The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 24, 1932, Page 8, Image 8

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, February 24, 1932
i News ana Club
A f
Olive M. Doak, Society Editor
Press Club Makes
Banquet Plans
At the regular business meet
ing of the Saleia Woman's Press
elub Tuesday afternoon at the
apartment of Mrs. Wayne Pettit,
plana were made for a banquet to
be glTen March at the Rose Cafe
complimenting husbands of the
dnb. . , 4.
Toasts -will be given during the
banquet hour and following it
there -will be cards, dancing and
music. .
A discussion concerning cfcan
res In the by-laws of the club also
came In for a part of the business
meeting Tuesday.
The business hour was followed
by an Informal social afternoon
and tea. Mrs. Murray Wade as
sisted Mrs. Pettit in serving. The
affair proved to be a jolly one with
"depression" as its motive for
dress. No Jewelry was allowed
without a- fine and house dresses
were in order. Several fines were
paid before the afternoon was
Mrs. Steven Stone will be the
next hostess for tbe club.
Mrs. Sheldon Sackett was a spe
cial guest for the afternoon. Mem
bers present were Mrs. W. C. Con
ner, Mrs. B. B. Thomas, Mrs. Fred
Zimmerman, Mrs. Murray Wade,
Mrs. C. A. Sprague, Mrs. Ralph
Curtis, Mrs. A. L. Lindbeck, Mrs.
E. A. Drown. Mrs. Clayton Bern
bard, Mrs. Steven Stone, Mrs. Don
Upjohn, and Miss Joy Locke and
Mrs." Pettit.
. '
Patriotic Note
For Neighbors Party
Mrs. Florence Wright, Mrs.
Frances Mahula, and Mrs. Rose
Abbott entertained at the home of
Mrs. Abbott Tuesday afternoon
for members of the sewing club of
the Royal Neighbors of America.
The room decorations and menu
carried 'out the idea of Washing
ton's birthday In an attractive
manner. After a social afternoon
tea was served by the hostesses.
Mrs. Frances Hoyt will be the
next hostess to the group.
Present for this "meeting were
Mrs. B. W. Potter, Mrs. Gelser,
Mrs. Acmpriest, Gladys Cage and
Iola Abbott as special guests, and
club members, Sarah Peterson,
Gertrude Walker. Anna Lewis, Jo
sephine Quamme, Helen Persons,
Irene Speed, Edna Shepherd, Gen
evieve Howard, Sylvia Gardner,
Carrie Bunn. Mildred Nash, Leo
na Witzel, Frances Hoyt, Ruth
Sherman, Hazel Elliott, Bertha
Loveland, Nellie Pierce, Mary
Wirtz, Sarah Harter. Mildred Ab
bott, and Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Ma
hula and Mrs. Abbott.
Hubbard A delightful nota
tion on the social calendar was the
Bhower for which Miss Orva Bar
ret and Miss Dorothy Scholl were
joint hostesses at the home of
the former Monday night for the
pleasure of Miss Hazel Claypool,
bride-elect of Clarence Friend,
for whom several social affairs
have been planned before her
marriage In the near future.
The Invited guests were the
honor guest. Miss Claypool, Mrs.
John Friend, Frances and Mar
jorie Friend, Mrs. Louise Grlmps,
Mrs. Nellie Cornell, Mrs. Adeline
Fields, Helen and Anna Knight,
Marie de Lespinasse, Frances Lef
ler, Mrs. Anita Mitts, Marjorie
Wolfer, Leah Kromling, Beatrice
and Helen Claypool, Lenore
Scholl, Frances Hatch, Irene Hlg
genbotham, Helen Paulson, Mrs.
Sadie Scholl, and Mrs. Marie
The Guild will feature a shower
In honor of Miss Claypool at their
regular meeting Wednesday at the
home of Coble de Lespinasse.
Bethel Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Weddle entertained i at dinner
Saturday night. Clovers were
placed for Mr. and Mrs. A. Young-
blood, Mr. and Mrs. D. Walker,
Miss Louise Kayser, Robert Jones,
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Clodfelter,
and daughter, Fay, Mrs. Douley
Johnson, and the host and host-
tess. Bridge was played during
the evening.
Mr. and Mra. P. II. Clodfelter
of Emporia, Kans., uncle and
aunt of Mrs. Weddle. who have
spent the winter in the vicinity of
Salem, are visiting at Newport
and Corvallis prior to leaving for
their home via California and
A large delegation of Knights
' of Pythias and Pythian Sisters at
tended the George Washington
celebration of the lodge in Inde
pendence Monday nlgbt. Walter
Lansing of the Salem lodge gave
an address on the life of Washing
Wednesday, February 2U .
Ladies Aid of Knight Memorial Baptist church, tea .
hostess in church parlors,1 beginning at 2:30 o'clock;
program; women of church and friends invited.
Special business meeting for Chapter G of P. B. O.
sisterhood, with Mrs. C. K, Logan, at her home, SCO Jud
son street, 2:30 o'clock.
Fellowship meeting for 20 Methodist churches at
First Methodist churA, 7:30 o'clock.
Officers of Degree of Honor lodge meet with Mrs.
Rose Hagedorn, 1405 Fir street; .evening meeting.
Ladies Aid of the First Methodist church, meet at
2:30 o'clock in parlors of church. "
- Mrs. L. O. Clement, hostess to Ladies Aid of First
Presbyterian church, 2:30 o'clock at her home 345 North
17th street.
Thursday, February 25
Town and Gown club to meet at Lausanne hall, 2:
30 o'clock.
Mother's circle 'of Leslie Parent-Teachers associa
tion, at school house, 2:45 o'clock. -
United Artisans, entertained for new members;
potluck supper at 6:30 o'clock and this followed by pro
cram. Ladies Auxiliary to Patriarchs Militant, in I. O. O. F.
hall; surprise handkerchief shower.
Regular meeting of Maccabees, Fraternal temple, I
o'clock. "
Mrs. Herbert Hauser, hostess to Kensington club at
her home 760 Stewart street.
Ladies Aid of Woman's Relief Corps, all-day meet
ing at fair grounds; potluck dinner at noon.
Friday, February 26
North Salem W. C. T. TJ. Institute at Jason Lee
church, opening session, 10 o'clock; covered dish lunch
eon, 12:30 o'clock; Miss Daisy Frederick, speaker, on
"W. C. T. U. Work in South Africa". 7:30 o'clock gold
medal contest.
Leslie Can Do class of Leslie church to hold post
poned meeting at 1:30 o'clock no-host dinner, followed
by program, in church parlors. .
Court street Christian church entertaining with a
social evening In church parlors. 8 o'clock; all members,
of church and friends are invited. ' I
T. M. C. A. Friday evening lobby program, 8:00
o'clock; special musical program under direction of
Prof. Cameron Marshall of Willamette university. Pub
lic Invited.
Saturday, February 27
Salem Woman's club; American Homes department
in charge of program, Miss Claribell Nye, speaker.
Social Club Has
Pleasing Afternoon
The Social Afternoon club of
the Order of the Eastern Star held
a successful card party In the so
cial rooms of Masonic temple
Tuesday afternoon. Cards .were In
play at eight tables and at the
tea hour additional guests called.
Winning scores were held by Mrs.
A. C. Utley and Mrs. Erma Wels
ser. The tea table iwas arranged
with red carnations and red tap
ers in silver holders in keeping
with Washington's birthday. Mjs.
Ethel Niles was chairman of the
committee in charge of arrange
ments. -
Hubbard Large silk flags and
greenery In the corners and center
made a stately setting for the
Washington card party given by
the Woman's club at the Pythian
hall Monday night. A novel fea
ture of the decorations was the
cherry tree covered with cherries
and the hatchet placed below a
copy of Stuart's painting of
George Washington.
High scores were won by Mrs
Waldo Brown. Mrs. Ida Garland,
Mr. A. J. Smith, and Mr. Law
rence Scholl.
Hostesses were Mrs. Julius
Stauffer, Mrs. Neva McKenzle,
and Mrs. A. J. Smith.
Mrs. George Grlmps. Mrs. L. A.
Brad en, and Mrs Claude Moomaw
comprised the committee on gen
eral arrangements.
Bethel Mrs. JW. L. Creech
gave a party Saturday night hon
oring her daughter, Inabelle, on
her birthday. The guests were the
honor guest, Inabelle Creech,
Mary and Lois Hamrick, Hilda
Bahnsen Elsie and Elinor Doling,
Viola Vandervort, Maria, Ger
trude and Wanda Froehllck, Eve
lyn Boles, Simpson and Paul
Hamrick, Clarence Doling, Jos
eph, Junior and Dean jLauder
back. Additional guests were Mrs.
H. H. Boles and Mrs. J. A. Hain.
and Jean and the host and hos
tess, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Creech
and Ha May.
Ell Karaz Grotto
Will Entertain
An attractiv affair in
circles will be the installation of
Howard Hulgev as monarch of El
Karaz Grotto tonleht in th TAB' II.
iar ousiness meeting and this to
De followed with a social evening,
Mrs. James Jennlnea I la tha
chairman of the committee in
charge of the social hours, most
of which will be spent In Playing
cards. The Grotto plans to have
such a card evening once a
month and this one will mark the
first under the rule of Monmvh
Guests for the affairs are mem
bers of the Grotto and their
wives. The El Karaz Grotto Is the
"fun" organization of the Blue
lodge of the Masons.
Liberty The Woman's clnb
will meet Thursday, February 25
at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. W.
Mrs. Ivan Martin of Salem will
be a special guest and will "speak
on "Property rights In relation to
women and children." Internation
al relations Is to be another topic
for discussion. Hostesses will be
Mrs. Olden, Mrs. Forster and Mrs.
Town and Gown Club
Tea to be Smart
One of the smart affairs of the
week will be the tea given by the
Town and Gown club Thursday
afternoon at Lausanne hall be
tween the hours of 2:30 and 5
o'clock with members of the
Raphaterian club as special guests
and in addition to , this group
each Town and Gown club mem
bers is asked to bring a special
Mrs. Frank Power Is general
chairman, Mrs. F. A. Elliott is In
charge of appointments, Mrs. B.
Earle Parker and Mrs. W. E.
Kirk have charge of the pro
gram, and Mrs. D. A. Hodge
heads toe refreshment committee.
Mrs. C. H. Johnson will intro
duce to the line in which will
stand Mrs. E. C. Cross, Mrs. F.
M. Erickson. Miss. Olive M. Dahl.
and Mrs. Floyd Utter.
Mrs. C. P. Bishop and Mrs
Carl O. Doney will preside at the
serving table. Serving will be
Mrs. Herbert Rahe, Mrs. Cecil
Monk, Mrs. William Jones. Mrs.
Burton jCrary, and Mrs. Daniel
Those "who will assist about
the rooms will be Mrs. Prince
uyra, Mrs. r. a. well, Mrs. E. T.
Barnes, Mrs. Lawrence ZUlman,
Mrs. S. D. L. Smith. Mrs. R. L.
Farmer, Mrs. W. V. Johnson,
Mrs O. c. Haworta.. Mrs. J. BL
Lauterman, Mrs. George Pearce,
Mrs. Frank Snedecor. Mrs. K. E.
Gilbert, Mrs. George Moorhead.
Mrs. H. H. Vandervort, Mrs. J.
D. Foley, Mrs. Walter Stols, and
xurs. w. is. Kirk.
A special musical program Is
being prepared by Prof Cameron
Marshall of Willamette university
scnooi oc music.
Entre Nous Club
Mr. and Mrs. H, A. Kmart and
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hummel enter
tained recently In compliment to
members of the Entre Nous club
at the clubhouse.
Cards were In play for several
hours and those holding winning
scores were Mr. and Mrs. William
Gehrke guest prise, and tor the
club Mrs. W. E. Moses and Elmer
D. Cook, Mrs. R. O. Lewis and W.
O. Krueger.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. El
mer D. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Gehrke, Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Newgent, Mr. and Mrs. Chris
Hampshire, Mr. and Mrs. R. O
Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. William E
Moses, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Krue
ger, Mr. and Mrs. William Earle,
and Mr. and Mrs. Smart and Mr.
and Mrs. Hummel.
The Court street Christian
church are entertaining with a
social evening at the church Fri
day nicht at 8 o'clock. All mem
bers of the church and friends
are invited to attend. Rev. and
Mrs. B. F. Shoemaker will receive
Mrs. Herbert Hanser is enter
talnlng Thursday afternoon at
her home, 760 Stewart street for
an informal meeting of the Ken
slngton elub. -
Crop and Spur Club -
Following a. jolly moonlight
ride, and drill on . the tan bark
ring at the. Salem Riding acade
my, members of the Crop and
Spur club were entertained with
a supper party at the studio apart
ment of Miss Irma Bolander Tues
day night.
Additional guests were Miss
Ruthlta Hoffnell. and Miss Dor
othy White. Club members pres
ent were Mrs. Harold Hughes,
Mrs. Fred Lange, Mrs. Breyman
Boise, Mrs. Erwin Reynolds, Mrs.
O. J. Mishler, Miss Nan Putnam,
Miss Margaret Llvesley and Miss
Friday Night Lobby
Program Unusual
One of the outstandinc pro
grams of the year for the Friday
night lobby nrorrania of the Y.
M. C. A. will be that to be of
fered this Friday night and to
which the public is welcome.
Prof. Cameron Marshall, head
of the Willamette university
school of music is directing the
numbers to be given which will
include numbers by the men's
glee club of the university, wo
men's Treble Clef club. Phllhar
monic choir, Willamette univer
sity string Quartet, and soeclal
numbers from the Piano and vio
lin departments of the university.
Mrs. L. O. Clement
Will Entertain
Mrs. I O. Clement will receive
members of the Ladles Aid of the
First Presbyterian church at her
home this afternoon beginning at
2:30 o'clock.
Assisting hostesses will be Mrs.
E. A. Kenney, Mrs. Charles Pratt,
Mrs. Laura E. Blair, Mrs. J. P.
Bates, Mrs. R. X. Meyers, Mrs. O
D. Hutton, Mrs. Ralph Scott, and
Mrs. Don Bmlth.
There will be a regular meet
ing of the Maccabees Thursday
night at Fraternal temple. All
members are urged to be present
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Whitney en
tertained with a family dinner at
their home at Brush College Mon-
Mrs. Mary Jane Schultz
Also Passes; Both Known
In Jefferson
JEFFERSON. Feb. 11 Two
deaths of interest here occurred
Monday with passing of John Ells
worth Haynes, 48, of Portland, in
a Salem hospital following Injur
ies sustained in an automobile ac
cident which occurred near here
January 3; and with death of Mrs.
Mary Jane' Schults, 78, in Port
Mrs. Schultz. mother of Mm. Tt
W. Curl of Jefferson, died Monday
morning and funeral services will
oe neia Wednesday at 1:30
o'clock at the Mt. Scott funeral
home there. Mrs. Schults resided
In Jefferson for a number of
years, she leaves, besides Mrs.
Curl, two sons. William J. and
George F. Schults of Portland:
and four grandchildren.
Mr. Haynes was a nephew of
Mrs. A. B. Haynes of Jefferson.
He leaves his widow, Mrs. Bessie
Haynes and son Blllle of Portland.
Funeral services will be held In
Portland under direction of E. E.
Howell, Jefferson mortician.
Bank is Closed
So Lumber Firm
Increases Work
When the only bank In Ray'
mond. Wash., was closed a fort
night ago, the Weyerhauser Tim
bar company promptly ordered its
two large mills there to increase
production from three to four
days a week. As a result the com
munity is somewhat heartened
despite the bank's insolvency. This
report was brought to Salem this
weekend by E. F. Rhodes who
with his wife was In Salem to vis
it the latter's sister, Mrs. C. T.
Hoover, 1396 Fir street. Rhodes
said bank reorganization plans
were under way. Meanwhile the
community's banking is done at
South Bend, three miles from
Raymond. He said he thought the
Wlllapa harbor district in better
shape than the Grays harbor area.
IVe Welcomyou
An PnvttmfuL KM com! ortabla i
Mi-h with bath. Reasonable
Convenient down-town Bftnon.
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410 State Street Tel. 9123
LINCOLN, Feb. 23 Pupils of
the Lincoln school gave a patriotic
program commemorating the
Washington bicentennial Monday
morning. Besides songs by the
school numbers Included:
Dialogue, "Raising Flags," by
primary room, Richard Madsen,
Naomi Merrick, Garlon Wallace,
Meirilyn Boyq and Norman Mer
rick; readings by Mjgrrllyn Boyd,
Naomi Merrick, Norman Merrick,
Garlon Wallace; solo by Verl Mc
Klnney accompanied by the teach'-
er, Mrs. Irene Castle; reading by
Edrudell Boyd and Pearl McKln
ney; playlet, "Memories," with
characters: boy, Kenneth Ed
wards, first memory Norman
Merrick, second memory Garlon
Wallace, third, Verl McKlnney,
fourth, Edrudell Boyd, fifth, Mar
lon Walling and sixth. Pearl Mc
Klnney; Richard Madsen was col'
or bearer during flag salute when
the group stood for one minute as
mark of respect.
LAREDO. Tex. (AP) Mexl
can repatriates re-entering their
country through Laredo in 1931
will total 50,000, it is estimated
day. ' Those present ' included" M V
and Mrs. TJ. J. Lehman and their
son Robert and Mrs Grace Leb
man of Salem and the immediate
family, Mr. and Mrs. Whitney and
children, Ruth and LoyaL
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At noon replace your heavy
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