SOCIETY NEWS "" Complete, accarate cover age of social events in Sa lem Is affordei Statesman readers daily in its society pages. A society calendar Is a special fcatEre. . WEATHER. Cloady aad nnsettled to day and Friday, occasional light ralas; Max. - Temp. Wednesday 57. Win. 82, river 1.8 feet, rain -25 Inch. FOUNDED 1851 EIGHTY-FIRST YEAR Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, February 25, 1932 No. 287 .Ordinance .Discriminatory In Favor of Co-op is Distributor Claim Proponents or Regulation Base Arguments Upon. Health Safeguard Barring of sale of C grade pas teurlxed milk to Salem consumers, as proposed in an amendment to the city milk ordinance, was hotly denounced by distributors as dis crimination in favor of the Dairy Cooperative association, at the public hearing on the measure held at the city hall last night. Dr. O. A. Olson presided as chairman of the council commit tee on the matter and was assist ed by Alderman Chris Kowits and W. D. Evans. The purpose of the " ArrTlnonoa i Vi av avnl aln a I la vs.f to prohibit, the distributors' han dling the C milk in their plants, but to make illegal the sale of this grade to consumers, as recently begun here. Low Grade Milk Harms Producers Individual producers and repre sentatives of the cooperative main tained that under the present or dinance they had been obliged to expend funds in bringing their plants up to the prescribed health standards. Sale of the inferior grade of milk, they averred, would nullify the consumer-samety factor and devaluate improvements to their plants. At times the hearing developed into a wordy catfight between the two factions. Distributors averred that were the privilege of selling C grade milk taken away, they would be at the mercy of the co operative, from which they would have to purchase B grade milk. Claim Protection Of Public Paramount Speaking for the present ordin ance and the proposed amendment. Dr. Vernon A. Douglas, county health officer, and J. E. Blink horn, dairr and food inspector. said they were In favor of prohib iting sale of C grade milk because they were interested in the qual ity and the consumption of milk by the citizens. Whereas the health officials held that the amendment would result in greater consump tion of milk, distributors held that it would decrease consumption The major points of a leading speaker for the distributors were grounded on the assertatlon that sale of the C grade milk, making possible a price under the prevail lng 10 cents a quart for the high er grade product, would enable many families to purchase more milk. W. W. Henry, manager of (Turn to page 2, col. 3) Horrors of War Are Described by Lewis Sisters, W. U. Grads t ... . Japan 'Shockingly Aggressive" Letters Aver; Fire and Sniping Worst Features; World Flareup Feared PORTLAND, Ore.r Feb. 24 Aif) letters aescriDing conditions in Shanghai were received here today from Margaret and Betty Lewis, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis, of Portland. . Both girls are teachers in the Mary Farnham Presby terian college of Shanghai. They are graduates of Willam- ette university, Margaret In 19 2 8 and Betty in 1931. DREGDN DENTA SESSIONS HERE TO OPEN TODAY Assassinated as Traitor, Report the FUNEfiftL IS HELD FOR POLK ill JURY PROBE OF MOTTIS ASKED Prudential Operation Held Illegal by Attorney For Stockholders Grand jury investigation of the acts of James W. Mott, state cor poration commissioner, and J. R. Callahan, assistant to Mott, in taking over and operating the Pru dential group of savings and loan associations, was requested Wed nesday by Tison Kinzell, Portland attorney. Kinzell, who represented G. A. Southwick, trustee of the share holders committee of the savings and loan group, spent more than an hour conrernng wun jjisinci Attorney Carson. Kinzell charged that Callahan participated in the alleged diver sion of savings funds to the ex tent of $80,000, and Mott, having knowledge of this participation. had refused to act. He also told the district attorney that Mott had used his office to throttle any pub lic statements in connection with the transaction. Kinzell informed Carson that the associations were solvent when taken over by the state corpora tion commissioner. Carson said he had taken the matter under consideration. Although the letters Indicated the girls had seen nothing of the actual warfare, they told of see ing the Commercial press burn and watching "thousands of peo ple pouring into the settlement." They also told of seeing Japanese planes flying over the city. "We're all fine and the Ameri can consul Is keeping us posted so don't worry about ns but don't hesitate to believe that Japan has been shockingly ag gresslve, wrote Margaret on January 31. "I don't know what the American press says about the situation but I've seen enough 'in this city to make me feel that everyone must lend sup port to any agency that is trying to avert a world disaster. - "The worst features so far have been the awful fire and (Turn to page 2, col. S) LIMIT PUCED ON TRIVELEXPOISES State Employes Must Exist On $4.50 for Board And Room, Ruled MONMOUTH, Feb. 24 Funer al services were held this aiter noon at 2 o'clock at the Keeney Funeral chapel, Independence, for Mrs. Rhoda Baker, 68, who died Monday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Enoch Chamberlain of fSuver. near Monmouth. Mrs. Baker, who was Rhoda Christian, was born Nov. 25, 1863, in Polk county, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Christian, early pio neers of this section. She was married in 1888 to William Baker of Portland, and made her home there until the death of Mr. Baker in 1930. She is survived by a foster daughter, Mrs. Eva West, Los Angeles, two jHeces, Mrs. Lillie Gustin, Portland, and Mrs. Henry Oberson, Independence, and two sisters, Mrs. Chamberlain and Mrs. F. C. Baker, Portland. Dr. H. Charles Dunsniore of ficiated. Burial was in the I. O. O. F. cemetery at Independence. DIROW ASKFJTTO DEFEND FORTESCUE (Copyrighted by the Associated Press, 1932) HONOLULU. Feb. 24 (AP) Negotiations have been entered ntn with Clarence Darrow, noted criminal lawyer, to defend Mrs. Granville Fortescue and three oth ers against second degree murder charges March 10, it was learned today by the Associated Press. The defendants are accused of shooting to death Joseph Kahaha wai, one of five men who had been charged with assaulting Mrs. For tescue's daughter, the wife of Lieutenant Thomas H. Massie of the U. S. navy. Massie and two enlisted men of the navy, E. J. Lord and Albert O. Jones, are the others charges with Mrs. Fortes cue. Darrow was in conference with Dudley Field Malone in New York yesterday, it was learned, and was renorted favorable to coming to urmnlnln to take charge of the defense. Platform Plans be Discussed F. N. Derby, chairman of the renublican nrecinct committee men's sDecial platform committee will confer here Friday with Hnrt Zorn. another member of the group, when Zorn is In Salem for a meeting of the Marion County Tax Equalization and Re duction league. Derby said yester day that he had not yet called any of the group together for a meet ing. The idea of forming a repuDU- can platform before the primaries was agreed upon at a republican conference here Saturday after noon. President Epley to Greet Expected 300 Guests At Elks' Temple Outstanding Speakers are Scheduled; Banquet Slated Tonight State employes traveling on of ficial business hereafter will have to be satisfied with a 50 eent breakfast, 65 cent lunch, 85 cent dinner and hotel room costing not more than $2.50 per night. This was decided by the state board of control Wednesday, when a resolution offered by Rufus C Holman, state treasurer, fixing the maximum schedule for meals and hotel rooms at $4.50 per day was adopted by a two to one vote. Governor Meier joined with Hoi man in support of the resolution while Hal E. Hoss. secretary of state, voted in the negative. Holman declared that vouchers filed with the secretary of state indicated that some state em ployes had charged as much as $3 for a meal and $4 for a room. "Such a charge Is excessive and out of reason tinder existing con dltlons." Holman said. Hoss Believes it May Increase Cost Hoss protested the resolution on the ground mat me Doara oi control has no Jurisdiction over state departments outside of insti tutions, and that the maximum expense limitation would have a tendency to Increase rather than reduce the living costs. Coordination In the conduct of the several state Institutions also was stressed by Holman as a means of bringing about substan tian savings. Duplication of cannery opera tions at the state institutions was called to the attention of the board by William Einzig. state purchasing agent. He said the state now has nine well equipped canneries, any two of which would process all the fruits and vege tables required by the state wards. Einzig was instructed to conduct a survey of these state-owned canneries and report his findings at a snbseauent meeting of the board of control. Governor Meier suggested that at least one of . these canneries might be used in processing fruits and vegetables for tne unempioy d. Holman and Hoss Joined with Governor Meier in this suggestion Opening sessions of the 39th -annual convention of the Oregon State Dental Society will be heM at the Elks Temple here this morning at 9 o'clock, with Dr. H. Epley of Salem, president. In the chair and extending welcome to the 300 visitors expected. The convention will extend through three dayswith two out standing gnest clinicians handling highlights of the lecture program. Only one session. Friday night. will be open to the public. At 7 o'clock the hobby exhibit of vari ous phases of dentistry including old dental and surgical Instru ments, will be open to the public, and following this motion pic tures on child life shown by Dr. D. B. Hill. Dr. Millberry to Forecast Future One of the main lecturers will be Dr. Guy S. Millberry, of San Francisco, dean of the University of California college of dentistry and member of the board of di rectors of the Child Health associ ation and follow-up committee of section one on the White House conference on child health and protection. He has been co-editor of Hogden's Practical Dental Me tallurgy. Subjects he will discuss will be outstanding achievements In dentistry In the past 10 years, and forecast for the next 10 years. The other central speaker will be Dr. James W. Trosper, ex-member of the Washington State Den tal Examiners, a well - known northwest dentist and prosthetics specialist of Seattle. He has stu died under Doctors Tench of New York, Campbell of Kansas City and F. E. Roach. His subjects will be purely technical: "Full and Partial Denture Construction" and (Turn to page 2, col. 1) rrm - H W- - ' - ! ! j f p : t&-r ' v fcyltST xa jj 'gy uJ CHINA'S LEADER (JRfff(Jf V I II I II -I I II Ml I III '"'It riLiAUL riun i I ib General jTsaH En . Tea; Reporters Shown Defense Trenches r A They're Deep and Equipped Strongly; Offensive not Chinese Plan MAH CHAN-SHAN SHANGHAI, Feb. 25 (Thurs day) (AP) Chinese dispatches from Harbin, Manchuria, report ed today that General Mah Chan Shan, Chinese hero of the battle of Nonni River bridge last falL had been . assassinated in Harbin. From a national hero, General Mah fell low in Chinese public opinion recently when he sailed on General Jlro Tamon, Japanese commander at Mukden, whose forces General Mah's army oppos ed at Nonni river, and said he re gretted having caused General Ta mon "inconvenience." S AY S NAVAL PACTS MPER LEO BY WAR Nation "Free to Pursue its Own Course" is Comment On Stimson's Note STEVENS INJURED IMS' CAR HITS GERVAIS. Feb. 24 Ted Stev ens, son of Ellla Stevens of North Howell, was seriously injured late Sunday afternoon when he was struck by a machine driven by W. S. Levens, of Salem, assistant attorney general. Stevens was walking across the highway. The accident occurred In front of the Ward Manning home 10 miles north. Stevens was crossing the highway when he was struck by the car, traveling south, and thrown 20 feet. He sustained five broken ribs, broken, collar bone. crushed thigh, injuries to the shoulder and neck. Whether he suffered Internal injuries has not been determined. He was rushed his father's home at North Howell, from where reports today indicated his condition is un changed. The accident was indirectly re sponsible for another mishap. E. W. Manning, father of Ward Man ning, summoned from his chores at the barn on account of the ac cident, dropped down from the hay loft, landing on the upturned tines of a pitchfork. He ran. the tines through his left foot, but was able to be around today. ' Ted Stevens is a brother of Mrs. Ward Manning. WASHINGTON. Feb. 24 (AP) Secretary Stimson Issued a forceful reminder today that world naval ratios are dependent upon treaties affecting the Orient and asserted these pacts are threatened by the Slno-Japanese conflict.. in a virorous reaffirmation of American policy on the far eastern crisis, contained in. a letter to Chairman Borah of the senate for eign relations committee, he said the United States stands firmly by these treaties and that present troubles could have been avoid ed by their strict observance. Borah declined to comment on the Stimson pronouncement. Sen ator Johnson, California, ranking reonbllcan on the foreign rela tions committee, endorsed the se cretary's statement and said "the implication that we are free now to pursue our own course is ruiiy Justified and I trust will become a reality." By MORRIS J. HARRIS (Copyright, 1932, the. Associated Press) SHANGHAIyFeb. v24 Sixty thousand additional men are be ing sent here from Japan to rein force the 25,000 already here, General Tsai Tlng-Kal, comman der of the 19th Chinese route ar my defending Shanghai, today told 40 newspaper correspon dents who made a hazardous mo tor trip to his headquarters at Chanju. The general had invited the re porters to tea although it de veloped he didn't have any tea when he learned that the Japanese command had cancelled all passes allowing foreign correspondents to go Into the Japanese lines. Trenches Viewed Are Well Protected - After providing refreshments for his guests in the trampled garden adjoining his headquar ters building, the general sent them back to Shanghai and gave them an opportunity on the way to inspect part of bis defense po sitions. Those were surprisingly strong. The trenches were deep and well equipped with dugouts with earth en roofs, which afforded excellent protection from bombs and artil lery fire. "Tell the world this truth! My army could force the Japanese out of Chinese territory quickly, but we are not taking the offensive because we want peace and we want to preserve the neutrality of the International settlement," said General Tsal. The Japanese may win after a long fight, but we will be winners in principle. We will resist to the last bullet and to the last min ute." Japanese Concentrate all Available men on Kiangwa Front in Response to Rumors of Great Offensive Planned by Home Troops in Advance of Arrival af Reinforcements Ordered at Tokyo Foreign Vessels Warned to Keep Away From Japan Base Of Attack, Indicating Plans to Shell and Prevent Landing of Reinforcements Under Protection of tha Neutral Zone; Rumors Flying Again SHANGHAI, Feb. 25 (AP) Japanese forces crushed tke Chinese offensive late this afternoon northwest of Kiangwan sad were sweeping forward In an encircling movement toward Tacav ang in the fiercest battle of nearly a week of fighting. Tbey bad claimed they had broken the Chinese first line de fenses completely and that the Chinese troops were forced into disorderly retreat marked by confusion and panic. The village of Kiangwan was still held by the Chinese bat it was virtually snsr rounded. The Japanese artillery moved forward to two new put tions daring the afternoon and the Infantry had long since left the locations it occupied in the morning. If BANK ill REOPEN T Many Housewives Attend As Cooking School Opens Between four and five hundred people attended the opening ses sion of the Safeway cooking school at . the Armory yesterday afternoon. The way the ladles lin gered after the two-hour session showed their great Interest In the art and science of cookery. The economists In charge, Misses Amelia Sansom and Helen Eliza beth Brown by their pleasant manner and engaging conversa tional style, of lecturing, won the favor of the audience. The loud speaker arrangement failed to work successfully .at first, - but when work tables were changed so the ladies could speak direct ly Into the microphone then every thing eould be heard plainly. Fur ther lmnrovements will be made In the audition system for the ses sion this afternoon. The school will continue this afternoon and Vrlffl-r from to 4. . Here are some of the helpful things, the. ladles learned yester Disregard all rules and regula tions and put rice on in cold wat er and boil for 15 minutes to make each grain stand out by it self. That children adore eating gelatin if it is colored and served in cubes of different hues. That there is a brand new type of cof fee pot. That bread pudding may be made so that it isn't dry if housewives follow the bread pud- dlnr recine of Julia Lee Wright's mother as demonstrated at the cooklnr school. That magic lem nn eream nle with meringue is int tha thine to serve on special occasions. That the graham crack er roll is suitable when the simple dMRert is desired. .Misses Brown and Sansom also demonstrated proper ways of mak n coffee and prepared before the Tery eyes of the large audi im of homemakers such lnter- ttnr dishes as pastry twigs, stan dard biscuits, delicious meat roll, which can be made from left (Tirn t page 2, col. l) , WASHINGTON STATE ,TI ESS CI NO Professor H. E. Rahe's foren sic department at Willamette unl Versltv will complete a busy week of debating in contests today ana tomorrow, meeting the wasning' ton State college team at Waller Hall this afternoon at 2 o'clock anil meetlnc University of Ore- s-on's debitors Friday. Ross Knotts ana naipn ucuui lough wil argue the negative side of today's Question: ttesoivea That the house disapproves the practice of wage cutting during the present depression. Both the varsity and iresnman debate squads will engage TJniver- sltT of Oregon Triday. The com binatlons of uanieia uarneu ana Jack Simpson, and Reo Young and Bill Mosher will meet the Oregon freshmen in the afternoon. Lafkr and Rudln. and Clark and Bolinger will debate the Ore gon Varsity at night with a split team plan being followed. An Ore gon man will draw one of the Wil lamette men and the two will de bate the other mixed pair. COMMITTEE EWS SCHOOL HER E Soldiers Home Site is Deeded To Government Members of the state board of control Wednesday Blgned deeds which will transfer the old sol- A special committee named by thA Willamette university board of trustees to investigate the sta tn of th law school here, met in Salem on Wednesday for an all at session. Judge Charles H Carey of Portland, chairman of the committee, headed the group In Its Investigation of the school The library, classrooms, wora ing equipment were all investiga ted as well as the scnoors recora Tha committee is expected to re port at an early date. The trust ees, meeting last week in Tort land, decided to hold an adjourn ed gathering when the commit tee's reoort was made. Judge Car ev did not indicate yesterday when his group would he reaay 10 re- Dort. Other members of the commit tee Included A. R. Watxek and Roy Shields of Portland and Jus tice -John nana ana waiter m, Keves of Salem. E. B. McNaugh ton. another member from Port land, was unable to be present Wednesday. Formal approval has been giv en by A. A. Schramm, state super intendent of banks, for resump tion of business of the Curry County bank at Gold Beach. The bank will reopen Saturday. The affairs of this bank were placed in the hands of the state banking department at the close of business January 20. In the plan of reorganization the old stock holders surrendered their stock and this has been taken up by new stockholders who have paid In cash $120 per share. This gives the bank a new capi tal of $25,000. surplus of $5000 and places the Institution In excel lent financial condition, Schramm said. The depositors receive the full amount of their deposit. The stock was all subscribed locally. Directors of the bank Include C. H. Bailey. C- H. Buffington and C. H. Young. Gold Beach; Louis L. Knapp and Frank H. Seal. Port OrfordrW. J. Work, Brookings, and F. B. Postel, Weddeburn. C. H. Bailey is president of the bank, Louis L. Knapp. vice-presi dent, and C. H. Young, cashier. (Copyright, 1932. by The Associated Press) SHANGHAI, Feb. 25 (Thursday) Japan hurled all her forces in Shanghai against the Chinese defenses of Kiangwan today in a conflict that rose to new heights of fury. Threat of a Chinese offensive to smash Japanese ones and block the landing of more troops drove the Nipponese forces against the Chinese strongholds in the heaviest fight ing yet of the five-day drive on the Kiangwan f ront The village of Miaochungchen was in flames with in fantry and machine gunners of both sides locked in combat roundabout. O The Japanese said that they had broken the Chinese lines at Miaochungchen, that tbe Chinese were retreating from that area and that the Japanese had achieved an appreciable advance slightly northwest of Kiangwan. The Japanese said they had pursued farther toward Tazang, a sizable town five miles due west of Kiangwan. There was no con firmation of this advance. Tazang already was virtually destroyed by Japanese bombers, although strong Chinese entrenchments were still there. None was allowed to enter the Japanese xone without the closest Inspection by sentries stationed outside the trench. Officers said their tightly drawn defense was necessitated by the continued fir ing of Chinese snipers whom they had been unable to eradicate. Reports of additional Japanese forces having arrived continued to circulate feverishly, but none had appeared this morning. The Jap anese docks in the international settlement were cleared, some in terpreting this as evidence that the reinforcements soon would (Turn to page 2, col. 2) TO GUARANTEE PRICE LONDON, Feb. 24. (AP) Th rovernment today revealed a nrolect to auarantee wheat grow ers in the British Isles a standard price of 10 shillings per hundred weight as a part or us general iv per cent tariff policy. Lower Gasoline Price Likely in This City Soon With gasoline selling at Port land for as low as IS cents a gal lon, in contrast with the IS hi cent price in Salem, a change but not another gas war is expected here soon. In at least one string of distributor - owned stations. pumps have been installed for a new brand of gasoline which will sell at a lower price. Other com panies are believed planning to follow suit. Sale of the supposedly lower grade gas at reduced price has been taken up by major distribu tors at Portland as a means of competing with "bootleg" dealers. This practice has been common In California for a number of years. It is reported. T SHORT IS HERO TO CHK Claim he Shot Down Japan Plane; no Protest by Japanese Planned SHANGHAI, Feb. 25. (AP) (Thursday) Japanese authorities denied today that they were con sidering a protest against Ameri cans participating In the strucsJ with China as a result of Robert Short, an American aviator, hav ing been killed in an air hattle at Soochow. Reports had circulated here that the Japanese planned to asli"'- Edwln S. Cunningham. United States consul general, to prevent Americans from participating la the fighting in any way, tbe pro test to be based on the groaad that Short was serving in the Chi nese army at the time he was shot down. Inquiries at the Japanese consulate brought the denial. Meanwhile, the Chinese made the American airman into a na tional hero. The vernacular press lauded him as "a great friead et China, seeking to assist her against Japanese aggression," and T. V. Soong, former finance min ister of the nationalist govern ment, said he was requesting Short's mother to allow the body of her son to be burled in China. The Knomin (Chinese) news agency said that .the day before Short's plane was brought dawn. in flames by the Japanese he ac counted for a Japanese ship. Short scored this victory, the agency re ported. In an engagement near Woosung during which his own plane was riddled with bullets. wnicn will irausier mo viu - diers home property at Roseburg tiBllrOaCL 1 the reaerai government. iae to property will be used in connec tion with the new million dollar federal soldiers home to be -erected in Roseburg during the cur rent year. Transfer of this property io the federal government will save the state approximately $8 6,000 biennially. The deeds were signed by Governor Meier, State Treasurer Holman and Secretary of State Hoss. Late Sports PORTLAND, ( Ore.. Feb. 24 (AP) Henry .Jones of Provo, Utah, defeated Pete Metropoulos of Pontlac Mich., two faUs out of three in a wrestling match here tonight. Each weighed 14S pounds Jones won the first tall in 2 minutes with a leg strangle and Metropoulos evened the bout In 23 minutes with a wlnglock. Met ropoulos fell out of the ring while they were grappling for the third fall. He was unable to return. Back Employes As Work Gains PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 24 (AP) W. F. Turner, president of the Spokane, Portland ft Seat tle railroad, announced today ahont 70 men were being return ed to work on the company s lines. Fifty-six men already are back at work and IS more will be re emnloyed about April 1 when freight service is Inaugurated over the Santiaxn' extension. The pres ent Increase in work has resulted from the railroad's nightly opera tion of three trains of 20 cars each to move 700.000 tons of rock from near Fisher, Wash- to the mouth of the Columbia river. The rock is to be used in repairing the south Jetty. DIVORCE MADE LEGAL MADRID, Feb. 24. (AP) Spain's first divorce law, a prod uct of the revolution that set up the new republic, was approved In its final ietails by the national assembly tonight F. Meindl Corroborates McCallister 's Testimony MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Feb. 24. (AP) W. B. Foshay enter prises were pictured as having been carefully managed and fi nanced in testimony today by H. H. Henley, on trial with Foshay on mall fraud charges growing out of the 1929 collapse of the companies. Earlier in the day Fred Jueinaa, former chief examiner for the Ore gon corporation commission, join ed Former Commissioner Mark McCallister In denying that "in ducements" were made by repre sentatives of W. B. Foshay enter prises to qualify securities for sale in Oregon. - Meindl said that a report he signed January 16. 1928, when he held the position, approving me sale, reversing another report I made two days previously, was based on the merits of the showing-made by the eompany. Meindl said the reversal came about as a result of a correction mad la the annlicatlon of the Foshay company to sell $525,000 Business buraan. in preferred stock and 9500 shares of common stock In the state. He said that G. E. Shrader asked that he make no report of the error of $430,000 in an ap praisal exhibit to the Foshay home office. Shrader, former Foshay employe, appearing as a govern ment witness, testified earlier that he had paid J. A. Arnold, Port land attorney, $2000 in four bun dles of currency to obtain the per mit. Meindl said Arnold was not present at the second hearing. R. O. Hubbard, a reporter for the Portland Journal, testified that McCallister told him on a Minneapolis-bound train earl) this week that ha had talked to Arnold in Portland Sunday, January IB. 1928, tha day before the Foshay application was granted. McCallister en . cross-examination had denied this, saying he met Arnold January 14 in a hotel dining room. Hubbard's testimony was supported by Robert Mount, manarer of tha Portland Better Pacific Highway Widening Topic At Meet Tonight WOODBURN. Feb. 24 It baa been announced that a special meeting of persons Interested in the improvement of tbe Pacific highway from Salem to Portland will be held here in the St. Lake's community hall Thursday night, starting at 7:30 p.m. The meeting is for the rort- land-Salem division of the Oregon Pacifle Highway association. .Ev eryone who is Interested la the widening and Improvement of the highway between Oregon's two principal cities is Invited to at tend the meeting. Reports from other towns along the route signify that a large crowd will be present. Dr. Gerald B. Smith of Wood burn win ba : chairman. There Is to be no tons- al speaker, general dlsenssiOM be- ing the order of the meet. 1JTTXER. WILL BUS BEND, Ore, Feb. 14; CAP H. A. MUler. Bend lumber dealer. announced today he will seek the republican nomination for atata ' representative . from Deschutes county. - - day at the session: "