUNQ MAN for power station; must, bo willing- to spend 8 hour a week In studying for position which will ba available at good pay whetr trmlntns; la completed. Small lee. Box S,i Statesman. ' i SITUATIONS WANTED . Mnratna? eontalesoent and maternity ! cases tn your buna, . TaL 45SS. 1531 Court. i Practical nurse takes cases at borne r win a-o out 291 N. stn. FOR SALE aiiscelUneona FOR 8 A LB OI4 paper tOe bu . 41a Btate-tman otttea. Tme writers, ail make, now . and esed. Adders and typewrturetov real Typewriter - Ocbaaaa. J4l Ceurl 8t iPruttlnnd nnrsery sales yard. So. liberty SL Comer armory. Prices to suit the times. Phone 6505. Orchard spray.- All kinds carried In stock. Lowest prices. Puritan Cider Works. West Salem. Phone 4484. Apples 25-4S-40C. Good quality. 1 mile off Wallace - Road on Orchard Heig-hta. Brine boxes. Era est Ander son. Rebuilt vacuum cleaners. Rent and repair. TeL 3348. B to 9 p. m. Mrs. Ralph's chicken tamales now located. 454 N. Liberty. Tel. 449. , Cuthbert red raspberry plants. War ner RL 1. - FOR SALE 4 year lease on 10x40 tore bide. Rent f 10 mo. Bargam. Call at 754 union. Corvallls strawberry plants and lo-Ka-nberry tips. V. D. Leefc, Tel. 8F1. Custom hatching-. Sc. Also custom hatch turkey ergs. The Willamette Valley Hatchery. 410 a 34th, Salem. Well jooted Oregon gooseberry plants. Priced right. Pbone 44. , New bedroom suite and crib. 1140 8. 15th St. Well rotted barnyard -fertiliser for ale. Phone 4944. Must aell my 4 yr. old cow, testing i B. fresh, last fall, giving 3 fone per ' day now..,!. 7, Box 100, Salem, Ore. Loganberry tips, $15.00 thousand. John a Marshall. R. 4, Box 103, Sa lm. On Garden Road. WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED WUl pay 3e a pound for GOOD CLEAN COTTON raga, Must be pieces at least a square yard Statesman office. All kinds of rifles, pistols, shotguns, eld gold and Jewelry. Condition no ob Amrt Nam- rour nrffr . . REINER'S EXCHANQH 334 N. Commercial ? Xhj.njxn.fn.nninnnrrvvvTr"JfcJ" WANTED Used ptaMHL la ea ehange en radios, phonoerapha, or Cur taltura. H. L. Stiff Furnlmre Company Dressmaking all kinds rellntng, re pairing, men's, women's, children eoatsi Phone 4630. . Fruit lars all sizes. Phone 3473. WANTED Small bakery for cash. "Sox 100. Oregon Stateeman. MISCELLANEOUS 38 pianos to rent 33-4-$5 a mo. Used pianos new upright f 133.00; fl-Mili. 1350 Oft. GEO. C. WILL 483 StaU Street 8alm, Oregon. Buy or rent one now. Terms If de sired. - Landscaping, grdng. Wyle. TeL 474T. Many are using spare time In a eouVse at the Capital Business col lege a wise thln--todo: I' . v MISCELLANEOUS ' Lease on service station tn Portland to trade tor station la Salem. : Chet Ray. 43th A Fremont 8U, Portland, cr Tel. Garfield 0T00. 1 ROOM AND BOARD VtVU'UIAl'H'l!-! - - ------------------ The Alexandria Is lust a home away from home. Phone 6763.. Room and board, also- table board. Close In. 406 Marion." Phone 38. FOR RENT-APARTMENTS S-rm. furn. apt, 1361 Basel Ave, TeL T464. --- -" " siruxrtrirw'irMwsvM'ii mm -a . Patton aparuneets wtth Private bath, nicety furnished. Located In buslnees district CaU Patton a Book 6toie. ' " - '' Stratton Apts. Mod. 670 N. Winter. MWVMAMMWMWwW-ww-wi Heated hskps. rooms. Ill Chemeketa. -jiAnarvrrrmii ' i ' ' - -"-"" ---- 8 and 4 room turn, apt private bath, electric range, garage. 1047 ,80. Coma Phone 145. : v - - SmaU .fur. apt, M Union. I POLLY: AND HER PALS onehalaiicer tSSW j JOTw222il toSSS&gS'E nBlm 1 8S&;:; -'V" $s&?!mim fmm -aMmfmSk mW v we&m msFm ' , . i S . -' - j ; ':.. . - r ; - ? ''v'i - ' v - ;- - - , 'yy: no financial responsibility . for errors whicn may, ap- -pear in advertisements pub lished in its columns, and in cases where this paper is at fault will . reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objec tions! advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to, classify all adver Using un der the proper classifica tion. " FORRENT--APAimiENTS Clean tteated apt. 43S Marlon. COSKY three-room fur. apt ground floor, garase. t. U. Albert. S8 JdUL i -iii-MKiii.-iitfMnir.M'f iiiroriri nrMr Completely fur. apt. Rent by day. week or montn. z56 state. Furnished kented apts. Apply Apt II. ZtS-Marion St. erVwwwVVVVwVwVwVVwVwwVwVwVwVMwM S rooms, front TeL 7324. FURNISHED bunsalow apartment, Adults. 47 M11L Phono S29S. Furn. apta, . 3 or - J rooms, reduced rates, adults. 10S4 Oak St. - r FOR RENTHOUSES Furnished and unfurnished houses. R. A. FORKXER, 141 N. Cottase, FOR RKNT Flats for adults. to I ruoma. te to t. Also faoueea. eta. BECKS A HENDRICKS Its North His street ror sale or rent, N. 17th., s Furnished and unfurnished houses. KELVIN JOHNSON Phone 4704.. MAiWAAAAi . mm .MWWWWWM Modern 7 room, corner house, gar age. 325.00. TeL S43. FOR RENT FURNISHED 1143 Waller St.. S rooms. 20. Oth ers il5-ZZ.5Q--5 and up. 1573 Bellevue, partly furnished, S. FOR RENT UNFURNISHED Modern homes $S0-l5-$40: others $1-110-315 and up. FOR BEST RENTALS SEE BECHTEL or TKOMASON 341 State 6 room furn. T74 Trade. P(JR RENT FOR RENT 7 acre poultry ranch 3 -miles xt Salem, capacity 1000 hens and 4 cow a SEE SEARS TUCKER 13! South High Street FOR SALE Real Estate eirfNN'a'wV-aeiaeJ--a-Mb acre on Kingwood Heights with view of mountains,. 3 rm. house, city water and electric lights. 31200. 4 acres with 3 acres filberts, 3 rm. house, electricity, large modern ben houye, 32400, easy terms. 175 Bouth High Street Good. 7 -room nlaatered home, . fire place, basement, etc and attractive surroundings. Ornamental, nut and irult trees, i rnlt and berries more than nays taxea Two garages, 8 to 4 fine lota, nice view, paved street, near schools. Priced to sell all or part. terms. 74 Rural Ave. Phone 8. 61 A. near Salem, practically all un der cultivation, good spring; fair bidffs. 83000, easy terms. 6 A. adjoining1 Salem, fruit, berries, small house, barn. 81380, very easy terms. 274 A 80 bottom land, timber, pas ture, running water, 2 sets bldga c 1SS aa A. Wilt trade for smaller place. I rm. modern house No. Salem, tine big lot A bargain at 84600, good terms. S rm. strictly modern house No. Sa lem, 83750. 4 rms. and nook, modern. $2700, terms. J. F. TJLRICH CO MP ANT 318 StaU Street Phone 8373. THREE WONDERFUL BUYS Attractive Summer street home of 8 lastra. cheerful rooms, nicely furnish ed Including plane and electric range. full easement, furnace, zirepiace. nice E. front lot, Priced very low for short time at 83160, cash 3300. baL monthly. CREEK SIDE-HOME In excellent condition, 7 large rooms, plenty of built Ins, fireplace, basement, furnace. garage. Creek lot Stxiso rt. raced low for abort time at only $3400 with rwrt terms. . Cottage street home of ENGLISH TTPH, T rooms, plenty of built Ins, fireplace, basement, rurnace, garage. Uvn, shrubbery and flowers. Price reduced to 83800 with liberal terms, or will take small home In Salem or Eugene as part. Cost owner 35500. LEO T4. childs CO., Realtors 1?.8a.t-Sr-C5- Phone 8T08 SUMMER ST. LOT: Fine building lot, located real close In on M. Summer 13 L. corner, with both sts. paved, formerly sold for 33,- ooe now i U50 cash tor immediate SALE. INVESTIGATE THIS NOW. W. H. GRABKNHORST ft CO., REALTORS 134 a Liberty St. - Phone 8448 TIMBER TRACT CLOSE IN: Five acre timber tract close in with sightly view. Price 81300. $300. down. balance payable, 8150. per year. In terest 6.- W. it. GKABN HOKST CO, ; REALTORS il34 & Liberty St i Phone 6463. THIS HOME PRICED TO SELL: Eight room modern late built home located sez ucuoy st- rrice atzov. lite. cash. baL S40. per montn to in clude Int IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H. GRABKNHORST A COL. KKALIUU3 134 & Liberty 6t Phone 6468. I 73 A. Good 6 R. house, fine - barn. creeK. line soil, t a. in cuic m mL -to grade and high school, moil rd 1SS00. 40 A. modern bell dings, elect rio water system, very best ox sou, one ra. 8 mL Salem. 87 wo. R A. FORENER 1618 N. Cottage Pbone 303L 1 FOR SALE-- Real EsUtt ros Biia or trade: t lit mL Mat et . asylum. Mew mod. house, eleo, tight Gas. 8 A. bearlng Royal Ann cherries. 1 A. mixed oreh- era. Price s 4000. Ad-n-ess K. s, b 4. i EXCHANGE Real EstaU - Wo have a 137 acre farm, fair Im provements, 4 acres tillable, price f .x imVH Toll -r ri I acreaae for eauttv. - A beaouiai z aero rana near a- !S.51i??S5iri! wmcr OT -,a tWbtne ucGiLCHftisT ptanrmaTON I0-1 U. 8. Baa Bide Pbono 4SSS. 0WIWIII.MIIWIOWIWW FOR SALE or EXCHANGE Two houses (six and tight rooms) in Palo Alto, California, tows - of Stanford nnlversity, harmg J f.000 Inhabitaiita Lapdacaped. la cont, roaldenUal 1 districts. Will consider city or county property. Address owner, Box 784, (statesman. -.-..- - - - Portland duplex for Salem nron- erty. Owner, A. H. Dewey. Tel. 4114; : : FOR SALE-FARMS RED HOT FARM BARGAINS , It-acres, dandy 4-R. plastered bunga ,.Jow, with bath and water system, barn and poultry house, 4 -acres In . bearing peacbea. cherries and prunes. 2-A. atrawt-erriea, all ex-, tra good soil. 10-acres Santlam ranch, fair lmprovw menfs. priced for quick sale. 91, 350.00 i- 1-3 down, balance easy. lOO-acrea. SO-A. .cultivation, fair Im provements., stocked and equip ped, price reduced to $3850.00. 40-Acres, 3 5-A. plow- land, running water and S-R. house. Barn, poul try house, on paved road. Re duced from 3500O.OO to $3850.00. For farm bargains, SEE SEARS A TUCKER, Realtors 133 South High Street Look I Look? If you want an 80 acre farm that' will pay for itself In 3 years, address Leek Box 105. Aums ville, Oregon. . 107 ACRE FARM SNAP 110.000. All stock and equipment goes with farm. 80 A. plow land, some crop. 13 A. strawberries, soil as good " an" Ver- -Reductive. Some tim ber. Good bldgs. and read. Owner leaving, will -url flee. Some cash, bal ance 20 years. Don't fall to see this If Interested. SEE BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State ACREAGE ACREAGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - Choice 8 acre tract close tn, f room home with water system and plumb- ing, garage ana outoiu?a. rric ivvv with liberal terms, or will exchange on 4 v acre rarra ana assume. ANOTHER well located 8 acre tract with dark, rich soli. 6 room house with electric lights and plumbing, barn and outbldga. Price 83500, or will ex change for Salem home te suit. SEE Cal Fatten with LEO N. CHILDS CO. Realtors 320 StaU Street Phone 8748. ZZO ACRES One nf the best farms tn the Wil lamette valley, good farm house, fair barn, about 10 A. cultivated, oai. tim ber and pasture, running water. 15 cows, team. 12 brood sows, young ! stock, tractor and all farm machine ry, all for $17,500. $8000 loan, 6H. terras. C J. JACKSON Room 1 147 North Commercial 55fr A. 3H ml to R. R. 8 room house, barn, chicken house, 23 A. culti vated, balance stumps and pas ture, timber for family use, finest of soil, running water, 8 cows. 3 horses and farming' equipment $, 000. Trade for city property. 81 A. 11 mL from Salem, 4 room house, family orchard, 45 A. culti vated, $400. down, $350 per yr. It A mL from Salem, 7 room plas tered bungalow, electric llght bath and water system. 8 A. bear ing peaches, cherries, filberts and prunes, 3 A. strawberries, grapes, etc- finest of eolL 8 4 860. MELVTN JOHNSON 320 Tf. & Bank Bids. Phone 8736. 6 ACRE SNAP Owner leaving, must sell at sacrifice. Price $3500, payment down. Time on balance, rich sandy loam soiL Good bldga, good furniture. Immediate poe- .session. This place is weu wortn . 000 now. Two years ago was worth $7500. Shown by appointment. SEE- BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 8tate Street WANTEP-4tE AL ESTATE LOOK: CONSIDER $5,000.00 cash to nav for 30 to 60 acres, must be good on gooa roaa. - xair puuoinga, were must be some equipment no terms, ne waiting you get the money now, pre fer Marion Co. Polk Co.-will be con sidered, see me now. A well Improved 18 acre tract one mile from Salem, no Incumbrance, owner will assume on good residence In Salem and give terora H. C. SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. Salem, Oregon Phono 8903 Business Opportunities Gaa station. S-R. house, barn. aar age, poultry house, 1-3 A. ground. One gas pump and store room all for $3. OOO.OO. located on paved road. Take car as first payment bee BEARS TUCKJSK 183 South High Street FOR SALE Grocery stock and fix tures. KELVIN JOHNSON. Phone 6700. r MONEY TO LOAN M''w-waMMa'--wN-s--N---N- ' 'Bells of Harmony' Heard over KOIN dally ring out a loan service that la really, really different NO DEDUCTIONS NO FEES NO OTHER CHARGES ONLT LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE til LOANS 610 tO MV Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room 113 New Bligh Bldg. tnd Floor LICENSED BT STATE 618 State St - TeL 8-T-4-0 MONEY TO LOAN MONET LOANED ON ' AUTOS W Con tracts Refinanced .arrange to reduce your paymeata ' Ton keep the ear - P. A. . EIKXR .-- Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Phono 4783 . Bateau Or. PERSONAL LOANS I A UtJT JIomDowerins! and licensing tho nn- onthir. WhN la financial Md sm na n.r.r. mnainv & umm - r -- . i Finrt National BankdV Pbor. Ult 1 - - at PITT At IJTl VAVU lAmaman am lAWma I msuraaco aeparanoBf suera ' tub - x- I port advieo and aerrtca m all lktoa. mrrB; oson personal INSTAlxkENT LOANS - STATE LOAN COMPACT , til Oreron Bnlldlnc 2nd Floor.' OfXteo Kra, A. ll .to :! P. M. Talephono -tlM . Uomaad by 8tato LOANS WANTED WANTED Prirate money te loan on real estate. W. H. GRABKNHORST A CO, REALTORS ' ' 1 134 a Liberty St. TeL 4448 1 WANTED: 33400 first mortgage loan. on new residence, will pay seven per cent int. see us at once. W. H. GRABKNHORST A CO. 134 South, Liberty .Street LIVESTOCK and POULTRY 1 imti0mmwmwfi0m.m,mm0mm, I Custom hatching that para, lowest I i o p r .xx dr' FeT X He March. i & 1 " - - ... - paeut pnees on quaauty. rnone i mi, niB-7. PouUry wntd. S54 N-XJO. TeL 4400. IB hereea. trial allowed. Jackson Bturi. Woodhnm. . " Poultry wanted. Salem Poultry Ca, Z55 R Miller. M. A. Mann. Phone 4838. FOR 8ALE WOOD IS In. 3nd growth fir 84.40 and 81- ee. TeL 8448. . I OUAR4LNTEUl DRT wood coi TeL 5000 . Salem 1W Oa. Trade A I CotUga, For good wood ohone 3984. Tracy's wood yard. ALL KINDS, any length, Call 3738. Ian ail nn M n tnm nrirm. nr. I tfmea i-Sod TqualuT id good sei lee. LARMER TRANSFER A STORAGE xeMBneue sii 18" old fir. $5.60. Smith A Rubena, Phone ISF14. tflrfMMMMMWtfrfWMrftfWi FIRST CLASS FUEL Old fir screened bog fuel. Old Ttr mill Mock. Dry planer wood. Dry second growth. FRED B. WELLS, INO. PHONE 8447 MAaaaaiaaaiaaiNaajwaajM Wood, sawdust, manure, TeL 8473. Dry old fir. TeL 8333. ,1 m ni-,-gii-.-ir.'iir..-mi-iAii-iniri-ii-,- -m-ir Old fir and art. Phone Judd. l03F3I. 13 and 18 old fir. Phone S488. Pry. ,Ub- ffi jfeK I 4 !. . . Dry 2nd growth sawed 13 or 14 In. Ross Bowman. Rt. 3, Dallaa Pbone 8030. Old fir 18",- $6.00. Second growth seasoned IS . 3 4. 7. Tel. joiss. SO eorda 14" eld fir. 80 cords 4 second growth for sale at timber. TeL 41J4. Guaranteed dry oak and ash, 4 ft I $5 per cd. TeL 448S. -LOST AND FOUND LOST Simmons bike at htch school. Feb. 16th, reward. Phone 8134. FOUND Piece of sheet nraslo. Owner c&U at Statesman. lost Saturday Between rreaoy terlan church and SQasie Shop, lady's black felt hst Finder Tel. SOBS. FOR 8 ALE USED CARS Valley Motor Co. Used Cars 131 Deluxa Roadster -$416 .860 . 836 ie . 336 . 376 . 860 . 08 . 336 436 - 148 1830 Tudor 1330 Sport Roadster iszs Roadster 1038 Essex Coupe 8 cyL . 1038 Nash Special Sedan is za voupe 1936 Star Touring 1033 A Panel Delivery . 1030 Oldsmobile Sedan 1036 Pontine Coach TERMS TRADES Valley Motor Co. Phone 3181 Center Street Phone 7010 Lot at Marlon A Liberty USED CARS WANTED We have oalla for 1816 7-6 and 8 Cnevrolets and Fords aad are there fore In a position to give you a very libera allowance on these modela We have the following exceptionally nice cars te oner at attractive prices: iszs jossex unaiianrer -uoor sedan $saa 1388 Chev. Coach 436.00 1333 Ford Model Roadster 335.00 I 1930-Ford Standard Coupe 3(0.00 McKay Chevrolet Co. Where Ton Get the Big $ Worth 833 Center 1030 Chev. sly sedan. 1030 Broadway. Hay is Scarce Item ' ra'trrmrobutaUls of flee No. 241 Stto streetjewh and pan credit, the following in Pratum Section! PRATUM. Feb. 2 Tne last bale of hay for sale in this com munity was sold Saturday. Pra tum farmers have provided many dairymen witn nay during wlntttr tint the annnlv which promised to bequtte gutfielent Has ueuu nuuiiw, NOTICE OF OTARDIAIT8 SALE v OF.BEAIi FROFEBTX. . U II aorouy a-vea pursuant te tn order of -ue County Court of the State of Ore-1 County. Conrt of tke EUU of Ore gon for the County of Marlon, gov for the County of Marlon; on made and entered am the 20th day I the 29th day of February. 1122. j..n.,... ill. anthnrlxlnr. Ila derslgned as guardian of the peilignea aamuustratnx or saia es- mum iia ciuu. ui auwiiui n. . . , . . . . . u aa aneh rnardian will, on and aft- . " " " fT' mwiua uaanvj oateuit .mibbub, ell at prirate sale for cash; the property belonging to said ward, to-wlt: Beginning at a point pn the I West lino of Commercial Street la ; the City of Salem, Marlon Coun ty, Oregon,, SC feet South of the south lino of Kearney Street in said' City of Salem, and running thence South along the West line of Commercial Street 80 feet to the Northeast corner of the -Tory tract, of land; thence West at right angles to Commercial Street .1 t.r.-.k it-. tv. V"uu . . .A.T wu Jij vrawfc u. wuu ii mt thence North parallel with the West line of Commercial Street 10 feet, to the Southwest corner of a tract of land lying on the North, of and adjoining theMand herein dM-Hh-l- thence. 1S1 feat along, the South Una of the Und art jftlnfnir on thO NOIXh OT thlS - . - .a a t. nr h--4tiBin-' Maaa bv a-u svaasrvv w& wvaMtwHiBi Tie said sale will be made tmb- ject to tne coniirmation or tne litmh M r-nnf rnnrt Dated February, 1st, 1132. JOHN BATNE, t . - uuanuM oi wia person ana m- A-.-. . . . mm wi oi Aueiaiae an. ecriouer. Insane. P.-2-0-1C-23-M-1. NOTICE OF FIKjUi e'. SETTLEMENT v Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has tiled 1 final ac count as administrator of the Sit. .? ;X"2Sr. & deceased. In the County Conrt of the State of Oregon for Marlon County and that the County Court of said county has appointed Mon Aav eh 7 ft. Amw nf Uaeoh let. St the hour Of 10 o'clock a. m., as the time, and the County Court room in the court house at Salem, Oregon, as the place, of hearing and settlement of said final ac count : and that objections to said f'nal account must be filed on or before said date. R. K. DRAKE, Administrator. F-2-9-K-2S-M-1 Business BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R IX Baeton Batteries Starter and generator work. Texaco station, cor ner Court and Church. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. E. Northnesa CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC. Chiropractor. 356 N. High. TeL Rea J573. DRS. SCO FIELD, Palmer Chlroprao tora X-ray and N. C M. New Bank Bldg. ' CLEANING SERVICE Center St. Valeteria. TeL 8683. FLORISTS CUT Ho were, wedding bouquets funeral wreaths, decorations. C.R BreUbmupt. florist. 444 state street. TeL 6004. Petted plants, polneettas, ferns, eta, H. A. Bennett Nursery Co. TeL sirs. ALL kinds of floral work. Lots Flor ist. 14th A Market TeL 1551. INSURANCE i nvcrtos a hendricks 188 N. High TeL 434T WILLAMETTE INS. AGENCT Wm. BUven. Mgr. TExMiiKive Buttevllle Aaent 818 Uaaonlo Bids. TeL fSOl LAUNDRIES THE new salkm laundrt "THTB WTTTTIKR I.ADNDRT 343 a Hlch TeL 0138 CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRT "We Wash Everything in Lux" Telephone 3165 1364 Broadway LAWN BIOWERS Sharpened and repaired. Also trade. H. W. Scott 147 a Oom'l. Tel. : MATTRESSES" Msirreeewa from factory to New 80 lb. mattreaa 85.00. Renovat ors and fum I -raters. Capital Bedding Co. TeL 4041. ztze wottn tjapitot. BIUSIC STORES tnoi om c will Piano, pnoao- I rra&AJL sew Ins: machines, sheet musla I d". .T 433 i state Street naiem. KOTXCX! OF ADStmSTRATXtETS SALS OF BEAL PROPERTY f Notice) la hereby aires, that in iBannue. f an Ardo nf -Raja made and entered of record by the the Matter Of the EstaU of H. O. Sprague. deceased.: the . under- itbta am mwtm rr.. . n . k t v iaw. Ay prlraU tale, to th hl net Did-1 dp rAp rim nr TAit ir I . 1 Commencing: at the most Easterly corner of a two aero tract of land-Heeded by Cool- ldgo it licClaine to W. J. Ger man on the 25 th. day of -April. IStS, said ; conveyance being recorded in the -Marion County Record Book of Deeds, VoL 00, page 404: thence South Forty nine Degrees c and Thhty-Mln-ntee West. Nine and Fifty-two hundredths chains to & point In the County Road leadinr from SUrerto to Enrins Mill; thence South Forty Degrees and Thir ty minutes East alone said road, Six and Sixty-eight hun dredths chains: thence North. Thirty-three Degrees East, Nine and Eighty-seven hundredths, -chains to a point In the South boundary of Edmund Olson's land; thence North Forty De grees and Thirty minutes West. Three and Eighty-six hun dredths chains to the place of beginning. Situate In Marion County. Oregon. Said sale will be made to the highest bidder, , subject to eon flrmaUon by said Court.: Bids will ba received at the residence of the undersigned administratrix near Airlie. Oregon. . Dated this 1st day or Marcn, nsz. Vda rowett. Administratrix. Afc-lle Oregon. Wm. S. Risley, attorney ior ao- minlstratrlx. Albany. Oregon. M-l-8-1 5-2 2-20 UmcK oAjnjy.T op ADMINISTRATRIX Notice is Hereby Given. That tha undersigned. Mrs. Walter Oldenburg, has been duly appoint ad as Administratrix of the Estate of F. L. Wood, deceased, by the County Court of Marlon County. I State oi Oregon, ana sua nag aiy I qualified as such Administratrix. Therefore, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and requested to present the same duly verified to the undersigned Administratrix at her residence at 4t Jefferson street. Salem, Marlon County, T Directory. j PLUMBING and HTSATING PLUMBING and general repair work. Graber Broa 16S So. Liberty. Tel. 65 J 4. PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN ADAMS for house decorating, paper hanging; tinting; etc. Reliable wormnnn. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards. Damon- 1 lets, programs, books or aay kind of ortntlna. call The Statesmen Print- far Department 815 8. CommerciaL I Tejep entione 0101. RADIO FTjk every nurnoee. for every tur All etanoara sises ot itaaio in see, EOFF . ELECTRICAL SHOP. SOT Court St. TeL 8110. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing: Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. AS kinds ef woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hop baskets, hooka, logaa hooka Salem Fence and Stove works. Zf I Chemeketa. TeL 47T4. R. B. Fleming. TRANSFER CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 336 1 State 8t TeL 7773. Distributing, far warding and storage our specialty. Get oar rates. FOR local or distant transfer stor- ire. call 3131 Larmer Transfer Oa. Trucks to Portland dally. WASHING MACHINES All Makes Rented, sold and repaired. Easy. & t-, aiaytag; ronton, aieaaows JLntomatle. - HOQU BROS. W. C MANGTJ1C Manarer I 333 N. High TeL 6088 O Real Estate Directory 1 I BBCKJI A HENDRICKS 186 K. High TeL 4S4T l S. ML SARIS 1334 N. High St TeL 8678 $ X. LINCOLN ELLIS 468 State TeL S6T1 5 BOCOLOFSKT A SON 304-8 First Nat Bk. Bldg: TeL 7807 J. W. TJLRICH 838 Stat Street TeL 8473 HOMES TJL FOSTER REALTT CO. I870H State St TeL 7533 "r r. ORABKNHORST A CO. 184 &, Liberty St - TeL 6468 RV CLIFF STERRETT JKSSnKd: ,i he 1 . ma 1 Pro-ams DIES; RITES TODAY TT TuhUt, Mirek 1 f 8:00 Tr CmilO. KBO. e:S U. 8. Maris W' 2TB 0. e:Se CmUu arlMML H:S Braticut from WiUf, KBdl i?:is - r a Ho How, kwx towi vner. S:4S Tea Time Bszssr. 6:4 Talk, Dr. Teyats. . 0 :00 Aaw 'a Aady, KBa ! ' 8:15 Me-aarr Laee. 1S:1S Mark Daniels. . 10:30--CapUla Fraak Erria. -; X0AO SS0 X&- CorvattU T00 Oeed saeraisg meditatieaa, led j Dr. IVnk B. MatUews. T:1S Setting es sxercUee, directed j - " A. u. euser. 1000 Heme eeeposites obierrer. 10:09 Totaorrow's Meals. 10:18 Feed. Fsete end Fuitles. 10 -.8 3 Hew's SA.Wby's of Hoasekeep- : tag. . : I0:4T The Macsiiae Back. 13:00 yam boar. 13:te la the 4sj's news. 1J:23 "Sisterie Trees ef Oregoa.' tyii f. Oreaes-iDer, State tw tr. 13:85 Market report, erepa aad weU er foreeiit. t (in' TTsTMirrr hear. ' " i. tA WsVk of UeHc-e'M Shsriag Zelta Sedeswoid. I 5 :55 Market reports. I 2U?T'rT5Lfcd'. aew r.!Ck7.E. ..4 weetker fereeatt. 6: SO Market reviews freik fruits. egetsuee sad aay. 6:55--fks Reasons f.r Grrlag Tsrieties of Red cierer.'p Prt-1 feuor o. R. nnion. T:30 Masiesie: Vera MeCliateck, o- 3?In!i- 11 !r-.i!Tr.-r 1 maa W4 e -hvmj -. -j-y -- w - i Gerdoa Fisley, Levis Johasoa 8 -.15 Oar Stste: ' Flora of tke Watte-1 Woaauias," Professor W. K. ad DsTld , Lsngdoa. Lswreare. 1 1 S:3 ffW S.srpa rx ;n-jMi Tke Kever lundiag Battle Between CoMurrraUret and Libernla" Dr. T. A. Msgrcder. Oregon, within six months from .-ft naia aua neing ibs ora. umr February. 19 S 2. Dated this 23rd day of Febru a nr. A. D.. 183J MRS. WALTER OLDENBTJRO, Administratrix of said estate, ROY R. HEWITT, Attorney for tho estate. F-2S M-1-8-15-SZ. GET 4-H PINS 7,A7ne I.4BISH ' Feb. 2 I Those completing the 4-H sewing project in the school here ate eye- I ing tneir new pins wun some sav lsfaction. They are Wilma Mat- thes, Lila Perkins, Helen Takaya- ma, Mary Taksyama, Pearl John son and June Rlsnei. 1 1 QoSS -Word PuZzk By EUGENE SHEFFER 'A ecu: ' CZd. r 111 1 win II HORIZONTAL. 1 Oa wfcat river le Lea -leaf WVat Ulamd tm tne ladlaa its capital at II -What Greek ceddeea ss seized to tke Reaaaa, Aa rera? ISWkat towm ew. tk Nil Is tke sit ef aaciemt TkbsT 14 Fnsa lg-f!amnasa naini. ! IS Wkat river el VirgtaSa fUws frees tk Blae 3Udg t Rappakaaaack River f II TiStin conjunction. t e Vandala. tn WWt river f France aad B-sl- wimm. fie wing lata tk Nevtk Sea. was tk scm f kattlee, 1S14-1S1S? . 22 Enrllsk public schooL 24 Unadaltcrated. 94 Artificial elevadons. rr "A .mm mt mimm. a leaf ef Lreetl mi ike" Is a 6a fretsi tk EagKsk traaalatWa ef wkat pt? . 94 .There-fore.- 31 Wkat celoay ef Freaek West Africa kas its capital at Saiat- Le-aUT - tS Excltmstioa. U Female ef tne sneep. l 1 -. , " - 1'. P' - FAIRVIEW. Feb. 21. Georgw W. Palmer died at his residence) ; here Sunday. morning- his death being a shock to the entire com . inanity. Funeral services will bo held Tuesday afternoon ot 1:11 o'clock at Rigdon's mortuary with Interment to follow in the City View cemetery. Mr. Palmer was , the son of John and Anne Palmer, pioneers, who crossed the plains and settled p in the . Waldo hills near Maeleay. He was bora February 1, 1878. At - the age of four his parents moved to the home in this district, which he occupied until the time of his marriage! to Irene Hartley four years ago. Mr. Palmer was an -extensive land owner and prosperous busi ness man. He was Interested In the progress of the community and was a member of the local school ' board. He was prominent In sports and was a member of the saiem Gun club. In 1928 he won tho na-! tional handicap trapshooters' tro- pny. lie aiso won oiuer cups at t- rioua times. w" d'fUldted with several fraternal orftnitetions. havin been a member, of the Elks lodge ' for many years. . "3 hr w elrs M May survived by t wo sisters, Mrs. May Wit and Mrs. Abbie Taylor, and Besides his wire. Irene, ne is (two brothers, Charles of Florence d Henry of Santa Barbara, uai. M11er Get Bad 1TAJAr " . wound in rooi ai , ,( Axe Misses Mark JEFFERSON. Feb. 29 -F. A. I Miller, manager of the Midway H--J- n',.2 ,. - an axe recently. Several stitcht were required to close up the wound. air. ana mh. ua u. bwwi who live on the Jefferson-Mar road are the parents ot a seven pound son. born February 241 Miss Julia Vaughn and Miss Flora Vaughn, returned Wednes day night from a 10-day visit at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Golden in Portland. Mrs. Golden is the daughter ot Mrs. Vaughn, and sister o.t Miss Flora. . Mrs. Albert Harnisch was tha inspiration for a Jolly surprise party Wednesday night, the oc casion being her birthday. Wkat celaal was kaewm ao "Baffal BilTT 7--Perieds of tiaa, J S Note ef tke musical scale. ' Kind ef poem. 10 Tk feetWfl team wkal aaivareity Is pepalsriy a04 tk -FlrWtlaa Irisk"? It Letter ef tke Greek alnkaket 1 acharacters ex an andent Te - tonk alphabet. 17 Wkat Hissalayaa Hsg-issa fa ketvMs Brittsk ladU aad Tike? 19 Warm. - 21 Wkat fasaeas play ky Capek deate with "Uaivereal Rekets'; 45 Elongated flak. 26 Impediment. 2d Tangle. 27 Molding witk aa S-shape4 profile. 28 Insane. SO Po S2 Come oat tnte view. t J Ugly eld woman. 25 Head ef a newspaper. 37 Wkat pewalar Eagiiak aevek 1st wrwt rtat CwamteM welatT 29 Distress sicnaL 41 Owns. 44 Drink in small qnantitias. - 45 Letter ef tke Greek alphabet 46 Constellation. 47 Printer's 40 Haill 50 Established value. r n A & f OJ, UVUJ-3. . . 65 Hebrew name for God. Herewith is the eolutioa te rt9 terday'i pnxxie.