The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 28, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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    - - -w . : ... . - .. ' r Mil a . V Man H 1 U A W ST . ' . BO " - . "
: , ..... int UlCisiiurt yrAAiatftiAW, &ajcra, uregon. panaay moniing, nonarj xa, ijjx
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Trees Dedicated T w o elm
trees, planted a month ago oa the
Leslie Junior high school grounds
by the'Garden club of which Miss
Charles Greene, 1599 Soath Com-1 Anna Milea la faculty adrlaor.
Six Accidents Reported Six
automobile accidents, aone of
them serious, were reported to
the' police yesterday, as follows:
merctal. and Bill Powers, on
State; Dr. V. A. Douglas. 201 S
South Church, and D. V. Mosher.
J54 North Winter, at ' High and
Chemeketa: Carrol Madsen, route
one, and Ray Rabenan. 9l How
ard, at Chemeketa and High; C.
v Williams. Lamsbrook : apart
ments, and a Mr. Howard ol Eu
gene, at Cross street and the Pa
cific highway; C. T. Okseberg.
457 North 17th street, and Virgil
E. Starr, at State and High; R.
D. Gilbert. Salem, and a Bullion
Mt. Co. car from Grants Pass, at
State and Commercial; Doris Sle
ertsen, 576 North Church, and
K. W. Dierks. Madlsorf'street. cm
Free S10 photograph -with dry
cleaning, to advertise our work.
Special prices. Phone 5273 morn
BUke With Sister D o n a 1 d
Biaae son or air. ami mro. Wil
liam Blake of the Keizer area, has
recovered sufficiently from a ser
ious appendix operation perform
ed December 2 to be able to Jour
ney to the home of his sister, who
lives In Minneapolis, according to
word received by the parents.
Donald has been in a hospital In
Washington, D. C where he was
studying under a scholarship. His
brother. Junior Blake of Portland,
expects to Journey to Minneapolis
la about a month to bring Donald
.back here.
were dedicated to the memory of
George Washington at a general
assembly held last week. The fol
lowing program was given: Amer
ica, by student body; talk by Ail-
ene. Moored; tree quotations by
Audrey Shay. Virginia Mason, Au
drey Fehler; talk on Washing
ton's garden home, by Grace Bail
ey; tenor solo. "Trees", by Lloyd
Swanson; presentation of memor
ial elms, by Wesley Goodrich; ac
ceptance for the school. Jed by
Delbert Anderson; presentation of
memorial elms, by Wesley Good
rich; acceptance for the school,
led by Delbert Anderson; presen
tation of framed copy of Stuart
picture of Washington, by David
Com d ton, the donor; acceptance
for the school, by -Principle La
Molne R. Clark. The 'Stuart por
trait is one. of the first copies
made from the artist's full-length
picture, ft had been in the Hollo
family for many years.
Tou can be sure of good quality,
grade A raw and pasturlxed milk.
when you buy from the Producers
Milk Co. No C grade milk hand
led bv us. Phone 4C1S
Sister of two Noted Oregon
Men Helped Them Toward
National Prominence
Udders the Occurrences mod Goasiy V
at me center or urecB
fc ..." . l state government ...Z ,
Case Dropped Charges of false
advertising placed here against
the Safeway stores were dropped
in ' Justice court this weekend
when Judge Miller Hayden sus
tained a demurrer against them.
The' store .was aecused by J. r.
Jones, representative of the state
weights and measures department.
of advertising crates of oranges
and not selling the size crate or
dinarily designated. by this term
Counsel for the defendant showed
to the court's satisfaction that the
word "crate" had no legal deter
miaation as regards sise.
Estate Probated The estate of
Merton S. Blasell deceased, was
admitted to probate here Satur
day and Milton L. Meyers was
armed administrator. The esti
mated real property is worth $500
and the personal property $1445.
Appraisers of the estate are Al-
via E. Schirman. Roby Ratcliffe
and Chris Kowitz. The only heir
to the property is a half-brother
whose exact whereabouts are not
Eliminate doubt as to the grade
and quality of your milk by de
manding and using Producers
Milk Co. grade A raw and pastur
lxed milk. Phone 4 SIS.
No Clinics Tomorrow As mem
bers of the county health depart
ment staff will be attending the
annual meetings of the state tu
berculosis association at Portland
tomorrow, no clinics will be held
at the local health unit. Nine cltn
Miss Nina McNary died at the
home of her sister. Mrs. W. T.
Stols, 495 North Winter street, at
4:20 Saturday morning, after a
lingering illness. She 'was born
Augst 8. 1857, on the donation
land claim farm of her grandfath
er, Charles Claggett. about four
miles north of Salem, on a part of
which land is the present home of
Senator Charles L. McNary. her
brother. Her parents were Hugh
Llnzy McNary and Mary Margaret
Claggett McNary. Her childhood
and early school years were spent
The father, who came with the
covered - wagon . Immigration of
1845. died in 1878. and the moth
er passed away fire years later.
Two children had died in Infancy,
and the mother's death left six
orphaned children. Nina McNary
became the good angel -of the fam
ily; took the place of both a
strong and supporting father and
a loving and devoted mother.
Their material as well as moral
support depended much upon her:
How well she performed her wil
lingly though at times hard borne
tasks, while the boys were young
er children of the orphaned fam
ily. Is attested by the fact that one
of them, John H. McNary. is
United States Judge in Portland,
T it weren't' for leap year, to-1
day would be the last- day of
the shortest month of the
rear, but as It is. Monday has
been added on extra, thus delay-
In r payday another dayso say
state employes. Oh well, time
goes - plenty fast anyhow, and
hardly has the year 19J2 started
when we find ourselves approach
ing March.
from 3 years down to the Ini
tial season. Today Harry Craia
of the - press gang, and Sirs.
Crala, will celebrate their 12th
wedding anniversary. They es
caped Febrnary SSth as aa an
niversary by Just a few hours.
The etatehoaso press gallery
seems to be great on wedding
nnnlversarlej, celebrating them
There are scores who will ever re
member her helpfulness, In church
and other circles. She was a mem
ber of the D. A. R., by right of
Revolutionary ancestry. Hugh Mc
Nary of Virginia, with his broth
er, Served in Washington's army,
and a gun carried in that conflict
by one- of them was brought in a
.covered wagon to Oregon. .
In the busiest of her years. Miss
McNary- found time to pursue
studies at Willamette university,
from which she was graduated. ;
. Funeral services will be held at
1:30 at Rigdon's mortuary, to be.
in charge of Rev. W. Earl Coeh
ran and Rev., W. C. Kantner.
. Yesterday was a great day fot
political candidates, and the list
at the secretary of state s office
Unas several tor state and . na
tional offices. Among them Is
Hal E. Hoss. who seeks renom
ination and reelection as secre
tary of state. His is the only fit
lag made for this office as yet.
and there has been no talk oJT
opposition for Hoss.
Green Brothers Developing
Honey and Matted Milk
Concoction Locally
Oa the other hand there
seems to be a real fight on for
congressman from the first dis
trict, including Marlon county.
Four have so far filed for the
office, which doe not Include
-the. present congressman, nor
several others who bare an
nounced they would - seek the
office. Two democrats and two
republicans hare filed.
les are scheduled for the remain- and the other, Charles L. McNary,
der of the week, as follow: Tues
day afternoon, preschool at Sil
verton. Dr. C. C. Dauer. and chest
clinic at health center, Dr. Vernon
A. Douglas: Wednesday morn
ing, school at health center, all-
day school at Parrish Junior high;
Thursday morning preschool at
health center. Dr. J. R. Back
strand. 10 a. m. school and toxoid
at Keizer school, afternoon school
and toxoid at Mlddlegrove school;
Friday afternoon preschool at
health center. Dr. Dauer; Satur
day 8:30-10 a. m. toxoid and
aeclnation at health center, Dr.
Dr. B. F. Pound announces the
removal of his office to 500 U.
S. Bank Bldg. General dentistry,
special attention extraction (gas
or local) Dental Xray.
Army Rnlistmen Open .-For the
first time since late in December,
Sergeant Harry P. Endner, Salem
army recruiting officer, received
word yesterday that vacancies ex
ist and recruiting is resumed. The
quota for this district is 60 men,
physically fit and between ages of
18 and 35 years. The service will
be in the Hawaiian department
for two-year terms, in four class
es', coast and. field artillery, in
fantry and engineers. Immediate
enlistment is imperative, he- said.
as the recruits must be at San
is the senior member of the United
States senate from Oregon, and
high in the nation's councils. Both
of them have persistently acknawl
edged their debt and gratitude,
throughout the years, adding to
her pride and satisfaction. There
was a younger sister, Martha, who
was long a teacher in the Salem
public schools. The other sisters
are Ella (Mrs. Walter T. StoU)
of Salem, and Mary Elisabeth
Bruce, wife of Thomas Bruce of
Nina McNary did not weary In
well doing after her responsibili
ties with the orphaned family
were ended as they totok their
own places In professional and
business and home life. She was
one of the strong supports of the
Baptist church, of which she early
became a member, and an out
standing teacher la Its Sunday
school. She worked with the T. M.
C. A. and Y. W. C. A. Her help
with the auxiliary of the former
in Its beginning days went a long
way in keeping its frail craft
afloat and rendering it able to
get a home of its own. In all good
works. Nina McNary was tireless.
never sparing herself, never vain
glorious; quiet, and unassuming.
Magazine Issued The current
issue of the' Oregon Magazine,
Murray Wade, editor, is called the
Oregon Year hook issue. It is re
plete with facts and figures on
Oregon's state government and
the municipal and county govern
ments throughout the state. Most
of the material is taken from the
Oregon blue book. The cover is
very attractive with a fine picture
of the state capitol being used be
tween top and bottom in colors
of red and black.
To Aid Program The Salem
chamber of commerce will assist
in the program at the West Stay-
ton community club meeting next
Saturday, March 5. The chamber
is scheduled to take part in
similar meeting at the Marion
community March 15. These
meetings afford the local cham
ber members a chance to become
better acquainted with leaders in
the outlying districts.
Chamber Member The Labish
Meadows Celery Union of Brooks,
which last year had one or the
mot successful years in its his
tory is the newest member of the
Salem " chamber of commerce.
Henry R- Crawford past president
of the chamber was instrumental
in getting the celery union to Join.
Dr. Ruth M. Daugherty announc
es the opening of optical offices
on Mar. 1, at 301-2-2 First Nat'l
Bank Bldg. Eyes examined. Glass
es fitted. Special attention to
children. Phone 5858.
Kenin Appointed Harry M.
Renin of Portland Saturday was
appointed by Governor Meier a
member of the state welfare
commission, to succeed E. J. El
Ungsen, formerly of Salem, who
has left the state.
Francisco bf March 28. They will
sail for the islands on April 1.
Grade A means just what it says
when you use Producers Milk Co.
grade A raw and pasturised milk.
Demand it for safety, and quality.
Phone 4S16.
Cladek Sells House W. A. Cla-
dek has sold the house he recent
ly completed at 1430 North 18th
street. He is planning to build an
other soon.
Jerry Owen HI Jerry Owen,
secretary of the state bonus Com
mission, is laid up with "flu" in
the veterans hospital in Portland.
He hopes to return to Salem Mon
day, w
Miss Nina McNary died at the
residence, 495 North Winter
street early Saturday, February
27. Survived by the following
brothers and sisters: Mrs. Mary
E. Bruce. Portland, Mrs. W. T.
Stolz, Salem, John H. and Sen
ator Charles L. McNary. She was
a member of the Baptist church
and the D. A. R. Funeral services
will be held Monday at 1:30 p.
m. from Rigdon's mortuary. In
terment I. O. O. F. cemetery.
In this city, February 25, Wil
liam Halliway, aged ' 80 years.
Funeral announcements liter
from the Rigdon and Son mor
Make Inspection Tour James
Burgess, deputy In charge of sec
ondary education In the state su
perintendent of school's office,
with Mrs. Mary L. Fulkerson,
eounty. superintendent, made an
inspection tour of several high
schools in the country Friday.
Schools visited included those at
Gervais. Scotts Mills, Woodburn
and Silverton. Mrs. Fulkerson
made especial comm'ent upon her
return on the home economics de
partment of Silverton high school.
This is extremely well managed
and equipped, in her opinion.
Visit Office Among the num
erous visitors Saturday at the of
fice of the county superintendent
of schools were James Brehaut,
principal of the Taft high school
in Lincoln county. Formerly the
Ayres were teachers at Marlon.
Wanted 5 men. Phone 3580 for
i appointment.
Mrs. Duagan 111 Mrs. Melvin
Dungan, telephone operator at the
Marion hotel here, underwent a
serious operation at a local hos
pital Friday. She was reported to i
be resting easily yesterSay
Fails to Stop J. O. Jordan,
583 Sohth Winter street, yester
day was arrested by city police
on a charge of failing to stop at
a through traffic street. He was
cited to appear in municipal
court tomorrow afternoon. ,
School boards throughout the
county are electing teachers much
earlier than is customary, in order
to obviate the work of meeting an
unusual number of applicants for
Jobs, Mrs. Mary Fulkeraoa, coun
ty school superintendent, announc
ed yesterday. Many people have
opined that boards would be tar
dy in making elections in order to
take the pick of applicants, but the
contrary is proving true, the su
perintendent stated.
Many of the districts hsve re
duced salaries but in throe in
stances reported to her office, Mrs.
Fulkerson says salaries hare been
increased in order to hold excep
tionally capable teachers.
More teachers than ever are ap
plying to the county school office
here for jobs, and the applicants
for work are coming in much
earlier than is nsual.
Mrs. Fulkerson said she found
few schools that were farther be
hind in meeting expenses and sal
ary payments than ordinary. Many
of 'he schools are on a warrant
basis now, she said, but this situa
tion Is customary each year before
the May taxes are paid.
Emmett Howard ot Eugene,
long an announced candidate,
joined the race with C C. Hulet
for the republican nomination.
W. A. Delxell, of Salem, who won
the democratic nomination two
years ago, again seeks the honor
along with Harvey G. Starkwea
ther, democrat of Mllwaukle.
Charles Spauldlng yesterdsy tiled
for state senator from Marion
And now another Carson
filed for the office of proaecat
ins; attorney here. Avon Car-
brother of John Carson,
to succeed his elder
brother. It would bo snpposed
ho bad seen enough off the
trials off snch n Job, bat per
haps not. Allan Carson made n
fine showing fa the peniten
tiary bearing here last year
when he defended Saperiaten
dent Henry W. Meyers.
Willamette university ran Into
a lot of hard luck at Walla Walla
the past week, and by two d
feats lost the championship in
basketball for the northwest con
ference. But that shouldn't make
them too downhearted, because
they did hare a good team, and
think of all the other teams who
didn't make championship. They
have a lot ot company.
A new . concentrated syrup
which uses a blend of malted milk
and strained honey for its unique
flavor, is being Introduced upon
the local market by U originators
and manufacturers, J. M. Green
and C. W. Green, brothers. -
Beginning the first of the week.
salesmen will go out all over the
state to Introduce the syrup, for
use through soda fountains as
either cold or hot milk shake. The
product will also be carried into
California and Washington
quickly as possible, and once It is
introduced on the coast the com
pany hopes to find a wide mar
ket for it throughout the country.
The syrup Is manufactured un
der the trade name of Ju-See-Sweet.
and is a splendid health
beverage, as well as confection,
according to J. M. Green, who
says the company hopes to find a
large market In hospitals. It has
two separate flavors, depending
upon whether served hot or eold.
Application for patent haa been
made on the process.
The Greens are doing the man
ufacturer at their home here
now, but have already selected a
factory site near a railroad spur
in West Salem, and if the product
is accented as they expect it will
be. will construct a factory. Tne
factory will be so planned that
units can be added as the business
Each unit will have a capacity
of S00 gallons a day.
The company la known as
Green and Green, manufacturers.
The originators are the sons ot
Rev. J. S. Green of saism.
Trial drinks served to 200 Sa
lem people this week have result
ed in exactly 199 approvals ot tne
beverage, J. M. Green says.
eounty display in . the Garland
building in Los Angelas, in
eounty display In the southern me
tropolis is n part of tne uregon
exhibit arranged by ' the' state
chamber of commerce ' j 'i ;
Tho local chamber also sent for
distribution 300 "come to ore-
geiiT booklets. ' .
Fong to Speak
On Orient War,
Here on Monday
Another discussion of the Sino-
Jananese war will be featured on
tho Monday noon chamber of com
merce luncheon meeting program,
when George H. Fong of Portland,
will be the speaker.
Mr. Fong is rsted one of the
most brilliant Chinese orators in
the northwest, and it is anticipat
ed his appearance here will add
considerably more- about tne Jap
anese axcresslon - in Manenuna
and Shanghai. Mr. Fong Is a grad
uate sf the University ol Micnt-
nh. and haa lust been appointed
interpreter for the Immigration
service at Chicago.
Two Licenses to
Wed Issued Here
Seeks Order
Prevent Father i
Seeing Children
A restraining order keeping Lo
on E. Fisher away from his wife
snd children was sought yeater
day from tho circuit court here.'
HJs wife. Freeta M. Fltner, wno
has a divorce suit pending against
him. declared that 'Fisher hatf
frightened the children by telling
them he was going .to aena weir
mother to the penitentiary.
The plaintiff asks toe court to
order tho defendant to pay nor
funds for tho support or tne cnu
dren. Not since July 4. 1930. has
he paid oat anything for the chil
dren aid. the plaintiff contends.
On that day he gave tho children
one dollar to spend for fireworks.
Two out-of-town couples, both
. .
young, received licenses w wea
from the eounty clerk s orace
H. Louis Howarth. 23, and
Cleona Votaw, 19. both of Mc
Minnville. secured a license. Both
gave their occupations as that of
Ramie J. Petersen,, 11, and
Virginia E. Lampmaa, 18, both
of Garibaldi, secured a license.
He ts a mill worker and ahe Is a
75 Out of 100
Headaches m
Due to Eye Strain
Our glasses have solved
the problem for many
headache victims.
May we advise you in
the care of your eye?
i a arw w w r a g i at m r l a i
Add to Exhibits
At Los Angeles
The Salem chamber or com
merce the past week sent several
sacks of 1931 English walnuts.
Barcelona, DuChllly filberts ana
flax to bo added to we Marion
Japanese casualties are not
nlone confined to the Sino-Jap
conflict In China. They even
get Injured In Salem. Four
members of a Japanese family
were taken to a hospital here
yesterday following a head-on
automobile collision. Fortu
nately for International peace
here, the driver of the other
car was not a Chinaman.
Salem, Oregon
Established 1868
Commercial and Savings Department
waH roceived here by Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Hotfnell from their
son Edwin, who is n cadet on the
Dollar steamship line, says the
ship has been unable to tie up at
its docks in China, which are in
the fighting aone. but aside irom
this the battle nas maoe no nru
ship for the crew.
The boats make stops oui irom
the fighting zone, and' have oeen
unmolested. No trouDie is antici
pated, "Bud" writes.
The snip on wuicn n ia
left late Friday aiternoon iron
San Francisco after being In port
there since last Monday, bnangnai
la one of the several ports the
vessel makes on its tours.
Charles Pray, superintendent
of state police, left yesterday for
Roseburg to look after state po
lice interests. Before he returns
to Salem-he expects to go down
into Curry county, the wildest
county in the state. However, it
is understood be will not go
down there in uniform, so he
perhaps will have a safe trip.
The Sd
' .Eight course turkey dinner, $1.
Six course dinner &c.
fr Olmstead's Rose Caf
Famous Virginia baked hjam
and turkey dinner Sunday 12
to S, 45c.
Hotel Arsro DlnlnjcRoon
Roast Turkey, noon & nite,.50c.
Coming Events
March 1 International
club benefit banquet. First,
If. E. ehaach.
. March S-6 Oregon State
bowling handicap . tonrna-
. meat. '-.-- - ,
March 161D " Oregon
state basketball tournament.
April 11 Grand chanter.
Royal Arch Masons.
1 April IS Grand council.
Royal and Select Masons. -'
Apririit Orand romman
dery. Knights Tetnplarf .
' 1 April 15-21 North Pacif
ic district assembly. Church
April 4 Salem district
of tho Nawircn.
institute, Evangelical church.
Established 180 Tel. 8052
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable
Beltrest iflemoriai
$arfc "
Jatt Tu KlMtn Ftmb tht Hon
f Tswa
Wheo you thiwk r
Think of
Charlie McElhinny
I Tel. 7041
First Nat. Ilank BMg.
Hains Top & Body Shop
207 S. Com'l
Tel. 6092
. i .
Night and Day Calls
External Cancer Removed
with medicine.
orfice, 855 N. Capitol St.
Phone 5O30 Salem, Ore.
Dr. Chan Lam
Chinese Medicine
ISO N. Commercial
St.. Salem
Of fir haara .
t Sunday only daring
Feb. Honrs a to 4
W It k oat praUn mt iom at M
its Oregon Bid. Ph 5Jufl
To Friends and Customers
Within 20 Miles Radius
Salem Deaconess Hospital
Call S321
i "icj. a. a' -
The Drugs ,
used at this pharmacy are
guaranteed pure and fresh.
If is our desire to render
you service unequaled any
where. Get your prescrip
tions filled here and save
time, money and worry.
135 North Commercial St.
Dial 5197
The original yellow front can
dy special store of Salem
Durable Top
(Waterproof Tops)
A Good Value
at $2.50-
Special -
Invalid Chair
to Rent
. Can 0910, t'scd Fnfnitore
" Department t .
1S1 North High
1 ; : tSFPv. ;'- A s?v
i Q J
f Bffc V '"vV'
On this . L':;v .::'zv n
Well Braced Tops
Enameled Legs
C. rS. .Hcaaiiilton
Furniture Go.
340 Court St.
The finest washer Maytag
builds reduced in price
Yes, lts the sqmaro tub Maytag Model A (also
Model B) . . . the tyetimo Maytag ... the Maytag
you're always wanted . . . the one that gires you
the Mloweat cost per washing of any washer ,M Now
It comes to you at a sensationally redooed price...
but. with the same high quality.
See tho efficient, orerstsed aquare alumlnuns tub
with its' thick, heat-retaining walls of eastalusa-
Iauna...tho sturdy Roller Water Remover with
its soft pper and Akron lower rolls which gently,
aaoothly, thoroughly press tho water from tho
clothes. See tho many advanced features that
mako this Maytag worthy of tho fint home,
yet n true economy In any homo.
Or, if yom prfr, phono
for of no homo umshing.
159 S. Commercial
TTJXE I-CaJr ta nUytac MmU
w N.B.C. Cart to Caaat attaa Waat
Bnrr !. O.SS P.M. K.T. StS CT-TiSS
BCT-4iSf T.CT.
. Salem, bre, r l
Phone 9601
SUB STORES: Dallas, Ore., Silverton, Ore.